FLAME | Spring 2018

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Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35





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Artist: Joyce Wilkens








Find out what makes the story of the Samaritan woman at the well such a powerful illustration of modern discipleship principles.

These banana bread cinnamon rolls are the perfect companion for a lazy weekend.

What if there was a machine that never stopped making bread? What if there already was?





Living Faith



Our natural drive for more money, fame, and power is celebrated in today’s world. But Jesus is the only one who can satisfy that hunger.

Faced with his son’s leukemia diagnosis, Alfredo shares how our readiness to give advice may not always be as helpful as it seems.

Save the date for these exciting events, training sessions, camporees, and much more.






Advent Movement

Aaron and Carrie Long are committed to using the latest and greatest technology available in order to teach children about Jesus.

How often do we pray for God to give us something instead of simply praying for more of Him?

Stay informed with the latest updates among Texas Conference staff and pastoral transitions.





To Chef Sualua Tupolo, cooking offers a way to share God’s love like no other. Learn how he turned his passion for food into a full-time ministry.

What does it mean to live between the good and the best? Find out in Family.



The I Am and Jacob’s Well


By Gabriel Perea John 4 and the story of Jesus’s interaction with the woman at the well, also known as the story of the Samaritan woman, is well-known to many of us and perfectly captures the character of Jesus. Today, we can read this chapter and try to glean elements of Jesus’s way of making disciples. As we read this account, John reveals that Jesus was wearied and stopped at a popular gathering place called Jacob’s well (verses 5-6). Here we see the first key element in making disciples. Through a clear understanding of mission and divine insight, Jesus understood all that could be gained by utilizing the necessary instrument of social platforms for the kingdom of God. Jesus knew that at some point throughout the day or week, this was the gathering place for just about everybody in town. After all, the well is where mingling, jokes, gossip, and political commentary happened amongst the peoples of that town. Therefore, in reading this passage, one can see divine intentionality when approaching social gathering platforms. At the well, the townsfolk would share about all kind of things. And as much as the Savior was interested in the life of everyone in that town, He did not appear in the morning or the afternoon as was common.

We read that Jesus goes to the well at the sixth hour or noon (verse 6). Here, we see an indefensible gospel strategy. By purpose, Jesus doesn’t go when the crowds are the largest, perhaps to not be distracted or enraptured by all the noise of conversation. He had journeyed to this place to have an encounter with one person, a Samaritan woman, at the time that best served her; a time that she had either selected or had been forced to adopt. Like many who are hurting today, they will go on social media and various social platforms and post things at times when others may not be aware or paying attention. Also, the Samaritan woman wasn’t a person who needed to show up with the rest of the crowds. She didn’t need to go to the well and share what was happening in her life, because it was already known to everyone. Her life was filled with hurt, pain, tears, betrayal, bad faith, and even mistrust of the religious establishment. Familial support, matrimonial companionship, and spiritual guidance, and social acceptance had all failed her and left her empty. Such is the case of many potential disciples in our congregations, assemblies, and spiritual networks. They are searching for something to make them feel whole and fulfilled. They are those who, often

accidentally, fall through the ecclesiastical cracks. Sometimes, by fault of sin in their life or by prolonged condemnation and judgment in the spiritual community, they feel that they have no place amongst the public community of believers. Jesus understands that the primary and most significant element in making life-long disciples is for individuals to know Him. The Samaritan woman, in the portion of the story covered here, has yet to discover who is talking to her. The I Am has yet to reveal who He is and what He has to offer.




