{editor's note} AS YOU GATHER WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS AROUND THE HOLIDAYS, the Fall/ Winter issue of the FLAME has made its way to your home. We have included great seasonal ideas like chocolate chip pumpkin muffins and ways to save at the register. Be sure to check out our holiday date night ideas and simple exercises to keep you warm during the chilly months. Your story is another theme this issue. Writing in my childhood diary allowed me to verbalize my experiences growing up and if you were to flip through those tattered journals, you’d find everything from my first kiss to my parent’s divorce scribbled on those faded pink pages. The time I gave my heart to Jesus is also there. The overwhelming realization that I had a Savior who loved me, no matter what, and had a plan for my life is detailed along with those other entries. Today, I can see God’s work in my life in prayer journal entries where I’ve poured out my heart. My story is still being written though, as is yours. Take a moment to review your story as you read this issue. Jaime Perez’s story is made up of twists and turns, evidence of a caring and patient God, constant in His desire to see us triumph against the odds. The Living Faith and Discipleship sections affirm that your story is part of God’s story, and the stories in Education, Spotlight and History will surprise and inspire you. Bringing the FLAME to life each issue takes a talented and committed team. We want to thank our contributors, translators, designer and Texas Conference staff for their role in the Fall/Winter issue. Additional gratitude goes to FLAME Editor Jason Busch, whose contribution makes the FLAME a success. We also want to pause and thank Costin Jordache for his influence, impact and leadership with the FLAME magazine. As he pursues other endeavors, we wish him and his family the best! On behalf of the Texas Conference administration and the FLAME staff, happy holidays and happy reading!
Kristina Pascual Lockhart Managing Editor
WILLIAM KILGORE, DMIN, is a Professor of Religion at Southwestern Adventist University. In his article on page 22 he asks the question we all should be asking, “Are you Spirit-led by being Spirit-fed?”
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KEVIN WELLS is the Senior Pastor at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church. On page 10 he demonstrates that everyone has a story to tell and the best way to live your faith is to simply share it with others.
JASON BUSCH is a FLAME Editor and the Assistant Communication Director for the Texas Conference of Seventhday Adventists. In this issue, he showcases the achievements of Seventh-day Adventist education in the Rio Grande Valley.
RUBEN BULLON is the Hispanic Evangelist for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. On page 5 he offers a biblical perspective on modern-day discipleship and what it really means to be a Christian in today’s world.
RUBEN AND KETTY LEAL are the Texas Conference Family Ministries Coordinators. In this issue, they share a few holiday date night ideas that are sure to refresh your relationship.
In Every Issue
Fall/Winter 2013 7 MINISTRIES Evangelism—what does it mean and what is being done in the Texas Conference Territory? Hear from the leaders. page
16 BRIDGES Spreading hope through the ministry of healing. 18 SPOTLIGHT Highlighting members around the Texas Conference.
9 EDUCATION The influence of Adventist education in the Rio Grande Valley. 10 LIVING FAITH Everyone has a story to tell. Are you sharing yours? 11 FITNESS A new start for a new year – exercises to get you moving again. page 12
4 Leadership Moment 4 Perspectives 5 Discipleship 8 Partners 23 On The Shelf 26 Calendar 27 Advent Movement
12 FAMILY MATTERS Great date ideas, perfect for reconnecting this season!
20 HISTORY From South Texas to Iwo Jima, one marine’s legendary story. 21 KIDZ KORNER Stories, activity ideas, and fun facts to impress your friends! 22 THEOLOGY Rediscovering the Holy Spirit’s purpose in our lives. 24 STEWARDSHIP Shopping tips to help keep your wallet full this holiday season.
13 RECIPE Deliciously nutritious pumpkin muffins the whole family will enjoy. 14 FEATURE All too often we choose the winding path rather than God’s direct route for our lives. Jaime Perez shares about the road that brought him from driving taxis to preaching at the pulpit.
page 14
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leadership moment
A challenge for Texas members in 2014? As the New Year approaches I’d like our members in Texas to consider how we are preparing to meet the Lord. Surely, we can do better each day. My challenge to you is to materialize a greater commitment to the Lord, His people and His church than last year. Whatever form that may take, reflect on your commitment to live for Christ and how it influences your spiritual life, your relationships and your role in your church. Where could you do more? What should you do less? In her book Testimonies Vol. 1, Ellen White reminds us, “A spirit of self-denial and sacrifice must be cherished! Those who are willing to make any sacrifice for eternal life, will have it and it will be well worth it.” Let’s strive toward that mark in 2014!
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Texas faces at least three major challenges including, Revival– restoring our relationship with Jesus, Unity– healing the divisions that exist among us, and The Great Commission– reaching the 23 million people living in Texas. All three of these challenges are relational in nature: relationship with Jesus, within the church body, and with our community, co-workers, neighbors, etc. I challenge us to become intentional in making a positive impact in one of these relationships. How can we spend more time with Christ? What relationship needs mending? Who haven’t we reached out to yet? This year, what difference or impact can I make?
In today’s economy, Texas families undoubtedly face challenges, both spiritually and financially. However, I want to encourage you to be faithful to the Lord in all things. Dedicate yourself to prayer when you face decisions that impact your spiritual life and finances. As we become more dependent on God, we see Him work out situations in our lives where we didn’t have clear direction. In 2014, I would like to challenge you to look at your debts as a family, pick one that you can all commit to paying off and make it your mission to keep God as owner, partner and counselor of your finances. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your family and finances and watch the Lord work blessings in your life.
By Robyn Grimsley, The Oaks Adventist Christian School First and Second Grade Teacher
GOD LED ME to the Seventh-day Adventist faith at the tender age of 13. I grew up in church, but my family was not a part of that experience. This shaped my view on a variety of topics, including Adventist education. I never considered it a necessity or option for me. I was not a proponent of Adventist education because I had turned out fine without going to Adventist schools. I felt it was a waste of money because public schools could do an exceptional job educating students. I would say, “My kids will never go to an Adventist school. I didn’t need it, they won’t either.”
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I was a teacher in Fort Worth ISD for seven years. During that time, I held to my inner-mantra towards Adventist education and its needless expense. Some time later though, I found myself where I least expected. Through circumstances that only God could have orchestrated, I ended up in a classroom at The Oaks Adventist Christian School in Houston. I’ve been there three years and have completely changed my perspective. Why? Aside from the family atmosphere of the classrooms, the joy of learning and the mentor
relationships between teachers and students, it’s Jesus – He is the difference. Students learn to live with Jesus throughout the day, preparing them to take Him into their adult lives beyond the classroom. Adventist schools prepare students for their eternal home. Watching them grow spiritually, seeing the love of Jesus reflected in them and observing their personal connection with their Savior has changed my perspective in a way I could never have imagined. Now, I tell people that if I am ever a mother, my children will definitely attend Adventist schools.
