10 minute read
Figure 4.22 GeSI assessment of the fish processing VC
Figure 4.22 Images showing potential Mokowe jetty upgrades
> Fish processing VC; > Transport Projects; and > Quay wall upgrade Project 9
Table 4.26 Project 7 Summary Information
a. VC/ fish Processing plant (total site area 4000sqm) b. Road upgrade – access to fishing plant, single carriageway, 9m (7+2) + side walk, street lights c. Quay wall upgrade (3-8m) d. Commercial jetty with 6m wide walkway e. Public realm – cargo & key area, high strength pavers f. Public realm – market Plaza, visitors entrance g. Market and offices / mixed use h. Hospitality and food and beverage
i. Lighthouse/viewing platform j. Natural protective mound Estimated cost (KES range)
Total cost = KES 730 million
KES 62 million KES 106 million
KES 225 million
KES 76 million
KES 42 million
KES 37 million
KES 83 million KES 65 million KES 29 million
KES 5 million Establishes a well- defined fishing-based cluster including processing plat and complemented with mixed-use amenities and public realm. Opportunity for immediate investment and development Opportunity to provide local employment Opportunity to provide specialised and diversified handon-training Items c, d, e, g Enabling infrastructure: PPP/Public Authorities Items a, b, f Private investor:
Design Build Operate Maintain (DBOM) Implementation agency / leading partner: Kenya Port Authority Private Investor (partial investment in certain assets) Supporting stakeholders: Maintenance responsibility of County/ Municipal government
Source: Atkins analysis Table 4.27 Project 7 basic Analysis and Timeline Benefits and impacts Financing options and delivery mechanisms Implementation agency and stakeholders
Concept and detailed masterplan to be developed for the wider site before progressing Funding Land ownership Limited developable land due to extensive mangrove habitat in the vicinity Pre-feasibility study Site surveys and technical studies Detailed market study Short to medium term to facilitate early stages of VC projects and enable further development
Source: Atkins analysis Data gaps Time frame, key dependencies
Infrastructure Assessment
Fish processing is a water intensive industry since water is used for washing fish, cleaning process areas, and cooling. Based on typical water requirements for the processing of fish in the quantities stated in Table 4.22, the plant would require around 50.8 m3/day of drinking quality water112 . A further 5.4 m3/day would be required for the FTE employees in order to maintain a high standard of hygiene113. Therefore, the total amount of water required for the plant is around 56.2m2/day. The water required should be sourced from a desalination plant in order to meet the high demand for water (section
Wastewater from seafood-processing contains high levels of organic nitrogen, phosphorus and high levels of BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), fats, oil and grease (FOG). Therefore, it would need to undergo primary, secondary and tertiary treatment in order to meet discharge quality standards. This would require onsite treatment with a specialist package plant so space on-site for this facility needs to be allowed for.
Solid waste
The key waste streams anticipated to arise from the facility will be organic waste. It is estimated that approximately 1.3 tonnes per day or 321 tonnes per year would be generated. This waste can be either dried and used within the feed mill to support the circular economy concept (268 tonnes per year) or composted (54 tonnes per year). Outputs from the wastewater treatment plant could also be combined with the waste being composted, where it is suitable.
There will also be some municipal type waste arising from the daily activities of the workers. Based on each worker generating approximately 0.6 kg of waste per day and assuming that 60 FTE workers will be employed at the facility, the total municipal waste generation at the facility will be 0.036 tonnes per day or nine tonnes per annum. This waste should be segregated at source into mixed dry recyclables, organics, and residual waste.
Based on the anticipated size of the facility, the general power and lighting demand for the buildings and process load could be in the region of 260-290 kW114 depending on the type and efficiency of equipment installed.
The final location of the facility will be in Mokowe where the grid is more extensive but not very reliable. The demand is quite high, but there should be enough spare capacity in the main substation and a suitable 11 kV grid supply should be available which can be extended to the site to provide the facility with a dedicated connection, however this needs to be confirmed by KPLC. The processing facility will have an 11/0.4 kV distribution transformer on site (1 x 400 kVA capacity). Grid unreliability and power costs are major issues with respect to the successful operation of the plant. A well implemented power resilience solution will allow the continued operation of the plant regardless of events on the local power grid. The solution to ensure some level of reliability when the power is lost and to reduce costs would consist of the following:
> On-site energy generation. Solar PV should be installed on-site to reduce reliance on the grid and reduce electricity bills. An appropriate installed capacity would be around 75 kW115. This would require an area of about 485 m2. This could be located on building roof(s) and possibly some standalone solar arrays if needed. This output will be reduced during cloud cover and at night, so the grid supply will still be sized to cover the peak demand however PV could reduce the cost of grid electricity by up to KES 27,000 per week; > Voltage regulation. Spikes, sags or fluctuations in voltage supply can cause damage to equipment and disrupt operations. Regulation equipment integrated into the distribution transformer at the incoming voltage will protect the manufacturing equipment; > Battery storage. This should be included to help with any extended power cuts. Lead-acid batteries are appropriate technology for this environment. An appropriate storage capacity of around 440 kWh would provide a suitable level of business continuity; and > An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) would be needed to instantaneously bridge between any power cuts and the battery storage.
The battery storage, voltage regulation and UPS equipment would require a dedicated building on site of roughly 9 x 5 m (45m2).
