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Reaching Texas’ largest

Reaching Texas’ largest college town

By Kalie Lowrie, Associate Director of Communications/News Director

Roughly 300,000 college students are enrolled yearly on 51 campuses across the Houston area. As the largest “college town” in the state, Houston holds tremendous potential for Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) work. Though only 18 of the campuses currently have a BSM presence, Texas Baptists are praying for God to raise up new leaders and churches with a passion to see every campus reached with the Gospel.

The Houston Area BSM work has a significant impact on the campuses of the University of Houston (UofH), Rice University, Texas Southern University (TSU), Houston Baptist University (HBU), Houston Community College (HCC) and McGovern Medical School at UTHealth. Each BSM is unique in its culture and ministry efforts, yet all are united in their goals to engage college students to follow Christ and transform the world.

Most likely, no one would be surprised to know that food draws students into the BSMs on each campus. Especially when that food is free. Each week, free lunch is offered on campuses, meeting a basic need for students and opening the door for great conversations. At TSU, free lunch is held on Wednesdays in the Sterling Student Life Center, drawing a crowd of 20-40. After lunch is served, student leaders facilitate conversations, lead a 10-minute devotional and provide information about upcoming Bible studies and mission opportunities. For Jamie Russell, Jr., a student leader in the TSU BSM, the ministry is essential because it provides a community rooted in scripture and truth.

“BSM gives students an alternative environment to have fun,” Russell said. “You can have fun and love Christ. Before I was saved, I thought that was impossible.”

Engaging in spiritual conversations

Another common element of BSM work is a focus on evangelism. Students are taught how to share the Gospel with their roommates, classmates, teammates and friends. BSM equips students to engage in spiritual conversations as they serve students on campus by handing out free coffee, taking out the trash in the dorms or setting up a table where students share prayer requests.

At HCC, two campus missionary interns, Anton and Ryann, spend two hours in a common area each week, offering


Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Houston universities and colleges have closed their campuses for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester and switched to online courses. This has not deterred the BSMs from sharing Christ’s love and hope with students. Instead, BSMs have begun hosting online worship and devotionals on Zoom, Facebook and Instagram. Bible studies continue to meet virtually. Many of the BSMs have seen an increase in student participation as students look for community and support during isolation. BSM staff are also ministering to the students who have lost their last days of college and have been robbed of important milestones, such as school traditions and graduation, due to social restrictions. Above all, BSM remains committed to equipping their students to share the Gospel, whether it be online or in their homes.

“The mission’s not over,” said Andy Dennis, Rice University BSM Director. “The challenge for our BSM students is just because you’re not on campus and your context has changed, doesn’t mean your ministry is over. In some ways we’ve seen fruit as they’ve looked around them and seen who they can minister to that they know.”

free pizza to students and building relationships. As students grab a piece of pizza, Anton and Ryann ask if they would be interested in studying the Bible. Two students this semester have been coming for 10-minute devotionals during their lunch break between classes.

This work laid a foundation to start a BSM at HCC and could open the door to ministry across the entire HCC system, which includes schools around the greater Houston area. The culture on community college campuses is often different than on four-year university campuses. Community colleges are primarily commuter campuses and often lack on-campus activities or opportunities to build relationships. Students come to campus two or three days a week and often juggle full or part-time jobs, families and other commitments. BSM Director Andy Dennis sees the work at HCC as a new mission field to reach thousands of students with the Gospel.

Discipling in foundational truths

Discipleship is another primary activity of BSM. For medical students at UTHealth, the demands of preparing for the medical profession are immense. Dennis hosts a Monday lunch where he encourages students with foundational truths from Scripture. Med students join together to talk about challenges they face and point one another to scripture and hope in the Lord.

For the medical students, this Monday lunch is a welcome break from long hours of work and isolation. Most second and third-year students stream class lectures and spend many hours alone studying so that they can be top students. “Monday is a place where people can have the interaction they long for—a place where there is no competition,” Dennis said.

The challenges students face involve high-stakes as they learn how to navigate tough medical scenarios, and the intense environment can manufacture more stress, according to Dennis.

For fourth-year medical student Greg Gaskey, a primary means of ministry at school is to be a source of encouragement to his classmates. “We are constantly being evaluated, and often, our grades determine our future,” Gaskey said. “From a Christian perspective, if we don’t get the grade or the evaluation we expected, the way we respond says a lot to our classmates.”

Opening new doors for Bible study

UofH is one of the most diverse campuses in the country. In the fall of 2019, more than 46,000 students were enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs through the inner-city campus. The BSM has had a strong presence on the campus for decades. In recent years, the campus community has grown around the BSM building, which has opened the door for greater visibility and outreach.

Last semester at UofH, a couple of law professors began praying with other professors and felt burdened to share the Gospel with visiting, international scholars on campus. They contacted UofH BSM Assistant Director Snowflower Dong who was excited to help facilitate a Bible study in Chinese for interested scholars. Many scholars are only on campus for a short time, and the Bible study has opened the door for them to hear life-changing Good News. One scholar last semester became a Christian and was baptized before heading back home to China.

