“Let choice – not chance – determine your future”
www.Wananga.com | 0800 Wananga CONTENTS
Mihi Ko te wehi ki a Īhowa te tīmatanga o te whakaaro nui. E ai ki te kōrero, kotahi tonu te atua o te iwi Māori, ko Ranginui e tū iho nei, ko Papatūānuku e takoto ake nei, ā, ko tātou rā ō rāua uri e takatū nei i tēnei ao. Kia tangihia ō tātou mate, te hunga kua riro i te wahangūtanga o Aitua, hei whare kōrero, hei whare wānanga mā Hine-nui-i-te-pō e kuku nei, e rauhi nei te tangata. Okioki mai koutou ki te ao wairua, waiho mātou ki muri nei e hamuhamu ana i ngā taonga i a koutou, e whakaoho ake ana i ngā rau mahara mō koutou. Moe mai koutou i roto i te Ariki. E te iwi whānui, tēnā koutou katoa. Tēnei te reo o Te Wānanga o Raukawa te tangi atu nei, te mihi atu nei ki a koutou. Ko Te Wānanga o Raukawa; he kaupapa mātauranga nā Te Kotahitanga o te tonga, nā Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa me Ngāti Toa Rangatira i whakatū engari nā koutou, nā ngā iwi o te motu ia i manaaki, i whakarangatira. He wānanga i te mātauranga tōna kaupapa, he whakatupu i te mātauranga tōna whāinga. Mā ngā tikanga me ō tātou kaupapa ia e whakapūmau hei aha; hei koha, hei āwhina kia tōnui ai, kia pua ai ō tātou whānau, ō tātou hapū, ō tātou iwi ki tēnei ao, huri i te ao, huri i te pō. Heoi e rau rangatira mā, kei konei e rārangi mai ana ētehi kōrero mō Te Wānanga o Raukawa hei tirohanga, hei whakaarotanga, hei akoranga pea mā koutou. Ko te taumata kōrero, ko te tangata i āta whakangaua ki te kōhatu karā o te whare wānanga o ngā tūpuna he kete kī, he purapura i ruiruia mai i roto o Rangiātea. Kāti i konei. Kia tau ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou katoa.
Photography by Norm Heke ( Photographer/Digital Artist) and others.
Contents 6
About Te Wānanga o Raukawa
11 Graduate Destinations 12 Our Guiding Kaupapa 16 Student support services
41 teaching Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma and Tāhuhu / Master
44 bilingual teaching Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
18 Residential lifestyle at the Ōtaki Campus
45 early childhood teaching
20 Theory and Understanding of Wānanga
21 Marae Based Studies 22 Tohu offered by Te Wānanga o Raukawa 27 Whānau Wellness Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
28 Environmental management Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
30 physical wellbeing Poupou / Certificate
31 Health promotion, sport and exercise Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
32 māori HOLISTIC WELLBEING Heke / Diploma
35 animation and graphic design Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
36 literary performing arts Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
37 Māori design and art Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma and Tāhuhu / Master
49 mātauranga māori Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor Tāhuhu / Master
52 māori and administration Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
53 management Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma and Tāhuhu / Master
54 information management Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
55 karanga Poupou / Certificate
56 Tū whaikōrero Poupou / Certificate
59 huia te reo Poupou / Certificate
60 te reo Māori Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma and Tāhuhu / Master
64 scholarships TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015 TE WANANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Te Wānanga o Raukawa Te Wānanga o Raukawa arose from a joint effort of Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, known also as the ART Confederation.
of higher learning. The method of teaching at Te Wānanga o Raukawa is based upon knowledge and wisdom passed on by our ancestors. Through our holistic approach to teaching and learning, you will experience a new and exciting journey into knowledge.
We invite you to journey with us and to see and experience the world through Māori eyes. All courses (excluding poupou/certificate courses) include a specialisation, an iwi and hapū component and te reo Māori.
Today, Te Wānanga o Raukawa continues to build on its reputation as the only tertiary institution that offers iwi and hapū studies in depth. The value to whānau, hapū and iwi is inestimable and therefore makes a major contribution to the documentation of the history of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Te Wānanga o Raukawa aims to contribute to the Confederation and the wider community by producing skilled graduates who can move more effectively between the Māori and Pākehā worlds effortlessly. Their involvement will enhance the quality of decision-making on issues affecting the Confederation as well as on matters affecting the community at large.
An investment in technology in response to student demand and technological change sees us expanding our provision both nationally and internationally. We have increased and improved the use of e-learning and the wider use of technology and reduced the programme workload in such a way that there is no negative impact or compromise of quality.
The Wānanga is a unique centre of higher learning devoted to the world of Māori knowledge, (mātauranga Māori). The Wānanga is a reformulation of an ancient Polynesian institution known as the whare wānanga, which were tribal centres
“Kia Māori ā tātou mokopuna”
Call us on 0800 WANANGA or email tetomonga@twor-otaki.ac.nz for further information about any of our programmes.
Te Wānanga o Raukawa welcomes you to engage with us in undertaking your education journey. We are a provider that focuses on the needs and aspirations of our people, pitched on provision at undergraduate and postgraduate level with a strong focus on te reo Māori. While providing a model that ensures our students are competent in their understanding of themselves, their history, cultural practices, language and literature, Te Wānanga o Raukawa is also committed to educating and empowering students vocationally. Our graduates are able to offer dual competencies in a range of professions. This sets them apart and advantages them when presenting their profile for employment opportunities. Students are well supported at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. There is a network of assistance from both within the organisation and the wider community which includes staff, kaiāwhina, whānau, hapū and iwi, all of whom give of their time and expertise to facilitate and enhance the education pathway. You will see that we have a good range of offerings for your consideration. At any given time new programmes are in development as we strive to respond to current needs and interests. We invite you to join us, to choose Te Wānanga o Raukawa as your tertiary provider.
Ko te reo maioha tēnei, haere mai ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa 8
Nau mai rā! Mereana Selby Tumuaki
Te Ara Whakamua | Graduate Destinations As well as enhancing their cultural survivability with a strong focus on te reo Māori and researching iwi and hapū connections, students of all ages and levels of tertiary study are able to secure a qualification that leads to meaningful employment. We have opportunities for those who wish to retrain, upskill or further their knowledge in a rapidly evolving workplace and increase their contribution to New Zealand’s social and economic wellbeing.
10 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Rangatiratanga – Nā Tākuta Ferris
Kotahitanga – Nā Elaine Bevan
Manaakitanga – Nā Te Tahi Takao
Te Reo Māori – Nā Te Rangikapiki Fraser
Whakapapa – Nā Chris Gerretzen
Kaupapa and their expression Te Wānanga o Raukawa operates within the kaupapa/tikanga framework as proposed by Ngā Kaihautū and endorsed by Te Mana Whakahaere. We find that this has placed us in an environment with challenges and opportunities to learn about how the Māori mind (prior to being influenced by the language and culture of later settlers) conceptualised and responded to the world. The kaupapa provide a window to that world. The ongoing accumulation of experience represents a contribution to our mātauranga continuum, which has served us well and will serve us into the future.
The ten kaupapa are
Kaitiakitanga – Nā Te Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano
Pūkengatanga – Nā Tākuta Ferris
Ūkaipōtanga – Nā Chris Gerretzen
Wairuatanga – Nā Mari Ropata
Whanaungatanga – Nā Pip Devonshire
Whakapapa reinforces the connections between all of us, and to our tūpuna, atua and tūrangawaewae as we strive to better understand and contribute to the mātauranga continuum, which binds us one to another across the generations.
