1 minute read


A father is the rock upon whom a mother builds a home and the children find refuge during times of stress. A rock stands stoic, observing without saying much. It just towers above, you can do all the rock painting you love and future generations will know their family history, the tribal history in the mystery stored by the rock.

Many fathers have looked after children foisted upon them by their wives, for it is only a mother, short of a DNA test, who really knows who sired a child, but the father has labored for all his children without favour and therefore contributed to the growth of a village, a nation. For, at the national level, a country is made of people in their diversity....issues of paternity are neither here nor there. Children born in any circumstance can make a positive contribution to society. As Jesus did and is still doing.


The man who fathered a child becomes just a father, but, obviously without the immense contribution of the father, whether the child is from his loins or not, the child would not flourish. People always want to know their origins, their ethnicity, and it is only when you know who your father is or was, that such nagging questions are settled.

I remember my own father, may his soul rest in eternal peace, as a strict man. When I was young I felt that he punished me for some minor misdemeanors, but now that I have come of age, I understand what my father was trying to do: molding me into another father, another rock upon whom a mother builds a home and the children find refuge during times of calamity He molded me into a rock that would withstand the shocks of life and stand strong for the sake of the children and the wife. And I assure you, I have been tested by life and because of the strong foundation that my father laid in my life, I stood like the rock of Gibraltar, like the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, upon which my country begets its name.

So truly, a father is a rock upon whom a mother builds a home and the children find refuge during times of calamity (Zimbabwe means the large house of stone)

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