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THE UPPER END OF TRINITY BAY IS WHERE THE TRINITY RIVER JOINS THE GULF COAST. It is bounded on the east by the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. The many wells in this part of the bay provide ample structure for gamefish.

over the Galveston Bay complex, whether shing from the shore, surf or o of a boat.

e je ies and beach front can o er some great shing for speckled trout and red sh along with sheepshead and black drum. Fishing the reefs in the open bay is also producing some great catches of trout. And some of my favorite o shore pelagic species, including sharks, tripletail and cobia, are starting to show up in good numbers at the passes and in the bays.

Surf shing is a great way to get out early in the day to watch the sunrise over the Gulf and usually have some pre y good luck catching trout in between the sandbars just o the beach. Typical baits to use are so plastics, spoons and live shrimp or croaker. Locating active bait on the beach is a key to success when deciding where to sh. Look for mullet jumping or big schools of menhaden up on the surface to increase your odds.

e je ies are continuing to produce some great catches of just about everything this time of year, with a good number of sheepshead and some really great speckled trout shing along the rocks. For the trout, I prefer to use a very light setup of uoro- carbon leader with a small treble hook and live shrimp, free lined up on the rocks. I will usually add a small split shot to keep the bait down a few feet from the surface. ese bites can be really aggressive, so don’t be surprised when a 6-8 pound trout slams your bait! For sheepshead, I’m using either a popping cork up on the rocks, or a ¼ oz weight above my uorocarbon leader and hook sh along the bo om edge of the rocks.

Inside the bay, I spend a lot of time driing shell in 5-10 feet of water with croaker or so plastics. Once you locate sh, make sure to utilize your electronics and keep track of your dri s so you can go right back to your bites and stay on them. I will try to mark the location of a couple bites to have as reference points on the map. is will help you stay on active sh more and give you a be er understanding of how the sh are relating to the reef at that time. One of the best tools I’ve added recently to my electronics is the Reef Recon map overlay (h ps://troutsupport. com/products/oyster-reef-recon). is has drastically decreased my time in locating live reefs and gives you a much be er idea of where to be shing.

With all these opportunities, make sure to get out and make the best of this early part of summer.


Email: SportStalkerFishing@sbcglobal.com

Online: FishGalvestonBayTX.com

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