JULIO GUARNERI Executive Director BECKY BROWN Executive Assistant
What a year this has been! This month marks my first anniversary as your executive director.
Early this year my wife Monica and I had the distinct privilege of sharing a meal with Dr. Bill and Bobbie Pinson, Dr. Charles and Rosemary Wade, Dr. Randel & Sheila Everett, and Dr. David and Kathleen Hardage, all previous BGCT executive directors. They each shared their experiences with us. We commemorated the special occasion with a photo of all five couples.
For me this was a great reminder of the great legacy on which we get to build. God has gifted Texas Baptists with great leaders throughout its 138 year history. We are a convention with a rich history. And we also have a great opportunity to make a difference today and in the future.
Our growing state has a population of more than 30 million people. More than 230 languages are spoken in Texas. The nations have come to Texas! Our largest demographic group is the Hispanic population, followed by the Anglo and African American segments. The Great Commandment and the Great Commission continue to guide us as Texas Baptists.
Loving God means loving our neighbors who are made in His image. Making disciples of all nations means going overseas but it also means going across the street to share the gospel in word and in deed. Texas remains a mission field and a mission force. We learn how to live missionally every day so that everyone in Texas and beyond has an opportunity to know Jesus.
We are blessed to be a family of 5,300 churches, of which 1,200 are Hispanic, 1,000 are African American and 350 are intercultural (Asian, African, Middle Eastern, etc.).
On any given Sunday, Texas Baptists worship in about 80 different languages. We have 75 churches in 16 states other than Texas. We also partner with 24 institutions that do kingdom work in Texas and beyond. And we have over 70 missionaries in 17 countries. Praise the Lord! Great things He hath done!
The concept that keeps coming to my mind is “God’s Kingdom.” This year I have prayed, talked and worked with our staff, pastors and other leaders to ask, “What is the role God wants Texas Baptists to play in his redemptive plan for the world in this second quarter of the 21st century?”
We want to make sure that we are kingdom-minded. In fact, we want to make sure that we follow Jesus’ kingdom agenda. This year’s theme for our annual meeting, based on Luke 4:18-19, reminds us that Jesus’ agenda was to proclaim good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
As we gather in Waco, we want our Texas Baptists family, churches and institutions, to commit to work together in carrying out Jesus’ agenda in Texas and beyond.
Thank you for the privilege of letting me serve you!
For the sake of His agenda,
Julio S. Guarneri
APPROVED THE 2023 PROCEEDINGS of the 138th Family Gathering of the Annual Session of the Baptist General Convention of Texas that met July 16-18 in McAllen, Texas.
The Executive Committee of the Executive Board recommends the following:
Be it resolved that upon the resignation of Julio Guarneri as President of the BGCT that Ronny Marriott is hereby declared to be President of the Baptist General Convention of Texas and Debbie Porter is declared to be 1st Vice President until such time as the next election of officers at the BGCT annual meeting of messengers.
The Executive Board recommends the adoption of the following resolution:
THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that either the Executive Director, the Associate Executive Director or the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer or any person serving as the interim Executive Director, interim Associate Executive Director or interim Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, are authorized to execute such document(s), contract(s), checks and other financial or transactional documentation as may be necessary or appropriate to accomplish the business, work and mission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (“BGCT”).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Controller and Assistant Treasurer or any person serving as the interim Controller and Assistant Treasurer, is authorized to execute such checks as may be necessary or appropriate to accomplish the business, work and mission of the BGCT.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any non-budgeted contract exceeding $250,000 must have received the prior approval of the Executive Board of the BGCT.
THIS RESOLUTION is effective immediately and shall continue in effect until such time the persons herein authorized shall no longer occupy the positions herein described or until revoked in writing.
1. We recommend a budget for 2024 of $35,294,994 from the following sources of revenue:
Texas Cooperative Program
Budget ......................................... $35,294,994
2. We recommend that the percentage allotment of the adopted budget continue at 79% BGCT – 21% Worldwide, with each church selecting the recipient(s) of the Worldwide portion.
We recommend a 2024 proposed allocation of $1,100,000 of Cooperative Program Texas Worldwide Missions Initiatives and Partnerships as follows:
The Institutional Relations Committee recommends the approval of VBMEC exceeding the 20% borrowing limit.
We recommend the firm Batts, Morrison, Wales, & Lee conduct the financial audit for the year 2023. Such audit is estimated to cost $61,500 based on a one-year contract.
CNEBD - 2026 Term
Jeff Scott, Pioneer Drive Baptist Church, Dallas
CNEBD - 2026 Term
Darin Wood, First Baptist Church, Midland
CNBAM - 2026 Term
Scott Curry, First Baptist Church, Gruver
CNBAM - 2026 Term
Shawn Shannon, Tallowood Baptist Church, Houston
Sector 9-11
Jeffrey Warren, Park Cities Baptist Church, Dallas
Sector 25
Raymond Sanchez, First Baptist Church Weslaco, Weslaco
Sector 18
Lanette Jones, Schwab City Baptist Church, Livingston
Sector 19-22
Jose Carreno, Northside Baptist Church, Baytown
2025 Term
Steve Mullen First Baptist Church, Burleson
D. To receive benefits, employees must not be l leaving Texas Baptists to take full-time employment with another organization.
1. Texas Baptists host a networking event for women in ministry at Texas Baptists Annual Meeting beginning in 2024 and host regional networking events across Texas, beginning in 2025.
2. Executive Leadership identify and resource a new or current BGCT staff member to expand, develop, and implement mentoring and leadership training opportunities for women in ministry in Texas Baptist churches and institutions.
3. Executive Leadership resource a BGCT staff member to explore all current opportunities available for women in ministry and leadership in Texas Baptists churches and institutions to catalog resources and provide suggestions on ways to streamline and expand programs without duplicating.
Executive Leadership seeks the Board’s affirmation and blessing in creating an Executive Director’s GC2 Study Group to assist in exploring the issues involved in beginning this ministry.

VACANT Associate Director
ASHLYNN BROWN Cooperative Program Specialist
The Office of the Cooperative Program and Associational Relations exists to reflect the cooperative relationship of Texas Baptist churches and to spread the vision of how far God’s Kingdom can grow through cooperative giving and partnerships.
Over this last year of adaptations and changes, Texas Baptists goal of harmony and unity has become even more valuable. In this last year, we have welcomed our new Texas Baptists Executive Director, Dr. Julio Guarneri and said farewell to the Director of the Cooperative Program and Associational Relations, Dr. Bruce McCoy. It is easy to become discouraged or to drift apart when faced with so many changes within the convention over such a short period of time. However, this is exactly the time when we should remember the value of partnership and unity.
Texas Baptists has never existed as an autocracy, but a partnership and a network of like-minded Christians. Just as the church has never existed as a solo sport, but as a team united towards a common goal. Trusting in the promise Jesus gave us in Matthew 18:20, that “if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (ESV), our department is dedicated to advancing the Kingdom work of Texas Baptists as a strong united fellowship.
Jesus not only promised that what we asked in his name and according to His will, would be granted to us by God the Father, he also clearly illustrated how we are to serve our neighbors here in this world. Jesus teaches us that “as you did to one of the least of these my brothers, you did to me” and that “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me” (Matthew 25:40; Matthew 25:34-35 ESV). In following these teachings Texas Baptists, seek to reflect God’s love through cooperation with all Baptists throughout Texas and beyond by seeing, understanding, and serving the needs of our neighbors and communities.
We all know that we cannot serve needs that we do not see or understand. Our department has been in a uniquely beneficial position over the past year to be able to connect our churches, associations, and Texas Baptists to both needs and Kingdom opportunities across our state and beyond. With our ever-growing network of relationships between associations and churches, along with the blessing of funding grants for our associations, we have been able to see the fruit of our cooperation grow across the state. Through cooperation, our associations have been able to provide food and clothing for immigrants along our border as well as school supplies for children in foster care. These ministries alone have ministered to hundreds of immigrants and dozens of children and God has multiplied the blessings to all involved because we came together to serve those who He loves.
Cooperation is not possible alone, and our office is merely the hub of the wheel which makes up Texas Baptists as a whole. We serve, strengthen, and connect all of our family together. Let us continue to love, rejoice, serve, mourn, and worship together in the days to come.
The Office of the Cooperative Program would like to ask everyone to join us in welcoming Clay Jacobson as our new Director of the Cooperative Program. Associational Relations would also like to thank the Mary Hill Davis Offering for their continued support of our associations through funding support.
Texas Baptists Communications continues to be about the main thing: bearing witness to God’s transformative work in, to and through Texas Baptists churches, ministry staff and ministry partners across the state and beyond. Through storytelling and promotion, we shine a light on the top themes Texas Baptists churches tell us matter most to them: relationships, ministry resources and impact, beliefs and history.
This past year, we had the privilege of announcing both the nomination and subsequent election of Julio Guarneri, Ph.D., as the 21st executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. It was a pleasure to serve alongside the Executive Director Search Committee as they pressed forward in their vital assignment and shared regular updates throughout the process, and cover the September 2023 board meeting where a historic vote occurred. At that meeting, Dr. Guarneri became the first Hispanic individual to be elected to the post of executive director in the convention’s 138-year history.
In addition to supporting Dr. Guarneri’s start — be sure to check out his new webpage at txb.org/julio and sign up for his widely read “weekly update” email newsletter — we also made some slight changes to our departmental structure to better align personnel with the ever-evolving landscape of marketing and communications.
Heather Penna assumed the role of content manager, where she now oversees News Writer Jessica King, Social Media Specialist Jeremiah Morales and our now Senior Multimedia Specialist and Coordinator Neil Williams. Together with our Web Specialist Zach Moore and Communications Specialist Spencer Wolverton, this “content team” gathers at the start of each week to review the previous week’s owned, earned and paid content, and make plans for the next week’s coverage. Through Heather’s careful management, we continue to see growth in social media audiences and engagement rates, email marketing send, open and click rates, multimedia views and subscribers, and news and feature stories published. This capable team is intentional in its efforts to include the entire Texas Baptists family in its storytelling, and it is successfully incorporating themes from the past year’s “engagement evaluation” into its monthly content planning.
Texas Baptists Communications also continues to maintain relationships with both the national Baptist communicator’s group, Baptist Communicators Association (BCA), and the national Baptist editor’s group, the Association of State Baptist Publications (ASBP). In February of 2024, in Scottsdale, AZ, I had the privilege of being elected president of the editor’s group, and two months later, members of our department attended BCA’s Wilmer C. Fields Awards Program in Richmond, VA, and took home numerous awards including the Albert McClellan Award for Exceptional Achievement in Print Media and Design. Congratulations to Caleb Arndt, our design manager, for this well-deserved award!
As always, we encourage you to get connected by visiting txb.org/subscribe. We can’t wait to tell you how we do more together!

SPENCER WOLVERTON Communications Assistant
HEATHER PENNA Content Manager
NEIL WILLIAMS Senior Multimedia Specialist & Coordinator
JEREMIAH MORALES Social Media Specialist
CALEB ARNDT Design Manager
LAUREN CHILDS Graphic Designer
MARITZA SOLANO Production Designer
JOHANN DYCK Senior Web Manager/ Developer
ZACH MOORE Web Specialist
MARCUS WILSON Junior Marketing Consultant

HR Benefits Coordinator
In the midst of a very challenging year, the Human Resources Department experienced a remarkable year of work and ministry. With our stated purpose as our guide, “To support the mission and ministries of the BGCT by helping leaders attract, train, and retain quality staff members.” we have exceeded our expectations and goals.
From June 2023 to May 2024
In HR you are constantly presented with challenges. On the plus side, you are also presented with a myriad of opportunities. As such, we decided to embrace the opportunities that 2023-2024 threw at us as we conducted an internal review of our HR processes and procedures. We evaluated the critical things we do to look for opportunities to improve our performance as we serve our ministries, and thus far we were off and running.
Aligning our staff with our Mission
There is a saying that “if you don’t know where you are going – any road will get you there.” But, it’s easy to see that this approach can lead to being very busy but not necessarily accomplishing what needs to be done. It’s important that everyone be on the same page and knows that what they are doing contributes to the overall mission and ministry. We try to see how we could help support this type of organizational alignment. We created a New Employee Orientation Process that helps our staff to know our history, where we are today and where we are going. The process also gives our staff the opportunity to meet with our leadership and get answers to questions that are important to them and their families. We decided to have our employees go through the process so that we are all working from a consistent foundation of knowledge and direction. HR also continues to refine our Performance Appraisal process. We give our employees a formal way to ensure that they know what is expected of them as they perform their ministry and how well they are doing against those expectations. Both HR-lead processes help us as an organization to be sure that all our efforts are aligned with our mission and ministries.
HR- The Move To A New HRIS
The move to our Human Resource Information System was stressful for our staff. Everyone was affected by the move and Human Resources was there to help. We employed our expertise in change management and employee relations to advise on ways to honor our past relationship with UKG as well as embrace our new relationship with Paylocity that began in early March.
HR- A New Insurance For A New Time
With rising health care costs, it was imperative for us to find a new source for our employee insurance. With the help of Guidestone, in January 2024 we moved from a fullyfunded insurance to a self-funded insurance and the process has been effective. As our staff has grown more accustomed to the new vendor our costs have decreased, while our level of service has remained the same.
HR – A Resource to Our Churches
We regularly receive inquiries from our churches to help them with Human Resources related issues. While we always counsel our churches to seek professional legal and financial advice, this year we were able to offer suggestions relating to a variety of topics, including hiring, employee relations and various church/pastor related issues. These are a few examples of the ways that we have worked this year in service to our BGCT staff, churches and ministries. We are blessed and we thank you for the opportunity that you give us to serve in His name. We look forward to being able to help you in this coming year.
The content of the Series is found in books, leaflets, and websites. For example, twentyseven articles, a summary of the history of Baptists, and other resources on Baptists are available on the website www.baptistdistinctives.org.
The articles, in both color and text-only format, can be downloaded and printed FREE. In addition, text versions of the articles in the languages listed below are available with links to the individual websites for each.
Arabic: www.baptistarabic.org
French: www.specificitesbaptistes.org
Hindi: www.baptistsiddhanth.org
Japanese: www.whatbaptistjapan.org
Korean: www.baptistdistinctiveskr.org
Mandarin: www.jxhzhenli.org
Portuguese: www.distintivosbatistas.org
Russian: www.harakterofbaptist.com
Spanish: www.distintivosbautistas.org
Swahili: www.ijuebaptisti.org
Urdu: www.baptisturdu.org
A work in progress, the articles are in the process of being translated in additional languages, such as Hungarian, Polish, Telugu, and Vietnamese. They have been put in book form in Arabic (audio), Swahili, Portuguese, Hungarian, and Spanish.
Baptist groups in various parts of the world, including language churches in the USA, utilize the Baptist Identity materials. For example, they have been used by Baptist individuals, churches, and schools including seminaries in countries and areas, such as:
Argentina Egypt Japan Philippines Tanzania
Brazil Guatemala Korea Poland Ukraine
Canada Honduras Madagascar Romania Venezuela
Columbia Hungary Mozambique Russia
Cuba India Peru South Africa
Is the Baptist Identity Series an official statement of Baptist beliefs? Of course not! No such official statement has ever existed. The materials are an attempt to put in brief, readable form what Baptists throughout the world generally affirm as belief and practice.
Guided by the volunteer staff of the Texas Baptist Heritage Center, scores of persons, including Baptist Distinctives Council members, pastors, laypersons, historians, and theologians have contributed to the development of the Series. Cooperation with Global Leadership Development has richly enhanced the widespread use of the materials.
The Texas Baptist Heritage Center and Baptist Distinctives Council were established by the Baptist General Convention of Texas to help inform and inspire Baptists and others about Baptist beliefs and heritage. The Baptist Identity Series is one of many projects and contributions of the Center/Council to help advance the cause of Christ in the fulfillment of the Great Commission and Great Commandment.
The prayer and support of Baptists in Texas and beyond have made this resource possible.