Mission Love First, Possible: Speak Later By Ruben Bullon, Texas Conference Evangelist
WHY DO YOU GET CLOSE TO PEOPLE? What moves you to do that? Religion offers us a quick and easy answer— to win people to Christ! As wonderful as that seems, that isn’t necessarily the right answer. Let me explain. I often get the feeling that some of us well-intentioned individuals feel that God is in need of an attorney. We defend God, we defend doctrine, and sometimes we defend tradition, among other things. However, when Jesus was on earth He called for us to be salt, to be light, to be His witnesses. There isn’t one instance where He said, "be my legal counsel." Can we differentiate between being attorneys and being salt, light, and witnesses? Salt mixes, light shines and witnesses share. These concepts need to be understood by all of us who carry the name of Jesus. Our mission is simply this: mix, shine, and share. When we look at Jesus’ disciples and read their stories, we see that even they initially struggled to mix, shine and share. In Matthew 15, they struggled mixing with the Canaanite woman and urged Jesus to send her away. Peter struggled with shining, embracing denial in John 18. But, in Acts 2, they were filled with Holy Spirit and no longer struggled to share the wonders of God with those who were present. Sonia’s story is a more current example of salt, light and witnesses. Sonia is a doctor who had no interest in religion. However, Sonia also had a close friend who happens to be a Seventh-day Adventist. Her Adventist friend does only one thing with regards to Sonia – she loves her. When Sonia is depressed, her friend sends her encouraging texts. As she gets involved, she becomes like salt, mixing in Sonia’s life. She regularly invites Sonia to lunch, out shopping, or just around town to run errands. They spend time together and have long
conversations about anything and everything. As she spends time with Sonia, she becomes like light, showing Sonia her own life. Sonia’s heart was so moved by the love her special friend always conveyed, that Sonia asked herself, Why does she do so much for me? All that led Sonia to ask her friend one day, ”What’s different about you? Why have you hung around?” That’s the moment when a Christian makes the transition from salt and light, to witness. Do you see where I’m coming from now? Get closer to people by simply loving them. Season their lives, and show them the
light in your life. You don’t need words or sermons, just love, care, patience, and mercy. That is what being a Christian is about, that’s discipleship. That is our mission. Sonia was baptized recently as a direct result of true friendship evangelism. She soon went from being cared for to becoming a caregiver. I was the guest speaker at her church not long ago, and I saw her in a pew with a few guests she had invited. “These are my friends,” she told me. “They saw the changes in my life and asked what happened to me. I told them to come and see.” Mission accomplished.
FLAME | 5 Fall Winter 2013
School of Evangelism in North Texas
For youth and young adults who are hearing God’s call to work the harvest in these last days! January 24-26 | July 25-27 | April 25-27 | October 24-26 - Texas Conference Office For more information and to register today for the School of Evangelism in North Texas visit:
& Young Adults making ministers for the master
ministries FLAME: How much money is spent annually on Evangelism and how? Elton: The Texas Conference invests about 1.4 million dollars every year toward Evangelism. We have a strong program where one million dollars are available for churches to use for local evangelism. We also have two full-time evangelists, Lynwood Spangler and Ruben Bullon, who actively hold evangelistic meetings throughout our conference.
Elton DeMoraes and Osvaldo Rigacci
Evangelism efforts in the Texas Conference are spearheaded by Elton DeMoraes, Ministerial, Church Planting and Evangelism Director, and Osvaldo Rigacci, Hispanic Ministries and Hispanic Evangelism Director. With over 47 years of experience in ministry together, they are instrumental in passionately leading and carrying out the vision for spreading the Gospel in Texas. The dynamic between these two men is admirable, as they hail from rival countries, Brazil and Argentina. However, spend just ten minutes with them and you would easily assume they are brothers by the way they tease, help and support each other. Although they share many responsibilities, their workload is anything but light. They are both husbands and fathers and their dedication to the Lord and to the Texas Conference is evident in all they do. Although they are often travelling or busy working between projects, FLAME had an opportunity to catch up with them to discuss Evangelism.
FLAME: How has leading out in Evangelism influenced your life? Osvaldo: Being involved with Evangelism, among so many other administrative responsibilities, is like working in a small oasis. Few things are as wonderful as being connected to individuals who are searching for God and yearning for salvation. Elton: It has significantly impacted my life. I believe Jesus is coming soon! However, it has become very difficult to evangelize. There
are more than 20 million people in Texas that still need to hear about the second coming of Jesus, so the challenge is enormous. Only through the power of the Holy Spirit, working together with pastors and lay leaders, will we be able to fulfill the gospel commission. FLAME: What does Evangelism actually mean? Elton: Evangelism, in the pure sense of the word, means directly presenting the truth to a person who does not know it and inviting them to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In today’s society, one of the best ways to share our faith is in the context of relationships. As a matter of fact, sharing faith through relationships was, and is still, the most effective way of spreading the gospel message. The Lord created us to live together because we need each other. He wants this community of faith to make a difference in the world by sharing their faith and love. FLAME: When you think of Evangelism, what comes to mind as far as its effect on you or your family growing up? Osvaldo: For me, it is simply the Lord’s plan of salvation for each of us. Elton: For us, it was a way of life and we were always looking for creative ways to connect with others and invite them to church. I remember my mom inviting my friends to our house for worship on Fridays. At the end of the evening she always made it a point to invite them to church with us the next day. Many times they said yes. Other times they said no. But, she would invite them anyway. Through my parents’ example, relational evangelism definitely played a role in my life and later, my ministry.
FLAME: What does the Texas Conference offer local churches to empower them to do Evangelism effectively? Osvaldo: One of our priorities as a department is to train and equip church members to fulfill the calling and mission the Lord has entrusted us with. Three different bilingual training programs, Evangelism Training, Elders’ Training and Church Leaders’ Training, are held each year in the five different areas of the Texas Conference. Participants receive books and resources to mentor them along the way. Additionally, our evangelists, Ruben Bullon and Lynwood Spangler, instruct and inspire members through seminars that encourage “friendship evangelism.” FLAME: Why is Evangelism training important? Osvaldo: These training sessions provide essential information on being dedicated Christians and enlarging the kingdom of God. Additionally, they have been put together to incorporate almost every area of church ministry. Topics range from children and youth evangelism to marketing and promoting ministries and evangelistic events. If you haven’t been to a workshop yet, we highly recommend you join us for Evangelism Training at the location nearest you in February or March 2014. (see advertisement on opposite page) FLAME: How does an Evangelistic mindset affect other ministries in the church? Osvaldo: Providing our local church a philosophy and perspective based on mission and evangelism positively influences every area in which we work because it gives meaning and purpose to our journey on earth. At the same time, it helps us stay focused on our reason for existing as a church, as well as launches us toward the second coming of Jesus and the eternal life He gives.
FLAME | 7 Fall Winter 2013
ADVENTIST WORLD CHURCH TO MEET IN SAN ANTONIO IN 2015 By Ansel Oliver, Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters Assistant Communication Director GENERAL CONFERENCE SESSION is a global spiritual gathering and business meeting of the Seventh-day Adventist world church. From July 2-11, 2015, tens of thousands of church members from around the globe will meet in San Antonio for the 60th Session since the Adventist Church was founded in 1863. GC Session is the forum for electing world church officers and voting changes to the church's Constitution. In the evenings, delegates and visitors hear reports from each of the church’s 13 world divisions and are treated to musical performances highlighting the world’s numerous cultural styles. GC Session is also an
Contest Winners
opportunity for members to impact the community by participating in a variety of service projects. “We’re excited to have the 2015 GC Session in San Antonio,” says George Egwakhe, GC Session manager and an associate treasurer at the Adventist Church world headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. “San Antonio offers great venues and hotels for the world church to have this international meeting.” Though it’s not yet known what specifically will be on the business agenda, it’s expected that topics will include the theology of ordination and the church’s belief on origins. The 2015 GC Session will be held in San Antonio’s Alamodome. While early GC Sessions were held in churches or small auditoriums, modern-day GC Sessions are typically held in domes in the U.S., Canada or Europe. Few
other venues on the planet offer the four amenities that church administrators require for the global gathering: 1. Seating for 70,000 attendees with an adjacent convention center 2. Venue support staff that speak English – the official business language of the church 3. Reliable and cost-effective transportation 4. Food safety for a large group. All are invited to attend GC Session, held July 2-11, 2015. For more information, see the GC Session webpage at 2015.gcsession.org
FLAME Photography Contest The Spring 2013 FLAME invited readers to participate in a Photography Contest and we received a lot of great entries! Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their talent with us. View all of the photography entries on the Texas Conference Facebook page at Facebook.com/Texas Adventist. The Photography Contest winners are listed below by category:
Nature/Landscape/Architecture: ANTHONY GRANADINO
FLAME Writing Contest Special thanks to Sharon Leukert, Donald Moy and Linda Paschen for submitting entries to the Writing Contest. Unfortunately, due to a lack of entries, we were not able to properly determine winners for this contest.