Ngā Kaupapa 12 12 TE TEWĀNANGA WANANGA O RAUKAWA RAUKAWAProspectus Prospectus
Te Reo Māori Te Reo is a taonga, which we have inherited from our tūpuna and is not only an invaluable body of knowledge, enlightenment and innovation but is intimately connected with mātauranga, carrying valuable clues about the way our tūpuna understood and experienced the world. The acquisition, maintenance and revival of te reo must be a priority.
Manaakitanga Manaakitanga provides us with endless opportunities to engage with people, individually and collectively, in a way that enhances each other’s mana. We need to ensure that all of our activities are conducted in a way that is mana enhancing of all those involved and reflects values such as generosity, fairness, respect and consideration. A favourable view formed by others suggests the presence of manaakitanga.
Wairuatanga Wairuatanga acknowledges the existence and importance of the spiritual dimension in our lives and in mātauranga. Wairuatanga recognises the interdependence and extensive web of relationships between present, past and future generations in the rediscovery, maintenance and expansion of the mātauranga continuum.
Ūkaipōtanga reinforces the marae as our principal home, as a place of comfort, nourishment and inspiration and a place of primary importance in reconnecting with mātauranga from our own whānau, hapū and iwi. We should ensure that we are fully engaged with our marae and endeavour to create a similar environment, atmosphere and set of values at our places of engagement.
Kaitiakitanga in full bloom will lead to people viewing us as an institution that cares, nurtures, protects and shelters its people and its place and continues to preserve and enrich those things that we have inherited, that were created and once tended by others. Our choices need to employ our resources wisely and ensure that they contribute to our viability and reputation.
Pūkengatanga Pūkengatanga dictates the pursuit of excellence in all our activities and stipulates that we should build on the fields of expertise for which we are presently known. We need to contribute to the expansion of mātauranga, with confidence, based on our own experiences and provide distinctive, innovative and high quality facilities, programmes and services.
Kotahitanga Kotahitanga values the ethic of working together towards the achievement of a common goal and rejects the notion of competition as conducive to the expansion of mātauranga. We should celebrate our distinctiveness and uniqueness as an institution and as individuals, whānau, hapū and iwi but also revel in our shared experiences, understandings, philosophies and interests.
Rangatiratanga Rangatiratanga implores us to behave in a way that attracts favourable comment from others to the extent where we might be considered to have attributes commonly associated with a rangatira. We must nurture these characteristics and be authoritative in our work and exercise control and discipline to ensure the integrity of our pursuits.
Whanaungatanga Whanaungatanga is being part of a larger whole and knowing where one sits and fits. It includes the right to belong and participate but carries the responsibility to accord all others the same privilege. It is about interdependence and not independence and within this are defined roles for all participants.
Student Support Services RATONGA ĀKONGA (Student Services) Our student services team will process your enrolment and assist you with your application for a Student Loan and Student Allowance. We can also act as an advocate on your behalf when dealing with StudyLink and help you complete the required information for your Training Incentive Allowance and Childcare Subsidy forms for Work and Income.
TE WHARE PUKAPUKA (Library) Access to Te Whare Pukapuka services is available to all Te Wānanga o Raukawa students. Based at the Ōtaki campus the library houses a wealth of information relevant to your study and is open almost every day of the week. Hours are arranged to accomodate the noho study schedule.
TE RŌPŪ WHĀITI O NGĀ TAUIRA (Student Association) As a student you also have membership to Te Rōpū Whāiti o Ngā Tauira. This is a student group that is elected by students to represent their interests and provide support and advocacy as required.
“Students are well supported at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. There is a network of assistance from both within the organisation and the wider community...” Mereana Selby Tumuaki
HEALTH SERVICES If you become unwell while on noho in Ōtaki, the programme administrator, on approval from the kaihautū, can arrange for you to be seen at the Ōtaki Medical Centre. If you are issued with a prescription, you will need your student ID card to present at Hamish Barham Pharmacy so that the prescription will be issued free of charge to you. (Prescriptions from your doctor or consultation and prescription fees for pre-existing conditions will not be paid by Te Wānanga o Raukawa).
NGĀ PURAPURA (HEALTHY LIFESTYLES CENTRE) HOKOMAI CLOTHING SHOP Our students can purchase Te Wānanga o Raukawa branded clothing and other merchandise from the Hokomai shop located at the Ōtaki campus. Shop hours are 1pm-2pm when students are on campus.
Your health and wellbeing is important to us and we have a purpose built facility with two full sized indoor sports courts and full gym facilities which include a range of strength and cardiovascular training equipment that you can use. You can become a member of this facility or use it on a casual basis during your break time. Appropriate training clothing and towel are required. Subsidies apply for Te Wānanga o Raukawa staff and students.
CHILDCARE FACILITY We encourage you to use our childcare facilities ‘He Iti Nā Mōtai’ at the Ōtaki campus. Catering for tamariki 9 months to 4 years old, the daily rate is: : 1 child = $3.95 per hour, 2nd child = $3.45 per hour, 3rd child = $2.95 per hour. Subsidies are available for whānau who are eligible. Our staff can assist with applications. If you are seeking childcare while on noho in Ōtaki please contact us (phone 06 364 8585) at least seven days prior to your arrival to ensure a place is available and your child can be accommodated.
TE OHĀKĪ ‘He kōrero, he tohutohu whakamutunga nā te tangata i mua i tona matenga’. Te Ohākī represents the embodiment of the dying wish of Ngāpera Wikohika, a former staff member of Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Her request was that we should all learn from her experience in suffering from smoking related illnesses that contributed directly to her loss of life. Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a ‘Smoke Free Campus’ and we aim to support those of our students who smoke with the tools and knowledge to be able to work towards a lifestyle that is totally free from smoking. Ultimately, our broader goal is that all Te Wānanga o Raukawa students and graduates will be in a strong position to positively influence whānau in making informed decisions around wellbeing and good health.
16 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Residential Lifestyle at the Ōtaki Campus Residential seminars or noho, range from 3-6 days at a time. We provide a range of accommodation options at the Ōtaki campus. There are dormitory facilities in an open sleeping area, a marae style arrangement with mattresses for larger groups, and a small number of units available to those less able. We supply sheets, pillows and pillowcases. Students bring blankets/sleeping bags plus any personal and/ or medical care items. There is a small shopping area five minutes walk from the Wānanga should you require any personal items while on noho. This includes a Countdown supermarket, chemist, public library, Kiwibank/Post Shop, ANZ bank and a number of cafe’s. Ōtaki beach is approximately 20 minutes walk from the Wānanga if you want to stroll down to the beach in your break. The sandy beach, beautiful river and wide open spaces framed by the majestic Tararua ranges make Ōtaki a great place to unwind. A wireless network service is available in all academic areas across the Ōtaki campus.
