September 2010

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pg. 16

What’s Up Doc??

Featuring Dr. Lyttle pg. 5

Pawz-itively Natural

pg. 12

While you’re away... pg. 14

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what’s inside?? Publisher Shannan Parker Account Executives Jeff Parker Contributing Writers Amy Kelly Shannan Parker Nadine Joli-Coeur

6 • Whats Up Doc? 11 • Helping the Houston Humane Society 12 • Pawz-itively Natural 14 • While your away... 15 • Events

Lynne Singerman Brenda Lynch

18 • Spotted by the Puperazzi

Michael Baugh Tricia Fagen

20 • Mutt Lunch Winery

Cover & Centerfold Photo studioHOLLOWMAN

21 • Rescue Resources

Graphic Design & Layout sarah standleyDESIGNS 513.919.5628 For Advertising & Information Contact: (281) 781-4727

23 • Deep in the heart of Katy-Pawty Palace 24 • The Market Place 26 • Stella’s Summer 28 • Puppy 101

Next Issue: SEPTEMBER 2010 Advertiser’s Deadline AUG 15th 2010

September 2010 | 3

from the publisher

I love September!

*goodies* in the Marketplace!

Truth be told it’s easily my favorite month of the year! Fall time and Football season (and of course, the kids are back in school)! For my own household September is also the month of birthdays and barbeques.

The cover this month is the perfect example of having fun while you work- Studio Holloman took these wonderful pictures of Jenny at the Houston Aquarium and as always the photo shoot turned into lots of laughing, joking and even a ride on the Farris Wheel!

I do hope you enjoy this month’s issue of Texas Dogs & Cats! We always have a blast putting it together and getting to know the local businesses that make pampering our pets possible. From Veterinarians to Boutiques, Groomers to Pet Sitters; Katy/ Ft. Bend truly has the crème of the crop! Be sure to check out the Calendar of Events on page 15 for several fun pet friendly events in our area. Find out more about Dr. Lyttle on page 6 and get your shopping bug on with the

Don’t forget to shop local Katy/ Ft. Bend! All businesses advertised in Texas Dogs & Cats are local to our community and have been thoroughly inspected & approved by my own Crew as VERY slobber friendly!


Don’t forget to visit us online for articles, events and MORE!

Shannan Lamb-Parker resides in K a t y , T x w i t h J e f f , h e r h u s b a n d a n d b e s t f r i e n d of 15 years. Jeff and Shannan hav e 2 c h i l d r e n , T a y l o r w h o i s 1 4 a n d T r a c e who is 10. They all answer to the i r 2 E n g l i s h b u l l d o g s , M a d d o x a n d Bentley, and Umbrella Cockatoo, K i n k y..

Texas Cats & D ogs does not knowingly accept false or m i s l e a d i n g a d v e r t i s i n g o r e d i t o r i a l , n o r d o t h e pu blishers assume responsibility should such e d i t o r i a l o r a d v e r t i s i n g a p p e a r .

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en d

September 2010 | 5

WHAT’S UP DOC? dr. jane lyttle by Amy Kelley

Becoming a part of the Kingsland team in 1998 as a relief doctor, Dr. Jane Lyttle has become a regular face in the KBAC team! She met Dr. Croft while moving into her new house, and fate has led her to the clinic. Dr. Lyttle grew up in Georgia and went to the University of Georgia, and then she moved to Texas due to her husband transferring here with his job (so I guess we will forgive her for not being an AGGIE!) Dr. Lyttle had always wanted to be a veterinarian (her mom says since she was 3!) She loves working with the animals, and all of the science behind her position. Even the dramatic and/or “gross” things that can happen intrigue her. When she was a teenager, she volunteered with a veterinarian, and she was even charged at by a bull! She also recounts, “I even once saw a big, burly farmer pass out while my vet was pulling out a calf. Of course, he then had to stop and help the farmer!” When asked about her free-time, she chuckled! Having 3 two-legged children keeps her very busy: from bagpipe band, to Scottish dancing and harp. She enjoys taking them to competitions and watching them shine! She also likes to go waterskiing and boating, as well as reading British literature. Along with her human family, she also has Calum (an Irish Wolfhound), Forrest (a cockatiel) and Captain Jack (a budgerigar). Imagine the brushing she has to do on her Irish Wolfhound-WOW! Dr. Lyttle enjoys working at Kingsland for many reasons: the competitive and reasonable pricing so that she can do more to help our patients, the well-trained technical staff, knowledgeable veterinarians to work with, and the variety of medications and supplements that KBAC has to offer. But, most of all,

