Testo 925 Legionella Kit The Testo 925 is a compact, versatile, Type K thermometer suitable for use with a wide range of applications and with many probe options. The Legionella kit is comprised of the Testo 925 with penetration/immersion probe, Pipe-wrap probe and air probe. It comes in robust aluminium transport case.
Robust and ergonomic design with optional protective Top-Safe Clear backlit display Wireless probe option Alarm function Optional printer available Wide choice of probes.
Testo 925 Legionella kit Includes immersion/penetration probe, air probe, strap-on probe, carry case, battery and calibration protocol Part number: Price
300560 9250 £219.00
Technical Data Measuring range
Accuracy ± 1 digit
to +1000 °C
±(0.5 °C +0.3% of mv) (-40 to +900 °C) ±(0.7 °C +0.5% of mv) (remaining range) 0.1 °C (-50 to +199.9 °C) 1 °C (remaining range)
Part Number
Price £
Top-Safe Protective cover for instrument
0516 0221
Fast printer Wireless Handle for attachable probes Wireless Module
0554 0549 0554 0189 0554 0188
157.00 76.00 28.00