12 minute read
WEAT Leadership Listing
President: Lynn Broaddus President Elect: Jamie Eichenberger Vice President: Ifetayo Venner Treasurer: Keith Hobson Past President: Jacqueline A. Jarrell Secretary & Executive Director: Walt Marlowe
Water Environment Association of Texas Staff
Executive Director Julie Nahrgang Water Environment Association of Texas 1825 Fort View Road, Suite 108 Austin, TX 78704 512-693-0060 julie@weat.org
Association Manager Alondra Hernandez Water Environment Association of Texas 1825 Fort View Road, Suite 108 Austin, TX 78704 512-693-0060 alondra@weat.org
Membership Manager Alexi Hill Water Environment Association of Texas 1825 Fort View Road, Suite 108 Austin, TX 78704 512-693-0060 alexi@weat.org
Association Officers, Directors and Management Review Committee Members
President Rick Hidalgo Signature Automation, LLC 14679 Midway Road, Suite 212 Addison, TX 75001 469-619-1241 hjhidalgo@sig-auto.com
President-Elect Jeff Caffey Plummer 1320 S. University Drive, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-468-9975 jcaffey@plummer.com
Vice President Matt Jalbert Trinity River Authority 6500 Singleton Blvd Dallas, TX 75212-3018 972-975-4320 jalbertm@trinityra.org
Past President Heather Cooke Austin Water Utility P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767 512-972-0083 heather.cooke@austintexas.gov
Secretary Kristin O’Neill Stantec 910 Louisiana St., Ste. 2600 Houston, TX 77002 713-403-1618 kristin.oneill@stantec.com
Treasurer Allison Hage Freese & Nichols, Inc. 2711 N Haskell Ave, Suite 3300 Dallas, TX 75204 214-217-2219 allison.blake@freese.com
Historian David Briggs CDM Smith 9430 Research Blvd., Suite 1-200 Austin, Texas 78759 512-346-1100 briggsdc@cdmsmith.com
Past WEF Delegate & Parliamentarian David Jackson Freese & Nichols, Inc. 2711 N Haskell Ave Dallas, TX 75204 817-251-5071 drj@freese.com
Senior WEF Delegate Jeff Sober Garver 3010 Gaylord Pkwy, Ste. 190 Frisco, TX 75034 214-619-9027 jlsober@garverusa.com
WEF Delegate Leigh Cerda WGI, Inc 5710 W. Hausman Rd Suite 115 San Antonio, Texas 78249 210-860-9224 x2204 leigh.thomas@wginc.com
Member At Large David Milligan North Texas Municipal Water District 501 E Brown St Wylie, TX 75098 469-626-4590 dmilligan@ntmwd.com
PWO John Bennett Trinity River Authority 1687 N. Hwy 377 Roanoke, TX 76262 817-430-4657 bennettj@trinityra.org
Young Professional Kyle Kubista Kimley-Horn and Associates 801 Cherry St., Unit 11, Ste. 1300 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-339-2288 kyle.kubista@kimley-horn.com
Section Representatives
Clayton Scales KSA Engineers, Inc. 600 South Tyler, Suite 1403 Amarillo, TX 79101 806-335-1600 cscales@ksaeng.com
Kayleigh Millerick Texas Tech University PO Box 41023 911 Boston Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 806-834-0370 kayleigh.millerick@ttu.edu
North Texas
Sherri van der Wege Tetra Tech 12655 N. Central Expressway, Suite 305 Dallas, TX 75243 972-834-7580 sherri.vanderwege@tetratech.com
Northeast Texas
Scott Baggett City of Longview PO Box 1952 Longview, TX 75606 903-452-9497 sbaggett@longviewtexas.gov
El Paso
David Ornelas El Paso Water Utilities 4100 L Delta Dr El Paso, TX 79905 915-593-1282 dornelas@epwu.org
Scott Ogletree Prime Controls 16121 Horseshoe Drive, Unit 630 Gardendale, TX 79758 214-709-2826 s.ogletree@prime-controls.com
Felicia Sanford Provenance Engineering 412 Avenue C NW Childress, TX 79201 214-906-4935 fsanford@provenanceengineering.com
Central Texas
Jason Bybel K Friese + Associates 1120 S Capital of Texas Highway Austin, TX 78746 512-338-1704 jbybel@kfriese.com
Southeast Texas