Setting the Bar :
Adventist Education in the Rio Grande Valley By Jason Busch, FLAME Editor and Texas Conference Assistant Communication Director
IN 1937, A GROUP OF DOCTORS SET OUT FOR THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY with the hope of bringing a medical missionary mindset to the people of South Texas. While this goal was accomplished, its side effect went beyond anything they could have imagined, and in that same year the first Seventh-day Adventist school in South Texas materialized. Valley Grande Adventist Academy quickly established itself as one of the preeminent private, Christian schools in the area by offering an affordable, first-rate education. "VGAA has a rich history of providing strong academic and spiritual education in the Rio Grande Valley,” said Bill Reinke, Texas Conference Superintendent of Schools. “I have been impressed by the number of alumni who have told their stories of how they owe a great deal of their success to their experiences at VGAA. That tradition of quality Adventist education continues today.” Many graduates find success in their career fields, but numerous alumni are discovering their passion for Adventist education and commit to it long-term. Kisha Norris, VGAA Class of 1998, also graduated from Southwestern Adventist University. After college, Kisha worked at Burton Adventist Academy before returning to Southwestern to work in the Advancement Department. She would go on to work for Loma Linda University before moving to Alabama, where she now serves as Executive Director of Advancement and Development at Oakwood University. Kisha describes how she found a home in the field of Adventist education: “I wish that I could say that I have consciously chosen to stay in Adventist education, but I feel that this line of work has chosen me. When I think about the numerous
sacrifices that my mom endured to keep me in Adventist education, I feel that my choice to work in the same area is my tribute to her and the investment she made for my future.” Valley Grande Adventist Academy isn’t the only school that’s setting the bar so high in the Valley anymore. Though VGAA was the first Adventist school in the area, newer institutions like South Texas Christian Academy in McAllen and Harlingen Adventist Elementary School are proving that parents are attracted to the idea of a great Christian education for their children. With close to 450 students between the three schools, that message couldn’t be any clearer. “We champion the belief that our students should be held to the highest academic standards, instead of settling for less than their best,” said Jason Stirewalt, STCA Vice-Principal. “But we also seek to prepare students for a life of Christian service that doesn't end with high school graduation.” In the lives of parents and students, that spiritual environment makes a significant difference. “I taught in the public school system for 30 years," said Trini Torres, VGAA Principal. "To me, a spiritual environment is a great strength and we at Valley Grande are utilizing this to the fullest." The reason to commit to Adventist education is different for every parent who chooses it for their children, and can often be a difficult choice to make. But, not only will this choice yield a great education, it will build a spiritual foundation that will stretch far beyond graduation.
FLAME | 9 Fall Winter 2013
living faith
Untold By Kevin Wells, Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church Senior Pastor
SOMETIMES WE HEAR A POWERFUL TESTIMONY about how God has delivered someone and we find ourselves both inspired and troubled. Our hearts are lifted as the person shares the joy and excitement that comes from a new relationship with Christ. We feel great for them but, sometimes imperceptibly, we find ourselves questioning whether or not we have a story to share. The story of the demon-possessed man in Luke 8 is one of those stories. Here we find a man who had been tormented by demons for years. So much so, that he ran around naked and lived among the tombs. No one was able to restrain him. One day this man confronted Jesus as He and his disciples arrived on the shores near the Gadarenes. Upon seeing the terrifying man many of the people fled, but not Jesus. He stood His ground and after a brief exchange with the demon, He set the man free. Verse 35 says that when the people returned to the scene they found the man, "sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind." When Jesus began to leave the area the man followed Him and begged to go with Him. However, the story tells us that Jesus sends him away saying, "Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you." You may not have personally suffered under demonic possession or experienced a situation of that dramatic caliber, but if you are in your right mind sitting at the feet of Jesus then you have a story to tell. Jesus wants you to go and tell what great things God has done for you! All of our stories are important to what God is doing to save humanity. Hebrews 11, what many consider the “Faith Chapter,” chronicles many stories of faithful worshippers of God. Some of these people, such as Samson, have dramatic life stories. However, the majority were people just like us; largely unknown and uncelebrated. What you may not have realized though is that God is still writing entries in His book of faith stories, and your story is a part of that book. Your story is one that needs to be told. This doesn’t mean you
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are required to make a large public presentation, this is as simple as sharing your experiences with your family, friends and coworkers. Our collective stories are part of a larger purpose. Because “…all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.” Hebrews 11:39-40. All of God’s people, including you, are waiting to be made perfect together! God has given you a story to tell, and believe it or not, there is someone out there waiting and needing to hear what you have to share. So get out and tell your story. Tell what great things God has done for you!
GOING AGAIN By Teri Foreman, Texas Health Huguley Fitness Center Director
DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOU’VE WAITED TOO LONG TO START A NEW REGIMEN? Do you feel you are past the point of no return? If so, let me assure you that that is a mistaken idea and we are going to correct it. The fact is, each day is a new opportunity to get up, move around and start making healthy choices. Many people, including myself, use the excuse that there just isn’t enough time to exercise or eat healthy. There will never be time if we don’t make time. All it takes is a slight shift in priorities and you’ll be back on track to a healthier you. That said, now is a great time to start over. The leaves have changed colors, the temperature has dropped, and the air feels fresh. Decide that it’s worth the time and effort to take care of yourself and you’ll feel better in no time! If you don’t know where to start, we recommend you simply make it a goal to move more today than you did yesterday. You don’t necessarily have to spend a ton of hours at a gym to get healthy. There are plenty of workout routines that can be done in the comfort of your own home, yard or neighborhood park. Grab a friend or family member and make it a group effort! Here are a few examples of a quick workout that will get your heart rate up and help you burn some of those unwanted calories*:
• 50 Jumping jacks 25 CALORIES • 15 Lunges each leg 20 CALORIES • 10 Push-ups 15 CALORIES (full or on your knees)
• 25 Squats 15 CALORIES • 30-Second plank 10 CALORIES • 15 Triceps dips 15 CALORIES (use a chair or bench)
Making a change on the inside will inevitably bubble to the surface. You will be amazed at how your outlook begins to change. You will feel better, look better and have more confidence. This can be contagious and you may find others asking to be a part of what you have. Let your light shine! *If you have knee problems, exercises can be modified. The calories burned are estimates. Actual calories burned is based on your weight, the intensity at which you perform each exercise, and how long it takes to complete.
• 50 Jump ropes 25 CALORIES
(even if you don’t have a rope you can do the motion)
This routine won’t take longer than 15 minutes. If you don’t have 15 minutes, do half in the morning and half in the afternoon. The most important thing is to get your heart pumping and your body moving. Often, when you start feeling better, you want to start eating better. There are tons of quick, healthy recipes available on the Internet. Check out resources like Epicurious, Forks Over Knives, and Pinterest for some culinary inspiration. Swap recipes with your friends and neighbors and watch your list grow. Getting your family involved in the preparation helps them invest in this lifestyle change, too.
