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The Cuero Wellness Center is now open 24 hours a day. Page 6B
Cuero ISD trustees fail to decide on exit agreement offer for superintendent. Page 8A
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County considering cost of repairing roads WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2012
VOL. 118 - No. 7 • USPS 781 - 120
New softball field opening Monday Friends of Cuero Softball invites all sponsors, parents, players Cuero residents to celebrate in the grand opening of the new FCS softball field on Monday at 5:30 p.m.
NCDAR meeting Thursday in Cuero The Yorktown Bicentennial Chapter of NSDAR will meet Thursday at the DeWitt County Historical Museum on 312 E. Broadway in Cuero. The business meeting will start at 2 p.m. followed by the program titled, “So You Think You Know our U.S. Presidents,” presented by renowned genealogist, Dr. Martha Jones at 3 p.m. Contact Margie Bell at 275-6460 for more information.
By GLENN REA Record Editor & Publisher
What will it cost to repair or replace county roads damaged by heavy truck traffic over the next 10 to 20 years? That is a question DeWitt County Commissioners Court is asking. The court took steps at its meeting Monday to gather that information. Representatives of Naismith
Twenty Pages - Plus Inserts - 75 Cents
County banning high heels in courtroom. Story on Page 3A
Engineering, Inc. met with the court offering their services to research what it will cost. It was agreed to hire the engineers and the court will determine the scope of work needed to provide answers to their question. County Judge Daryl Fowler noted LaSalle County recently looked at a similar question and
determined it would cost about $65 million for about 330 road miles. He said DeWitt County has about twice as many road miles. Judge Fowler said the information will assist the county as it approaches legislators before their next session to show them what counties are facing along
the Eagle Ford shale oil play. Commissioner James Pilchek agreed and said the information would help in their discussions with oil exploration companies damaging county roads. Naismith Engineering has offices in Corpus Christi and Victoria and is working with other counties near DeWitt on similar requests. See ROADS, Page 3A
Czechaholics to perform The Nordheim Shooting Club will host The Czechaholics from 8 p.m. through midnight Saturday. Tickets are $10. All proceeds will go toward repairs for the hall.
Contributed photo
Cuero native Krishnar Lewis poses with his Grammy he won Sunday for his work producing gospel recording for Cory Henry and Kirk Franklin.
Little League sign-up continues Baseball/softball registration will take place at the Little League Complex for ages 4-15 on all Saturdays in February from 1 to 3 p.m and Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. Final registration will be Saturday, Feb. 25 after the Little Dribbler closing ceremony in the Cuero High School “Hot Box” gym. Online registration is also available at www.cuerolittleleague .com
Fundraiser lunch set for Saturday An enchilada fundraiser lunch will be held Saturday in the Nursery Elementary School for Lynn Crow’s medical expenses. Plates are $6 each. There will be a bake sale available on site. Delivery of plates if specified will be sent to the Cuero Little League Complex for pickup. Tickets may be purchased at Dr. Wineinger’s office or by calling 550-6794.
Photos by Coy Slavik/Cuero Record
Above, Dr. Jerome Parma prepares to pull a pair of baby teeth from Hunt Elementary student Shelby Delane last week. Below, Hunt student Gage Piwetz speaks with assistant Veronica Cavazos before seeing Dr. Parma in the Whitley Mobile Dental unit.
Cuero ISD students taking advantage of mobile dental unit By COY SLAVIK Record Managing Editor Not too many students are eager to skip class to go to the dentist. But youngsters at Cuero’s Hunt Elementary and other Cuero ISD campuses are happily taking advantage of the services of the Whitley Mobile Dental unit, which regularly makes stops at each school. Last week, the unit was at Hunt Elementary. Victoria Area Coordinator Jacqui Hyden, who also serves as the receptionist in the unit, said Whitney Mobile Dental had been in operation for three years and served over 4,000 See TOOTH, Page 3A
Cuero native overcomes trials to get Grammy
Cuero native First reported Krishnar Lewis Monday received a Stage 4 at colon cancer diagnosis and ately underwent a major colon resection surgery before starting chemotherapy treatment while in the middle of executive producing singer Kim Burrell's “The Love Album,” a recording project that was nominated for 2012 Best Gospel Album at Sunday’s Grammy Awards. In spite of the record company’s advice to discontinue the efforts of creating the album, Lewis chose to fight back against cancer and continue his work both in rebranding the singer and completing a commercially competitive recording project. During the Grammy Awards ceremony and other recording academy festivities over the weekend, Lewis was honSee GRAMMY, Page 3A
Gearing up for the 2012 Cuero Livestock Show The Cuero Livestock Show Board of Directors held a meeting on Feb. 7. Shown are, front row from left, Arlyn Seiler, Vice President Charles Hahn, Secretary/County Extension Agent Anthony Netardus, President Leo Heinemann and Treasurer Bart Goebel; and, back row, Ag Science Teacher Greg Nemec, Tom Kelley, Ricky Gohmert, Finley Blackwell, Josh Doehrman, Curtis Koenig, Greg Gossett and Joe Adams. Not shown are Ag Science Teacher Robin Hermes, Kenneth Schumacher, Johnny Blackwell, and Jack Garrett. The 2012 Cuero Livestock Show will be Feb. 29-March 2.
Cuero Record photo
Sec. A, Page 2 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
Seven-day DeWitt County weather forecast From the National Weather Service
A 40 percent chance of showers. Cloudy with a high near 74. A 20 percent chance of showers before midnight. Cloudy with a low around 58.
Mostly sunny with a high near 70. Northnortheast wind between 5 and 10 mph. Mostly cloudy at night with a low around 49.
A 20 percent chance of rain. Partly sunny with a high near 66. A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms at night. Cloudy with a low around 50.
A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Cloudy with a high near 63. Mostly cloudy at night with a low around 50.
Mostly sunny with a high near 70. Clear at night with a low around 50.
Partly cloudy with a high near 73. Cloudy at night with a low around 55.
A 30 percent chance of showers. Cloudy with a high near 75. Cloudy at night with a low around 57.
RecordOpinion Record Facebookers Congress must pass Frac Act respond to hydraulic fracturing question
The Record asked its 3,225 Facebook friends, “How much of a danger do you believe hydraulic fracturing is to our water supply?”: • • • “I saw on the San Antonio news the same company was fracking in Wyoming and contaminated the Water so bad a women lit a match, turned her kitchen faucet on, put the match under the water and the entire stream of WATER caught fire. It is definitely something to look out for in the coming years!!” Au s tin G a llo w a y • • • “Just saying the people who moan and groan about the oilfield gets old. I bet they are driving cars and trucks that the oil we drill for makes it possible for them to do.” Ma c Mc b r i d e • • • “ppl will complain about anything. Ur rite if they were the one collecting $$$$ then they would be all for it ppl complain about gas and oil prices well damned if u do damned if ya dont.” J o e N C r i stal San d e r s
• • • “Hyrdraulic Fracturing is a big concern not just to Water Supply, but to the land it affects too. There are chemicals that it releases that alot of us are unaware of. With Hyrdraulic Fracturing being exempted from the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, The Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act they keep us all out of the loop of what chemicals are actually being released. It takes about 8 million gallons of water to frack a well and some of that can come back up to the surface damaging the lands and water supply so is it unsafe? Yes. I would prefer clean water and lands for not only us but animals and plant life as well.” Mi k e N J e n • • • “Alot. Now im worryed about drinking the water around Cuero as well. Sau n d ra R e y e s
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THE CUERO RECORD 119 E. Main; Mail: P.O. Box 351, Cuero, TX 77954; PHONE (361) 275-3464 FAX (361) 275-3131; E-mail: Letters, news items welcome Letters, opinion articles, and news items from readers are welcome. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s home address and telephone number for verification, but only the name and home town will be published. Unsigned letters will be rejected. News items should contain the name and telephone number of a person to contact if questions arise. All items submitted to The Cuero Record are subject to editing for style, space, good taste, and legal requirements. Publication will be in the earliest available issue. No publication date is guaranteed. Reasonable care will be taken concerning submitted photographs, but The Cuero Record assumes no liability for loss or damage. The Cuero Record’s mailing address is P.O. Box 351, Cuero, Texas 77954. Deadline for news is 12 noon on Mondays. The Cuero Record and, as well as any reasonable derivative of these names, are trademarks of DeWitt County Publishing, LP and use of these trademarks without the express written consent of DeWitt County Publishing, LP is strictly prohibited. The entire contents of each issue of The Cuero Record and are protected under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue will not be permitted without the express permission of DeWitt County Publishing, LP.
The Cuero Record
THE CUERO RECORD is published weekly (Wednesday) in Cuero, Texas for $24.00 (in county), $29 (out of county) per year by DeWitt County Publishing,LP 119 E. Main Street, Cuero, phone 361-275-3464. POSTMASTER: send address changes to THE CUERO RECORD, Box 351, Cuero, TX 77954.
