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We Are Texas Veterans Working With Texas Hemp
Express Sampling delivers statewide, unimpeachable crop sampling in a timely and inexpensive manner using military veterans. We offer our service and that of our affiliate lab in order to enable your timely harvest & successful delivery of your compliant hemp from the farm to market.
Your trusted knowledgeable resource for your farming endeavor.
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Acollaboration of multiple hemp builders occurred on Sun July 9th in Manchaca, TX just south of Austin. Phelan Dalton of the Hemp Building Co. of Colorado flew in for the event as General Contractor Paul Carbone’s personal guest and ongoing collaborator.
Phelan and his partner Dan Scowcroft were the first to ever put on a Hempcrete Workshop at the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems CMPBS.org back in May of 2021. Advertised and reported by the Hemp Reporter at that time. Also present are a number of notable Hemp builders and materials suppliers.
Harry Hemp of hemphomes.com who is a builder of current projects pending permitting in Arkansas, Missouri and Washington states. He was accompanied by his friend and crew member Kekaa Nakupendaa from PA who now lives in the Central African Republic. Both of them recently helped Andrew Hancock, who was also collaborating and helping, Andrew is the owner of Lime Life Construction who is finishing his own Hemp Home build on his property in Nemo TX. https://www.facebook. com/profile.php?id=100070681815622 Another builder and entrepreneur who gained new perspective on hemp with all the knowledge and experience was Theo Ross of Dankdog who is looking to build Tiny Hemprecete homes in Central Texas. Also not present, however, contributing was Finally Sabin whose Hemp Eco
Systems/HES mineral binder was used and has been used by all of these builders combined with KANABAT Certified building grade hemp hurd. That has been utilized for decades in Europe after a string of failures when Hemp was reintroduced in the 1990’s by a number of French builders that had the right ideas but trial and error led to a standardization and ultimately a certification of materials in order that the industry can advance and builders can count on materials being uniform and consistent. Here are a few pictures and you can see demonstration video of the spraying of the Hempcrete at the Host’s Paul Carbone’s Instagram page https:// www.instagram.com/hempknowlogy/ Paul is the owner of Hempknowlogy hemp company. Paul is a creative mentor and collaborator for many of these builders as well as researcher and scientist for the hempcrete chemistry involved as well as a developer of new proprietary mixtures of Geopolymer binders for new products being developed as we speak. Paul is the inventor of the “HempcreteJet”
The Hempcrete industry is going through it’s growing pain phase and has begun to gain much traction in the USA and particularly in Texas with multiple builders available now ready to work on projects and a growing and capable workforce that is becoming ever skilled in this very specialized eco building technique. Hempcrete or Hemp-Lime as some refer to it is known for a number of very attractive benefits to consumers. Hemp, as it grows, sequesters a lot of Carbon so is a green eco-concious material. As it petrifies it becomes hard and basically turns to stone, although you can put nails into
it and other than a render or plaster there is no need for drywall, and the hemp is an insulator and noise deadening material due to it’s dense and oatmeal like consistency when still wet as it’s being applied. Hempcrete is simply hemp hurd or shiv (the tiny woody like pulp pieces) processed to a consistent size and split open to be even more absorbent, this is important and not the case in much of the hemp produced in the USA today.. So the Hemp Hurd is mixed with Lime, Water and sometimes with a binder or clinker. Which is a mineral mix of type of pozzolan or other mineral types that chemically bind all the materials together. The hurd materials were sourced from Chanvra Material also known as American Natural Materials at http:// naturalmaterials.us or http://chanvra.org and is the only Certified Building Grade Hemp hurd available in the USA. This certification does not exist yet in the USA. We hope collaborations like this will help change that and builders begin to demand a standardization. For Hempcrete builders there are two types of application that are commonly used. This type of spraying of the Hempcrete mix is a newer version of building with Hempcrete. Although not only the word Hempcrete is a misnomer so is building with Hempcrete. I was told once by a prolific American Hempcrete builder that you should look at it as “Hemp Insulation installation” because hemp
is insulation, it’s not a load bearing material, a concrete wall is, but portland cement or concrete is not Eco-Friendly either.
The most common technique of Hempcrete installation is referred to as “cast in place” where you have horizontal “form-boards” over your typical vertical framing studs and the Hempcrete builder moves up the wall after repeated filling of the airspace between the boards, encasing the wood framing and tamping the materials tight to eliminate air pockets and squeeze the excess water out. Yes, it’s messy, but necessary. The application is repeated to the top of the wall and is finished by hand by skilled and trained hemp builders. Hemp has many attributes and benefits as well as sequestering carbon and the resulting structures are a clean non toxic environment since the house or building is not off gassing any toxic fumes. Hempcrete is fireproof
and will not ignite. You can find dozens of videos on YouTube showing an acetylene torch left to char a wall for hours on end but it never catches fire, even concrete will char but it won’t ignite as expected. Also Hempcrete is termite resistant, mold resistant, the walls are vapor permeable so they breathe and passively regulate humidity which reduces pressure on utilities and helps HVAC system work most efficiently which is important we Texans know well. So the vapor permeable wall does act as a filter and technically sequesters carbon even in its inert state which is unlike any other building material I can think of. People refer to Hemp homes as being cozy, cave like, some just can’t put their finger on it or articulate it but they like it and know it is calming. Hempcrete if thick enough eliminates thermal bridging.
