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Membership Awards
The Texas Section AWWA recognizes members for their outstanding recruitment efforts that help maintain the Texas Section’s leadership as the largest single state section of AWWA’s forty-three sections with over 4,300 members. Even during the Pandemic, the section’s continued growth is a testimony to our meeting the needs of water professionals statewide. And, our volunteers who recruit new members are the reason the Texas Section AWWA remains the most influential water organization in the state. This year we recognize the following for their outstanding recruitment efforts this past year.
Melissa Bryant - 2 members
Stephen Smith - 3 members
Texas State Chapter - 15 members
Texas A&M Chapter - 19 members

Watermark Awards
CATEGORY IV Community Outreach and Education Programs: events, curriculums, programs.
Large Utility » City of Frisco: Weekly WaterWise
E-Newsletter. River Authorities or Districts » North
Texas Municipal Water District: Water Conservation
STEM Clinics. Honorable Mentions » City of
Georgetown: Painted Rain Barrel Project. McAllen Public Utility: Water Education Camps. North Texas Municipal Water District: No Water Trivia.
CATEGORY V OpEds and Features: guest editorials or columns, feature stories or series.
Small Utility » City of College Station Water Services: Waterful Wednesday radio spots.

CATEGORY VI Multimedia: video and photography.
Large Utility » City of Plano: “Wipe-Out” Animated Wipes
Abatement Video. River Authorities or Districts »
Upper Trinity Regional Water District: Lake Ralph Hall
One Year Later Video Honorable Mention » Texas
Water Development Board: SWIFT program: No Texas miracle without Texas water.
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