Aisha Niang City of Houston 4001 Fannin St Houston, TX 77004 832-395-5465 aisha.niang@houstontx.gov
Beaumont/Port Arthur
Elexander Salinas Vector 707 Azaleadell Drive Houston, TX 77018 713-835-9923 elexander.salinas@vectorcag.com
San Antonio
Heather Lindner HDR Engineering, Inc. 1020 NE Loop 410, Suite 400 San Antonio, TX 78209 210-841-2826 heather.lindner@hdrinc.com
Coastal Bend
Ajia Fielden City of Corpus Christi 2726 Holly Rd Corpus Christi, TX 78415 361-826-1896 ajiaf@cctexas.com
Bryan/College Station
Rachel Gaddis CP&Y, Inc 1733 Briarcest Dr. Suite 104 Bryan, TX 75802 903-238-3276 rachelgaddis.cve@gmail.com
Del Rio/Uvalde
John Byrum Nueces River Authority 539 HWY 83 S. Uvalde, TX 78801 830-278-6810
Carlos Gonzalez City of McAllen PO Box 220 McAllen, TX 78505 956-681-1777 cagonzalez@mcallen.net
Laredo Vacant
Port Lavaca
San Angelo
Christina Burleson City of Waco 213 E Chapman Hewitt, TX 76643 254-424-3554 christinab@wacotx.gov
Wichita Falls
Russell Schreiber City of Wichita Falls P.O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-761-7477 russell.schreiber@wichitafallstx.gov
Knowledge Committee Chairs Asset Management Mazen H. Kawasmi, Co-Chair Freese & Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plz Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX 76109-4814 817-735-7432 mazen.kawasmi@freese.com John D’Antoni, Co-Chair Black & Veatch 4400 Post Oak Parkway, Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77027 713-419-1399 dantonijm@bv.com
Biosolids Management Matt Berg Jacobs 2705 Bee Cave Road, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78746 512-314-3180 matt.berg@jacobs.com Marissa Palmer, Vice Chair San Antonio Water System 210-833-1372 marisa.palmer@saws.org
Collections Systems Raghavender Nednur, Co-Chair Houston Public Works 4545 Groveway Dr Houston, TX 77087 832-395-4935 raghavender.nednur@houstontx.gov Derek Schwanke, Co-Chair Garver 14160 N Dallas Parkway, Suite 850 Dallas, TX 75254 682-225-1181 dtschwanke@garverusa.com
Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls George Luke, Co-Chair Gupta and Associates, Inc. 13717 Neutron Road Dallas, 75244 972-490-7661 gluke@gaiconsulting.com Sean McMillan, Co-Chair Jones | Carter 6330 West Loop South, Suite 150 Bellaire, TX 77471 713-777-5337 semcmillan@jonescarter.com
Industrial Jonathan Sandhu Gulf Coast Authority 910 Bay Area Blvd Houston, TX 77058-2604 281-226-1153 jsandhu@gcatx.org Tres Koenings Plummer 6300 La Calma Drive, #400 Austin, TX 78752 512-452-5905 tkoenings@apaienv.com
Laboratory Elizabeth Turner 1712 Addison Grace Lane Wylie, TX 75098 469-585-1038 eaturner01@hotmail.com Trinity O”Neal, Vice Chair Austin Water Utility 625 E 10th St. Suite 800 Austin, TX 78701 512-507-9586 trinity.oneal@austintexas.gov
Municipal Resource Recovery Design Nicholas Landes, Co-Chair Freese and Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76109 817-735-7571 nick.landes@freese.com Tina Hanson, Co-Chair Garver 7415 Ledbetter Rd. Arlington, TX 76001 972-377-7480 tehanson@garverusa.com
Odor & Corrosion Management Doug Sherman, Chair Corrosion Probe, Inc 1464 E. Whitestone Blvd, #704 Cedar Park, TX 78613 512-528-0827 shermand@cpiengineering.com Fitz Moles, Vice Chair Evoqua Water Technologies LLC 941-248-5405 fitz.moles@evoqua.com
Operations and Maintenance Darell Long, Co-Chair Dallas Water Utility 10011 Log Cabin Rd Dallas, TX 75253 214-670-0400 darell.long@dallascityhall.com Darrell Poore, Co-Chair Dallas Water Utility 1020 Sargent Rd Dallas, TX 75203 469-231-8309 darrell.poore@dallascityhall.com
