Texas Dogs & Cats Magazine- June 2010

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Safety FIRST Michael Baugh Pg. 6

Pool Safety 101 Pg. 22



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WHAT’S INSIDE?! 6 • Safety First

18 • 10 Reasons To Pick Up That Poo

10 • Say Cheese

21 • Rescue Resources

11 • Lost and Found

22 • Pool Safety 101

12 • The Trouble With Tucker

24 • Events!

14 • The Marketplace

26 • Rose Rich Open House

16 • Covers for Charity

28 • Rachel’s Nutrition Corner

Publisher Shannan Parker Account Executives Jeff Parker Contributing Writers Michael Baugh Kim Hartz Petrene Soames Dr. Susan Randlett Laurie Kendrick Shannan Parker Jeff Parker Rachel Varner

Cover & Centerfold Photo Robyn Auroty Photography www.robynarouty.com Graphic Design & Layout sarah standleyDESIGNS www.sarahstandleydesigns.com 513.919.5628 For Advertising & Information Contact: (281) 781-4727

Next Issue JULY 2010 Advertiser’s Deadline June 2010 JUNE 15th

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PUBLISHER’S NOTE... With Houston’s unreal weather over the past few months (snow & nearly 100° weather in May) and Hurricane season at our doors, we decided to focus the June 2010 issue of Texas Dogs & Cats Magazine on safety. I know we’ve heard it all before, don’t leave your pet in a hot car, have a hurricane plan for your pets as well as yourself but what about the dangers we often look over?

this rusty, industrial turned into a work of art! We had a very hard time choosing the pictures for the Cover and Centerfold so I had to add my 3rd favorite shot in this note. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Be sure to check out the Calendar of Events on page 24 for some fun in the sun things to do with this month! The businesses that host these events are all local to our community so your support for them benefits the very place you call home. Don’t forget to tell them you saw them in Texas Dogs & Cats!

I have to give a VERY special thanks to our cover and centerfold spread photographer!


Robyn Arouty took these wonderful pictures of Magnus at a place we all know well. I was floored when the pictures came and I was able to see

Don’t forget to visit us online for articles, events and MORE! www.TxDogsAndCats.com

Shannan Lamb-Parker resides in Katy, Tx with Jeff, her husband and best friend of 15 years. Jeff and Shannan have 2 children, Taylor who is 14 and Trace who is 10. They all answer to their 2 English bulldogs, Maddox and Bentley, and Umbrella Cockatoo, Kinky.

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Texas Cats & Dogs does n o t k n o w i n g l y a c c e p t f a l s e o r m i s l e a d i n g advertising or editorial, n o r d o t h e p u b l i s h e r s a s s u m e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y should such editorial or a d v e r t i s i n g a p p e a r .

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for more information visit www.barkington.com A Vacation Getaway In Your Own Backyard



10411 Westheimer Road | Houston, TX 77042 June 2010 | 5


by Michael Baugh

The One Cue Every Dog Should Know The other dog’s eyes were hard. I could see a flash of white around her dark pupils. Her teeth flashed white too. Under it all was a low rolling growl. Stella, drunk with adolescent bravado was heading for trouble. There was no time.

by Michael Baugh

Stella Come! We’d practiced it since the day she first came home, always the same words, an invitation more than a command. I’d call her name, sometimes like Brando in Streetcar Named Desire but not always. Then I’d call the word, “Come,” with a smile and a hint of melody to it. We you’re first teaching coming when called it’s best to keep it easy. Set your dog up to win. That’s what I did with Stella all those months ago. I’d say “Stella, come!” when I was right next to her. Then I’d run away, luring her to chase me. When she arrived I’d click and treat followed by some cheering and petting. Then I’d do it again. And again. And again. I taught it lots of different ways. She learned to touch the palm of my hand for a click and a treat. So sometimes I’d call her and then hold my hand out so she’d run towards it. Other times I’d hide and call her. Stella loves hide and seek. Still other times my friends and I would call her back and forth between us. Every time it starts the same: Stella come! And every time it ends the same: click and treat with lots of hoopla and lovin’ 6 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

he One Cue Every Dog Should Know

The other dog’s eyes were hard. I could see a flash of white around her dark pupils. Her teeth flashed whiteThe too.other Under it alllooked was a menacing low rollingthat growl. sure day.Stella, drunkBut with adolescent washurt heading I don’t think she bravado would have Stel- for trouble. There super was no time.and belongs to anla. She’s sweet other trainer. But it’s up t me to keep Stella safe, especially at this age when she’s freStella quently Come! a bit too big for her britches. So I called her away from the other dog. Stella, come! We’d practiced it since the day she first came home, always theshe same words, an trotted invitation more And came. She right overthan a command. I’d call her name, sometimes like Brando to me, just the way she’d learned. Click, in Streetcar Named Desire but not always. Then I’d treat. Good girl Stella! call the word, “Come,” with a smile and a hint of melody to it. Houston Dog Trainer Michael Baugh is the Director of Training Behavior at best We you’re first teaching comingand when called it’s to keep it easy. your dog upStella to win. That’s Rover OaksSet Pet Resorts. is his 11 what I did with Stella those months ago. I’d say “Stella, month old all retriever mix “daughter.” come!” when I was right next to her. Then I’d run

In-Home Training Pet Sitting Group Classes In-Kennel Training Dog Walking

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June 2010 | 7

8 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

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$2.00 OFF TASTE OF THE WILD Expires June 30th • One Coupon Per Customer

4325 FM 359 Rd | Richmond, TX 77406-9180 (281) 341-9005 Hours M-F 8 - 6pm | Sat 8-4pm | Delivery available June 2010 | 9


by Kim Hartz

Photographing a pet can be a tough job! It’s not easy to get them to sit still, look at the camera, or even just cooperate. Since I photograph pets for a living, I have discovered some tips and tricks that may help. I’m sure there are a lot of you out there who have tried numerous times to get a good photo of your dog or cat and failed... miserably! You are, most definitely, not alone! It’s hard to get your furry friends to do what you want, i.e. sit still for 2 seconds. People ask me (a lot) “how did you get them [the pets] to sit still??” Here is the answer: Patience, treats, and breaks. I know you are thinking, patience?? Really? I don’t have all day! Well, true, but I am one of the most impatient people you have ever met, but I can give dogs and cats their time if it means capturing that one image that really shows that animal’s personality. Number 2 is treats. I’m sure you have tried this tactic before, but before you rule this one out, here is how to use the treats. This part is key. You can’t just give away the whole bag right off the bat - they have to earn it! With dogs, I usually show them to the treat first and then place it right on top of my lens and leave it there. The dog will (usually) sit still for a little bit and focus on the treat (right at my camera). It isn’t a huge window, but it’s enough usually. When I photograph outside, I give them a toy and let them play wherever they want and back off a bit. I’ll get set up and then, when I’m ready I’ll shout their name. It’s just enough to perk up the ears and get them to look in my direction. Breaks are also important because if you hound the dog or cat to perform for too long it just isn’t going to happen. I usually photograph for about 10 to 15 minutes, and if I’m not getting the result I want I just take a break and try again in a few minutes. This works really well because the dog or cat doesn’t get overwhelmed. Sometimes you have to play the waiting game, especially with cats. It’s also a good idea to follow the cat or dog around so they are more comfortable. I sat on the floor with my cat, Oscar 10 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

for an hour waiting for the perfect shot. I eventually got the shot and a very sore back, but it was worth it to me! I do use treats for cats, but that doesn’t always work. Occasionally, I will break out my catnip spray...a little bit of cheating perhaps??? It gets their attention though! One other tidbit to keep in mind when photographing outside with your pets is to make sure you don’t go out in the middle of the day. The sun is at it’s highest and the shadows are very harsh. The best time of day to go outside and photography are either early morning or late afternoon sun. 4:00 PM is a great time to get really beautiful, soft light. If you are photographing indoors, try and position your pet by a window. Window light is absolutely beautiful, and the same times of day for photographing outside apply as well. If you can avoid the flash do so because it can create harsh shadows, and it doesn’t create the same quality of light that you find in natural light, which is both soft and flattering.

LOST & found. by Petrene Soames

, Meanwhile if you are still searching for your lost pet, tr y the following 10 tips to be reunited... • Check shelters, rescue groups and animal sanctuaries..

“Mis s i n g ” a w o r d d efined by the Webster ’s Univ e r s a l d i c t i o n a r y as “something or som e o n e l a c k i n g absent or not found.” The s e a r e p ow e r f u l words, strong emotions of te n f e l t b y a n y o ne who has ever had a pet “ g o n e m i s s i n g ” be it a few hrs, days, wee k s m o n t h s o r w orse lost without a trace and n o t r e t u r n e d . Was t h e p e t s t o l e n ? Did it r un away? What cou l d w e h a v e d one? Was it our fault som e h o w ? I f o n l y this and only that the sad n e s s p a n i c a n d despair seem to go on and o n . I t s e e m s t h a t human nature generally has a t e n d e n c y t o f i rst blame itself for when life g o e s ’ Wr o n g ” , t h e first thought seems to be W h a t c o u l d w e have done differently? Man y t i m e s a m i s s i n g pet is “not about us” and w h a t w e d i d w r ong, its not about what we d i d o r d i d n o t do, sometimes pets see k a d v e n t u r e a n d change sometimes they follo w a c a l l i n g a n d a stir ring that no matter how d o m e s t i c a t e d they are they cannot resi s t . Pets a r e a b i g p a r t o f our lives they are there wit h u s t h r o u g h g o od times and bad times, we w o n d e r h o w w e can ever be without the m , y e t s o m e t i m e s they spend so me ti me wit h u s d o t h e i r job and move on, to som e o n e e l s e w h o also needs there love and h e l p m o r e , u n t il you really think about this a n d s t a r t e x p l oring this possibility by loo k i n g a t y o u r l i f e and relationship with you r p e t t h i s m a y seem hard to accept. Cat s a r e e s p e c i a l l y amazing they come into our l i v e s w h e n w e n eed them the most and of te n d i s a p p e a r w i thout a trace when its time f o r b o t h t h e m and us to move on, cats leav e w h e n w e c a n “do it without them”. As w e e a c h d e v e l op our awareness and star t l o o k i n g a t t h e ver y real synconisty in our l i v e s , w e w i l l t hen st ar t to understand eve n m o r e o u r s e l v e s and our beloved pet and a n i m a l f r i e n d s . Som e t i m e s w e f i n d it seemingly im possible to l e t g o a n d w e s e arch and search for our p e t t o n o a v a i l , we may tr y to replace the m t h i s m a y o r m ay not work.

• Put up missing pet posters over an even wider geographical range than you think needed. • Talk to your pet quietly in your mind call out an d ask them to come home. • Mention your missing pet wherever you go it may just surprise you who can help. • Look in all the obvious places again and again cats and dogs can literally both appear and disappear the impossible can happe n. • Ask other pets too help just talk to them and ask, even if you don’t know that they will hear you they do. • Talk to someone who understands things beyond the obvious and the ever yday to find o ut what’s really going on with your missing pet if you cannot work it out yourself. • See how many friends and family members you can get involved with the “search” for your missing pet, ea ch individual may well come up with a different and valuable idea. • Walk or go by bicycle around your area, by foot is by far the best way to search. • Open your hear t and mind to clues and messages sent to you by your missing pet.... Also leave out favorite toys and things that belong to your pet and let them know you are waiting for their retur n. • Last but not least - Never give up hope! Hope keeps both missing pets and wor ried owners alive during even the most hazardous and difficult times.... Petrene Soames has over 20 years of experience in Self-Awareness, Self-Help, Self-Healing and the Paranormal. She has published numerous articles in national and international magazines and is the author of The Essence of Self-Healing: How to bring health and happiness into your life. Visit her website at www.TimeIsMine.com June 2010 | 11



“ WOW!

J u s t l ook at me. I’m so HOT! I hav e a b e a u t i f u l f u r coat. It’s especially long and s i l k y o n m y l e gs and body. My Mom freq u e n t l y c o m p l i m ents me on the exquisite feat h e r i n g . I ’ m s o HOT! Just think—I have this f a b u l o u s f u r c o at all year around. I’m the e n v y o f a l l t h o se who don’t have such an a s s e t . ” Yes, Tu c ke r y o u a re so HOT—especially dur i n g t h e s u m m e r months. That coat might affo r d y o u p r o t e c t i on from the cold and the dam a g i n g s u n r a y s , but, in the hot seasons, it m a ke s y o u e x t remely susceptible to hea t s t r o ke . U n l i ke people that cool by the evap o r a t i o n o f s w e at, dogs don’t per s p i r e . T h e y c o o l themselves by p a n t i n g . W h e n this heat diss i p a t i n g m e c hanism can n o t a d e q u ately dea l w i t h e x c e s s ive hea t , the b o dy tem p e r a t u r e can clim b t o d a n g e r o u s leve l s . G e n e r a l l y, a bod y t e m p e r a t u r e bet w e e n 100103 d e g r e e s F i s con s i d e r e d n o r m a l . A temperature abo v e 1 0 6 d e g r e e s is c o n s i d e r e d t o b e extr e m e l y d a n g e r o us. Abo v e 1 0 9 d e g r e es, ther m a l damage to the o r g a n s o c c u r s . All the systems, i ncluding the n e r v o u s c a r diovascular, gas t r o i n t e s t i n a l , renal and mus c u l o s ke l e t a l a r e rendered dysfunctional. In o u r w a r m a n d h umid climate, heatstroke can o c c u r i n t h e m a tter of minutes. There is no p r e d i c t a b l e g u i deline on when it might hap p e n . T h e a m ount of safe exposure vari e s d e p e n d i n g u pon age, body style and con d i t i o n , d u r a t i o n and kind of exercise and w e a t h e r c o n ditions. Remember that thos e a n i m a l s w i th exceptionally long coa t s a n d s h o r t n oses (ie.brachycephalic bre e d s - - s u c h a s pugs, bull dogs, shihtzus a n d Pe r s i a n c a t s) are most susceptible. Oth e r p e t s t h a t a l s o fall into this dangerous cate g o r y a r e t h e v e r y young or old, animals with m e d i c a l c o n d itions, obese pets and ver y a t h l e t i c d o g s that tend to over exer t

12 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

by Dr. Susan Randlett

themselves. Situations in which there is inadequate ventilation and lack of water, such as confinement to a car even with the windows rolled down, can be life threatening. Early s igns of heatstroke are elevated body temperature, panting, drooling, rapid hear t rate and red, dr y gums. Symptoms progres s to vomiting and diar r hea. If lef t untreated, the pet ultimately experiences incoordination, muscle tremors, seizures, lack of awareness, coma and death. As soon as heatstroke is suspected, a veterinarian should be contacted. While in route to your veterinarian, a pet owner should attempt cooling procedures by tur ning your car a/c on full blast. Application of isopropyl r ubbing alcohol on foot pads, in the ar m pits and groin areas will help by evaporation cooling while in route. Finally, a few safety tips to keep in mind during the hot and humid weather: • Exercise in the mor ning and evening when it’s cooler!! • Wet the coat before and af ter exercise. Place in front of a fan af ter exer tion. • Stop frequently to rest and provide plenty of cool water. • Provide fresh water, shelter and adequate ventilation at all times. During the hottest par t of the day, it’s best to keep the pet in an air conditioned environment. • Never leave your pet unsuper vised outside during the hottest par t of the day. Yes, Tucker you are HOT, but in a Cool kind of a way!!



by Laurie Kendrick

P u b l i c Re l a t i o n s C o o r d i n a t o r, Houston Humane Society


d o p t i n g a d o g o r cat from a shelter is vital; it h e l p s ke e p s p e t overpopulation down, but b e f o r e y o u d e cide to adopt a pet, ask you r s e l f t h e f o l l o w ing impor tant questions. And a n s w e r t h e m h onestly.

Can you have a pet where you live? If you rent, double check your lease BEFORE falling in love with an animal. Many rental communities have weight limits and/or breed restrictions that they strictly enforce.

Am I r e a d y f o r a pet? Keep in mind that ado p t i n g a p e t i s a l ifetime commitment. You sho u l d b e p r e p a r e d to care for the animal for i t s l i f e t i m e w h i c h can be 12 to 15 years or m o r e !

What pet will fit your lifestyle? C onsider your s chedule, hobbies and basic outlook on life. Do your homework and pick a pet that fits with YOU!

Do y o u h a v e t i m e for a pet? Although the time c o m m i t m e n t varies depending on the pet y o u d e c i d e t o adopt, each one requires you t o f e e d , w a t e r, exercise and care for it dail y. I f t h i s i s y o u r first pet, we suggest you tr y p e t s i t t i n g f o r a friend to see if you are read y t o c o m m i t t h e appropriate amount of time n e c e s s a r y t o give an animal a loving hom e . Can y o u a f f o r d a p et? And we’re not talking just t h e a d o p t i o n f e e! Pet ownership can be exp e n s i v e . Yo u r n ew pet will require yearly vet v i s i t s f o r s h o t s , hear twor m prevention, flea a n d t i c k p r e v e n tative and more! There’s also t h e c o s t o f t r eats, grooming, toys, kitty litte r, a n d o t h e r e x penses that can add up qui c k l y. Re v i e w y o ur budget t to make sure you ’ r e f i n a n c i a l l y r e ady for pet ownership.

June 2010 | 13

Ro v e r ’ s Re s c u e s , t h i s b o o k i s a must have for all pet lovers! Av a i l a b l e a t C A P, Ro v e r O a k s a n d onl i n e a t w w w. T x D o g s A n d C a t s . c o m



This por table w a t e r dispenser is a mu s t h a v e for outdoor lovin g p e t s Available at Natur a l Pa w z

Click I t Or Ticke t s h o u l d n ’ t apply to just h u m a n s ! Keep your fur-ki d s a f e w i t h this doggie safe t y h a r n e s s available a t The Pawty Palace i n O l d K a t y. 14 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

The slow feed bowl helps to prevent bloat and slow feeding. Pick yours up at N a t u r a l Pa w z !

Ok, seriously- ice cream and summer a r e l i ke 2 p e a s i n a p o d ! C h e c k o u t this pooch friendly pet ice cream at N a t u r a l Pa w z !

These Zuka bowls are a per fect for water on t h e g o ! Av a i l a b l e a t N a t u r a l Pa w z

What a great way to cool down (or teething for th e pups!) This Chilly Bone is a summer must have! Run to Natural Paw z to get yours!

Aler t s t i c ke r s a r e s o m e t h i n g n o p e t home s h o u l d b e w i t h o u t ! ! S h o u l d somet h i n g d r e a d f u l h a p p e n t h e s e stickers a l e r t r e s c u e t o p e t s i n s i d e . Pick yours up at The Pa w t y Pa l a c e i n O l d K a t y.

Pet first aid kits- d o n ’ t l e a v e h o m e without one! Av a i l a b l e a t The Pawty Pala c e i n O l d K a t y

Not all pets can swim! Please practice safety near water with your pets and u s e a l i f e p r e s e r v e r. T h e s e fabulous flotation devices c a n b e p i c ke d u p a t T h e Pa w t y Pa l a c e i n O l d K a t y.

Safety first! This stylish life preser ver is a M U S T H AV E f o r summer fun! Float o v e r t o T h e Pa w t y Pa l a c e i n O l d K a t y and swim away with yours!

June 2010 | 15

His guilty pleasure is growling at animals on television while he charges into it. He really believes that he can chase them away with this move.

Weight- 143 lbs

Height- 47�

16 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

Z eke Fund Anima l Res c ue is c u r r e n tly working wit h t he Cit y o f B r o oks hire t o ma ke fur t her imp r o v e m e n t s in clu ding edu ca ti on a nd a s p a y / neut er p ro gram.

Zek e Fund s ur v iv es so lely o n d on at ions . All help a nd dona t ion s ar e grea tl y app rec ia t ed.

I n A pril of 2005 th ey rec e iv e d t heir 501 (c ) 3 c hari ty s ta t u s a n d b ega n c onduct ing a dopt io n s a t Pet sMa r t a nd Pet co . They al s o d o v a rious remot e a dop ti ons , in c l u din g t he R ic e Har v es t Fest iv a l, B as s P ro Shop , Ac e Hardwa re, K V PAC a nd oth er loc a tio ns in Ka t y a n d s u rround ing a rea s. To d a te, t h e y h a v e pl ac ed in the neighbor ho o d of 3,000 ani mals i n f orev er h om e s .

Z eke Fund Anima l Res c ue w a s f or med i n mid- 2004 a f t er a d og wa s hit by a c a r on I -1 0 a n d t a k e n t o the Pound a nd ba s ic a lly l e f t t o di e. A group of an ima l ad v oc a t e s b ec a me awa re of t he inc id e n t a n d immed ia tely ga ined a c c e ss an d t ran spor t ed t he a ni mal to t h e v e t where it wa s det er min ed t h at h i s in juries were t oo sev ere t o sa v e hi m. He wa s huma nely eu t h a n i z e d . A v olunt eer group wa s f or m e d a n d v owed “N ev er Aga in” .

All of t his requires a n en o r m o u s a mount o f time, whic h tra n s la t e s in to v olunt eers . Fos ters ar e w h at ’ s need ed mos t.

June 2010 | 17


By Shannan Parker

We’ve heard it all before, pick that poop up! Aside from being awful to step in, smelly and covered in flies, did you know pet poo also harbors worms and bacteria that can infect other animals as well as children? 1. Tapeworms: The adult Dipylidium caninum lives in the small intestine of the dog or cat. It is hooked onto the intestinal wall by a structure called a rostellum which is sort of like a hat with hooks on it. The tapeworm also has six rows of teeth to grab on with. Most people are confused about the size of a tapeworm because they only see its segments which are small; the entire tapeworm is usually 6 inches or more. 2. Roundworms: Roundworms are big worms. Typically they are white, about the diameter of a spaghetti-strand and about 4 inches in length. Often puppies or kittens vomit them up, or we are horrified when we see them in their feces. Roundworms can make your pet very ill, but is treatable, and usually not deadly. Treatment can be costly, and is required. 3. Parvovirus: Parvovirus is transmitted from an infected dog to another dog most commonly through the fecal-oral route. The virus is shed in the feces typically for two weeks following infection. However, once the virus is within the environment, it can remain infective for months. Highly contagious, parvovirus can infect any dog that enters a contaminated area and has not had proper vaccinations. Some dogs do not develop symptoms of parvovirus; instead, they are carriers of the disease, shedding infective feces for a year or more. 4. Cryptosporidium: Cyptosporidium is a protozoan pathogen of the Phylum Apicomplexa and causes a

diarrheal illness called cryptosporidiosis. Cryptosporidium does not utilize an insect vector and is capable of completing its life cycle within a single host, resulting in cyst stages which are excreted in feces and are capable of transmission to a new host. 5. Salmonellosis: Salmonellosis is an infection with Salmonella bacteria. Most persons infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal cramps 6 to 72 hours after infection. In most cases, the illness usually lasts 3 to 7 days-most affected persons recover without treatment. 6. Giardia: Giardia Lamblia (formerly also Lamblia intestinalis and also known as Giardia duodenalis and Giardia intestinalis) is a flagellated DID YOU KNOW... protozoan parasite There are 23 million that infects the gasfecal coliform bacteria trointestinal tract and causes in a single gram of pet poo!

7. E. Coli: E. Coli can generally cause several intestinal and extraintestinal infections such as urinary tract infections, meningitis, peritonitis, mastitis, septicemia and Gram-negative pneumonia. 8. The smell: No one likes the smell of doggie poop, including your neighbors.

9. Poop on shoes: There is nothing worse then having to scrape poop of your shoes. Most people are guilty of scraping their shoes off in the grass, leaving traces of feces stuck on the bottom. E. Coli only requires 10 microbes to make a person sick. You should always use a bleach solution to clean the bottom of soiled shoes. 10. The flies: They land on feces and then walk around on virtually every surface in your home, including your skin! They can carry up to 6 million bacteria on their feet, and they also transmit bacteria and parasites through their saliva. Shigellosis, Typhoid, & Eye Diseases are just a few things a fly can pass on.

Scoop le Poop pet waste removal service in Houston has been “keeping it green and clean” for many years now and is helping the environment one household at a time. This eco-friendly service uses biodegradable bags, as well as disinfects and deodorizes the yards after picking up the pet waste on a weekly basis. Scoop le Poop, along with its customers, is eco-friendly through their actions and recommends using name brands like Bio bag “poop” bags instead of the grocery bags 18 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

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June 2010 | 19

Natural Pawz offers all-natural, organic foods that keep your pet healthy & happy

#1 PET STORE IN HOUSTON SIX LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: Tomball/Spring Galleria/TangleWood Voted Best Pet Boutique and Supplies by Click2Houston, Houston Press & Fort Bend County “Natural Pawz has the best healthy dog and cat food products bar none! Besides that, everyone who works there is friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. They obviously love animals and it’s always a treat to be there. I love going there!” ~ Paula King

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(Sterling Ridge & Best Buy Center)

The Woodlands West U/Bellaire

Sugar Land

$5.00 OFF with $10.00 Purchase

excludes grooming & food • Expires July 15th 2010 •

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RESCUE resources Adopt A Cat, Inc www.spayhouston.org All Texas Dachshund Rescue www.atdr.org A New Dawn Pet Adoption www.anewdawnpetadoption.org American Brittany Rescue www.americanbrittanyrescue.org Austin German Shepherd Dog Rescue www.austingermanshepherdrescue.org Basset Buddies Rescue of Texas www.basset-buddies-rescue.org Best Friends FurEver www.furever.org Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society www.bluebonnetequine.org Boston Terrier Rescue of Greater Houston www.houstonbostonrescue.org Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Greater Houston, Inc. www.cavaliersofhouston.org Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue www.cbrrescue.org Chihuahua Rescue and Transport www.chihuahua-rescue.com Cocker Spaniel Rescue www.cockerkids.org Dakota Rescue www.dakotarescue.org Doberman Rescue Group www.dobermanrescuegroup.org English Bulldog Rescue Network English Springer Rescue America www.springerrescue.org Greyhound Pets of America Houston www.gpahouston.org Great Dane Rescue of Southeast Texas www.saveadane.org Great Pyrenees Rescue Society www.greatpyreneesrescuesociety.org Houston Area Ferret Association www.houstonareaferretassociation.com Houston Beagle Rescue www.houstonbeaglerescue.org Houston Collie Rescue www.houstoncollierescue.org Houston Lab Rescue www.houstonlabrescue.com Houston Sheltie Sanctuary www.houstonsheltiesanctuary.com Husky Haven Inc www.huskyhaven.org Lonestar Boxer Rescue www.lsbr.org Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Houston www.msrh.org Montgomery County Animal Shelter www.montgomerycountypets.com Noah’s Ark www.noahsarksanctuary.org PugHearts, the Houston Pug Rescue www.pughearts.com S.A.F.E. House Rescue & Adoption www.safehouserescue.org Save Our Strays www.saveourstraysfortbend.org Second Chance Poms www.geocities.com/udxpom Smiling Dog Farms www.smilingdogfarms.org South Texas Aussie Rescue www.southtexasaussierescue.org Southeast Texas Labrador Retriever Rescue www.txlabrescue.org Texas Alaskan Malamute Rescue www.texalmal.org Texas Collie Rescue www.texascollierescue.org Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue Group, Inc. www.txpyrs.org Treat Em Right Rescue www.cooperanimalclinic.com Tri-State Bloodhound Rescue www.tristatebloodhoundrescue.org Weimeranier Rescue of North Texas www.weimrescuetexas.org Westie Rescue Houston www.dogwhimsy.com Yorkie and Small Dog Rescue www.yorkieandsmalldogrescue.com Yorkshire Terrier Club of Houston www.ytcgh.com Zeke Fund Animal Rescue www.zfar.org

Find a Complete List at: TXDogsandCats.com

June 2010 | 21


By Jeff Parker

What About Our Pets? Pet Hospital health records indicate swimming pools are dangerous for pets. An untrained animal will probably head for the nearest edge of the pool to get out, but slippery pool walls do not offer an easy exit. Panic can quickly ensue and lead to exhaustion. Barking may be difficult for a dog in the water, making it tough for them to cry for help. Pools with a vinyl liner offer no grip for the animal, and vertical ladders are nearly impossible for pets to climb. A solar blanket can both entice a pet, e.g., to chase a bird, and entrap it. Never leave pets unattended around a pool. Fence your pool with a secure gate, and never leave your pet inside the fenced pool area unsupervised. Make sure pets can get out of the pool. If a dog jumps or falls in and doesn’t know how to get out without help, it may panic and drown.

LaLa showing the safe way to exit a pool

Not all pets are excellent swimmers, so if water is a big part of your family life, introduce pets to water gradually. Try not to let pets drink pool water. Chlorine and chemicals used to keep pools free of algae and contaminants can cause pet health problems, such as dry mouth or gastric distress. Be mindful of pet swimming precautions and consider safety products available to ensure your pet’s safety. Life jackets are available for all sizes of animals. Recently we talked with Scott Waldo, president of Platinum Pools, and we discussed the lack of attention the family pet receives when a homeowner is deciding on a new pool. Very rarely do they think of the family dog as another reason to consider safety around or at the pool. The process is full of a lot of decisions such as tile or color or design and the

22 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

family pet is usually an afterthought. In the nine years since Platinum Pools has opened its doors, they have grown to be one of the largest pool builders in the country. In this short span, they have opened 5 construction offices throughout the great state of Texas and were recently voted the #1 builder in the state in an online poll. Scott recently designed a pool in his own backyard to accommodate just that effect. Proud owners of a miniature Yorkie, Scott understood that the size of his pet would cause concerns should she fall in. So he designed a pool that included a ledge completely around the pools edge that LaLa could enjoy the cool waters and time with the family, but also easily get out of the pool when she decided. In the process, Scott has now got himself a new pool cleaner, “If she sees a leaf in the pool, she will jump in and take it out. Then she’s right back in and looking for another.” The most amazing aspect of this design is that it fit perfectly with the style of the pool and looked as if it should have been there regardless of the need. Scott also pointed out that there are many other safety features that can be added to the pool to ensure pet safety that do not necessarily have to be part of the initial design. Some of these products include the Loop-Loc BabyLoc fencing. BABY-LOC removable fencing is a convenient, cost effective additional layer of protection to help deter pets from gaining access to a swimming pool. Baby-Loc is also the perfect choice for a raised deck or dock. This fence can easily be taken down and reattached in minutes and can provide safety for children and pets alike. This also would not alter the design of your pool and would make it a eye catcher for future residents should you relocate and sell the home. Another idea could be a pool alarm. SRSmith produces an alarm that is solar powered and can be linked with various additions to increase safety at a door or gate as well. Whether splashing around or floating along, your pool provides hours of enjoyment for your family and friends. However, it can be a potentially perilous place for unattended children and pets.

The PoolSonix Pool Alarm from SRSmith is a great fit for your pet’s safety and does not intrude onto the design of the pool or the overall effect that your backyard is striving to achieve. One of the most amazing new safety devices for swimming pools has to be the Skamper-Ramp. This easy to install, and uninstall, safety device is prefect for any type of animal including wild animals that may get into the pool. This simple white, hi-tech plastic ramp attaches to the deck of the pool, walled pond, and many more possibilities. Because all living beings see white, animals can see it—day or night—and they “skamper” out of the water on the ramp by themselves! This gives pet owners and animal lovers alike unprecedented peace of mind in terms of water safety. Skamper-Ramp is the only patented, award-winning water escape ramp that can protect your pet from drowning by allowing the pet to get out of the water on their own. It has the seal of approval from the American Pet Association as a humane safety device that makes life easier for your pets and their owners. Safety for your pet around water should be a concern and acting upon it only ensures that your pet will be safe and still be able to enjoy life. Scott Waldo, president of Platinum Pools and his Yorkie LaLa

June 2010 | 23


calendar of events Yappy Hour The Pawty Palace, 1402 East Avenue, Katy 77493 Food, fun and friends!!

June 4th, 2010 5pm-10pm




Bark & Bikes Adoption Event

Happy Birthday Rachel of Rachel’s Nutrition Corner!

Blue Line Bike Lab 3302 White Oak Drive June 5th 2010, 5-8pm

Lake Pointe Town Center Grand Opening Event

Mr Magoo

“The Best Little Dog House in TEXAS” Saturday, Hilton Americas Hotel

Sugarland, Tx

12 19

Come join the fun with CAP’s canine fashion extravaganza! This years theme is ‘The Best Little Dog House in Texas”, all proceeds benefit CAP Saturday - 6:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Yappy Hour

The Pawty Palace, 1402 East Avenue, Katy 77493 Food, fun and friends!!

June 18th, 2010 5pm-10pm

Pet Hurricane Preparation 7511 Monroe Road

$25.00 micro chipping as Pet Paradise Resort teams up with SNAP to get pet owners ready for hurricane season.


Yappy Hour Natural Pawz, Sugarland Location

June 24th, 2010 4pm-7pm

24 | www.TxDogsAndCats.com

Annual Well Patient Care | Urgent Care Surgery | Emergencies | Grooming | Boarding (Left-Right) Dr. Mahoney, Dr. Dauchy, Dr. Barra, Dr. Smith, Dr. Cleavinger

27227 HIGHWAY BLVD KATY, TX 77494-1040 WWW.KATYVETCLINIC.COM | (281) 391-3169

June 2010 | 25

ROSE RICH Open House Rose-Rich Veterinary Clinics open house was a smashing success as expected. As visitors toured the new state of the art clinic, they were treated with catered buffets with wonderful staff. The kids enjoyed a great time as they took turns operating in the new surgery room on the injured teddy bears, and took their best shot at finding what was hidden in the x-rays. Everyone had a fantastic time and got a chance to see the new building and all the amenities that their furry family members will get to enjoy for years to come. Another excellent job done by the people at Rose-Rich as expected, and we are sure many more in the years to come.

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animal medicine and


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Rose-Rich VeteRinaRy clinic 2203 Thompson Road • Richmond, TX 77469 (281) 342-3727 • (281) 232-3727 fax clinic@roserichvet.com • www.roserichvet.com

Caring for our Community’s Pets for 45 Years Every day you hear stories of dogs or puppies hit by cars. Then that brings you to the next question why were they out without a leash. Over the years I have heard many reasons or excuses for not having a dog on leash and very few why they should have been. You start out with this cute little puppy that follows you everywhere and never leaves your side. As they get older they begin to wander further and further, exploring more till that day comes they are in the street and it’s too late.

your home. The dog parks are the only fenced in areas, besides your own yard that they can be off leash. So many people these days either allow their pets to roam free or they “get out” and no one goes looking for them, because he’ll come back when he’s ready too. There is no good reason for your pet to be out without being secure somehow. If your pet goes out the front door with you they should be on a leash. If you have a fenced yard make sure it is secure, lock the gate if needed. If you don’t have a fence or a yard then your pet should never be in a position that they can freely roam.

All puppies do the same they stick close to you while they are young and as they grow older they So many people or their pets begin to explore. Follow are bitten or attacked by their noses down the street, “loose” dogs. These are not across the street, to go say always strays, but other peohi to people, another dog, ples’ pets that may have dog or by Misty Draper check out the local cat. Don’t be people aggression. Please take the K9 Companions the person that has to carry their pet time to make sure your pet does not into the vet because it was hit. Or the one become one of the many hit by cars or atto say I lost my dog because… tacked by another dog. If you have a pet that has aggression issues then you as an owner have an As adults we put a lot of faith in our pets. even bigger responsibility to make sure your pet What they will or will not do. No matter how is secure and that they can hurt anyone. well trained your pet is or may not be – They always belong on a leash when outside of June 2010 | 27

’s R Nutritional Opinion Corner el ach

Whewweee! Is it getting too hot too quick or is it just me??? Oh,.. that’s right...... We’re in Houston Texas! Our poor animals have to suffer through this heat and humidity just like we do, and we all have ways of helping ourselves cool down, but what about our four legged family members? Kiddy pools in the back yard? A sprinkler on high in the late afternoon? Bandana with ice cubes, such as the trendy Cool Collars? What about a supplement? Like gatorade is to humans, as an analogy. Did you know water makes up approximately 90 percent of the dogs weight? What do you do to ensure your pet stays cool is just as important as keeping your self hydrated this summer. We need to keep in mind the best ways to replenish, nourish, and take care of your body and our pets for that matter. For the loss of vital minerals that this hot weather strip us from, we need to be prepared. Let me explain what damage a lack of water can do to not only our animals, but us too. Dehydration is more or less an excess loss of body fluids that at one time kept everything going; heart pumping, skin supple, digestive tract working. Nitty gritty definition of dehydration (hypo-hydration) is defined as excessive loss of body water. It is literally the removal of water from an object. In physiological terms, it entails a relative deficiency of water molecules in relation to other dissolved solutes. Remember we’re all made of fluid basically. Without it, we’d be shriveled up like a prune. Now think of what the heat and humidity does to our animals. Usually it involves loss of both water and electrolytes. Electrolytes being minerals such as sodium, chloride and potassium. During illness, dehydration may be caused by an inadequate amount of fluid intake because of malnourishment/neglect, or of an environmental or stressful situation we subject our animals; like leaving them in the car with the windows barely cracked;Left in a car for way too long. Walking routines need to change;make your walks early in the morning or late at night. Fever increases the loss of water when the animal is not treated properly or offered water during traveling at intermittences. This becomes significant if the dog does not drink enough to offset the panting, urinating, etc. Other common causes of dehydration are prolonged vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration occurs either because there is a lack of water intake to replenish

by Rachel Varner

fluid loss due to panting and urinating, or because there is an increase in water loss due to illness or injury. A sign of dehydration is the loss of skin elasticity; It’s supposed to rebound like a basketball off the backboard, not like a slug making it’s way to an unknown destination! When the skin along the back is picked up into a fold, it should spring back into place. In dehydration, the skin stays up in a ridge. Another sign is dryness of the mouth or paper like nose; really lethargic looking/down in the dumps disposition. Too late signs/symptoms are sunken eyes and circulatory collapse, that means rush to the nearest animal emergency room NOW! In mild cases of dehydration without vomiting, fluids can be given by mouth. If the dog won’t drink, you can give an electrolyte solution into the cheek pouch by bottle or medicine syringe. Balanced electrolyte solutions for treating dehydration in children are available at drug stores. Pedialyte can be given at the rate of two to four cc per pound body weight per hour depending upon the severity of the dehydration (or as directed by your veterinarian). Finding an electrolyte for your dog should be easy, go to your nearest reputable holistic pet food store. There is everything from chinese herbal medicine electrolytes(that’s just me, I like everything herbal) one in particular called Herbsmith Athlete, to good ole’ NaturVet. They make a fabulous product that does the same thing as pedialyte or the nitty gritty version of the Herbsmith Athlete that is not herbal but works to bring up the animals mineral content; replenishs key properties of maintaining I like it because it’s great for the older dogs in the HoT state of Texas; the older ones need all the help they can get. In order to help them maintain a good hydration status, especially in preventing heat stress/stroke. There are more suseptible breeds to be concerned about, like the bulldog types, i.e., mastiffs, boxers, pugs, anything with a flat face, etc. Giving electrolytes will help increase fluid palatability and absorbtion (hypotonic), promoting a natural ph balance, restoring acid/base balance; Which can also help a wide array of other problems such as tear stain issues, ear infections, etc. Not only will electrolytes help your animal with the heat, it’s also a multi-purpose supplement/tool that can aid in tissue repair(surgery), healthy immune function, as well as the proper maintenance of nerve & muscle function.

So make sure you have that handy on the go portable water dispenser on your trips, or the bowl left out on the beach somewhere in the shade when taking your four legged friends on the upcoming summer adventures. If you have any questions come and see our remarkably knowledgeable staff at any of our six Natural Pawz locations. We’re here to help inform our customers, to help make the best decisions for your pets because we care about your pet’s health as much as you do. Let’s work together to keep the best interest of all of Houston, Texas animals in mind during the torturous months of heat ahead! Till next time, Rachel :) Please feel free to email your questions to Rachel@ NaturalPawz.com ; If I don’t know the answer I know people that do. We’re here to utilize our resources for YOU the pet owner :)

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Many Great Danes, like Magnus are thrown away. People don’t seem to understand that Great Danes are giant, powerful dogs. One of the commonest periods for this breed to be surrendered to a shelter or rescue organization is after they are 9 months old, as people neglect to factor in the potentials of a still rapidly growing 100-pound dog that, because of his age, still acts like a crazy puppy.

June 2010 | 29

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Bring this ad in for a complimentary gift!

Veterinarians: Richard Croft Susan Randlett Toby Shows Adela Rico Jennifer Smoot Molly Obergfell

Dogs, Cats, Birds & Exotics Wellness Care Immunizations Dentistry Bathing Boarding Surgery Laser Surgery Digital Radiology Ultrasound

20701 Kingsland Blvd., Suite 105 (across from Taylor High School)



June 2010 | 31

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