Top: BSM students at Houston Baptist University enjoy fellowship.

Bottom: Texas Southern University’s BSM Director, Jamie Russell, walks with BSM students to their weekly lunch.

Medical missions on the Amazon

The life of a medical student is often dominated by study and work. However, last summer, a small group of Houston-based medical students involved in Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) made time to go on a medical mission trip along the Amazon River in Brazil through Go Now Missions. While there, they provided care and medicine to villagers. The students’ medical expertise made communities more receptive, and they even served in a village that had never allowed foreign missionaries before.

The trip served as a valuable reminder of the reasons the students had chosen to go into medicine. “Medical missions has always been something in the back of my mind,” Sarah Weber, a UT Medical School student, said, “but the trip to the Amazon was my first medical mission experience, and it really solidified that focus.”

Heart change leads to new leader

Jamie Russell, Jr., grew up in the church, but when he went to college, he quickly fell into a life of alcohol and drug addiction. When he realized how bad things were, he sought treatment. During treatment, he began reading the Bible. One day his heart changed, and he decided to give his life to Christ.

He became involved with the Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) at TSU, where his father serves as the director. Russell now attends the free lunches and men’s Bible study, and he often leads the devotional. He has made friends at the BSM who help him grow in his relationship with God and keep him accountable. Russell has a heart for discipleship and evangelism, and he encourages other students to get involved with BSM so that they can see that a life with the Lord is infinitely better than a life without Him.

Reaching out to diverse groups

At HBU, BSM Director Nathan Mahand has experienced many ministry opportunities across the campus, including a new outreach to veterans. Once a month, he hosts a free lunch in conjunction with the Office of International and Veteran Students Services. The gathering provides a place for veterans to network and share life experiences.

“The lunch helps facilitate fellowship with each other,” said Shannon Bedo, director of International and Veterans Students Services at HBU. “They understand what others are going through. We can also provide tips to help with services they might need and a comfortable place for them to come and hang out. If they don’t know where to get help, we walk alongside them.” “There is not much cultural Christianity on this campus,” Dennis shared. “You know where you stand and if you believe in God or not.”

He has been encouraged by the openness students have to learn about different faith backgrounds. Approximately 51% of the student body is from outside of the state of Texas, and many are from other countries. The unique cultural and religious backgrounds on campus allow for many conversations about faith.

Though each BSM is as unique as the campus it is located on, all BSMs share the same goal: engage college students to follow Christ. Throughout Houston, BSM staff and students are working hard to achieve this goal by reaching the lost and growing mission-minded leaders.

At Rice University, Dennis has seen the academic challenges, stressors and anxiety that students face on a daily basis. Rice University is known as a leading research university and has a population of just over 4,000 undergraduate students. Students often turn to drugs and alcohol to escape the pressures they feel, and weekend parties draw crowds of students. About once a month, BSM students serve “party pancakes” to engage with students and provide a safe alternative to the escapism.

Each fall, during Rice’s welcome week, BSM students engage with classmates through spiritual surveys. Students are asked “What is one question you would like to ask a Christian?” and then BSM students follow up with them later in the week to engage in spiritual conversations. “We want BSM to be a place where people who do not know Jesus can begin that journey,” said Shannon Rutherford, UofH BSM Director. “For those who know Jesus, we want them to have a place to build on their giftings so that when they leave here, they will be members in congregations who are ready to lead and ready to share the Gospel in their workplace because we had them do it a million times here. We pray they will be Kingdom-impacters around the world.”

The first year of college is an important time in the lives of students. Connect your incoming college freshmen with a BSM on his or her campus. Visit txbsm.org/ connect-to-your-bsm and a BSM staff member will reach out and share about ways to get involved!

Top: BSM students at the University of Houston pass out free Bibles to students on campus.

Bottom: Campus Ministry Intern Ryann engages with students at Houston Community College.

Sharing the Word in a heart language

When walking around the University of Houston, don’t be surprised to see a group of Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) students pushing a shopping cart around campus. The cart may be filled with Bibles in many different languages. Students often walk around, offering these free Bibles to anyone who wants them.

Hannah Murry, a campus missionary intern, says that the Bible cart provides an important opportunity for people to receive a Bible in their own language so that they can fully understand the Gospel without any language barriers. It is also a great way to connect with international students. Hannah has met students from as far away as Madagascar and Vietnam, all of whom are excited to receive a Bible in their own language.

Prayer for new community college ministries

As campus missionary interns Anton and Ryann begin a new Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) on Houston Community College’s main campus, they are in need of prayer and support. Here are a few ways you can pray for this new BSM:

• Pray for campus staff who are willing to support them in the process of estab- lishing a new student organization

• Pray that students will be interested in studying the Bible and participating in the BSM

• Pray that the Thursday free lunch will be an opportunity to engage in conversation with students

A spiritual marker: Celebrating 1,000 chaplaincy endorsements

By Meredith Rose, Social Media Specialist

This February, Texas Baptist Chaplaincy Relations, in partnership with the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV), reached and exceeded a milestone of 1,000 chaplaincy endorsements.

