TE2292 - TI Building Brochure Sept 2012 25/09/2012 10:19 Page 13
SuperResolution technology.
High-resolution thermal images
measurement object closely, or when one needs to identify
Optimum thermography is basically simple: the higher the
the finest structures, a high-resolution image quality in
image resolution and the more pixels, the better the quality
these situations is essential. The more you can see in the
of the thermal image. This allows greater attention to detail
thermal image, the better the analysis will be.
and provides clearer presentation of the measurement object. This is more relevant when you cannot approach the
Standard thermal image
SuperResolution thermal image SuperResolution technology
Simply see more with one upgrade
resolution of the thermal image. The SuperResolution
With the SuperResolution technology, the image quality of
technology provides extremely high-resolution thermal
the Testo Thermal Imagers is improved by one class, i.e. by
images with up to 1280 x 960 pixels. These considerably
four times more pixels, and a geometric resolution which is
more meaningful thermal images can be easily called up in
better by a factor of 1.6. For example, 160 x 120 pixels are
the PC software, and analysed.
turned into 320 x 240 pixels at once, or 640 x 480 pixels become 1280 x 960 pixels. And all this simply by software upgrade in all current Testo Thermal Imagers. The patent-pending innovation from Testo uses the natural movement of the hand, and records several slightly offset images very quickly one after the other. These are then calculated into one image using an algorithm. The result: Four times more pixels and a considerably better geometric