Want More. Find More. By Tom Grove Maggie Rudkin was a self-described terrible cook. Her husband said he didn’t mind her food, but she realized that her nine-year-old son’s health depended on her learning how to cook well. The boy’s doctors told Maggie that they could either relocate to a drier climate in order to alleviate his asthma or he could be put on a special diet made up primarily of homemade bread. When she tried to protest, the doctor said only homemade bread would do. So, Maggie purchased the ingredients and baked her first loaf. Even after it turned out as hard as a rock and heavy as lead, she refused to give up. Little did she know that her subsequent attempts at baking would be a huge success. Once she perfected a recipe, her neighbors began to ask for so much that she had to start her own bakery business. In the end, she named that bakery after their Connecticut country home, which was named after the towering tupelo tree. Did I mention that the New England term for tupelo is pepper ridge? Pepperidge. Of course, you probably see the life’s work of Maggie Rudkin every time you visit the grocery store. You know it today as Pepperidge Farms – famous for its natural snacks and bread. Bread, so simple and yet so necessary. Every culture has some kind of bread as a staple in their diet. In fact, we all have probably eaten it in one form or another in the last 24 hours. Bread is also something Jesus called himself in John 6:35 when he said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” The context of this statement centers around Jesus having just fed the 5,000. And yet, they wanted more. They wanted Jesus to be their king who provided every meal, not just one on the hillside. Even though Jesus had sustained them, they still wanted more. The sinful human heart always longs for more, whether it be more money, more prestige, more power, more love, more anything. We live in a culture where our drive for more is celebrated and rewarded. And sadly, we often look in all the wrong places to satisfy this longing. But Jesus, in declaring himself the bread of life, is saying: “I am the only One who can sustain and satisfy. You may look to other places or to other things to placate your hunger, but your hunger will never be satisfied. I am the One who can satisfy and sustain you for all eternity. You may think that you need more, but I am enough. I am the bread of life.”



“Every culture has some kind of bread as a staple in their diet.”


Within REACH There is something


about an athlete who competes in a sport that requires excellence at swimming, running and cycling. Most of us will never compete in a triathlon, but we can achieve success by learning from this popular sport.

There is something


within our reach that we can do that even the most conditioned athlete would envy, and that is to prepare well and finish strong. The thrill of winning a race lasts only moments. However, the thrill of winning the victory through Christ lasts for eternity. You can help others know the joy of that eternal victory by setting up a Christian Estate plan that supports the ministries within the Texas Conference. We have simple, free tools to help you get started, prepare and complete your plan. Call or email us today. Copyright © 2018 Crescendo Interactive, Inc. Used by permission.



Preparation and training often pays off in the end.



Preparation and training always produces a sound plan.

Trains every day for years for a Meet with a Trust Officer and/ race that lasts a short time. our attorney for results that lasts years. Formula for victory: commit, prepare, complete.

Formula for victory: commit, prepare, complete.

Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists • Department of Trust Services P.O. Box 800 • Alvarado, TX 76009 • Phone: 817-790-2255 • Fax: 817-783-2698 Email: trust@txsda.org • www.TexasGiving.org 17SR45


Tech Teaching: A Family Story By Makala James To the Longs, Adventist education is a family matter. The entire family either attends or teaches at Burton Adventist Academy, and family value is even instilled into their classrooms. Aaron and Carrie Long simply strive to provide a well-rounded and technologically progressive learning environment. “There’s a tight-knit, connected community element here,” said Aaron. “To me, that’s what really makes what we do so special. Then you add in the fact that I believe we are sharing truth with the kids daily. It’s such an important thing and it’s a blessing as well.” Aaron and Carrie met at Burton Adventist Academy, not as teachers, but as students. Their romance blossomed in high school. After dating for eight years, they married in 2002 a few weeks after graduation from Southwestern Adventist University. Initially, neither Carrie nor Aaron planned to teach. That changed when they became student missionaries in Chuuk, Micronesia where they both worked as teachers in the field. “In Chuuk, I realized that I loved teaching and wanted to do it as a career,” said Aaron. Carrie’s decision to teach came later. After giving birth to two children, Caden and Adeline, Carrie decided to be a stay-at-home mom and homeschool. Yet, she kept an eye open for potential jobs in social work. Five years later, an unexpected job opportunity presented itself when the sole teacher of a small Adventist school resigned. While Aaron and the school board searched to find a replacement, they looked far and wide to no avail. Rather than allow the school to shut down, Carrie and Aaron agreed to fill the position together. “I was actually lined up to work with autistic children with behavioral therapy,” said Carrie. “But just landed in teaching instead. I’ve been there ever since and really enjoy it.” Aaron taught the older children and Carrie taught the younger children, including Caden and Adeline. Although few kids attended the school, Aaron decided to use his love for technology to improve the learning experience and help increase enrollment. “In 2008, Apple had just come out with wireless screen mirroring on the iPad. It blew me away and I thought, ‘How can we use this in the classroom?” Aaron wanted to do something big. Technology renovations seemed an ambitious and exciting goal, so he creatively funded a school remodel with an emphasis in technology. After successfully fundraising the money, they completely stripped the two classrooms out and updated them with technology centers. The school flourished under its new structure. “It was such a neat tool for diversified instruction,” said Aaron. “Self-directed learning, delivery of information, feedback from the kids; if I had to go back to paper and pencil, in terms of teaching, it would be very difficult.” When Aaron and Carrie accepted an offer to teach at Burton Adventist Academy in 2013, Aaron immediately set to implement an iPad program. The school raised $40,000 for an initial investment to