18 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Theory and Understanding of Wānanga We continue to refine practices that reflect our evolution within tikanga Māori. These practices, while familiar in concept, will be new territory for those entering our doors for the first time. One set of procedures that applies is described as the kawa of learning, te kawa o te ako. It relates to protecting and maximising the learning and teaching potential of students and staff at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. It aims to curb activity that reduces the capacity to learn and teach. One dimension of te kawa o te ako affirms that anyone who feels unable to forgo the use of drugs or alcohol during noho should not attend. Infringements of the kawa will place the person, and possibly their whānau, hapū and iwi, at risk and possible withdrawal from study at Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
Marae Based Studies At the heart of the philosophy of teaching marae based studies (MBS) is a model where students and teachers alike are taught at home, by home and for home. The provision of formal education on marae continues to fulfil a model for the economic health and wealth of Māori. Graduates of our programmes are able to contribute directly and immediately to capacity building for hapū and iwi by completing valuable and relevant research whilst studying with Te Wānanga o Raukawa. The survival of Māori as a people will be assured when there is a growing number of Maori living according to kaupapa tuku iho. These are inherited values, which are expressed by living te reo Māori and tikanga tuku iho, and are always present when there is activity on our marae. The recent introduction of blending learning across all of our academic programmes allows students to undertake some of their studies in the comfort of their homes, or marae. Marae based studies are located in Northland, Pukekoke, Tūrangi, the East Coast, Christchurch and a number of other sites around Aotearoa, New Zealand. Courses available are dependent on demand but range from Poupou to Tāhuhu or Certificate to Masters. Contact us to find out more about a marae based site near you 0800 WANANGA tetomonga@twor-otaki.ac.nz
20 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
All full year study programmes include: - Iwi and Hapū studies - Te Reo Māori studies - Specialist area of study
Iwi & Hapū
Tohu Offered by Te Wānanga o Raukawa Poupou – Certificate
Poutāhū – Postgraduate Diploma
Poupou are certificate level qualifications. They are usually short courses or introductory programmes.
Poutāhū is the postgraduate diploma, usually one year of full time study or longer part time.
Heke – Diploma Heke are diploma level courses. Most of the heke at Te Wānanga o Raukawa comprise the first year of a degree programme.
22 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Specialist Studies Te Reo Māori Studies
Tāhuhu The tāhuhu is the master degree, the achievement of an advanced level of research and study at postgraduate level. A master’s degree is two years full time study. May also be studied part time.
Poutuarongo – Bachelors Degree Poutuarongo is the term for an undergraduate bachelors degree. The duration is usually three or four years of full time study and can also be taken part time.
Our programmes are NZQA approved.
NGĀ WHAKAMĀRAMA How it works The academic year begins in March and ends in October. Teaching and learning is supported by the use of an online and virtual learning environment called Moodle, which can be accessed by registered users from anywhere in the world. CONTENT 23
Our Courses Your guide to study 24 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
“People are our wealth, develop and retain.” COURSES 25
Whare Oranga Toiora Whānau (Whānau Wellness) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Toiora Whānau Whānau Wellness Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao (Environmental Management) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Pakari Tinana (Physical Wellbeing) Poupou / Certificate
Kawa Oranga (Health Promotion, Sport And Exercise) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Rongoā (Māori Holistic Wellbeing) Heke / Diploma
Toiora Whānau provides a uniquely Māori perspective on whānau wellness. You will gain the skills and knowledge required to work effectively with Māori to improve the social wellbeing of whānau, hapū and iwi. Poutuarongo Toiora Whānau is a four year degree accredited by the Social Workers Registration Board. The Heke Toiora Whānau is a one year introduction to the principles of whānau wellness and working in a Māori context. Mātauranga Māori and whakawhanaungatanga provide the foundations for the promotion of wellbeing, iwi and hapū planning, and hui organisation. You will also develop kaupapa Māori research skills and a working knowledge of social policy, legislation, Māori policy development and practices relevant to whānau wellness. Iwi and hapū studies and te reo Māori are an integral part of all Toiora Whānau programmes. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Heke: –– Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Health Promoter –– Foster Parent –– Healthcare Assistant
Poutuarongo: –– Registered Social Worker in goverment or non-goverment health and social services, organisations including mental health, addictions and aged care. –– Child, youth and family public health; social worker in schools and domestic violence. –– Rangatahi Health and Education Specialist –– Māori Health and Wellbeing Consultant –– Policy Analyst
Four year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
26 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao Environmental Management Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Kaitiaki Pūtaiao studies explore the roles and responsibilities of tangata whenua to ngā taonga tuku iho (our inherited treasures). It looks at how to uplift and maintain the wellbeing of our environment from a kaupapa Māori perspective Key themes covered in the degree are; • Natural Resource Management • Environmental Sciences • Environmental Law • Strategic Planning Engage with like-minded environmentalists and gain an understanding of a kaupapa Māori approach to the environment. Examine biodiversity on Kāpiti Island and monitor a freshwater body for your hapū. Learn to identify native birds and their calls, indigenous plants and their traditional uses. Environmental planning, eel fisheries, wetlands and other natural habitats feature strongly, as does building an awareness of alternative methods for sustainable and eco-efficient building construction. At a diploma level you are introduced to the foundations of environmental management, iwi and hapū studies and te reo Māori. As a graduate of the degree programme you will be equipped with tools to support hapū self-determination and development aspirations for te taiao (our environment) within tikanga management frameworks.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA level 7)
28 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Delivery Residential seminars, self-directed learning AND distance learning for reo For information on potential marae based deliveries please call 0800 WANANGA
Start date Course dates vary depending on location. Phone 0800 WANANGA for further information
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Mandie Brown
Graduate Destinations –– Iwi Authority Environmental Advisor –– Environmental Advisor /Education, Environmental Schools –– Environmental Impact Assessor –– Rūnanga, Iwi and Hapū Representative –– RMA work –– Department of Conservation ranger –– Project Management of Restoration Works –– Biodiversity work in Councils
“I could never have imagined what I would gain here at the Wānanga, I thank my tutors for sharing their passion.”
Enrolling on the Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao course meant I would have the opportunity to learn to see through the lens of our ancestors and reaffirm and promote my role and duty as kaitiaki. After dropping out of school at a young age the motivation for me to re-enter the academic world as an adult learner was helped along by knowing that whanau members and peers had attended and achieved here at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. I knew the journey would at times push me to learn new things that I would otherwise have preferred to avoid like going into a river chest deep to retrieve a net full of Tuna and having a conversation with a
kura kaupapa Māori student in te reo. My imagined phobias were just that however, the transition from year one to year two was a lunge and it taught me to quickly get my priorities straight and manage my time better. Now in my undergraduate year I am looking at becoming the first one with a degree in my family beating my son by one year. I could never have imagined what I have gained here at the Wānanga, I thank my tutors for sharing their passion, the cooks for nourishing me with kai as well as korero, my previous class mates and my whānau back home.
Mandie Brown COURSES 29
Kawa Oranga
Pakari Tinana
Health Promotion, Sport And Exercise
Physical Wellbeing
Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poupou / Certificate The overall aim of Poupou Pakari Tinana is to introduce students to successful strategies for enhancing mauri ora (vitality). You will begin to explore some of the fundamental principles and philosophies of Māori wellbeing in a way that is applicable and relevant to both your individual and whānau wellness journeys. Poupou Pakari Tinana is designed in a way that reinforces the value of whanaungatanga (positive relationships) as a means of engaging participants successfully and purposefully in mauri enhancing activities that promote purposeful daily movement and optimal nutrition. An important outcome of this qualification is to develop a capacity to make informed choices regarding nutrition, exercise, recovery and lifestyle through the utilisation of a framework that reflects kaupapa, tikanga and kawa relevant to Māori wellbeing. Poupou Pakari Tinana comprises four (4) papers that each encompass specific elements of Māori Wellbeing including: • • • • •
Foundations of Māori Wellbeing; Strategies for promotion and facilitation of physical activity and optimal nutrition within whānau environments; Exploration of tūpuna-based (ancestral) wellness journeys; Exploration of movement and kai as a means to enhancing mauri ora; The exploration of kaupapa, tikanga and kawa as a way of enhancing outcomes throughout the whānau wellness journey.
