Annual report 2020–21
From the Director Ever since January 1972, Ealing, Hammersmith & Hounslow Samaritans volunteers have provided confidential emotional support to the west London community and beyond Our Branch is a collective effort of some 150 people — unpaid volunteers from all walks of life who, 365 days of the year, provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. There has never been a year like the one under review. Yet despite the upheaval caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, Ealing, Hammersmith and Hounslow Samaritans responded exceptionally well, thanks to the efforts of our dedicated volunteers. Our volunteers were designated ‘essential workers’ by the Health Secretary the day after the first lockdown was announced on 16 March 2020. Initially we were heavily impacted, with many of our volunteers having to isolate or shield during the worst periods of transmission. Many others went above and beyond, volunteering for extra shifts to keep our seven-day-a-week service running, almost entirely without any closures. With social distancing and hygiene measures in place at our Junction Road centre we were able to continue giving our callers much needed support by phone and email. The phone lines were busier than usual and the type of calls we were receiving were different; there were more first-time callers and more calls of a serious nature. The pandemic crisis continues to challenge us all. We have had to curtail our outreach activities and close our premises to visitors, but it is a matter of pride that we managed to keep our service available to the very substantial number of our callers who are going through their own personal crises. Of particular note:
We reorganised and re-equipped our premises to make them COVID safe We have always had an intensive in-person selection, training and mentoring programme for new volunteers. We moved it online and so were able to maintain a strong flow of new volunteers We were able to use some of the volunteers shielding from home to run a new email-from-home support service We were able to continue our support of the Prison Listener Scheme at HMP Wormwood Scrubs by delivering it by phone. It was only in March 2021 that we were able to restart weekly visits to the ‘the Scrubs’ by members of our prison team
The headline numbers for the year were:
153 volunteers completed 4,864 shifts We answered 20,147 telephone calls Our branch dealt with 3,184 email messages
Affiliated Samaritans branches like ours are individual charities and not funded by the central charity, or indeed by anyone else. We’re only able to support those in despair and distress thanks to the donations and bequests we receive along with fundraising efforts, which have been somewhat constrained this year. Thank you to everyone who helped us to cover our £25,000-a-year running costs in the year ending 31 March 2021. Of course, the most thanks of all are due to all those volunteers who have given their time, skills and commitment to ensure that a Samaritan will be there for everyone who is in need of someone to talk to. In this report you’ll find out more about our Branch, how to join it, how to support it, and more.
Heena Johnson Director Ealing, Hammersmith & Hounslow Samaritans
Joining Our Samaritans Branch Giving some of your time as a Samaritan means that you’re there for people who desperately need someone. And that really matters. You can help as a Listening or a Non-Listening Support Volunteer. Becoming a Listening Volunteer As a listening volunteer you’ll answer calls and messages from people who really need someone to talk to. After training we ask that you commit to supporting Samaritans for at least 18 months and that you undertake one shift in the phone room every week alongside a number of night shifts to ensure our 24 hour service is able to remain open. Does this sound like you? You're interested in listening to people going through a tough time You're open-minded and non-judgemental You're able to listen without telling people what to do To apply to become a listening volunteer at Ealing, Hammersmith & Hounslow Samaritans, please register at https://www.samaritans.org/support-us/volunteer/become-samaritanslistening-volunteer/ stating that you’d like to volunteer at Ealing. Being a Non-Listening Volunteer There are lots of things you could do to support us – marketing our services, fundraising, organising events, providing IT support. It depends upon what you want to do and what you’re good at. Does this sound like you? You're good at working with other people You enjoy using your initiative You're organised To apply to become a non-listening volunteer at our Branch, please register at https://www.samaritans.org/support-us/volunteer/support-samaritans-other-ways/ stating that you’d like to volunteer at Ealing branch.
How to Support Us Ealing, Hammersmith & Hounslow Samaritans (registered charity number 1173588) is only able to continue to support those in despair and distress thanks to donations, legacies and fundraising for our Branch. If you'd like to support our branch you can donate directly to us, through the JustGiving service, or by the purchases you make online through Amazon. Sponsored Fundraising Sponsored walks, runs and similar activities can be organised through the JustGiving service (subject to transaction processing fee of 1.9% + 20p). Please be sure that it’s the Ealing, Hammersmith & Hounslow Samaritans branch that you raise money for: https://www.justgiving.com/samaritansealing/donate Donate by Cheque Send a cheque, made payable to Ealing Samaritans, to The Treasurer, Ealing Samaritans, 26 Junction Road, Ealing, London W5 4XL. Direct Bank Transfer Become a regular donor by direct debit. To arrange this please contact The Treasurer, Ealing Samaritans, 26 Junction Road, Ealing, London W5 4XL, or email Treasurer.Ealing.Samaritans@gmail.com. Gift Aid If you are a UK taxpayer, through the Gift Aid scheme you can increase the value of your donation by almost one-third completing a Gift Aid declaration. Please contact the Treasurer for the relevant form by emailing Treasurer.Ealing.Samaritans@gmail.com. Fundraise for Free Amazon customers can help support Ealing Samaritans every time they shop by doing so through Amazon Smile. Amazon will send us 0.5% sales made through smile.amazon.co.uk. Sign up from a PC or laptop at https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/1173588-0 . If you use the Amazon smartphone or tablet app follow the Settings instructions in the main menu (☰). Legacies Legacies are taken off the value of an estate before Inheritance Tax is calculated or will reduce the rate of Inheritance Tax rate if more than 10% of the estate is left to charity. Executors should contact The Treasurer, Ealing Samaritans, 26 Junction Road, Ealing, London W5 4XL.
We’re here to listen Call free day or night on
116 123 Email
jo@samaritans.org Web
samaritans.org/ealing Visit us
26 Junction Road Ealing W5 4XL
Samaritans Ealing Branch is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales (1173588). Our registered office is located at 26 Junction Road, Ealing, London W5 4XL.