remodel the infrastructure. Now, Aaron is the representative for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to help schools across the state start iPad programs of their own. As Aaron implements these programs to help in the classroom, Carrie uses apps to share reports, pictures, and behaviors with parents and families outside of the classroom. “Carrie is a total champion of communication,” said Aaron. “She’s just fantastic about capturing the experience of the kids at school and constantly sharing that with their parents.” Ultimately, the use of technology is secondary to a greater mission for Carrie and Aaron: teaching children about Christ in a comprehensive education. “I like the well-roundedness of Adventist education in teaching the whole child,” said Carrie. “Now that we have children there’s no place I would rather have them than in Adventist education.”



“In 2008, Apple had just come out with wireless screen mirroring on the iPad. It blew me away and I thought, ‘How can we use this in the classroom?”





Food for the Soul By Divya Joseph

“He called me and waited for me to come to Him.”



If you were to fly over the small village of Onenoa in Samoa on a Sunday afternoon, you’d see it covered with fragrant smoke from all the cooking. After church, the men of the village chop down wood and set up the umu, a big outdoor earth oven built out of lava rocks and banana tree trunks, where they make an abundant meal. As he cooked elaborate meals with the men in his house, Sualua Tupolo knew from an early age that he had a passion for cooking. He just didn’t realize that God would take his passion and turn it into a powerful ministry. Tupolo has served as the exclusive chef for three governors of American Samoa, preparing meals for special government functions, legislators, and heads of state. However, he learned that God had a bigger plan for him when He brought him to Southwestern Adventist University as the Director of Food Service and Executive Chef. In high school, while working an after school job at Meals on Wheels, a chef spotted Tupolo’s talent for cooking. The chef encouraged him to apply to culinary school. Tupolo excelled in school and quickly climbed the ranks to becoming the personal chef at the Samoan Governor’s kitchen. There he cooked extravagant meals for special events that hosted anywhere from 30 to 1,500 people, including dignitaries from around the world. Tupolo was also responsible for starting the first culinary school in American Samoa. He even conducted a cooking demonstration for the staff of the U.S. House of Representatives who prepare food for congressmen and congresswomen in Washington, D.C. Despite these notable accomplishments, the memory he cherishes most is when he found a meaningful relationship with Jesus; a relationship that would change the way he approached food. Tupolo was raised as a Christian, but it was when he started attending the Seventh-day Adventist Church that something clicked for him. His change inspired most of his big family of 12 to convert to Seventh-day Adventism. “The biggest blessing in my life is that God never gave up on me,” he said. “He called me and waited for me to come to Him.” Aside from gaining a deep, personal relationship with Christ, Tupolo also loved the health principles of the church and saw the positive impact of a healthier, plant-based diet. “I realized that I am more spiritually aware when I am eating, sleeping, and exercising well,” he said.





“When it comes to cuisine, if you have a good heart then it reflects on the food.”

Tupolo says that God helped him understand that food is an integral part of His blessings. God has always shown his people that in order to take care of their spiritual needs, you have to take care of their physical needs as well. Tupolo points out that food and ministry have gone hand-in-hand for ages, from God providing manna in the Old Testament to Jesus multiplying the five loaves and two fishes in the New Testament. Tupolo says that his faith and cooking are now a packaged deal. He promotes healthy, plant-based food in the cooking classes he teaches in his local community, finds unique ways to use food to tell stories from the Bible, and sculpts the food into visual aids to tell stories like Noah and the flood for children. “Food is a language that you can communicate to people in a way that you can’t through other means,” he said. “Food is never boring and people are more willing to listen to you share about the Bible when food is involved.” In addition, Tupolo has reached many with his cooking ministry through his television program on the Hope Channel. He’s even taken it on the road by serving in missionary trips to countries like South Africa, Kenya, Costa Rica, Quebec, and Peru. He teaches people how to make healthier choices with the options they have available to them. “You can tell people about all the consequences of bad food, but if you do not give them the options they need then change will not take,” he said.