30 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Duration 16 week certificate (NZQA level 4)
Start date Course dates vary depending on location. Phone 0800 WANANGA for further information.
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations As a Poupou Pakari Tinana graduate you can take your studies further by way of direct enrolment into the Kawa Oranga degree which enables you to explore career pathways in areas such as: Māori health promotion; Whānau Ora navigation; Iwi, Hapū and/or Māori organisational sports, exercise or nutrition consultation; Māori event management or Kōhanga, Kura or Wharekura hauora and pakari tinana roles.
Kawa Oranga comprises both a one-year diplomalevel qualification and a three-year bachelor-level qualification that introduces students to fundamental kaupapa (guiding principles), tikanga (practices) and kawa (protocols) pertaining to Māori Wellbeing, Sport and Exercise Promotion. Kawa Oranga is taught out of Ngā Purapura, a world-class high performance Centre for Māori Wellbeing, Sport and Exercise located in Ōtaki at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. The unique learning opportunities offered within this distinctive environment enables students to be fully immersed and involved within a contemporary model for whānau and community wellbeing and high performance. Kawa Oranga strives to empower students with the necessary knowledge, skills and practical experiences in order to make a meaningful and unique contribution in a leadership capacity to Māori wellbeing initiatives. It also represents an evolving philosophy for Māori wellbeing that is underpinned by ongoing research and exploration into Mātauranga Māori (Māori Knowledge) and Māori Wellbeing, Sport and Exercise Promotion. A defining element of the Kawa Oranga journey is the strong emphasis upon the acquisition of Te Reo Māori in conjunction with an increased awareness of the interconnection between whānau, hapū and iwi dynamics. These components jointly ensure that graduates are sufficiently equipped with the necessary building blocks of Māori cultural identity that are critical for meaningful mana-enhancing engagement with Māori communities. Kawa Oranga is further supported by a number of kaiāwhina from across Aotearoa comprising leading Māori academics and researchers together with recognised Māori wellbeing, sports and exercise specialists each of whom bring a distinctive range of skills, career experiences, specialist expertise and Māori cultural awareness to the classroom.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Heke/ Poutuarongo: Graduates of Heke and Poutuarongo Kawa Oranga are well equipped to move into a broad range of related career pathways, including: –– Māori Health and Wellbeing Promotion –– Whānau Ora Navigation –– Rangatahi Health and Education Specialist –– Kōhanga, Kura and Wharekura Teacher Training –– Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training –– Māori Wellbeing, Sports and Exercise Consultancy –– Whānau Wellbeing Advisory –– Post-graduate studies in Māori Wellbeing, Sport and Exercise Promotion –– Māori Health Research –– Kaupapa-based Physical Activity and Nutrition
Rongoā Māori Holistic Wellbeing Heke / Diploma Learn the values, principles and practises of Māori Health and Wellbeing, known as Rongoā, and develop a holistic approach to the promotion of wellbeing. Heke Rongoā provides students interested in rongoā with a mātauranga Māori foundation for understanding the origins of rongoā, rongoā specific research techniques, the application of rongoā, Māori models of health and wellbeing, and the impact of legislation on rongoā as well as providing opportunities for students to utilise te reo Māori and be part of the revitalisation movement. Heke Rongoā aims to develop people who will contribute to the reclamation, preservation, revitalisation and expansion of iwi and hapū health and wellbeing practises as well as researching and understanding the value of their own iwi specific kōrero. The Heke Rongoā programme aims to contribute to the growing pool of bilingual and bicultural practitioners in traditional and contemporary Māori healing for whānau, hapū and iwi, Māori and non-Māori organisations. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
32 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
“Kia rangatira te tū”
Graduate Destinations Heke: –– Rongoā Practitioner –– Rongoā Advisor –– Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Health Promoter –– Natural Health Therapist
Whare Toi Hiko-Rau (Animation and Graphic Design) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / BacheloR
Hiko-Rau Animation and Graphic Design Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Whare Tapere (Literary Performing Arts) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Toi Whakarākai (Māori Design and Art) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Hiko-Rau studies provides a solid grounding in graphic design, multimedia and animation with an emphasis on the stories and histories of Māori. Gain a new vitality and respect for ngā pūrākau Māori and their associated traditions by researching the kōrero within your hapū and iwi. Develop proficiency in te reo Māori and apply to your creative designs. Heke Hiko-Rau is a one year introductory programme to introduce techniques in animation and multimedia production. Carry out a study on your marae and learn the foundations of te reo Māori, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Hiko-Rau degree include studies in advanced application of design and animation techniques, anatomy, design and production for the web, and an introduction to computer game development. You will also look further into your hapū activites and continue to extend your reo skills. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Poutuarongo: –– Graphic Designer –– Animator –– Game Developer –– Digital Artist –– Educator / Lecturer
Note: This course will be run subject to review.
34 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Whare Tapere
Toi Whakarākai
Literary Performing Arts
Māori Design and Art (Whakairo) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Whare Tapere studies introduces you to the expression of Māori concepts, behaviour and values through song and dance. Learn about the history of whare tapere and develop key performance skills, including haka and waiata. Mātauranga Māori and te reo Māori are a feature of all Whare Tapere progammes. Graduates of the poutuarongo (degree) programme will be exponents of composition and performance of kaupapa Māori, and will be valued repositories of te reo and mātauranga Māori. Students will be able to articulate the knowledge of the Whare Tapere, and be conversant with the origins of Māori performing arts that pertain to their own iwi and to various other iwi. They will possess the ability to apply analytical observation of tikanga within Māori performing arts, including stage management, choreography and decorative arts within performance. The programme has been revised to allow greater connection with learning about iwi and hapū studies and te reo Māori. These two areas have become the core components of the degree programme, synergised and jointly delivered. The assessments for most of the degree programme will be Whare Tapere performances and oral presentations in te reo; elevating these traditions as appropriate measures for the successful completion of the Whare Tapere degree. Further reo study through hui rumaki reo are also included in the programme. Students will study about their own iwi and hapū and demonstrate their understanding through Whare Tapere performances, including newly created compositions of haka and waiata in te reo. Nau mai haramai!
36 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Poutuarongo: –– Performing Arts Teacher –– Performing Arts Cultural Advisor –– Entertainer –– Stage Manager –– Tourism / Hospitality Advisor –– Performer –– Kapa Haka Choreographer –– Composer –– Educator / Lecturer
The aim of Toi Whakarākai is to increase the number of Māori artists to provide a pathway for those wanting to give voice, expression to thought via the visual medium of toi whakairo rākau (traditional Māori wood carving), to increase the number of Māori artists who can contribute to the survival and well being of their whānau, hapū and iwi in a uniquely Māori way. The journey for the student begins with the ‘Heke Toi Whakarākai’ (Diploma in Māori Design and Art), an introduction into the production methods used in traditional Māori art forms associated with whakairo rākau alongside the study of iwi narratives, pūrākau and Māori creation stories. Whakapapa (genealogy) underpins our world view and this understanding provides the student with a parallel view to the past which accompanies their journey forward into the realms of Hine Raukatauri (deity of wind instruments). Students will explore construction aspects of: • Wind instruments such as the Pūtōrino and associated pūrākau and kōrero - Tūmātauenga (deity of weaponry etc). •
Wahaika, kotiate (hand weapons) and associated pūrākau and kōrero - Rongo-Mā- Tāne (deity of peace, cultivation).