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she loves the fact that all of the staff members truly care about the patients! Another great thing about Kingsland is Mya, the clinic bird. Dr. Lyttle recounts when she walks into the clinic in the morning and she hears a “MMMEEEEOOOOWWWW” coming from Mya’s cage-just as if she is saying “GOOD MORNING!” We truly appreciate having Dr. Lyttle working with us, and we know our client’s do too!

September 2010 | 7

Bring this ad in for a complimentary gift!

Veterinarians: Richard Croft Susan Randlett Toby Shows Adela Rico Jennifer Smoot Molly Obergfell

Dogs, Cats, Birds & Exotics Wellness Care Immunizations Dentistry Bathing Boarding Surgery Laser Surgery Digital Radiology Ultrasound

20701 Kingsland Blvd., Suite 105 (across from Taylor High School)

281.578.1506 8 |


4325 FM 359 Rd | Richmond, TX 77406-9180 (281) 341-9005 Hours M-F 8 - 6pm | Sat 8-4pm | Delivery available

September 2010 | 9

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helping the houston humane society The inaugural Paws-a-thon event hosted by several Mister Car Wash locations raised a total of $48,565 in donations for local Humane Society and Rescue League organizations. Customers purchased “paws” which were then displayed on Mister’s car wash walls. Local Houstonians helped Area Manager Bill Smith of

Houston and his 8 stores earn the “Paws-a-thon Cup” this year for the highest contribution among all the areas. Mister Car Wash presented the Houston Humane Society with a check for the $19,188.38 raised by local Houstonians!

Go H-Town!

September 2010 | 11

pawz-itively natural by Nadine Joli-Coeur

feel miserable and if it goes untreated will require steroids or antibiotics. So if your pet has chronic ear issues, tr y changing their diet and reduce the amount of products that contribute to yeast growth.

Ove r the last 10 ye a r s , I ’ v e h a v e h a d t o deal with many pe t s , i n c l u d i n g m y o w n that have ear issues . C a l l i e , m y c h o c o l a t e lab I endearingly c a l l , m y “A l l e r g y Pe t ” . Ever y time Callie ha s a b o u t o f a l l e r g i e s , her ears are the firs t t o s h o w s i g n s , d a r k brown goop. Ear i s s u e s t y p i c a l l y g o unnoticed as pet g o e s f o r g r o o m i n g o r you star t to notice y o u r p e t s h a k i n g t h e i r head or scratching t h e i r e a r s , r e d n e s s a n d even dried blood. O t h e r w i s e u n t r e a t e d this can develop int o a s e r i o u s p r o b l e m . Untreated ear infect i o n s i n p e t s c a n r e s u l t in loss of hearing an d / o r s u r g e r y a n d c a n be ver y painful for y o u r p e t . P r e v e n t i o n is the key. The secret to catc h i n g e a r i s s u e s i s t o regularly look insid e y o u r p e t ’ s e a r s a n d regularly cleaning t h e m w i t h a d r y i n g solu tion. Good ai r c i r c u l a t i o n i n t h e ear canal is impor t a n t s o t h a t b a c t e r i a doe sn’t have a c h a n c e t o g r o w. Fo r example, if you hav e a l o n g h a i r e d p e t , like a Poodle or Shih T z u , y o u s h o u l d h a v e their ears plucked r e g u l a r l y. H a i r i n s i d e the ear canal can tr a p d e b r i s . Re m o v a l o f hair allows air into t h e e a r c a n a l . I f y o u have a Cocker or G o l d e n , t h e i r e a r f l a p s can trap in moisture w h i c h d o e s n o t a l l o w air to circulate and b e c o m e s a b r e e d i n g ground for bacteria . O t h e r c a u s e s o f e a r issues are; aller gies , b a c t e r i a l i n f e c t i o n , ear mites, swimming w h i c h c a n g e t d e b r i s in the ear canal (w a t e r, g r a s s , d i r t ) a n d what they eat (yes f o o d a n d t r e a t s ) . Ear infections can b e t h e r e s u l t o f a bigger issue; Yeast C a n d i d a w h i c h i s n o t only in the ears but c a n b e d u e t o y e a s t over growth in the G u t ( i n t e s t i n a l t r a c t ) . I f you pet is constantl y s c r a t c h i n g o r l i c k i n g ears and feet those a r e u s u a l l y t h e p r i m e areas for the body t o t r y t o g e t y e a s t toxins out of the b o d y. Ye a s t c a n r e s u l t in a staph infection w h i c h m a k e s y o u r p e t 12 |