In his most recent adventure, Tupolo says that he was led by God to come serve the students at Southwestern Adventist University. There, he takes the time to learn food from various countries and make them with great care. He says he understands that there are students from different parts of the world present at the university and he wants them to feel at home. He added, “When it comes to cuisine, if you have a good heart then it reflects on the food.” When he isn’t cooking, he spends his time worshipping with kitchen workers, students, and members of his community. The fragrance of his food and devotion brings students to his kitchen where he shares about God with them. “I am really committed to this ministry,” he said. “I am excited to see what God is doing through me.” Tupolo says that most people would never have guessed the large impact that food can make in bringing people to Jesus. However, God can take any talent and make it a mighty ministry. He encourages those he meets to be open to the voice of God. “If you hear God’s calling, don’t be shy to communicate to Him and ask guidance on how to go about his plan. He will open the path.”

Aaron Thomas Photography



Banana Bread Cinnamon Rolls



Ingredients 1 packet (2 1/4 tsp) instant/fast-acting yeast 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1/2 cup vegan butter 1/3 cup + 2 Tbsp sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup mashed ripe banana + 1/2 cup sliced banana 2 3/4 - 3 1/4 cups flour 1/2 - 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon Optional: 1/2 cup raw walnuts or pecans, crushed For this recipe and more, visit minimalistbaker.com




In Spite of It All | Part 1 By Alfredo Vergel On a Friday afternoon a couple of years ago, I walked nonchalantly with my eldest son, Gianmarco, unaware of the change about to come. That summer, I had gotten into a routine of walking home with my kids from the campus where I work whenever they happened to be with me at the end of a workday. It was hot outside, so I made nothing of their usual complaints about having to walk home. I knew that they would soon start enjoying the journey. Time flew while we raced, caught fireflies as the evening began, gazed at hawks and roadrunners, observed the topography and the plants along the way, or imagined ourselves walking through dense forests. We loved spinning together while each of them hung onto one of my arms. On that particular day, Gianmarco seemed more tired than usual and did not enjoy himself as much as he typically did. He even declined racing from the corner of our block to our house, which seemed rare since he was almost always the one to initiate it. Since he had what my wife and I thought was the flu, I didn’t give it much thought. It even gave our youngest son, Lucas, the chance to win for the first time. Once we made it home, another rare thing happened: Gianmarco went straight to bed. Surprised by having a quiet evening, I also decided to go to bed early. The following Wednesday, Gianmarco and I were still sick and decided to spend the entire day at home. We couldn’t understand why he was still not back to his normal self. Doctors at a nearby emergency care facility had diagnosed him with an ear infection the previous Sunday, while his pediatrician had seen him on Monday. Sonia, my wife, dutifully applied drops to his ears as prescribed. Little did we anticipate the news we were to get on Thursday after another visit to the pediatrician; the kind of news that every parent dreads to hear. Cancer. Our little boy had cancer.



After receiving his leukemia diagnosis and being admitted to a pediatric hospital that same day, a tortuous chemotherapy regimen would soon begin. The next Sunday night would be the first of many terrible nights, and watching him suffer so much left a wound on my soul that still hasn’t healed. Compounding our agony, well-intentioned relatives, friends, and strangers bombarded us with all sorts of advice regarding what to do to restore Gianmarco to health. They put everything on the table, from what hospital would be best to what he had to eat each day. Someone even implied taking him from the hospital so that he could receive some alternative treatment elsewhere. On social media, we quickly became familiar with research purporting to unmask the inefficacy of chemotherapy in contrast with curing cancer through the adoption of lifestyle changes related to nutrition. Apparently making endless rounds in various instant messaging apps, there is a string of misinformation about secret, recent, forgotten, or intentionally obfuscated cures for cancer. I was surprised to see that people whom I otherwise admire for their common sense, moral compass, or financial savvy fall for such easily refutable falsehoods and spread them amongst friends, family, and peers. There are, for example, several spurious announcements that the renowned Johns Hopkins Hospital has abandoned chemotherapy in favor of some alternative treatment or to promote the unmitigated prevention of cancer through a variety of nutritional habits and other lifestyle factors. Perhaps the most insidious aspect of these kinds of announcements is that they often mix ideas that would seem to make sense with subtle falsehoods. I never cease to be amazed by this. Why do obvious flaws in an announcement on such a serious topic not raise more doubt? How is it possible for statements that challenge the voice of experts bypass the scrutiny of otherwise intelligent

people? Something tells me it is both mental laziness and a desire to simplify what, in its complexity, escapes our comprehension. Don’t misunderstand, I still believe that those perpetuating this information are good people. Great people, even. Although some may disagree with my perspective, I implore us to take a step back when confronted with news like Gianmarco’s leukemia and consider what life is like at the moment for those suffering most.