Whare tūpuna, cultivation and associated pūrākau and kōrero - Mataora (deity of taa moko) and associated artwork, te tuhi (design elements) whakarākai (adornments, surface design) and pūrākau and kōrero.
Students will continue to build upon these foundational skills in years two and three of the Poutuarongo Toi Whakarākai (Bachelor of Māori Design and Art) and increase their proficiency in whakairo rākau and further extend on iwi/hapū research and Māori language skills. Mataora (deity of taa moko) and associated artwork, te tuhi (design elements) whakarākai (adornments, surface design) pūrākau/kōrero etc.
The programme has been recently revised to allow greater connection between the three core components of Iwi and Hapū studies, te reo Māori and Toi Whakarākai. The assessment mode for most of the degree will be whakairo rākau creations and oral presentations in te reo. The studies in the student’s iwi and hapū will drive the creative works and te reo will assist in conveying the symbolism and imagery of the creation. Graduates of the Poutuarongo Toi Whakarākai will be significant contributors to maintaining and extending iwi traditions and kōrero through Māori art creations.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations –– Working Artist –– Exhibition Technician –– Educator / Lecturer –– Curator –– Whānau/Hapū/Iwi Carver –– Commissioned Carver COURSES 37
Toi Whakarākai Māori Design and Art (Raranga) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Toi Whakarākai aims to increase the number of Māori artists who are skilled in traditional weaving techniques and who can significantly contribute towards the wellbeing and development of their whānau, marae, hapū and iwi. Iwi and hapū studies and te reo Māori are an integral part of all Toi Whakarākai programmes. Heke Toi Whakarākai introduces you to tikanga, processes and research associated with the creation of traditional Māori woven taonga. You will learn to gather and prepare natural materials to weave in the techniques of whatu, tāniko or raranga in order to create indigenous fashion, handmade textiles and other woven art forms. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Toi Whakarākai increase your proficiency and mātauranga through the creation of more refined woven art forms. You will undertake in-depth research about your marae and hapū and further extend your Māori language skills.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
enare-Stewart H h it a ta Mason F ia a W e uri T Shandley Aupo
Jonny Hauraki
Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations –– Whānau/Hapū/Iwi weaver –– Commissioned weaver –– Independent Artist –– Exhibiting Artist –– Educator –– Pathway to further studies relevant to Textile Conservation,Museum Studies, Fashion Design, Contemporary artist.
38 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
“ It’s not every day you learn how or what our ancestors did with their time.”
My art teacher enrolled me into weaving studies; Heke Toi Whakarākai to learn something different, something unique. Studies were hard work but I applied myself and enjoyed it. I graduated with my Diploma in 2014. I’m studying at year two level now, making piupiu and I plan to graduate with my Poutuarongo Toi Whakarākai (Bachelor of Design and Art) in 2016 I enjoy the weaving techniques of whatu and tāniko, although preparing all the materials is very time consuming. I enjoy the feeling I get when I finish making something beautiful.
I made a hieke during my 2014 studies, as soon as my mother found out I was making one she wanted me to give it to my sister for her 21st, she has always wanted a kākahu. Yes, I would and will recommend studying Toi Whakarākai at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. It’s not every day you learn how or what our ancestors did with their time. Plus! What we learn now we can share with the next generation
Faith Henare-Stewart
Whare Mātauranga Whakaakoranga (Teaching) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master
Te Rangakura Kaiwhakaako (Bilingual Teaching) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Whakaakoranga Kōhungahunga (Early Childhood Teaching) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor The above programmes are approved by the New zealand Teaching Council.
*Ahunga Tikanga (Māori Laws & Philosophy)
Whakaakoranga Teaching Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor With the rapid growth in kaupapa Māori learning institutions and schools offering kaupapa Māori education programmes demand is increasing for well-trained and qualified Māori teachers. Te Wānanga o Raukawa offers you an innovative three year teaching degree, Poutuarongo Whakaakoranga. This programme produces graduates who can teach people to see the world through Māori eyes and are competent to teach a range of subjects using the Māori language.
Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
The Heke Whakaakoranga is awarded to those who successfully complete the first year of study. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor POUTĀHŪ / POSTGRADUATE AND TĀHUHU / MASTER Duration *Note: These courses will be run subject to numbers.
Graduate Destinations Heke:
One year diploma (NZQA Level 5)
–– Teacher Aide –– Childcare Worker
Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Poutuarongo: –– Kaiwhakaako Māori –– Education Advisor –– Primary School Teacher –– Secondary School Teacher –– Special Education Teacher –– Tertiary Lecturer –– Policy Analyst
Whakaakoranga Teaching Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master The Poutāhū and Tāhuhu Whakaakoranga programmes will provide you with the competencies and confidence to take a strong leadership role in both managerial and delivery aspects of kaupapa Māori learning environments. The Poutāhū Whakaakoranga focuses on delivery and teaching, advanced iwi and hapū research and te whakatupu i te reo Māori. The second year of the Master’s programme builds further on these kaupapa and emphasises effective management and leadership within kaupapa Māori learning institutions. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Duration One year postgraduate diploma (NZQA Level 8) Two year master’s degree (NZQA Level 9)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning
Start date March
Ropata Aja Wairere
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations –– School Principal –– Tertiary Lecturer –– Māori Education Specialist –– Education Advisor –– Senior Kaiwhakaako Māori –– Policy Analyst –– Policy Advisor –– Māori Language Specialist
He uri tēnei o Ngāti Raukawa, Te Āti Awa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Porou. Coming from a family of dedicated and hardworking teachers, I had not once thought that I would be choosing the career path of a teacher, in fact it was all about music and performance. Three years ago I made the decision to enrol in the Poutuarongo Whakaakoranga tohu which has allowed me to learn more about education and the importance of educating ourselves and our tamariki. I have been working as a kaiāwhina at Te Kura Māori o Porirua which has carried me through my studies during the past three years with practical and theory hand in hand.
42 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
The benefits of this have been tremendous and I couldn’t be more pleased and appreciative of the support by the kura and family. My experience with Te Wānanga o Raukawa has not only exposed me to new beginnings but has allowed me to achieve more in many ways. Taking on Reo, Iwi and Hapū studies including specialised papers has been a journey of inspiration and understanding. Through studying these papers and being on campus I have gained more reo and learnt more about who I am and where I am from, all of which are of great importance to me. I can only hope that I pursue positively to the teacher realm which I know isn’t always easy work. However this has made me more passionate about the
importance in teaching our tamariki, allowing them to learn more about themselves and help achieve their goals within their schooling years. Te Wānanga o Raukawa has been a place of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga and much more. I pay tribute to the staff who have guided us along the way, they all have pūkenga of their own!! Hei whakakapinga mōku… Ka tuku ngā mihi aroha ki Te Wānanaga o Raukawa mō ngā akoranga katoa, otira he mihi hoki tēnei ki te haukainga... “Mā Pango, Mā Whero ka oti te mahi... “
Aja Wairere Ropata COURSES 43
Te Rangakura Kaiwhakaako
Whakaakoranga Kōhungahunga
Bilingual Teaching
Early Childhood Teaching
Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Poutuarongo Te Rangakura Kaiwhakaako will provide you with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to access and relay ngā taonga tuku iho. This mātauranga is drawn from the study of iwi and hapū values, knowledge and institutions in a way that is consistent with the notion of a Māori world view curriculum and its application in the kaupapa Māori educational context.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Ka whakahaerehia katoatia te tohu nei mā te reo Maori me te reo Pākehā, ā, ka whakatūria he Whare Kōhanga Akoranga e taketake ake nei i te mātauranga Māori. Mā te mōhio, mā te mātau, mā te mārama ki te mātauranga Māori me te ao Māori e taea ai te whakarite i tētehi marautanga kōhungahunga e tupu ai te aronga Māori ki roto ki ngā tamariki.