Step 1, you will bring a significant amount o f i mp r o v e m e n t b y s i m p l y c h a n g i n g your pet’s diet and using more natural h o u s e h o l d c l e a n s e r s . Av o i d G r a i n - b a s e d foods loaded with starch and sugars (which is many of the commercial brands), avoid food coloring, dyes, preservatives other pet food “fillers” and non pet friendly cleaners. Instead, focus on high quality proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains such as barley (or go grain free) and natural preservatives. Grain free foods may give quicker relief as the yeast growth feeds off of grains. Be careful on the treats, they are notorious for putting m a n y fi l l e r s , s u g a r s a n d c a r b s . S t e p 2. P r o m o t e h e a l t h y b a c t e r i a g r o w t h . This can be done by adding probiotics to their food. Probiotics are important way to promote a healthy flora in the intestinal tract which is critical to a healthy immune system and helps dog that have sensitive stomachs. It is amazing how just looking inside your Pe t ’ s e a r c a n a l a n d a d d r e s s i n g t h e s e issues can make a huge difference in their health. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n Pe t E a r h e a l t h and yeast Nzymes ear infections: h t t p : / / w w w. n z y m e s . c o m / p c / symptomC h k r R e s u l t s . a s p ? c o n d i t i o n _ i d = 1 8 9 2 Pet food f o r y e a s t p ro b l e m s : h t t p : / / w w w. n z y m e s . c o m / pc/articles.asp?article_id=43&type=1&condition_ id=&prod u c t _ i d = & p a n e l = 0 D og E a r Ye a s t I n f e c t i o n http://ww w. d oge a r y e a s t i n f e c t i o n . c o m Nadine Jo l i - C o e u r, O w n e r o f N a t u ra l Pa w z Mom of D og s C a l l i e, L u cky, Jo ey a n d H a ro l d t h e c a t . Natural Pa w z h a s b e e n re c og n i z e d n a t i o n a l l y a n d l o c a l l y as a reta i l l e a d e r i n n a t u ra l p e t c a re p ro d u c t s . We a re a local bus i n e s s t o H o u s t o n w i t h 6 l o c a t i o n s i n a n d a ro u n d the Houst o n a re a . S t o p b y f o r a v i s i t ( p e t s a re w e l c o m e )

September 2010 | 13

while your away... the cats will play! B o a rd i n g i s o f t e n c o n s i d e re d t h e ch o i c e o f l a s t re s o r t . . . bu t n o t a n y m o re. B o a rd i n g i s n o l o n ge r B o r i n g n o w t h a t C a t n i p I n n h a s c o m p l e t e d i t ’s n ew P u r r f e c t P l a y ro o m . . . .

