1 minute read


The Apostle Paul said, “But as for you, CONTINUE in what you have learned and firmly believed” (2 Timothy 3:14a).

Through your gifts to the Cooperative Program, Texas Baptists continues to make a significant impact in our state and around the world through the expansive ministries backed by the over 5,300 churches who are dedicated to sharing Christ and showing love.

Through innovative methods and dedicated service to the Lord, Texas Baptists actively and passionately continues to share the good news of the gospel. We continue to see expansive growth in church starts and baptisms. Our Baptist Student Ministries (BSM) continue to reach the next generation of leaders on 130 college campuses across the Lone Star State. And we continue to support our Baptist universities as they train the next generation.

Many Texas Baptists churches have an ongoing overseas ministry by adopting a missionary through our Missionary Adoption Program (MAP). Many church families focused their mission trips to one location of the world and developed partnerships with our faithful missionaries. Together, they continue to win more people to Christ and find great joy in building upon their ministries and the strong relationships that grow from this kind of gospel innovation.

Texas Baptists shares a strong conviction to expand multicultural ministries with African Americans, Hispanics and Asians, as the nations continue to move into Texas. God has called us to reach all people for Christ. Whether it is being salt and light in the public square, strengthening churches, encouraging ministers or supporting missionaries in remote outposts, Texas Baptists continues to work together to share Christ and show love.


214.828.5239 ministries

We’ve experienced an amazing year in the Center for Church Health. We’ve expanded in some new ways, including some of the ministries that are part of our center. The data you see on the following pages gives a quantitative representation of our work, but there is much more than just the numbers. If it were possible, I’d love to take you with me to churches, universities, BSMs and so many other places where God has opened the door for us to not only go and teach but to listen and learn. We continue to change as we listen to what God is telling us and engage with so many outstanding church leaders to hear what God is doing in local churches.

Church Health



Music & Worship

Church Architecture

GC2 Press

Women’s Ministry

Single & Young

Adult Ministry

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