FLAME | Spring 2015

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Spring 2015


A Publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Texas

Igniting a Passion for Living and Serving in Texas

Constituency Reports 2011-2014

{editor's note}


s you flip through the pages of this issue, you may find yourself asking, “What is a constituency, what is a constituency report, and where are my recipes and stories?” Allow me to explain. Below you will find the official announcement for the Quadrennial Session of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, as well as announcements for the Texas Conference Association and Valley Educational Foundation. The Quadrennial Session, also known as Constituency Session, is a meeting that takes place in the Texas Conference every four years. The purpose of this meeting is to elect officers and directors for the ensuing quadrennial term, to consider changes in the constitution and to transact such business as may properly come before the Conference. At the meeting, registered delegates from local churches make up the representative constituent body of the Texas Conference and vote on items on behalf of the Texas Conference constituents. In preparation for the meeting, the Texas Conference administrators and departmental directors have prepared reports to share the many things that have been going on in different areas of ministry at the Texas Conference over the last four years. There is a lot of great information on the following pages and many

reasons to praise God for the blessings that have been poured out in our territory. We kindly request your prayers and ask for the Lord’s guidance during the Constituency Session and the next fouryear term. The theme, “Our Church, Our Mission,” graces the cover of the magazine as a reminder that ownership of this Church belongs to everyone and that the mission Jesus entrusted to us in Matthew 28:19 is not for a select few, but rather for all of us. We trust God has great things in store for His Church, so join us as we seek to carry out His will. Thank you once again to our incredible team of designers and translators. A special word of appreciation to our guest writers—the administrators and departmental directors who share God’s blessings in their areas. Thank you to Jason Busch, the FLAME Associate Editor, for his earnest dedication to the magazine. Until next time, on behalf of the FLAME staff and Texas Conference Administration, happy reading!

Kristina Pascual Lockhart Editor FLAME@txsda.org

{constituency announcement} TEXAS CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Notice is hereby given that the Quadrennial Session of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will convene at the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church (114 S Fairview St), Keene, Texas, on Sunday, April 26, 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to elect officers and directors for the ensuing quadrennial term, to consider changes in the constitution and to transact such business as may properly come before the Conference. The meeting is called for Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Each church is entitled to two regular delegates without regard to membership plus one regular delegate for each 60 members.


Carlos Craig, President Gary Brady, Secretary Edwin Romero, Treasurer


TEXAS CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Notice is hereby given that the Quadrennial Session of the Texas Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists will be held at the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church (114 S Fairview St), Keene, Texas, on Sunday, April 26, 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to elect officers and directors for the ensuing quadrennial term, to consider changes in the constitution and to transact such other business as may properly come before the Association. The meeting is called for Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Delegates to the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists are also delegates to the Texas Conference Association.

Carlos Craig, President Roger Mekelburg, Secretary


VALLEY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Notice is hereby given that the Quadrennial Session of the Texas Conference Valley Educational Foundation will be held at the Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church (114 S Fairview St), Keene, Texas, on Sunday, April 26, 2015. The purpose of this meeting is to elect officers and directors for the ensuing quadrennial term, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the Foundation. The meeting is called for Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Delegates of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists are also delegates to the Valley Educational Foundation.

Carlos Craig, President Scott Stewart, Secretary/Treasurer

In Every Issue


2 Editor’s Note 22 Calendar 23 Advent Movement















& Young Adults











s I reflect on the past four years, the ups and downs, the victories and setbacks, the joys and the sorrows, I am compelled to exclaim the faithfulness and goodness of our God is overwhelming! There are many, many things that the Lord does for His people that we overlook or discount, simply because our concerns and interests are not in line with His divine plan. Without a doubt the Texas Conference has had its challenges to confront, but the Lord has been both gracious and grand as He leads His people. Texas continues to lead the North American Division in soul-winning, evangelism and church planting. Although we have learned that the most successful way to plant a church is out of strength and health as opposed to conflict and division, we can clearly see God’s hand active in strengthening us to accomplish His biddings from Sherman to Laredo, Brownwood to Hemphill, and all the points in between. As we celebrate the blessings of the Lord, this Conference has nearly reached the 53,000 member mark and continues to blossom and increase. Yet, there is the other side of the coin. Recently, I was driving down I-35 toward San Antonio when I noticed the electronic sign above that read: 3,437 deaths on Texas Roads in 2014. We are humbled to recognize that the 2,500 baptisms during 2014 somehow seem meager compared to the number of fatalities on the highways of this state. How can we truly impact Texas for God’s honor and glory? How can we quickly accomplish the task of sounding the trumpet to alert the residents of this great state that Jesus is coming soon? Perhaps if we take a look back at the humble beginnings of the work here in Texas, we will be inspired to lunge forward with greater attempts for the Master and His kingdom here on earth. In the Spring of 1877, an Iowa resident and Civil War veteran by the name of Robert M. Kilgore became a preacher and was commissioned by then General Conference President James White to take on Texas as his field of labor. Kilgore put his Iowa property up for sale and moved his wife and three children to Texas. You could say that in a great exhibition of personal faith, he



financed his own labors! He arrived at the one-year-old Dallas Seventh-day Adventist church, the only Adventist church in Texas at that time. He arrived just in time to mediate an “all-church fight”. Two factions had split the church evenly and by taking sides with the stronger of the two factions, Kilgore and the brethren were able to achieve a tenuous and permanently scarred resolution that would be a source of grief and headache for decades to come. Nevertheless, a communion service was held shortly after the settlement that seemed to bring peace. Far too often we are our own worst enemy, our own largest obstacle. Christ was forthright when He commanded His followers to let our light shine. Having said that, it behooves us to remember that the Lord is in control of His people and His work. As we look toward the future, these are exciting and most challenging times that we have been called to live in. Violence and avarice have shaken our society to the core. Biblical principles and the values that once forged a strong nation have been displaced. Even as a Church, we face monumental challenges and subtle issues that have the potential to undermine the unity of God’s people as we navigate through this world. In following, I mention the priorities that I feel God is urging we undertake as we sail into the very last days of this world’s history. First, that the character of Christ be formed in each one of us! We are told in Matthew 24:14 that the Gospel will be preached in all the world as a witness, then the end shall come. We must impact our communities with the love and service of Christ, or we haven’t done His will. Second, we must look beyond ourselves upon the field of Texas, because the harvest is ripe! Nearly 27 million people reside in Texas, yet the diversity of gender, culture, race, education and family traditions make our task a challenge. Still, we must preach the Gospel and guide souls to the kingdom before it’s too late. There are dozens of different methods and ways, but each of us must be involved. Third, we must fight to create and maintain a safe environment in our churches for our children, youth and young adults. Far too often it is friendly fire that wipes the young out of our midst. It’s not the


programming that secures the young, rather genuine trust and lasting relationships. We must involve younger generations in the leadership and longevity of this Church. Fourth, we must continue to support Adventist education. In my case, as well as countless others, Adventist education has been extremely instrumental. As a Church we are a people blessed to have such a strong educational system; one that carries His explicit blessing. Today more than ever before, our youth need to be educated as much as possible within the safety of biblical principal while we live in such a precarious society. Lastly, we must continue to learn and develop. As our characters are developed into the likeness of Christ, our minds and God-given talents should continually be molded as well. Training events of all kinds need to be undertaken in a variety of ways.

Teshorn Jackson Photography

2014 Freshman Bible Camp

2014 ForeverONE Marriage Retreat

Conference and local churches must work together to cover the areas of need. Our local churches are blessed with the presence of attorneys, educators, medical personnel, health specialists, building experts, and people with many more abilities. We can

2013 Summer Camp at Lake Whitney Ranch

significantly impact both our churches and our communities with knowledge that will enhance all areas of ministry. A word of gratitude to Nilsa Johnson, Executive Administrative Assistant, for her committment and work in our department.

