9 minute read
from Texas Water '22
Andrew Molly, Chair City of Houston 611 Walker Street, 21st Floor Houston, TX 77002 832-395-3785 andrew.molly@houstontx.gov
Amy Middleton, Chair-Elect Plummer Associates, Inc. 12500 San Pedro Ave., Ste. 401 San Antonio, TX 78216 210-510-0888 info@tawwa.org
Melissa Bryant, Past Chair San Antonio River Authority 600 E. Euclid Ave. San Antonio, TX 78283 210-302-3611 mbryant@sara-tx.org
Jennifer Elms, AWWA Director Odyssey Engineering Group 2500 Tanglewilde St., Ste. 480 Houston, TX 77063 281-306-0240 ext. 124 jelms@odysseyeg.com
Bruce Curtis, AWWA Director EBAA Iron Sales, Inc. PO Box 857 Eastland, TX 76448 972-523-2381 brucec@ebaa.com
Daniel Nix, AWWA Director-Elect City of Wichita Falls PO Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov
Mike Howe, Executive Director/ Secretary Treasurer Texas AWWA P.O. Box 80150 Austin, TX 78708 512-238-9292 txawwa@gmail.com
Central Texas Region Trustee Cathy Dominguez Brazos River Authority PO Box 7555 Waco, TX 76714 254-761-3176 cathy.dominguez@brazos.org
Deputy Trustee Anne Hoskins Freese and Nichols, Inc. 10431 Morado Circle, Ste. 300 Austin, TX 78759 512-617-3125 anne.hoskins@freese.com
Central West Texas Region Trustee Mark Southard City of Wichita Falls PO Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 mark.southard@wichitafallstx.gov
Deputy Trustee Jordan Hibbs eHt 402 Cedar St., Ste. 201 Abilene, TX 79601 325-370-7361 jordan.hibbs@e-ht.com Coastal Bend Region Trustee Logan Burton LNV 801 Navigation Blvd,. Ste. 300 Corpus Christi, TX 78408 361-883-1984 loganb@lnvinc.com
Deputy Trustee Crystal Ybanez City of Corpus Christi 2726 Holly Rd. Corpus Christi, TX 78415 361-826-1289 info@tawwa.org
East Texas Region Trustee John Belton Vision Equipment 214-390-0929 john@visionequipmenttx.net
Deputy Trustee Kate Dietz City of Tyler PO Box 2039 Tyler, TX 75710 903-531-1085 kdietz@tylertexas.com
North Central Texas Region Trustee Sid McCain Trinity River Authority Tarrant County Water Supply Project 817-267-4226 mccains@trinityra.org
Deputy Trustee Katie Livas HDR 17111 Preston Rd., Ste. 300 Dallas, TX 75248 972-960-4433 info@tawwa.org
Panhandle Region Trustee Jonathan Gresham City of Amarillo PO Box 1971 Amarillo, TX 79105 806-378-4265 jonathan.gresham@amarillo.gov
Deputy Trustee Damen Ratliff City of Amarillo PO Box 1971 Amarillo, TX 79105 806-206-5247 info@tawwa.org
Permian Basin Region Trustee Atzuko Reveles 915-227-8093 areveles@ecmintl.com
Deputy Trustee Open
Rio Grande Valley Region Trustee Jessica Salinas McAllen Public Utility PO Box 220 McAllen, TX 78505 956-681-1705 jsalinas@mcallen.net
Deputy Trustee Javier Ramirez Sharyland WSC PO Box 1868 Mission, TX 78573 jramirez@sharylandwater.com South Central Texas Region Trustee Vicente Garza SAWS 2800 US Highway 281 N. San Antonio, TX 78212 210-233-3596 vicente.garza@saws.org
Deputy Trustee Rikki Anderson San Antonio River Authority 100 E. Guenther St. San Antonio, TX 78204 210-227-1373 info@tawwa.org
Southeast Texas Region Trustee David Munn Freese and Nichols 10497 Town and Country Way Houston, TX 77024 832-975-1416 david.munn@freese.com
Deputy Trustee Lindsey Reid Freese and Nichols, Inc. 11200 Broadway Street Offices West, Suite 2320 Pearland, TX 77584 713-786-3861 lindsey.reid@freese.com West Texas Region Trustee Open Deputy Trustee Open
MANUFACTURERS/ASSOCIATES COUNCIL John Thompson Core & Main 940-391-3900 john.thompson@coreandmain.com
WATER UTILITY COUNCIL Dan Crowley San Antonio Water System PO Box 2449 San Antonio, TX 78298 210-233-3811 dan.crowley@saws.org
DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Jaime Kypuros Tetra Tech 711 Navarro St., Ste. 560 San Antonio, TX 78205 830-776-0077 jaime.kypuros@tetratech.com
EDUCATION DIVISION Christianne Castleberry, Chair Castleberry Engineering & Consulting PO Box 40546 Austin, TX 78704 512-751-9272 c.castleberry@castleberryengineering.com
Shae Luther, Collaborations
TWDB 512-463-8830 info@tawwa.org
Gabe Trejo, Competitions
Arcadis 12400 Coit Road, Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75208 972-663-2163 gabe.trejo@arcadis.com
Karen Menard, Consumer
City of Dallas Water Utilities 1500 Marilla Street, 4AS
Dallas, TX 75201 940-781-8977 karen.menard@dallascityhall.com EDUCATION DIVISION (cont’d.)
