2 minute read
Bye Bye to the Cold and Fog GALVESTON
Reported by CAPT. DEREK YORK

IT’S FINALLY STARTING TO feel like springtime here in Galveston a er a cold and foggy winter. e spring breakers will be here in short order to take over Galveston Island. A lot of families will be looking to get their families out on the water for some fun while shing.
My favorite time of year is here because springtime at the Galveston je ies o ers some of the best sheepshead shing found anywhere. e black drum run is in full swing, and the speckled trout and reds are feeding good with the warming water temps. e sheepshead is o en overlooked, leaving many anglers frustrated at the cleaning table. It’s one of the best tasting sh in the bay. It also provides a great ght when hooked.

Typically, I use a rig designed for the bo om with a ¼- ounce egg sinker, a bead, a small swivel, 10-12 inches of 20- to 25-pound uorocarbon leader and a small hook with a live shrimp.

When shing at the je ies or anywhere near structure, I tell people to put it in the rocks as these sh are usually found feeding on the barnacles and other crustaceans living there. ey are usually light biters and can be a li le tricky to hook at times, so keep tension on your line and feel for that slight thump. With a ve sh limit per person and a 15-inch minimum, limits are pre y easy to come by this time of year.
Some of my biggest sheepsheads have come during this time of year. For cleaning them, if you are leting them out, I suggest starting at the tail and working your way toward the head while using good straight edge and serrated edge knives.
If you like catching giant sh, then you need to be targeting the black drum in the springtime. My rigs for these sh are super simple as I’ve said before. A three-way swivel with lighter leader for the weight and a large circle hook for a piece of blue crab. ese sh are o en found in deeper water, 15 to 30 feet, around some kind of hard bo om or structure. Once located, it is not uncommon to catch numerous sh in one spot. e Texas City Dike, Galveston je ies, gas wells and concrete ship all are prime spots to catch these sh which get up to more than 50 pounds.
Neches River
THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SABINE LAKE, AT THE MOUTH OF THE NECHES River, offers a wealth of angling opportunities with a wide variety of game species. Selected HOTSPOTS are shown in the table below, and on the map.

Trout and red sh are being over the bay at this time from West Bay into
Trout and red sh are being caught all over the bay at this time from West Bay to East Bay and up into Trinity Bay. e back lakes and smaller water bodies like Clear Lake, Moses Lake and the upper parts of the bay are producing good numbers of these sh both on arti cial and live bait.
So, make sure you take the time to get out on the water and take your family or someone new to the sport of shing. You’ll be glad you did. Until next time, see you on the water.
Email: SportStalkerFishing@sbcglobal.com
Online: FishGalvestonBayTX.com