Great opportunities lie ahead, thus I pray that His people in the Texas Conference will cling to His keeping, knowing that both the mission and the motivation come from above!







uring this past four-year cycle, God has continued to bless the Texas Conference with tremendous growth. However, it’s important to understand ‘growth’ in contrast with our mission field—the state of Texas. As Seventh-day Adventists, our focus is to share the Third Angel’s Message throughout this Conference and beyond. This requires a keen awareness of the needs and demographic trends within the general population. We not only celebrate God’s blessings over the past four years, but we look at three opportunities we are uniquely positioned to impact for our Lord Jesus Christ. A Snapshot of Our Mission Field • Texas has a population of 26.96 million—an increase of 1.7 million since the year 2000. • Growth between 2000 and 2010 represents the highest population increase, by number of people, for any US state during this time period. • Texas has three of the top ten most populous cities in the US: Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. • Texas has the 15th highest adult obesity rate in the nation; 30.9% and growing. • Texas experiences the most tornadoes in the US, an average of 139 per year. Membership Growth Within our unique mission field, between 2011-2014, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has seen a growth of 3,671 members, as seen in the Quadrennial Membership Summary chart. This is a 7.5% increase over four years. Baptisms and Professions of Faith, (POF), for 2014 yielded 2,318 precious souls. The 2014 Statistical Summary chart provides key information at a glance. Multiple streams of data are condensed into three major groupings: IN, OUT and ADJ TOTAL. IN represents growth through Baptisms, Professions of Faith and Transfers-in OUT represents Transfers-Out, Apostasy, Missing Members and Deaths ADJ. TOTAL shows the adjusted total between the IN and OUT columns



The Quadrennial Overview table gives a detailed look at how net baptisms and POF trends are impacted by attrition. This provides us with a picture of overall membership for the period. It also highlights some stark and noteworthy trends. The first column shows growth and attrition. Four-year totals are given in the second column. The third column provides a yearly average for each category. There are three important features that the Quadrennial Overview table highlights. First, the evangelistic efforts of the Texas Conference are a cause for celebration, as we average 4,169 baptisms, professions of faith and transfers-in annually. We are grateful to God for our local church leaders, pastors, and our Ministerial and Evangelism Departments. Second, over the past decade Texas boasts the most prolific growth in the entire country. It’s natural to assume that the influx of new residents would impact transfer growth into our churches. However, looking at our net transfers in and out for the past four years, transfer growth is not particularly significant, yielding, on average, 100 people per year or roughly 5% of our average growth. Finally, this overview gives us important perspective on how our efforts and expenditures on evangelism yield high membership gains that are significantly impacted by components of attrition. While we have no control over members who leave the state or pass away, perhaps an opportunity exists for members and church leaders to minister to the significant number of missing members? Missing: 2,310 over four years; an average of 578 per year. Uniquely Positioned for Ministry The Secretariat seeks to provide data and statistical analysis that is meaningful and helpful to the field. Our goal is to assist pastors, local church leaders and members in identifying opportunities to impact others for Christ. The most powerful kind of growth our field can experience will come through the plans and activities of enthusiastic, equipped believers. Three critical ministry opportunities jump out at us. Youth and Young Adults: US Census data from 2010 indicate that 7.7% of the population in Texas is under five-years-old and 27.3% is under 18. This constitutes around


35% of the state’s total population—a similar segment and proportion of our Church population. While we rightfully minister to this vital segment of our population and applaud efforts to reach and train them, additional opportunities may still exist to broaden and extend our impact to this segment within our mission field. Churches with Adventurers and Pathfinders clubs have the potential to make a profound impact on their communities. We appeal to youth leaders across our Conference to partner with our Youth and Young Adult Department to intentionally target this important segment of the state’s population. A Looming Health Crisis: Currently, 30.9% of adults in Texas are obese and a sharp rise in chronic obesity is predicted. To further compound this situation, ‘obesity-related’ health issues such as diabetes, hypertension and cancer are also projected to rapidly increase. With a strong tradition of innovation in health ministry, we are well positioned to impact our mission field. Efforts in health education could prevent premature deaths and disabilities. Improving the health literacy of families within our communities through screening and programs that promote greater community health could change lives for generations. Like Jesus, we seek to do good, because that’s who we are. Adventist author and pioneer, Ellen White says in Ministry of Healing, that this was the approach of Jesus who “mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” We warmly encourage our skilled professionals to work with members and leaders to impact those suffering in our communities. We also express gratitude to the churches who are serving their neighbors in this capacity. Educational Outreach: Projections for educational attainment in Texas look discouraging. In the arena of education, we’ve been blessed as Seventh-day Adventists to have a system that is nationally recognized for academic achievement. We should always remember that there are evangelistic

Quadrennial Membership Summary

2014 Statistical Summary

A Decade of Growth

dimensions of Adventist education that should be considered. Non-Adventist students comprise about one-third of the more than 730,000 students who were enrolled in the 5,218 Adventist schools worldwide. The potential to impact youth and young adults in communities across Texas through creative, educational outreach holds great potential. Be sure to read the Education Department report on page 15 for a glimpse of Adventist education in Texas. Looking Forward A snapshot of membership growth over the past decade highlights just how much we have been blessed. But that’s only part of the story. State demographics show

tremendous growth but also great needs. We must be careful not to let our numerical successes prevent us from asking ourselves challenging questions: How effective are our churches in reaching the general, “unchurched” population within our state? Are we fulfilling our true potential? How can local church leaders, members and pastors, across the parishes and cities of Texas, find innovative ways to reach others—many within arms-reach of our local churches and schools? Please know that your Conference leadership team is in a supportive and listening posture. We want to encourage the use of your God-given gifts. We are committed,

not just to the numerical growth of our Conference, but something far more crucial: We want to see members of the Seventhday Adventist Church in the state of Texas authenticate their faith with action. We are convicted that as we serve and impact the quality of life of those around us, God will pour out a blessing far greater than anything we could ever dare think or ask! Finally, a special word of appreciation to Paul Hunt, Assistant Secretary, Sheri Denny, Membership Clerk and Ysis España, Executive Administrative Assistant for their commitment and hard work to the Secretariat Department.







or the past four years, Treasury has been directed by the following mission statement: We at the Texas Conference Treasury will serve with the calling of Christ, giving our best for Him. This mission statement derives from Luke 17:10, which says, “It is the same with you also. When you do everything you have been told to do, you must say, ‘We are not any special servants. We have done only what we should have done.’” Treasury Overview: More than a decade ago the greatest economists were analyzing and comparing the trends of the world economy with the swinging pendulum of a wall hanging clock. Yet today, the instability of the stock market, the merging of legendary companies to avoid bankruptcy, fiscal cliffs, sequesters, and the closing of powerful and important corporations suggest that we may still be at the verge of another recession. For a non-believer these are terrible times, but for believers, it is simply the fulfillment of the prophecy that the Lord is coming soon. During the past four years we have strategically focused on cost reduction in various areas, including the Texas Conference office. A reallocation of resources has allowed for more pastors and teachers in the field, while equalizing various pay scales for less than full-time employees. At the end of 2014, the Conference was employing 215 pastors and office staff and 193 teachers. Additionally, the recommended North American Division regional cost of living increase (ERI), payable to all qualified employees, was remunerated at 100%. Three areas we’d like to highlight are evangelism, education and safety. We’ve significantly increased the funding of evangelism dollars (Chart 1) for an all-time record high totaling $2 million in 2015. Educate for Eternity, a new initiative of the Texas Conference that makes Adventist education accessible to 200 new students, has been incredibly successful. The Texas Conference has committed $300,000 to this initiative each year and hopes that through member contributions, even more students will be able to benefit from Adventist education. In 2013, the Texas Conference adopted and implemented Shield The Vulnerable, a service that runs background checks, educates adults and young people about child abuse, predators, bullying, boundaries, healthy relationships, respect, elder abuse, life skills



and protects the most vulnerable members of society from maltreatment. Tithe and Offerings: The faithfulness and generosity of our members is evident as we review our tithe reports. Tithe amounted to $168,035,477.58 in this quadrennium and was carefully managed and channeled to its intended destination—the spreading of the Gospel. In spite of the economic uncertainties in the US, God has shown His mercy and blessed us with tremendous tithe gains (Chart 2), steadily holding one of the highest tithe percentages of increase and per capita giving in the Southwestern Union and North American Division. The Tithe Distribution Chart (Chart 3) shows how tithe was distributed as part of God’s plan to support His worldwide Church, and also how the 74.2% remainder of tithe is allocated and used among Texas Conference entities to consistently fund our church programs. Additionally, over $450,000 in extraordinary tithe has been received during this time. I believe God has impressed the people in this Conference with generosity to do great things for the Adventist faith. We have implemented Adventist Giving, an online tool developed by the NAD that allows members to make their tithe and offering contribution online. This facilitates and encourages a spirit of giving among our members. A new tithe envelope was also developed and revised. Financial Position: God has richly blessed us in closing each year with a debt-free operation during this four-year period. Our statement of financial position (balance sheet) is very strong with a significant increase of over $5 million in our total assets (operating). Another significant achievement is that we have reached and exceeded 100% working capital (Chart 4) as recommended by the NAD. This solid financial foundation enables every member in the Texas Conference to have absolute assurance of its financial stability, as well as the proper management of resources that have been entrusted to it. We are also funding depreciation at the recommended level for the future stability of the organization. Another high mark was the presentation of four years (2011-2014) of unqualified opinions (clean reports) from the General Conference Auditing Service. These accomplishments have only one explanation: With God all things are possible! This


reminds us that God hears and answers the prayers of His people. Church/School Audits & Accounting: We reached another milestone with church and school audits. In 2011, the Finance Committee voted to outsource audits to Nelson Accounting Services. Within the last four years, we have more than exceeded the NAD’s 95% requirement regarding the number of audits completed. We went back and completed 100% of the outstanding audits from 2008-2011 and have maintained and exceeded the required percentage of completion from years 2012-2014 (Chart 5). A special thanks to Art and Esther Nelson, for their efficiency, professionalism and extraordinary work. Additionally, a new version of Jewel, the church accounting program, was implemented, allowing electronic remittance processing for church treasurers, screen share (remote technical support), and contribution statistics. The Texas Conference launched the first online Treasurer Training in 2014, giving our church treasurers the flexibility of certified online training. Human Resources: We have been blessed to be one of the few entities within the NAD to have a fully staffed Human Resources Department. This department provides efficient and essential technical service in handling employee benefits and coping with the ever-changing employment and labor laws that impact our organization. We are leading the way in the NAD, developing the only online Employee Benefits Portal, allowing our employees to have 24/7 interactive access for submissions, confirmations, communication and more. OTHER AREAS: Valley Grande Educational Foundation: After more than a decade of litigation between Valley Grande Educational Foundation and ElderCare, we praise God in sharing that a settlement was reached in 2013 through mediation. Lake Whitney Ranch: Another great blessing we’ve experienced is the relocation from Nameless Valley Ranch to Lake Whitney Ranch. The camp has operated under Ken Reiber’s direction. The completion of three beautiful lodges at Lake Whitney Ranch is exciting and inspiring and you can read more about what it offers on page 18. We want to acknowledge those who gave generously to

“I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name forever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom. They tell of the power of your awesome works—and I will proclaim your great deeds.” Psalm 145:1-3,6 make this dream a reality and we give thanks to God for the efforts, dedication, and careful management of the funds to make this building project debt-free. Print Shop: We are grateful to have a Print Shop Department, directed by Mario Ledezma, that serves the needs of our churches, schools and Conference office at cost savings. This function is fiscally sound. From graphic designing to full color printing, our Print Shop delivers quality and attractive professional printing, but most importantly a heart of exceptional service.