Sadly, Gianmarco lost his battle with cancer. And yet, the story continues. In the next issue, I talk of another sinister diagnosis for our family that came almost a year to the day of Gianmarco’s. In spite of it all, we cling to the promise that Jesus gives in John 16:33 where He says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”





What Are You Hungry For? By Jaclyn Myers and Dr. Ingo Sorke

“Lord, bless me. Give me money to pay for my tuition. Give me guidance on what I should do with my major.” Give me, give me, give me. Lately, these are the only kinds of prayers that leave my lips. There is nothing inherently wrong with asking God for guidance and help. However, it seems like all I do is ask Him for things He can do for me. What can He do to make my life better? How can He benefit me? After feeding the five thousand with a few loaves and fishes, Jesus went across the sea to escape those trying to get Him to become their king. These fanatical people followed Him and demanded to know why He had left. He answered them by calling them out on their motives. John 6:26 says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.” The crowds did not care who He was or what He was doing, as long as He filled them with bread. They wanted the free refreshments, not the freedom of Christ. The people saw Jesus as only there to provide for their temporary physical needs. He was there to feed them, to heal their diseases, and to free them from persecution. As long as He was doing what they wanted Him to do, they were happy followers. In Exodus 16, the Israelites were complaining about being in the wilderness. They wanted to go back to Egypt rather than trust in God’s plan for them. Still, God sent down manna from heaven to feed not only their stomachs, but to demonstrate His ability to feed their souls. Jesus mirrored these actions when He fed the multitudes. Jesus reminded them that it wasn’t Moses who sent the bread, but God. He emphasized how God sent a different kind of bread to them now. Jesus stated, “I



am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger.” These people, like many today, were working for things that would not last instead of “the food that endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you.” Jesus laid it all out before them. Only by believing in Him and accepting His life and death as their own could they have everlasting life. This was not the Jesus they had originally signed up for. They wanted Him to do all these things for them, but they didn’t want Him. Sure enough, John later writes, “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.” True hunger is not a game, but a thirsting of the soul for something more substantial than anything the world has to offer. Isn’t that how we tend to be as well? We pray for blessings from God, but we never really want Him. We are not attracted to the life He lived, only to what He can give. We already feel full of the bread of this world, whether that be money, food, or possessions, and we don’t think we need the so-called bread of life. Being full of the world today means to be empty again tomorrow. Being full of the bread of life, of Jesus, means to be satisfied for eternity. What are you hungry for?

Between the Good and the Best



By Ruber and Ketty Leal At a church in a small Pennsylvanian town, Tony Campolo once spoke the following message to a group of college students. He said, “You’re going to die! You may not think you’re going to die, but you’re going to die. One of these days, they’re going to take you out to the cemetery, drop you in a hole, throw some dirt on your face, and go back to the church to eat potato salad. When you were born, you were crying while everyone else was happy. So when you die, are you alone going to be happy while everyone else is crying? The answer depends on whether you live to get titles or you live to get testimonies. When they put you in the grave, are people going to stand around reciting the fancy titles you earned, or are they going to stand around giving testimonies of the good things you did for them? There’s nothing wrong with titles. Titles are good things to have. But if it ever comes down to a choice between a title or a testimony, go for the testimony.” Tony’s speech reminds us that life is lived between the good and the best. Most people will spend their entire lives talking about good things, dreaming about good things, and chasing good things. But when it’s all said and done, how much will those good things really matter? We must learn to focus not only on what is good, but rather on what is best. There is a story found in Luke 10:38-42 that helps us understand the balance when living between the good and the best. In verse 38, Martha welcomed Jesus into her house, which is definitely a good thing. Notice, though, what happens in verse 39. Martha’s sister, Mary, chose to sit at the feet of Jesus to hear His word instead. Later, Jesus even commended her for choosing what was best over what was simply good. In verse 40, Martha was distracted with serving her guests, which is still good! The problems arose when she considered this good thing she was doing as more important than listening to Jesus.