The Heke Te Rangakura Whakaakoranga, Diploma of Bilingual Teaching, is awarded to those who successfully complete the first year of study.
Start date
Ka hua mai, ko te pouako:
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
–– E mārama ana ki ngā taonga tuku iho a ngā tūpuna –– E mātau ana ki te kawe i tētehi marautanga kōhungahunga mā te reo Māori –– E mātau ana ki te whakaako ki ngā kura kōhungahunga –– E mārama ana ki te whakatupu i te mana āhua ake o ia tamaiti, o ia tamaiti –– E mātau ana ki te whakarite, te whakamahere, me te whakahaere i ngā mahi o te kura kōhungahunga e aro ā Māori atu ngā tamariki ki tōna ao –– E mōhio ana ko ngā mātua ngā pouako tuatahi, ā ko te kāinga te kura tuatahi mō ngā tamariki, nō reira me whai wāhi ka tika ngā mātua me te whānau whānui.
Fees apply
Graduate Destinations –– Kaiwhakaako (Bilingual) –– Primary School Teacher –– Private Teacher / Tutor –– Special Education Teacher –– Curriculum Advisor –– Education Union Representative –– Policy Analyst
Āmua, ka taea e te akonga te whakaako i roto i ngā whare kōhungahunga o te motu. Ka taea anō te whai atu i te tohu paerua. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
44 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Heke: –– Teacher Aide –– Childcare Worker
Poutuarongo: –– Kaiwhakaako Māori –– Education Advisor –– Early Childhood Teacher –– Private Teacher / Tutor –– Special Education Teacher –– Tertiary Lecturer
Ahunga Tikanga
Ahunga Tikanga Māori Laws & Philosophy Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor The Māori Laws & Philosophy/Ahunga Tikanga undergraduate programme examines Māori legal systems which existed prior to contact with Pākehā to reveal the presence of tikanga as a highly successful and self-contained law. Students will analyse the impact of of Pākehā values on Māori legal systems and critique legal processes encountered in contemporary times. The programme aims to produce graduates that engage acquired knowledge to discuss and address issues impacting on whānau, hapū, iwi, particularly among their own people. The Diploma/Heke programme explores the concept of whakapapa as the foundation of Māori Laws which consider fundamental principles of tikanga including whanaungatanga, utu, tapu and noa. Year two studies investigate the period of initial contact with Pākehā, analyse documents such as He Wakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi and evaluate the viability of the Waitangi Tribunal and Māori Land Court. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Note: This course will be run subject to numbers.
46 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self-directed learning and online delivery
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Heke: –– Independent researcher –– Project researcher
Poutuarongo: –– Independent researcher –– Project researcher –– Cultural advisor –– Hapū/Iwi executive –– Kaitakawaenga –– Kaiāwhina –– Reo Revitalisation –– Post Treaty settlement capacity building
Māori Laws & Philosophy POUTĀHŪ / POSTGRADUATE AND TĀHUHU / MASTER The Poutāhū graduate will be able to explain cosmogony as the basis of tikanga prior to contact with Western influences. The authenticity of certain texts and materials on Māori cosmogony and tikanga will also be considered. Reinterpretations of tikanga that have flowed from interaction between tikanga Māori and Pākehā law are examined and deconstructed and tauira will enquire into the potential for tikanga to underpin contemporary developments and strategies.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 8) Three year master (NZQA Level 9)
Delivery Residential seminars, self-directed learning and online delivery
Start date March
The Tāhuhu Ahunga Tikanga graduate will be able to explain tikanga tuku iho and assist with the establishment and maintenance of institutions (and institutional arrangements) that are driven and assessed by the principles and application of tikanga tuku iho. They will be able to investigate the origins, principles and practices of tikanga prior to contact with Western influences, describe the origins of Pākehā law and its impact on tikanga Māori, and explain the place of tikanga Māori alongside the laws and philosophies of other peoples. Graduates of Poutāhū and, Tāhuhu Ahunga Tikanga will have the potential to be researchers, teachers and practitioners, particularly among their own people. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Poutāhu / Tāhuhu: –– Independent researcher –– Project researcher –– Lecturer –– Advisor –– Educator –– Mentor –– Kaiāwhina –– Reo Revitalisation –– Post Treaty settlement capacity building
Note: This course will be run subject to numbers.
Whare Kōkiri
Mātauranga Māori
Mātauranga Māori
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor Tāhuhu / Master
Toko Mana (Māori And Administration) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Whakahaere (Management) Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master
Puna Maumahara (Information Management) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Karanga Poupou / Certificate
Tū Whaikōrero Poupou / Certificate
Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Studies in Mātauranga Māori will introduce you to understandings of human behaviour based on concepts handed down through generations of Māori. Te whakamāramatanga o ngā tikanga tuku iho e puta ai te titiro a te Māori ki tōna ao. Learn about kaupapa and tikanga Māori that define the way we view the world as Māori. Explore Māori knowledge as our tūpuna understood it, as we understand it today and as it will be applied tomorrow.
One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
The Heke Mātauranga Māori examines ngā tikanga tuku iho, Māori art and design concepts, iwi oral traditions and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. You will undertake research about your marae and develop your te reo Māori skills, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia. The Heke Awa, Raukawa and Toa Rangatira is a tailored programme specific to mātauranga Māori of the founding iwi of Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Te Āti Awa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and Ngāti Toa Rangatira. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Mātauranga Māori expand further on ngā taonga tuku iho and incorporate more indepth studies in kaitiakitanga, tohungatanga, roles on the marae, paepae and science and technology in the mātauranga Māori context. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Heke: –– Exhibition Technician –– Library Assistant –– Iwi / Hapū Representative
Poutuarongo: –– Case Manager –– Historian –– Project Researcher –– Cultural Advisor –– Special Education Tutor –– Tertiary Lecturer –– Policy Advisor –– Policy Analyst –– Tourism / Hospitality Advisor –– Reo Revitalisation
Mātauranga Māori Tāhuhu / Master Ko te whāinga nui o tēnei tohu, kia tupu, kia rangatira tā tātou wānanga, me tā tātou kawe i te mātauranga. Hua atu, kia rangatira hoki tā tātou whakaahua i te wānanga nei ki te reo Māori. E toru ngā akoranga nui o te tohu nei: –– Ngā akoranga o te mātauranga –– Ngā tikanga o te rangahau –– Ngā tikanga o te reo Māori
Te Roa E rua ngā tau te roa mō te Tāhuhu (NZQA Levels 8 and 9)
Noho Noho, ako takitahi
Te Wā Tīmata Poutū-te-rangi
Ka tīmata te tau ako i te Poutū-te-rangi, ka mutu ā te Whiringa-ā-nuku. E ono ngā noho i te tau, e whā rā te roa mō te nuinga. Ka whakahaerengia ana ngā wānanga i roto i te reo Māori, ka mutu, me reo Māori hoki ngā tuhinga a ngā ākonga. Mā Te Wānanga o Raukawa koe e whakaruruhau, e whāngai ki te kai inā tae mai koe ki ngā noho
Te Utu He utu mō tēnei akoranga. Waeahia atu ki 0800 WANANGA mō ngā whakamārama
Te Ara Whakamua
Mō te roanga ake o ngā whakamārama mō tēnei akoranga, toro atu ki www.wananga.com. –– Kaiwhakaako – kura tuarua, whare wānanga –– Kaitohutohu – tikanga me te reo Māori –– Kaitohutohu tikanga ā-iwi –– Kairangahau –– Kaiwhakapāoho –– Kaiwhakahaere ki ngā rōpū tuku iho –– Reo Revitalisation
50 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
ews Atene Andr Ko taku tino kōrero o te whaia o te Mātauranga Māori ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa, ka hoki au ki Hikurangi ki te hau kainga i ā mārama, i ā mārama. Mauriora!! It’s been an interesting journey that has brought me to Te Wānanga o Raukawa and Te Tāhuhu Mātauranga Māori. Born in Gisborne, my learning began with being raised by my grandmother, May Turuhira Andrews nee Korohina of Gisborne, Waipiro, Horoera, Ngāti Porou. My schooling took place in various towns in the North Island but ended in Auckland where I gained my formal qualifications, a Dip Tchg and BA at Auckland University, an MEdAdmin at Massey and an MBA at Victoria.