A new pre-qualification tool was developed to assist churches and schools in obtaining new loans, providing essential information such as borrowing capacity, debt ratio, cash flows, etc. Texas ABC: After nearly two decades of ownership by Pacific Press Publishing Association, the Texas Adventist Book Center has returned as a function of the Texas Conference as of March 17, 2014. The Finance Committee established a business acquisition committee in late 2013 to negotiate the terms and timing of the acquisition. Careful evaluation was given to this

We welcome Pastor Freddy Hernandez with his extensive experience as the new director. RECOGNITION & GRATITUDE The Lord holds us all accountable for what we have been entrusted with on earth. As we lead out in His Church, accountability is an essential standard that must be upheld. We are thrilled to report that 100% of Treasury goals and objectives that were submitted to the Finance and Executive Committees in 2011 have been accomplished. It has been a great honor to serve in the







Transportation: When it comes to moving services, the Transportation Department is granted a premiere distinction in the NAD. Directed by Dennis Habenicht, the staff, quality customer service and fleet of trucks assist in fulfilling the mission of our Church. Information Technology: Our IT Department, directed by Zeb Worth, provides support in creating tools that assist our Conference office and other owned entities with data management, software support, programming, networking and more. Association & Trust: A reorganization of the Association & Trust Department was implemented to better meet the needs of our field. Directed by Roger Mekelburg, the Trust Department has been recognized by the NAD with Level A accreditation, which is the highest level attainable. With much prayer, careful planning, and God’s grace, we were able to release nearly $2 million of building appropriations to our churches and schools for the construction and/or purchase of new buildings (Chart 6).

process, due to almost a decade of financial instability. The Executive Committee approved the transfer and the acquisition committee began to serve as the Texas ABC Committee. The Texas ABC employs a fulltime store manager, Mickey Johnson, and a business manager, Donald Upson, Jr. They are joined by several bilingual staff members serving in various capacities. The Texas ABC is the only one being operated within the Southwestern Union and its conferences, who have greatly supported this acquisition. In addition to serving the needs of the Texas Conference, the Texas ABC also serves the four other conferences in the Southwestern Union. As of December 31, 2014, the Texas ABC is fiscally sound with a gain of $190,000 for the year. Publishing: It’s a pleasure to report that the Executive Committee has voted to continue the Texas Conference Publishing services despite the closing of Review and Herald Publishing Association, who managed this function until December 31, 2014.

Texas Conference for the past four years. I would like to recognize our exceptional staff, including my Executive Administrative Assistant, Lizzie Velez, Scott Stewart, Undertreasurer, and his Administrative Assistant, Letty Craig; Randy Anglada, Auditing Director, Wirmin Alcantara, Human Resources Director, Renee Crawford, Assistant Human Resources Director, Barbara Craft, Payroll Director, and Betsabé Cuevas, Senior Accountant. They have done an exemplary job with our day-to-day operation. I offer a word of thanksgiving to God for the opportunity to labor with wonderful office staff, pastors and educators, as well as the Texas Conference Committees and the Southwestern Union. It has been a blessing to witness your steadfast support and commitment to this precious work. As the Lord’s work continues to flourish in the Texas Conference, Treasury looks forward to serving with excellence and transparency. By God’s grace, we will meet the opportunities and blessings ahead.





Adventist Community Services


dventist Community Services serves as the humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Texas Conference, as part of the North American Division. The motto is “Serving Communities in Christ’s Name.” In Matthew 25:40 Christ tells us, “inasmuch as ye have done it for the least of these my brethren, ye have done it for Me.” Each year in Texas there are area meetings held for ACS leaders in various locations in the Conference where they can share and learn new ideas for service in their local communities. Emphasis has been placed on showing God’s love in practical ways. Adventist Community Services Disaster Response trainings are offered each year in several locations to give opportunity for volunteers to be ready to help in times of disaster.



Introduction to Disaster: Response is a class that is offered to the entire church membership to learn how to be personally prepared for disasters. This class teaches how to prepare a three-day emergency pack, a larger home disaster kit, how to make a family emergency plan, and how to stay informed. Each church should plan ahead and know how they can be ready to help following a disaster. Donations Operations is a class that teaches volunteers how to collect, store and distribute needed items following a disaster. Upon completion of this class, volunteers are eligible for an ACS DR Photo Credential, which is very helpful in entering the disaster area to be able to assist the survivors. Advanced leadership classes are offered yearly. Mobile Distribution: Mobile Distribution Units (semi-trailers) are packed with clothing outfits, personal care kits, blankets,

and cleaning supplies. They can be deployed to the area of the disaster quickly where survivors can be served with supplies they desperately need. These units are designed to assist your local volunteers in helping their communities. Texas ACS has served at over 100 major disasters over the years, including eight in the last four years. The ACS DR Depot in Keene serves as a resource for each ACS ministry in the Conference. If a local ACS branch receives more donations than they can use, the excess can be brought to the ACS DR Depot. If an ACS center is in need of more supplies, clothing and other items can be made available to assist their ministry. One December, word was received that one of our ACS Centers had to close because they ran out of supplies to distribute. A large trailer was loaded with supplies at the Depot and delivered to the center the next day, allowing them to reopen immediately.


Local ACS centers can work together to help each other in their ministries, many of which serve as food pantries designed to feed the hungry. Yellow Buckets: The NAD has provided a supply of yellow five-gallon buckets with the ACS DR logo printed on them. Many of the churches are filling these buckets with specific cleaning supplies that are desperately needed following any kind of disaster. The churches are retaining some of the buckets to use locally in the event of a house fire or local flood, and they are an excellent way to reach out to the community to show love and concern. One recipient said that she received a clean-up bucket following a disaster several years ago and used it to give her baby a bath every day until their home was repaired. A special word of gratitude to my wife and Administrative Assistant, Sherry Watts, for her passion and dedication. Jesus wants us to help those in need. Community Service gives us a wonderful opportunity to meet needs in our communities. As we near the day of Jesus’ return we realize that disasters are continuing to increase and Adventist Community Services will be ready to answer the call.


Association & Trust Services


he Texas Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists oversees and assists churches in purchasing and selling real estate properties, as well as with the construction and remodeling of church facilities. The Association is the legal corporation that holds title to all Conference properties and also assists members with the distribution of their assets through planned giving and estate planning. In the nearly four years following the 2011 Constituency Session, the Texas Conference has been blessed by tremendous growth in membership. This blessing creates the need

Schram on staff, an individual with 40 years of church construction experience. In order for Wes’s experience to benefit a project, it is vital for the church to talk to the Association Department prior to contacting any professionals. Before beginning any project, a pre-project meeting needs to take place to discuss the details of the project, after which the loan pre-qualification process can begin. For any worthwhile project to be successful a good plan must be implemented with qualified professionals such as architects, engineers, contractors and project managers who understand church construction, along with

Purchased Value

Income from Trust Services Activity 2011-2014

Church Properties Purchased/Sold

Purchased/Sold Value $3,234,195

Recently, the department was blessed to be able to add a full-time Trust Officer, Rudy Salazar, to assist our members. He, along with our two part-time Trust Officers, Ed Stacey and Joe Ray, Administrative Assistant, Sofia Fuentes, Associate Director, Lynette Ecord and Director, Roger Mekelburg, staff the department. During 2011-2014, over 700 individuals wrote Christian Wills through the Conference, with an additional 26 families establishing Trust Agreements and Charitable Gift Annuities benefiting the Church. During this same period, bequests and gifts of over $2.8 million were received from our faithful


Sold Value




Wills, $214,797



Wills -Royalty $65,488

Gifts, $455,254





4 Trusts, $801,384



Annuities & Unitrusts$1,107,355


$663,500 $245,600





for additional church facilities through purchasing, remodeling or construction. Many times when a congregation outgrows the existing church, the property is sold and a larger facility is purchased to address the need for additional room. During this period, 26 properties were purchased at a value of $9,010,545. Other opportunities arise when the adjacent properties are purchased to give additional space for expansion or parking. Also during this Constituency period, 29 properties were sold at a value of $6,056,912. Another segment of the Association that provides a specialized service to our congregations involves remodeling and construction. We are blessed to have Wes


2011 2014

8 0





a detailed project budget. If these important steps are followed the success of the project is greatly enhanced. We look forward to continuing to serve our local churches. If your church needs assistance in selling, purchasing, or construction, please contact the Association Department. A word of thanks to Wes Schram, Building Supervisor and Sofia Fuentes, Administrative Assistant, for their service in the Association Department. Trust Services The Planned Giving and Trust Services Department provides assistance to individuals who wish to remember not only their families, but also the Lord’s work in Texas.


