Tetra Tech International Development Europe’s Impact in numbers 1,041,000 people in Southern Africa are benefiting from climate resilient infrastructure 24% reduction in communal violence across 18 counties in Kenya £355m of girls’ education focused funding evaluated, across 18 countries 250+ evaluation engagements for the European Commission across 26 Director Generals £228m of improved performance for Nigerian firms catalysed 2,534,214 adolescent girls across nine countries taught how the private sector can better support them 97 technical assistance projects delivered with 54 significant policy changes or practices across North Africa’s public sector 350,455 kg/ha/year carbon observedsequestrationonreduced methane rice pilot in Nigeria 10+ years of continuous support of sustainable infrastructure development in Western Balkans

93,170 people have better resilience to extreme weather events in Southern Africa 26 off-grid energy policies and regulations developed and approved by supported governments across Africa 13m people across Africa with improved access to clean, affordable and sustainable energy 20 municipalities across Western Balkans supported to tender for water infrastructure improvement projects£62m mobilised for climate resilient planning and infrastructure in Southern Africa 825 business membership organisations supported in Kenya, contributing to 426 policy reforms 7m listeners in 23 vernacular languages reached on public awareness campaign in Kenya 329 advocacy and sustainability support grants provided to business membership organisations in Kenya 576,704 people in Nigeria have increased their incomes as a result of market development work 89 hydraulic models developed to underpin Bosnia and Herzegovina’s regional flood mitigation strategy14,934 full time equivalent jobs have been created in Nigeria

Across Southern Africa, 1,041,000 people are benefiting from climate resilient infrastructure advanced by the Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility.
Tetra Tech International Development Europe 86 29 900+ Live projects Countries we work in Staff and colleagues
Over the last 10 years we have worked across 18 countries to research, evaluate and disseminate findings from the Girls Education Challenge, working to improve education outcomes for marginalised girls as part of the largest global fund dedicated to girls’ education.
In Kenya, our community security work on the REINVENT programme has reached over 1.7m people and has contributed to a 24% reduction in communal violence across the 18 target counties.

We also continue to challenge ourselves and develop as a responsible business. In the last two years alone, we have committed to becoming Net Zero by 2025, doubled down on EDI, transformed into hybrid working business and supported range of charities and causes important to our staff. And this is only the start.
Ben Ward Managing Director Tetra Tech International Development Europe
In the midst of the uncertainty and disruption of the last few years, it can be easy to forget the positive change and collaboration taking place around the world. With this report, we want to recognise the global impact that our colleagues and projects have had for our clients, partners, communities and the planet.
As we look forward to 2022 and beyond, we remain committed as ever to support resilient communities, address climate change, work for peace and stability, and deliver high quality work around the world.
• supporting sustainable infrastructure development in the Western Balkans, • monitoring, evaluation and thought leadership on what works in improving girls’ education outcomes, • delivering economic development across Northern Nigeria, and • improving the business-enabling environment in Kenya – work that we have been delivering over 15 years.
We thank our colleagues, partners and clients for the trust and relationships as we continue these commitments.
This report comes at a time when we are really seeing the impact of a number of long-term projects and project series taking effect. We have hit a decade – and more in some cases – of continuous work in:

From green energy to innovative farming practices to integrating climate into government decision making processes, in the last few years we have reshaped programmes so that they can be measured against International Climate Finance indicators. Our delegation at COP26 demonstrated our direct support to achievement of Paris Agreement and our participation on the global effort towards mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
Delivering for our planet
Reducing emissionsmethanethrough climatesmart rice production LINKS Nigeria: Rice farming produces methane that generates around 2.5% of all human-induced GHG emissions. Systems of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a climate-smart practice that increases the productivity of rice and reduces methane emissions by between 22% and 64%. It is practiced in many countries around the globe but has yet to take hold in Nigeria. Advancing SRI in Nigeria fit perfectly with the aims of LINKS, the Tetra Tech-managed FCDO programme aimed at catalysing diversified economies in Northern Nigeria. In 2021 LINKS established a fully monitored SRI pilot exercise over four seasons. We will measure the impact of the SRI methodology both on climate and livelihoods, and aim to provide the basis for increasing the future uptake of SRI at a larger scale in •Nigeria.Results from the first season showed an average increase in yield of 100% compared to comparator rice fields that are not applying SRI;
/ 2019-2026
Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility
/ FCDO / 2017-2023
• We observed real carbon sequestration of up to 350,455 kg/ha/year – an increase of an average of 23%, and methane gas emissions that were reduced by as much as 41%. The pilot has already expanded to more locations across three states, training over 3,000 farmers in SRI, and plans to reach two more Northern states in 2023. Supporting climate resilient infrastructure across Southern Africa CRIDF: The Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility (CRIDF) provides long-term solutions to water issues that affect poor communities in Southern Africa. Our team is working across the boundaries of 12 different countries in the region that share water resources, aiming to improve the lives of over 200 million people. We are not building short-term water infrastructure: we are working with local stakeholders to help them build and manage their own long-term sustainable water infrastructure to improve people’s lives.
LINKS - Catalysing Economic Growth in Northern Nigeria FCDO

Understanding and mitigating the drivers of deforestation
Our monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) contract will inform evidencebased programme management, development and delivery and support learning ultimately showcasing TEFOS’ impact and provide lessons for future international forest and land use programmes.
Building capacity and relationships across North Africa
North Africa Technical Assistance Facility / FCDO / 2017-2022
• We supported the British Embassy Algeria to better understand the climate context, through analyses of Algeria’s NDC and our Impacts, Risks and Vulnerabilities of Climate Change in Algeria: Water Scarcity, Deforestation and Desertification scoping study. This study and its follow-up work also supported the UK to meet its own objectives in respect of its presidency of COP26.
TEFOS is a £64m flagship programme that will provide grant funding to support the Government of Colombia to tackle deforestation in conflict-affected areas.
• Our team carried out an assessment of Stimulus Packages in North Africa post-COVID-19 created better understanding of the potential to support green economic recovery in the region. The assessment also fed into FCDO’s climate change strategy for the MENA region, as well as COP26;
Monitoring, evaluation and learning on Territorios Forestales Sostenibles: An estimated 23% of net global greenhouse gas emissions between 2007 and 2016 came from agriculture, forestry and other land-use and the largest source of CO2 emissions in this period was tropical deforestation.
• We provided climate change mainstreaming training for the Moroccan National Agriculture Research Institute to strengthen their research on the resilience of Morocco’s agriculture sector against the effects of climate change;
North Africa Technical Assistance Facility: Since 2017, we have worked with UK embassies and local governments across North Africa to foster collaboration and deliver projects that span governance reform, climate change, economic development, trade and investment, education, health, countering violence extremism and counter terrorism work. We have delivered 97 projects and contributed to 54 significant changes in policy or practice within partner institutions, as part of the UK government’s Conflict, Security and Stability Fund largest ever programme.
Monitoring, evaluation and learning on Territorios Forestales Sostenibles / BEIS / 2021 - 2026

Takamol - Stability Services and Reform Programme / FCDO / 2019-2022
Strengthening security and public services in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Economic andcivilandstrengtheningworkourandmanagers,ourunderlineareinstitutionalanddevelopmentbroadthemesthatmuchofwork.Asprojectevaluatorstechnicaladvisers,technicalassistancesupportsofpublicprivatesectorandsocietystructuresprocesses.
Takamol: Our work on Takamol is supporting the Palestinian Authority (PA) to build the capabilities of its ministries, helping them move towards fiscal sustainability, increased accountability and improved delivery of public services to Palestinians.
Responding to fiscal shocks In 2021, the programme played a key role in raising awareness about the emerging fiscal crisis in Palestine to the donor community and supporting the Ministry of Finance to seek ways to respond. Through its work with the Ministry of Finance on the Budget Strategy Paper, Takamol has assisted in highlighting the key cost drivers which have ultimately been reflected in the 2022 budget. Automation, accountability and revenue. The programme has also provided key support to developing the new electronic VAT system, eMaqasa. This system has recently begun its pilot phase and, when fully implemented, it will bring significant additional revenue to the Palestinian Territories.
Strengthening economies, strengthening institutions