WILLIAM M. PINSON, JR Executive Director Emeritus/ Director TX Baptist Heritage Center (Volunteer)
DORIS A. TINKER Director Communications/ Organization (Volunteer)

J. LEFEVER Director
NAOMI TAPLIN Associate Director
DYLAN PRICE Manager Texas Baptist Historical Museum
BRITTANY CRUMPTON Ministry Assistant
JESSICA TINDOL Senior Researcher/ Coordinator 1839 Society
2023 marked the 90th year of operation for the Texas Baptist Historical Collection. The key word for 2023 was “growth”. The TBHC was established in 1933 and housed in a small room at Southwestern Seminary. Today the Collection is squeezed in 11,000 square feet building in downtown Waco. In 2023 the holdings of the TBHC grew substantially adding over 120 linear feet to the Collection. These new additions included church records of both active and disbanded churches from around the state, additions to the Baptist Standard archives, and material on Campers on a Mission in Texas. Personal papers from several people who have served Texas Baptists were also acquired by the TBHC. On October 30 the Collection had a reception honoring the family of Daniel Vestal Sr. for the gift of his personal papers. Vestal Sr. was a Texas Baptist Evangelist who served in and around Texas from the 1940’s until the 1980’s. His papers include scrapbooks, diaries, sermons and newsletters.
The THBC continues to grow its Friends group known as the 1839 Society. Jessica Tindol serves as Senior Researcher/Coordinator of the 1839 Society and is overseeing the Society’s benefit program and quarterly newsletter. For more information on the 1839 Society or to join contact Jessica Tindol at Jessica_tindol@texasbaptists.org.
The digitized scans of Texas Baptist associational minutes from 1840-1996 housed at the TBHC are, for the first time, available to offsite researchers through a website address and password provided to individual researchers. Access is limited by demand. For more information contact Brittany Crumpton at Brittany_crumpton@texasbaptists.org. Also, if you have a question or research request, you can now submit it through Collection website at thetbhc.org.
The Collection also continues proactively contacting churches that have major anniversaries in the next two years offering help as their significant date approaches. Many of these churches have contacted the TBHC as a result. If a church has an anniversary outside the two-year window but our planning an event, they can reach out to the TBHC at any time.
The Collection staff hosted groups from numerous Texas Baptist churches and institutions as well as a delegation of Ukrainian Baptists while they used material at the TBHC. The Collection also continued to help researchers virtually and via email throughout the year, answering over 520 requests from individuals, churches, and institutions.
The Director of the Collection spoke to many groups including Baylor Faculty and Staff, Historic Waco Foundation and several genealogical societies about the history and impact of Baptists in general and Texas Baptists in particular.
The TBHC continued its training-based outreach programs led by the Associate Director, Naomi Taplin, and included instruction on how to start a Church Archive, records management, and sustain and reenergize Church Libraries. She is in churches leading sessions two to three time a month. Taplin is also overseeing the growing oral history program with African American and Hispanic churches.
The Texas Baptist Historical Museum, a branch of the TBHC, located in the historic Old Independence Baptist Church in Independence, Texas, continues to tell the story of Baptists both globally and locally. Independence is also the birthplace of Baylor University. In June and July, the TBHM hosted 2,800 Baylor freshmen as they learned why Texas Baptists founded Baylor as well as the early history of the school. If you or your church would be interested in touring the museum, contact Dylan Price at dylan.price@txb.org for more details.
God’s mission. Your legacy. Let’s make that connection!
The Texas Baptist Missions Foundation helps individuals and churches connect God’s mission with their legacy through sharing their financial resources to create ministry impact. By engaging donors and potential donors with the mission and ministry of Texas Baptists, the Missions Foundation works to generate revenue over and above the Cooperative Program dollars received from churches. We are pleased to have added Scott Stevens to our team. He will be based in the greater Houston area.
In 2023, the Missions Foundation assisted 5,302 donors in making 38,444 gifts totaling more than $8.4 million to benefit the work of Texas Baptists. Donations designated for specific areas of ministry are distributed immediately. Some donors make gifts to the Missions Foundation which are not specifically designated. Those undesignated gifts are distributed through Annual Grants made available to the staff of Texas Baptists and awarded by action of the TBMF Council, a group of 24 Texas Baptist donors elected to serve by the Executive Board. In September 2023, the Council awarded 39 grants totaling $664,000 to be used by Texas Baptists ministries and missions in 2024.
One of the highlights of this year has been the campaign to build a new BSM building on Baylor’s campus. We are grateful for the gift of land from the University, and we are thrilled for the many gifts from donors that have allowed us to surpass the halfway mark toward the $7 million necessary for the construction of the building. We will also be raising a $2 million endowment for the future operation of the building.
Are you interested in return on investment? Currently, each dollar generated by TBMF costs a mere five cents of Cooperative Program support. Investing in Kingdom work through the Missions Foundation is not only spiritually fulfilling—it is financially responsible.
Did you know that two-thirds of Texans who die each year have no will or estate plan? TBMF provides an opportunity for every Texas Baptist to create their own legally valid will online for free. This effort allows Texas Baptists to provide for their families, preserve and pass on the resources God has entrusted to them, and perpetuate God’s work in future generations. As of May 2024, through missionsfoundation.org/create-a-legacy, more than 276 wills have been completed, creating bequests totaling $34,772,500 to benefit Texas Baptist churches, Texas Baptists, and associated ministries.
The Missions Foundation team members work with individuals and churches to make transformational gifts that create tremendous impact immediately. We also provide guidance and assist donors in creating a variety of planned gifts, some of which can provide income for the donor and/or avoid unnecessary taxes.

Will God’s Mission be your legacy? The future of Texas Baptists ministry and mission support depends on your answer. Reach out to the Missions Foundation at missionsfoundation.org to learn more. We would enjoy being helpful to you or your church. JERRY CARLISLE President
MASSEY Vice President ERIC WYATT Vice President SCOTT STEVENS Vice President
GALINDO Donor Relations Specialist
BARBARA FORBIS Administrative Assistant BRUCE MCGOWAN Senior Consultant for BSM

CHRISTINA Associate Executive Director
STEPHEN STOOKEY Director Theological Education
ANNA ROSALES Executive Assistant to the AED/Exec. Brd. Coordinator
MARIBEL PAZ Committee Specialist
It’s a new day for Texas Baptists! Under the auspicious leadership of Dr. Julio Guarneri, the BGCT is continuing to build upon the formidable foundation of the past to pave new pathways for Kingdom growth into the future. The Lord is blessing Dr. Guarneri with a fresh vision for missions and ministry as we fulfill “Article II—Object” in our Constitution which tells us “to awaken and stimulate the greatest possible activity in evangelism, missions, Christian education and benevolent work and enterprises, to cultivate a closer cooperation among the churches and promote harmony of feeling and concert of action in advancing all the interests of the Redeemer’s Kingdom.” “All the interests of the Redeemer’s Kingdom?” That is a huge assignment! But this is why the theme of the 2024 Annual Meeting is “His Kingdom Agenda!”
As your associate executive director, my primary responsibility is to assist the executive director in fulfilling his plans and directives, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organization including the work of our staff and many of our committees, and enabling the executive director to follow his God-given passions and calling. I am also blessed to serve on an excellent leadership team alongside our CFO, Dr. Ward Hayes. A simple way to understand the division of responsibility in the BGCT is to know that Dr. Hayes oversees the administrative side of the organization including Finance and Accounting, Information Technologies, and Cooperative Program promotion; while I oversee the ministerial side including the five ministry centers of Church Health, Ministerial Health, Cultural Engagement, Missional Engagement, and Collegiate Ministries. But all along the way, we are both blessed to receive tremendous support from excellent staff and ministry leaders.
Together, Texas Baptists is staying focused on empowering churches to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment; or GC2. God is continually opening doors of opportunity for Kingdom collaboration with national Baptist conventions in other countries and state conventions in the USA. Churches around North America are reaching out to explore possible collaboration in their state. Our Texas Baptist churches are so missionally-focused and generously-minded that they continue to respond to the Macedonian call to come and serve. Our role as your state convention is simply to facilitate these connections between interested churches as they follow the Lord’s leading.
Yet, the harvest is ripe in Texas! In the Center for Church Health, more churches are joining the PAVE wave every month to learn more about church revitalization and church health from Dr. Jonathan Smith. In the Center for Ministerial Health, Dr. Kevin Abbott has joined our staff to serve the Houston area and to implement strategies statewide for resilience and longevity in the ministry. In the Center for Cultural Engagement, our director of public policy John Litzler has already developed the reputation of “John the Baptist” on Capitol Hill in Austin as we led the charge to defeat casino gambling and online sports betting last legislative session. In the Center for Missional Engagement, Noe Trevino leads more TXB churches to partner with churches in other countries in the Missionary Adoption Program (MAP) targeting difficult places. In the Center for Collegiate Ministry, BSM director Gary Stidham was promoted to the state level to train all BSM directors in evangelism as hundreds of college students are coming to faith in Christ.
It all sounds a lot like His Kingdom Agenda! So thank you for joining the movement because, together, we are being the hands and feet of Jesus as we share Christ and show love until Texas and the world comes to know Him!
Redeeming the Time
A scripture passage came to mind recently, and I was remembering it in the King James translation. Confession: I haven’t read the KJV on a regular basis in a very long time. In Ephesians 5:15-16 it reminds us that we should “walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
The words “redeeming the time” caught my attention because of what God is giving us the opportunity to do through the ministry of the Center for Church Health. Other translations read, “making the most of every opportunity,” and “making the very most of your time.” Those opportunities represent what God is doing through His churches across Texas; and a growing number outside of the state.
As you read through the team reports that follow, you’ll see what God has been up to in so many different ways throughout this past year; redeeming the time.
Sometimes we can get so involved in the work of what God is doing in our midst that we run the risk of thinking this is ordinary. And, yet nothing is ever ordinary when God is leading, moving, blessing. See what I mean as captured in the team reports on the following pages that relate the opportunities we are making the most of.
In Evangelism - Read about Congreso, Re-Charge, unApologetics conferences, Hispanic Evangelism, Super Summer.
In Discipleship - Learn about Conclave, Special Friends, Discipleship Collectives.
In Music & Worship - Hear about Singing Women of Texas, Singing Men of Texas, Children’s Worship University, Instrumental Convergence.
In Church Health and Growth – Listen to the progress PAVE is making through the lives of pastors and churches statewide. And, now expanding outside of Texas.
In Women’s Ministry – Know about WELL impacting women and deepening the desire and skills in Bible study and so much more.
In Church Architecture – See the way God is moving through VisionBridge Consulting as churches are accessing unprecedented resources that enable a Master Plan approach to the ever-expanding space needs of their congregations.
In Young Adult Ministry – Join the celebration as more churches are engaging their younger adults through ministry, worship, missions, and more in fresh ways.
In GC2 Press – Engage in the growing number of resources that churches are using in teaching God’s Word to every generation – young & old – through studies that have proven to be the most Biblically sound and educationally relevant of any available today.
You can see the excitement and encouragement we see in what God is doing. It is our distinct joy and privilege to join Him and what He is doing in and through His churches – the Bride of Christ. Our desire is to take full advantage of every opportunity that God brings our way. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving, sharing, impacting and continuing to “make the most of every opportunity” that God initiates.

Texas Baptist
Church Architecture Coordinator (Liaison with VisionBridge Consulting)
President (VisionBridge Consulting)
Project Manager (VisionBridge Consulting)
Texas Baptist churches trust the Church Architecture team to help them plan and develop their facilities. Our team members are able to come alongside our churches with decades of experience with congregations of all sizes. We believe that every church, regardless of size, needs a master plan. With our architect partner, VisionBridge Consulting/Mark W. Todd Architecture in The Woodlands, we respond promptly to requests for church architectural services with on-site and video conference consultations. After the initial consultation and written report, churches can contract with VisionBridge Consulting for services ranging from conceptual drawings to construction documents and construction administration. We are also able to connect churches with trusted general contractors around the state who can build what has been planned.
In addition to providing architectural services, Church Architecture has been able to assist around 20 churches each year with small church architecture grants of up to $5,000. These grants are made possible by the generous gifts of Texas Baptists through the Mary Hill Davis State Missions Offering. The grants are awarded to help with needs relating to church facilities. The church pays part of the cost of the project, and the grant is used to fully fund the project. Last year one small church needed help with repurposing some of its space. One of our consultants traveled to the church and met with church leaders to see what they wanted to accomplish. After the meeting, the consultant provided a simple conceptual drawing showing a possible solution and some written suggestions concerning structural engineering, materials, and acoustics. The church was awarded a grant and proceeded with their project in accordance with the consultant’s suggestions. The church reported that they were pleased with the result.
The Church Architecture team thanks our Texas Baptist family for faithfully supporting our work through their generous gifts through the Cooperative Program and Mary Hill Davis State Missions Offering.
Pave: New Paths for Church Growth is the Texas Baptists church health, growth, and revitalization strategy, designed to help pastors customize church health and growth for their context. Since its launch in 2022, Pave has grown to 25 coaches broadcast across the state, 118 participants in Pave cohorts, and 61 pastors who have come to Pave trainings to learn more. Our goal is to continue to expand Pave to the 5,300 Texas Baptist churches across the 3,822-mile Texas border and provide tools that will assist pastors in bringing their church into more vibrant health and growth.
Here are a few testimonies of churches who are thriving again as they have implemented Pave principles:
• After attending Pave African American Ministries, Pastor Joe Barber of Saint Luke Baptist Church in San Antonio left with an armful of resources and ideas to bring renewal to his congregation and began with a new idea about celebrating baptisms to build excitement among the congregation. The church had not had any baptisms in quite some time and soon after implementing the Pave baptism principle, they celebrated baptisms 20 weeks in a row and are continuing to baptize.
• Pastor Felix Treviño of FBC, Mathis attended Pave Pastor’s Common in February of 2024. Soon after attending the Pave training, FBC, Mathis celebrated their first baptism in seven years!
• According to a survey with the first group of Pave pastors, 100% reported they have seen revitalization progress in their churches.
You can read FBC, Mathis and Saint Luke Baptist Church’s stories at www.txb.org.
From June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024, the Church Health and Growth team has provided 154 church health and growth consultations, 17 training events, and launched 3 new Pave events: Pave African American Ministries, Pave Pastor’s Common, and Pave en Español.
Upcoming Events:
• PAVE Panhandle Plains | September 9-10, 2024, Plainview
• PAVE Central TX | Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2024, Round Rock
• PAVE DFW | October 7-9, 2024, Dallas
• PAVE African American Ministries | October 28-30, 2024, Dallas
• PAVE Oakland, California