Trusts-Royalty, $157,449

members through their estate plans. These funds benefited local churches, such as Cleburne First, Dallas First, Fort Worth First, San Antonio East Gate, Keene, Kerrville, San Antonio Highland Hills, San Antonio Scenic Hills, San Antonio Spanish Los Tres Angeles, and Seguin, as well as San Antonio Jr. Academy. Various areas of ministry within the Conference were remembered as well, including evangelism, Adventist education, Lake Whitney Ranch, and Good News TV. Many individuals also left unrestricted bequests for the Conference to use as needed. If you are interested in furthering the mission of the Church through your estate planning, we encourage you to contact us at 1-800-847-2792, or email trust@txsda.org.





Family Ministries F Children’s Ministries T he Texas Conference Children’s Ministries Department is dedicated to supporting the leaders and teachers of the children in our churches and throughout Texas. Studies have shown that the fastest-growing churches are those that offer multiple ministries for children and advertise them to the public. In his book, Transforming Children into Spiritual Giants, George Barna states that the most effective time to reach anyone for Christ is between the ages of 5-12. Our goal is to provide every child in Texas with an opportunity to experience Jesus’ love, and to learn that He values them. In order to reach that goal, a bulk of time is spent providing training and resources to local church leadership in Children’s Ministry and Sabbath School. Our experienced group of volunteer coordinators are available to assist any local church. The area coordinators are listed on the Children’s Ministry page at TexasAdventist.org. The North American Division has developed the Children’s Ministry Certification Training program—an intensive course set up with basic and advanced



levels. Our team provides these training sessions across the state. Additionally, as technology is so engrained in our kids’ worlds, it must be included as a tool for their spiritual growth. GraceLink.net, from the General Conference, has a lot of games and activities that can be used by leaders and parents to help kids enjoy Bible lessons each week. KidsMinistryIdeas.org, from the NAD, also has ideas for parents and local church leaders. Additionally, there are several apps available with different versions of the Bible that include stories, games and activities. Today’s children live in such a dysfunctional world that, without Jesus to hold on to, life could easily become too much to bear. Children need hope more than ever before. We encourage everyone to support local church Children’s Ministry programs as they foster spiritual growth in the lives of all our children. We must reach the children with the good news that they have a personal Savior that loves them! Jesus says in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

amily Ministries is one of the vibrant ministries of the Texas Conference. In addition to our pastoral ministry, my wife, Ketty, and I have been leading out in this area for the last five years. We have worked hand-in-hand with many pastors and local church Family Ministries coordinators to foster an environment that encourages every family member to actively engage in restoration. The mission of the Family Ministries department is to create opportunities for every family to become the best model of God’s image within their home. During 2014, this department provided resources, trainings, and encouragement to church members and lay leaders who are passionate for Family Ministries. We recognize that the only way to really impact and influence families is by equipping leaders who are also willing to invest their lives ministering to local church members. Last year,


trainings, workshops and retreats were offered in different locations throughout the state for people to better enjoy their interpersonal relationships. In August 2014, in partnership with the Southwestern Union, we offered the Family Ministries Certification program at the Ministries Convention in Frisco, Texas. On November 7-9, 2014, the ForeverONE Marriage Retreat provided an unforgettable weekend for both English and Spanish couples at La Torretta Lake Resort in Montgomery, Texas. This retreat was attended by over 260 couples, making it the most attended marriage retreat in the history of Family Ministries in Texas. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve the families in our Conference and for the way God has led this ministry. The Family Ministries Department is always ready to serve and looks forward to partnering with you, your church and your local ministry.


Church Planting more of the Spirit less of me

to Plant MOre Churches for the Kingdom

SEEDS San Antonio January 16-17, 2015

With training seminars for church planters, church planting teams and churches interested in multiplying

begins Friday at 7 p.m.

Viernes, 25 de abril ~ 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sbado, 26 de abril ~ 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Iglesia Adventista del Sptimo Da

SAN ANTONIO TRES NGELES 106 Sherwood Dr., San Antonio, TX 78201

Pr. Walter Castro

Director Pastores Voluntarios Laicos Conferencia de Florida

Pr. Jose Esposito

Coordinador Ministerios Hispanos Conferencia de Potomac

Peter casillas church Planting director Potomac conference

ivan Williams director Ministerial department north American division

Freddy Sanchez church Planter Florida conference

Andres Flores church Planter epic church, chicago illinois conference

tom evans Associate director church Planting, coaching, ncd nAdei

Justin lawman President north new South Wales conference Australia

Guest Artist

Pr. Julio Flores

Pastor Distrital Establecimiento de Iglesias Conferencia de Carolina

Para más información pregunte por Abigail Espinoza (817) 790-2255 Ext. 2106 o visite nuestra página web: www.TexasAdventist.org


Featured Speakers

Scenic HillS SeventH-dAy AdventiSt cHurcH

11223 Bandera road San Antonio, tX 78250

Hope Montana Soloist

Patrocinado por el departamento de Ministerios Hispanos y de Plantío de Iglesias de la Conferencia de Texas de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día

n Medical Ministry, Ellen White shares that, “Upon all who believe, God has placed the burden of raising up churches.” The Lord continues to place that burden on pastors and lay leaders across our field. From November 2010 until March of 2014, I had the opportunity to lead the Church Planting Department and witness firsthand God’s work here in Texas. During that period 15 churches were planted. The philosophy of the department is to plant churches from a healthy “mother church.” We have seen that when that happens, the chances for that plant to survive, grow and plant again are much higher. Most of the groups started during this period reached company status after one-year of existence, with several even reaching church status. In an effort to provide the latest resources to our pastors and church planters we initiated two projects, one of which is an annual event called SEEDS. Every year we partner with the North American Division Evangelism Institute to hold a two-day conference to inspire, encourage and equip. At the end of the conference we give a call to action to those who would like to be involved in church planting. At one of the SEEDS conferences, a family decided to attend only to hear some of their favorite speakers. However, during the course of the weekend they were inspired by the testimonies of

other lay planters. When the call was made on the last night of the event, they decided to leave the comfort of their local church in order to help plant a church. The second project we initiated was the Church Plant Coaching Certification through the North American Division Evangelism Institute. Coaches are experienced pastors who volunteer their time to assist a church plant in a variety of ways. This certification allows our coaches to be better equipped to serve and also shows our appreciation for their ministry. Additionally, the Church Planting Department provides support to all of our new groups. We help them with demographic tools, like Link2Lead, evangelism resources and online resources that are practical and ready to use. We also assist new plants as they evolve into companies and then later achieve church status. We have a team of area church planting coordinators and coaches who provide support to all our church planters, as well as administer health assessments through Natural Church Development surveys. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served as the Texas Conference Church Planting Coordinator and extend my gratitude to the team of area church planting coordinators for their partnership as well as to our Administrative Assistant, Rhonda Garner. In March of 2014 we welcomed

Boyan Levterov as the new Church Planting Coordinator in addition to his responsibilities as pastor at the Crosswalk Fellowship Seventh-day Adventist Church in Frisco. VISION Boyan Levterov: I have been blessed to follow in the footsteps of two strong church planting coordinators. Our department continues to push forward in fulfilling the passion of Jesus to reach the unreached by multiplying our Adventist congregations in Texas. What does our vision for the next few years look like? First, we want to plant healthy, mission-focused congregations. Providing a pastor-coach and full training curriculum to equip every church plant leader with the skills and knowledge of how to grow a healthy church is the key to success. Second, every year we plan to target the most densely populated area with little-to-no Adventist presence in one of the five major metropolitan areas in Texas. The community awareness and mission work that the upcoming General Conference Session has drawn to the San Antonio area has made that city the focus of our outreach and church planting efforts for 2014-2015. Experience has shown us that when churches work together, God can bless with success. Third, we want to fuel the passion of churches and members who feel called by God to plant a congregation among new population groups or geographic areas. Imagine what our Texas church map would look like if we reduced the ratio of one Adventist church for every 93,000 people to 1:60,000. It’s entirely possible if 10% of our 286 existing churches give birth to one new church plant every year. With your help, this ministry will continue to spread God’s message of love and salvation to all of Texas. Have you checked in with God lately? The next church planter might be you. Our Church Planting Department and local area coordinators are ready to join and support you on the journey.






he Communication Department of the Texas Conference has a wide variety of responsibilities, from publications, to media to coordinating the audio-visual aspects of 10 major Conference events. We strive to communicate what is going on in the Adventist Church in Texas to our members and other audiences. We also aim to help our churches effectively communicate to their communities. We work closely with Conference departments to manage the Conference website, as well as coordinate weekly and monthly eNewsletters to employees and members.