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Many residents of Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia and across the South who thought they’d hit the lottery by signing natural gas drilling leases have watched their drinking water turn noxious: slick, brown, foamy, flammable. All along, the industry has claimed that natural gas fracking is safe and does not pollute drinking water. But in December, for the first time, federal regulators scientifically linked fracking to the contamination of an aquifer. An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study found numerous fracking chemicals in groundwater in the rural ranching community of Pavillion, Wyoming. Cancer-causing benzene was found at 50 times safe levels, along with toxic metals, diesel fuel and other hazardous chemicals. Nationwide, residents living near fracked gas wells have filed over 1,000 complaints of tainted water, severe illnesses, livestock deaths, and fish kills. Complaints, sometimes involving hundreds of households, have risen in tandem with a veritable gold rush of new natural gas wells – now numbering about 490,000 across 31 states. Still, the fracking industry goes virtually unregulated. Why? Money. Big oil and gas – which attacked the EPA study – has reaped billions in profits from fracking. Since 1990, they’ve also pumped $238.7 million into gubernatorial and Congressional election campaigns to squelch oversight – effectively blocking federal regulation. (Republican candidates received three to five times more cash). Top Congressional recipients include Joe Barton (R-TX), Richard Burr, (R-NC), Johnny
Isakson (R-GA), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Fred Upton (R-MI) and James Inhofe (R-OK) – who claimed the EPA study was “not based on sound science but rather on political science.” The industry also spent $726 million on lobbying from 2001–2011. Today, only four of 31 fracking states have significant drilling rules and the gas industry is exempted from seven major federal regulations. One of these, the “Halliburton loophole” (pushed through by former VicePresident/former Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney) exempts corporations from revealing the chemicals used in fracking fluid – bypassing the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Acts. Another loophole leaves hazardous waste, including contaminated soil, water and drilling fluids, unregulated by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Still another dodges the Superfund law, which requires that polluters remediate for carcinogens like benzene released into the environment – except if they come from oil or gas. Fracking, invented by Halliburton, injects water, sand and chemicals into the ground at high pressure, blasting apart shale bedrock to release gas. It takes between one and five million gallons of water to frack one well. Up to 40 percent of that water returns to the surface, carrying toxic drilling chemicals and sometimes, naturally-occurring radioactive material. The rest remains underground, potentially polluting aquifers and drinking water. Streams and groundwater can be contaminated by spills, surface wastewater pits, and by millions of tons of chemical-laden dirt removed during drilling. Today, 65 probable fracking
chemicals are federally listed as hazardous. Many others remain unstudied and unregulated, making it impossible to assess the effects on water resources. EPA documents note that some “cause kidney, liver, heart, blood, and brain damage through prolonged or repeated exposure”, and that fracking fluid migrates over unpredictable distances through different rock layers. Clearly, the natural gas industry needs federal regulation, something President Obama pledged in his State of the Union speech. Now, as the Interior Department drafts new fracking rules for public lands, it mustn’t be swayed by industry: assuring full disclosure of fracking chemicals, well stability, and proper wastewater disposal. The EPA must likewise impose these rules nationwide. Congress must also pass the Frac Act, repealing drinking water exemptions. Industry-friendly state agencies – like those in Texas that sometimes approve new drilling permits in two days – must also institute real oversight. But let’s be realistic. Real oversight means we must prevent elected officials from being bought-and-paid-for by Exxon, Koch Industries and other oil and gas companies. Otherwise, federal loopholes that poison water and ruin health will never be closed. To spark real change, Americans must speak up. Loudly. Find out how much money flows to your Congressperson by reading Common Cause’s “Deep Drilling, Deep Pockets” report online. Journalist Sharon Guynup’s writing has appeared in Smithsonian, The New York Times Syndicate, Scientific American, The Boston Globe, and
RecordLetterToTheEditor Town Hall Meeting scheduled for Feb. 21 D e ar C iti z e n s o f C u e r o , We invite you to participate in a Town Hall Meeting from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21 at The Venue on Church St. to offer your ideas and express your suggestions for the future of Cuero, our community. This Town Hall Meeting is particularly important to us, members of the city council and board members of the Cuero Development Corporation, as we take a longrange view of our future in order to establish a plan to guide our decisions about future land use, community growth and infrastructure, mobility needs, beautification, and other amenities. The Town Hall Meeting is an early step in the process of preparing the city’s master plan
which will serve as our "road map" for the foreseeable future. The future decisions of the City Council and CDC Board will be guided by the plan in the area of types, patterns, and directions of future growth, the location and timing of future annexations, needed water, wastewater, and drainage improvements, and quality of life enhancements like parks, sidewalks, and community beautification projects. These sessions will be facilitated by the firm of Kendig Keast Collaborative of Sugar Land. Also participating will be members of our plan advisory committee who will work closely with City staff and the consultants to ensure the plan reflects our values
and priorities and one that is broadly supported by this community. If you would like more information about the Town Hall Meeting or the master plan, please contact John Washburn, City of Cuero, 361 243-0275 or Randall Malik, CDC, 361 2754608. The city’s website is This is an exciting time for the citizens of Cuero and with your help we will be able to plan an exciting future. Si n c e r e l y, S a r a P o s t M e y e r, M a y o r C i ty o f C u e r o C h a r le s Pa p a c e k , B o a r d P r e si d e n t C u e r o D e v e lo p m e n t C o r p o r ati o n
DeWittInBrief Cuero Livestock Show ribbon-cutting ceremony set The Cuero Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon- cutting ceremony for the 63rd Annual Cuero Livestock Show on Saturday, Feb. 25 at 10 a.m. at the Friar Ag Center. The public is invited to attend.
Homes needed for foreign exchange students Volunteers are needed to host international high school exchange students for the 20122013 school year. The students, from over 20
countries all speak English, have spending money and medical insurance. Volunteers are asked to provide a bed, meals, and a caring environment for either a 5-10 month period. For more information, contact Betty Kovar at 361-578-7531 or go to
Next chamber Lunch & Learn scheduled for Tuesday The Cuero Chamber of Commerce will host the next Lunch & Learn on Tuesday at noon at the Cuero Country Club.
Wendy Seale of IPI, inside TrustTexas Bank, and Chuck Stewart of Hartford 401k will speak about the benefits of businesses starting 401ks for their employees and themselves. Call the chamber today to make a reservation, 361 275-2112.
DPS drivers license offices will be closed Monday The Texas Department of Public Safety drivers license offices will be closed on Monday in observance of Presidents' Day. All offices will resume their normal schedule on Tuesday.
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD Sec. A, Page 3
Tipless high-heel shoes banned from courtroom
By GLENN REA Record Editor & Publisher
Photo by Coy Slavik/Cuero Record
Whitley Mobile Dental Care is scheduled to be at Westhoff School in May.
TOOTH: Mobile unit has served over 4,000 students in three years
Continued from Page 1A
students in the area. “We come here to Hunt twice a year and to all the schools here at least once a year,” Hyden said. The unit offers examinations, cleanings, and x-ray services. Dr. Jerome Parma of San Antonio performs root canals and extractions in the unit. Hunt student Shelby Delane had two baby teeth extracted last week while under local anesthe-
sia. Delane said she had been coming to the mobile dental unit for two years. “The kids grab me in the hallway and ask me when it is their turn,” Hyden said. “We try to make it fun for them. They can watch movies on our TV while they wait.” Hyden said parents appreciate the convenience of the mobile unit. She also said many parents use Whitley’s services because the unit accepts Medicaid.
GRAMMY: Lewis credits local doctor Continued from Page 1A ored as being a beacon of inspiration for his resilience and faith in the presence of adversity. Krishnar's company, the Manhattan-based Lewis Agency, had a total of five artists receive Grammy nominations in various categories. Lewis received the Grammy for his work with Lewis Agency clients Cory Henry and Kirk Franklin. Prior to the Grammys, Lewis picked up two wins with his Artist Kim Burrell at the Stellar Awards for best female vocalist, and Executive Producer of the Year for “The Love Album.” In fashion-forward expectancy on the red carpet, Krishnar wore a straight-lined sleeveless full-length robe by Parisian designer Rick Owens, with a diamondand-stone shoulder embellishment leather jacket by Yves St. Laurent. Jewelery was provided by Harry Winston’s of New York. Lewis also facilitated the CNN “family and friends” coverage and
commentary for Whitney Houston’s passing while on the Grammy’s red carpet. Commentary was led by Houston’s best friend and spiritual advisor Kim Burrell. During the pre-telecast and recipients banquet, Lewis thanked his mother, Shirley Lewis, for being his main support, and among others cited Cuero’s Dr. Daniel Dugi Jr. for getting him through the initial stages of learning about the cancer diagnosis. Today, Krishnar is off chemotherapy and is in remission. “I know that God is real, and I know that he has given me a miracle,” he said. “He has healed me from cancer, just as he had done for my mother who is a 25-year cancer survivor.” The supermodel, singer, and industry executive plans to return to the runway in Paris, release his own inspirational album, and continue on with creating and producing various projects in the fashion, television and music industries.
Shanna Kurtz
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“The kids are out of class a lot less time and completely work in one or two appointments here instead of having to schedule five or six appointments when they take them out of school.” The unit serves an area of about a 60-mile radius around Victoria and will be at Westhoff Schol in May. “This is a very underutilized area,” Hyden said. “It’s hard to find dentists in rural areas like this.”
ROADS: Court, engineers to meet
Continued from Page 1A
Fowler said he wants the information in time for budget work sessions that begin this summer. The court will meet with the engineers in the near future to work out the details of the survey and fees. Representatives of the City of Cuero met with commissioners court to discuss DeWitt County Senior Citizen Center food program in Cuero. The center provides meals at the center and delivers meals to senior citizens that are shutins. However, the amount of money available to provide the meals is limited and expected to run out within the next three months. Mayor Sara Post Meyer, City Manager Raymie Zella and
Assistant City Manager James Washburn presented information to court asking for input on how to provide the meal service both short term and long term. It was noted Community Action Committee in Victoria prepares the meals and there is about $30,000 remaining in the meal budget. The court tabled the matter to gather information and will discuss it at a later meeting.