HOWINGTON Associate Director Childhood Ministry Specialist
JOHNSON Childhood Program Coordinator
The Discipleship Team exists to equip church leaders for discipleship and ministry. In the past year we have connected with pastors, staff members, and lay leaders in every part of Texas to encourage, develop, and support them in their local efforts to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Thank you for letting us serve you in these ways!
From June 2023-May 2024 eleven Discipleship Collective events around the state provided leadership development to pastors, staff, and volunteer leaders of Sunday School and small groups ministries. Eight more were planned for fall 2024. Conference leaders include practitioners from Texas Baptists churches across Texas who know how to make disciples through groups ministry. Check txb.org/dc for future events near you and training materials you can use in your own church.
Conclave NextGen is a two-day conference for age-group ministry leaders, family ministers, and pastors that equips them to develop programming and personal ministry to meet the needs of the church’s younger generations. A 2023 attendee wrote, “One major thing I took away from Conclave is I cannot do this alone and how essential volunteers are to this ministry. While I personally struggle with trying to control as much as I can in my life, I came to realize that I have to allow others in to pilot alongside me. I left Conclave feeling seen. I left feeling heard.” txb.org/conclave
Leadership Texas Baptists helps church leaders in their 20s and 30s learn firsthand who we are and what we do as a network of churches. Cohort members grow as leaders and develop relationships with friends and ministry partners that will last throughout their lives. To date, about one third of our alumni have been invited to serve the convention as a committee or planning team member, conference leader, or other volunteer leadership role. One recent participant wrote, “All that you are doing to give the new generation of (Texas Baptists) an opportunity to get to know more about the convention, the great leaders, and ministries (of) TXB has inspired me and encouraged me in my ministry journey so much.” Cohort 9 begins in January 2025. txb.org/leadershiptxb
Calling Out the Called is a growing emphasis to help church leaders identify and support youth who may feel called to ministry. One participant in a Calling Out the Called retreat was a young lady who senses a strong call to ministry. Her father is incarcerated. Her mom is addicted to cocaine. After running from the idea of pursing ministry, she now feels God is calling her to work with substance abuse/addiction ministry. She was encouraged not only by the retreat content, but also by seeing other teenagers who are pursuing ministry like her.
Our Special Friends Retreat is expanding to new locations. Along with our Dallas and Panhandle retreats, we have added Kingwood and Longview. One retreat sponsor said, “Teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities enjoy every aspect of the camp….Parents of attendees as well as individuals who work with participants meet in their own small group sessions to discuss challenges faced in caring for adults with disabilities. The Special Friends Camp is a high point each year for our ministry to people with special needs.” txb.org/specialfriends
Our staff is available to consult on site, by phone, or by video conference with you and your church leaders regarding discipleship ministry in your church. Please call us at 888244-9400 or contact us through the form at txb.org/discipleship.
The Evangelism Team exists to challenge, equip and train Texas Baptists to passionately fulfill God’s call to reach all people for Jesus Christ. All of this is made possible by the generous support of Texas Baptists through the Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions, and the Texas Baptist Missions Foundation.
The Statewide Evangelism Conference at Trinity Baptist, San Antonio, had outstanding speakers, inspirational music, and Steven Curtis Chapman as the keynote speaker and musician for the closing session.
African American Evangelism
African American evangelism exists to train believers to declare, demonstrate and defend the gospel. Along with our annual statewide Recharge Evangelism Conference in Houston, we conducted evangelism training regionally. Training in Lubbock and Tyler made an impact in those areas. We launched a new initiative, I Apologize, a training that focuses specifically on apologetics. Over 150 people from six local churches were trained in apologetics. One participant shared, “I am an honest doubter right now but this has forced me to go deeper. So I bought the book you suggested and I am going to read it.”
Hispanic Evangelism
The growing number of Texas Hispanics in 2023 has opened the opportunity to share the gospel with over 242,000 new residents according to new population estimates.
Each church in a Hispanic Evangelism and Discipleship process is coached in a demographic study of the church, an evangelistic plan for the year, and a monthly coaching session. To date, this approach has helped churches such as Primera Iglesia Bautista, Runge, Texas, with several new converts and baptisms this past year, along with evangelism training.
Super Summer and Greenhouse
Super Summer teaches students to Know and Share the Gospel. In one camp they receive over 24 hours of training in sharing the Gospel. One student who went home from Super Summer, picked up his cousin to go share the Gospel with their grandfather. Along the way, the student shared the Gospel with his cousin who chose to follow Jesus.
Congreso celebrated 60 years of ministry this past April. Over 1500 Hispanic students were in attendance in Waco for a time of celebration, missions, workshops, and worship. Our theme from 1 Timothy 1:15-16 asked students, Quién soy yo? (Who am I?) Our main speaker, Dr. Julio Guarneri challenged and encouraged students to take what they learned at Congreso and go out into their communities and share the good news. Over 120 decisions were made with 49 of them coming to faith for the very first time. Plans are also in place this year to host the very first Congreso South in Weslaco, TX.
Each year we provide three [un]Apologetic Evangelism Conferences designed to meet the evangelistic needs of the local church. Last year, over 1,000 people attended our conferences from 13 different states, 146 cities, and representation from 300 churches.
One atheist young man flew in from California to attend our conference. He accepted Christ a few months later and has since answered the call to ministry.
VACANT Director
VICTOR RODRIGUEZ Hispanic Evangelism Associate
VACANT African American Evangelism Associate
ERIC HERNANDEZ Apologetics Lead & Millennial Specialist
VACANT Youth Events / Camp Specialist, Evangelism
DAVID GONZALEZ Congreso Coordinator
DEBORA MONTEIRO Evangelism Ministry Assistant

BOB BILLUPS Publisher STAN GRANBERRY Publishing Specialist
Welcome to GC2® Press Bible Studies and Resources.
We believe the Bible is God’s Word to us and is “…useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). When the Bible speaks, God speaks. Our quality, in-depth materials are designed to provide you with a detailed road map to help you navigate God’s Word, and our writers are trusted, qualified writers, making lesson comments based on sound biblical principles.
Our Connect 360 line of Bible study curriculum has gained a reputation for solid biblical teaching and is published as an undated quarterly Bible study available in book form and digital downloads. Connect 360 is currently being distributed to over 2400 customers in 38 states and 19 countries and has been translated into ten different languages. Note: All our translations are courtesy of the Mary Hill Davis Mission Offering and the Texas Baptist Missions Foundation.
Here are some highlights from June 2022 through March 2023.
Published in-depth quarterly adult Bible studies
• Heaven & Angels: Our Eternal Home and Its Heavenly Hosts (Study of Heaven, Summer, 2023)
• A Cry for Freedom: Grace That is Still Amazing (Galatians, Fall 2023)
• Kingdom Power: The Sermon on the Mount (The Gospel of Matthew, Winter 2023-24)
• The Search for Wisdom: Words to Live By (Proverbs, Spring 2024)
Each study in English includes a Study Guide and a Teaching Guide plus a Premium Commentary and Teaching Resource Items all available at www.gc2press.org .
New Books Available:
• The Lazy Approach to Evangelism: A Simple Guide for Conversing with Nonbelievers. – Written by Eric Hernandez, Apologetics Lead, BGCT Evangelism Division.
• Understanding Emmaus: Rediscovering Your Joy for the Ministry. – Written by Ray Malone, BGCT Director of Human Resources.
• I Love You Lord: A Book of Original Christian Poetry. – Written by James Suggs on behalf of the BGCT African American Ministries.
Upcoming In-Depth Quarterly Adult Bible Studies:
• Sacred Life: God’s Plan for Us (Study of the Sanctity of Life, Summer 2024)
• The Immeasurable Love of Christ: God’s Love Letter to His Church (Ephesians, Fall 2024)
• The reMarkable Journey Continues: The Gospel of Urgency. (The Gospel of Mark, Winter 2024-25)
• Kingdom Assignment: The Relentless Pursuit of Obedience. (Nehemiah, Spring 2025)
Moving Toward the Future:
GC2® Press will continue to seek to expand its reach in serving churches by connecting people to God through His Word. Please check out our complete library of both printed and digital resources at www.gc2press.org. These resources include adult, college, youth, children, and preschool materials.
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It has been an honor to serve Texas Baptists as the Publisher of GC2 Press® for the past seven years. Please feel free to contact our office with your questions, suggestions, and comments. You can email us at gc2press@texasbaptists.org or call our office at 214-828-5368.
The Music & Worship team exists to assist Texas Baptists churches by offering consulting to worship pastors, senior pastors, and music search committees. Our prayer and desire is to strengthen and encourage the local church and its worship leadership by offering training events for church leaders and volunteers involved in music and worship ministry.
2023-24 Highlights
Singing Women of Texas Celebrates 30 Years!
Seven chapters of the Singing Women of Texas joined together this summer for a concert tour in Washington D.C. to celebrate 30 years of ministry. Highlights of the trip included singing and ministering at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, the Museum of the Bible and David’s Tent on the Washington Mall. Many of the women were able to have meaningful faith conversations, including with a young couple who gave their lives to Jesus in a local McDonalds! The tour concluded with the women singing in the Protestant worship service at the Naval Academy Chapel in Annapolis, MD.
Lifeway Worship Changes Course
In July 2023, Lifeway announced it would shut down Lifeway Worship, the division that provides a variety of music resources for worship leaders. Our Music & Worship Director Tom Tillman quickly helped to organize a response to Lifeway from hundreds of concerned worship leaders across the state. We hosted two listening sessions between Lifeway executives and worship leaders, which along with listening sessions in other states, led to a decision by Lifeway to continue offering this important resource to worship leaders.
Prestidge Endowment Fund Music and Worship Scholarship Recipients
One way we help in raising up new worship leaders is by awarding this scholarship to a student preparing for full-time music and worship ministry at a Baptist university. This year we were able to increase the amount awarded from $1,000 to $3,000 which was split between two recipients: Trenton West, University of Mary Hardin Baylor, and Hannah Hopkins, East Texas Baptist University.
Singing Men of Texas
Six chapters of over 600 men presented concerts around the state. They are preparing for their 50th anniversary concert in Austin next summer.
Music and Worship Training Events
Over 1200 leaders and volunteers were trained and encouraged through the following events. To learn more, go to txb.org/music.
Worship Summits
Small gatherings of worship pastors and worship leaders that offer a day of inspiration, fellowship, and networking. We hosted four Worship Summits over the last year.
Children’s Worship University
Training and networking for anyone who works with children and music in their church or school.
Instrumental Convergence
Training and encouragement for instrumentalists through reading sessions, mass playing and networking.
Everlasting Choir Celebration
Training and networking for senior adult choirs at three locations – Amarillo, The Woodlands and Dallas.
Handbell Festival
Training and fellowship through instruction, massed ringing and networking.
Social Media Presence
The social media presence of Texas Baptists Music & Worship continues to grow. The TXBmusicandworship Facebook page has over 1900 followers.
Follow us on social media!
Facebook TXBmusicandworship
Instagram Txbmusicandworship
Twitter TXBmusicworship

MCCALLUM Young Adult Ministry Assistant
The Young Adult Ministry is designed to be a resource for churches by helping them reach, reconnect, and re-establish relationships with young adults within their community and their church. We will assist churches with planning, conducting, and evaluating strategies to engage young adults, so they are encouraged to answer the call of being discipled and making disciples.
This year we had our first Connected Conference in Lubbock, Texas. The Connected Conference helps churches connect young adults and helps young adults connect with Christ. We partnered with First Baptist Lubbock who hosted our Friday night worship service and Texas Tech BSM who hosted our Saturday morning sessions. On our Saturday sessions we had over twenty churches represented and students from the BSM, Wayland Baptist, and Texas Tech. Churches as far as Alvarado, Texas, came to be a part of the teaching sessions. Those sessions gave churches tools and techniques for helping churches “grow younger.” We will be having our second Connected Conference in the fall, partnering with University of Texas in Arlington and First Baptist, Arlington. The goal is to have at least two Connected Conferences annually, held regionally throughout Texas.
This year I am pleased to say that we are currently working on a young adult ministry group in Dallas/ Fort Worth area called Link. Last year we were blessed to “Link” with two churches. Currently, it is up to nine churches who gather quarterly for worship sessions, mission opportunities, and training sessions with pastors and young adult leadership who come together to grow and refine methods of getting young adults engaged into the fabric of the whole church.
As the Director of Young Adult Ministry for Texas Baptists, I am excited about traveling around the state to continually build relationships with young adults and local churches so we can all help build the Kingdom of God.
“I am forever a theologian in training.” That was the response from one of the women who attended the WELL training program. After one of the cohort’s three book discussions, she gained the confidence to see herself as capable of studying and grasping the deep doctrines of our faith. She, like so many women in our Texas Baptists family, does so much with so little. And she is worthy of our greatest investment.
WELL (Women Equipped to Learn and Lead) is unlike any other training program for women in the churches. Funded by the generosity of the Texas Baptists Mission Foundation, this program equips women with message preparation, worldview analysis, leadership development, and public speaking practice. These cohorts include women of different educational backgrounds, ministry experience, and ethnicities. They include women’s ministers who are brimming with ideas and excitement, and minister’s wives who are spinning far too many plates. But most importantly, they include women who want to learn, to serve, to teach, and to lead.
In addition to expanding WELL, last fall we launched Theology Thursdays, where women can study systematic theology in “bite-sized” portions at the time of day most convenient for them. Theology Thursday participants are gaining both a strong foundation of what they believe and a practical understanding of how these beliefs apply to their lives and ministries. Since its start, we have had over 120 women register and the number keeps growing.
At Texas Baptists, we are equipping Texas Baptist churches to become self-sustaining sources of women’s discipleship. WELL cohorts are taking place across the state in 2025 - we can’t keep up with the demand! And Theology Thursday is available to every Texas Baptists Woman year round.
Please visit https://www.texasbaptists.org/ministries/womens-ministry to join future opportunities.
VACANT Director
CAITLIN MCCALLUM Women’s Ministry Assistant

Lead Ministry Assistant
The Center for Ministerial Health (CMH) exists to help ministers and their families so they can be all God wants them to be as they minister in His church.
The CMH takes a wholistic approach to minister health. The CMH has Counseling Services for ministers and their families. A Financial Health Team that provides financial training to both pastors and churches, and grants for which pastors can apply. Area Representatives, who live all over the state of Texas and who call on pastors in their areas of responsibility. The CMH also has Interim Church Services that provide training for churches when they are without a pastor and can provide Interim Pastors for those churches. The CMH has a Director of Bivocational Ministries that works exclusively to help bivocational pastors; and a Western Heritage Consultant that works exclusively with Cowboy Church pastors. And, the CMH directs Pastor Strong, a ministry in the San Antonio area sponsored by the Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio.
Did you know?
• Texas Baptists Area Representatives made over 13,500 contacts with ministers last year.
• Texas Baptists Counseling Services has a network of Counselors all over the state and helped more than 100 minister families receive professional counseling last year.
• Texas Baptist Interim Church Services worked with over 180 pastorless churches last year.
• Texas Baptists Bivocational Services held 6 Retreats last year for bivocational pastors and their wives.
• Pastor Strongs held retreats for pastors and their families last year and has support groups for pastors (Barnabas Groups) and their wives (Lydia Groups).
• Texas Baptists Financial Health Team currently offers the Ministers Financial Health Grant to Texas Baptist pastors. This is made possible through a partnership with the Lilly Endowment and generous designated gifts (No Cooperative Program money is used to fund our grants). Over 1,800 grants have been awarded to Texas Baptist ministers in the last 5 years.
• Texas Baptists relate to 195 Western Heritage Churches around the state and have a consultant that works specifically with Cowboy Church pastors.
Texas is a large state and Texas Baptists are a large and diverse group. There is no “one size fits all” approach to ministry. The Center for Ministerial Health strives to provide support and encouragement for each minister in their unique ministry context.
Thank you for being a part of the Texas Baptist Family. We truly can do more together!
The Area Representatives Team is strategically located in geographical regions throughout our state and is daily assisting Texas Baptists pastors and churches in fulfilling the Great Commission and Great Commandment.
Area Representative Joe Aguilar serves the Rio Grande Valley and a large portion of South Texas. Because of Joe’s lifelong relationships in his Service Area and his knowledge of both Hispanic and Anglo cultures God is using him for His glory to encourage pastors and churches. One pastor remarked,” Joe is a pastor to pastors and exemplifies the gift of encouragement.”
As the Central Texas Area Representative Tim Marrow values working with and assisting churches that are going through times of transition. Tim adds value to his churches by meeting with leaders and offering recommendations that will strengthen the congregations during these uncertain times when there has been a transition in leadership.
David Vela serves in far West Texas and resides in the Permian Basin. Although he serves the largest geographical region of our Area Representatives, he provides personal care and encouragement to churches and pastors daily. When a major tornado ripped through Sanderson in June of 2024 David was on site offering prayer and tangible resources to the people and churches of this small community.
Area Representative Kris Knippa ministers to a large swath of West Texas, which includes the Texas Panhandle. In the Spring of 2024, Kris worked alongside pastors from Fritch to Borger during the horrific wildfires that decimated thousands of acres and was responsible for millions of dollars of damage. Texas Baptists were able to provide disaster relief, financial support, and individual pastoral care to those in affected communities.
Houston Area Representative Kevin Abbott is the newest member of our team. His former ministry position with Union Baptist Association in Houston is advantageous as Kevin ministers to the hundreds of congregations in UBA affiliated with Texas Baptists. Kevin is also the Director of our Pastoral Health Networks which provides cohorts of learning and encouragement to pastors in Texas Baptists churches.
Dan Curry, Area Representative for the greater Fort Worth area, is gifted and seasoned to help churches with conflict. His forty plus years of pastoral ministry aids him in being a listening ear to any pastor that needs encouragement or is experiencing conflict in their church. Dan is also a great encourager to young pastors who may be serving in their first Lead Pastor position.
Fred Ater, longtime Area Representative for San Antonio and a large portion of South Texas is encouraged by the younger generation of pastors he meets who are serving in his geographical region. Fred enjoys the vigor and enthusiasm displayed by this new generation of pastors who believe the message of Jesus is the only hope for our lost and broken world.
If Texas Baptists can serve you or your congregation, do not hesitate to contact the Area Representative in your region.

