1 minute read
Pet's perspective
Happy bark day
By pet columnists Tex & Oakie
Tex: My hoomans are telling me it's my second "bark-day." I'm not too sure what that means, but I know they have plans for us because they've been saying all of my favorite things. "Dog park," "Puppachino," "Squeakie," "Biscuits" and more! I think I'm getting a special treat for being the goodest boy all this time. Maybe that's what a bark-day is! My sister is not very happy because she doesn't get to come with us to the dog park. I told her it's because she's a cat, but she won't listen. Either way, I'm excited to be "two" — or whatever the humans said! Woo-hoo!
Oakie: The dog mocks me as the humans prepare a special day for him. Silly dog doesn't even know what a bark-day is? Meanwhile, my meow-day is much too far away for my liking. He says I can't come to the dog park, but if there is one thing I want most for my meow-day, it is a trip to the dog park. I've heard there is nothing for acres and acres, but silly dogs to pounce on and scare away from all the best trees. Soon? Soon.