There was a time when county officials cautioned cowboys about wearing spurs into the courthouse because of the damage to the hardwood floors. Times have changed. In Monday’s meeting of DeWitt County Commissioners Court, the centered discussion around damage to the floors by women’s high heel shoes. Because the county recently restored its 115-year-old courthouse, policies and building-use rules were developed to preserve and protect the building. The floor in the district courtroom located on the second floor is long-leaf pine matching the original flooring. Caretakers at the courthouse have determined that high heel shoes without the rubber tip on the high heel are damaging the floor. County Treasurer Peggy Ledbetter explained to court members the dynamics of a high heel, without rubber tips, hitting the wood flooring. She said according to the National Wood Flooring Association, a 125-pound woman in high heels
Chamber banquet tickets on sale The Yorktown Chamber of Commerce invites the local business owners and the public to the 94th Annual Chamber Awards Banquet on March 15 at the Yorktown Community Hall. A social hour with appetizer will be held from 6 to 7 p.m, dinner
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Angelique Torres Love, Dad
Thank You Karen Henneke For 20 Years of Service Reuss & Valumart Pharmacies Feb. 17, 1992 to Feb. 17, 2012
has the force of 2,000 pounds per square inch on a floor. She added exposed nailheads (on a high heel tip) are especially brutal to a floor with a force reaching 8,000 lbs. psi. In an effort to protect the floors, the court agreed to change its policies to prohibit high heels without tips in the courtroom. Notices of the policy changes will be sent to the district court officers and attorneys. Notices will also be posted at the courtroom. Another discussion at the Monday meeting dealt with a new product commissioners may consider for road repairs. Aaron Googins of Oil and Gas Site Services in Hochheim met with the court to explain his road base material that contains cement. He said when mixed with standard road base gravel, the mixture holds up better to heavy truck traffic. He said examples of the road repair material has been used on some county roads in James Pilchek’s Precinct 2. The court said they would look at the test sites and discuss the matter at a future meeting.
will be served at 7 p.m. Individual tickets are available for $25, corporate tables seating eight are available for $250. To make a reservation, contact the chamber office at 361-5642661 or email by Feb. 23.
‘60th’ Birthday Party
It’s Smokie!!!
Saturday Feb. 18, 2012 Nordheim Shooting Club Hall Nordheim, TX From 4-8p serving at 6:00 Invitation by Press Only
In observance of Presidents’ Day, the City of Cuero Offices will be closed Monday, February 20, 2012 and reopen at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
The Sanitation (Garbage Pick-Up) schedule will be as follows: Residential: Monday 20th will run on Tuesday 21st Tuesday 21st will run on Wednesday 22nd Thursday and Friday will remain the same Commercial: Monday 20th will run on Tuesday 21st Tuesday 21st will run on Wednesday 22nd Wednesday thru Friday will remain the same The Citizens Collection Center will be closed Monday, February 20, 2012 and will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
Sec. A, Page 4 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
Keep Cuero Beautiful ‘Extravaganza’ garage sale scheduled for March 24
The Keep Cuero Beautiful Committee will host the Sixth Annual Garage Sale “Extravaganza” from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 24. The community is invited to participate in the sale. KCB encourages non-profits, such as schools, sports, church groups or civic clubs, to take advantage of this opportunity to reach a large and enthusiastic crowd of shoppers. The committee encourages those who are interested in participating to start spring cleaning now and gather items that are clean, useable, and will fill a void in someone else’s closet, home or yard for the sale. Items that are welcome for the sale include craft items, fun art, sports equipment,
Keep Cuero Beautiful ‘Extravaganza’
WHEN: Saturday, March 24 WHERE: Cuero Municipal Park INFORMATION: 361-275-2112 or
furniture, tools, and all types of new or used household items. Food vendors are also welcome at the sale. KCB will rent booth spaces to food vendors on a firstcome, first-served basis. Live animals, guns and ammo will not be accepted to be sold. Groups or individuals may purchase a space or two spaces for a
booth. The City of Cuero will waive the garage sale permit required. Booth spaces are available on the inner floor or around the perimeter of the pavilion. Because of the city’s pavilion expansion project last summer, there will be more perimeter spaces available to rent this year. Entry forms are available at the Cuero Chamber of Commerce, 124 E. Church, 361-275-2112. For more information, email Linda Henderson at lhenderson2 KCB will be selling quarts of hot, spicy dill pickles and requests that anyone who has glass quart jars taking up space donate them to the organization.
Edwin Carl Kelch Edwin Carl Kelch, 90, passed away on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012. He was born on Sept. 4, 1921 in Yorktown to Carl and Emma Treude Kelch. He attended Metting School and Baldwin Business School. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps from 1942 till 1946. He graduated from B-24 airplane mechanic school in Kessler, Mississippi and repaired airplanes. He spent months on ships going to Panama, Guam and Hawaii. He retired from Tex-Tan in 1987 after 37 years of service. He was a Victoria Advocate newspaper carrier and a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church in
Follow Breakfast proceeds to benefit Relay The Whataburger in Cuero will be hosting a panRelay For Life breakfast to support the Relay For Life of Record cake DeWitt County on Saturday, Feb. 25. Pancake Breakfast Each guest with a ticket will receive as many on pancakes as they can eat (only five will be in the drive-through). WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 25 Facebook offered All of the proceeds will be donated to the WHERE: Cuero Whataburger American Cancer Society Relay For Life of TICKETS: $3 and DeWitt County. PROCEEDS: Relay For Life of Tickets are $3 and can be purchased at DeWitt County Twitter Whataburger in Cuero. The DeWitt County Relay for Life is scheduled for Friday, April 20.
Grace Episcopal Church Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Pancakes (Plain, Blueberry & Pecan), Sausage, OJ, Coffee & Milk Tuesday, February 21st 5:30 to 7:00pm Proctor Hall • 102 E. Live Oak
Tickets: $6.00 Adults and $4.00 Children under 10
Month of February, 2012
202 S. Esplanade 275-2725 1-800-371-7787
Happy Birthday!
* Cynthia Sue*
Katie Click & Casey Hoefling February 25, 2012
And Happy Valentines Day! To My Precious Daughter
Ever yone Welcome!
Bridal Registry
*Alexandra Mary*
Veta Rangel Brianna Guajardo
Bridal Registry
February 17th Lisa Maldonado
107 E. Main St. 361-275-3115
Haley Brown & Chris Urbanovsky March 10, 2012
Megan Doehrman & Kelby Boehl April 14, 2012
February 19th
Megan Doehrman & Kelby Boehl April 14, 2012
All My Love, DAD
Raul Sanez
Kimberly Koenig & Scott Smalley March 31, 2012
Obituaries published daily at
Happy Birthday February 15th
Haley Brown & Chris Urbanovsky March 10, 2012
Yorktown. Survivors are daughter, Lois Diana Kelch of Yoakum along with cousins, nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by wife, Ida Helen Wunderlich Kelch. Family visitation on Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Funeral service at 2 p.m. on Friday at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Yorktown with Pastor Tim W. Muehlbrad officiating. Burial at St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery. Pallbearers include Daniel Goehring, Marvin Kremling, Gerard Robins, Douglas Leist, David Schroeder and Carl Eichhorn. Honorary pallbearers include Frank Rogge, Harlan Afflerbach, Fabian Opiela, Roy Wilems, Hollis Wood, Cordell Moore and Kenneth Zimmerman. Memorial contributions may be given to the church. Online guest book may be signed at Arrangements by Thiele-Cooper Funeral Home in Yoakum, 361293-5656.
Madison Garcia
February 21st
Misty Dromgoole & Robert Knox April 28, 2012
Happy Anniversary Robert & Felicia Hernandez
Check Out Our Cooking Class Schedule & Bridal Registry on click on our link to check out even more great items from The Cooking Depot!
February 19th Willie & Alma Echavarria
February 20th
Wedding Registry M-F 9-5, Sat 9-4
Haley Brown & Chris Urbanovsky March 10, 2012 Jennifer Miller& Trent Orosco April 14, 2012 110 N. Esplanade Cuero • 275-5134
Stop by and See Us! THE BOX
All organic vegetables and/or fruits Small BOX, Large BOX and Combination BOXES Call, 361-243-6373 or visit Organic Emporium-Cuero for details Orders must be prepaid and will be delivered to Organic Emporium-Cuero 361.243.6373 • 115 N. Esplanade • Cuero TX Mon. - Tues. 10:00 – 3:00 • Wed. 10:00 – 5:00 • Thurs. – Fri. 10:00 – 3:00
Come Join Us In Worship Services St. Mark’s Lutheran Church 400 N. Esplanade - Cuero 275-2845 Saturday Music - 5:45pm Saturday Worship - 6pm Sunday Worship - 9am Free Sunday Nursery 9am
Holy Communion Each Sat. and Sun.
Church of Christ Trevor Parker, Evangelist
Sunday Schedule: Bible Study - 9:30am • Morning Worship - 10:30am Casual Evening Worship - 5:00pm Wednesday Schedule: Evening Worship - 7:00pm “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” - John 8:32 1100 E. McArthur St. • Cuero • 361.275.8399
Sunday Nursery - Adult Bible Study 9 a.m. Worship & Children’s Church 10 a.m. (Nursery Provided) High School/ College Life Group 4p.m.
Wednesday Life Groups Meal Provided for Children 7 p.m. K-5 GIG 7 p.m. 6-8 Jr. High Life Group 7 p.m. Men & Women’s Life Group 7 p.m. Various Life Groups available throughout the week Check our website calendar for current activities
403 E. Sarah • 275-3920 Pastor Glen Moore, M.Th.
Call 275-3920 for prayer or Christian Counseling
New emergency system went into effect Monday
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD Sec. A, Page 5
County continues to see sales tax revenue increase from a year ago
DeWitt County announced Monday it has launched the Blackboard Connect mass notification platform to enhance communication and emergency preparedness. Residents can expect to receive the first county-wide test call on Thursday. DeWitt County has implemented the Blackboard Connect platform so county officials can stay connected with residents and provide direction to the community in an efficient, timely manner. Using the Blackboard Connect service, officials can record and send an unlimited number of personalized voice messages to home phones, businesses, local agencies and mobile phones in just minutes. The service also sends email, text messages (SMS) to mobile phones, and messages to TTY/TDD devices for people who are hearing impaired. “We want to stay connected to our residents and keep our communities as safe as possible,” said David Dodge, Emergency Management Coordinator for DeWitt County. “With the Blackboard Connect system, we’ll now have the ability to send messages to the residents regarding instances such as hazardous material warnings, utility outages or severe weather.” County officials can target each message to an unlimited number of groups and authorized users can also contact residents based on specific geographical location using a mapping feature. Targeted messages may include everything from mobilizing volunteers to
notifying a specific neighborhood about road closures. “We’re asking residents to register their contact information, especially cell phone numbers and email addresses, to ensure they’re ready to receive important messages during emergencies,” Dodge said. Publicly available primary residential and business phones in DeWitt County will automatically be included in the system. However, to make sure the county has the most up-to-date contact information, residents should visit the county’s website at and click on the link that says “Sign up now - services by Blackboard Connect” to provide their complete information (up to three phone numbers and two email addresses) and indicate if they have a TTY/TDD. Those without Internet access are encouraged to register their contact information by visiting any DeWitt County library branch where library staff can help residents log on to the secure portal, or by calling (361) 2750878. Residents with call blocking services should add (361) 275-0951 to their approved number list to ensure they receive important notifications from the town. Residents living within the City of Cuero or the City of Yoakum can be assured they will not receive duplicate messages from both county and city officials, and that they will continue to receive only messages from their city’s notification system.
