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The Dream Team

By Jason Busch

Gooooooaaaaaaaaaaal! If you watched the World Cup this year, no doubt you heard that word dozens of times. However, for every highlight reel of players like Harry Kane or Cristiano Ronaldo racing down the field and scoring, there’s a strong team behind them assisting, drawing away defenses, and running with them in case help is needed. And while the rush of success can feel personal, even the Bible recognizes that a team is stronger than the individual. Ecclesiastes 4:9 tells us that, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.”

When I was younger, I was part of a soccer league through school. I found out quickly that I wasn’t a prodigy at the sport, and the only goal I ever remember scoring came right before the whistle sounded to end the game. The score was tied at zero and I stood with the ball at half-field, launching it toward the net while the opposing team’s goalie thought the game over and ran off. As it sailed in, I heard that immortal word: “Goal!” Half the crowd went wild, and we won the match. Did I congratulate myself for a job well-done or win the game on my own since I scored the only goal? No. I ran to my team so that we could celebrate together.

The Bible talks a lot about the importance of teamwork, but there are two verses that really stand out to me. The first is Ephesians 4:16 that says, “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing

and full of love.” Our various strengths, weaknesses, and abilities are meant to work in harmony for a common goal. Just like our bodies have many different parts, so does our church. Not every member can be the pastor, or a hundred separate people handle the church’s finances. You don’t want a church with only younger people or a church with only older people. Life is about balance, and different talents, ages, interests, and experiences make for a stronger team.

Matthew 6:33 says,” Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” At first glance, it might not seem like this has much to do with teamwork. But think about what it means to be an athlete. They practice nonstop in their quest to bring their team a championship. Should we act differently? As part of God’s team, it’s our job to seek Him above all else. His gift of salvation is the ultimate championship for which we strive; and although we can’t attain that goal on others’ behalf, we can do everything it takes to help along the way. The stronger the team, the more likely it becomes for all its members to reach this everlasting prize. Like this year’s best World Cup teams, you have to keep believing, keep striving, and keep training, and your team will be even stronger!


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