FLAME | 11 Fall Winter 2013
family matters
“My wife and I were able to connect on a spiritual and emotional level we have never experienced before.”
Those were the sentiments of one of 115 couples that attended the Forever One Marriage Conference sponsored by the Texas Conference and the Southwestern Union. Another couple shared that the weekend conference had become the best experience they have had in their five years of marriage. The challenge of maintaining a vibrant marriage is as real for these couples as it is for any couple that desires greater intimacy in their marriage relationship. Dennis Rainey, founder of FamilyLife Ministries, suggests that one key element to successful marriages is “couples learning to discover ‘together’ what’s ultimately important in keeping their marriage thriving.” Couples that score high levels of satisfaction in their marriage relationship have intentionally committed to spending time together regularly. People in healthy and vibrant marriages have learned to increase their emotional closeness by doing things they both enjoy. As Christmas approaches and the commotion of shopping, cooking, cleaning and hosting family and friends increases, we urge every married couple to remember to take time out for themselves. Need some help? Consider these fun date night ideas this holiday:
Date Night IDEAS
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♥ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cozy Date
Spend the night in with a cup of hot chocolate and some of your favorite Christmas movies (if you don’t have any, this may be a good time to find one). Not only do holiday movies put you in the Christmas spirit, they also provide excellent opportunities for cuddling up to one another on the couch. Send the children to bed early or leave them in the care of family or a trusted friend for the night.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♥ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Life-Changing Date
Volunteering is a slightly unconventional idea for a holiday date, but don’t forget the reason for the season. Taking time to give back to others provides a joy that very few other dates offer and reminds you of God’s gift to us. Try spending an afternoon working together at a soup kitchen or stocking shelves at your local food bank.
•••••••••• ♥ •••••••••• Active Date
Nothing will keep you holding on to each other more than an ice-skating date. Whether you are an expert skater or not, enjoy the laughing, falling and shrieking as others try to stay on their feet. Relax those achy muscles in a warm bubble bath when you get home.
•••••••••• ♥ •••••••••• Tasty Date
Baking together may not be your idea of a good time, but it’s actually a terrific holiday date idea. First, it’s oriented around an activity, as the best dates usually are. Second, baking gets the two of you working together, cooperating and strengthening your bond. You could add a mission twist to this date! Bake some extra cookies, wrap them nicely and spread some cheer throughout your neighborhood.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♥ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Classical Date
For a twist of beauty, art and elegance, find out when your local symphony orchestra is performing Christmas favorites and join in style. Dress elegantly and end the evening at an upscale restaurant.
By Ruber and Ketty Leal, Texas Conference Family Ministries Coordinators
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Now, choose at least two dates that you both may enjoy, grab your calendars and pencil them in. It is important to remember to regularly carve out private time for yourself and your spouse. Need more ideas? Email us to get a list of 101 more date night ideas. Like the Forever One Marriage Conference Facebook page to stay up to date with plans for next year's retreat. Send questions and comments to FLAME@txsda.org
What says holiday cooking better than pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger? Simply mentioning them conjures thoughts of cooler weather, family gatherings, Christmas lights, and tightening waistlines. The latter could be a thing of the past with these (mostly) guilt-free pumpkin muffins!
INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • • • •
1 medium banana 1 (15-oz.) can sweet pumpkin puree 1/4 cup 100% pure maple syrup 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 cups whole oat flour 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp. ground ginger 1 cup grain-sweetened dairy-free chocolate chips
DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. In a large bowl, combine mashed banana, pumpkin puree, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. 2. In a another bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. Transfer this mixture to the other bowl and mix gently until combined. Once that’s done, mix in the chocolate chips. 3. Spoon batter into muffin cups and bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins are lightly browned. Restrain yourself for five minutes while they cool, then enjoy!
Recipe inspired by and adapted from Julieanna Hever’s Blueberry Oat Breakfast Muffins in Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health, edited by Gene Stone
Following the God of the Impossible By Jaime Perez with Kristina P. Lockhart FOR ME, EVERYTHING STARTED ON A SMALL RANCH in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. Both my mother and father longed to be parents, but unfortunately they lost four babies before I was born. As if that wasn’t enough, I was born premature. My father thought, “If the babies we lost were more robust than this one, what hope is there for this little runt?” They would lose three more children before my younger brother and sister were born. We were raised on limited resources, but there was always an abundance of love for these three tiny miracles. Over time, however, the Lord would reveal a plan that went beyond this determined little runt’s imagination. Although she didn’t know how to read or write, my mother came to know and accept Jesus as her Savior. Unfortunately, my father did not feel the same way. We never read Bible verses or had family worships. All I remember is my mother’s long prayers and the bits and pieces of hymns that she tried to teach us. A whole new experience awaited us when we left the country for the city so I could start elementary school. We found a local Seventhday Adventist church and I joined their pathfinder club when I was twelve-years-old. Among the many friends I made there was Freddy Camacho, who has been like a brother to me ever since. We were baptized together when I was 17. As a result of my faithful mother’s prayers, I made it to the Adventist university in Mexico, Universidad de Montémorelos, where I began studying theology. My father wasn’t thrilled with my decision, but he supported me since I was his little miracle. Two years into my degree, I began to lack faith about my future. In my mind, it seemed that God needed help with His plan for my life so I decided to move to the United States. Once I began working, the thought of continuing my education gradually faded. So much so that I found myself working first as a roofer, then as a cook and later a taxi cab driver. I had gotten married and we had three kids. Though my original calling had become a distant memory, God hadn’t forgotten about me. I was still actively involved in church and it was there that I met Victor Jaeger, a Texas Conference pastor. Soon after, he invited me to join him on a trip to Chile—the trip that would change my life. I accepted his invitation to sing for each meeting and started making preparations. A
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few weeks later though, Pastor Jaeger told me he wouldn’t be able to make the trip. I was worried this meant I wouldn’t be going either. Then he did something that I’ll never forget: He asked me to go in his place… as an evangelist! I rejected the thought of going from singer to evangelist, but it made me restless. That night I cried and prayed until I knew what I had to do. God was giving me this opportunity and I couldn’t decline it. In Chile, we were able to witness God working miraculously in people’s lives. I returned to Texas with renewed vigor. Shortly afterward, Pastor Victor Collins, a retired evangelist and pastor, invited me to carry out two evangelistic meetings with him. The opportunities to preach kept coming, and my friends and a few pastors began encouraging me to finish my theology degree. It had been 14 years since I had left school; going back now, as a thirty-something-year-old, seemed like an impossible feat. I contacted Universidad de Montemorelos and was told that I had only a few days to reenroll or I’d lose all of my passed course credits. This was the key moment—it was now or never. I decided to follow the path that the Lord was clearing for me and I enrolled in two online classes. Soon, I faced another challenge. In order to finish my degree I had to take classes in person, something I would not be able to do during the school year. Determined, I found that another Adventist university in Mexico,
Universidad Linda Vista, was offering the exact classes I needed during their summer program. I enrolled and took classes for three summers and in 2009, my ‘impossible feat’ became a reality. After 17 years, I graduated with a degree in theology. Even with my degree, the doors of ministry didn’t open like I expected them to, and after three years as a volunteer pastor’s assistant and full-time cab driver, I started to get anxious. I was nearly 40-years-old and the opportunity to work for a church still hadn’t presented itself. Finally, I got an invitation to pastor a district in Chiapas, Mexico. It was the perfect situation, since that was my home state and I even had family there! That afternoon I shared the good news with my wife, but her response was incredibly deflating. “No, we are not going,” she told me. “Neither our kids nor I.” I understood that she was worried about the safety of our family. I knew the crime rate and violence in Mexico had gotten worse every year. Even though the arguments were valid, it was a huge letdown. I felt that all the effort and patience I had given had been in vain. The much-anticipated opportunity had arrived and I would have to decline it. We would not be going back to Mexico. In my sadness and desperation I cried out to the God who had guided me along the way. I wanted to trust in Him, but I was disheartened. After two depressing days, I received a phone call from Osvaldo Rigacci, Hispanic Ministries Director for the Texas Conference, the headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Texas. They invited me to pastor a church on a small stipend. So many trials, so much effort and all those tears were now bearing
fruit. The salary didn’t’ matter—I was one step closer to my dream! I accepted the invitation in the Fall of 2012 and began working as a pastor. A few months later, I was hired as a part-time pastor, in charge of a district that included a new group and two churches. Finally, I was accomplishing what I had so desired. Working together with the members and leaders, that district has now grown by over 50 percent. It’s incredible how the Lord has worked in my life and how He has blessed my family. After 30 long years of persistent prayer on my mother’s behalf, my father accepted Jesus. My oldest son is a theology major at Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, Texas. From his earthly father he learned that his Heavenly Father’s plans are bigger and more complex than we can fathom, and that one must trust and follow Him. Although the future seemed uncertain at times, it’s clear that God was always guiding my path. I can honestly say that it’s never too late to pursue a degree, nor are you ever too old to get an education and accomplish your dreams. The Lord simply looks for people who are willing and promises to provide the resources and opportunities. It is up to us to take the first step; God has already prepared the way. Are you willing? I was, and I don’t plan on stopping here. The God of the impossible is already preparing the next step of my ministry and a path towards a postgraduate degree. What path has He prepared for you? Regardless of the challenge, know that if He’s leading the way then it will be greater than you can imagine.