I am now studying Tāhūhū Mātauranga Māori at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. My 20 year teaching career included roles in New Zealand, Niue, AitutakiCook Islands and Singapore. I later went on to be Deputy Principal at my old school Tipene-St Stephens. The closure of St Stephens led me onto another career path into government service. First it was as Māori Policy and Cultural Advisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, then to the Crown Forestry Rental Trust and the Department of Labour (later MBIE) before moving to PHARMAC in May 2014. I’ve been impressed by PHARMAC’s willingness to engage with Māori
communities through their advisory groups, the Consumer Advisory Committee and Te Rōpū Āwhina Māori, to now developing authentic relationships with Whānau Ora Collectives and Ngā Kaitiaki o Te Puna Rongoā - the Māori Pharmacists Association. Koia rā, i mātaurangatia Māori e au i te mahi o Te Wānanga o Raukawa ki ngā whakaaro hohonu ō ngā mātua tīpuna, i ā rātou kōrero, i ā rātou karakia me ngā waiata tawhito hoki ō mua i te taenga mai o te Pākeha. Ko taku tino pīrangi o te mātauranga Māori ki taku mahi kei PHARMAC, kia whakauru au te mātauranga nei hei whakatīnana pai ake tō tātou oranga pai ki te Te Āo Hurihuri ō inaianei.
Atene Andrews COURSES 51
Toko Mana
Māori And Administration
Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Toko Mana will prepare you for administrative leadership and planning roles within organisations and businesses. Learn about kaupapa Māori definitions of management and leadership, and how to develop effective administrative processes to help achieve organisational goals and objectives. Heke Toko Mana examines the roles of managers and administrators as organisational leaders. You will undertake research about your marae and develop te reo Māori skills, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Toko Mana expand further on administrative process and leadership in decision making, human resource, Māori enterprise, change management and setting and maintaining organisational standards. You will also carry out indepth studies with your hapū, expand your Māori language skills and learn how to implement te reo Māori as an administrative leader within your organisation.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply
Whakahaere studies will prepare you for middle and senior management roles in any organisation. Learn specialist knowledge in Māori language and tikanga, as well as general management skills.
Duration Two years Tāhuhu/Master (NZQA Levels 8 and 9)
You will conduct comprehensive studies into the way businesses are operated and managed, undertake research on your marae and contribute to the future planning and development of whānau, hapū and iwi resource management.
Residential seminars, self directed learning
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Start date March
Fees apply
For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Heke: –– Receptionist
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master
–– Clerical Worker –– Administrator
Graduate Destinations –– Middle and Senior Manager –– Business Owner/Operator –– Marketing Advisor –– Communication Advisor –– Chief Executive Officer
–– Personal Assistant
Poutuarongo: –– Policy Advisor –– Policy Analyst –– Senior Manager –– Business Owner / Operator Note: This course will be run subject to review.
52 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Puna Maumahara
Information Management Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Puna Maumahara develops bilingual and bicultural managers of Māori information resources in both Māori and non-Māori organisations. Design, implement and manage information systems to suit whakapapa based rōpū, other Māori groups and organisations.
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND weekly classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
The Heke Puna Maumahara is a one year introductory course into the foundations of mātauranga Māori and information management. You will also conduct a study on your marae and build te reo Māori skills, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Puna Maumahara degree expand on best practice methods for reporting, database administration, file management and storage. Apply kaupapa Māori principles to information management and look further into the activities of your hapū and iwi. Continue to progress in te reo Māori and learn to utilise your skills in hui planning and organisation, and communication management. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
54 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations Heke: –– Exhibition Technician –– Library Assistant –– Information Management Advisor
Poupou / Certificate Using the rich heritage of te iwi Māori you will call upon the knowlege of ngā tūpuna wāhine and examine the values and principles of pūrākau (Māori legend stories) and their relevance to karanga. Poupou Karanga aims to bring forth your creativity and instil a deep appreciation of this traditional art form. Participate in discussions around karanga and share experiences in a safe and welcoming environment. Draw on the wealth of knowledge from expert kaikaranga and develop your practical skills. Learn how you can support your whānau, hapū and iwi through the karanga art form.
Duration Course dates vary depending on location (NZQA Level 4)
Delivery Four weekend residential seminars AND self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Graduate Destinations –– Kaikaranga –– Tutor –– Cultural Advisor
–– Historian –– Project Researcher –– Records / Archives Managewr –– Cultural Advisor –– Curator –– Educator / Lecturer –– Librarian
Tū Whaikōrero Poupou / Certificate Whaikōrero is both an art form and mode of communication. As an art form, whaikōrero should exhibit all of te ihi (wonder) , te kaha (power), te huatau (elegance), and te wana (the thrill) that Māori performing arts in general achieve and cause the audience to react to in wehi (excitement) and ranga-wairua (inspiration). As a mode of communication, whaikōrero uses poetry, proverb, incantation, metaphor, imagery and symbolism to give gravity and formality to occasions of significance upon which the mana of the two parties of the marae encounter rests. It has its origins in a Māori belief system. This certificate programme is for those who have an intermediate level (or above) ability in Te Reo Māori and some experience in whaikōrero. The aim of the course is to enhance your capability in whaikōrero, both as an art form and mode of communication, in various situations. This will be achieved by adding to your kete kōrero in the various sections of whaikōrero and through instruction in the use of voice, stance, rākau and other delivery methods.
