Interruption of continuity of the track, the loss of international corridor the impact on the enviro

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Interruption of continuity of the track, the Loss of international corridor – The impact on the environment Kaqusha Jashari, GCE Graduated Civil Engineer, Former Director of the Directorate of Kosovo Roads, Former Member of Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo

MA. Teuta Jashari-Kajtazi, GEA Master of Arts, Graduated Engineer of Architecture, Teacher at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Prishtina/ Doctoral Candidate at TU Wien

Abstract The Highway Merdare - Prishtina – Kukës - Durrës (Route - 7), creates the shortest connection between Kosovo and Albania with the European network of international roads. At the same time, this Trans-Balkans corridor is the shortest route to the Mediterranean for five Countries of the South-eastern Balkans (Rumania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania). This fact is of a great economical importance if looked at from the aspect of the transportation of goods and passengers within Balkans Countries as well as their shortest link with European and Mediterranean countries. Construction of corridors of this type and networks of international routes supports the activation of natural and human resources and helps surpassing political and civilization problems, ethnic divisions, offering the economical, political and cultural cooperation amongst Countries of Southern Balkans. Route - 7, Kosovo – Albania, is not a fantasy anymore, its construction is already ongoing according to contemporary or modern criteria. The route which connected Lissus (Lezha), Theranda (Prizren), Ulpiana (near Prishtina) and Naissus (Nish) existed since Ancient times, for the reason because it creates the best connection between European countries and Balkans peninsula and as well serves as the economic corridor. Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, during his presentations and introductions back in 1990s, used to mention the intention or aim to construct the route/ corridor Merdare – Prishtina – Kukës – Durrës, which in fact for majority of us (including intellectuals) in Kosovo, sounded as hopeless or impossible wish. Nowadays, construction of this route represents one of the most important projects which will create economical and financial advantages, not only for Albania and Kosovo, but for other Countries with interest to use it, with real impact when fully completed. After the establishment of political conditions and democratisation of societies in Albania and 1 Kosovo, with the initiative of a number of experts of different profiles , first researches related to the new trans-Balkans corridor were performed. The first phase contained the analysis of economical reasoning, to be followed with possible track/ route and its definition from the aspect of spatial planning and development, as well as technical – design aspect of the same. Within the first researches (national study), the Highway (Route - 7) will have a full impact when the Port of Durres gets connected with Corridor - 10, based on the fact that Balkans transportation will partially be oriented towards the shortest route to the Coast and the Port. Furthermore, it has been evaluated that the cost of transportation of goods to the European and Mediterranean countries through this route will be much lower comparing with transportation costs on current roads. Therefore, construction of Route - 7, Trans-Balkans highway, for Kosovo means one of the most important projects during this phase of State development and openness towards new economical perspectives, and relations with Balkans states especially after the period of conflicts. Kosovo has never been connected to any international corridor before! During the first study, us local Experts have evaluated that it is in the interest of all Balkans states as well as European countries for this trans-Balkans route to be constructed. Advantages will more be on the side of economically developed countries and more populated ones such as: Rumania, Bulgaria and Serbia. Kosovo’s interest in this issue is very important for the fact that it will get closer to the European, 1

Especially, experts of roads from Albania (led by Dr. Faruk Kaba) and from Kosovo (the Directorate of Roads)


African and Asiatic Countries, including the benefit Albania as a Country will gain. Except the benefit from the transportation of goods and passengers, Ports of Durres and Shen Gjin will be included with their entire infrastructure resulting in multiplicative effects. Economical effects are numerous such as: the employment, tourism, the raise in value of the land in the region, etc... The most specific economical and political advantage stays in the fact that this highway includes a wide territory, population and natural resources which are very important for all countries in the region, as well as European market and further. Trade exchange of goods in disposal, would initiate integration processes between countries, fulfilling local Balkans trade needs and the export of goods to the third countries. According to the studies/ researches within the European Union, a network of regional transportation for South-east Europe has been developed, REBIS (Regional Balkans Infrastructure Study) and the same are approved by Governments in the Region. According to these studies two Routes, 6 and 7 would pas through Kosovo.