Texas Comptroller Susan Combs said Wednesday that state sales tax revenue in January was $2 billion, up 9.5 percent compared to January 2011. In DeWitt County, Cuero received $439,955 in sales tax revenue for the month of January, a 40.23% increase from last year, when the city received $313,725. Yorktown received $65,906, a 31.33% increase from last year, when the city received $50,183. Nordheim received $3,531, an 87.91% increase from last year, when the city received $1,879.00. Goliad received $71,392 for the
month, a 14.79 increase from last year, when the city received $62,190. Gonzales received $402,820, a 43.99% increase from last year, when the city received $279,751. Nixon received $48,265, a 47.74% increase from last year, when the city received $32,265. “Sales tax revenue continues to grow in almost all major economic categories and revenue has now increased for 22 consecutive months,” Combs said. “The recent monthly increase was led by the oil and natural gas-related sectors. Restaurants and services sectors also showed significant gains.”
Adult Probation Department provided over 4,000 hours of community service the last three months The DeWitt County unit of the Adult Probation Department provides a number of services to the community. Among those are the victim restitution program and the community service restitution program. These programs provide vital services to the community. The victim restitution program is a service provided when the court orders a defendant to pay restitution to the victim for the loss they have suffered. The defendant pays this amount through the adult probation department, as a condition of probation. During the months of November and December 2011 and January 2012,
$20,631.60 was collected as a restitution by the department and dispensed to 45 victims. The community service restitution program is a service where defendants are ordered by the court to perform work for a non-profit group, church, school or a part of government. This program provides an actual dollar savings to the community as the work performed is work that is needed. During the months of November and December 2011 and January 2012, the community service restitution program provided 4,064.50 hours of volunteer service worth $29,467.63 to the community.
Yorktown museum makes Valentines for soldiers
Campaign signs must be placed on private land, out of right of way
During campaign season, the landscape blooms with a special kind of flower - the political sign. Unlike wildflowers that are welcome anywhere, putting campaign signs on public lands is illegal. It is illegal to place any signs on or within the right of way. This includes posting signs on trees, telephone poles, traffic signs and other objects on the right of way. Campaign signs along Texas roads can be placed on private property with the owner’s permission. Signs must be made of lightweight material and be no larger than 50 square feet.
Campaign signs may be posted as early as 90 days before an election (no earlier) and must be removed within 10 days after the election. Before placing a sign inside of incorporated city limits, check with the city for applicable ordinances. If a sign is in the right of way or posing a traffic hazard, it will be removed without prior notice. All costs associated with sign removal will be paid by the sign owner. For more information about the rules governing campaign signs, call (512) 416-2901.
The Yorktown Historical Museum hosted a “Valentines for Wounded Soldiers” party on Feb. 6 at 4 p.m. The museum provides the materials for the yearly event. The craft paper, glitter, doilies, yarn, markers, glue, decals, and heart punches enable attending children to do their creative best. Children are asked to personalize their valentines with an original message. The completed valentines will be given to patients in the United States Army Institute of Surgical Research
(USAISR) at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, or the San Antonio Medical The burn center is the sole burn center for the Department of Defense and is located on the fourth floor of the Brooke Army Medical Center. The soldiers at the center have endured some of the worst of war wounds, including third degree burns over most of their body. Some most endure amputation of limbs and painful treatment techniques to survive.
PUBLIC RECORDS Marriage licenses Antione S. Habersham and Jessica K. Hubbell Larry Williams and Juanita G. Gamboa
Assumed name certificates Nathan A. Parker dba Precision Transport
Deeds Schindler Revocable Trust and Margie D. Schindler to Michael Schindler, 217.2 acres-
Patrick May, Lavaca County Curry G. Roberts revocable trust to Curry Glassell, 640.154 acres - W. M. Robertson, Gonzales County Mechanism Exchange and Repair Inc. to Bruce Card and Dorothy Card, City of Yoakum
Oil, gas and mineral leases JJAD LLC to Unit Resources Inc., 87.10 acres-Elihu Moss Annette Moreno Ortega to Blue Eagle Energy LLC, (paidup) 5.03 acres-Lim & C Co.
JoAnn DeLosSantos to Blue Eagle Energy LLC, (paid-up) 5.03 acres- Lim & C Co. Marie Louise Santos to Blue Eagle Energy LLC, (paid-up) 5.03 acres-Lim & C Co. Robert Garza to Blue Eagle Energy LLC, (paid-up) 5.03 acres-Lim & C Co. Mary Helen Mungia to Blue Eagle Energy LLC, (paid-up) 5.03 acres-Lim & C Co. Eddie J. Garza to Blue Eagle Energy LLC, (paid-up) 5.03 acres-Lim & C Co.
Reuss Medical Equipment 511 N. Esplanade St. • Cuero, TX • 361-275-3412 Ext. 5 Reuss Medical offers a large line of medical equipment & services. Hospital Beds Wheelchairs Walkers (all types) Bathroom Safety Equipment Oxygen & Breathing Equipment St op i n a nd l e t Ga i l & Li nda he l p y ou w i t h a n y q u e s t io n s y o u ma y h a v e !
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Sec. A, Page 6 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
South Texas Conservative Voice Invites you to meet with other Texas conservatives
Our Goal: Replace Obama Chisholm Trail Museum 302 N. Esplanade Cuero, Texas Monday, February 20, 2012 Meet and Greet 6:30 pm Program 7:00pm
Special Guest Speaker: Buddy Barnes Buddy has personally worked against the Obama Regime in Chicago. The knowledge and insight he will share are facts we all should know. We are also very proud to announce: Peter Hannan will be speaking on our loss of liberties.
Hot Topics include attacks on: ★ ★ ★ ★
Religion Fracking Keystone Pipeline The Lizard
As Americans, our backs are to the wall. This regime has too many Czars. Our constitution is being chipped away. We’re becoming a third world country.
It is past time to act. We are a grassroots effort! We are volunteers who are through sitting back and complaining. The clock is ticking!
This ad is paid for by the following volunteers: Kay & Lee Tillman, Paul Guidry, Neva and Allan Irwin, Judy & Tony Chandler, Roger Hotz, Jan and Ron Boehm, Richard Hogue P. O. Box 5 Nordheim, Texas 78141
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD Sec. A, Page 7
RecordSchools WESTHOFF ISD
GVEC taking applications for scholarship program
Contributed photos
Westhoff School competitors at the recent academic meet were, front row from left, Kelly Constable, Karli Sellers, Ancelmo Cruces, Thomas Vandeveer, Jonathon Gamez, and Edna Yoder; and, back row from left, Lovina Yoder, Celest Johnson, Katelyn Sellers, and Kiana Dyer.
Applications are now being accepted for the GVEC Scholarship program for graduating high school seniors planning to continue their education. Last year, the Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative awarded a total of $37,500 to 15 outstanding students across the GVEC service territory. Scholarship recipients are selected based on a combination of criteria including scholastic achievement, extracurricular activities, community service and ambition to further their education. To be considered, students must submit a resume, high school transcript and a GVEC scholarship application, available online at or at any GVEC area office. Area school counselors also have applications. “We want students to have the opportunity to reach their full potential, which is something we can help them accomplish through the GVEC Scholarship program,” said GVEC
General Manager and CEO Darren Schauer. “We are proud to reward our area’s students for their hard work as well as their commitment to higher education.” To be eligible for a scholarship, the student’s parents or primary guardian must have an active GVEC electric account. The student must also be a 2012 high school graduate able to meet admission requirements of the university or trade school selected. For more information about GVEC Scholarships, visit GVEC must receive applications by March 1. GVEC is an electric cooperative that serves over 68,000 meters across 13 Texas counties. The service area spans 3,500 square miles across South Central Texas. The headquarters is located in Gonzales, Texas with four area offices in the cities of Schertz, Seguin, La Vernia and Cuero.
ST. MICHAEL’S SCHOOL George Washington pays a visit As one of the school’s Catholic Schools Week activities, students at St. Michael’s School were visited by George Washington, aka Mark Collins, Pastor of First Baptist Church in Yorktown. He talked to the students about the founding of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and the constitution. Student volunteers helped him demonstrate anarchy, a dynasty and a republic.
Westhoff captures third place at Meyersville academic meet
Westhoff School competitors at the recent academic meet were, front row from left, Dallin Galindo, Utah Jalufka, Thomas Allen, Kristina Salgado, Brooklynn Ivey, Rachel Yoder, Brianna Gamez, Allyssa Gamez, and Lillie Vandeveer; and, back row from left, Katy Gwosdz, Gabrielle Jalufka, Kailee Curlee, Amber Colbert, Sylvia Yoder, Rosalinda Mata, Sephra Barron, and Dalton Spencer.