People go into debt trying to buy good things for their families. People can miss spending quality time with their children or spouses by being too busy doing good things around the house. Sometimes, people hardly participate or get involved in church life because they’re busy trying to secure a good future. Are these good things wrong? Of course not. But, when balancing between good and best, let this be a reminder: Food is good, but temperance is best. Money is good, but charity is best. Work is good, but family is best. Working for God is good, but worshipping God is best. When surrounded by plenty of good, always go for what is best!





Forever Bread Machine By Omar Miranda Joshua and his mother were getting ready to bake bread for their church’s homeless ministry, and as they were pulling out all the ingredients and setting them up on their counter, there was a knock on the front door. Josh shouted loudly, “YES! They’re here!” He excitedly swung open the door so hard that it slammed into the coats hanging on the coat rack behind the door, knocking them to the ground. “Hey buddy, is your mom home?” Mr. Jeff politely asked Joshua. “Sure! She’s in the kitchen. I’ll get her,” Joshua breathlessly responded. “MOOOOMMM!” Jeff shouted in the general direction of the kitchen.” Mom hurriedly came around the corner and responded, “Good morning Mr. Jeff.” “Good morning to you, Ms. Baker. I see that you and your helper are excited about helping the homeless in our town.” “We sure are!” Joshua quickly responded. Mr. Jeff, not missing a beat, shot back, “If that’s the case, you’re going to need what I’ve got in the back of my truck. Will you please give me a hand?” As Mr. Jeff pulled the blue tarp off of his truck’s treasure, Joshua exclaimed, “Whoa! I’ve never seen so many machines in my life. What are they?!” As Mr. Jeff grabbed two machines and loaded Joshua with a couple, he responded, “Well, they’re something called a bread machine.” Both Joshua and Mr. Jeff worked for fifteen minutes bringing in all the machines. As Joshua looked around his living room and kitchen, he counted out twenty machines in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. Mr. Jeff gave Joshua and mom some last minute instructions and told them that if they had any problems to give him a call. After he and mom waved goodbye to Mr. Jeff’s truck, she and Joshua got to work. They poured all the ingredients and programmed each of the machines, turned them on, then sat down and let out a big sigh of relief. They would have to do this two other times today. They were making a total of sixty loaves of

bread all for tomorrow. Joshua went upstairs to do some homework, but it wasn’t long before the smell of fresh-baked bread captured his attention. He ran down the stairs, missing the last three altogether and landing on all fours. His mother, from the living room, called, “Joshua! Don’t touch anything. The bread’s not done yet.” “But mom!” Joshua whined, throwing up his hands in frustration, “I just want to taste the bread to make sure that it’s okay to give to other people.” “Don’t you ‘but mom’ me, mister! I know exactly what you’re up to.” A few moments later, she turned to Joshua and said, “How would you like to hear a true story?” His mom told him the story of Jesus found in John 6:22-59. As she read about Jesus telling His followers who He really was, Joshua was spellbound. Mom began reading Jesus’s response to His followers asking Him for bread: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.” Joshua, acting like someone pinched him, sat upright! “Hey!” he shouted, “that’s just like Jesus telling them that He’s a ‘Forever Bread Machine’ so they’ll never be hungry again!” His mother put her Bible down on her lap and, letting out a giggle, responded, “I guess you’re right! Jesus was telling them that He was their ‘Forever Bread Machine.’ And He can be yours too!” With that realization, they both wearily, but happily, got up from the couch to start another round of bread for their neighbors, who would soon be able to learn all about Jesus, their very own Forever Bread Machine.







1-3 | 7th & 8th Grade Music Fest at North Dallas Adventist Academy.

10 | Estate Planning Seminar at Houston Spanish Spring Branch Seventh-day Adventist Church.

5 | Estate Planning Seminar at Houston Spanish Alief Seventh-day Adventist Church.

12-15 | Southwestern Adventist University Alumni Weekend in Keene.

6 | Southwestern Adventist University Graduation in Keene.

3 | Church Planting Rally at San Antonio Valley View Seventh-day Adventist Church.

14 | Estate Planning Seminar at San Antonio Spanish Marbach Seventh-day Adventist Church.

18-20 | Youth Sports Tournament at Southwestern Adventist University.

3 | Estate Planning Seminar at Austin Spanish First Seventh-day Adventist Church.