Over the last few years, a class on marketing and promotion for church events and ministries has been presented across the state each spring during Evangelism Training. In the summer of 2014, we held Communication Director workshops and met with nearly 100 communication volunteers. We discussed a variety of topics and sent the attendees back to their churches with lots of resources. We encourage all church and school Communication Directors and leaders to contact us should they need any communication mentoring in their areas. In partnership with the Evangelism Department,

Aaron Thomas Photography



Communication has led a public campaign initiative in San Antonio called #iwantMORE. The campaign highlights testimonies of folks who were searching for MORE meaning, purpose, etc. Billboards and transit shelters throughout the city direct people to MOREsanantonio.org, a site with stories and resources that bring people to Christ. Follow #iwantMORE on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! For over two years, the Texas Conference newsletter, FLAMElite, has regularly informed members of major decisions, upcoming events and departmental responsibilities. You can find it in your local church bulletin each month and can also opt to receive the e-version, FLAMExpress, with additional information including highlights of Executive Committee meetings and local church events. Visit TexasAdventist.org/FLAME to sign up or find out more. The FLAME, our quarterly Conference magazine, continues to push the envelope in denominational publications. In 2013, we aimed to create a magazine that would peak the interest of anyone who came across it, with the goal of igniting a passion for living and serving in Texas. In 2014, we released a mobile friendly e-version of the FLAME on the Conference website and Facebook page. Being online has grown our circulation from 17,000 households to a potential worldwide audience. The FLAME has been recognized with numerous awards from the Society of Adventist Communicators. We are humbled and


honored to have received those awards and want to pass the praise on to our designers, photographers, writers and translators while acknowledging that the real recognition

belongs to God. It’s great to tell stories that come from telling stories! In the Spring 2014 FLAME issue, we featured the story of Erica Morales, a young lady who grew up in the Adventist Church, but lost her faith after being hurt by a number of people. As an adult she chased after thrills, but reached a point where she yearned for a place to call home. An invitation brought her to the Access Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sugarland near Houston. The church and its members embraced her with open arms, regardless of her appearance, where she had been, or what she’d done. A few weeks after publishing Erica’s story, we received a call from a lady in California. She had read the article after it was featured on the North American Division Facebook page. She was so moved by it that she cried as she told us how important these stories are. It was immediately clear that the FLAME readership stretches beyond the great state of Texas and its nearly 53,000 members. Tremendous gratitude is due to our Associate Communication Director, Jason Busch, who is also the FLAME Associate Editor. We are grateful for his dedication to excellence and his unwavering support. Ultimately, the Communication Department facilitates ministry. We work together with churches, schools, leaders and members to share stories that impact, inspire and connect our churches, members and communities.


Education 2,600

Enrollment Figures 2011-2015

2,500 2,400 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,000




he Education Department is organized for the purpose of supporting Adventist education throughout the Texas Conference. We currently oversee the operation of 30 schools, including five senior academies and three schools in process of becoming senior academies. The department includes the Superintendent, Bill Reinke, and three Associate Superintendents, Carol Bradley, Raul Aguilar, and John Hopps. Nathy Regmund and Danielle Bunkley support the superintendents and schools in the office as Administrative Assistants. The superintendents have a wide range of responsibilities including supervising over 170 teachers and principals, consulting with local school boards, hiring teachers to fill vacancies, overseeing the school evaluation and accreditation process, in-servicing new curriculum and teaching strategies, and monitoring student testing. The superintendents also organize a Bible camp program, outdoor education, and a Conference-wide music festival each year for the students. These programs create opportunities for students to connect with their Savior and learn how to use their talents for Christ. During the last four years our enrollment has grown to an all-time high of nearly 2,600 students, an increase of over 150 students. Partnering with our pastors, lay leaders, and parents has enabled our schools to grow and prosper during a time when most other conferences have seen declines in enrollment. Our teachers, administrators, and school staff are working diligently to create healthy




school environments where students not only grow academically, but spiritually as well. Even though our enrollment has seen significant growth, the Education Department is constantly searching for new ways to make our schools more accessible for students in the Texas Conference. As part of Conference President Carlos Craig’s initiative to involve all of our churches in Adventist education, the Texas Conference is supporting the Educate for Eternity program. With contributions from the Conference and our local church members, we hope to have many more students receive the blessing of Christian education. A major priority of the Education Department has been creating a model for a successful transition for schools growing from junior academies to senior academies. Previously, this could only be accomplished through home study courses taken through Griggs University. This created two problems—the cost, and students potentially lost state college scholarship funds. With cooperation from the Southwestern Union, this has been rectified by an academy extension program where the transition schools are able to offer all classes on campus and students graduate with Texas-endorsed diplomas. Seventh-day Adventist schools in Texas encourage their students to become active participants in their local community. From putting on musical programs at nursing homes to raking leaves for the elderly, or

being involved in mission trips, students are actively engaged in showing God’s love to the world. Education is also evangelism. Kayla came to the Triangle Adventist Christian School in Groves, Texas as a Kindergarten student. Although no one in her family was a Seventhday Adventist, her grandparents enrolled her because they wanted their granddaughter to be in a Christian environment. Kayla was enrolled in the Triangle school all the way through ninth grade. While a student there, she decided to follow Christ and was baptized into the Groves Seventh-day Adventist Church. Kayla is now in the eleventh grade, and she attends church weekly. She is an honor student in her high school, and she hopes to attend Southwestern Adventist University after graduation. As we look to the future, the Education Department has plans to further God’s work. A major goal will be to assist the transition academies in becoming full-fledged senior academies within the next four years. We also want to utilize distance education to enhance the course offerings in our junior and senior academies. The staff is also working diligently on a plan to help our students improve their test scores, especially in math. A math curriculum committee has been developed that is working on a plan to help teachers and students reach this goal. While we are delighted with the growth in enrollment, we want to see as many students as possible have the blessing of a Christian education. With the adoption of the Educate for Eternity program, our goal is to see 200 new students in our schools within the next year. The ultimate goal of Seventhday Adventist education is to see each student develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We desire that our students not only be prepared for success in this life, but for eternity. With the help and support of all of our constituents, we look forward to achieving this ultimate goal.







he Texas Conference is committed to helping pastors and church leaders live out God’s call to go into their communities to make disciples of all people. Our primary role is providing training, encouragement and resources for churches in their evangelistic endeavors. For the past three years we followed a fourfold strategy: Empower, Equip, Reach and Reclaim. Empower Churches: Since evangelism is our number one priority, the Texas Conference allocates over $1 million to be used between English and Hispanic evangelism in proclaiming the Seventh-day Adventist message every year. Churches submit their plans and budgets for consideration and the department disburses the funds. We like to empower our churches to evangelize according to the local needs. The full-time Texas Conference

Evangelists are Lynnwood and Peggy Spangler for the English churches, and Ruben Bullon for the Hispanic churches. Equip Laity: Our department collaborated with the Hispanic Ministries Department, as well as Texas Conference staff to organize the first annual Evangelism Training. The idea was to use Conference




personnel and EVANGELISM TRAINING 2012 area pastors to provide the best training for lay members in Texas. ¥ February 4 Dallas First We trained our ¥ February 11 Houston West ¥ February 18 McAllen Spanish Valley Central members in: ¥ February 25 San Antonio Scenic Hills How to give 3 pm - 7 pm Topics: Bible Studies, Small Groups, Friendship Evangelism, Communication, How to Reach Youth and many more subjects. the two weeks, all local churches Last year, over 3,000 people come under one roof to hold received the latest outreach a Soul-Winning Festival to celresources throughout Texas. ebrate God’s blessings during Reach Cities: In Testimonies the campaign. There have been for the Church, Ellen White over 1,000 baptisms during the asserts that, “When I think of last three years through this the cities in which so little has initiative. been done, in which there Reclaim Missing Members: are so many thousands to be We all know someone who prewarned of the soon coming of viously attended a local church the Savior, I feel an intensity of but stopped for one reason or desire to see men and women another. Due to this sobering going forth to the work in the fact, reclaiming projects have power of the been started in many of our Spirit, filled churches. Through multiple with Christ’s training sessions and the hard love for perwork of local members, several ishing souls.” people have started attending Current statischurch once more. tics reveal that I’ve been blessed to have Texas has eight served this department as of the 15 most leader, and partner with Osvaldo Rigacci, who overrapidly growing sees Evangelism in Hispanic large cities churches. We have great in the United appreciation for our evangelists, States. Because who minister in our churches of our need week after week, and to our to reach cities Administrative Assistants, more effecRhonda Garner and Abigail tively, RESTORE was born. The Espinosa. idea behind RESTORE is that, In March 2014, Dan Serns every six months, we would do became the Evangelism a combined effort in a major Coordinator, in addition to city with every church, school, serving as Senior Pastor at home or place of work holding a the Richardson Seventh-day one- or two-week reaping camAdventist Church. He shares a paign. The Texas Conference vision that continues to build on has provided advertisement people working together in this materials, helping defray some great endeavor. local expenses. At the end of