Making plans for your cat/cats while you are away, is often one the biggest stresses of leaving home. Is the best idea to hire a pet sitter who will schedule to drop in once or twice a day . Could you beg a favor from a friend. Or should you board your cat? Boarding is often considered the choice of last resort...but not anymore. Boarding is no longer Boring now that Catnip Inn has completed it’s new Purrfect Playroom. Vicki Hansen the owner of the Catnip Inn, has created an enrichment experience for her cat guests. The new space allows them to have options , make choices and select alternative activities ,while in a safe indoor environment . Vicki hired Lynne Singerman to create a uniquely wonderful space, the Purrfect Playroom. The goal was to take a bare room that was only 9 x 14 and create an environment that could give cats a safe indoor experience that mirrors some of the challenges of being outdoors. With cat staircases , ramps , skyway paths , bridges, tunnels, and peek – a –boo window seats ,they have chance to climb, jump, hide and stalk. To view the world from many vantage points and even to take a nap 6 feet off the ground . The joy of

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using their cat bodies and minds to decide where to be and how to get there. With thanks to Bill Walker of “The Cat House”, Lynne and Vicki designed shapes, spaces and color to make a cat fantasy. Working with cat friendly materials, paints and finishes their talented construction crew completed the work in about a week. Lynne and Vicki report “We are thrilled with the results! But the best part is that the Cats love it!! Even shy cats enjoy having the space to explore. The most stunning testimonial to the success of the Purrfect Playroom is how many cats have to be encouraged to leave the playroom, when it is time to go home.” Catnip Inn and their Purrfect Playroom is available to tour anytime…so go find out how “While You are away …your Cats will Play “. Catnip Inn is a Cat only boarding and grooming facility located in Rice Village at 2414 Tangley Houston, TX 77005 – 713- 523-7877 www.catni and see us on our Fan page on Face book . If you are interested in having a Purrfect Space for your cat to enjoy at home, call the Catnip Inn 713-523-7877 and ask Lynne for details.



things to see & places to be





Barks and Bikes Adoption Event

5PM - 8PM


Blue Line Bike Lab 3302 White Oak Houston, TX


Omni Houston Hotel (4 Riverway, Houston, TX)

FIERCE & FABULOUS Houston Pet Set Soriee Join Houston PetSet for their eighth annual soirée where we’ll celebrate to raise money for a great cause! Visit www. for tickets!


Pet Paradise Resort, 7511 Monroe Rd, Houston, TX 77061

Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas Reunion Everyone is welcome to drop by with or without their cocker kid to visit with foster families, meet other former cocker kids, and just have fun.







Yappy Hour with Sugarland Natural Pawz,

Dog Day at Minute Maid Park Bring man’s best friend to Houston Astros Dog Day at Minute Maid Park on Sunday, September 19th and see your Houston Astros take on the Cincinnati Reds at 1:05 p.m. Visit www.astros. com/dogday for more information!





Animal Tales, Katy

Yappy Hour



For more details, contact Jeannice Cain at 832-638-6786.

Pedal 4 Paws & Pub Crawl Benefiting The Homeless Pet Placement League

12:30PM - 5:30 PM

Pedal ($30) or Crawl ($20) Come join HPPL for an afternoon of pub fun at several Washington pubs. Drink specials, prize drawings, and silent auction items

September 2010 | 15

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Cocker Spaniel Rescue of East Texas has many delightful cockers in all ages, sizes and colors who are looking for forever homes. Occasionally, we have puppies that come in also. If you have a place in your home and heart for one of these charming cockers, please give us a call on our hotline at 713-208-1314. We are always in need of foster homes, so if you would like to join our family of volunteers, please give us a call. We are a network of concerned families who have formed a unique bond, all because of our common love for Cocker Spaniels. If you are a cocker lover, please consider becoming a part of our family.

The operation started small with two volunteers placing a dozen dogs a year. Within ten years this noble effort attracted a core of volunteers who re-homed a hundred plus dogs a year. In the late 1990’s Cocker Spaniel Rescue established an internet presence with a website, While the website helped recruit volunteers and donations, the number of Cocker Spaniels in need increased dramatically. In 2009 CSR re-homed 300 dogs.

In 1988 Sharon Elliott, a Cocker Spaniel enthusiast, was called on to assist in a raid of a backyard breeder. Sharon, horrified by what she saw, became determined to assist Cocker Spaniels who were abandoned and helpless.


e N n Y

Weight- 26 pounds

Height- 18 inches tall.

Aprox Age 5.

