2 minute read


Strength for the Weak

By Ruber and Ketty Leal

If we were given a chance to go on a trip to see what happens in the throne room of God, what would we see or hear? Come with me in an imaginative trip through the galaxies. Angels are coming and going, dispatched on errands of mercy. To us, it all seems a blur of random activity. His work to redeem every human soul is more than we can understand. He even urges His agents to aid those who don’t believe in Him, and He responds to the prayers of His believing children on behalf of those who don’t know Him yet. We can’t possibly take in everything, so let us share with you a scenario of what we might see.

An angel presses his way to God’s throne. “Lord, it’s Sam,” the angel says, “He’s in trouble! He’s on a business trip, and he’s gone to the motel pool for a late-night swim.” “God”, the angel continues, “the enemy has planted someone in the pool near him, and even now she’s making him a blatant offer. Sam needs help fast, Lord. I know he wouldn’t want to yield if he was strong and really thinking!”

Suddenly, someone begins coming through the crowd. “Get back!” Satan hisses. He glares at Jesus. “Sam may have been Your

follower at one time, but his life these last few months shows that he is not anymore. He has neglected prayer and Bible study; his mind drifts every time he’s supposed to be worshiping You. This adultery will surely be the natural outworking of his real desires.”

Jesus steps before the throne. “Father, I ask that You remember My sacrifice on Calvary for Sam. I thought of him when making the decision to provide an escape for human beings. I love Sam, and I can’t let him go. Not yet! Father, I pray that You will forgive Sam for his neglect of Me and My Word these past few months. Cover Him with My righteousness.”

The Holy Spirit steps forward with word that Sam is conflicted, “I spoke softly to his conscious” says the Holy Spirit, “he knows he is falling in a trap but he likes what he is feeling right now. However, when I searched his heart, I saw that he does not want to sin.” Instantly, God dispatches an angel to Sam’s side. With a strength that he himself doesn’t understand, Sam turns his gaze away from the woman, exits the pool, and hurries down the hall before she has a chance to follow him.

While this scenario is obviously imaginary,

similar events have happened in many ways and in many places on this planet. Satan doesn’t stand in God’s presence, but he is the accuser of God’s people (Revelation 12:10). This story merely reflects what the Bible tells us about Jesus’s work on our behalf. He is busy interceding for His people who believe in Him, and even for those who don’t. The good news is that you and I have access to the same help that Sam had. Regardless of our struggles, we will always qualify for God’s grace when we ask. Accept His strength and watch Him fight for you.

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