Westhoff School students in Grades 28 competed in the Small Schools UIL Academic Meet held recently at Meyersville School. The meet was comprised of schools in Westhoff, Meyersville, Sweet Home, Ezzell, Vysehrad and Nursery. Westhoff students placed third overall in the elementary division. Katelyn Sellers placed fifth and Kelly Constable fourth in ready writing. Lovina Yoder placed first in spelling, third in ready writing, fifth in number sense, and sixth in mathematics. Edna Yoder placed first in spelling, third in ready writing and third in number sense. Kiana Dyer placed third in oral reading. Ethan Rhotenberry placed first in social studies and fourth in oral reading. Thomas Vandeveer placed fourth in
social studies. Jonathon Gamez placed fourth in ready writing. Dalton Spencer placed first in ready writing. Katy Gwosdz placed first in number sense and fifth in ready writing. Gabrielle Jalufka placed third in oral reading. Lillie Vandeveer placed third in ready writing and fourth in oral reading. Allyssa Gamez placed fifth in spelling. Rachel Yoder placed sixth in ready writing. Thomas Allen placed first in spelling and fourth in storytelling. Dallin Galindo placed fifth in creative writing. Utah Jalufka placed first in creative writing. Amber Colbert, Kailee Curlee, Kristina Salgado, Sephra Barron, Rosalin-da Mata, Raven Dyer, Celest Johnson, Karli Sellers, Brooklynn Ivey, and Ancelmo Cruces also competed.
Breakfast and lunch menus
Following is the Westhoff ISD breakfast menu: Wednesday, Feb. 15-scrambled egg, toast, juice/milk Thursday, Feb. 16-waffles, sausage, milk/juice Friday, Feb. 17-sausage biscuit, juice/milk Monday, Feb. 20-breakfast pizza, juice/milk
Tuesday, Feb. 21-breakfast bagel, orange wedges, milk Following is the Westhoff ISD lunch menu: Wednesday, Feb. 15-king ranch chicken, salad, green beans, pears Thursday, Feb. 16-beef and macaroni, corn, peas, mixed fruit, bread
Friday, Feb. 17-barbecue on a bun, chips, pickle and onions, pork and beans, peaches Monday, Feb. 20-chicken tenders, potatoes with gravy, broccoli, fruit salad, bread Tuesday, Feb. 21-grilled cheese sandwiches, cup of soup, corn chips, bananas and strawberries
RecordHome&Garden This is time to plant trees, shrubs for home landscaping
Now is the time to think about planting fruit trees, ornamental annuals and other plants in South Central Texas for home landscaping and to show in spring competition, said a Texas AgriLife Extension Service expert in San Antonio. “While there’s still an outside chance of a hard freeze, indications are good that the rest of winter will be mild enough to allow plant establishment and survival to the spring,” said David Rodriguez, AgriLife Extension agent for horticulture, Bexar County. “And if you have a greenhouse or other climate-controlled growing area, the weather is even less of a factor.” He said the South Central Texas climate permits the planting of trees, shrubs and ornamental plants just about all year long.
“When planting a tree, shrub or ornamental plant, you can back fill the hole with the dirt you dug out, and this allows for more uniform water penetration to the root area,” he said. “Make sure the plantings have fresh, plump roots and briefly soaking the root system in water. Then when you dig the hole, make the sides rough, not smooth. After the initial watering, you can water the roots sparingly as dormant plants need less water.” Rodriguez said an early start on planting will be particularly helpful to people interested in participating in spring competitions, including the Alamo Area Horticulture Show and Contest which will take place May 26 during Festival of Flowers activities in San Antonio.
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MEYERSVILLE ISD Breakfast and lunch menus Following is the Meyersville ISD breakfast menu: Wednesday, Feb. 15-ham and cheese croissant, cereal, yogurt, juice/milk Thursday, Feb. 16-sausage biscuit, cereal, juice/milk Friday, Feb. 17-waffles, cereal, yogurt, juice/milk Monday, Feb. 20-pig in a
blanket, cereal, juice/milk Tuesday, Feb. 21-donut, cereal, yogurt, juice/milk Following is the Meyersville ISD lunch menu: Wednesday, Feb. 15-hamburger, salad, French fries, fruit, milk Thursday, Feb. 16-nachos with beef, ranch style beans,
salad with crackers, fruit, milk Friday, Feb. 17-hot dog, sliced cucumber, carrot sticks, pretzels, fruit, milk Monday, Feb. -steak fingers, mashed potatoes, peas, roll, fruit, milk Tuesday, Feb. 21-chicken and noodles, green beans, crackers, fruit, milk
Sec. A, Page 8 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
RecordSchools School board discusses possible exit agreement with superintendent By COY SLAVIK Record Managing Editor
The Cuero ISD board of trustees met Thursday to discuss a possible buyout of the remainder of superintendent Henry Lind’s three-year contract. The board met two hours in closed session. “There was no action taken at this time,” board president B.J. Drehr said. “If we do decide to take action on it, it will be at a properly posted meeting.” The next scheduled school board meeting is Thursday. The board took no action on Lind’s contract at last month's meeting. Lind still has two years and four months remaining on his current threeyear contract. Drehr would not comment on the board’s reasons for pursuing a buyout of Lind's contract. He would also not say if the board made Lind an offer. Both Lind and the school board were represented by legal counsel at
First reported Feb. 9 at Thursday’s meeting, according to Drehr. “Once more conversation is made between counsel, we will see where everything goes,” Drehr said. The 7 p.m. meeting opened with the board immediately going into closed session. After returning from closed session, Drehr asked if there was anymore business and then pronounced the meeting adjourned. Lind exited the DeWittLavaca Special Education Cooperative building without comment. Two parents of Cuero ISD students and two other interested citizens were in attendance. Drehr said the board did not make Lind a monetary offer. “If it was not made out here (in open session), no offer was made,” Drehr said.
Head Start now taking applications for 2012-13 Cuero head Start is accepting applications for the 2012-13 school year . Children must be 3 years old on or before
Sept. 1, 2011. For information, call Olga Lopez at 361-2758471.
Hunt’s ‘Texas Our Texas Festival’ set for March 3 Hunt Elementary will hold its Texas Our Texas Festival from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 3. There will be a silent auction, raffle, food, and
games. The first grade will participate at 10:30 a.m., the second grade at 11 a.m., and third grade at 11:30 a.m.
Cuero Community Hospital
Cuero Record photo
Cuero Intermediate School collected 2,892 pounds of recyclable materials for the Recycle Bowl. Shown are Christi Fuchs with members of her fifth-grade science class by the campus paper and plastic bins.
CIS places 23rd in Recycle Bowl Cuero Intermediate School recently placed 23rd in the Recycle Bowl contest held by Keep America Beautiful. The campus collected 2,892 pounds of recycled materials, including 1,630 pounds of cardboard and 1,141 pounds of paper. The average amount of recycled material per student or teacher was 6.15 pounds. Christi Fuchs, fifth grade science teacher, led the campus in participation of the event. “I was so excited about the idea of a recycling competition and my enthusiasm was matched by our students,” Fuchs said. To encourage participation in the contest, the fifth grade class hosted a recycling carnival where
fourth through sixth graders learned about recycling, reusing and reducing waste through various games. As part of the rules of the contest, students and staff could only recycle materials found on campus. No materials were brought from the student’s homes. Fuchs said that it was not difficult to get the campus prepared for the contest. “It was exciting to realize that our school was already doing so much recycling prior to the competition,” Fuchs said. “Our student council and cafeteria were managing the collection of many recyclable material already.” Fuchs said that simple changes
Cuero High School academic meet results YOAKUM - Following are Cuero High School's results from Saturday's Yoakum High School Invitational UIL Academic Meet:
Briana Gibbs: first place, accounting. Nathan Wendel: fifth place,12th-grade calculator; first place, overall physics.
2550 N. Esplanade • Cuero, TX
Outpatient Center Schedule
Stop wasting valuable time straining yourself to lift heavy wheelchairs, Invacare transport chair can weigh up to 50% less than standard wheelchairs.
Thursday - February 16th Gynecology (Well Woman) Alyson Kirchner, M.D. Neurology (Nervous System) B. Vijay Kumar, M.D. Urology (Urinary Tract) Robert Ryan III, M.D.
Monday - February 20th Cardiology (Heart) Dakshesh Parikh, M.D. General Surgery Matthew Janzow, M.D. Nephrology (Kidneys) Yong Du, M.D. Podiatry (Feet) Neil Campbell, D.P.M.
Tuesday - February 21st Cardiology (Heart) Harish Chandna, M.D. Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat) Jennifer Hennessee,M.D. Pain Management J. L. White Jr., M.D.
Wednesday - February 22nd
Amber Lyons
Student of the Week
Cardiology (Heart) Robert Oakley Jr., M.D. General Surgery (Operation) William Wagner Jr., M.D. Oncology/Hematology (Cancer/Blood) Ahmad Qadri, M.D. Orthopedic (Bone & Joint) Trent Twitero, M.D. Podiatry (Feet) Neil Campbell, D.P.M.
“February is American Heart Month-Love Your Heart!” These physicians are independent contractors and are not employees of Cuero Community Hospital.
To view Specialty Clinic’s monthly schedule and CCH Services, go to For information or appointments call Central Scheduling at 361-275-0170.
in the student’s daily habits contributed to the significant amount of material that was collected. “We focused our efforts on making students more aware so they would place paper in the recycling bin instead of the trash can. This contest increased student and teacher awareness of the waste we generate” Fuchs said. She hopes that although the contest has ended, her students will continue to recycle at school and in their own homes. “I consider these lessons to be life lessons,” Fuchs said. “It is my desire first for them to internalize the knowledge for their own use and second to share that information with others.”
Amber is a senior at Cuero High School. She has excelled in the vocational work program and always has a positive attitude. You really exemplify the Gobbler spirit, Amber!