Pretreatment Denise Ehrlich Gulf Coast Authority 910 Bay Area Blvd Houston, TX 77058-2604 281-226-1131 dehrlich@gcatx.org Joseph Fielding Dallas Water Utilities 1020 Sargent Road, Bldg #2 Dallas, TX 75220 214-243-2354 joseph.fielding@dallascityhall.com
Safety and Security Denney Howard, Co-Chair Lockwoods, Andrews and Newnam, Inc. 7712 Oak Parkway Burleson, TX 76028 817-338-7505 drhoward@lan-inc.com David Milligan, Co-Chair North Texas Municipal Water District 501 E Brown St Wylie, TX 75098-4406 469-626-4590 dmilligan@ntmwd.com
Stormwater/Watershed Management Aiza Jose, Co-Chair JONES | CARTER 6509 Windcrest Drive, Suite 600 Plano, TX 75024-3074 214-986-8745 ajose@jonescarter.com Gian Villarreal, Co-Chair Seagull PME 1807 Sunnybrook New Braunfels, TX 78130 210-446-6865 gvillarreal@seagullpme.com
Utility Management Laura Wilson, Chair City of Fort Worth 200 Texas St, 224 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-392-5020 laura.wilson@fortworthtexas.gov Dan Olson, Vice-Chair Garver 713-395-4277 dnolson@garverusa.com
Water Reuse Michael Watts Garver 14160 Dallas Parkway Suite 850 Dallas, TX 75254 214-451-2956 mjwatts@garverusa.com
Delivery Committee Chairs Advanced Operator Training Rami Issa AECOM 10209 Flat Creek Trail Mckinney, TX 75070 972-735-3012 rami.issa@aecom.com
Awards Kim Chanslor, Co-chair CDM Smith 3050 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77056 713-628-2122 chanslorkm@cdmsmith.com Randy Bush, Co-chair CP&Y 7557 Rambler Rd Ste 440 Dallas, TX 75231-2303 214-360-9929 rbush@cpyi.com
Manufacturers & Reps Joe Etchegary, Co-Chair Water Equipment Technologies P.O. Box 2231 Mansfield, TX 76063 469-744-2373 joe@miautoinc.com Todd Pratt, Co-Chair Global WET 209 W 2nd Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 214-886-4056 tpratt@globalwet.com
Operations Challenge Jeff Sober Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway, Suite 190 Frisco, TX 75034 972-377-7480 jlsober@garverusa.com
Scholarship Lindsay Kovar BGE INC 10777 Westheimer Rd, Ste 400 Houston, TX 77042 713-488-8253 lkovar@bgeinc.com
Texas Water Steering Local Host Committee Shay Roalson Austin Water 625 East 10th Street Austin, TX 78701 512-972-0350 shay.roalson@austintexas.gov
Texas Water Exhibits Don Lange Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc 500 West 7th Street, Suite 1800 Fort Worth, TX 76102 210-404-1330 dlange@browngay.com
Texas Water Program Lance Klement Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway Suite 190 Frisco, TX 75034 214-619-9047 lpklement@garverusa.com
Texas Water Resolutions Subcommittee Paul Roach CP&Y Inc 900 Monroe St, Suite 201 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-662-1211 proach@cpyi.com
Stakeholders Committee Chairs
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Aisha Niang, Co-chair City of Houston 4545 Groveway Houston, TX 77087 832-395-5465 aisha.niang@houstontx.gov Ana Pena-Tijerina, Co-chair Plummer 4500 Wilma Lane Arlington, TX 76012 817-392-4982 apena-tijerina@plummer.com
Government Affairs Heather Cooke, Co-Chair Austin Water Utility P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767-1088 512-972-0083 heather.cooke@austintexas.gov Nathan Vassar, Co-Chair Lloyd Gosselink Attorneys at Law 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1900 Austin, TX 78701 512-322-5867 nvassar@lglawfirm.com Public Communication & Outreach Nyla Langford Signature Automation, LLC 14677 Midway Rd. Suite 212 Addison, TX 75001 469-619-1241 nblangford@sig-auto.com Student Sections Elle Frier Freese & Nichols 101 S Coit Road, Suite 36-386 Richardson, TX 75080-5807 720-695-5375 elle@friergroup.com