TIM WATSON Director Area 7 (903) 261-1929
KRIS KNIPPA Area 1 (806) 292-6334
DAVID VELA Area 2 (915) 309-3674
JOE AGUILAR Area 3 (956) 534-2043
CHAD SHAPIRO Area 4 (210) 705-3021
KEVEN ABBOTT Area 5 (469) 422-4164
TIM MARROW Area 6 (254) 315-2667
STEVE DOMINY Area 8 (405) 765-7880
DAN CURRY Area 9 (817) 781-2440

Bivocational Pastors Ministry
We aim to encourage, equip, and engage those who serve in a Bivocational capacity or small membership churches. We are walking alongside these hardworking servants and their churches to awaken them to fulfill their God-given vision. This past year, we had the opportunity to coordinate pastor and spouse retreats, assist small membership churches in impacting their communities for Christ, facilitate training opportunities, and work with bivocational pastors in Texas. Thank you, Texas Baptists, for helping us help others. Because of this, three awesome things occurred.
Transitioning with the Times In the spring of 2023, I received a phone call from the church secretary from South Texas. Her opening statement was, “We are looking for a pastor and hope you can help.” My response was, “I’ll certainly do my best.” She said, “We have always had a full-time pastor, but we know we need a bivocational pastor, and we really don’t know how to handle that.”
They could not handle the transition from a fully funded pastor who was always available to someone who was less readily available but still provided the congregation’s essential leadership. They need someone to assist them in the psychological transition as much as the logistical one.
During the summer, I met with the pastor search committee twice, had a town hall meeting with twenty remaining members, and responded to numerous emails and impromptu calls to assist them in their transition. The Bivocational ministry walked alongside a remnant of faithful members as they worked the emotional transition of calling a bivocational pastor.
The members called their first bivocational pastor to serve them the church. The church is involved in the community and broadcasts its services on social media. Because we were there to walk alongside them for emotional support, they could make the transition with less fear.
Our work is about ministerial health, which includes assisting churches and clergy in their emotional transitions.
Doing Big Ministry in Small Towns. God loves small towns and rural communities. He wants churches and pastors to be encouraged and equipped, so we conducted oneday conferences in smaller communities to share Christ and show love everywhere. First Baptist Church Plainview hosted our inaugural Big Ministry in Small Towns Summit Over 95 people representing ten congregations from five communities were equipped in evangelism, worship, and prayer to reach their community for Christ. One of the attendees said, “Thank you for coming to us and not making us come to the big cities for training.”
Another said, “I appreciate that the conference spoke to my situation as a small town church with a small membership congregation.”
It’s a Family Affair. Sixty years ago, the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church was established to reach and serve the African American population in its community, but that has changed because the community’s racial makeup has changed. Six years ago, Mt. Pisgah called a pastor with a heart to reach all the people groups.
Two things made a difference. First, they went outside the walls of the building to serve the community. The church held seminars and outreach programs that met felt needs. They ministered to the whole family. Secondly, they changed the interior of their sanctuary to become more inviting and physically accommodating.
The church replaced the thirty-year-old pews with stackable chairs. This allowed them to make the sanctuary multi-functional and aesthetically appealing.
As a result of the outreach effort and sanctuary improvement, the church welcomed five new families in 2023. They baptized twenty people. On one occasion, three generations from one family were baptized.
The Bivocational Pastors Ministry serves Texas Baptist churches to awaken them to the God-given vision to fulfill God’s Mission. Thanks again, Texas Baptists, for your support, which helps us help others.
Texas Baptists Counseling Services exists to help address the mental health issues of our ministers, their families, and our churches. We are honored to assist ministers and their families with counseling resources. Last year we assisted close to 100 ministers/families with financial help toward counseling, made hundreds of contacts related to counseling resources, and added several counselors to our network of nearly 275 approved counselors across the state.
Counseling Services is grateful for the support of Texas Baptists through the Cooperative Program which helps provide the hope and healing we strive to extend. Studies show our society has experienced an increase in anxiety and depression in the last several years. Ministry leaders are not immune to the same struggles any other person might experience. Thankfully, ministry leaders and their families have a firm spiritual foundation to stand on when experiencing struggles. In addition, Counseling Services can provide additional support through trained counseling resources to help ministry leaders navigate the storms and stresses of life.
Our prayer in Counseling Services is that you do not encounter circumstances in your life that prompt you to need our assistance. However, should you find yourself facing one of life’s storms head on, know we are glad to help you connect to the mental health resources you need and count it a privilege to come alongside you in a difficult time.

MAMFC, LPC VACANT Ministry Assistant
VACANT Director
Through its Lilly Endowment Grant, Texas Baptists continued to connect with congregations in 2023 to promote ministerial wellness. Texas Baptists and its affiliated churches were able to partner together to strengthen, encourage, and support ministers. Before it’s closing at the end of 2023, the Pastor Sabbatical Grant and Inflation Relief Grant helped hundreds of pastors across the state. The Ministers Financial Health Grant has greatly impacted several ministers’ lives for the better in 2023 and continues to do so in 2024. Financial health and fiscal leadership skills are essential to a minister’s ability to lead effectively in their home and in the church. Texas Baptists are thankful to partner with churches to equip ministers with the financial tools needed for long-term ministry.
In 2023, Texas Baptists awarded the following grants to Texas Baptists ministers:
• Minister’s Financial Health Grants - $60,000 (24 ministers total)
• Pastor Sabbatical Grants - $127,000 (73 pastors total)
• Inflation Relief Grants - $230,000 (460 pastors total)
For a pastor receiving the Minister’s Financial Health Grant, he shared, “The grant removed some significant personal stress from our lives that would’ve resulted from the car repairs, income change, etc. The reality is that when I am carrying less stress, I’m able to be a better and more effective pastor. This grant has helped our family get back to a place that is healthier and more sustainable in the long run. I’m not sure that we could’ve continued at the pace we were running much longer. By helping us get back into a healthier place, we’ve increased the likelihood of us being able to sustain longevity in ministry. The grant provided practical help with our car, but it also had a more intangible benefit. It helped give us more freedom and time back in our schedule. The financial counselling gave us the freedom to see the financial feasibility of making these changes that were beneficial to our family. Making the job change has allowed my wife to be around more and help more with things like school pickups, sick kids, etc. This has given me a lot of time back that I’m able to spend investing in the ministry and people at the church.” The Minister’s Financial Health grants help pastors develop a budget and plan to help them remain in ministry and thrive financially.
The financial health team continues to offer free Faith and Finances Facilitator Training in partnership with STCH Ministries. Classes are held via Zoom on weeknights for 10 weeks. The curriculum is also available in Spanish, titled Fe y Finanzas. To sign up, visit www.txb. org/ffft.
It was a BIG day. No, not Easter or Christmas. It was the interim pastor’s last Sunday. The church was packed. At the end of service, the interim pastor, Bob, gave a number of people a bottle of pure-cane sugar “Red Cola” from the Dublin Bottling Company, saying, “You made my stay here so much sweeter.” A ribbon secured a private note to each person’s soda.
The church then presented Bob with the obligatory plaque, a few gag gifts, and an honorarium to help him and his wife take that dreamed-of trip to the Holy Land. Then came the biggie. They announced that Bob’s picture was going to be placed in the row of former pastors’ pictures lining the church’s main hallway. As the personnel chair announced that honor, he got a catch in his voice, and his eyes brimmed with tears.
“Don’t start that!” Bob pleaded, as he too felt tears about to overflow.
They then had Bob sit on the front pew as the praise team began to sing the Ray Bolz song, “Thank You” (. . . for giving to the Lord). But the words had been changed. They talked about the healing of relationships and forgiveness and fixing broken plans and . . . Bob realized they were singing about things that had happened during the interim time. As each verse continued, people involved in the events of that verse came and encircled Bob. When the 10-year-old girl who was baptized, and the college student who surrendered to ministry, came to stand by Bob, EVERYONE was in tears. Bob bit his lower lip hard enough to leave a mark—so he wouldn’t bawl like a baby.
How could the departure of an interim pastor become such a huge event in the life of a church?
The church was a different place than the one Bob had started at just 18 months earlier. Prayer and team meetings and church-wide town halls had been added to the church’s regular ministries and services. The church had tackled huge issues that had previously divided the church and led to the last pastor’s sudden departure: to sell and move or to stay and repair, to keep the historical name or to create a more contemporary dba name, to have two worship services with the same blended music or to make one service with hymns and one service with contemporary choruses and songs, etc.
However, it wasn’t the decisions that had restored the church. It was the process. A holy and safe environment was created that invited everyone to share and everyone to listen and everyone to be part of the decision-making process. “God showed up,” Bob testified.
The office of Interim Church Services is adept at partnering. We train interim pastors, partnering with Church Starting, Chaplaincy, Baptist Student Ministry, Area Representatives, African American Ministries, the Texas Baptist Mission Foundation, retired pastors, para-church ministers, and our schools. These “called and equipped” interim pastors then partner with church leaders and church members to help prepare our churches for the arrival of the next pastor.
Perhaps your church is in the “in-between” time—if not, it someday will be. Or, perhaps you are a minister who would be interested in seeing how God might use you to help an interim church. The story above could be your story. Why wait? Contact our office now, or stop by the Center for Ministers Health booth here at our convention. There’s the possibility that a partnership with us just might be in God’s will for your future.
Updated Contact Info:
Karl retired June 2024, so the main contact is Dowell Loftis for Interim Church Services.

The Pastor Strong Initiative was created to minister to Pastors and their wives who feel isolated and ill- equipped to meet the demands of life and ministry. The initiative hosts separate gathering for pastors and their wives, so they can develop meaningful relationships by addressing the spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, and financial concerns that affect the health of a Pastor and his family. There are currently over 300 Pastors and Pastor’s wives who have participated in the various events of the Pastor Strong Initiative.
A recent addition has been regional coffee fellowships of small groups of Pastors. This time of prayer and fellowship has now multiplied to over 8 locations with more coming. This has provided a safe place to share about the struggles encounter when leading a church and a way to encourage Pastors in a smaller setting.
During the monthly gatherings, Pastors and their wives enjoy a time of fellowship, a small group discussion over one of the health concerns and share a celebration and challenge so they can be in prayer for one another. These gatherings provide a safe environment for Pastors and their wives to have a moment of tearful transparency they are rarely given due to their positions. Pastors and their wives who regularly participate in the monthly gatherings have developed lifelong friendships that have been a source of encouragement, especially in a Pastor’s darkest ministry hour.
We also have our Pastor Strong Initiative Family Strong Retreat so Pastors and their families can have an opportunity to spend time together outside of church ministry activities, and at the same time, a chance for their children to connect with each other. Pastor’s kids, regardless of age, experience the same pressures of ministry, and when they know there are other kids just like them, the burden of ministry becomes easier to bear.
The initiative has also hosted multiple couple’s nights, a family cookout and pool fellowship, separate fellowships for Pastors and their wives, and the fourth annual Pastor Strong Retreat for Pastors and their wives only. Last year, the focus for the Pastor Strong Retreat was on marriage, and couples who participated were equipped with meaningful skills so their marriage can thrive under the pressures of church ministry.
The Western Heritage ministry of Texas Baptists was a key factor in assisting cowboy churches successfully share the gospel to multitudes of people through arena, evangelistic, cattle roundup, mission events, and theological & ministry education and training.
One such event took place in the Panhandle (Behind the Chutes Cowboy Church, Amarillo) as Pastor Steve Belote and his team assisted at the annual PRCA Rodeo in Amarillo by working behind the chutes, passing out Bibles and praying with professional competitors! TXB also assisted with their summer playday series (outreach).
Pastor Joe Caballero led his church on their first men’s cattle roundup in Colorado – The Drive. One of their young men accepted Jesus Christ as Lord! This was their pilot run with this new ministry through Montague County Cowboy Church, which is designed to help maturing Christian men connect with men who are struggling in different areas of their lives. Mentoring!
TXB also helped 8 Texas Baptists cowboy churches with two rodeo Bible camps in New Mexico with Mission Rez! 2023. It was their first full camp since Covid. The camps include rodeo events, Gospel music, evangelism, passing out Bibles, and working with children and adults. Burleson County Cowboy Church elder, Kevin Mahr heads an exemplary team for Mission Rez! where the gospel is proclaimed clearly to Native American Indians in a culturally significant manner. Leaders, which includes Native American Indians, coordinated with the Boys & Girls club and got them to transport kids to the camp. They fed 100 or more per night between kids, camp workers & parents/guests. Mission Rez! 2023 had 9 children who came to know Christ. What a blessing!
TXB Western Heritage started Circle the Wagons. Circle the Wagons is designed to assist churches that are plateaued or dying. The program takes the pastors and their people on a brief, 4-to-6-hour journey on which they revisit mission, examine team functionality, evaluate their context, and begin a process to move forward more effectively in their particular community context.
Four TXB pastors are also directly involved the Ministry Development Certificate Program which is designed specifically for cowboy pastors, staff and leaders that cannot afford traditional theological & ministry education. This three-year program has been a game changer for 30+ students! TXB has helped with partial scholarships through the Mary Hill Davis Offering. The MDCP has helped many students develop a sense of “adventure in excellence with almighty God!”
Mac & Cindy spend a lot of time in our cowboy churches preaching & singing. We enjoy representing TXB, promoting CP and Mary Hill Davis Offering giving, and partnerships with TXB. Building relationships with cowboy pastors and resourcing needs are priorities. Mac and Cindy have hearts for cowboy pastors and their wives, as well as for seeing cowboy churches fulfill their mission to which God has called them. Mac is also a huge proponent of leadership mentoring and coming alongside pastors and cowboy churches that may be struggling to accomplish their goals and Kingdom significant ministries.
We praise God for Texas Baptists and what you mean to those in the western culture! For myself and my family, it is because of Texas famers and ranchers, and Texas Baptists that made it possible for me to receive an excellent theological education and have a training ground for ministry - to experience an adventure in excellence with almighty God! Thank you for your support and thank you for the privilege to serve the Lord with and through TXB!

RACHEL CARRELL Ministry Assistant

STACEY RICE Lead Ministry Assistant
Texas Baptists Center for Missional Engagement exists to engage our churches in corporate missions through strategic opportunities in Texas and around the world without duplicating the role of traditional mission-sending agencies.
Texas population is approaching 31 million. The Center for Missional Engagement partners with Texas Baptists churches, associations, and conventions/unions in our state, the U.S., and around the world in reaching those who are not yet God’s people. We read in God’s Word how the early church impacted the world with the gospel amid limitations and persecutions. Our Lord continues to use the church to impact and transform people’s churches and be reminded of the Lord’s words when He said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).
House and Philippi Church:
Director Paul Atkinson reported the number of people living in apartments, mobile homes, and multi-housing is considered one of the fastest growing segments of the population who are not being reached by conventional churches. Help us bring the gospel and church to the places where they live.
River Ministry and Mexico Missions:
Director Mario Alberto Gonzalez helps give a new understanding of missions on the border and in the interior of Mexico. River Ministry and Mexico Missions can help your church participate in mission opportunities from inside the walls of your church, on the Texas side of the border, or the interior of Mexico.
Church Starting and Replanting:
Director Tom Howe is ready to help your church discover how to raise new church planters and teach you how to sponsor a new church in your area. With 6 Church Starting Strategists helping across the state, we are excited about the possibility of planting new churches that will reach new people for Christ.
BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery:
Director David Scott plans and preps all-inclusive mission opportunities for your middle school, high school, and college students during Spring Break and Summer. Students help bring hope to communities struggling through disasters and to church plants needing a boost in their ministry.
MAP - Missionary Adoption Program:
Director Noe Treviño connects Texas Baptists Churches with churches, associations, and conventions in countries all over the world to jointly adopt local missionaries native to those countries. These missionaries intentionally focus on evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in their own context.
Minister of Missions:
Director Noe Treviño encourages Ministers of Missions around the state through offering training for new Minister of Missions, conducting regional training conferences, and providing missional opportunities for churches to engage.
Texas Baptists Missionary:
Director Noe Treviño gives leadership to the TXB Missionaries Ministry. These Missionaries are either volunteers or people who raise support and who commit to at least 20 hours per week in a mission setting here in Texas. TXB missionaries are people who commit to working in any part of Texas.
Thank You and The Lord!
We are thankful to our Lord for the blessing of seeing 16,829 people make professions of faith in Christ in 2023 and for Texas Baptists churches who pray, give, and send their members to fulfill the Great Commission.
For more information about our ministries, please see txb.org/missions to contact our team.
Through BOUNCE, student ministry leaders can mobilize their middle school, high school, and college students for challenging mission service. BOUNCE provides two mission options. Hands-on construction missions through long-term disaster recovery and community rehabilitation missions or church planting missions.
During the summer of 2023, BOUNCE mobilized student groups for construction missions in Beaumont/Port Arthur, Lake Charles, and Galveston County. BOUNCE participants (BOUNCERS) from 34 churches served 30 families. Repairs to roofs, siding, flooring, drywall, painting, and more made up the scope of the work.
In addition to construction efforts, BOUNCERS served Texas Baptist Church Plants in the Houston area as well as Seattle, WA. BOUNCERS assisted area plants through Bible Schools, community service projects, block parties, sports camps, and more to help church plants BOUNCE forward in ministry momentum.
During Spring Break of 2024, BOUNCERS returned to the Houston area area to partner with Katy Responds and The Restoration Team to assist with recovery stemming from the ice storm, Harvey, and area flooding. Copperfield Church hosted the 10 groups. Eleven projects were completed for 8 different families.
BOUNCE would not be able to accomplish anything without our valued partners. Southwest Louisiana Responds (SWLR) is one such partner. Hannah Sober, who is the Case Management Director gives BOUNCE a glowing review:
We at SWLA Responds have had the distinct pleasure of working alongside BOUNCE for the last three years in Southwest Louisiana. BOUNCE completed work on 3 churches, a school, and over 30 homes of which 16 were reroofed. Their ability to pivot quickly based on the needs of the community and their “we’ll figure it out” attitude make them excellent partners who often go above and beyond what they initially set out to do. They demonstrate excellence in all aspects: from the quality of work to the care of the homeowners. I have only ever heard glowing commentary from the homeowners we have served, but I believe one put it best. “They didn’t just give me a roof; they gave me hope!” Teams like BOUNCE make it easy for organizations like ours to serve our area. We can trust them to complete the projects they commit to and to the highest degree, but more importantly, with the care and empathy needed in a hurting community. Thanks to them more than a few families were able to bounce back.
Kind regards,
Hannah Sober Director of Case Management SWLA Responds
(337) 764-2485
David Scott, Director of BOUNCE says, “We are grateful for the partnerships we share with groups like Southwest Louisiana Responds. If we didn’t have them as partners, we likely wouldn’t be able to mobilize students for hands-on, transformational mission service through BOUNCE.”
In addition to helping communities BOUNCE back and helping church plants BOUNCE forward, BOUNCERS collected an offering for the Missionary Adoption Program (MAP). Through their generosity, BOUNCERS were able to fund missionaries in Spain and Nepal.
For more information on mobilizing your students through BOUNCE, visit txb.org/bounce.

TOM HOWE Associate Director
DELEON South Texas
D. EARL LEWIS Southeast Texas
LONNIE TUCKER Northeast Texas
North Central Texas
Central Texas
Church Starting & Replanting
Your gifts to Church Starting, the Cooperative Program, Mary Hill Davis Offering, and Texas Baptists Missions Foundation all help start new churches in Texas and the US. These financial gifts have turned into Kingdom gain in seeing 2,098 professions of faith and 741 baptisms from June 2023 through May 2024. This includes stats from our 40 new churches and replants started during this time and the other 145 churches in our 5-year process.
Who is a Church Planter?
Churches, associations, pastors, and other networks help us identify new church planters around the state and beyond. Our Church Starting Strategists work to help give these candidates the tools to hear their calling and get started in the process. Our church starting process takes the church planter and the sponsor church from an initial interest meeting all the way to launch and subsequent growth reviews. We are raising up new planters within Texas and for our GC2 movement including churches started in California, Louisiana, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, New York, Indiana, Alabama, New Mexico, and Wisconsin.
Who can Sponsor a New Church?
Any church that is aligned with Texas Baptists and wants to help sponsor a church through funding and resourcing a planter is welcome to become a sponsor. You are asked to administer resources, provide prayer and encouragement, attend quarterly meetings with the new church plant, give regularly to CP, and participate in Texas Baptists life.
What is a Replant?
Our Replant process is designed to provide consulting, coaching, strategic planning, and resources to Texas Baptists churches as they embrace God’s plan for the future. If a church does not have enough power, energy, money, resources, or creativity to help themselves or the desire to reach their immediate community, they may qualify to replant.
Church Starting Training
Church Starting helps train planters and potential planters with the help of associations throughout the state through funding Church Planting Centers (CPC). A CPC is a residency of current and potential church planters with the purpose of assessing, equipping, coaching, mentoring, and resourcing them to start new Texas Baptists churches and ministries.
We also hold quarterly assessments across Texas for potential planters to help them assess their calling to plant. We have also partnered with El Paso Baptist Association in El Paso and Union Baptist Association in Houston to hold Spanish language assessments.
Church Starting Event
Our biggest event of the past year was the 2023 Church Starting Project with about 100 people, including planters and spouses, in attendance. This was a time for planters to rest and recharge. In 2024 we held the second one with a slight name change: Church Starting Connection.
Want to learn more about Church Starting and how you can get involved? Go to txb.org/churchstarting.
The House Church Strategy consist of these five components:
(1) The Entry – This is the beginning and asking the who, what, were, when, and how questions about the community…. We need someone who is called of God to enter this field. Is that someone you?
(2) The Gospel – This is the whole purpose of this church… Reach the lost and Develop the saved to Reach the Lost… Each leader needs to be well trained in relational evangelism and proficient.
(3) Discipleship – This new church will have at its core Bible study and discipleship because this is what will keep the church on its Great Commission trajectory.
(4) Church Formation – This church will be a full partner with Texas Baptist…. This church will be identified by these 10 functions Baptizing, Praying, Disciple Making, Evangelism, Loving, Worshiping, Giving, Bible Study, New Leaders and Mission Engagement.
(5) Leadership Development – These churches leaders will be coached and connected to Texas Baptist by way of authentic relationships built on common understanding of Baptist Distinctives and Missional Multiplication.
• Total Volunteers Engaged 19,603
• Total People Served 432,398
• Profession of Faith 2,143
• Baptisms 254
• Total Ave Monthly Meetings 751
• Total Ave. Monthly Ministries 78
Luis Ricardo Rivera Testimony
I want to thank the Lord for raising new leadership in our organic churches. I want to share Samuel Yescas’ testimony. Samuel is around 30 years old, he started coming to our house church like six months ago. I have had the opportunity to share and spend much time with him doing leadership preparation. I now give thanks to the Lord because he opened a new house church, and we are seeing growth.
Bobby Herring Testimony
In May, a family reached out and wanted to open their home to their friends to be able to have a simple Bible study and share their faith in Jesus. This past month June, they were able to have their first meeting and 21 people showed up, many came open to seek, but they are not currently following God. It is incredible to see how well this family has loved their friends and most people who came stayed after and had continued to have conversations with others. We look forward to what God will do in the coming month at this new gathering.
Albert Diaz Testimony
This month we celebrated a large victory. A year and a half ago at one of our MultiHousing sites a young man named Will accepted Christ. Midway through this past month he came and shared a message with the same group he was led to the Lord through. It was an amazing evening and celebration. Will has struggled many years with addiction and depression. The person who came and preached to us was not the same man, we met just a couple years ago. That change can only be brought on by the Lord.

VACANT Director
Church Planting Centers
A Church Planting Center is a residency of current and potential church planters with the purpose of assessing, equipping, coaching, mentoring and resourcing them to start new Texas Baptist Churches and ministries.
Church Planting Centers 2023-2024:
Church Planting Center
• Park Cities Baptist Church- Kelly Hamilton
• Tarrant Baptist Association- Eric Dejean
• Dallas Baptist Association- Marlow McGuire
• Lubbock Baptist Association- Ed Sena
• El Paso Baptist Association
• Brazos Valley Network
• San Antonio BA
• Union Baptist Association
• Golden Triangle
Larry Floyd + Kelly Knott
Steve Doyle
Chad Schapiro
Victor Marte
Jim Turnbo
The Pastor’s Common: The Pastors’ Common exists to strengthen Texas Baptists churches by creating a space for Millennial and Gen Z pastors to build community, grow intellectually, and be resourced.
Number of Millennial and Gen Z Ministers Connected to The Pastor’s Common (2024): 410 Number of Practical Ministry Conversations Filmed: 96
Pastoral Cohorts completed: 12
Annual Meeting Gathering Waco Attendance: 150 Pastors, Ministry leaders, and Spouses Apprenticeship Retreat: The retreat was held at First Baptist Richardson with a focus on mentorship. 72 millennial pastors attended the event along with 10 veteran pastors (David Lowrie, Jeff Warren, Jacob West, Miguel Lopez, Nebiye Kelile, Tom Howe, Josue Valerio, John Durham, Scott Venable, and Dennis Wiles) who poured into them through panels and small group conversations.
Preaching Labs: The Pastor’s Common equipped and trained 174 pastors in preaching in 3 different cities: Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Keynotes included (Todd Still, Daniel Kim, Steve Bezner, Taylor Sandlin, Andrew Hebert, Robert Creech, Kevin Flowers, Chris Johnson, Matt Homeyer, Scott Gibson, and Yancey Arrington)
Devoted: Devoted is a program for Texas Baptists young adults based on Acts 2:42. The early church was devoted to one another in prayer, fellowship, breaking of bread, and the teaching of the apostles. Devoted seeks to gather young adults from across the state to identify potential leaders and connect them to Texas Baptists Life and ministries. This year we held an event called True Worth with 45 young women in attendance. These young women were reminded of the value they have in Christ.
Embrace: Embrace is a mentorship program in partnership with the WMU of Texas. The objective of the program is to identify young women leaders with a passion for work in ministry. Embrace will connect them to mentors and ministries of the BGCT.
Missional Networks: April 1, 2024
Churches mobilized to community outreach
FBC at the Fields Greg Phan
Living Word
Fellowship Church Tedrick
El Buen Pastor
Christian Church Rose Martinez
The Promise Church Abraham Quinones
Revive Zoé Church Luis Torres
FBC Kaufman en Español Janet Rodriguez
PIB Petersburg Juan Calderon
PIB de Gainesville
Silvia Fuentes
Cockrell Hill Baptist Church Pastor Roy Suarez
Lubbock Unified Church Fermin Sifuentez
Revive Zoe Luis Torres
IB Nueva Jerusalen Rodrigo Becerra
FBC of Josephine Rick Blanton
Azle Avenue Baptist Church Joe Michael Limon
Ignite Community Church Chad Schapiro
Epic Fellowship Church Dr. Marlow McGuire & Brad Roberts
PIB de Waco
Cintia Aguilar
North Dallas Family Church Vincent Gonzales
Queens Church Larry Mayberry
Peoples Covenant Church Daniel Armendariz
Mt Horeb Belt Line MBC Stephen Nash
Impact Church Cameron Strange
Lubbock Unified Church Fermin Sifuentez
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Midland -Iglesia Bautista Emanuel Martin Ortega
First Baptist Church Blanket Jordan Villanueva
New Day Church
John Colunga
Arab church of Dallas Jalil Dawood
Mt Horeb Stephen Nash
Mercyhill Church Shay Wood
Azle Avenue Baptist Church Fernando Rojas
First Baptist church Waco Israel Lochamin
City Post Church Ricky Cotto
Influence International Chrystal Hughes
First Baptist Church Kenedy RoseMary Vickery
Baptist Student Ministry John Murthodi
Primera Iglesia Bautista
de Parral Chihuahua Josué García Ortiz
Under Over Fellowship Jerry Vineyard
Kingsbury Baptist church Manuel Casso Sr.
Plymouth Park Baptist Church Israel Villalobos
Pathway Church Nebiye Kelile
Primera Iglesia Bautista Dallas Rafael Munoz
First Baptist Church of El Paso Jeremy Kroeker
First Baptist Church Llano Ken Fowler
Iglesia Corona de Vida Kelly Knott
First Baptist Church Gonzales, TX Rafe Jackson
Mercyhill Church Shay Wood
Queens Church
Larry Mayberry
City On A Hill International Church Kendy Nguyen
Crestview Baptist Church Joshua Fuentes
Canyon Creek Baptist Church Joshua Murray
First Baptist Church Bandera Tommy Derrick
About MAP: The Missionary Adoption Program (MAP) exists to connect Texas Baptist Churches with churches, associations, and conventions in countries all over the world to jointly adopt local missionaries, native to those countries. These missionaries intentionally focus on evangelism, discipleship, church planting in their own context.
Testimony: This testimony is from Pastor Ramon Silva from Guadalajara. “We have been blessed to receive resources, prayer and encouragement from the churches in Texas who have adopted us through MAP. First Baptist Church, Frankston, and Highland Baptist Church in Denton have come alongside our church and have faithfully given monetarily so we could put of our Vacation Bible School in 5 different areas around our community. We went out to where the people are at.
We served and shared the gospel message with over 1,000 people and had 113 professions of faith, and 38 baptisms. We give all praise, honor, and glory to our Lord and we also thank Texas Baptists and the Missionary Adoption Program (MAP) for helping to make this fruitful ministry possible.”
Pastor Ramon Silva, PIB Tonala
Celebrating the Harvest: MAP serves missionaries worldwide. We currently have partnerships in: South Asia (Nepal, Bangladesh, and India), Africa (Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda), Brazil, Myanmar (Burma), Spain, Mexico, Japan, Greece, Macedonia, Argentina, Peru, Canada, and the United States.
MAP in 17 countries and presently has 65 MAP Missionaries. Currently we have 6 families who have adopted 6 missionaries, 2 Sunday School classes who have adopted 2 missionaries, 1 foundation who has adopted 6 missionaries, BOUNCE Ministry of the BGCT has adopted 3 missionaries, and 33 churches who have adopted 48 MAP Missionaries. We presently have 104 missionaries who need to be adopted.
So far in 2024 MAP Missionaries have reported:
• Professions of faith – 3,089
• Baptisms – 718
• Gospel conversations – 130,440
• New church starts – 85
• Discipled – 51,967
• People served – 392,011
Celebration: MAP celebrated its 7 years of existence on January 1, 2024. Over 200 missionaries have been adopted since MAP began in 2017.
Join MAP: Texas Baptists believe that through collaboration, we can take the Gospel to areas we would not have been able to alone.
By joining MAP, you, and your church are assigned to a specific missionary, whom you can pray for, give directly to, and visit on the field to serve alongside. 100% of all the offerings you give to MAP go directly to support your missionary partner.
To find out how your church can be a MAP partner visit www.texasbaptists.org/map or contact Noe Treviño at noe.trevino@texasbaptists.org or by phone at 361-920-2481.

MCMULLEN Ministry Assistant
River Ministry/Mexico Missions, a significant part of the Texas Baptist Center for Missional Engagement, is a beacon of hope for the communities along the Mexico/Texas border. This ministry, with its diverse reach-out events, offers mission opportunities for Baptists, churches, and institutions, fostering a sense of pride and connection among our stakeholders. We are happy to partner with BSMs and numerous churches, both in Texas and across the USA, in this impactful work.
We have river ministry missionaries on both sides of the border to engage local and Texas Baptist churches in missions. Right now, we have 43 River ministry Missionaries. These river ministry missionaries coordinate mission trips along with these churches or institutions to come to these areas to evangelize, have medical clinics, work with immigrants, develop sports clinics, train pastors and leaders in the area, and engage in many other ministries.
River Ministry missionaries are starting new churches or new ministries on the border and inside Mexico. We are partnering with the National Baptist Convention in Mexico and local Baptist conventions to facilitate the stating of new churches through a “tri-partito program” (divided into three parts) (One-third of the salary of a planter comes from the local regional convention, another third from the sending church, and one third from River Ministry).
This year, we worked with Baja California Sur, El Bajio (Guanajuato, Jalisco, Queretaro, and Aguas Calientes), Monterrey, Mexico City, with two Baptist local conventions, Guadalajara, and all the border cities in the Mexico/ Texas areas.
From June 2023 to May this year, the Lord blessed us with these results:
• 7463 Professions of faith
• 15291people were engaging with this ministry
• 36 New churches
• 122 New ministries (some were temporal, while others lasted for the whole year)
• 15,495 patients attended
Thanks to the Texas Baptists’ contributions, we provided hygiene kits for the immigrants arriving at several migrant centers we are working with: in Ciudad Juarez, El Paso, Brownsville, McAllen, Del Rio, Acuna, Matamoros, and Nuevo Laredo. Many of our river ministry missionaries shared the love of Christ by assisting the Border Patrol agents and providing them with food, prayer time, and encouragement.
There are many testimonies from immigrants who, after arriving at their destination in the USA, call our River Ministry missionaries or pastors on the border to thank them for what they did on their behalf. Many testify that they are following the Lord by deciding to be baptized. Just in Brownsville, 10,800 migrants received assistance, and 3935 accepted Christ from June 2023 to May 2024 and in other border cities are very similar results. With the help of the World Hunger offering, River Ministry is providing resources for 28 feeding centers for children in the border Mexico area (especially in Ciudad Juarez, Rio Bravo, and Reynosa).
Our ministry promotes Mission trips to the border in Texas and Mexico, with medical and dental clinics, Vacation Bible Schools, sports camps, activities to support refugees and deportees, and personal evangelism and discipleship. Volunteers from churches and institutions usually touch several thousands of people per year.
By committing to serve River Ministry/Mexico Missions, your church can make a difference in the spiritual, physical, and emotional lives of the people we serve while fulfilling the Great Commission. Help us share the Hope of Christ on the border and beyond.
The Center for Cultural Engagement helps equip Texas Baptists to engage in our respective communities. God calls us to be salt and light. We help bring others into community with God’s people through building bridges between groups, seeking justice, healing brokenness, confronting systemic evils, and speaking truth to power. We do this to bring the secular toward the sacred.
The theme for our center this past year has been “on earth as it is in heaven.” Each unit within the center has worked with excellence to expand, build, and proclaim the kingdom of Heaven.
The Christian Life Commission launched a new podcast titled “What is Good,” in which we discuss various ethical, social, and political issues of the day. The Christian Life Commission principally speaks to and not for Texas Baptists, and this was one of the many ways we are fulfilling our convention assignment.
African American Ministries welcomed Darrell Fielder, Jr. as the new African American Ministry Specialist.
Texas Baptist en Español From training to camps to conferences to webinars, TxB en Español has reached thousands of Texas Baptists and has helped connect by encouraging, informing, and collaborating with the Hispanic Baptist Churches. This past year, we have also seen the launch of Pave en Español, a church revitalization program specifically for Hispanic churches.
Intercultural Ministries Continues to strengthen and connect with over 300 churches that worship in nearly 80 languages weekly. We welcomed Arianna Bailey to the team as the new Ministry Assistant.
Baptist Chaplaincy Relations Welcomed Todd Combee as the new Director of Baptist Chaplaincy Relations.


SHANTELL WELCH Ministry Assistant
We at the CLC are agents of transformation, speaking to Texas Baptists rather than for them, equipping them to apply their faith to life in Ethical Conduct, Public Policy, and Community Ministry from a Biblical Perspective.
Steve Bezner*
Steven Young*
Carol Karen Boren*
Elmo Johnson*
Paul Kim*
John Roach*
Ryan Buck
Erica Currie
Laura Rodriguez
Brandon Skaggs
*Representatives from Executive Board
Tedrick Woods, Chair
Abigail Rojas
Kalie Lowrie
Emmanuel Roldan
Alice Ward
The Ethics & Justice branch of the Christian Life Commission (CLC) strives to equip believers so they may walk worthy of the gospel, having an impact in the world without being worldly, learning how to navigate today’s challenging issues and embracing the responsibility to care and advocate for the poor, the oppressed, and the outcasts among us.
For the past 3 years now, Dr. David Sanchez has been speaking on the topic of ministry among those who struggle with LGBTQ+ issues and their families. His messages and workshops equip and encourage Texas Baptists not to shy away from this topic, but to show the watching world that we can love others with the love of Christ, without condemning or condoning their lifestyle choices. He continues to present these workshops at youth camp breakout sessions and DNows, 14-hour chaplaincy trainings in Texas and Virginia, church ministry and volunteer team meetings, adult bible studies on Sundays and Wednesdays, conferences such as UnApologetic and Re:Charge, and our Texas Baptists family gathering and annual meetings.
This year, David has also been writing a book entitled Your/Our Identity in Christ. The purpose of this book is to help those struggling with their sexual or gender identity to find the many ways that the New Testament tells us who we are in Christ. Each of the nine chapters of this book looks at a different biblical metaphor (We are His sheep, We are the Light of the World, We are a Temple of the Holy Spirit, etc) to help us understand how being in Christ has transformed our identity. Each chapter also includes a powerful testimony of someone who has found their identity in Christ rather than in things the world says we should place our identity in.
Another workshop David has begun doing is Family Worship in the Home. In this very hands-on workshop, he helps families see the importance of establishing a culture of seeking God’s face daily as a family. He models what that time can look like - a short and simple time of singing a song, reading a passage of scripture, and praying together. His ukulele usually makes an appearance during this time.
On Aug. 3, 2023, David raised over $4,800 for the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering during Bits4Bites2023, a marathon stream in which he played video games for 18 hours straight and asked people to donate. This was the third year to have this event, and the amount raised was over $1000 more than the previous year. David enjoys this event, not only as an opportunity to support the TBHO, but also as a way to show the younger generation that we can use our many different hobbies and passions for God’s kingdom.


The Public Policy branch of the CLC provides biblical perspectives and resources on current policy issues in order that all Texas Baptists will feel equipped and encouraged to participate in the democratic process. CLC Public Policy works to inspire Texas Baptists to engage in informed advocacy on public policy issues affecting their churches and communities. The Texas Legislature will convene for its 89th legislative session from January 14 to June 2, 2025. The CLC invites you to join us during the session in visiting with legislators about policy matters of interest to Texas Baptists.
Recapping the 88th Legislative Session (and four additional special sessions):
• House Bill 12 which extended the amount of time a mother receives Medicaid benefits from two months postpartum to 12 months postpartum.
• House Bill 53 which expands the exemption from emergency vehicle registration by Texans On Mission and other nonprofit disaster relief organizations.
• House Bill 446 which removes any reference to the “R” word in Texas law when referring to individuals with intellectual disabilities
• House Bill 1212 which allows a parent to verify an excused absence for a student for the purpose of observing a religious holy day
• House Bill 1743 which allows qualified prisoners to apply for SNAP benefits while still incarcerated so benefits are available immediately after release from confinement.
• House Bill 3765 which requires the DFPS to make available luggage/bags to transport the belongings of every foster child in Texas
• Senate Bill 24 which codified the “Alternatives to Abortion” program and provides a continuum of care from conception through the first three years of a child’s life.
• Senate Bill 222 which provides paid parental leave for state employees upon birth or adoption of a child
• Senate Bill 379 which creates a sales tax exemption on certain maternity and family care items
• Senate Bill 838 which requires panic alert devices in all public and charter school classrooms
• Senate Bill 2158 which creates a pilot program for adult high school education in Texas prisons
Did Not Pass:
• House Bill 1942 and House Joint Resolution 102 which would allow for online sports wagering (Draft Kings/Fan Duel) pending a statewide vote to the Texas Constitution
• House Bill 2843 and House Joint Resolution 155 which would have legalized casinos in Texas pending a statewide vote to amend the Texas Constitution
• Senate Bill 1515 which would have required a particular version of the 10 commandments to be posted in every kindergarten - 12th grade public school classroom
Additionally, the Christian Life Commission filed a complaint with the Texas Attorney General against the Texas Lottery Commission for the Lottery Commission’s allowance of the sale of lottery tickets through phone apps and online in violation of Texas laws and lottery rules. The CLC worked to bring awareness and to move up sunset review for the Lottery Commission from 2029 to 2025 in order to address this and other issues with the Texas Lottery. The CLC has met with the Sunset Commission and will continue to meet with the Sunset Advisory Committee to reign in illegal lottery practices in Texas.
Texas Baptist Hunger Offering
The Hunger Offering supported 147 ministries in 2023 and is supporting 155 in 2024. Texas Baptist Hunger Offering approved $449,410 in grants in 2023.
• 1,137,866 individuals served
• 384,137 children served
•,791,180 meals served
Additional funds were generously given for relief support to Ukraine, Turkey and Syria, and the Israel-Hamas conflict totaling just over $10,900.
Community Care
The CLC awarded $158,500 in 2023 Community Care funds to support ministries engaged in restorative justice, community development, community health, and hunger ministry across the state.
Community outreach ministries:
• guided 4,399 professions of faith & 687 baptisms.
• served 735,552 individuals including 228,490 children.
• handed out 42,271 Bibles & tracks.
• were supported by 45,893 volunteers who helped serve.
The Hunger & Care team is deeply thankful to Texas Baptists for your faithful support and generosity. We are approaching the 30th anniversary of the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering, and we celebrate the millions of lives impacted to address hunger relief and poverty alleviation in Jesus’ name.

OZA JONES, JR. Director
African American Ministries Specialist
LEONIDA QUARLES Ministry Assistant
The vision of African American Ministries is to enlist, equip, and engage African American churches to reach their Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and uttermost parts of the world. We accomplish this by training and equipping churches in the areas of discipleship, fellowship, scholarship, worship, partnership, and leadership.
A New Staff Member
After serving as Ministry Specialist for a year, Dr. Tim Fuller was assigned to a new position within the convention leaving a vacancy in the AAM office. The leadership hired Darrell Fielder, a graduate of Chicago Theological Seminary, joined the team in the fall to replace Dr. Fuller. His experience with working for and with Baptist Conventions on state and national levels brings much needed connections for collaboration with Baptist leaders across the state and country.
Health Initiative
AAM partnered with Why Not You, a non-profit organization that helps to bring awareness to mental illness in the African American family, and community, with a specific focus on youth. Through their Balling for a Cause Suicide Prevention and First Responders Basketball Tournament, the surrounding communities were able to receive free mental and physical health resources, meals, and other much needed assistance. Through this partnership which also included one of our Texas Baptists churches, Rising Star of Ft. Worth Texas, we were able to touch 250+ lives and provide resources to those who could not otherwise afford the help needed, but are the most in need of these resources. With the continued help of Mary Hill Davis funding and the ongoing partnerships that our ministry assistant Leonida Quarleshas fostered through our AAM Health Initiative, AAM is looking forward to helping the African American churches, families, and communities in even bigger ways in the coming future.
PAVE, new paths for church growth training, has been instrumental in helping our African American Pastors and Churches. PAVE is a revitalization process that helps to rebuild, revive, and restore the local church. We have been able to assist 27 African American Pastors by creating cohorts with coaches that have been able to assist in this process.
Pastor Joe Barber, St. Luke Baptist Church in San Antonio Texas, experienced 20 consecutive weeks of baptisms as a result of the training and coaching from PAVE.
The African American Leadership Conference
The African American Leadership Conference was a major success. The theme for this year’s conference was “Leading Up” where we encouraged leaders to not just empower and enrich themselves but to also seek, select, and pour into the next generation of leaders. We had phenomenal guest speakers, Pastor Branden Walker of Dallas, Tx, Bishop Kenneth Spears of Ft. Worth, Tx, Dr. Phillip Pointer of Little Rock, Ar and Dr. Danielle Brown of New Jersey shared with us powerful messages that impacted all in attendance. We also had several breakout sessions where attendees received valuable information on various aspects of leadership within their churches.
Wave/Camp Exalted
WAVE, led by Robert Purvey, is a ministry of AAM that exists to encourage and excite students and leaders to become active and involved in ministry leadership. Our WAVE Conference was held in San Antonio Texas, at Resurrection Baptist Church. At this conference over 40 students made a decision to follow Jesus and 11 students accepted a call to ministry. 42 students and 7 leaders traveled from Las Vegas to attend the WAVE conference.
Our Future is Bright
God is doing great things through AAM. Our impact has been more visible as our target goal and vision is to WAVE and PAVE. AAM is intentional about making an impact in the local church which will make a greater impact statewide.
Texas Baptists en Español exists to connect, collaborate, contextualize, and celebrate with the Hispanic Baptist Churches aligned with Texas Baptists to help them reach the goals the Lord has given them. We start by facilitating connections with pastors. Our goal is to assist the congregation in their ministries by collaborating and contextualizing the wide variety of services and ministries available through Texas Baptists. Together we celebrate the advancement of the Kingdom through the local church.
Texas Baptists en Español is also an opportunity to promote unity, fellowship, and clarity for Hispanic Baptist churches using the productive collaboration of 40 Compañerismo presidents throughout Texas. Under the leadership of Texas Baptists, new churches are planted and new initiatives are promoted to reach the Hispanic population in Texas and beyond.
Here are some highlights from this past year:
Pastors Connection
• Launching of 471 pastor connections for meetings, general conferences, marriage conferences, evangelism conferences, leadership training, planning, graduation celebrations, installation of pastors, collaboration, coaching, etc.
Churches Impacted
• 489 churches attended our events throughout the year 2023
1. EntrenaT Graduation, High Pointe BC Cedar Hill
• 45 students graduated,
• 165 total attendances
• 10 Churches represented.
2. Pastor and Wives Retreat Ft Worth
• 30 pastor and their wives attended event
• 200 Total attendance
3. Men’s Rally and Retreat
• 250 men attended the Rally
• 430 men attended the Men’s Retreat
4. Lead pastor’s Track at Congreso
Pastor and leaders Track with 115 pastors and leaders in attendance
5. Hispanic Evangelism Conference
• San Antonio Texas
• 251 in Attendance
• Live Streaming to two sites with 100+ in Attendance
• 73 pastors in attendance
6. Launch first cohort PAVE en Espanol with (20 pastors)
7. Hosted six session of “Equipping Ministry Fellowship Ministry” with 30 pastors
Hispanic Education Initiative (HEI)
The main goal of HEI is to keep students in school through graduation and then on to college. To accomplish this God given mission, the HEI council meets regularly to bring to focus those areas which require its attention regarding education events, missionary opportunities, mentoring, and others.
Hispanic Education Initiative
The main goal of HEI is to keep students in school through graduation and then on to college. To accomplish this God given mission, the HEI council meets regularly to bring to focus those areas which require its attention regarding education events, missionary opportunities, mentoring, and others.
Here are some activities that have been accomplished this past year:
• Planned and coordinated with 8 churches to host 8 Hispanic summer missionaries
• Partnered with Winshape College and provided scholarships to 61 students attending WinShape Discipleship Intensive
• Collaborated with summer missionaries to do education fairs in their communities
• Created media to promote the Mary Hill Davis (MHD) Scholarship
• Highlighted the DBU Hispanic Leadership Scholarship and submitted names of students to be considered
• Celebrated and promoted education by having an Education Day at the church, such as DBU Day at El Buen Pastor church with Dr Brent Thomason as keynote speaker, where students were enlisted for college
• Started work on the foundation of the Student Mentoring Program for Hispanic Churches

VIDAL MUÑIZ Strategist
ARMANDO SOLIS Ministry Assistant

LINDA HOWELL Intercultural Ministries Specialist
ARIANNA BAILEY Ministry Assistant
This year was full of struggles and challenges, but God brought redemption and great joy. Since you give to the Cooperative Fund, Worldwide CP, Mary Hill Davis State Mission Fund, and World Hunger Fund, the office of Intercultural Ministries stands ready to come alongside what God is doing among our intercultural churches.
A refugee church of 200 members was in great distress: they had been asked to leave the space they were borrowing from another church. Intercultural Ministries provided them with a list of 300 churches to ask and see if they could find another shared space. All 300 Baptist churches declined. The pastor and I prayed a lot over what miracle God would do. In the last week before the congregation would have nowhere to go, the pastor found a church for sale. However, they had no time to get a loan. We came alongside them and helped them rent the new church space until they got the loan. The church was in great distress, and God brought them a great miracle and joy. Thank you.
Several years ago, another one of our intercultural churches developed a refugee network to help people flee from the war zone that developed in their home country. We assisted financially with our intercultural church’s work to develop this refugee highway so that the gospel could be heard and tangible needs could be met. Then, last year, the country where the refugees were fleeing to erupted with national violence against Christians. In the fall of this year, the pastor of our intercultural church returned to rebuild the refugee highway along with our help. Despair and conflict were transformed by Jesus’ love into freedom and peace. Thank you.
An initiative of Intercultural Ministries is Project: Start, a refugee navigation center in DFW. Many refugees do not have the language or skills to navigate American systems. The director of Project: Start is a refugee herself and understands her clients. Last year, we assisted some 300 families with rent, health care navigation, citizenship paperwork, and education. The refugees always ask why we do this for them. The director always responds by saying it is because of Jesus. This is followed by a spiritual conversation about Jesus and prayer over the refugee, who often invites the director over many times for prayer and Bible study. When a refugee faces hopelessness, Project: Start stands ready to provide the love of Jesus and the hope He brings. Thank you.
A refugee’s identity begins when their village is attacked and the survivors are scattered. One group ends up in a United Nations camp while the other hides in the jungles or mountains. The group in the UN camp sometimes is resettled in Western countries, such as the U.S. Here, a pastor emerges and evangelizes or regathers Christians to start a church. They learn of our office through another church of their culture or from a neighboring culture. We build a relationship, and then the church affiliates with Texas Baptists. We stand with the new church in its development and growth. Once they have their feet on the ground, they feel the call to find and minister to those of their people who are still in hiding in their home country. They ask for assistance in helping establish villages and places of safety. We support by helping with funds that provide stability. Through the horrors of genocide and despair come self-stability and Jesus’ love.
Thank you for your support through the many offerings of Texas Baptists so that our Intercultural Churches reach people here and around the globe.
Baptist Chaplaincy Relations endorses, supports, and trains chaplains. These ministers provide pastoral care in a variety of specialized ministry settings. The office provides ecclesiastical endorsement through a process that affirms to an employer that a chaplain or pastoral counselor has met all the basic requirements of the BGCT to practice ministry in a specialized setting. Basic requirements include personal, spiritual, and professional accountability; educational, moral, and ethical standards; ability to work in a pluralistic environment; doctrinal stability; and active membership in a local Baptist congregation.
In 2017, the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV) entered into a partnership with the BGCT Office of Chaplaincy Relations to serve as the chaplain endorser for the BGAV. The BGAV consists of 1,400 churches in Virginia as well as several affiliated churches throughout the United States.
The Chaplaincy Relations Endorsement Council is elected by the BGCT Executive Board and serves as the endorsement agency on behalf of the BGCT and the BGAV. Three of our current Endorsement Council members are affiliated with the BGAV. The Council reports its work to the Center for Cultural Engagement Committee of the Executive Board. The Council establishes guidelines for endorsement requirements. State and federal institutions require chaplains to be endorsed by an officially recognized faith group. The U.S. Armed Forces Chaplains Board on July 24, 2002, approved the BGCT as a recognized endorsement agency. Every major federal, state and civilian institution recognizes Texas Baptist chaplaincy endorsement.
The Office of Chaplaincy Relations has a team of dedicated ministers who share a passion and commitment to chaplaincy that has been enhanced by decades of personal involvement in military, healthcare and correctional chaplaincy positions. Under the Director/Endorser are four Associate Endorsers directing three separate functions. The Associate for Calling and Endorsement coordinates communication with individuals interested in chaplaincy as they pursue their chaplaincy calling, manages the endorsement process, and provides administrative support. Our two Associate Endorsers for Pastoral Care and Support, as well as our Director, maintain relationships with endorsed chaplains and provide timely and quality support to meet their needs through personal contacts by phone, zoom meetings or face to face visits. The Associate Endorser for Chaplain Training and Education coordinates training to maintain chaplain certification and professional qualification to serve in various institutions. The office also manages local church volunteer chaplain training.
The Office of Chaplaincy Relations is also committed to training Texas Baptist Churches to become authentic Christian caregivers through pastoral ministry skill training by offering courses such as Hands on Ministry and Disaster Spiritual Care Training
Endorsement totals (2002-2024):
Chaplains endorsed
New chaplain endorsements
Transfer of endorsements
1176 (40 this year)
940 (37 this year)
236 (3 this year)

TODD COMBEE Director/ Endorser
JIM BROWN Associate Endorser for Chaplain Training and Education
DONALD LACY Associate Endorser for Pastoral Care and Support
ORAN LEE Associate Endorser for Pastoral Care and Support
GREG SCHANFISH Associate Endorser for Calling and Endorsement

MARK JONES State Director
BILL NOE Associate State Director
BETH SMITH Ministry Partner Development Director
GARY STIDHAM Director of Training
GINGER BOWMAN Campus Consultant/ Program Specialist
JOE OSTEEN East TXBSM Regional Director
BECKY BARNES Administrative Assistant
KATE BEAN Ministry Assistant, Campus Missionaries and Support Raising Staff
KATIE COLEMAN Ministry Assistant - Communications and Administration
CINDY ZOLLER Ministry Assistant - Receptionist/ Finances
Texas Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) exists to engage the 1.6 million college students in Texas to follow Christ and transform the world. BSM missionaries are on approximately 135 campuses, intentionally engaging the collegiate culture by making and multiplying disciples of Jesus. It is both exciting and challenging at Texas universities, where over 300 exist statewide. Junior College attendance is also a large part of the student population. Major universities are also establishing new campus sites to meet the needs of students in different areas.
Reach the Campus, Reach the World
Texas BSM prayed and developed a strategy with the intention of sending collegiate workers to multiple targeted areas. In July 2021, Texas BSM introduced Reach the Campus, Reach the World (RCRW), a five-year strategy of sending 100 workers to nine different locations.
In the first three years of RCRW, campuses have taken multiple vision and mission trips to the nine locations. At the end of spring 2024, gospel workers have been commissioned and sent to pioneer and strengthen collegiate ministry.
One national RCRW priority location is Provo, Utah. Jason Perkins, a Texas Tech BSM graduate has served on a team engaging students at universities in Provo. After a recent change in staff leadership, Jason will be leading the ministry in Provo. Ben and Maggie Sutton, BSM workers from UT Arlington BSM have served in Provo for several years. They have now moved to Salt Lake City, and will lead the coordinated ministry efforts at the universities there. The Lord continues to call out workers to these vital impact areas.
Staff Leadership
The State Staff of Texas BSM celebrates the addition of several leaders to new roles in TXBSM. Gary Stidham, who served at UT Arlington and other campuses for 20 years, will serve as the Director of Training for Texas BSM. He will work with existing staff to prioritize evangelism, discipleship, missional sending, and church connections for the Campus Missionaries and throughout the BSM culture.
Joe Osteen, who has served as BSM Director at UT Tyler for 16 years, will serve as East Texas Regional Coordinator as well as being the lead for Beach Reach. Beach Reach has been a key component in prioritizing evangelism and compassionate service at South Padre island each Spring, during which several Texas Baptist Churches also serve.
Beth Smith, who has served on the state staff as a campus consultant, will move into the role of Ministry Partner Development Director. Her wisdom and campus experience make her ideal for this vital role.
Meg Craig, who has served as director on campus in San Antonio, will also join the MPD Team as the Associate MPD Director.
This team will coordinate coaching and strategic initiation to assist and strengthen the efforts of the BSM staff that raise some portion of their salary through MPD.
All of these leaders will serve a vital role in supporting ministry on campus in Texas and beyond.
Texas BSM staff members provide leadership in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, missional sending and Ministry Partner Development at the national level. At the recent Collegiate Summit in Memphis, BSM leaders Joe Osteen, Bill Noe, Gary Stidham, Amber Brommers, and Ginger Bowman led seminars to train and strengthen collegiate ministry around the nation.
Go Now Missions
Texas Baptists began sending collegiate student missionaries in 1946. Since that time, 13,809 Texas college students have served. Our mission sending arm is called Go Now Missions. In 2024 459 student served as Go Now Christmas Break, Summer, Impact and Semester missionaries. The them of the year was “Carrying the Gospel Hand to Hand.” Students were sent across our state, nation, and the globe to share the gospel, serve others, and making disciples. Here are two stories from summer missionaries.
Tanner Bean, a Navarro College student who served in Guadalajara, Mexico shared about a conversation with their Uber driver, Hector. “The entire ride we didn’t say much to the Uber driver. Before I could fully open the door, I said, ‘Adios’ and the driver replied, ‘You know I can speak some English?’ So, in return I said, ‘No sir I didn’t, but here is a gospel of Juan.’ and I asked about his religious life and if I could share about Jesus. After about 2 hours of talking to Hector, it seemed that he really understood what it meant to be a follower of Christ. We offered salvation through Jesus and explained that it is impossible for us to save him or make his relationship with God right. It would be his belief and his confession that mattered and so we prayed, and Hector gave his life to Christ!”
Becca Langley, a student at Angelina college shares, “A couple of weeks ago, a girl named Laurel came over to our house for dinner. As we got to talking, Laurel asked me how I came to Seattle, and I was able to share that I am interning at a church for the summer. That led her to asking me if I was raised in church and then I got to share my testimony with her! Our conversation was amazing because it naturally led to us talking about the gospel. Laurel related to my testimony more than I expected. She told us that she hasn’t really found a community here in Seattle, but she was very happy that she found us. She doesn’t have a religious background and is very curious about God. She even said, ‘Maybe it is God that has led me to having this conversation with you all.’ My roommate gave her a bible and she went to church with her yesterday!”
Reach the Campus Reach the World
This is the third year of our “Reach the Campus Reach the World” emphasis. It is a fiveyear strategy to send 100 longer term workers to 9 locations to help start or restart collegiate ministry. As of August 2024, we have sent 40 workers to serve in Galveston, Midland/Odessa, San Antonio, New York, Northwest (Washington/Oregon), Utah, Mexico, Eastern Europe, and South Asia. These missionaries have served anywhere from a semester to planting their lives long-term in a city.

BRENDA SANDERS Missions Consultant
JOURDAN POLLOCK Assistant Director
KAITLYN KALISEK Ministry Assistant
The work of the Treasurer’s Office includes overseeing endowments and investments, legal coordination, financial matters, information technology, conference and events, church administration, and process improvement. Our ministry is financing and supporting the ministries of Texas Baptists. The variety of responsibilities it takes to accomplish this is only possible by great creativity and productivity from our incredible staff. God has been at work through it all, however, as you will easily see in the reports that follow. In it all, we remain committed to respond to the needs of BGCT staff and to the needs of our churches.
Technology, and its continual upgrading, remain a critical piece in helping us strengthen our efficiency and productivity through the automation of our processing, better manage our costs, and increase our investment earnings. These improvements have helped us battle against inflationary challenges and financial market volatility.
For our office and all departments under our umbrella, we remain committed to the purpose that “every dollar earned and every dollar saved are more dollars we have to do ministry.” Through and in it all, we continue to work diligently to improve to do this in support of Kingdom work through Texas Baptists.
Thank you for allowing us to serve the churches and ministries of BGCT!

Years ended Dec. 31, 2023
Mary Hill Davis Offering for State Missions
gifts and contributions
Other ministry income 1,779,522
Investment interest and other income 18,328,120
Realized and unrealized losses on investments, net (7,471,045)
Change in value of beneficial interests in trusts held by third parties
Total revenues before release 60,191,487
Net assets released from restrictions 16,665,698
Total revenues 76,857,185
Ministry Expenses:
Hill Davis Offering for State Missions
Years ended Dec. 31, 2023

KENDALL Planning Coordinator
SHARRON BRADLEY Ministry Assistant
The ministry of the Conference & Event Planning Team is to serve the Convention to provide the most effective events that deliver synergy with maximum value for minimum costs. Serving in the background to the many events of BGCT, we support our ministry office staff as they share God’s Word, by creating an environment that is creative and effective.
C&EP uses “lessons learned” and meeting industry knowledge in developing and implementing meeting design strategies as well as assisting to align our resources and expertise to provide the convenience of full-service planning capabilities.
A primary role that the C&EP office assists the organization through the development and implantation of best practices, organizational compliance, standardization of protocols, crisis management and reduction of risk management, labor, and liabilities. Additionally, C&EP works on obtaining corporate discounts and preferred vendor services related to production, decorators (pipe/drape), catering, transportation, transient hotel rates and event equipment to minimize costs.
Serving in numerous ways, from consulting with a ministry office to dream at the beginning stages, guiding through details of each element to assisting in the implementation. CE&P can deliver fully produced events and training, all the way down to being the one that turns out the lights when an event is over.
Some services that we offer our ministry offices include but are not limited to the list are set up and manage an exhibit hall, schedule meals and work with caterers, be the liaison with bands and keynote speakers, assist in script writing, be a stage manager for worship sessions, volunteer management, organize and manage workshops, develop timelines, and worship schedules or assist in stage design.
In the case of the Annual Meeting, CE&P serves as the executive producer, managing the many tasks, volunteers, workflow and partner relationships to provide a successful event.
During the last year
• CE&P supported over 60 + events of the Convention in numerous ways that include large scale conferences like Annual Meeting, medium scale like Executive Board, all the way to a 10-member committee meeting and everything in between – workshop and training events, summer camps, retreats, conventions, and meetings.
• Researched all aspects of meeting/event planning and negotiated contracts to assist in securing over 100+ locations and over 250,000 sleeping room nights.
• Negotiated future and multi-year events with convention centers, churches, hotels, production, transportation, catering, creative productions, and exhibit companies that allow for additional long term cost savings.
• Negotiations, management and liaison for Speakers, Special Talent, and Bands/ Musicians.
• Creative Production, Stage Design, Event Production, Sound & Lights, Audio Visual, Stage Management, Live Streaming, Archival Recording and Basic Editing.
• Provided staff training for organizational compliance for contracting, risk management and organizational purchase power.
With the ever-changing landscape in the meeting industry, the CE&P event staff has continued to seek out training and learning about advances in technology and industry standards to better support and impact the ministry offices of the Convention.
The Conference & Event Planning team thrives by serving in the background fueling our passion that many will come to know the Savior, to grow deeper in their relationship with Him and to be assured of the Hope that is found only in a relationship with Christ.
The Finance & Accounting Department of Texas Baptists exists to serve the Lord by supporting churches, ministries, and our Texas Baptist staff as they share Christ and show love to others by providing accuracy, efficiency, and integrity in reporting and protecting the assets and financial gifts of the convention and our churches and by providing expert help in the areas of church and religious non-profit finance and taxes.
F&A serves as the processing arm of Texas Baptists, processing receipts from voluntary contributions, mission gifts, event registration fees, and GC2 product sales, “taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.” (2 Corinthians 8:21) F&A also provides assistance with budgeting and accounting information on the corporate and individual level.
The primary ministry emphases are cash receipts, accounts payable, general ledger and financial reporting. During the past year our ministry team:
• Received and recorded more than 67,000 contributions, product sales transactions, event registration payments, and other miscellaneous receipts.
• Processed over 27,000 cash disbursement checks and electronic payments.
• Budgeted for, recorded information into, and prepared reports from more than 60,000 accounts in the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers.
• Processed semi-monthly payrolls for approximately 280 full and part-time employees.
• Provided church tax information and financial best practices upon request.
• Continued to provide accurate financial reporting for the yearly audit.
• Coordinated the preparation of the 2024 and 2025 annual budgets.
• Provided church training in the areas of non-profit accounting, tax, and best practices.
• Provided accounting services and facilitated the annual audit for Women’s Missionary Union.
The financial statements of Texas Baptists are audited annually by an independent certified public accounting firm. Also, the Controller insures proper internal controls are in place to avoid financial improprieties.
Upon request we assist churches affiliated with Texas Baptists by providing evidence of their exemption from Federal income tax.
All members of the Finance & Accounting Staff consider our work a ministry to Texas Baptists churches and staff. Please let us know how we can help! Thank you for allowing us to serve you.