21 | Estate Planning Seminar at Cypress Seventh-day Adventist Church.

3 | Valley Area Evangelism Training at McAllen Spanish Valley Central Seventhday Adventist Church.

4 | Vacation Bible School Training at McAllen Spanish Valley Central Seventhday Adventist Church. 10 | Estate Planning Seminar at Austin Spanish Pan-American Seventh-day Adventist Church. 10 | Estate Planning Seminar at Beeville Seventh-day Adventist Church. 17 | Estate Planning Seminar at Laredo Spanish Mines Seventh-day Adventist Church. 29-April 1 | Pathfinder Camporee at Lake Whitney Ranch. 22


22-26 | Outdoor School at Camp Hoblitzelle in Midlothian. 27-28 | San Antonio Area Camp Meeting at New Creation Christian Fellowship. 27-29 | ForeverOne Marriage Retreat at Omni Corpus Christi Hotel. 28 | Soul-Winning Festival at Arborlawn United Methodist Church in Fort Worth. 28 | Estate Planning Seminar at Nacogdoches Seventh-day Adventist Church.

30-June 2 | Keene-Fort Worth Area Camp Meeting at Keene Seventh-day Adventist Church. Registration, information, and more events on the Texas Conference website at TexasAdventist.org.

ADVENT MOVEMENT Employees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church often change leadership positions and areas of responsibility. This section is to help you keep up with who's where in Texas. Paul Hunt

Stewardship and Sabbath School Director Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Ruber Leal

Associate Ministerial Director Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Harvey Contreras

Junior Accountant Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Greg Garner

Treasury Intern Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Jose Omar Rodriguez

Pastor Jefferson Central, Longview, Longview Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Leaquim Caitano

Associate Pastor Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church

Alexander Antoine

Pastor Conroe Spanish and Houston Spanish Central Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Manolo Damasio

Treasury Intern Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Senior Pastor Dallas Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist Church

Stephen Gamallo

Edwin Regalado

Josue Estrada

Associate Pastor Richardson Seventh-day Adventist Church

Denton Rhone

Senior Pastor Houston International Seventh-day Adventist Church

James Milam

Pastor Hurst and Springtown Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Rodney Garcia

Pastor Temple and Round Rock Light Bearers Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Kevin Walkowiak

Senior Pastor Burleson Seventh-day Adventist Church

Will Klinke

Pastor Mesquite and Terrell Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Pastor Alvarado Spanish and Cleburne Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Jonathan Rodriguez

Pastor Pflugerville Spanish and Bastrop Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Churches

John Arana

Pastor Austin Spanish Central, Austin Spanish East, and New Beginning Seventh-day Adventist Churches

FLAME A publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Texas EDITORIAL

Publisher: Carlos Craig Editor: Jason Busch Associate Editor: Tamara Terry Assistant Spanish Editor: Ismael Castillo Layout & Design: Zack Posthumus | zackpostdesign.com


Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church Advent Project Church Southwestern Adventist University Feature and Education images by Aaron Thomas Photography | aarontphoto.com Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists PO Box 800, Alvarado, TX 76009 Contact us at 817.790.2255 or TexasAdventist.org


President: Carlos Craig Executive Secretary: Elton DeMoraes Treasurer: Randall B. Terry


Director: Mario Ledezma Pressman: Miguel Gomez Designers: Madelein Terreros, Sora E. YaĂąez Print Shop Assistant: Doug Denny Administrative Assistant: Jannet Diaz

Wilfredo Vanegas

Associate Pastor Dallas Spanish Oak Cliff and Cedar Hill Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Churches

Nelson Montiel

Associate Pastor Houston Spanish Bellaire and Houston Spanish Westchase Seventh-day Adventist Churches

The FLAME is a publication of inspiration and ministry of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. It is sent free-of-charge to all members of the Texas Conference. If you have any questions or comments, please email flame@txsda.org.



TXCSDA FLAME PO Box 800 Alvarado, TX 76009

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Ft. Worth, TX Permit No. 3310





(817) 790-2255 Ext. 2108 | Ext. 2106 for Spanish | LAST CHANCE: SAVE $50 when registered by Feb. 28th March 29th EARLY BIRD RATE $199 by March 29th



JORGE & NIBIA MAYER Spanish Sessions


Includes: Welcome bag, Sabbath lunch, beach photo shoot and more.

Includes buffet breakfast.

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