1 minute read

Editor's Note

Howdy friends!

It seems so hard to believe that we have already made it to the fall season in Texas! I'm going to be honest with all of you, it seems like everything has changed. There's a drive-thru State Fair, no one is too sure what's going on with school and we have no idea how Halloween will even look this year.


One thing I can say is that I'm incredibly proud of my team for making this magazine possible from our remote locations, in the middle of our confusing lives in the pandemic and with socially distanced photoshoots. Another thing I'm proud of is our incredible Texas dog community! In the middle of this confusing season of life all the dog lovers in our community have continued to share smiles, wags, licks, pets and more online. Even though we can't all be together right now, we know our bond still exists for when we can be.

This fall the team and I are looking forward to seeing what kind of fun and socially distanced events we can push out to you through social! As always, be sure to join our online community using #TexasDogs and tagging us @TexasDogMagazine as well!

Please be safe and well! Know the Texas Dog Magazine team is wishing y'all the best!


Nealie E. Sanchez

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