Duration Course dates vary depending on location (NZQA Level 4)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
“Te Reo is a taonga, halt the decline and revive it”
Graduate Destinations –– Kaikōrero –– Tutor –– Cultural Advisor
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
56 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Te Reo Māori Huia Te Reo Poupou / Certificate
Huia Te Reo Poupou / Certificate
Te Reo Māori Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master
Poupou Huia Te Reo is an online Māori language course suited to language learners at the beginner to intermediate level. Follow the daily activities of a real whānau through a series of audio lessons and carry out fun online activities to reinforce your learning. Listen to adaptions of well known fairytales and engage with peers and tutors online. Learn language that you can use in the home, at work and in everyday situations. Discover how to talk about common activities in a way that reflects Māori ways of thinking and doing things. To enrol in this course you will require regular access to the internet and an email address. Course resources are accessed online. Communications for the course occur through email and in online forums. We recommend you dedicate approximately 12 hours a week to listening activities, exercises and online interaction with others. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Duration 13 weeks
Delivery Self directed learning AND online classes
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations –– Teacher Aide –– Tutor
Te Reo Māori Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor The revival and maintenance of te reo and tikanga Māori is a pursuit of Te Wānanga o Raukawa and a key focus of our language programmes. Iwi and hapū studies feature at both the diploma and degree level. You will attend daily classes as well as a number of residential seminars, or noho, throughout the year. Heke Reo Māori introduces you to the Māori language and develops your confidence in speaking, listening and understanding te reo, as well as Māori concepts and values. On completion of year one you will have learnt the foundations of the language and gained skills in mihimihi, karakia, waiata and kōrero. Poutuarongo Reo Māori expands on the diploma level programme and aims for you to achieve a high proficiency in te reo and tikanga Māori. As a graduate you will be well positioned to enter postgraduate level studies of te reo Māori, or undertake further study towards a range of careers, including teaching, broadcasting, research and policy development. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga.com.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Daily classes, residential seminars AND self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply For more information visit www.wananga.com or call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations –– Kaiwhakaako te reo Māori –– Primary School Te Reo Māori Teacher –– Private Teacher / Tutor –– Cultural Advisor –– Lecturer –– Policy Advisor –– Reo Revitalisation
60 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
“It was just so fabulous to listen to everyone speaking te reo Māori, from babies to teenagers to grandparents, just beautiful.” Three years ago I attended a 21st in Ōtaki. The whole time I was there I was overcome with amazement that only Māori was being spoken. I couldn’t understand what was being said but it was just so fabulous to listen to everyone speaking te reo Māori, from babies to teenagers to grandparents, just beautiful. The tamariki at this 21st attended Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rito. I too wanted my tamariki to attend that school but as I didn’t know how to speak or understand te reo Māori, I didn’t know how to enrol my children. The answer was simple, I enrolled into the Heke Reo Programme at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. After an intense three months of Rumaki reo, I had built up enough courage and kupu to go to Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rito to enrol my children. My three years at Te Wānanga o Raukawa have been the biggest challenge of my life but also the most beneficial, humbling and empowering.
Aroha Neho-Latu
Te Reo Māori Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master
He tohu paerua tēnei e pā ana ki te reo Māori, arā tōna ingoa ko te Tāhuhu Reo Māori. E rua tau te roa. He tohu whakatupu i te whakaaro mō te reo Māori o ngā tūpuna. Ka rangahaua ngā kōrero o neherā kia kitea ai te āhua o te reo i a rātou, ā, i tō rātou nā wā. Mā ēnei mahi e whakawhānui te kōrerotanga me te tuhinga o te ākonga. He kaupapa rangahau tōmua tēnei mā te tauira e anga nui mai ana ki ōna āhuatanga, ā, me whai tohu paetahi, me ōrite rānei ngā pūkenga, ka mutu, me wairua rangahau, me mōhio ki te tuhi i te reo Māori, ā, me mātua mōhio ki te reo Māori. Mō te roanga ake o ngā whakamārama mō tēnei akoranga, toro atu ki www.wananga.com
62 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
Te Wā Tīmata Poutū-te-rangi
Te Utu He utu mō tēnei akoranga. Waeahia atu ki 0800 WANANGA mō ngā whakamārama
Te Ara Whakamua –– Kaiwhakaako i te reo Māori –– Kaitohutohu Reo Māori –– Kairangahau –– Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Mahi –– Kaiwhakawhitiwhiti reo Māori –– Te Reo Māori Translator –– Reo Revitalisation
“Self determination, look for opportunities to develop as Māori”
scholarships There are a number of scholarships you can apply for to support your study. See our website for more information about the scholarships below, including closing dates and how to apply http://www.wananga.com/ index.php/apply-to-study/scholarships.
Teach NZ Scholarships
Te Hinemanu Ruakā Te Upokoiri Charitable Trust Scholarship
A range of scholarships supporting entry into the teaching profession and teaching graduates.
Supporting school leavers wanting to learn and teach te reo Māori and Māori history.
Various application periods between October and March
Applications close 30 November.
Ngāti Kahungungu Scholarships & Internships Heke Reo Māori ART Scholarship •
For students from Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and Ngāti Toa Rangatira.
One scholarship per ART hapū is available each year
Closing date for applications is early March.
Ōtaki and Porirua Trusts Board Scholarships •
Supporting students in secondary school and tertiary level study.
Application period is 1 September to the day before Labour Day (usually the third week in October).
• t
For Ngāti Kahungungu students who are currently enrolled at a tertiary institution as a full-time tauira in the third or final year of completing a degree, or doing postgraduate study.
• r
Research scholarships for full-time Ngāti Kahungungu tertiary postgraduate students undertaking research.
Sir Hugh Kawharu Scholarship Support from the Kawharu Foundation encouraging Māori leadership in the fields of cultural heritage, science and business.
Takoa Database Ngāti Whakaue Postgraduate Scholarship
Information resource on iwi, government and private sector scholarships.
For postgraduate studies related to the business of Ngāti Whakaue Tribal Lands Incorporation
Includes studies in the area of business, accounting, environment, agribusiness and science related study.
Toitū Kaupapa Māori Mātauranga | Māori Education Trust
Applicants must be a graduate of a NZ University AND be of Ngāti Whakaue descent.
Number of scholarships to advance achievement in Māori education.
Study Awards in Māori and Pasifika Education Research
Kia ora Hauora Scholarships Database
• P
Ministry of Education offering one Study Award in Māori Education Research and one Study Award in Pasifika Education Research.
Support resource for those wanting to enter the health sector.
• P
Applicants must be undertaking or wish to undertake full-time study at postgraduate level in Māori and Pasifika education.
See the Ministry of Education website for more details or download the information sheet.
Ngārimu Scholarship •
For promising Māori students.
Applications close around the second week in October.
Sir Apirana Ngata Memorial scholarships •
Supporting Māori students studying at tertiary level in any field.
Applications close 30 April each year.
New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women Assisting women in their study pursuits.
Breakout •
A database of awards, grants and scholarships for people in New Zealand.
Allows you to tailor your search to scholarships relevant to you and your specific study needs
Breakout can be accessed at most public libraries, please ask your local library staff.
You can also access this database at the Te Wānanga o Raukawa Ōtaki campus library.
For more information on these scholarships visit http://www.wananga.com/index.php/apply-to-study/scholarships.
HOW TO GET ENROLLED A step-by-step guide to enrolling at Te Wānanaga o Raukawa
“Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui”
ENROLMENT PROCESS Step One - Kei a koe te kaha -It’s your choice. Decide what study programme you want to enrol in. Information about our programmes are right here in the prospectus, on our website www. wananga.com or call us on 0800 WANANGA (0800 9262642). Step Two - Enrolling Request an information pack by calling 0800 WANANGA and return it to us with either a verified copy of your full birth certificate or a verified copy of your passport. Post to: Te Tomonga, PO Box 119, Ōtaki 5512. You can also enrol online at: www.wananga.com. Once we receive your application we will contact you to discuss your enrolment. Step Three - Fees Make sure that your fees are paid before the programme commences. Payment of your fees must be made within six weeks of confirmation of your enrolment. If you are applying for a scholarship grant apply as soon as possible or if you intend to pay for your course by student loan apply to Studylink: www.studylink.govt.nz as soon as you enrol.
66 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus
144 Tasman Rd, PO Box 119, Ōtaki, Aotearoa www.wānanga.com 0800 WANANGA