HIGHWAY, ROUTE - 7 (SEETO) The Highway, Merdare – Prishtina – Kukës – Durrës is defined as part of the international network, as Route - 7 within the document of SEETO (South – East Europe Core Regional Transport Network 2 Development Plan) . According to the above mentioned document, Route – 7 has the track as explained in more details 3 in the table bellow :




length ( km)



























Suva Reka (Theranda)



Suva Reka (Theranda)







































Corridor Length



In the document, Five Year Multi Annual Plan 2010 to 2014, published in December 2009, Kosovo is included within plans to complete trans-Balkans connections of international network, such as: Route - 7 and Route - 6. 3 Information on the table obtained from the SEETO document (South-East Europe transport Observatory), specified in the Reference part.


Route - 7 will have a complete result of its use when fully completed. Until now, the first part with 134km of length in Albania is constructed, while in Kosovo the first 35km from the total of 115km.

Figure -1

Route – 7 will connect Kosovo with the trans-Balkans network of roads as well with Route – 6 which will connect Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro. These two Routes (7 and 6) are transversal in between the two Corridors created from Route - 7 with Corridor – 10, and Route - 6 connecting Route - 4 with Corridor - 8, in fact the most important corridors of trans-Balkans network. The length of Route – 7 in Kosovo is 115km from the total of 345km, while the length of Route - 6 is 135km from the total of 259km. Construction of transversal corridors will have an effect on activating natural and human recourses, political effects in exceeding various problems between countries in the Region, as well cultural and civilization effects and relations between Balkans nations and differences/ contradictions created through history. Kosovo will finally not be the isolated oasis from the rest of connections within trans-Balkans network, on contrary through new Routes, 7 and 6, new perspectives for European Integrations will be open (Figure – 4 1) .


All researches/ studies, which include: Local Experts, COWI A/S (Danimarkë) and SEETO (Development Plan 2010 – 2014) have the agreement on the economical reasoning or rationalization as well the agreement about the track from technical and design aspect. The reasoning or argument for the Route – 7 stays in few facts, as follows:

4 5


Shortens the distance and gives a possibility for faster movement of transportation means, which lowers the cost of ton per km,


Assures time saving,


Assures income for Managers and Users,


Assures fuel savings and other expenditures,


Assures higher export,

Figure obtained from SEETO



Higher level of security for transportation,


Assures the economical development of the region, and other Countries using it.

To be able to assure all these positive effects mentioned above, as a result of the use of Route – 7, completion of the entire track (complete length) will be required.

Figure – 2

Already defined track in both, local and International researches/ studies is new and passes in the middle of Kosovo’s territory and allows equal approaches of all regions. The Capital, Prishtina is closer, as well as Prizren, while Peja, Mitrovica and Gjilan will remain a little far from the Highway, in any case even this distance in current good conditions of roads does not represent a problem (or a distance). For all these cities and regions, a number of junctions are planned, and current network of national roads gives possibilities for functional access. This track has the approval of Kosovo Institutions and its materialization or 6 realization is a part of SEETO planning (plan 2010-2014). (Figure – 2)

The load of traffic on national roads Traffic load represents a specific problem for all national and regional roads. This load is more than 12000 vehicles per day on all national roads, which means that conditions (needs) to reconstruct current roads on the level of the highway are fulfilled. On few directions, reconstruction works are already ongoing, including their expansion/ enlargement and physical distinction in two directions; Prishtina – Peja (M9), Prishtina – Mitrovica (M2), and Prishtina – Ferizaj (M2, 7 km). The density of traffic is very high on the National road Prishtina – Peja (M9), in the distance of 25km till Komoran, and the average load is 26000 vehicles per day. It is almost the same case with the direction Prishtina – QMI (M2), in the distance of 7 km to the disjunction for Ferizaj and Prizren, with 34000 vehicles, having in mind that the enlargement and reconstruction of this part has already been completed. 6

