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Figure 3.2 Current proposed land use master plan and transport network for the Lamu Port/SEZ and City complex
3.3 LAPSSET long-term potential to leverage from
Blue Economy
The LAPSSET development corridor is a nationally-significant economic programme under Vision 2030. The LAPSSET programme consists of several mega- projects proposed at Lamu node: Lamu Port, oil refinery and pipeline, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Resort City, highways, railway and power and water utilities projects. These projects aim to generate significant employment and commercial opportunities and transform the area into a major metropolis housing a substantial population. The LAPSSET programme could provide a transformational opportunity for Lamu and its residents, providing increased connectivity within the County, and stronger links within Kenya, East Africa and beyond.
The LAPSSET infrastructure projects in Lamu aim to boost economic development and leverage from the Blue Economy potential, however most of these are at pre-feasibility and feasibility stages. A phased development approach has been taken by LAPSSET to ensure the long-term transformation is successfully managed and delivered. This means the fully operational LAPSSET projects are expected in about 20 to 30 years’ time. In the meantime, some projects have progressed or will kick off during the UEP timeline which are detailed right.
Figure 3.2 Current proposed land use master plan and transport network for the Lamu Port/SEZ and City complex
Source: LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority, Integrated Transport Infrastructure Master Plan for Lamu Port City (2018).