"Though my original calling had become a distant memory, God hadn't forgotten about me."
Jaime Perez pastors the Denton Spanish group, Irving Emmanuel Spanish and Lewisville Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Churches. Kristina P. Lockhart is the FLAME Managing Editor and Texas Conference Associate Communication Director.
FLAME | 15 Fall Winter 2013
Bringing Hope To The
Community By Makala Coleman, FLAME Contributor
NEVER HAS A BACK DOOR BEEN SO POPULAR as that of the Cleburne Seventh-day Adventist Church. It’s all because of the Hope Clinic, a non-profit organization run from the old fellowship hall of the Cleburne Church. Each weekday it opens its doors to the uninsured, providing for their medical needs. “Our purpose is to follow the example of Christ and do good,” said Tony Torres, founder of the clinic and retired Cleburne Church pastor. “We don’t expect anything in return. We just want to help the community.” Texas has the highest rate of uninsured people in the United States. According to The New York Times, 25% of Texans were uninsured in 2012*. Since the Hope Clinic got its start in 2006, it has helped thousands of uninsured Johnson County residents with nowhere else to go. “These people have no way to take care of themselves,” said Torres. “We wanted to fill that need, to fill a gap.” “It’s a blessing to see the impact this clinic makes on the lives of people,” said Diane Wescott, clinic director. “We have more patients than we can see, but we do what we can.” The Hope Clinic is open half-days on Monday through Friday, depending on when volunteers are available. For five dollars a visit, the clinic offers any medical or dental service, including medication and x-rays. “When I started getting high blood pressure, I knew I couldn’t afford a doctor,” said one Hope Clinic patient. “I remember waiting in line at the Hope Clinic, thinking they wouldn’t be able to help me. They not only gave me medication, but they also referred me to another doctor that could help me, free of charge.” Volunteers at the clinic include doctors, nurses, students and community members. Not all are Seventh-day Adventists, but all have a heart for service. Once a year, Baylor University sends students to do part of their internship at the clinic. Nursing students of Southwestern Adventist University also visit the clinic during their studies. "In school we often learn a lot of stuff before we know why it's important,” said Robert Drapiza, dental hygiene student and past volunteer. “But my experience at the Hope Clinic showed me the need before I knew how to help. This motivated me to learn as much as I could while I was there, and gave me a purpose for pursuing higher
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education." The Hope clinic is an independent non-profit who does not depend legally on our organization. However, the Cleburne Church does its best to reach those in spiritual need who visit the clinic. “I go once a week to talk and pray with people who are waiting,” said Harley Charles, Cleburne Church pastor. “I let them know, ‘hey there’s a church here. If you need prayer, or help with anything, we’re available.’” “We did not plan for the clinic to be this successful,” said Torres. “It just happened. The community supported the clinic and our image in the community has changed. Now the church and the clinic are seen as a positive and open place in the community.”
* New York Times Opinion Pages, Uninsured in Texas and Florida. September 4, 2013
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Texas Family
Boyan Levterov
Boyan is a church planter and pastor of the Crosswalk Fellowship Seventhday Adventist Church in Frisco, near North Dallas. He is happily married to Viara and they have a daughter named Nathalia and a son named Timmy. Boyan was born in the village of Tzalapitza in Southern Bulgaria. His father was a pastor during the Communist era. They were later transferred to the city of Targovishte where he spent the next 16 years of his life. One of his favorite childhood memories includes Boyan and his brother preaching a joint sermon, followed by leading out in communion for the first time with water and chocolates. Boyan's father is his role model because he taught him how to practice what he believes in and have fun doing it.
18 | FLAME Fall Winter 2013
Sonia Cano
Ryan attended Southwestern Adventist University, where he started dating Mandy, who later became his wife. Ryan serves as producer of the Younger Generation Church at the Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church– something he loves to do because of his passion to minister to young adults. One of his favorite childhood memories was a trip with a mentor to Oshkosh, WI for the world’s largest air show. He loved it because he always wanted to be a pilot. Today, one of his hobbies is flying airplanes. One thing he says he can’t live without is his laptop. Ryan strongly believes that, as individuals, we have to serve the needs of each community. He tries to do this by removing barriers, focusing on the goal, and giving the complete glory to Jesus Christ.
and leaders across the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Our Texas Family Spotlight this issue features individuals from the North and East Texas region.
By Saul Flores and Angela Mangueira, FLAME Contributors
Sonia has been happily married to her husband Amilcar for 23 years. They have three children: two 20-year-old twin daughters and a 19-yearold son. Her favorite childhood memory is spending summer breaks with her grandmother. As a child, Sonia dreamed of becoming a reporter on television. As an adult however, her efforts have been dedicated to caring for the elderly. Sonia is a Children’s Ministry leader at the Alvarado Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church. She believes that being a Seventh-day Adventist is a way of life and living it brings peace and tranquility, and opens you up to a worldwide family.
Morgan is a senior at Jefferson Christian Academy in East Texas. She is the second of three children who have been raised in Jefferson. At a young age, Morgan wanted to be a veterinarian, but now feels that her experience in clerical work has shifted her interests toward a career in Nursing or hospital administration. She is the yearbook editor and student association president and says that without God’s strong influence she couldn’t manage the load. She enjoys singing and playing soccer and basketball. She is looking forward to showcasing her skills at the Music Fest and Hoops tournament events hosted by Southwestern Adventist University. Morgan attends Jefferson Academy Seventh-day Adventist Church and feels it is important to maintain a youth-oriented mindset. She looks up to her grandfather, who has worked hard to support her and her siblings through school.