Figure obtained from COWI A/S Denmark


These conditions of traffic on national roads of Kosovo do not allow the interference of international corridors, because of possible additional disadvantages to the traffic. (Figure – 3)


Figure - 3

DEVIATION OF THE TRACK OF ROUTE – 7 AND THE RESULT Route - 7 (the Highway) in Kosovo is under construction. The first and the second section are completed according to the required criteria for this type/ level of the road. However, during the continuation of construction, the main approved track (on all documents and consensual) has been changed by deviating it and interfering in the direction of the national road Prishtina – Peja (M2) on the 20 km length, disrespecting technical conditions of the Highway (new track), contemporary quality criteria, security criteria, as well as disrespecting the results of studies/ researches, both national and international and decisions of 8 Governments in the region. (Figure – 4) The interference of Route – 7 (international) and the national road (M9), on km 20 (which without the international traffic already has the load of 26000 vehicles per day) will create a narrow “throat” on this part of the road. Even the reconstruction and expansion of now named Route – 6A, would not fulfil technical conditions, having in mind that the same does not contain the alternative road as Route – 7 does. Furthermore, it will extend travel time and expenditures for fuel and other related items. The main argument or reasoning behind Route – 7 was based exactly on advantages, such as: reduction of travel time and expenditures as well as more secure travel. This change caused the discontinuation of the track of Route – 7, having its impact on the effective function of the network when fully completed. 7 8

Figure obtained from the measurements done by the Directorate of Roads of Kosovo. Figure obtained from the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication of Kosovo.


Figure - 4

NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Except for the above explanation of problems that the route deviation might cause within the proper function of traffic and all other parameters related to this particular issue, it is important to mention the fact or even the “concern” which is looked at in a minimum or “not at all”, and deals with the negative impact on the environment, in the cases of overloaded and improperly analysed study for traffic and junction (Route – 7 with M2). If the environment and ecological aspects are taken into consideration, noise and pollution in specific areas, should be treated properly having in mind the way how these issues are being handled for years in majority of European Countries. Kosovo, if compared with other countries, has much higher density of population, therefore this detail raises the possibility for much more intense problems of this nature, which requires a lot of attention. It is important to mention that during the ongoing study process for the Highway (from the Institutions mentioned above) inclusion of all relevant professional groups was taken into account (amongst other Demography), having in mind their importance within projects of this type. This resulted in determination of the track which (it is evident) has not fully been respected, and if looked at from the ecological aspect, will have a negative impact. This type of a problem should be treated in more specifics, in any case, within the frames of this work, at least (in general) the way how problems of this type were treated at other locations (existing examples) should be mentioned!


At certain moments as professionals, we are brought in situations which could have been prevented before and on time, but, in any case when it happens it is our responsibility to at least give suggestions which would improve created conditions (“mistake”), in this particular case, to save the environment and healthy life conditions, howsoever it might sound strange! It might look very advanced or even futuristic, however it should not in any case be too much to mention an example how in the “advanced” world these problems are thought about, and which are suggestions that are offered! This particular example has to deal with the idea or the design prepared by MAXWAN studio for “The future of roads in Drechtsteden/ Holland” using the motto “Growth instead of 9 construction” . (Figure – 5)

Figure - 5

Their opinion “Growth instead of construction” researches the fact how the environment/ land could be worked on till the edges of the road/ highway, in which case the road junction becomes a part and is being identified as the integrated part of the entire environment of Drechtsteden. (Figure – 6, 7)

Figure - 6



Figure – 7

Conclusion Deviation of the track can on one side be considered as diversion of Route – 7 and could remain as such an option, as long as the completion of the track and its continuation according to the original and approved project will in the future be respected (according to SEETO)! This means the necessity for the continuation of the Corridor (specified on Figure – 2, on page – 4 of this work).

References [1] South-East Europe, Core Regional Transport, Network Development Plan; Five Year Multi Annual Plan 2010 to 2014, Common Problems – Sharing Solutions, December 2009. [2] Local Study/ Research: Economical and technical reasoning of the Highway: The Directorate of Roads of Kosovo; 2003. [3] [4]


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