Greg Wukasch, K-12+ Education
San Antonio Water System 2800 US Hwy. 281
San Antonio, TX 78212 210-233-3631 greg.wukasch@saws.org
Mark Southard, Membership City of Wichita Falls PO Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 mark.southard@wichitafallstx.gov
Madeline Kull, Value of Water CDM Smith 12400 Coit Rd. Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75251 214-346-2800 kullm@cdmsmith.com
ENGINEERING and CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Rob Jenkins Freese and Nichols, Inc. 7615 Mission Ledge Boerne, TX 78015 210-298-3805 rob.jenkins@freese.com
MANAGEMENT DIVISION Dean Sharp Sharp Consulting Services 7203 N. Ute Trail Austin, TX 78729 512-247-8609 dean@deansharpconsulting.com
REGULATORY AGENCIES DIVISION Joel Klumpp Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 512-239-4453 joel.klumpp@tceq.texas.gov
SMALL SYSTEMS Steven Walden, Chair Steve Walden Consulting Austin, TX 512-971-7151 stevenwalden@sbcglobal.net
Katie Livas, Community Engineering Corps
HDR 17111 Preston Rd Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75248 972-960-4433 katie.livas@hdrinc.com
WATER CONSERVATION and REUSE DIVISION Jessica Woods, Chair City of Round Rock 3400 Sunrise Rd. Round Rock, TX 78660 512-671-2872 jwoods@roundrocktexas.gov
Robert Stefani, Alternative Water Supplies Austin Water 625 E. 10th St. Austin, TX 78767 512-974-9302 robert.stefani@austintexas.gov
Daniel Nix, Business/ Industrial Water City of Wichita Falls PO Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov
Jennifer Nations, Conservation
City of College Station
PO Box 9960
College Station, TX 77842 979-764-6223 jnations@cstx.gov
Bryce Canady, Reuse Murfee Engineering Company, Inc. 1101 S. Capital of Texas Hwy., Bldg. D Austin, TX 78746 512-327-9204 info@tawwa.org
TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Sunil Kommineni KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Ste 1400 Houston, TX 77042 713-231-4403 skommineni@kitprofs.com
WATER RESOURCES DIVISION Tina Peterson Harris-Galveston Subsidence Dist. 1660 W. Bay Area Blvd. Friendswood, TX 77546 281-486-1105 info@txawwa.org
RESEARCH DIVISION Charles Maddox cmaddox@austin.rr.com
AGRICULTURAL WATER Daniel Nix City of Wichita Falls P.O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov
AWARDS Sally Wright City of Dallas 1500 Marilla St. Dallas, TX 75201 214-671-1405 sally.wright@dallascityhall.com
BYLAWS REVIEW Andrew Molly City of Houston 611 Walker Street, 21st Floor Houston, TX 77002 832-395-3785 andrew.molly@houstontx.gov
CUSTOMER SERVICE Crystal Ramsey Benbrook Water Authority PO Box 26929 Benbrook, TX 76126 817-443-3113 cramsey@benbrookwater.com
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Dedra Ecklund Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc. 100 1-45 North, Suite 450 Conroe, TX 77301 daecklund@lan-inc.com
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Javier Santiago WWater Tech McAllen, TX jsantiago@wwatertechinc.com
JOINT CONFERENCE OVERSIGHT Andrew Molly City of Houston 611 Walker Street, 21st Floor Houston, TX 77002 832-395-3785 andrew.molly@houstontx.gov
LEGISLATIVE Heather Cooke Austin Water 625 East 10th St., Suite 606 Austin, TX 78701 512-923-2273 heather.cooke@austintexas.gov
LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Alissa Lockett San Antonio Water System PO Box 2449 San Antonio, TX 78298 210-233-3401 info@tawwa.org
LONE STAR LEADERS & NOMINATING Melissa Bryant San Antonio River Authority 600 E. Euclid Ave. San Antonio, TX 78283 210-302-3611 mbryant@sara-tx.org
MEMBERSHIP Donna Howe Travis County MUD No. 19 14979 Doria Dr. Austin, TX 78728 512-657-9289 donna.margo.howe@gmail.com PROGRAM (Annual Conference) Amy Middleton Plummer Associates, Inc. 12500 San Pedro Ave., Ste. 401 San Antonio, TX 78216 210-510-0888 info@tawwa.org
PUBLIC INFORMATION /PUBLICATIONS Vanassa Joseph Trinity River Authority of Texas 5300 South Collins Arlington, TX 76018 817-493-5122 josephv@trinityra.org
RATES and CHARGES Jay Joyce Expergy 325 N. Saint Paul St., Ste. 2100 Dallas, TX 75201-3871 214-502-1500 jjoyce@expergy.com
REGIONAL ACTIVITIES Stefi Massey AECOM 13355 Noel Rd., Ste. 400 Dallas, TX 75240 682-316-7674 info@tawwa.org
RESILIENCY & CYBER SECURITY Doug Short Trinity River Authority of Texas shortd@trinityra.org SCHOLARSHIP Mica Garza K Friese + Associates 1120 S. Capital of Texas Highway, CityView 2, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78746 512-338-1704 mgarza@kfriese.com
SCHOLARSHIP Yongki Shim KIT Professionals, Inc 2000 W. Belt Pkwy S., Ste. 1400 Houston, TX 77042 713-972-6644 yshim@kitprofs.com
WATER FOR PEOPLE Swapnil Dusane Ardurra 8918 Tesoro Drive, Suite 401 San Antonio, TX 78217 979-985-7017 info@tawwa.org
WORKFORCE Irazema Rojas El Paso Water Utilities 1154 Hawkins Blvd., Ste 1 El Paso, TX 79925 915-594-5562 isrojas@epwu.org
YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Katie McNeal Austin Water Utility 512-972-0174 info@tawwa.org
‘DOC’ BALLARD AWARD WINNERS 2000 Glen Doty, Dallas 2001 C. K. Foster, Houston 2002 Charlotte Voelker, San Antonio 2003 Henry Graeser, Corpus Christi 2004 John Kubala, Arlington 2009 Kay Kutchins, Galveston 2012 Ronny Hyde, San Antonio 2014 Thomas Taylor, Dallas 2015 Charlie Maddox, Corpus Christi 2016 Charlie Anderson, Fort Worth 2017 Jack Schulze, Austin 2018 Steve Walden, San Antonio 2019 Katie McCain, Houston 2020 Glenda Dunn, Fort Worth/Virtual
YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MAVERICK AWARD WINNERS 2003 Shay Ralls Roalson, Corpus Christi 2004 Matt Berg, Arlington 2005 Bobby Mengdon, Galveston 2006 Marisa Vergara, Austin 2007 Jason Christensen, Fort Worth 2008 Alissa Lockett, San Antonio 2009 Jerry Snead, Galveston 2010 Chris Varnon, Corpus Christi 2011 Melissa Bryant, Fort Worth 2012 Adam Conner, San Antonio 2013 James Mansfield, Galveston 2014 Letty Gomar, Dallas 2015 Grace Wike, Corpus Christi 2016 John Logan, Fort Worth 2017 Jacob Niemeier, Austin 2018 Theresa Pedrazas, San Antonio 2019 Lizanne Douglas, Houston 2020 Katie Stowers, Fort Worth/Virtual 2021 Katie McNeal, Austin/Virtual GEORGE WARREN FULLER AWARD WINNERS
1972 Robert Van Dyke, Hot Springs 1973 Haskell Street, El Paso 1974 Richard Toler, Tulsa 1975 David Smallhorst, Fort Worth 1976 John Stacha, San Antonio 1977 J.L. Robinson, Houston 1978 John Hickerson, Little Rock 1979 Otis Goldman, Dallas 1980 George Muller, Baton Rouge 1981 Charles Foster, Corpus Christi 1982 Glen Doty, Oklahoma City 1983 John Kubala, San Antonio 1984 Phil Kosub, Little Rock 1985 James Bailey, Galveston 1986 Thomas Tiner, New Orleans 1987 Michael Tubbs, Fort Worth 1988 Michael Meadows, Tulsa 