Texas Water University Forum Kayleigh Millerick Texas Tech University 911 Boston Avenue, Box 41023 Lubbock, TX 79409-1023 806-834-0370 kayleigh.millerick@ttu.edu Workforce Development Xuan (Katie) Zheng, Co-Chair Southwest Water Company 12535 Reed Road Sugar Land, TX 77478 412-638-8892 kzheng@swwc.com Justin Rackley, Co-Chair Garver 14160 N Dallas Parkway, Suite 850 Dallas, TX 75254 214-346-2892 jarackley@garverusa.com Dylan Christenson, Vice-Chair Black & Veatch 4400 Post Oak Parkway, # 1200 Houston, TX 77005 805-714-4362 christensond@bv.com
Young Professional Kyle Kubista Kimley Horn 801 Cherry Street Unit 11 Suite 1300 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-339-2288 kyle.kubista@kimley-horn.com
Management Committee Chairs Committee Leadership Council Matt Jalbert Trinity River Authority 6500 Singleton Blvd Dallas, TX 75212-3018 972-975-4320 jalbertm@trinityra.org
Membership Amber Batson, Chair San Jacinto River Authority 936-588-3111 abatson@sjra.net Clarence Wittwer, Vice-Chair 832-221-0506 clwittwer@yahoo.com
Nominating Heather Cooke Austin Water Utility P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767-1088 512-972-0083 heather.cooke@austintexas.gov
Strategic Planning Jeff Caffey Plummer 1320 S. University Drive, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-806-1700 jcaffey@plummer.com
2002 Michael F. Bloom 2002 Rebecca Patterson Guthrie 2003 Dennis Laskowski 2004 Heather Harris 2005 Randy Lee Bush 2006 Jennafer “Jenna” Piper Covington 2007 Jennifer “Jennie” T. Almerico 2008 Naomi Azulai 2009 Tarlton “Trooper” Smith 2010 Meera Victor 2011 Jeff Sober 2012 Erin Flanagan 2013 Josh Marazzini 2014 Jason Crawley 2015 Lindsay Kovar 2016 Brigit Buff 2017 Matt Jalbert 2018 Lance Rothe 2019 Kristin O’Neill 2020 Allison Blake
1958 A. L. Allison 1959 W.N. Wells 1961 Haskell R. Street 1962 Cecil H. Williams 1963 Mansel Smith 1965 James D. Goff 1967 J. Les Robinson 1968 Robert E. Derrington 1969 Leo Wood 1970 C.H. Schere 1971 W. E. Gibson 1972 Albert Breaux 1973 S.A. Webb 1974 George H. Powell 1975 Foster Crowell 1976 Joe P. Teller 1977 M. Truett Garrett, Jr. 1978 Charles Ganze 1979 M. Dolan McKnight 1980 Martin J. Manning 1981 Octavio A. Ramirez 1982 W. W. Right 1983 Basil S. Housewright, Jr. 1984 Robert T. McMillon 1985 Kenneth R. Jackson 1986 Joe G. Taylor 1987 Donald D. Spurrier 1988 Wesley N. MacKenzie 1989 Lynn Norton 1990 Curtis L. Smalley 1991 Teresa Battenfield 1992 William T. Manning 1993 Gary W. Burton 1994 Olga Rodriquez 1995 Enrique Woo 1996 David Mask 1997 Oscar Guerrero 1998 Alfonso Carmona 1999 Stephen Hodge 2000 David Hackley 2001 Robert A. Rowell 2002 William Lewis (Bill) Tatum 2003 Meg Conner 2005 Michael A. Young 2006 John Bennett 2007 Edmund R. Mach 2008 Orren West 2009 Gurdip S. Hyare 2010 Clifford W. Beaber 2011 Frederick R. Moore 2012 Gary LaGassey 2013 Larry Rowe 2014 Jerry Pressley 2015 Tim Morgan 2016 Ben Hodges 2017 Sterling Lee 2018 Clifford Creeks 2019 Lance Philips 2020 Rey Davila 1949 Victor Marcus Ehlers 1952 Winfield S. Mahlie 1955 J.H. Sorrels 1958 Roger Moehlman 1959 C.H. Connell 1961 A.C. Bryan 1963 David F. Smallhorst 1964 David G. Chase 1965 John P. Wold 1967 Albert H. Ullrich 1968 G. R. Herzik, Jr. 1969 Pearl Goodwin 1970 Jack E. Huppert 1971 Sam L. Warrington 1972 Clayton H. Billings 1973 Joe Driskell 1974 Joe P. Teller 1975 J.L. Robinson 1976 John B. Scott 1977 A.E. Holcomb 1978 Ernest F. Cross 1979 W.S. Sam Hutton 1980 S.A. Garza 1981 Robert L. Nichols 1982 P.D. Parks 1983 Dick Whittington 1984 Joseph F. Malins, Jr. 1985 Marshall L. Haney 1986 Sharon D’Orsie 1987 Bert H. Bates, Jr. 1988 William Goloby 1989 Rhonda Harris
The presiding officer was known as a Chairman of a Section from 19281961 and as President since 1962.