Morgan Marie Capps
Ryan Gil
This section highlights a few of our church members
Danilo Delatorre
Danilo was born and raised in the Philippines. As a child, he dreamed of becoming an industrial management engineer, but God chose him to be a computer system administrator for a manufacturing company. Danilo and his parents were the only Seventh-day Adventists in his family and because of this, he remembers life being a struggle and a blessing at the same time. He loves photography and mountain biking, and in his free time he leads out in youth activities at his church. His wife is a registered nurse and his children are currently studying nursing. Delatorre feels that he cannot live without the faith of God, because without it, life makes no sense. Through the years he has been involved in many areas of church, and has been the Pathfinder Club Director for the Dallas-Fort Worth Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church for the last five years.
Luis Rojas
Luis wanted to grow up to be a singer like the ones he’d seen on television. But when he heard the voice of God calling him to be a minister, he didn’t hesitate to obey. Luis has three daughters named Mavis, Lizned, and Michelle, and he's been married to Luz Myriam for 28 years. He has visited 13 countries and has moved 23 times nationwide and internationally. Luis is the pastor of the Oak Cliff Spanish Seventh-day Adventist church and believes Jesus is coming soon, so we have to do everything we can to reach out to our communities. He does this by developing leaders in his church who have a vision to serve and lead by example. This is very important to Luis, because for him there’s no greater joy than to see people baptized and develop their own walk with God.
Keren grew up in California and later moved to Arlington, Texas. She has been traveling since she was four years-old, visiting countries from Italy to Australia. A visit to New Zealand made her fall in love with the countryside. She has wanted to be a pediatrician since she was in kindergarten, and it is still her goal in life. As an assistant manager at Little Caesar’s Pizza, she spends time befriending her coworkers and sharing her faith in God with them. Keren admires her father and his love of traveling, as well as Dr. Ben Carson, renowned Adventist neurosurgeon, for his determination to overcome the odds and take hold of his own destiny. She is a member of the Arlington North Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church where she is a Master Guide and Youth Ministries leader. She believes helping and teaming up with local organizations can help positively impact the community.
Keren Lee Ruiz
Stephan Gray
Stephan recalls being a so-called Army brat. He grew up in Okinawa and Panama in a Panamanian/ Afro-American home and attended high school in Houston. His fondest memories are of potluck picnics after church at a park that overlooked the Panama Canal. He remembers lunch with church members singing his favorite song, “Day is Dying in the West.” He loves traveling and camping and wants to visit the San Blas Islands off the coast of Panama one day because he’s captivated by Molas, a traditional Panamanian art form. Stephan followed through on his dream of becoming a teacher and today he is the Director of Student Services at the North Dallas Adventist Academy. He considers his international students his heroes because they travel across the world to learn English away from family and friends. He’s also a member of the Richardson Seventhday Adventist Church where he teaches Sabbath School. He believes that the philosophies of life with God are expressed in the Sabbath School setting.
FLAME | 19 Fall Winter 2013
God's Favorite
Picture By Alfredo Vergel, Southwestern Adventist University Public Services and Special Collections Librarian, Ellen White Research Center Interim Director
“DADDY, MA’S GOT A PICTURE OF HARLON’S KEISTER IN THE PAPER!” That’s Hollywood’s version of how Ed junior broke the unbelievable news to his father. Belle Block had identified her son, Harlon Block, as the first marine from right to left in the iconic Iwo Jima flag-raising photograph. The Blocks had lived in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas for about a quarter of a century. Somehow Ed, who in his bones was a farmer, had managed to convince his wife to leave San Antonio to live off the land in the Valley. Not long after their move, Belle, who in her heart of hearts would have rather lived somewhere else, found an anchor in the Adventist message. The Adventist faith itself was new in the Valley area. A large migration wave caused by irrigation, the railroad and land speculation had brought a sprinkle of isolated Adventist families to the floodplain of the Rio Grande. Determined to work not only the fertile land, but also their neighbors’ hearts, these believers made inroads and drew the attention of the then South Texas Conference officials to the budding field. In McAllen, near where the Blocks lived, Elder O. J. Corwin and his wife’s remarkable work resulted in the organization of a 24-member church in less than a year. That was in 1923; nearly a full year before the Block’s third child, Harlon, was born. The next decade would witness the organization of congregations in Edinburg, Harlingen, and Mercedes. In 1937 Valley Grande Academy came to fruition through the sacrifice and dedication of three brothers-in-law with a vision and passion for Adventist education in the Valley: Dr. Joseph DeWitt, Dr. Herbert Westphall and Dr. Earl Reed. The Blocks made a concerted effort to put their children through church school, even through the Great Depression. One of Dr. DeWitt’s children, Lyndon DeWitt, 84, remembers going to school and playing with the Block children. “Edward Block, Harlon’s older brother, was one of the students in the first graduating class at Valley Grande Academy,” he recalls. A couple of unfortunate run-ins with the principal resulted in Harlon’s dismissal from the school during his sophomore year. Belle was aghast at the prospect of sending him to the local public school, but Harlon actually looked forward to it. By then they had moved to Weslaco, where Harlon steadily drifted from his Adventist upbringing as he became a star in Weslaco High’s football team. Lured into enlisting in the marines as an excuse for having skipped school with a group of his football teammates, he went to war in the Pacific during World War II. Back in town during a brief furlough, he wrestled with the idea of going back to the trenches. What he had witnessed and experienced on the battlefield had shattered the naïve ideals he once may have had about war. Desperate for a divine sign on what to do, he would venture into the swamps of the Rio Grande
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reasoning that if he got malaria, that would be a sure sign God wanted him to stay. The sign never came. Four days after landing on Iwo Jima, Corporal Block’s patrol had reached the summit of Mount Suribachi, where photographer Joe Rosenthal took what has been dubbed the best picture ever taken. Six men raised an American Flag on the summit and he captured the moment in his Pulitzer Prize winning photograph, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. Three of those men would be dead within a month. Harlon was one of them. Harlon did not fully shed the Adventist principles he grew up with. To his high school buddies he sometimes came across as naïve, shy and prudish. According to his high school sweetheart, Catherine Pierce, they dated but “never so much as held hands.” The last time they saw each other was during his last furlough. He visited Catherine in Keene, Texas where she was a senior in the academy at Southwestern Junior College and he revealed to her that he thought he would not be coming back after his next tour. He had told a number of family members and friends the same thing. Sensitive to being branded a killer, and with a remerged sense of the timelessness of God’s Commandments, he still fulfilled the duty he had committed to. According to Elder M. H. Jensen, the pastor at the Weslaco Adventist Church at the time and friend of the Block family, “the last picture taken of Harlon shows him standing with a group of worshipers with his head bowed in prayer. This was only a few minutes before his life was taken.” Personally, I’d like to think that’s the picture that counts for the Lord.
kidz korner
Toys and Cookies
for Others By Emilie Valencia, Grandma’s Helper and Cheerful Volunteer
Here is some stuff to do when you get bored. Some you can do on your own, but you need permission and help from an adult for others.