Fightin’ Gobblers
Travis Molnoskey: third place, 11th-grade calculator; second place, 11th-grade number sense; sixth place, overall number sense; second place, 11th-grade science; fourth place, overall science; second place, overall chemistry. Zach Wendel: fifth place, 11th-grade calculator; sixth place, 11th-grade math. Haley VanSlooten: third place, ninth-grade calculator; fifth place, ninth-grade math. Nathan Wendel, Travis Molnoskey, and Ryan Beer: third place, calculator; eighth place, 12th-grade number sense; third place, 12th-grade science; sixth place, overall science. Beatriz Rodriguez: third place, computer applications. Blaire Jemelka: sixth place, computer applications. Madison Simpson: seventh place, computer applications. James Fernandez, Elias
Alcazar, and Brandy Cole: third place, literary criticism. Ryan Beer: second place, 12th-grade math; second place, overall math; second place, 12th-grade number sense; third place, overall number sense; fifth place, 12th-grade science; eighth place, overall science; second place, overall physics. Katie Drehr: third place, 10th-grade math. William Hogan: first place, ninth-grade math; second place, ninth-grade number sense; eighth place, ninthgrade science. Ryan Beer, Nathan Wendel, and Wyatt Brennan: third place, math. Ryan Beer, Nathan Wendel, Travis Molnoskey, and William Hogan: second place, number sense. Travis Molnoskey, Nathan Wendel, and William Hogan: second place, science.
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD Sec. A, Page 9
Cuero PD closes John C. French investigation with no charges
No arrests will be made in the Cuero Police Department investigation of alleged sexual contact between a independent contracted worker and a child at John C. French Elementary. According to a news release issued by the Cuero PD on Wednesday, no evidence of wrongdoing was determined after a nearly month-long investigation of the alleged incident that was reported on Jan. 9. The alleged suspect submitted to a polygraph test and was also interviewed by Texas Department of Public Safety officers, according to the
First reported Feb. 9 at
release, which also stated that the alleged suspect passed the polygraph test. The alleged victim was interviewed by the Cuero PD and state forensic interview specialists. Numerous school district employees and members of the alleged victim's family were also interviewed. The alleged victim is no a student of the Cuero Independent School District. The news release stated that no further action will be taken in the case.
DEWITT COUNTY ARREST REPORT EDITOR’S NOTE: All subjects listed in the following arrest report are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, in a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In the event of dropped/reduced charges, The Record will publish an additional notice at the request of the arrestee. In order to do so, official documentation supporting the claim from the DeWitt County Sheriff’s Office, Cuero Police Department or Yorktown Police Department must be submitted to The Record by the arrestee. ----Following is the DeWitt County arrest report for Feb. 28 as submitted to The Record by the DeWitt County Sheriff’s Office. Jail Average Daily Count – 70 Inmates Housed for Other Agencies – 8
Feb. 2 No arrests
Feb. 3 No arrests
Feb. 4 Rex Alan Kelley, 28, of
Gonzales. Driving while intoxicated (2nd). Bond of $1,200. DPS.
Feb. 5 Roger Gonzales, 40, of Cuero. Speeding 16-20 mph above limit. Fine of $226 (30 days to pay). Failure to appear on speeding 16-20 mph above limit. Fine of $367 (30 days to pay). Cuero PD.
Feb. 6 Ruperto Herrera, 26, of Cuero. Criminal non-support (Waller Co.). No bond. Capias pro fine/DWLI. Fine of $579. Capias pro fine/xxpired license. Fine of $352.30. Capias pro fine/no insurance. Fine of $657.08. DPS. Erica Maldonado, 17, of Cuero. Possession of dangerous drug. Bond of $1,000. Cuero PD. Willie Deleon Saenz Sr., 41, of San Antonio. Driving while intoxicated (1st). Bond of $1,000. Disorderly conduct-language. 30 days to pay. Fail to stop and render aid. 30 days to pay. Fail to display drivers license. 30 days to pay. DPS. Martin Moreno, 44, of Robstown. Criminal non-sup-
port (Cameron Co). Cash bond of $1,500. DPS. Ulysses Ortega, 23, of River Oaks. Driving while license invalid. Bond of $1,000. Cuero PD.
Feb. 7 Tommy Bell, 42, of Spring. Assault family/house member impede breath/circulation. Bond of $10,000. DeWitt County SO. Jeremiah Bullock, 24, of Cuero. Prohibited weapons. Bond of $10,000. Cuero PD. Patricia Ann Saenz, 30, of Cuero. Criminal trespass. Bond of $1,000. Cuero PD.
Feb. 8 Clifton Johnson, 36, of Cuero. Violation of probation on possession of marijuana. Bond of $1,000. DeWitt County SO. Steven Black, 46, of Houston. Violation of probation on DWI (3rd or more). No bond. DeWitt County SO. Isaiah Garza, 28, of Yorktown. Capias pro fine on driver not secured by seatbelt. Fine of $331.50. Yorktown PD.
DEWITT COUNTY SO ACTIVITY REPORT Following is the DeWitt County Sheriff’s activity report for Feb. 39 as submitted to The Record by the DCSO: Number of loose livestock calls - 15 Make or assist with crash scene/DPS - 3
Feb. 3 Checked out a suspicious vehicle on FM 236 Responded to a 9-1-1 abuse call on Heaton St. Checked out a suspicious person on Esplanade St. Responded to a shots-fired call on Bridge St. Checked on an abandoned vehicle on Hwy. 87S Responded to an animal bite call on Hwy. 119S Assisted another agency on Hwy. 119N Checked on abandoned vehicle on Hwy. 108 Responded to a loose livestock call on Emil Blank Rd. Spoke to subject in reference to a dog possibly being shot on Broadway Responded to a loose livestock call on Hwy. 77A Returned property to a citizen on Clayton St.
Feb. 4 Preformed a welfare check on Lynch Ave. Assisted Cuero PD with a disturbance call on Esplanade Responded to a vehicle stuck in roadway on Lincke Rd. Responded to a theft report on Hwy. 183N Assisted Cuero PD with an accident on S. Esplanade Assisted a motorist on Hwy. 183N Responded to a residential alarm in 500 block of Hwy. 87S Assisted DPS with an accident on Hwy. 87N
Feb. 5 Preformed an extra patrol in 1200 block of Lakeside Checked out a suspicious vehicle on Hwy. 72 bridge Responded to a loose live-
stock call on Old Yoakum Rd. Assisted Cuero PD with a traffic hazard on N. Esplanade Took report on a dog bite on Shirley Ross Rd. Responded to a report of a female sitting on the side of the road on Hwy. 72 Preformed a business check on Hwy. 111W Preformed a business check at Yoakum KFC Hall Responded to a verbal domestic call on Morris Community Rd. Assisted DPS with an accident on Old Gonzales Rd.
Feb. 6 Located an abandoned vehicle on Hwy. 87N Responded to a road hazard on FM 237 Assisted Cuero PD with a disturbance on Dunn St. Responded to a road hazard on Hwy. 183N Responded to suspected animal abuse Hopkinsville Rd. Responded to a loose livestock call on FM 682 Responded to a loose livestock call on Cooley Rd. Responded to a physical assault call in 700 block of Hwy. 183S Assisted Cuero PD with a civil issue in 200 block of E. Newman Assisted a disabled motorist on Hwy. 87N Attempted to locate a reckless driver on Hwy. 87S Responded to a report of a reckless driver on Hwy. 183S Assisted Cuero PD with an accident in 900 block of N. Esplanade Assisted Cuero PD with a gas drive off on N. Esplanade
Feb. 7 Assisted DPS with an accident on Hwy. 183N Responded to a report of a suicide attempt on Lane St. Checked out a reported road hazard on Old Yoakum Rd. Responded to a report of loose livestock on FM 1447 Responded to a civil call on
Mesquite Ln. Assisted a disabled motorist on Esplanade Located a reckless driver on Esplanade Checked on a suspicious vehicle on FM 236 Responded to a loose livestock call on FM 682
Feb. 8 Removed an animal carcass from the roadway on Broadway Assisted with a civil standby on Sam Morris Rd. Responded to a loose livestock call on Old Yoakum Rd. Responded to a loose livestock call on Lockhart Cemetery Rd. Responded to a loose animal call on Hwy. 183 Completed a warrant service at the adult probation office Responded to a loose livestock call on FM 951 Assisted Cuero PD with a utilities call on Esplanade Responded to a loose livestock call on Hwy. 183 Responded to a criminal mischief call on Biemer Rd. Responded to an attempted robbery call on Hwy. 87N Located an abandoned vehicle on Hwy. 72 Completed a business check on Hwy. 183S
Feb. 9 Responded to a loose livestock call on Westhoff Cemetery Rd. Responded to a loose livestock call on Ckodre Rd. Responded to a road hazard on FM 240 Responded to an identity theft situation on State Highway 119 North Arrested two subjects on N Gonzales St. Responded to a loose livestock call on Hwy. 77A Responded to a loose livestock call on Hwy. 119 Attempted to locate a reckless driver on Hwy. 87S
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Page 10, THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
DeWitt County
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In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 119 East Main St. • Cuero, TX 77954
Sell It Here!
In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242 133 East Main St. • Yorktown, TX 78164
Mastercard and Visa Accepted. Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. Deadline: Monday, 10:00a.m. Town Hall Meeting to Help Plan Cuero’s Future Course The City of Cuero and Cuero Development Corporation will host a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, beginning at 6:30 PM at The Venue at 125 E. Church St., Cuero. All residents, business owners and other community stakeholders are invited to participate to offer ideas and express ambitions for the City’s future. The Town Hall Meeting is an early step in preparing a long-range plan to help guide the decisions of both the City Council and the CDC Board. Items to be considered during the Town Hall Meeting will be types, patterns, and directions of future growth, the location and timing of annexation projects, needed water, wastewater, and drainage improvements, and quality of life enhancements such as parks, sidewalks, and beautification projects. Identified needs will then be prioritized and incorporated into a strategy and improvement project for the community. Participants will be asked to consider such questions as how much and where should Cuero grow? How do we preserve our uniqueness and valued small town atmosphere? What street and other infrastructure improvements are needed? Are new parks and green spaces needed? Where and what are the community’s most important priorities? Once the information is gathered, needs identified and prioritized, the community will be able to review the draft plan either on line at or at the City Administration Bldg. The final plan is scheduled for presentation to the City Council and the CDC Board in November 2012. For more information about the Town Hall Meeting, please contact John Washburn, City of Cuero, 361 243-0275 or Randall Malik, CDC Director, 361 275-4608.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE To satisfy a contractual Landlords lein on delinquent rental units, contents of the units listed below will be sold to the highest bidder on the 25th day of February, 2012 at 10:00 AM at Jewel Box Storage, located at Park and McLeod Streets, Cuero, TX. Unit 17 Lets Stand To gether “Isabel Patton”, Unit 40 Eileene Burgos, Unit 47 Jeffery Barefield, Unit 52 Guadalupe Pompa, Unit 66 Chedrick Johnson. General Contents: Household items, furniture and appliances. Contents may be
reclaimed by paying entire amount due prior to the time of sale. Each unit bid on will have a reserve (minimum bid). Seller reserves the right to withdraw property at anytime from the sale.