High efficiency motors and drives and other low energy equipment such as LED lamps should be installed throughout to ensure the demand is at the lower end of projections. The plant operation should also ensure it has budgeted maintenance programmes to cover items like regular cleaning of PV panels, servicing of motors, fans and coils and replacing equipment when its performance begins to degrade.
112 SeaFish, Guidance for Fish Processors on water and effluent minimisation (1999). 113 Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Practice Manual for Small Dams, Pans and Other Water Conservation Structures in Kenya (2005), Available at: http://smalldamsguidelines.water.go.ke/technical_reports/, (Accessed: 22/10/2021). 114 The peak energy demand is compiled through a combination of specific equipment required for the process and a unit rate allowance for small power and lighting for building area 115 PV capacity has been assessed at a percentage of peak demand that provides the optimum fit between affordability, ability to find suitable space on the site and best provision of renewable energy to minimise CO2 emissions
Transport infrastructure
Harvested fish has a short life, therefore a cold chain storage from the moment fish is caught together with careful handling will be critical to minimizing spoilage as described in Project 3 cold storage. This should entail on board cold storage on fishing boats, provision of cold storage facility at the landing site and use of temperature-controlled trucks to the processing plant. The site is accessible through the A7 and a spur road that branches of the A7 east of Mokowe and rejoins at the A7 north of Mokowe town. Regular road maintenance will be required to ensure smooth road surface is maintained between the landing site and the processing plant. At the plant site a road network based on the plant development plan should be provided that adequately caters for traffic circulation with dedicated parking spaces and loading and offloading zones.
A good public transport connection will be needed to the processing plant for both the employees and fish folk delivering the products to the plant. A ferry service along the Lamu Faza seaway would be preferable for those travelling by sea from other islands. A significant proportion of trips are also made by non-motorised transport and, end-to-end safe and universally accessible pedestrian facilities to and from the site will need to be provided.
Environmental impact
This project has the potential to be an environmentally-sustainable scheme, through responsible fishing, the re-use of by-products and a source of steady income for fishermen. However, if the project is not managed sustainably, the environmental impacts could be significant. Factors that would need to be considered to ensure the project is sustainable include: > Ensure the conservation of the environmentally sensitive marine ecosystem area around Lamu County; > Measures should be considered to mitigate against liquid and solid waste from fishing vessels. Some of these measures could include storage of oily mixtures onboard for disposal at port waste reception facilities and regulations prohibiting discharge of solid waste into the sea; > Sourcing of fish species should be done responsibly to ensure overfishing of any species does not occur.
Sustainable solutions such as modifying fishing gear to ensure fewer non-target species are caught or can escape should be employed; > Farmed pond fish (e.g. tilapia and catfish) and mariculture species (e.g. lobster and crabs) should be responsibly sourced, ensuring this does not lead to excessive fish farming which if not operated responsibly could have an impact on the surrounding environment in terms of solid and liquid waste outputs; > The processing facility should not be located within close proximity of any residential or tourist areas due to the odour associated fish processing facilities; > Given the level of energy demand (260-290 kW) needed for processing, on-site renewable energy systems shall be installed to provide a proportion of the energy needed and supplement the grid supply; > Water usage at the processing facility could be reduced by treating wastewater on-site and reusing as much as possible within the facility; and > Careful consideration should be given during site selection to ensure there is no impact on local flora and fauna. Climate resilience
There are climate resilience considerations both for the inputs into the VC, and the infrastructure itself.
There are rich resources of fish available in Lamu County, both inshore and offshore. Lamu County reports catches of around 2,300 tonnes of fish and crustacea annually which offers a strong resource for this VC as it is nearly double the target input of 1,250 tonnes per year.
Fisheries and marine resources are sensitive to climate change, particularly increased temperatures116. Freshwater habitats are sensitive to reduced rainfall as it impacts the input of water that sustains them117. There is also large uncertainty surrounding the dynamics of fish stocks in response to changing properties, such as increasing sea surface temperatures, ocean acidification and changes to ocean currents. This could be an opportunity for the fishing sector, however, as changing species distribution may present new fish breeds available for processing. Owing to the range of species available for input, which provides a degree of built-in resilience, this VC has medium sensitivity to climate change.
Impacts such as drought, sea level rise and increased frequency and intensity of storm events may damage fishery habitats including mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs. Fisheries that rely on freshwater habitats and wetlands may be impacted by drought which alters the availability of water to these systems and sea level rise may result in saltwater intrusion to low-lying coastal habitats which would alter their productivity. Increased temperatures and flooding of a particular concern for post-harvest management so the transport network and infrastructure involved need to be resilient to the impacts of climate change, and relevant risk assessments will need to be conducted.
116 For offshore fishing, this increases surface stratification and suppresses upwelling of nutrients, which reduces primary productivity, thereby altering food web dynamics and the structure of marine communities. For coral reefs and seagrass beds which serve as nursery areas for many fish species, a greater frequency of extreme temperature events can lead to bleaching and impaired functioning of these habitats. 117 Mahon, R. Adaptation of Fisheries and Fishing Communities to the Impacts of Climate Change in the CARICOM Region (2020), Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228703108_Adaptation_of_Fisheries_and_Fishing_Communities_to_the_Impacts_of_Climate_Change_in_the_
CARICOM_Region, (Accessed: 25/10/2021).