1. MAKE YOUR OWN ORNAMENTS. Most craft stores like Hobby Lobby, Michael’s or even Walmart have kits to decorate your own set of ornaments. You can also recycle old ornaments and give them a facelift. Be creative! 2. BAKE CHRISTMAS COOKIES. Follow a sugar cookie recipe, use holiday cookie cutters and bake. Then use colored icing to make designs or add holiday colored sprinkles. 3. GO CAMPING IN YOUR LIVING ROOM. Have a small tent? Set it up in the living room and toss in pillows and sleeping bags. No tent? No problem! Get help hanging some sheets to build your shelter. Microwave s’mores? Yes, please! 4. SHARE YOUR HOT COCOA. There are lots of people who help out in our neighborhoods during the winter. Why not make some hot cocoa for your crossing guard at school, the guys who pick up the trash or the mailman? 5. SEND HOLIDAY CARDS TO THE TROOPS. Pick out or make holiday cards and send some cheer to our military. The Red Cross will deliver cards to military service members and veterans. Cards must be postmarked by December 6th. Get guidelines and information at RedCross.org/support/get-involved/ holiday-mail-for-heroes
Last year for Christmas, Grandma, Grandpa and I wrapped gifts at the Grandview Adventist Church toy store. The church set up the toy store as a part of their food bank. When people visited the food bank, they were able to pick up Christmas presents for their kids too! We had lots of fun wrapping so many presents. I would even put my finger on the ribbon so Grandma could finish tying the bow on all the presents. We had lots of gifts to wrap, and in all shapes and sizes. While the parents picked out presents, the kids got to decorate stockings and cupcakes. It was fun and they had smiles on their faces. I liked that Grandma’s church did this for the kids and their parents and it made me happy to see them all so happy. We had so much fun helping with the toy store that wanted to do it again this year. Grandma, my sister and I went shopping for toys that we could donate to kids at the toy store. We saw block sets, baby dolls, lots of games, and toys for boys. It was hard to pick out just one toy because there were so many to choose from— I couldn’t make up my mind! My sister suggested checking out the arts and crafts and I finally spotted a heart-shaped jewelry box that you can color. I want to give a toy because when you give, it makes you happy and it makes the recipient happy too. Another thing I love to do at Christmas time is making sugar cookies with Grandma. I get to pour the ingredients into the bowl while Grandma turns on the mixer. We roll out the dough and cut out the shapes with cookie cutters. We have an angel, a star, gingerbread man, candle, rocking horse, and snow man. It’s a lot to choose from. The best part is decorating the cookies! We add frosting, sprinkles and colored sugar. They look and taste yummy! We usually keep all of the cookies at home for our family, but last year I asked Grandma if we could take them to the assisted living place in our neighborhood. We went door-to-door asking the residents if they would like a cookie. They were surprised and happy that we had taken them cookies. We gave most of them away and it made me feel really good to share the cookies. Jesus gave us the best gift ever when He came to earth as a little baby. He did that because He loves us so much. Jesus wants us to love others that much too! We can show other people Jesus’ love by sharing things like toys and cookies. It makes them happy, it makes us happy and it makes Jesus happy too! What can you do for others this year that will make Jesus happy?
Do you have a story? share it with us! send us your story and we may use it in the “kidz korner” of the next FLaME issue! Email stories, 400 words or less, to FLaME@txsda.org
The distance between Nazareth and Bethlehem was about 80 miles. That’s about the distance from Austin to San Antonio. Mary and Joseph walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register for the census that had been decreed by Caesar Augustos, right before Jesus was born. Today it takes less than 2 hours to drive 80 miles. But, back then it probably took them a week or longer to make that trip, considering they were walking and Mary was pregnant.
Jesus was probably born in the summer or early fall. Luke 2 tells us there were shepherds living out in the fields, watching over their flock at night, when the angel appeared and told them the Savior Jesus had been born. Shepherds don’t watch their flock in the fields at night during the winter because it is too cold. They stay out with their sheep when the weather is nice.
Spirit-Led by Being
Spirit-Fed By William Kilgore, D.Min., Southwestern Adventist University, Professor of Religion
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 NIV WHAT DOES SPIRIT-LED LEADERSHIP LOOK LIKE IN THE CHURCH TODAY? Luke opens the book of Acts where he left off in his gospel account, Jesus eating with his disciples (Luke 24:40-43, Acts 1:4). Whereas the meal at the end of the Gospel of Luke was used to demonstrate that Jesus was real after the resurrection, Luke uses the meal in Acts 1 to explain the role of the Holy Spirit. Just as water baptism launched the ministry of Jesus at the hands of John the Baptist, now the baptism of the Holy Spirit becomes the necessary ingredient at the beginning of the disciples’ ministries. One of the clearest examples of this nature of the Holy Spirit’s work is seen in the events in Acts 8. Simon, who practiced sorcery, saw the impact of the Holy Spirit on his life and those in his community. And, after his conversion he asked to be able to buy the ability to give the Spirit (8:18-19). Peter’s rebuke of Simon explains several important principles about those led by the Spirit. Are they clear to us today? FIRST, man does not control God’s Spirit. It is not for sale to be marketed for human profit (8:20). The Holy Spirit is poured out for the mission field, not the marketplace. SECOND, the Holy Spirit works from the inside out. Peter was quick to identify Simon’s problem when he said, “your heart is not right before God” (8:21). The greatest miracles that were performed in Samaria were not simply the Holy Spirit working through Phillip to cast out evil spirits and heal paralytics and cripples (8:7), but the changed hearts that repented and requested baptism (8:12-13). THIRD, the Holy Spirit continues to minister God’s forgiveness even in the midst of failure. Peter did not tell Simon he was lost and without hope for making such a selfish request, but rather “repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart” (8:22). The Spirit’s work in Acts 8, as in the entire book of Acts, is to build the kingdom of God and humble the ego of man. Just as the Spirit gave Phillip power to perform miracles in order to do public
22 | FLAME Fall Winter 2013
evangelism in a Samaritan City steeped in sorcery, the same Spirit arranged for Phillip to give a personal Bible study in the desert with a head of state before the chapter ends. The results were the same in both incidents; precious souls were added to the kingdom of God. Spirit-led leadership is manifested by humility in the heart of the believer and growth in the body of Christ. The two go hand-in-hand. Ellen White, respected author and Adventist pioneer, understood and pinpointed the heart of a Spirit-led life in her book, The Desire of Ages, “We shall understand that the value of our work does not consist in making a show and noise in the world, and in being active and zealous in our own strength. The value of our work is in proportion to the impartation of the Holy Spirit.” What about you? Are you Spirit-led and Spirit-fed?
on the shelf
FLAME | 23 Fall Winter 2013
Simple Ways
to MAXIMIZE your budget this
Holiday Season By Gordon Botting, DrPH, CHES, Pacific Union Conference Stewardship Director
STICKER SHOCK. It seems that every time you walk into a supermarket or a retail store, you see that the prices of everyday items are not going up a few cents every year, but a few cents every week. Food prices are higher than ever, yet wages are struggling to keep up. What is one to do with such inflation at the supermarket? To gain an edge this holiday season and throughout next year, try these strategies:
Two for the price of one come-ons tend to make you believe you are buying one item and getting the other free. Remember, it is no bargain if you don’t want or need more than one of those particular items.
[Best Self-Defense]
Ask the clerk or store manager if you can purchase just one at the special price. You’ll be surprised that they will often grant your request.
The displays at the end of each isle are there because 30 percent of shoppers tend to purchase them. However, while they may have great signs that say “Stock-up today”, “Bargain, Bargain, Bargain!” or “Same great price you have always expected!”; they often are not the fabulous deals they seem.
[Best Self-Defense]
Buy those end-gap deals only if you know they are something you need, not just because it looks like a terrific bargain. Remember, if you get it for half off but you don’t need that item, it is not a bargain. Also, beware of expensive items that are placed together like a recipe. Often one item that is in season, such as strawberries, will be placed with two other more expensive items, such as shortcake and whipped cream, to make the customer think, “Why not have strawberry shortcake for dessert this evening?” Manufacturers often pay for those prime display locations. Always compare the prices in the main isles where products have to compete against each other.