Africa Clean
Technical Assistance Facility / FCDO / 2018-2022
Improving access to clean, reliable energy for vulnerable AfricacommunitiesCleanEnergyTechncial Assistance Facility: We have worked on an institutional level to catalyse the green economy in Africa – to help strengthen the business environment for and develop home-grown solutions that will deliver sustainable energy to rural areas. The programme has focused on renewable energy electrification technologies, specifically high-quality stand-alone solar (SAS) systems. Since 2019, our work has contributed to a range of improvements to off-grid solar energy across Africa: Energy

• A public awareness Komesha Corona radio campaign on the importance of citizen-police co-operation, community policing, antistigma and social cohesion in preventing the spread of COVID-19. The campaign reached an estimated 7 million listeners and was delivered in 23 vernacular languages.
Resilient and safe communities
• An integrated Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) policy framework, POLICARE, received a presidential commitment at the global Generation Equality forum in June 2021, co-chaired by the UK and Kenya.
Our work.countriescommunitiesandofsupportprogrammesthecreationequality,securityopportunityininthewherewe
REINVENT: Our work on REINVENT is a continuation – and expansion –of our work on its predecessor programme, Jamii Thabiti. Through this work we have been part of some major institutional and behavioural changes in the delivery of community security across Kenya, making substantial progress towards a safer and fairer country.
• As Kenya prepares for its General Election in August 2022, the National Police Service (NPS) Elections Security Plan and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) – developed and rolled out by Jamii Thabiti and REINVENT – will guide the policing of the process. These plans and procedures have been developed as a direct result of the volatility that has historically surrounded Kenya’s general elections.
Reducing Insecurity and Violent Extremism in Northern and Coastal Regions of Kenya / FCDO / 2019-2024

For six years, we had front row seat to understanding what works and how to improve private sector’s support to adolescent girls. As evaluators, we had to gather information to answer some key questions: was SPRING successful and if so, how successful; How did it respond to changing demands; what difference did it make to its partner businesses; and, ultimately, what difference did it make to girls’ lives. Our evaluation spanned all the beneficiaries of SPRING, including:
Zimbabwe Stopping Abuse and Female Exploitation (SAFE) Evaluation: The FCDO’s Zimbabwe SAFE programme works to protect women and girls in Zimbabwe from the most severe forms of violence, including child marriage and modern slavery.
As the provider of the Evaluation and Learning Unit for SAFE, Tetra Tech has been carrying out the research and providing the lessons that will both help to inform and adapt how SAFE best serves women and girls in Zimbabwe and provide insights and precedent for other gender-based violence prevention programmes in the region and the wider community of practice.
Evaluation and Learning Unit for the Zimbabwe Stopping Abuse and Female Exploitation programme / FCDO / 2020-2023 SPRING Evaluation FCDO 2016-2022
SPRING Evaluation: SPRING was an experimental business accelerator that tested whether private sector businesses could offer a sustainable market of products and services to enhance, and ultimately transform, adolescent girls’ lives by helping them to learn, earn, save, stay healthy and stay safe.
Our study on social and gender norms that drive intimate partner violence (IPV) and early marriage, for example, surveyed nearly 140 women, men, local government representatives and community leaders. The survey provided findings and conclusions on deep-rooted gender norms, unequal power dynamics in marriages, traditional conventions such as lobola – the ‘bride price’ – and community perceptions of early marriage, that will now inform national, regional and wider community efforts to tackle IPV and early marriage.