Will Be My Witnesses

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8



Preaching Bible Studies Small Groups Preparation

Discipleship Advertising Youth Evangelism Decisions


¥ Carlos Craig ¥ Gary Brady ¥ Edwin Romero ¥ Rub n Bull—n ¥ Costin Jordache ¥ Roland Hill ¥ Elton DeMoraes ¥ Osvaldo Rigacci


February 01

| McAllen Spanish Valley Central Church


February 08

| Austin Spanish First Church

Plus area pastors


February 22

| San Antonio Scenic Hills Church


March 08

| Arlington Church


March 15

| The Oaks School

“The church of Christ has been organized on earth for missionary purposes, and it is of the highest importance that every individual member of the church should be a sincere laborer together with God, filled with the Spirit, having the mind of Christ, perfected in sympathy with Christ, and therefore bending every energy according to his intrusted ability to the saving of souls.” Review and Herald October 30, 1894



Tools and Resources for Outreach and Evangelism

Carlos Craig Gary Brady Edwin Romero Ruben Bullón Margaret Taglavore Gary Blanchard Armando Miranda Elton DeMoraes Osvaldo Rigacci Kristina Lockhart Jason Busch ... plus special guests

From 3:00-7:00pm For more information contact Rhonda Garner at rgarner@txsda.org or call 817-790-2255 ext. 2123


VISION Dan Serns: Evangelism is the life of the church and each member! As a department, we aim to mobilize the nearly 53,000 members of the Texas Conference to take the Adventist message to the 23 million people within our territory and beyond. We equip our members to invite others to accept Jesus as their Savior, embrace all the truths of the Bible and to unite with a vibrant Adventist group. There are many levels at which you can get involved, and every believer can be a Prayer Warrior, GLOW Missionary, Baptism Coach or Home of Hope. Every congregation can use the following tools: 1. Fill the Baptistry Sabbaths quarterly or monthly, 2. Bible studies, small groups & regular evangelistic meetings, 3. Army of youth, trained and involved which includes the young people in our schools, Sabbath schools and club ministries, 4. Harvest cycles where there is a balance of Sow-Grow-Reap-Keep, then repeat, 5. Target populated areas, where people are often more open to the message. Find out more and how your church can be involved by attending the Evangelism Training near you and having your local pastor connect you with the Parish Evangelism Coordinator in your area.


Hispanic Ministries & Hispanic Evangelism


ur report begins with an expression of gratitude and praise to our Lord, who in His providence and mercy has sustained us and blessed us immensely during these past four years. We are thankful for our Hispanic congregations, their members, leaders and pastors. All have contributed to our Conference and their efforts have added to the growth of His kingdom. The following are highlights of some exciting information and accomplishments. In recent years, Hispanic membership growth has been constant. That growth amounts to over 22,000 members throughout Hispanic churches in the Texas Conference, making it the largest representation among conferences in the North American Division. These members make up 130 churches and companies that are led by 55 pastors, along with nine lay pastors. Over the last four years, 11 Hispanic churches and 13 Hispanic companies were formed. We are excited about 10 church plants that are working arduously to reach company status. We also recognize the churches and leaders who are meeting the needs of unique congregations through prison ministries. As a result of the commitment to the mission and evangelistic projects, approximately 5,453 souls have been added to the Kingdom of Heaven over the last four years. It’s also important to note that many of our churches have small groups or “home churches.” This has not only strengthened member relations and provided fellowship opportunities, but has also attracted new people to local church communities. Hispanic Ministries, in conjunction with the Evangelism and Ministerial Departments, has been able to offer area training for evangelism, church ministry leaders and elders. In each, we were able to share resources and materials along with packets for each participant. Overall, 16,000 books and booklets that affirm discipleship and mission were handed out. These activities

and publications strengthen personal and church commitments to the Lord, as well as emphasize priorities. At the same time, this allowed for better interaction between the


Serás mi Testigo

“Pero cuando venga el Espíritu Santo sobre ustedes, recibirán poder y serán mis testigos tanto en Jerusalén como en toda Judea y Samaria, y hasta los confines de la tierra”. Hechos 1:8



Herramientas y Recursos para Evangelismo VALLE

Febrero 01

| Iglesia McAllen Spanish Valley Central


Febrero 08

| Iglesia Austin Spanish First


Febrero 22

| Iglesia San Antonio Scenic Hills


| Iglesia Arlington

Marzo 15

| Escuela The Oaks


Carlos Craig Gary Brady Edwin Romero Ruben Bullón Margaret Taglavore Gary Blanchard Armando Miranda Elton DeMoraes Osvaldo Rigacci Kristina Lockhart Jason Busch ... y otros invitados especiales

Con el Evangelista:

7-14 de junio


7:00 PM

Hugo Yin

Iglesia Adventista de Durango 2321 W Cesar E Chavez Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78207

Para más información: 210-488-0015

De 3:00-7:00pm Para más información contacte a Abagail Espinosa - aespinosa@txsda.org ó llame al 817-790-2255 ext. 2106

Música especial:

Pr. Rubén Bullón


Compás misionero Logramos Más

Un Taller de Instrucción Diseñado para Directores y Líderes de Ministerios de Iglesia

Vea las Fechas al Reverso

Texas Conference and local churches, as well as provided an opportunity to have open dialogue regarding concerns and needs of the field. Through significant donations, the Texas Conference was able to distribute 97,200 copies of the Spanish edition of Steps to Christ. We also received and distributed 3,200 Bibles in Spanish at minimal cost. Financially, the Lord has blessed abundantly. The financial crisis of recent years and its negative impact on this demographic has not halted faithfulness nor generosity among our members. Over the past four years, we have received nearly $48 million in tithe monies from Hispanic churches, with an average annual increase of 3.7%. At about 40%

of this tithe figure, more than $19 million has been received from Hispanic churches in offering monies at the local, as well as organizational level. In times of need and shortage, our members have demonstrated fidelity to God and His work. Ruben Bullon, Conference Evangelist for Hispanic churches, has held an average of 12 evangelistic meetings per year, and has assisted with local and district evangelistic projects. His contribution and dedication to local church education and training while developing and distributing resources for Bible studies and small groups has been significant. It has been a blessing to carry out the RESTORE evangelism initiative every six months in different metropolitan areas throughout Texas. In each area, the initiative was a coordinated effort of local congregations, coming together to reach the masses with the impactful message of salvation. It’s been a joy to see our churches participating and seeing sincere hearts surrendering to Jesus. We’d also like to share that the majority of Hispanic churches have been conducting evangelistic meetings at least two times each year. It’s not by chance then, that the Hispanic church growth has continually increased! We are also excited about all of the ministry and events surrounding San Antonio since 2013, along with the launch of the #iwantMORE | #quieroMÁS campaign.

We are very thankful for our administrators at the Texas Conference. Their spiritual, strategic and financial support has allowed us to fulfill our work. Our gratitude also extends to Conference Evangelist, Ruben Bullon, and Administrative Assistant, Abigail Espinosa, for their service and dedication to the department.






hether you are part of the Texas Conference family or simply visiting, we would love to show you the natural beauty of Lake Whitney Ranch, A Light in the Heart of Texas. Plan to come and stay in one of our beautiful new lodges, or one of our recently upgraded houses. Enjoy a ride on our new bicycle path built by some of our Master Guides or play a game of basketball on our new

Lake Whitney Ranch

Although an unfortunate situation involving a lawsuit halted construction of the three family lodges temporarily, 2014 saw all three reach completion! Two of the lodges were ready for Summer Camp and housed over 400 campers and staff last summer. With over six bedrooms, four downstairs and two upstairs, each lodge has capacity for sleeping 60 people. There are six and a half bathrooms and six full showers. At about 5,000 square feet, each lodge also contains a large

balconies that oversee the lake and the large windows in the lobby area that let in a ton of natural light in addition to a beautiful lake view. Whether it’s a weekend getaway for your family, church group, school, club ministry, or even a wedding, Lake Whitney Ranch is honored to assist. Our 400 acres of untouched oak trees, waterfalls, and wildlife are great for experienced campers and novices alike, whose sole desire is a retreat with the Creator.

various camporees, a dining/ recreational building that will accommodate over 500 people, increasing the number of climate-controlled, overnight accommodations in order to house larger groups, as well as acquiring two additional ski boats. Future building projects will feature a pool complex and lake view chapel. We encourage you to continue praying for and contributing to the development of our great camp! Come enjoy one of the state’s most serene outdoor settings

lobby or living room area with a full masonry fireplace. The stained concrete floors are easy to maintain and very durable. There is also a kitchenette in each lodge with sink, microwave and fridge. The lodges are wonderful, but their best features may be the two upstairs

We want to thank those who gave to Lake Whitney Ranch. To date, the development project has been debt-free! The future of Lake Whitney Ranch is an exciting one. Immediate plans include bath and shower facilities for the 3,500-5,000 attendees of

and take advantage of the Texas weather by planning your outing to Lake Whitney Ranch! Contact Lake Whitney Ranch Assistant Director, Susan Reiber, for reservations and information at LakeWhinteyRanch.org or by emailing sreiber@txsda.org.