Guilty pleasure- Chasing bunnies out of the Pompus Grass!

September 2010 | 17

spotted by the pupperazzi Furr-tastic or flea infested! The Pupperazzi is on the scene and has your tail covered!

I.O.R.G. Dog Show

“Excuse me next?”

“LOOK! my tongue matches my outfit!!”


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HHS Hurricane Preparedness Clinic

“Look into my eyes.. “

I hope they brought enough for everyone

“UH..what are the gloves for??



September 2010 | 19

going to the dogs! by Brenda Lynch

One Sonoma County winery, Mutt Lynch Winery, has really gone to the dogs. Owners Christopher and Brenda Lynch have a mutual passion for dogs and “barking good” wines. Their winery was recently voted the Most Dog Friendly Winery for the second year in a row in the Beast of the Bay Awards 2010. “Sometimes we prefer the dogs to their masters,” Christopher Lynch said with a laugh. “My wife Brenda is the winemaker and she finds the stuffy and snooty part of the business a turn off. We love dogs, and they’re so unpretentious, it seemed like the right theme for our winery.” Chris and Brenda Lynch started Mutt Lynch Winery back in 1995 with one goal in mind. Winemaker Brenda says, “I have always wanted to produce outstanding wine from vineyards near our winery in Healdsburg, California, charge a fair price for my wines and have a blast selling them to folks around the country who love dogs and have a great sense of humor!” Their wine packaging is truly unique in the world of wine. Each label sports a different name and picture of, you guessed it, dogs. With whimsical wine names like Fou Fou le Blanc Sauvignon Blanc, Unleashed Chardonnay or Merlot Over and Play Dead, Mutt Lynch is destined to become a “must have” wine for dog lovers. Giving back to the animal community Besides their efforts to make very good wines, the Lynch’s are also tireless in their efforts to support numerous animal rescue organizations around the country. Nationally, the winery supports North America’s largest pet adoption web service,, whose mission is simple – linking homeless pets with homes. In 2010, Mutt Lynch Winery will donate $10,000 to But even more important, Mutt Lynch partners with wine shops, restaurants and local animal rescue groups in communities across the country in support of fundraising efforts. In 2010, Brenda and Chris are well on their way to support over 75 rescue organizations with their wine, time and contributions. Brenda sums up Mutt Lynch Winery best when she says, “Drink some wine, save a pooch… it is that simple.”

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rescue resources Adopt A Cat, Inc All Texas Dachshund Rescue A New Dawn Pet Adoption American Brittany Rescue Austin German Shepherd Dog Rescue Basset Buddies Rescue of Texas

for a complete list go to

Best Friends FurEver Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society Boston Terrier Rescue of Greater Houston Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Greater Houston, Inc. Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue Chihuahua Rescue and Transport Cocker Spaniel Rescue Dakota Rescue Doberman Rescue Group English Bulldog Rescue Network English Springer Rescue America Greyhound Pets of America Houston Great Dane Rescue of Southeast Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue Society Houston Area Ferret Association Houston Beagle Rescue Houston Collie Rescue Houston Lab Rescue Houston Sheltie Sanctuary Husky Haven Inc Lonestar Boxer Rescue Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Houston Montgomery County Animal Shelter Noah’s Ark PugHearts, the Houston Pug Rescue S.A.F.E. House Rescue & Adoption Save Our Strays Second Chance Poms Smiling Dog Farms South Texas Aussie Rescue Southeast Texas Labrador Retriever Rescue Texas Alaskan Malamute Rescue Texas Collie Rescue Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue Group, Inc. Treat Em Right Rescue Tri-State Bloodhound Rescue Weimeranier Rescue of North Texas Westie Rescue Houston Yorkie and Small Dog Rescue Yorkshire Terrier Club of Houston Zeke Fund Animal Rescue

September 2010 | 21


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by Tricia Fagan Certified Professional Dog Trainer