GEMS4 / FCDO / 2013-2018 LINKS - Catalysing Economic Growth in Northern Nigeria / FCDO / 2019-2026

• We designed a major extension of the Idrizovo Prison complex near Skopje in North Macedonia and delivered capacity building and a Management Information System to assist with the management and operation of the prison. We also delivered training for 120 newly recruited staff for the Bosnia and Herzegovina State Prison in Sarajevo.
Western Balkans Investment Framework Infrastructure Project Facility / European Investment Bank / 2010-2023
Laying the groundwork for bankable projects in the Western Balkans Western Balkans Investment Framework Infrastructure Project Facility: For over a decade, working as part of a consortium with other world leading consultants, we have delivered a number of the EIB’s Infrastructure Projects Facilities (IPF) across the Western Balkans. We have supported the preparation, funding and generation of greatly needed, high-quality infrastructure development, focused on improvements across environment, energy, transport and social infrastructure.
• Our designs for three major transport projects will help rehabilitate 90 railway bridges in Montenegro and bypass motorways in Montenegro and Albania;
Our €5 million flood hazard and risk mapping exercise in both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Brcko district will underpin the development of a joined-up regional flood mitigation strategy. It included LIDAR mapping, river surveys and the production of 89 hydraulic models;
• Twenty municipalities in three countries are now tendering for a range of water and wastewater infrastructure projects using tender documentation that we supported them to develop;

Girls’ Education Challenge Evaluation: The Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) was launched in 2012 as a £355 million 12-year commitment to reach the most marginalised girls in the world and is the largest global fund dedicated to girls’ education. Phase I provided education for over a million marginalised girls delivered through 38 projects working in 18 countries. The second phase will enable girls in 41 projects across 17 countries to complete primary school, transition to secondary education, and progress on to technical vocational training or employment. GEC also provides highly marginalised, adolescent girls who are out of school with the literacy and numeracy skills they need.
Newton Fund Evaluation: Our evaluation explored the extent to which the Newton Fund achieved its goal of building sustainable research and innovation partnerships between the UK and 17 countries around the world. It provided evidence and learning on how the Fund formed equitable partnerships between the UK and partner country universities, and research institutions, and their sustainability.
Understanding what works Our Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning teams continue to generate robust and reliable evidence and insights that our clients use for a wide range of learning, performance improvement and accountability purposes. A number of our evaluations rank among some of the largest ever commissioned by the FCDO. Education
Evaluating the Girls’
• We have worked in 18 countries in some of the most challenging research environments, including Kenya’s Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps, in Afghanistan, Somalia and the Kivus region in the Democratic Republic of Congo;
As part of one of the largest evaluations of Overseas Development Assistance commissioned by the UK government, we designed and implemented GEC’s monitoring and evaluation framework to assess its effectiveness, impact and value for money, gathering quantitative and qualitative impact data on an unprecedented scale.
Evaluating the UK’s global innovation partnerships
Over seven years, we developed a comprehensive evaluation approach for the complex and multi-faceted fund. This included new approaches to measuring wider benefits of the Fund in addressing global development challenges.
Challenge Fund Phases I and II / FCDO / 2012-2024 Evaluating the Newton Fund / FCDO / 2015-2021
• We have produced a series of evaluation studies on different aspects of GEC II implementation and outcomes which will inform ongoing improvements in the design and delivery of the portfolio and projects globally.
A decade of learning about access and outcomes for girls education
• We have delivered a thematic research study – entitled Narrow Windows, Revolving Doors – to explore the factors that affect girls’ school retention and drop-out, with a focus on girls aged 12-15;

Evaluating Europe’s public policies
Our international team of European evaluation specialists has undertaken more than 300 assignments for the European Commission – across 26 Directorates-General – and with clients across the European Free Trade Association. With a multinational team working from the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden, we are providing rigorous evidence-based insights that are informing the development of public policy across the EU and its neighbourhood zone. Our recent achievements have included: