2 minute read
A Letter from Bishop c. andrew doyle
IX Bishop of Texas
Dear Friends and People of the Diocese of Texas,
It has been a very busy year! In the midst of our continued recovery from COVID-19 and later with the onset of a particularly virulent Rhino Virus, we also held Diocesan Council in person. I visited congregations across the Diocese sharing the results of our 360 Review. We went to General Convention, then the bishops went to Lambeth. We came back for a glorious Clergy Conference in which we celebrated over 25 newly ordained priests and deacons and our new clergy kin from the North Region.
In the Diocese of Texas, we also accomplished the reunification with the North Region. Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF) was recognized as an outstanding organization with the award of a $20 million gift from Mackenzie Scott. We hired a new EHF CEO and President Dr. Ann Barnes, and Allen Kight for Camp Allen. We opened a North Region office and called for the hiring of a bishop for that region. Camp Allen became debt free after many years of labor, and we said goodbye to George Dehan and Elena Marks. We welcomed all those studying for ordination for a week-long retreat and had over 40 in attendance!
There has been sadness in the loss of friends along the way. (insert list of clergy deaths) We also have lost some great parishioners who have shaped our congregations and diocese. This sense of loss was palpable at Queen Elizabeth II’s memorial service where we held space for our local Anglican brothers and sisters. In a strange way, the queen’s death marked many deaths and much sadness over the past year.
Parishes have been emerging after COVID-19. The vast majority are doing as well or better than they were before the pandemic. There is a large number of confirmations and baptisms taking place due to the COVID-19 lag. Episcopal Relief and Development recognized St. Mark’s, Beaumont, for its assembly of preparedness kits. Christ Church, Cedar Park, eliminated over $3 million in medical debt for neighbors. St. Stephen’s School, Austin, began a solar array project to get off the grid. The Racial Justice project at St. Thomas, Nassau Bay, will see a first-of-its kind monument built to honor people of color who have contributed to advancements at NASA. We gave away scholarships for people to train for seminary, go to college, and become counselors in East Texas. The New York Times featured a story on the miraculous work of El Buen Samaritano, Austin. The Episcopal Foundation gave away over $35 million in grants – including grants to places like Hope Clinic in Tenaha, Texas, connected to our churches there.Houston churches St. Martin’s and St. John the Divine joined the diocese and others in leading a response to the disaster in Yellowstone. There is so much more that you will read about in this year’s Episcopalian.
Meanwhile, as a diocese, we planted churches, grew churches, helped churches, and increased our mission to college students. We also helped congregations with funds for mission and repair of facilities. We provided health care for all the families of the diocese. We created an opportunity for our bi-vocational clergy to participate in both the pension group and insurance.
Each of us has our struggles. Each of us needs a bit of hope. Let me tell you that I have seen people who have found a home in the Episcopal Church. I have seen people give their lives to ministry. I have sat at the bedside of the dying. I have prayed for the healing of others. We have witnessed Christ proclaimed, and we have shared what we have. We have–together–done good work in Christ’s name.
My prayer for you while you read this year’s Episcopalian is that you will find in these pages that follow a bit of inspiration and a bit of hope. For the Episcopalian is a reflection of Luke’s Gospel 10:10: “The seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, in your name even the demons submit to us!’” Indeed, I can testify to seeing just this, and much more.