Over the past 18 years, Texas Baptists have endorsed 1,011 chaplains. More than 600 of these individuals are still actively serving. Texas Baptists endorse in eight distinct categories including military, correctional, biker, public safety, healthcare, marketplace, crisis response and pastoral counseling.

Healthcare chaplain provides personalized care

Allan Escobar is a newlyendorsed healthcare chaplain at CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler, TX.

Chaplaincy endorsement provides great value to Escobar’s ministry. “It communicates that you are supported by the community of faith,” he said. “When pastors are ordained, it indicates the church supports them — it’s the same with chaplaincy endorsements.”

In celebration of the ministry’s continued growth, Texas Baptists recognize the calling and vision of two recentlyendorsed chaplains. Escobar has a seminary background and is an ordained pastor. He worked in youth, singles, church-planting and missions ministries at multiple churches before training to become a chaplain. He felt called to healthcare chaplaincy because of the great need he saw there.

“It’s not just patients who need support. Nurses and doctors also need spiritual care. They work so many hours and often don’t get the chance to attend church. Their workplace becomes not even a second but sometimes like a first home to them,” explained Escobar. “When I saw an opportunity to minister to them, to be their pastor, I wanted to seize it.”

As a chaplain, Escobar provides guidance to patients, families and hospital staff who are hurting both physically and spiritually.

“One of my favorite things about being a chaplain is my ability to provide more direct, oneon-one care to people,” he said.

Allan Escobar Chaplain | Tyler, TX

“When I was a pastor, this was difficult for me sometimes, but chaplaincy has given me many opportunities to personalize my ministry to individuals.”

Escobar completed Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Hospital.

“Most CPE programs require that you come in with a seminary degree,” he said. “They want that foundational understanding to build on. The next step is learning how to use your theological understanding to truly connect and minister in healthcare situations.”

The Chaplaincy Relations Endorsement Council voted in approval of Escobar’s endorsement in mid-February. Supported by the Texas Baptist chaplain community, Escobar plans to continue serving in Tyler while he pursues further chaplaincy certification. the Texas Baptist community of chaplains wants to live through those moments with us. I have so many friends who are endorsed by other organizations, and they’ve never spoken to or met with anyone involved in their endorsement. This has really helped me appreciate the Texas Baptists endorsement model.” Barton felt called to military chaplaincy in 2016 after graduating from the University of North Georgia with a Master in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. “That summer, during a Fourth of July celebration, I remember hearing the audible voice of God telling me to join the military,” she said. “At first, I was terrified and didn’t know where to begin. I knew nothing about chaplaincy at the time. I’d never even heard of the word. But I could clearly hear God’s voice, and I knew I had to obey Him.” “The cohort training was honestly the best I received,” said Barton. “For 10 weeks, our group met once a week through online video conferencing. We learned about ministering in the military from other endorsed chaplains and Chaplaincy Relations staff.” Barton has also attended two Texas Baptists Chaplaincy Training Events to supplement her required training. “Continued education is so important to military chaplains because our field is constantly evolving. If we are not willing to continue molding ourselves, chaplains may easily become ineffective,” she said. “For example, mental health awareness and suicide prevention have recently become big topics in the military. Chaplains are on the front lines of addressing these issues, but we must be properly trained to confront them.”

“This endorsement affirms that I am where God wants me,” Escobar said. “It creates opportunities for me to continue learning and growing as well as to expand my influence and reach.”

Military reserve chaplain learns from chaplain community

Amelia Barton is a recentlyendorsed military reserve chaplain for the U.S. Air Force living in Georgia. She personally attested to the benefits of a Texas Baptist chaplaincy endorsement even while living out of state.

“Chaplaincy Relations is a family,” she said. “Whether we are in times of struggle or joy, Eric Whitmore, associate endorser for Calling and Endorsement with Texas Baptist Chaplaincy Relations, helped educate and counsel Barton during her calling.

“I talked to Eric for probably two hours. He explained to me everything there is to know about military chaplaincy,” Barton said. “After that, it was like my life just made sense. I knew this was what I was meant to do.”

Barton began training in the Air Force Chaplain Candidate Program, pursuing a seminary degree and mentoring with a military chaplain serving in the Air Guard. She also participated in Texas Baptists’ Chaplain Candidate Cohort. Barton’s endorsement was approved in mid-February. She is currently working as an Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA), filling in for active-duty chaplains while she continues to learn and grow her ministry skills.

“I am thankful to be supported by an organization that is as on fire to minister as I am,” Barton said.

To learn more about Texas Baptist Chaplaincy Relations, visit txb.org/chaplaincy.

chaplains endorsed 1,011


over 600 chaplains actively serving

8 distinct categories of chaplaincy endorsement

5th largest endorser of military chaplains in the U.S.

10 countries reached by Texas Baptistendorsed chaplains

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