Beautiful 3br 2ba home on 2 city lots w/great view in Cuero! Workshop, garage, morgan bldg 2 covered decks. This is a must see! Call Tom Lee @ 361-573-0206 or 361-489-5285!
Homes For Rent
Need your yard mowed & edged. Reasonable rates. Call 361-275-3163.
2br/1ba house. Central air & heat, completely furnished. Single family resi dence, no pets or smoking. Monthly rent $1100. with yard maintenance. De posit $450. Secure neighborhood. Ref erences required. 361-564-8373.
Seeking Employ ment. Carpententry, sheet rock, trim. 12 years remodeling and new construction experience. 361564-9365. Do Dis! Do Dat! Handyman. Big or Small Dirty or Clean Reasonable rates. 361-4844730.
2BR furn. rental in quiet res. neighbor hood. New appli ances, w/d. utilities, WiFi, exp., cable all i n c l u d e d . $2400/$700 dep. 361-652-2593.
Lost & Found
Attention: Oilfield/ Contractors. Tired of motels? For RentAvailable Immedi ately. 3BR brick house in Yoakum. C/A/H, D.W., kitchen range, fenced backyard. Rent & deposit are negotiable. Long term or short term. Call 361-293-5726 for info. Cell 361208-5114.
LOST Turkeyfest Weekend. Male Black Lab. Call 281413-6514. Reward! LOST: Male German Shepherd. 564- 9538 or 648-0051.
REAL ESTATE Homes For Sale Home for sale in Yorktown Tx for $109,720 3b2b on large lot. Call Lizz Garza with Redding & Associates for more info at 361571-5499.
2br/2ba House Available. Duplex: 2br/2ba. One large, one small. 5500591. References required.
Very nice country home on 7.25 acres in Meyersville ISD. 3BR, 3BA brick home with a 2 car detached garage, inground pool, barn, and corral. 361-6484648.
One room cabins for rent in Nordheim. Daily/Weekly/Monthly. Ideal for Oilfield/Pipeline workers. Have kitchenette, laundry, internet & satellite TV. 361/564-9145; 361/938-7208 or 832/326-4897.
For Rent: 2br 1 1/2ba. Available March 1st. 2758826.
Apartments For Rent Oilfield Apartment Rentals 1 br $800, 2 br $1000 3 br $1200. Cuero 361-275-8882.
Commercial Prop For Rent Hwy frontage retail space plus 6 offices and parking for lease, 712 E. Broadway. One year lease or more and serious inquires only. Can be seen Mon.-Fri. 8-5 or by appt. 361275-8208 Double Bar K Rentals. 4 bay shop with of fice, enclosed park ing lot for lease, 712 B. E. Broadway. One year lease or more and serious inquires only. Can be seen Mon.-Fri. 8-5 or by appt. 361-275- 8208 Double Bar K Rentals. Storage units for rent multi sizes or 30 x 100 building for rent. be seen Can Mon.-Fri. 8-5 or by appt. 361- 275-8208 Bar K Double Rentals. Available: 3 Room Office suite in professional building on Esplanade. 275-6334. Two story ware house with office for lease, large entry door into warehouse, 712 E. Broadway. One year lease or more and serious inquires only. Can be seen Mon.-Fri. 8-5 or by appt. 361-275-8208 Double Bar K Rentals.
NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice pursuant to Sec. 263.001 of the Local Government Code is hereby given to all interested persons that DeWitt County by and through its duly appointed Commissioner, John C. Oliver, will sell pursuant to public auction on March 6, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. on the steps of the DeWitt County Courthouse facing N. Gonzales St. the following tract of land: Being all that certain parcel or tract of land containing 0.871 acre out of the David Hunter Survey A-586 located in DeWitt County, Texas, and being a part of that called 1-Acre tract described in deed to Ed Koenig, County Judge from D. Hunter recorded in vol. 37 Page 340 in the deed records of said County. DeWitt County will comply with Section 263.002 of the Local Government Code relating to priorities and required sales prices. DeWitt County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN C. OLIVER DEWITT COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 3
NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice pursuant to Sec. 263.001 of the Local Government Code is hereby given to all interested persons that DeWitt County by and through its duly appointed Commissioner, John C. Oliver, will sell pursuant to public auction on March 6, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. on the steps of the DeWitt County Courthouse facing N. Gonzales St. the following tract of land: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in DeWitt County, Texas, on the west side of the Guadalupe River, on the waters of Clear Creek, it being a part of Section No. 17 Indianola Railroad Company Surveys and continues as follows: Beginning at the North corner of said Section No. 17 I.R.R. Co. Surveys, thence S. 60 ̊ E 85 1⁄2 varas to a stake on line between Sections Nos. 17 & 66 I.R.R. Co. Surveys, thence S 30 ̊ W. 66 varas a stake; thence N. 60 ̊ W. 85 1⁄2 varas to a stake on line of Section No. 17 I.R.R. Co. Surveys, thence N. 30 ̊ E 66 varas to the place of beginning containing one (1) acre of land. DeWitt County will comply with Section 263.002 of the Local Government Code relating to priorities and required sales prices.
DeWitt County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN C. OLIVER DEWITT COUNTY COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 3
Visit Us On The Web: Web •
021512_**Mexia Master Template-New2222 2/13/12 4:55 PM Page 2
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD, Page 11
DeWitt County MARKETPLACE The Classified Pages that serve all of DeWitt County.
In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 • In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242
Land For Sale
Cash lump sum payments for Mineral Rights and Royalty Interests 713-5322466 Call Suzie.
El Campo Cycle Center’s Factory Certified Mechanics can service your bike! Honda, suzuki, Polaris, ATVs, UTVs, motorcycles! Best price,service, selection! 979-543- 8442 www.El
Water front lot in The Sanctuary. Port O’Connor. 60ft of water front bulkhead, electricity and water on site. Next to intracoastal canal. $89,900. 361-9202848.
Land For Lease 10 acres Hwy 119 Slickfield Rd. Price negotiable. RV’s welcome. Call Max 512-657-8788. Wanted 3 - 7 Acres for a long term lease with road frontage on or close to Hwy. 119 or Hwy 80 be tween Gillett and Karnes City or York town guaranteed income. Contact Suzie 713-532-2466.
Mobile Homes For Sale 1) First Time Home Buyers Program. For people with NO Credit or Scores as low as 575 NOT BELOW. Fayette 800-369-6888 RBI 32986 2) Repo’s- Large Selection of Remodeled Doublewides Save Thousands. Sundays open from 1-6. 800-369-6888 Fayette Country Homes RBI 32986 3) Save! 3 bed room Singlewides 2006 Models Never Lived in 5 to choose from Call for Details. 979-743-6192 Fayette Country Homes RBI 32986. 2001 16x80 Palm Harbor. 3br 2 bath, ceramic tile & carpet flooring, hardy panel exterior, excellent condition. Owner must sell. 361-6761273.
TRANSPORTATION Automobiles SIMPLY THE BEST deals on new Chevrolets and GMCs AND over 100 used vehi cles with financing to fit most credit. Grafe Chevrolet GMC, Hallettsville, TX 800-798-3225 or 361-798-3281.
Recreational Vehicles 1998 Wilderness 5th wheel. 3 push-outs. Sleeps 4. Good condition. For Sale $7,500. Call 210854-4218 (Ron). RV spots for rent in Gonzales, Tx. Please call (830)672-6057, Restrooms w/show ers, private laundry room, cable and wifi, paved road, & pool. 28ft BPull Travel Trailers Queen Bed Room. Financing Available www.tx Sleeps 4-6 Like NEW 979 743 1514 or 800-369-6888. Two Travel Trailers For Rent. $200 wkly Call 361-550-2221.
ITEMS FOR SALE General Merchandise BLEM SPA reduced to sell Fast. Warranty. Fin. Avail. 361-570-3469 ONLY ONE LEFT 12x20 OFFICE REDUCED TO SELL. State sealed $3,600 factory rebate 361/575-0407. Bowflex tread climber. 1 yr. old. $1750. 361-2758081. Headache rack. Full size, heavy duty, complete window protection. 2� square tubing, long supports $225. 361-275-3608. Green Ashley double recliner sofa $250. Like new & other furniture. Thomasville cre denza and china hutch, hard rock maple tongue & groove felt drawers. $500. 210-854-4218.
Livestock EDNA ALL BREED BULL SALE Monday, Feb 27, 10 am. Featuring 100 Charolais, Angus, Brangus, & Hereford Bulls. Edna
Saturday, February 18th
Doors 8:00pm ----- Music @ 9pm Tickets $10 at the door All Ages Welcome SCHROEDER GRILL WILL BE OPEN!
Saturday, March 17th - JARROD BIRMINGHAM Saturday, March 24th - JOHN CONLEE
Livestock Auction. Switzer Auction Services. 979-885-2400. switzerauction. net TXS #7342.
Pets & Supplies AKC Yorkie pups. Wormed & first shot. 80% pad trained. $850. Parents 4 1/26 lbs. 979-299-4331. For Sale: 2 month old male black Schnauzer. Has all shots. Also a carry ing cage & pen. 361-275-3814.
Cuero Garage Sales 1008 E. Morgan. Fri. 2/17, 8A-5P, Sat. 2/18, 8A-2P.