Since opening in May 2008, Pawty Palace has not only shown the local residents of Katy a new place to get amazing products for their pets, but they have also gone above and beyond by creating an atmosphere where any pet, any size can enjoy the good things in life. Nestled in cozy Old Katy on half an acre, Pawty Palace gives dogs an opportunity to roam free in a shaded and comfy outdoor space, fully equipped to handle any breed and even has a covered and screened area for parties or just relaxation. If you remember our December issue when Jen hosted our very own bulldog birthday bash, the

event was wonderful! Private parties, Yappy hours, you name it, Pawty Palace can do it. And now you can also get your dog groomed and looking great. They offer cosmetic teeth scaling and cleaning with a holistic approach which allows them to clean without putting your dog asleep. They are also the only place in Katy where you can pick up a special treat direct from Barker Street Bakery. So please stop by and tell Jen hello for us, and make sure to browse a large assortment of clothing and pet health products including animal car safety items. They also carry Precise, Nature’s Variety and Holistic and grain free treats.

Private In-Home Training • Dog Boarding School

• Certified Professional•

Dog Training Dog Obedience Classes • Puppy Training Classes


SERVING: Houston • Bellaire • Sugar Land • Pearland • West University • Inner Loop

September 2010 | 23

L O OK The Buddy Belt: is a comfortable step-in leather dog harness designed to eliminate pressure, stress, and resistance on the dog’s neck, trachea, and back. Grab yours at The Pawty Palace in Old Katy

The Orka Tube: is sure to bring hours of chewing fun for the dog who loves to chew! Available at Natural Pawz!


Football PAWtys gone to the dogs! Barker Street Bakery doggie footballs will be a smashing hit at any pre-game pawty! Available at The Pawty Palace in Old Katy .

The Ruff Ruff Couture® Coco Bow® toy pet carrier howls luxury outings! Available at Funny Fur on Westheimer

Fabuleash Put a little catwalk in your dog walk....and be the envy of the dog run, park or city streets with this doggy dazzler of a leash! Don’t let the dainty crystals fool you though, this leash can withstand up to 100lbs of pull! Available at The Pawty Palace in Old Katy!

The Fling-ama-String Motorized Cat Toy: is like a personal trainer for your cat! You’ll laugh for hours as kitty lunges, leaps, flips and climbs trying to get the string! Natural Pawz is the place to find this gem! 24 |

The Rubit Pet Tag Clip makes easy work out of moving pet identification tags from one collar to another. Find them in several colors at The Pawty Palace in Old Katy!

Scamper Ramp

Keep your pet safe in the pool this summer with the award winning Available at Natural Pawz


The Safety Turtle The Safety Turtle pool alarm emits a piercing alarm when a pet or child falls into a pool. Available at all Warehouse Pool Supply locations.

Orbee-Tuff速 Woof. and Fetch. These balls are durable, bouncy, boyant, mint-scented and made in the U.S.A.! Fetch yours at Natural Pawz The Pup Stroller Perfect for those fall outings! The Jogger stroller has all the comforts a sporty pet could ask for when keeping pace with the parents! Available at Funny Fur on Westheimer

September 2010 | 25

stella’s summer....

by Michael Baugh

a virus hiding in her blood (distemper). She was a broken dog, on her way to mend our broken hearts. Starts and stops. There are songs and movies and poems and books, all about Summer and its end. It is reflection and hope, sentimentality. It is the romance gone and the work ahead. It is the darkness that comes before the day is really done. It is the fire we light at night, even if it isn’t really cold enough. It’s that dog by our side, beautiful in the warm glow, the one we didn’t expect to have this year even though we love her just the same. Things change. Summer starts and stops. Cool winds will blow from the panhandle towards the Gulf. Our Texas Dogs, good and strong, see us through, into the winter and past it. It’s the natural way of things, creatures steady and wise, bound to us for generations. Last year it was Juno. This year it’s Stella. I love them the same.

