1 minute read
Hei Whakamaumahara
In rememberance
E te iwi nui tonu tēnei ka tangi mō koutou kua ngaro ki te Hono-i-wairua.
Mahue mai ko mātou te hunga ora ki muri nei auē atu ai, mōteatea atu ai, mapu atu ai.
Nō reira moe mai rā kei aku rau kahurangi kei aku kuru tongarerewa.
Waiho mai ko mātou hei pīkau ī ā koutou ōhākī hei oranga mō ngā whakatupuranga.
E moe, okioki atu.
To the multitudes who have departed this world, we mourn for you as you take your place where the spirits gather.
In the world of the living – those of us who have been left behind – we wail in sorrow, we weep as we think of you, we heave a sigh of grief.
But, sleep cherished ones, treasured ones. Leave for us your works that we may continue to fulfil your aspiration to help our future generations.
Forever be at rest.