Hempcrete has an R-Value of between 2.1
- 2.5 per inch depend on the density of the application. Making a 12 inch wall potentially an R-Value of 25-30 If 500,000 new homes were built in the US in 1 year with hempcrete (2,000 square feet each), they would absorb nearly 2 million tons of Carbon, if those same homes were insulated using fibreglass, they would emit almost 500,000 tons of carbon so this is a healthy saving for the planet.
I applaud these pioneers in Texas Hempcrete Home building. There is another project going on right now by Tim White and Texas Healthy homes in Wimberley right now is being finished as well as many proposed so we are expecting many new stories of Collaboration, Cooperation and inclusivity to happen in an around the State of Texas. We hope you will support these groups and please tell others about this important eco friendly building material.
The Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system found in all mammals that play a role in regulating a wide range of physiological processes, including pain, mood, appetite, and immune function. The ECS is made up of three main components: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes.
Endocannabinoids are molecules that are similar in structure to the compounds found in the cannabis plant, known as cannabinoids. The two main endocannabinoids in the body are anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). These molecules are produced by the body on-demand and are not stored in advance. Receptors are proteins that are found on the surface of cells throughout the body. The two main receptors in the ECS are
CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are primarily found in the central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are primarily found in the immune system and other peripheral tissues.
The third component of the ECS are enzymes, which are responsible for breaking down endocannabinoids once they have fulfilled their function. These enzymes are responsible for maintaining the balance of the ECS.
The ECS works by regulating the balance of many different physiological processes in the body. When something is out of balance, such as chronic pain or anxiety, endocannabinoids are produced to help restore balance. The endocannabinoids interact with the receptors in the body to help regulate the process that is out of balance. For example, if you have chronic pain, endocannabinoids will bind to the receptors responsible for pain management and reduce the sensation of pain.
This system allows the body to respond to changes in its environment and internal conditions, such as injury or disease, by restoring balance and homeostasis, thereby helping to prevent or reduce symptoms.
Cannabis and its derivatives, especially whole plant CBD and THC, interact with the ECS and can provide therapeutic benefits. They can interact with the receptors and mimic or enhance the effects of the endocannabinoids already present in the body.
All information in this article is for educational purposes only. Please check with your Cannabis Educated Primary Health Care Physician or Cannabis Therapy Consultant before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change. ~Dr. Pepper Hernandez
Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, Ph.D. is a Naturopathic Nutritionist, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Cannabis Therapy Consultant & Cannabis Holistic Institute Founder and Educational Director. To find out more about her private practice, educational programs, videos and other offerings you can find her on the massive interwebs at drpepperhernandez.com.
Go forth, Go Cannabis
Dr. Pepper Hernandez ND, Ph.D., CTC, CNHP, NHC Board Certified and Award-Winning Holistic Health Practitioner http://DrPepperHernandez.com Office Appointments 1.800.420.9358
the statin-based medication ultimately increased cellular endocannabinoid expression, meaning it boosted the levels of anandamide and 2-AG. This can be problematic because excessive endocannabinoid activity “is associated with a plethora of pathological conditions affecting both the brain and peripheral organs and tissues,” the preprint authors explain, citing examples such as “type 2 diabetes, liver and kidney dysfunctions.”
The endocannabinoid system is the ultimate homeostatic regulator. It fine-tunes a wide array of physiological processes that respond to “various intrinsic as well as extrinsic stimulants through a complex cascade of receptor activation, gene expression [and] enzyme reactions.” Thus, when endocannabinoid levels are excessive, cannabinoid receptors will downregulate as a compensatory response. (Chronic cannabis consumption downregulates cannabinoid receptor expression.) And, conversely, when endocannabinoid levels are low or deficient, cannabinoid receptors will compensate by upregulating.
In addition to boosting endocannabinoid levels, simvastatin repressed CB1 and CB2 receptors as well as TRPV1 ion channels, which negatively impacted the endocannabinoid system. CB1 receptors in skeletal muscle cells regulate key metabolic pathways that affect insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake. The administration of synthetic cannabinoid receptor antagonists (rimonabant and AM251), which block the CB1 receptor, also increased muscular pain and weakness induced by simvastatin. To summarize: statins cause toxicity by dysregulating anandamide and 2-AG and suppressing CB1 receptor expression, re-
sulting in impaired cannabinoid receptor signaling in myoblasts. But in the future cholesterol-regulating statins formulated with positive allosteric modulators, which enhance CB1 receptor function, may negate some toxic side effects of statins. Further research that explores how statins affect the endocannabinoid system, causing muscular pain and weakness, should be a priority given that 200 million patients around the globe take these lipid-lowering drugs.
Travis Cesarone is a freelance writer and communicator focusing on medical cannabis sciences.
Most banks won’t bank hemp-related businesses. At West Town Bank & Trust, we don’t just bank hemp, we embrace it. We’ve built a hemp program uniquely tailored to the challenges of hemp-related businesses. We provide a full suite of commercial banking and payment processing services and we’re experts on the rules and regulations, so you feel unquestionably safe and secure banking with us. Simply put, hemp-related businesses bank at West Town Bank & Trust because we know hemp.