Customers who routinely make quick trips every day or so to their local supermarket tend to spend more than those who go once a week. Let’s say that each time you shop you impulsively spend an
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extra $10 on unnecessary items. This impulsive spending could add up to $120 per month if you shop three times a week, compared to $40 a month if you shop only once a week.
[Best Self-Defense]
Keep a shopping necessity sheet on your refrigerator and have every member of the family add the items that they need. And remember, planning your meal menus for the week and listing the ingredients you need assists in making the right buys.1 While you and I cannot change the prices of the goods we purchase, we can change our buying habits. With a strategic plan and a little creativity, together we can keep the lid on out-of-control price tags and become savvy shoppers in the process. Excerpt reprinted from The Stewpot, the Stewardship newsletter produced by the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. 1Concepts taken from “Sneaky Supermarket Come-ons”, Phil Lempert, Bottom Line/Personal, September 15, 2008, page 7.
Events DECEMBER 6-8 ||
Hispanic Men’s Ministry Retreat at Camp Hoblitzelle in Midlothian.
7-8 || Women’s Ministries
Level 2 Certification Training Houston area at the Houston First Fil-Am Church.
1-2 || Women’s Ministries
Level 2 Certification Training San Antonio area at the San Antonio Laurel Heights Church.
6-9 || Southwestern Union
Young Adult Ski Trip in Ruidoso, New Mexico.
7-8 || Spanish Women’s
Ministries Level 1 Certification Training Valley area at the Mission Spanish Church.
8 || Evangelism Training
Austin area.
25 ||
ACS Valley Area Meeting at the McAllen Spanish Valley Central Church.
26 || ACS Disaster Response Donations Operations Training Valley area at the McAllen Spanish Valley Central Church.
FEBRUARY 1 || Evangelism Training Valley area.
26 | FLAME Fall Winter 2013
22 || Evangelism Training San Antonio area.
8 ||
ACS Dallas Area Meeting at the Garland Faith Church.
9 ||
ACS Disaster Response Donations Operations Training Dallas area at the Garland Faith Church.
15 || ACS Laredo Area Meeting at the Laredo Church.
16 ||
ACS Disaster Response Donations Operations Training Laredo area at the Laredo Church.
20 ||
7th & 8th Grade Music Fest at Southwestern Adventist University.
8 || Evangelism Training DFW-East Texas area.
15 ||
Evangelism Training Houston area.
16-21 || Youth
22 || ACS San Antonio Area Meeting at the San Antonio Highland Hills Church.
23 || ACS Disaster Response Donations Operations Training San Antonio area at the San Antonio Highland Hills Church.
28 ||
Planting Rally San Antonio Area at the San Antonio Scenic Hills Church.
Department School of Evangelism at the Texas Conference office.
Ministries Level 3 Certification Training Valley Area at the Weslaco Church.
Spanish Women’s Ministries Level 1 Certification Training San Antonio area at the San Antonio Valley View Church.
17-18 || SEEDS Church
24-26 || SENT Youth
21-23 || Women’s
Department Mission Trip at Lake Whitney Ranch.
21-23 || Youth Fest at Lake Whitney Ranch.
30 ||
A Night at the Meyerson Southwestern music festival at the Meyerson Symphony Orchestra Center in Dallas.
MARCH 2 ||
ACS East Texas Area Meeting at the Jefferson Academy Church.
3 ||
ACS Disaster Response Donations Operations Training East Texas area at the Jefferson Academy Church.
7-9 || Women’s Ministries
Level 3 Certification Training Austin area at the Austin Stonehill Church.
Want more info? Registration, information and more events on the Texas Conference website at TexasAdventist.org
advent movement
FLAME A publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Texas. Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists P.O. Box 800 Alvarado, TX 76009 Phone: (817) 790-2255 www.TexasAdventist.org
ADVENT Employees of the Adventist Church often change leadership positions and areas of responsibility. This section is to help you keep up with who’s where in Texas.
Jennifer Scott: Senior Pastor
David Clark: Associate Pastor
Hadiel Perugorria:
Keene Church
Killeen Church
Art Preuss: Associate Pastor Burleson Church
James Milam: Pastor
Associate Pastor McAllen Spanish Valley Central Church
Richard Rose: Pastor
Santos Medrano: Pastor
McAllen Spanish Valley Central Church
Rusk, Elkhart, Mineola and Athens Churches
San Antonio Spanish Bynum and San Antonio Spanish Marbach Churches
Deivi Garcia: Associate Pastor
Steve Im: Associate Pastor Fairview Mosaic Church
James Omwenga: Pastor
Houston International Church
Javier Vazquez: Pastor San Juan Spanish, Alamo Spanish, and Weslaco Churches
Irving Living Springs Nigerian, Dallas New Life Churches
Sergio Balboa: Pastor
Adrian Solis: Pastor
Harlingen Spanish, Mercedes Spanish, and Donna Spanish Churches
Marshall, Linden, Marietta, New Hope, and Atlanta Churches
Paulo Tenorio: Associate Pastor Austin Spanish First Church
Pablo Carrizo: Pastor Mission Spanish North, Sullivan City Spanish, Zapata Spanish, and Rio Grande City Spanish Churches
Publisher..............................................Carlos Craig Managing Editor ......................Kristina P. Lockhart Editor .................................................. Jason Busch Layout Design...............................Tammy G. Prieto Translation Coordination ........Kristina P. Lockhart
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Texas Health Huguley Hospital Southwestern Adventist University Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church Ruber and Ketty Leal
ADMINISTRATION President ..............................................Carlos Craig Secretary ............................................... Gary Brady Treasurer .....................................Edwin G. Romero
Enoc Garcia: Associate Pastor
Garland Spanish and Mesquite Spanish Churches
PRINTING & MAILING Director ..........................................Mario Ledezma Pressman ......................................... Miguel Gomez Designer ..................................... Madelein Terreros Print Shop Assistant............................Doug Denny Administrative Assistant ..................Erica Manzano
America Murillo: Statistical Data and Membership Clerk Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Miguel Gomez: Pressman Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
The FLAME is a publication of inspiration and education of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It is sent free of charge to all members of the Texas Conference on a quarterly basis. All others may request an annual subscription for a fee of $10.00. It is our prayer that you will find the stories in these pages inspiring and empowering so that together we can share the flame of Christ's love with those around us, both in Texas and beyond. If you have questions or comments, please email: flame@txsda.org
Scott Stuart: Undertreasurer Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
FLAME | 27 Fall Winter 2013
TXCSDA FLAME P.O. Box 800 Alvarado, TX 76009
Friday, January 17 ~ 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sabbath, January 18 ~ 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Scenic Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church 11223 Bandera Rd., San Antonio, TX 78250
Ron E. M. Clouzet
Director NADEI Author and Evangelist
Tom Evans
Associate Director NADEI Church Planting, Coaching, and NCD
Johnny Wong
Church Planter Gateway Adventist Training Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Gary Gibbs
Director Ministries Development Chesapeake Conference
Brittany Harwood
Assistant Communication/ Education ManitobaSaskatchewan Conference
Michael Simpson
Director Church Planting and Personal Ministries, North England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, United Kingdom
Sponsored by the Texas Conference Church Planting Department For more information, please call Rhonda Garner (817) 790-2255 x2123 or visit us on the web at www.TexasAdventist.org