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Dream Big And Do Big Things
CEO Corner
By Serena Bumpus, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Bringing the Dream to Reality
It’s now August, and I am still on a high from TNA’s Annual Conference, Gaining Traction: Nurses Driving Change. With over 400 nurses in attendance, 70 exhibitors, 50 poster presentations, 16 podium presentations and multiple dynamic keynotes, the energy at the event and on the app was palpable, and I will be fueled by it for many months to come. Thank you to everyone who attended! My vision is to grow this event year after year. I want TNA’s annual conference to be something that Texas nurses look forward to. It’s a venue for nurses to share best practices through poster and podium presentations, where they can learn from the best and brightest in the profession. I want our annual conference to be an event that nurse leaders support and prioritize sending their staff to because they see it as a top alternative to conferences like the ANCC National Magnet Conference.
I am still on a high from TNA’s Annual Conference, Gaining Traction: Nurses Driving Change. With over 400 nurses in attendance, 70 exhibitors, 50 poster presentations, 16 podium presentations and multiple dynamic keynotes, the energy at the event and on the app was palpable, and I will be fueled by it for many months to come.
Be on the lookout for details about next year’s conference, scheduled for June 5-7 in Austin, TX. We are making room for 600 attendees, 100 exhibitors, 75 posters and two days’ worth of concurrent podium presentation sessions. The call for abstracts will go out by early November, so be prepared! We want you to share the great work happening in your organizations. Let’s make the 2025 TNA conference an opportunity to share all the GOOD that’s happening in nursing!
I continue to challenge each of you to get five of your nursing colleagues to join TNA. Don’t forget about the LVNs! Consider sponsoring their TNA membership for a year. TNA has a lot of exciting things ahead and we want you and your friends to be part of it.