1989 Kay Kutchins, Arlington 1990 Dennis Allen, Little Rock 1991 W.T. Ballard, Houston 1992 Lee Bradley, Jr., Galveston 1994 Warren Norris, Amarillo 1995 Katie McCain, Corpus Christi 1996 Jack Renfro, Austin 1997 Randy Goss, Arlington 1998 Ronny Hyde, Galveston 1999 Steve Walden, Fort Worth 2000 Carole Baker, Dallas 2001 Mark Lowry, Houston 2002 Bill Riley, San Antonio 2003 Gary Smith, Corpus Christi 2004 Jeannie Wiginton, Arlington 2005 Charles Anderson, Galveston 2006 Glenda Dunn, Austin 2007 Bill Smith, Fort Worth 2008 Dean Sharp, San Antonio 2009 Mike Howe, Galveston 2010 Charles Maddox, Corpus Christi 2011 Mary Gugliuzza, Fort Worth 2012 Richard Talley, San Antonio 2013 Daniel Nix, Galveston 2014 Donna Howe, Dallas 2015 Ron Tamada, Corpus Christi 2016 Dave Scholler, Fort Worth 2017 Christianne Castleberry, Austin 2018 Jennifer Elms, San Antonio 2019 Shay Roalson, Houston 2020 Brent Locke, Fort Worth/Virtual 2020 Wayne Owen, Fort Worth/Virtual 2021 Bruce Curtis, Austin/Virtual 2021 Elston Johnson, Austin/Virtual
Atlee Cunningham 1972-75 Robert P. Van Dyke 1975-78 Richard G. Toler 1979-80 John H. Stacha Conference City San Antonio San Antonio Fort Worth Dallas
1980-81 Robert P. Van Dyke 1981-84 John Kubala
Baton Rouge Corpus Christi 1984-87 Phil Kosub Little Rock 1987-90 Michael D. Meadows Fort Worth 1990-93 Glen A. Doty Houston 1993-96 Kay Kutchins Amarillo 1996-99 Randy Goss Austin 1999-2002 Katie McCain Fort Worth 2002-2005 Jeannie Wiginton San Antonio 2005-2008 Glenda Dunn Arlington 2008-2011 Charles Anderson San Antonio 2011-2014 Charlie Maddox Fort Worth 2014-2017 Dave Scholler Dallas 2017-2020 Bill R. Smith Austin
Chair 1971-72 Richard G. Toler 1972-73 John Kubala 1973-74 John H. Stacha 1974-75 Charles K. Foster 1975-76 Gordon H. Smith 1976-77 George O. Muller 1977-78 Otis Goldman 1978-79 Ralph Hardy 1979-80 Albert Breaux 1980-81 Phil Kosub 1981-82 Michael K. Tubbs 1982-83 Bill Healer 1983-84 Tom Tiner 1984-85 Mike Meadows 1985-86 Glen A. Doty 1986-87 James Bailey 1987-88 Kay Kutchins 1988-89 Dennis L. Allen 1989-90 John B. Lowe 1990-91 Lee C. Bradley 1991-92 Lowell Roberts 1992-94 Jack A. Renfro 1994-95 Randy J. Goss 1995-96 Ronny Hyde 1996-97 Larry W. Webb 1997-98 Eduardo Garaña 1998-99 Katie McCain Conference City Hot Springs El Paso Tulsa Fort Worth San Antonio Houston Little Rock Dallas Baton Rouge Corpus Christi Oklahoma City San Antonio Little Rock Galveston New Orleans Fort Worth Tulsa Arlington Little Rock Houston Galveston Amarillo Corpus Christi Austin Arlington Galveston Fort Worth
1999-2000 Bill Riley 2000-2001 Gary Smith 2001-2002 Jeannie Wiginton 2002-2003 Charles Anderson 2003-2004 Glenda Dunn 2004-2005 Bill Smith 2005-2006 Dean Sharp 2006-2007 Charles Maddox 2007-2008 Shay Ralls Roalson 2008-2009 John Burke 2009-2010 Mari-Garza Bird 2010-2011 Richard Talley 2011-2012 Dave Scholler
Dallas Houston San Antonio Corpus Christ Arlington Galveston Austin Fort Worth San Antonio Galveston Corpus Christi Fort Worth San Antonio 2012-2013 Brent Locke Galveston 2013-2014 Christianne Castleberry Dallas 2014-2015 Alissa Lockett Corpus Christi 2015-2016 Jennifer Elms Fort Worth
2016-2017 Daniel Nix 2017-2018 Bruce Curtis
Austin San Antonio 2018-2019 Ron Tamada Houston 2019-2020 Elston Johnson Fort Worth/Virtual 2020-2021 Melissa Bryant Austin/Virtual