1990 Earnest F. Gloyna 1991 Stephen M. Jenkins 1992 Robert T. McMillon 1993 Ron L. Mayo 1994 Paul Roach 1995 Joe King II 1996 Patricia M. Cleveland 1997 Foster Crowell 1998 Raj Bhattarai 1999 Alan Plummer 2000 Ron Sieger 2001 Betty Jordan 2002 Betty Carol Mayo 2003 Mary Evans 2004 Cathy Henderson 2005 Raymond R. Longoria 2006 Jim Taafe 2007 Carolyn Ahrens Wieland 2008 Richard Eason 2009 Carol Batterton 2010 Brad Castleberry 2011 John Bennett 2012 Ronald Dale Carlson 2013 Jody Zabolio 2014 Dawn Anderson 2015 David Briggs 2016 Julie Nahrgang 2017 Jenna Covington 2018 Jeff Sober 2019 Steve Coonan 2020 David Jackson WEAT PAST PRESIDENTS 1975 Joe Malina 1976 Tom Koederitz 1977 W.W. Wright Chairman, Sewage Division, Texas Section, Southwest Water Works Association 1928-1931 W.S. Mahlie 1932-1933 Edgar Whedbee 1934-1936 W.S. Mahlie 1937 W.S. Stanley 1938-1943 R.M. Dixon 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 D.M. Cochran Joe P. Teller P. D. Parks Robert R. Bustamante Glen Longley Marshall Haney Sharon M. D’orsie Jim Taaffe Bert Bates Chairman, Sewage Division, Texas 1987 Bob Derrington Water Works and Sewage Short 1988 John Cook School 1989 Richard Smullen, Jr. 1944 E.J.M. Berg 1990 Robert McMillon 1945 E.M. Dixo 1991 Carol Batterton 1946 1947 L.C. Billings J.H. Sorrels President, Water Environment Association of Texas Chair, Sewage and Industrial Waste 1992 Alice Megna Section Texas Water and Sewage 1993 Gordon Koblitz Works Association 1994 Stephen Jenkins 1951 C.H. Connell 1995 Joe King II 1952 A.H. Ullrich 1996 Rhonda Harris 1953 A.C. Bryan 1997 Martha Martin 1954 K.E. Mills 1998 Ron Mayo 1955 W.S. Mahlie 1999 Patty Cleveland 1956 Glen A. Doty 2000 Clyde Burnett 1957 John F. Conlon 2001 Mary Evans 1958 Roger Moehlman 2002 Jim Joyce 1959 T.L. Satterwhite 2003 Ron Sieger 1960 Cecil Williams 2004 Ray Longoria 1961 John P. Wold 2005 Richard Eason 2006 Paul Roach President, Texas Water Pollution Control Association 1962 W. N. Wells 1963 Robert L. Nichols 1964 S.A. Garza 1965 Harry O. Henkel 1966 M.T. Garrett 1967 Jack Huppert 1968 S.O. Brady 1969 James D. Gof 1970 David G. Chase 1971 Ronald D. Sadow 1972 Curtis E. Johnson 1973 James E. Laughlin 1974 Albert Breaaux 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Raj Bhattarai Brad Castleberry Betty Jordan Jody Zabolio David Briggs John Bennett Curtis Smalley Steve Coonan Jenna Covington David Jackson Jeff Sober Leigh Cerda Heather Cooke Rick Hidalgo
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