DUNN Accounting Technician
JONES Generalist

Information Technology (IT) and Support Services is privileged to serve the many ministries of Texas Baptists and WMU of Texas through technology and logistics solutions. Our ministry is enabling, equipping, and supporting those ministries. Our teams are User Support, Information Management Team (IMT), and Support Services.
Here are significant accomplishments:
IT User Support
IT security, network administration, user support
1. Security
a. Managed Okta for Single Sign On and Multi Factor Authentication for Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT, and Resource Scheduler
b.Launched Grip software to detect SaaS (Software as a Service) apps used by staff
2. Continued deployment of Macs as our standard work computer – 121 to date
3. Deployed Kandji Mac device management system to better manage, deploy, and support Macs.
4.Upgraded all Macs to
5. Supported another smooth, fast-moving Annual Meeting Family Gathering registration using scanners for Messengers who pre-registered online
6.Performed firewall upgrades for all offices.
7. Provided and supported technology solutions to accomplish the ministry goals of Texas Baptists by keeping our systems usable, current, and protected. This includes:
• Google G Suite and Microsoft Office 365
• Salesforce, Blackbaud FE NXT
• Zoom Meetings, Webinars, and Phones
• Wireless networking, Managed printing
• Helpdesk Support, IT training for staff
• Laptops, tablets, and desktops
• Windows and Mac support
• Supporting 3 remote locations and 34 mobile workers
Information Management Team
IMT administers the Salesforce system, manages the data, and trains staff on its use. IMT has three main responsibilities: application development to enhance functionality and introduce new processes in Salesforce and related third party products, data maintenance to update and ensure data accuracy, and generating custom reports and analytics. In the latest reporting period, IMT
1. Developed Super Summer registration and administration process
2. Implemented Event Registration processes
3. Implemented new automated check scanning solution (Check21) to bring the process back in-house
4.Implemented TBMF Pledges & Campaigns
5. Developed BSM Custom Reporting
6.Improved Minister Protection Program (MPP)
7. Improved CLC Grants
8.Enhanced BSM recurring donations process
9.Improved Annual Church Process (ACP)
10.Generated Year-End Donor Acknowledgment statements
11.Enhanced use of Marketing Cloud and data validation
12.Performed regular assigned tasks
• Managed hundreds of thousands of account and contact records and updated tens of thousands of them.
• Answered and handled or routed 3,299 incoming phone calls
• Processed:
o 5,035 GC2 Press and other orders
o 36,096 online donations
o 1,433 ACPs
o Managed over 1,000 active reports
o Created or modified ??? unique reports
o Produced ??? demographic studies, resulting in ???? customized PDFs
IMT is committed to partnering with Texas Baptists ministries to support what they do in the local church by expanding use of Salesforce, performing ministry processes support, data entry, reports and other custom data collection and reporting tools.
Support Services
Our Support Services team provides important services to our staff:
• Events support
• Facility safety
• Warehousing – including staging and management of pallets for large events such as SuperSummer, Texas Baptists Annual Meeting, BOUNCE, WMU Annual Meeting, and more
• Shipping and receiving
• Meeting management, including kitchen and meeting refreshments
• Repairs, maintenance, and adjustments at our Rambler office and warehouse; oversight of the Waco office also
• Materials transportation, including bank deposits and pickups and deliveries for printed material
• Office moves
• Implementing, directing, and managing three high quality, impactful golf tournaments
2023 Key Projects
• Upgraded shipping system at Rambler and WMU/Warehouse.
• Upgraded freezers and refrigerators in 12th floor break room at Rambler.
This group serves with a laser-like focus on customer service and doing whatever it can to best serve the varied, fast-paced needs of our Texas Baptist ministry teams.
Infrastructure Projects
• Deployed new Verkada video security system at Rambler, Waco, and Brockwood offices and expensed the costs to tenant improvements for rent credit.
• Deployed new AV system at Rambler, Waco, and Brockwood offices and expensed the costs to tenant improvements for rent credit.
Information Technology and Support Services exists to serve the ministries of Texas Baptists and WMU of Texas and thus a play a role in their Kingdom impact.

2418 W Ansley Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78224
Baptist University of the Américas (BUA) is an affordable, Christ-centered university dedicated to providing exemplary education to produce global Christian leaders for both ministry and the marketplace. Since its inception in 1947, BUA has been pivotal in developing pastors and church leaders from Texas, the U.S., and worldwide, with a Christian worldview at its core.
With a small student-faculty ratio, BUA offers high-quality, personalized education across all its programs, including Associate of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, English as a Second Language, and the Baptist Bible Institute, welcoming students regardless of their background or origin.
After retiring $4.9 million of debt in December 2021 and centralizing university operations, BUA has consistently grown and engaged in fundraising efforts to support students. In Fall 2023, the university reached a significant milestone by enrolling the largest number of new students in recent years. This growth reflects our ongoing commitment to providing high-quality, Christ-centered education that attracts students from around the world. BUA continues to leverage opportunities to expand its reach and impact as it cultivates future global Christian leaders.
Recent accomplishments and strategic developments at BUA include:
• Establishing a new guiding mission statement as a higher education institution.
• Receiving a 1.2-million-dollar grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to support the Proclama initiative, aimed at training Texas Spanish-speaking pastors in compelling preaching.
• Partnering with Texas Baptist Men to expand ministerial and marketplace opportunities for students.
• Establishing a satellite campus in El Paso, Texas, offering degrees and Baptist Bible Institute courses.
• Facilitating student participation in missions across Texas and New York, Gracias Lempira, Honduras through Texas Baptist, and Monterrey, Mexico, through the Mary Hill Davis Missions Offering.
• Completing the first stage of the university’s strategic plan for 2023-2026, with the Texas Baptist Men partnership as a significant component of our educational goals.
• Developing a master plan for the 60 acres surrounding our current campus to guide future infrastructure development.
• Strengthening collaborations with Texas Baptists, Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas, El Paso Baptist Association, and other ministries and organizations.
As a Christian university, we are committed to holistic student success by providing transformational opportunities that integrate faith, learning, and experience. We are dedicated to investing in the growth and development of our personnel and infrastructure, as well as securing funding to support student scholarships. By pursuing these goals under the Lord’s favor and guidance, we strive to achieve great things for the glory of God.
Our theme verse for 2024 is Philippians 4:12-13: “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” These verses resonate with BUA’s perseverance through all circumstances, maintaining our community as a familia and focusing on producing global Christian leaders.
Thank you, Texas Baptists, for your prayers, giving, and support.
2023 - 2024
Enrollment, Fall
Number of students on full or partial scholarships funded by institution*
Number of students receiving BGCT Ministerial Tuition Grants*
Estimated total number of students preparing for ministry*
Approximate percentage of Baptist students
*Non duplicating totals for the 2023-24 school year.
Operating revenue
Operating expenses
Educational and general, not including scholarships $
Institution funded scholarships & financial aid
Excess revenue over expenses after transfers

One Bear Place #97096
Waco, Texas 76798
Baylor University is a private Christian university and a nationally ranked Research 1 institution. Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas and affiliated with the BGCT, Baylor is the oldest continually operating university in Texas. Baylor’s mission is to educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community.
In July, Baylor was accepted into the Baptist World Alliance as a full Member Partner. This relationship expands Baylor’s connection to the BGCT – also a BWA member – and provides exciting new opportunities for the Baylor Family to impact the world for Christ. The affiliation also aligns with an expanded University motto that now includes Pro Mundo (For the World) alongside Pro Ecclesia, Pro Texana (For Church, For Texas).
In February, Baylor served as the originating site for the 2024 Collegiate Day of Prayer, an evening worship and prayer service focused on college-aged students and livestreamed around the world. The Collegiate Day of Prayer broadcast aired live from the Baylor campus, in cooperation with local churches and college ministry leaders. Throughout the fall, churches and college ministries held “Last Thursdays,” a Collegiate Day of Prayer tradition where believers gather on the same day each month to intercede for the nation’s college-aged students. “Last Thursdays” continue to be hosted by local churches.
The Collegiate Day of Prayer and other campus community prayer events – ranging from President Livingstone’s Community Prayer Breakfasts to the three-day FM72 prayer vigil each spring – build on the University’s deep history on and beyond campus, reflecting Baylor’s mission in Christian higher education and its roots in Baptist evangelism.
The largest Baptist university in the world, Baylor enrolled approximately 20,800 students in fall 2023, including a freshman class of approximately 3,300 and 372 Truett Seminary students. Students are from all 50 states and 109 countries. More than 18% of Baylor students are Baptist, 16.5% are Non-Denominational and more than 1,000 undergraduates indicated an interest in vocational Christian ministry. In the fall, Baylor received national recognition from U.S. News & World Report, which ranked Baylor in the top five for first-year experience, noting specifically the University’s emphasis on Christian faith and service, and in the top 10 for Learning Communities where students “get to know one another and their professors especially well.”
As the only Baylor department with two Common Core classes (Christian Scriptures and Christian Heritage), the Department of Religion enrolled 6,629 students in religion courses in 2023-2024, with approximately 378 undergraduate students majoring or minoring in religion and 48 students in the graduate program. Baylor had 292 undergraduates receive the Ministry Scholarship. During the academic year, 10 students earned the Ph.D. in religion.
In 2023-2024, hundreds of Baylor students, faculty and staff participated in Baylor Missions trips across the country and world, ministering, serving and supporting the ongoing efforts of various global partners. These trips allow students to integrate their academic disciplines and skills with service as the hands and feet of Christ, while gaining a deeper understanding of how they can use their calling or vocation to influence others.
In May, Baylor concluded its Give Light comprehensive philanthropic campaign, shattering its initial $1.1 billion goal by raising a historic $1.5 billion. More than 101,000 donors supported all areas of the University through Give Light, providing endowed funds for faculty chairs, student scholarships, research and more; immediate-use resourcing for priorities ranging from research and mission trips to emergency funds for students in crisis; and funds for capital projects, which included the renovation of the University’s iconic Tidwell Bible Building.
2023 - 2024
Number of students on full or partial scholarships funded by institution* 18,870
Number of students receiving BGCT Ministerial Tuition Grants* 254 Estimated total number of students preparing for ministry* 1,249
Approximate percentage of Baptist students 18%
*Non duplicating totals for the 2023-24 school year..
May-2024 (12 Months from 6/1 - 5/31)

3000 Mountain Creek Parkway
Dallas, Texas 75211-9299
Dallas Baptist University is a nationally ranked, comprehensive, liberal arts institution, which remains the college of choice among students seeking an excellent Christ-centered education with a mission to produce servant leaders and transform lives. The Lord continues to bless DBU as academic programs are expanded, new campus facilities are being added, and its global reach inspires lives around the world.
Enrolling more than 4,200 students with over 40,000 graduates serving worldwide, DBU expanded its on-campus housing facilities at Ford Village through the Pedersen Residential College, including the Jane and Robert Gunn Hall Global Scholars Program. At Pedersen Residential College, students experience transformative discipleship and mentoring in an intimate living-learning community.
DBU ended the fiscal year in the black for the thirty-sixth consecutive year and added new academic programs and several accelerated programs to expand the curriculum and meet marketplace and ministry demands.
Several programs in DBU Athletics had historic seasons in 2023-24. Women’s Soccer claimed its second consecutive Lone Star Conference Tournament title. DBU STUNT debuted with its first season as an NCAA program and took home the Lone Star Conference Tournament Championship. DBU Cheer and Patriettes defended their title with their fourth NCA College Nationals Championship victory in a row. DBU Women’s Golf also won the 2024 Lone Star Conference Tournament. DBU’s Basketball team had another fantastic season with a 25-6 record. DBU Baseball earned their 10th consecutive appearance in the NCAA Regional tournament. DBU is one of only four schools in Division I baseball to achieve 10 consecutive regional tournament appearances and the only program in the state of Texas to achieve this recognition. DBU’s Athletic programs continue to succeed each year and strive to be Champions for Christ on the field, academically, socially, and spiritually.
DBU hosted its inaugural NEXUS Ministry Leadership Conference, sponsored jointly by the Graduate School of Ministry and the Gary Cook School of Leadership. Designed to focus on the intersection, or “nexus,” of ministry and leadership, the event featured keynote speaker Dr. David Coffey, a long-time friend of the University, former head of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and President of the Baptist World Alliance.
DBU’s Global Studies program continues to add numerous short-term and long-term travel opportunities for students to earn class credit abroad, engage in history, gain a new perspective, and integrate faith and learning worldwide while experiencing all the richness of world cultures. During the 2023-2024 academic year, destinations included Germany, Spain, Israel, New York, South Korea, England, and Washington, D.C., among others.
DBU’s Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), a Christian think tank that connects scholars and practitioners to become catalysts for moral and spiritual renewal, continues to attract thought leaders each fall and spring to provide informative lectures on contemporary issues. Individuals such as General Davis Petraeus, Brent Leatherwood, Tish Harrison Warren, and Dr. Stephen Gaukroger shared at DBU through the IGE in the 2023-2024 academic year.
We remain grateful to Texas Baptists for their generous support of Dallas Baptist University.
2023 - 2024
Enrollment, Fall 4,201
Spring 3,774 Number of students on full or partial scholarships funded by institution* 3,622
Number of students receiving BGCT Ministerial Tuition Grants*
Estimated total number of students preparing for ministry*
Approximate percentage of Baptist students
*Non duplicating totals for the 2023-24 school year.
Educational and general, not including

One Tiger Drive Marshall, Texas 75670 etbu.edu
East Texas Baptist University (ETBU) celebrated record enrollment in Fall 2023 with 1,833 students, the highest in its 111-year history. Total enrollment increased by 3.5% over Fall 2022, surpassing 1,700 students in three of the last four fall terms. The Fall 2023 undergraduate enrollment reached a record 1,659 students. ETBU also observed record Spring 2024 enrollment, with 1,657 students, a 6.2% increase from Spring 2023’s 1,560 students.
ETBU and B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary announced their official merger in June after approval from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The SACSCOC Board of Trustees approved ETBU’s Substantive Merger/ Level Change prospectus, endorsing the integration of B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary into ETBU. With this approval, ETBU expands its status as a Level VI institution of higher learning, allowing the University to offer four or more doctoral degrees. The Texas Baptists’ Theological Education Council and Institutional Relations Committee endorsed nine master’s programs, a doctor of ministry, and three Ph.D. programs to be offered by B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary at ETBU. Students in these programs will qualify for ministerial financial assistance through the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
ETBU awarded 158 degrees in Fall 2023 and honored 186 graduates in Spring 2024. The Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology Program was approved as a Candidate for Accreditation by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and SpeechLanguage Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
In a celebration of family, faith, and philanthropy, ETBU renamed its largest student residence hall to Steve and Penny Carlile Hall, honoring their significant contribution and Christian servant leadership. Initially named Centennial Hall in 2012, the modern facility was renamed to reflect the Carliles’ impact on the University and surrounding community.
In January, ETBU hosted the Christian Association of Student Leaders (CASL) Conference, a platform promoting leadership and faith among Christian college students. Supported by the Baptist General Convention of Texas, CASL featured student leaders from various institutions, including the University of Mary Hardin Baylor, Hardin-Simmons University, Howard Payne University, Houston Christian University, Oklahoma Baptist University, and Dallas Baptist University.
ETBU received a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) to address economic challenges in Marshall and the surrounding region. This grant will bolster ETBU’s Synergy Park in developing long-term economic revitalization strategies, benefiting the city of Marshall and Harrison County. The ETBU Chemistry Department also secured a grant from the Welch Foundation to support undergraduate research and acquire new equipment. The Teague School of Nursing also received a grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board through the Professional Nursing Shortage Reduction Program.
Tiger Athletics achieved numerous accolades, including hosting and winning the 2024 NCAA Division III Softball National Championship, ETBU Softball’s second national title. Softball player Tristen Maddox was named NCAA Division III Athlete of the Year, the highest honor for a female collegiate student-athlete. ETBU Volleyball won the 2023 American Southwest Conference Tournament Championship. Tiger Baseball secured its third consecutive regular-season ASC Championship and made back-to-back trips to the NCAA Super Regional.
The Tiger Athletic Mission Experience (TAME) marked its 20th trip this year, with ETBU Baseball visiting the Dominican Republic, Tiger Volleyball serving in Chile, and ETBU Men’s Basketball on a mission in Honduras.
ETBU values the faithful partnership of Texas Baptists as it strives to develop Christian servant leaders in fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Approximate percentage of Baptist students
*Non duplicating totals for the 2023-24 school year.
Educational and general, not including scholarships