Photo by Israel Vasquez

court. See the location for our 40-stall barn and outdoor riding arena, two gifts from generous members. Witness the construction on the newly donated boathouse, or enjoy a picnic lunch by our recreational pond where over 110 people have been baptized.







he Ministerial Department serves to support and minister to over 180 pastors and their families across the Texas Conference territory. The department provides friendship, mentorship, counseling and professional development for the ministers of the Texas Conference. The department works to develop pastoral leadership in four areas: Calling, Commitment, Competence and Courage. The Ministerial Department meets quarterly with pre-ordained pastors during the Intern Training and Development Program and also participates in the Ordination Committee review. We facilitate the Focusing Leader process, a leadership development process designed to help pastors bring strategic focus to their ministry. We provide tools for effective ministry like Link2Lead.com, which is a website for pastors and local church leaders dedicated to providing you with the latest information about your community, hands-on tools to better understand and develop your own capabilities for ministry, and a survey called Natural Church Development to measure the health of the church. Ministerial also fosters opportunities for developing church leadership. The director assists the Conference Secretary with pastoral transitions and visits churches across the Conference as guest speaker.

Many churches in our field receive their primary pastoral leadership from local church elders. Therefore, the Ministerial Department is responsible for supporting this vital group of lay leaders. The department provides a copy of Elder’s Digest quarterly for every elder in our Conference. This magazine is designed to help elders and company directors grow in abilities as leaders. During 2012, we developed a new program called Elder’s Gathering in conjunction with the Hispanic Ministries Department. More than just a training event, Elder’s Gathering has become an opportunity for elders to connect with the Conference officers, receive the latest materials and resources from the Ministerial Department, and network with fellow elders. Last year, 980 elders throughout the Conference took advantage of this important time together. Missional Compass is another enterprise developed for local church ministry and departmental leaders. The workshops during

Missional Compass are geared toward participants having a renewed vision and focus for outreach in all areas of church ministries. The main idea for this training event is to help local leaders work together to better serve their church. As we look towards the future, the Ministerial Department is working tirelessly on new projects that will benefit our pastors and lay leaders. Future Plans Include: • Deacon and Deaconess Training – Fall 2015 deacons and deaconesses are now under the care of the Ministerial Department. These leaders are the right hands of our pastors and elders in their local congregations and it’s our privilege to offer this support to them. • Pastors’ Children Ministry - To address the unique needs of pastors’ children while fostering their Christian growth with spiritual support, resources, training, and networking. • Develop materials and resources in collaboration with our local pastors to better equip our lay leaders. We’d like to thank all of our local pastors and their families for their devotion to the Gospel message, as well as daily shepherding their congregations. As we work together to grow the Kingdom of Heaven, we want to share our appreciation for their efforts, long hours and service-minded hearts. We’d also like to thank our area coordinators for their help and support during pastoral transitions and throughout the year with our area trainings and program development. Administrative Assistant, Rhonda Garner, has been a tremendous blessing to our department as well. She is committed to serving our churches, pastors and local leaders with excellence. I am grateful to have her as part of our team and I am humbled to be part of God’s work in Texas. I look forward to the future with excitement, knowing that God’s best is yet to come.





Women’s Ministries


n I Samuel 7:12 we read, “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far the Lord has helped us.’” What a wonderful verse! The “stone of help,” the “Ebenezer,” marked the memory of God’s power, God’s presence, God’s blessing, God’s


help. The Scots Bible translator, James Moffatt, translates it literally: “Samuel took a stone… naming it Helpstone. Here I raise my Ebenezer.” God is the God of help. This is the refrain that breathes through the Bible. How often do we see people crying out to God for help? And how often do we see the testimony of faith



• All meetings, lunch and dinner will be in Veramendi ABCD. •

The Prayer Room is located in the Burleson Boardroom. You can come and go as you please for personal or small group meditation and prayer. If you wish to pray with someone, Prayer partners will be available at the posted times located in the Prayer room.

us, shine nd with the Father’s glory rit, blaze earts on fire r, flow nations with grace and mercy h Your Word, et there be light be light!

• The ABC is located in the San Marcos River Room. •

Some of you are staying at the Country Inn & Suites or another hotel of your choice. Breakfast will be served at your respective hotels. For those who are staying in the Embassy Suites, it would be wise to come as early as possible to breakfast to minimize waiting in line. The first meeting begins at 9:00 a.m.

ng Events

Please leave all decorations intact for all to enjoy. Unless otherwise announced, no decorations or any part of them is to be taken.

on Chapel ath Church

ptember 28-30, 2012

Lost and Found: If, during the course of the weekend you lose something, please contact either Sandy Reyes or Cheryl Allgood to see if anything has been turned in. If something is left behind in the Meeting room/ Prayer room after the retreat is over, we will take it to the Conference office. You may call 817-790-2255 x2210 to see if we have the lost item and to identify it. All items not claimed in 3 months will be donated.


nistries TEAMS Platform: Kristina Lockhart & Jason Busch Décor: Karen Ripley & Marjorie Frakes Registration Coordinator: Letty Craig Hospitality Coordinator: Karen Ripley Breakout Sessions Coordinator: Carla Hernandez Prayer Ministry Coordinator: Lorena Marin PA/AV: David Ripley

Sunday check-out is 12 noon! Please do not wait until the end of the final session to check-out from your room. Also, remember to turn your key into the front desk.

Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Women’s Ministries 817-790-2255 ext. 2210

irector ve Assistant

Take Charge of Your Health Fall English Women’s Ministries Retreat

Teen Program Ages 16-19

SAVE THE DATE August 22-24, 2014 | La Torreta Resort | Montgomery, TX



that cries out: Ebenezer—the Lord has helped us! This was the experience of Samuel’s own mother. Hannah could not conceive a child, so she prayed to the Lord, being “deeply distressed and weeping bitterly” (1 Sam. 1:10). God “remembered her,” (1 Sam. 1:19), and “in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son. She named him Samuel, for she said, ‘I have asked him of the Lord’” (1 Sam. 1:20). The Lord helped her! The very prophet who set up the Ebenezer stone was himself a “living stone,” a visible reminder to his own mother that God answers prayer—that God helps. The women of the Texas Conference recognize our Ebenezers, and we thank God for them. As we become Ebenezers for others, God uses each of us to communicate the precious gospel of Christ. Over these past four years we have sensed His power moving among the women of our Conference. We have wonderful women who are a very active part of the Women’s Ministries Department. A large majority of our churches in Texas meet with their women on a monthly basis to hold prayer breakfasts, which typically feature a guest speaker. In addition, the ladies receive training in areas like healthy cooking or flower arrangement classes.


Others hold Bible studies for women or host weekly prayer groups at church. Many women conducted weeks of prayer in their churches last year. It’s so beautiful to discover the speaking talents that some of the members in our Conference have. May God continue to bless each one of them as they continue to shine their lights for others. Each year we’ve been able to hold three Women’s Retreats. One is held in the Valley area and two are held in the fall, one in Spanish and one in English. All three have experienced wonderful attendance. Guest speakers have included Elizabeth Talbot— Director for Jesus 101, Carla Gober—Loma Linda Center for Spiritual Life & Wholeness Director, Carmen Griffith— Southwestern Union Women’s Ministries Director, Wilma Gonzalez—Montemorelos University Wellness Center Director, Raquel Arrais— General Conference Women’s Ministries Associate Director, Juan Ramirez—Canoas Wellness Center Director, Kelly Dulac and Annie Perez. Additionally, we have held Women’s Ministries Leadership Trainings throughout the Conference by area. The trainings have had a good response and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Women’s Ministries leaders who serve this department. Thank you for doing a wonderful job and serving the Lord! I would also like to thank our Administrative Assistants, Abigail Espinosa and Cheryl Allgood, along with the Conference administration for their support of Women’s Ministries in Texas.