Stella’s never played in the crisp dry leaves of Fall, never played in the season’s first snow. She’s a Texas Dog from start to stop. She’s equal part pant-in-the-sun and roll-in-themud. This is her first full Summer with us, and it’s drawing to a close. This time of year has always been about things ending, and new things beginning. The lazy days get shorter. School starts up again. Dogs who used to romp with the kids now lounge at our feet. Some things start; others stop. It’s the natural way, transition. Even if we miss the crisp leaves and the fresh snow, things change. Last year at this time, we were saying goodbye to Juno. We knew she was leaving us, but we didn’t know when. We knew another dog would follow; but we didn’t know Stella. Turns out she was out on her own, just a puppy, barely old enough to fend for herself. She had a hurt foot (there’s still a scar) and

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Stella’s head seems to bob in time with a country song playing in the distance. It’s what’s left from the distemper (neither of us cares for country music). She’s been out in the September Sun, rolling in the mud. Juno was golden, thick coated, built for crisp leaves and snow. Stella is lean and long, thinly furred, giant-tongued for panting. She’s a leggy blond, built for Summer. Her first has passed. Stop. And start. Michael Baugh, CPDT is the director of training and behavior at Rover Oaks Pet Resort in Houston and Katy.

September 2010 | 27

puppy 101: choosing your puppy.. by Tricia Fagan

I recently received an e-mail from one of my clients. Her incredibly cute fluffy puppy, not yet one year old, has two luxating patellas (dislocating kneecaps). Unless Molly receives two expensive surgeries, she will suffer more as she ages. Molly is very lucky, and she has had her first surgery, with her second scheduled in the next few months. Her owner is several thousand dollars poorer. Another client had a boxer puppy. While the puppy seemed healthy, she did drink a lot of water. The puppy was eventually diagnosed with renal dysplasia, a fatal condition, and did not live to see her first birthday. When you are choosing a breeder, you should be prepared to ask about diseases and conditions common in the breed. Some conditions are fairly common among certain sizes of dogs. Luxating patellas and liver shunts are not uncommon in small dogs, while large and giant breeds often experience hip dysplasia. Other diseases, like renal dysplasia, occur frequently to specific breeds, such as soft-coated Wheaton Terriers, Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos and Boxers. Some things are specific to one breed, such as the high uric acid found in all Dalmatians. Luckily, there are some organizations that help prospective puppy buyers choose healthy parents for their new puppy. OFA, or the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, determines the quality of adult dogs’ hips and elbows. The Canine Eye Registry Foundation, CERF, tests the eyes of dogs that have been registered with CERF. Some breeds have organizations that track genetic diseases. Unfortunately, there is not a registry to cover 28 |

every dog disease. Research your chosen breed and related health issues carefully. A good breeder will test her breeding stock. You will often see dogs tested for hip and elbow problems (OFA), eyes (CERF), heart tests, and thyroid tests. The breed and size of the dog will determine the problems a breeder and puppy purchaser should check. A reputable breeder will contact the owners of her puppies, to determine if they are mentally and physically healthy. If you do not have the contact information for the breeder, you are purchasing from a source that is not reputable. It is fairly easy to breed an apparently healthy eight week old puppy. It is a bit more difficult to breed a healthy adult dog. If you intend to purchase a puppy, do your homework. Give yourself the best chance of owning a healthy, happy dog by choosing your puppy carefully.

R e s o u rc e s : O r t h o p e d i c Fo u n d a t i o n f o r A n i m a l s : h t t p : / / w w w. o ff a . o rg / C a n i n e E y e R eg i s t r y Fo u n d a t i o n : h t t p : / / w w w. v m d b. o rg / c e r f. h t m l Tr i c i a Fag a n C P D T- K A D og S G o n e G o o d w w w. d og S g o n eg o o d . c o m t ra i n e r @ d og S g o n eg o o d . c o m

noW oPen

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animal medicine and

eRy suRg


ding and

• BoaR



Rose-Rich VeteRinaRy clinic 2203 Thompson Road • Richmond, TX 77469 (281) 342-3727 • (281) 232-3727 fax •

Caring for our Community’s Pets for 45 Years

Pet Sitting • Dog Walking • Pet Taxi • Canine Massage • Aromatherapy, and much more!

713.253.7890 Serving the Katy Area!

SPECIALIZING IN: Reiki • Canine Massage • Bach Flower Essences • & Aromatherapy

September 2010 | 29

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September 2010 | 31

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