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Engagement Activity Ideas for Your Classroom
tepping outside of our comfort zone allows for growth. According The Learning Zone Model, developed by the German adventure pedagogue Tom Senninger, students learn in their “Optimal Performance Zone,” also known as the “Learning Zone,” found just outside the “Comfort Zone.” Stepping outside of the comfort zone tends to create a little stress but, allows for a higher level of concentration and focus. S
No one likes to sit and view hours of power point slides, so get up and move. I incorporate out of the box activities in every possible lesson — something our future agricultural science educators can implement in their own classrooms.
What’s in the Bag
This activity is always a class favorite, so I use it to kick-off the course. I fill a bag full of locally grown agricultural products. I pick teams of two, and each team comes to the front of the classroom. One team member is blindfolded, and the other pulls an item out of the bag. That team member must describe the object to the person blindfolded, only using one-word clues in under 20 seconds. If the team loses, both team members must consume the item. These items range from homemade baby food to spicy hot links.
In the end, each student is under a little stress to bring them outside of their comfort zone, but they are highly concentrated on the task at hand, communicating with their partner.
AGmazing Final
This is my personal favorite. Everyone asks for a review session before a test, so let's regurgitate that knowledge in a race. Students must find clues across campus which will lead them to the final exam. Each clue is tied to a task based on the content covered in class. To receive the next clue, your group must complete the task.
This allows small groups to work in on a medium stress activity while reviewing all the content covered in the course. I believe it is an excellent exercise to work through problem-solving within a group setting. It’s important for students to learn that you might not always agree, or like someone, but respect should always be given.
Speed Speech
It is a proven fact that public speaking is the biggest fear among Americans. After asking my class, I found this to be true, along with the fear of making a public mistake. The Speed Speech activity tends to create a higher level of stress, but really brings students out of their comfort zones and into the learning zone.
Each student draws a card with an agriculturerelated topic and is given two minutes to prep a short informational speech, much like an Extemporaneous Speaking Event at a quicker pace. After the prep period, each student must provide a 30-second speech in front of the class over their given topic.
By doing these activities, future agricultural science educators learn to open up and not be afraid of making creative and unique lessons. There are some great tools and resources at your fingertips.
I encourage you to share your ideas with others. We all want our students to enjoy class and learn at the same time. Step outside your comfort zone, you might surprise yourself.