Youth & Young Adults


hen I was invited to be the Youth Director of the Texas Conference three years ago, I pondered, “What is the ultimate goal of youth and young adult ministry?” Several quotes

camporees and family camps are perhaps the largest in the whole Division, drawing more than 7,000 attendees. Our Conference had the largest representation of Pathfinders at the International Camporee in 2014, where one in ten attendees was a Texan!

young adults to be ministers in Guatemala. This year, we witnessed over 70 people baptized in response to our Vacation Bible School and evangelistic programming. By coordinating MOREcompassion in San Antonio, we are also encouraging youth to

EMPOWER: In order to help our club leaders become highly effective ministers, we must have club ministries. Empower training is held once a year throughout the Conference to provide leaders with updates, resources and tools to be successful. SUMMER CAMP: For the last two summers Lake Whitney Ranch has been alive with laughter as young people ages 7-17 ski, swim, ride horses, race bikes, play ball and form close bonds with the staff. We have seen almost 80 young people baptized and many more recommit their lives to Jesus through the Summer Camp program! SENT: School of Evangelism in Texas was designed to help young people find their place in the fulfillment of the Great Commission. SENT is user-friendly and meets only four weekends per year. Students are able to choose from a buffet of ministry options to specialize in and each student is assigned a ministry coach. Graduation from SENT is dependent on the student applying what they learned. DOXA: On November 2014, a group of young people participated in our first creative worship conference on the campus of Southwestern Adventist University called DOXA. There were discussions on worship, new song composing, choir participation, and learning about music in the church. More creative worship conferences are being planned for every area in Texas. MISSION TRIPS: For the past two years, we have been challenging our youth and

get involved in local mission projects. AREA DIRECTORS: We have commissioned seven area directors to help us oversee youth and young adult ministry in Texas. The area directors are chosen during our annual Youth and Young Adult Pastors’ Retreat at Lake Whitney Ranch and meet with our department monthly. ONLINE: The platform for all things related to this ministry in the Texas Conference is YoungTexasAdventist.org. Find resources, learn about upcoming events and register for camp, clubs and more. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter too! VISION: Our vision for the future is a busy one, but we truly believe God will grant the strength needed to accomplish it. The next four years will include more English churches joining the club ministries movement, a School of Evangelism in every major Texas city, local churches trained to effectively reach and retain young people, Lake Whitney Ranch developed for larger year-round groups, and an expanding youth and young adult volunteer leadership base. Join us in our goal of reaching every young person in the Texas Conference and creating a Spirit-filled army of ministers for the Master. Much of what we do is possible because of our Special Projects Coordinator and Administrative Assistants. A word of gratitude to Michael Polinar, Iris Escobar and Deborah Gendke, who faithfully serve the Youth and Young Adults Department.

& Young Adults from the Bible and spirit of prophecy helped shape my belief that the ultimate goal of youth ministry is to make ministers for the Master. In other words, make disciples who make more disciples of Jesus. With over 3,200 Adventurers, 3,150 Pathfinders, and 900 Master Guides as part of close to 12,300 young people ages 13-35, it became apparent to my associate and I that we must focus our individual ministries intentionally. And that’s exactly what we did. While Associate Director, Armando Miranda, Jr., took over club ministries, I began to focus on building a ministry that reaches the millennial generation (18-35). The department became the Youth and Young Adult Department, thus expanding our potential, reminding us that we must reach this often neglected portion of the body of Christ. While our focus and efforts are far from perfect, God has blessed us with amazing club leaders, youth and young adult pastors, area directors, Summer Camp staff, and volunteer youth and young adult leaders. Over time, we hope to grow our lay-leadership base and mobilize a dynamic and Spirit-filled army of ministers for the Master. Below, we share some of the incredible things God has done through these leaders. We highlight them for His glory and in the hope you will join our vision of making ministers for the Master. CLUBS: In the last few years, club ministries have exploded in growth and our





26 || Texas



8-20 ||

MOREcompassion Mission Trips in San Antonio, TX.

2-5 || Texas Conference Pathfinder Camporee at Lake Whitney Ranch.

21 || MOREfreedom

5-9 || Outdoor


8-10 || Your Best

Ministry Leadership Certification Training at San Marcos Seventhday Adventist Church.

Walk in San Antonio.

14 || Estate Planning

Seminar at Weslaco Seventh-day Adventist Church. March 21-28 @ 7:30 pm Tri Point Event Center

3233 N. St. Mary's St., San Antonio, TX 78212 Is there emptiness, insecurity or questions in your life? Are you looking for


School at Camp Hoblitzelle in Midlothian, TX.

Pathway to Health Medical Outreach at the Alamodome in San Antonio, TX.

9-12 || Alumni

Do you crave more love, purpose, meaning? Pastor and MOVEmentum President, Jose Vicente Rojas, presents

Morelife, discovering God’s extraordinary plan for you.

21-28 || MORElife

Youth Evangelism with Jose Rojas in San Antonio, TX.

22 || Vacation Bible

School Training at Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Weekend at Southwestern Adventist University.

10-12 || ASI Rally

with Mark Finley and Ted Wilson at New Creation Christian Fellowship in San Antonio, TX.

18 || Estate Planning Seminar at New Braunfels Seventh-day Adventist Church.

18-19 || Women’s

27-29 || B.Y.O.B. Back to Basics young adult retreat at Pine Cove Retreat Center in Columbus, TX.

Ministry Leadership Certification Training at Mansfield Seventhday Adventist Church.

28-29 || Women’s

24-26 || S.E.N.T.

Ministry Leadership Certification Training at Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church.



School of Evangelism at Scenic Hills Seventhday Adventist Church.

Conference Constituency Session at Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church.

2-3 || Women’s

17-30 || Evangelism in San Antonio with Carlton Bird at San Antonio Norris Conference Center.

31 || East Texas

Area Clerk’s Training Location TBD.

JUNE 5-27 || Evangelism in San Antonio with Mark Finley at San Antonio Shrine Auditorium.

7 || Houston Area Clerk’s Training Location TBD.

20 || Estate Planning Seminar at Corpus Christi Seventh-day Adventist Church.

21-28 || Tween

Camp Summer Camp for ages 12-14 at Lake Whitney Ranch.

20-27 || Evangelism

in San Antonio with Alejandro Bullon at Tri Point Event Center in San Antonio, TX.

28-July 1 || Tour

de Youth Cycling Event from Dallas to San Antonio, TX.

28-July 1 ||

NAD Ministerial Convention in Austin, TX.

28-July 5 || Cub Camp Summer Camp for ages 7-9 at Lake Whitney Ranch.

JULY 2-11 || General

Conference Session in San Antonio, TX.

14 || Valley Area Clerk’s Training Location TBD.

Want more info?

14-21 || Junior Camp Summer Camp for ages 10-12 at Lake Whitney Ranch.


Registration, information and more events on the Texas Conference website at TexasAdventist.org.


FLAME A publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Texas. Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists P.O. Box 800 Alvarado, TX 76009 Phone: (817) 790-2255 www.TexasAdventist.org

EDITORIAL Publisher.......................................... Carlos J. Craig Editor.......................................Kristina P. Lockhart Associate Editor.................................... Jason Busch

ADVENT Employees of the Adventist Church often change leadership positions and areas of responsibility. This section is to help you keep up with who’s where in Texas.

Assistant Spanish Editor.................Osvaldo Rigacci Layout Design....... Sora E. Yañez, Madelein Terreros Translation Coordination.........Kristina P. Lockhart Translators......... Mariangela Busby, Jorge Ordoñez,


................................................................ Tony Anobeli, Jr.: Associate Pastor

................................................................ Jose Pagan: Pastor

Conroe Church

Dallas Spanish Pleasant Grove Church

................................................................ Sunny Kim: Associate Pastor

................................................................ Redir Querol: Pastor

Fort Worth Korean Church

Laredo Spanish North, Laredo Spanish South & Laredo Three Angels Churches

................................................................ Evelio Miranda: Pastor Dallas Spanish East, Duncanville Spanish & Irving Spanish Churches

................................................................ Sergio Miranda: Senior Pastor Austin Spanish First & Kyle Spanish Churches

Silverman Terreros, Jackie Martínez

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Conference Officers Departmental Directors Staff photos by Aaron Thomas Photography

ADMINISTRATION President........................................... Carlos J. Craig Secretary............................................Gary A. Brady Treasurer......................................Edwin G. Romero

PRINTING & MAILING Director...........................................Mario Ledezma Pressman .......................................... Miguel Gomez

................................................................ Samuel Vega: Pastor

Designer............................................. Sora E. Yañez

Round Rock Lightbearers International Church

Print Shop Assistant............................Doug Denny

Designer...................................... Madelein Terreros

Administrative Assistant...................Erica Manzano

The FLAME is a publication of inspiration and education of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It is sent free of charge to all members of the Texas Conference on a quarterly basis. All others may request an annual subscription for a fee of $10.00. It is our prayer that you will find the stories in these pages inspiring and empowering so that together we can share the flame of Christ's love with those around us, both in Texas and beyond. If you have questions or comments, please email: flame@txsda.org




TXCSDA FLAME P.O. Box 800 Alvarado, TX 76009

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Ft. Worth, TX Permit No. 3310

Through the Mizpah Gate Alumni Homecoming, April 9-12, 2015 Featuring • 2015 Homecoming Golf Classic • Homecoming Banquet • Prayer Breakfast • Worship Services • Class Reunions • Benefit Pancake Breakfast • Grand Opening Tournament—Disc Golf Course For more information, please contact Bev Mendenhall, Director of Alumni, at 817-202-6232 or bevm@swau.edu.

Congratulations to the 2015 Festival Scholarship Finalists! Thank you alumni, donors, and friends for helping us raise over $19,000 more scholarship funds than last year! To read about past finalists and their success stories, or to audition for next year’s Festival, visit swau.edu/musicfestival. To help inspiring students like these, visit swau.edu/give.

Hope Marchok, violin Homeschool

Kenny Balinao, piano Chisholm Trail Academy, Texas

800-433-2240 | enroll@swau.edu www.swau.edu

Isabeau Wrasse, piano Homeschool

Kyle Dellosa, violin Chisholm Trail Academy, Texas

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