Yorktown Garage Sales Inside Yard Sale! Rain or shine! Little bit of everything. Thurs., Fri., & Sat. 600 2nd Street. Sat. Feb. 18, 8-5. 1268 Royal Oaks #1. 3.5 miles South/ Yorktown. Red sofa, refrigerator, 8x10 rug, drapes, twin headboard, misc.
EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted TLC STAFFING RN $35-$38 LVN $25-$28 Daily Pay. Urgent needs. Many shifts in hospitals & Nursing homes to choose from. Work whenever & wherever you like. Taxes withheld. Paid OT & Lodging. Call TLC STAFFING 361-578-8588. Looking for Class A CDL Drivers with or without Hazmat. Good pay, good trucks, plenty of work. Call between 9am-3pm M-F. 361-938-7272.
Immediate Opening Cuero Home Health PHC/CBA has openings for attendants in Cuero and Yorktown and Kenedy areas. Duties in clude houseclean ing, personal care, and cooking. Con tact Ermalinda Villa @ 361-275-8650 or 1-800-348-4364. The Yorktown Public Library is seeking a library aide. This person will work at the circulation desk, process and shelve books, and assist patrons with other library needs. This is a part-time posi tion of two afternoons per week from 1p.m. to 5p.m. (with a minimum of 8 hours per week). Some extra hours may be requested periodically to assist the library director. Computer skills and the ability to interact positively with the public are essential. Interested persons may contact the Yorktown Public Library at 564-3232 for additional infor mation or fill out an application at City Hall. Learn a trade. Get a raise. We have jobs. Call 361-275-4009. Now Hiring! Experi enced Waitstaff & Bartenders at Troubadour’s Dancehall & Saloon. Call 936-334-3312. Your local Cuero Dairy Queen is looking for a FEW more smiling faces. Applicants must be able to work in a fast pace enviroment, multitask, and have a flexible schedule. more details in store. NO phone calls please. THANKS FOR ADVERTISING IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS!!
$500.00 CASH REWARD For information leading to the arrest & conviction of the vandal(s) that destroyed the youth building and stole 2 air conditioners among many other items at the location formerly known as the Cuero Youth Reservation located 1 mile down Stratton Road #1447 & East Bailey Street. Information can be given by calling (361) 277-3021 in Cuero or by writing in C/O P.O. Box 830 Cuero, Texas 77954 Thank You!
63(&,$/ 0((7,1* $1' 38%/,& +($5,1* =21,1* %2$5' 2) $'-8670(176 021'$< 0$5&+
7KH =RQLQJ %RDUG RI $GMXVWPHQWV RI WKH &LW\ RI &XHUR 7H[DV ZLOO KROG D 6SHFLDO DQG 3XEOLF +HDULQJ RQ 0RQGD\ 0DUFK DW S P LQ WKH &RXQFLO &KDPEHU ( 0DLQ &XHUR 7H[DV 7KLV LV DQ RSHQ PHHWLQJ VXEMHFW WR WKH RSHQ PHHWLQJ ODZV RI WKH 6WDWH RI 7H[DV &$// 72 25'(5 %< &+$,50$1 &$5/ .58(*(5 , 38%/,& +($5,1* 7KH SXUSRVH IRU WKLV PHHWLQJ LV WR SURYLGH DQ ,, RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU SDUWLHV LQ LQWHUHVW DQG FLWL]HQV WR EH KHDUG LQ UHODWLRQ WR UHTXHVWV WR YDU\ ZLWK WKH &LW\Âś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Âś IRU WKH IURQW DQG ILIWHHQ IRRW Âś IRU WKH UHDU 3XEOLFDWLRQ 'DWH :HGQHVGD\ )HEUXDU\ NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids, addressed to Carrie Rea, DeWitt County Auditor, 307 N. Gonzales St., Cuero, TX 77954, will be accepted in the office of the County Auditor until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 7, 2012 for the purchase of the following items, for use by DeWitt County. 1. Paving Materials 2. Asphalt Oils 3. Gasoline and Diesel Fuels The bids will be opened and read in the County Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office at the DeWitt County Courthouse, 307 N. Gonzales St., Cuero, Texas, at that time. The bids will be presented to the DeWitt County Commissionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Court at their regular meeting at 9:00 a.m. Monday, March 12, 2012, and at that time any and/or all bids will be awarded. Specifications are on file in the County Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office and may be obtained upon request. Bids must be submitted in individually sealed envelopes, plainly marked on the outside for the item being bid. Bids that are received not marked as stated, or after the stated time to be accepted, will be returned to the bidder.
DeWitt County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, or any portion of a bid, and to accept the bids, or any portion of a bid, deemed most advantageous to said County, and further, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bids. DeWitt County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages bids from any company or individual regardless of race, national origin, age, religion, gender, martial or veteran status, the presence of a medical condition, disability, membership or relationship to any organization or any legally protected status. Carrie Rea DeWitt County Auditor
FISH DAY!!!!! (Our fish are loaded daily, not weekly) 4â&#x20AC;? - 6â&#x20AC;? Catfish $45.00 per 100 6â&#x20AC;?-8â&#x20AC;? Catfish $65.00 per 100
Delivery of Channel Catfish, Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, Redear Bream, Coppernose Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, Black Crappie and Grass Carp are available for Pond and Lake Stocking. 10 days notice and permit required for the purchase of Triploid Grass Carp.
Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, Crappie, Goldfish, Fathead and Shiner minnows.
Thursday, February 23rd 9:00-10:00AM
Pre-orders accepted, but not required.
CUERO DEWITT COUNTY PRODUCERS 401 W CHURCH â&#x20AC;˘ We furnish hauling containers! â&#x20AC;˘ Live delivery guaranteed! â&#x20AC;˘ Discounts/Special Deliveries on large orders! â&#x20AC;˘ Turtle Traps, Fish Feeders, Fish Traps! â&#x20AC;˘ Decorative Fountains, Aerators & Windmill Aerators! â&#x20AC;˘ Vegetation Control, Pond Fertilizers & Floating Docks! To place your order or for more information contact one of our Consultants Monday - Saturday @ 800-433-2950, or email
DUNNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FISH FARMS P.O. Box 85 Fittstown, OK 74842 Mon - Fri 7am-6pm â&#x20AC;˘ Sat. 8am-4pm CST 1-800-433-2950 â&#x20AC;˘ 1-580-777-2899 (fax)
Ful-O-Pep Ranch & Garden Center 1551 N. Esplanade, Cuero, TX 361-275-5033 Saturday, February 18, 2012 12:00 NOON - 1:00PM Apple Lumber-Feed 643 W. Main, Yorktown, Texas 361-564-2299 Saturday, February 18, 2012 2:00PM- 3:00PM
Central Texas Stock Fish 512-752-8555
Just a Reminder Deadline for Classified Advertising is MONDAYS at 10:00 a.m.!!
Visit Us On The Web: Web â&#x20AC;˘
021512_**Mexia Master Template-New2222 2/13/12 4:55 PM Page 3
Page 12, THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
DeWitt County MARKETPLACE The Classified Pages that serve all of DeWitt County.
In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 • In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242
Sat. 2/18 10a-4p & Sun. 2/19 1p-4p
Help Wanted
502 E. Live Oak Street Large 2 story home on corner lot close to schools. 5BR/3BA with 10 seat home movie theater, FL/FD, & CAH. Many updates done in 2005. Possible closing cost assistance available. More pictures available at Listing 23244642. $224,900. Owners motivated to sell! Call 361-275-6064 or 361-275-4336
MINERALS 176+-ac Wilson Co3 Miles East Stockdale. Good pasture, farm house. Will convey 1/2 minerals. $4500/ac.
RICK DOAK 361-243-1040 (c)
8000+/- Commercial Building on corner lot in high traffic area. Fronts Hwy 87 and Hwy 72. 6’ perimeter chain link fence, building with offices, restrooms, and warehouse section with 14’ ceilings, 3 overhead doors with loading dock and 2 overhead doors with ramp.
(361) 564-8250 (361) 212-1126 (361) 564-4622 (361) 463-9980
Texas Country Realty is a member of the Victoria Board of Realtors
Opportunity Employer. Drivers: Home Daily! Sign-On Bonus! Delivering Petroleum to Retail Sites 23yoa, C D L - A , Hazmat/Tanker Coastal Transport: 361-484-7106. Housekeeping/Dishwasher needed. Day shift. Apply in person @ 1305 E.S. Railroad. Call 2753601. Ledwik Oilfield Ser vice. Roustaboutsmust be dependable & have phone. Forklift Operator with CDL license. Come by 2105 N. McLeod, Cuero, Tx. 361-275-9805.
302 E. Broadway • 361-277-3424 • Cuero, TX 77954
205 N. Esplanade Cuero, TX 77954 (361) 277-8183
Contact our Cuero Office at 361-277-3424
RESIDENTIAL-106 Crockett-3 bedroom, 2 bath brick in Alamo Heights, shows pride of ownership, laminate flooring, CA/H, 1 car atCONTRACT tached garage, covered patio, storage building, privacy fence, sprinkler system, move-in ready! $136,900
Thomaston River Road-Great home site or getaway in nice area, 60+/- acres in highly desired Meyersville School District, large Oaks, some native brush for wildlife, drilled water well, electric lines on property, no minerals. $4,500/acre. US Hwy 183N/FM 951-Concrete area, 83+/- acres, frontage on both roads, water well, electricity, working pen, fenced/cross fenced, native brush. $3,700 per acre. 770 Hwy 183S-47.07+/-ac, Hwy SOLD frontage, 2BR/1BA wood frame home.
Drivers: Local Dedicated Crude Oil & LPG Openings! Great Pay, Bonuses & 100% PAID Health Ins! CDL-A, 1yr TT Exp. TWIC Card, Tank-Haz End. Req. Martin Transport: 1-866-823-0294.
231 Acres-Nixon- Lake, tank, well, steel pens, rolling. Good cow place with brush for hunting. No minerals. $2895/acre. 46 Acres-Yorktown- Heavy brush, trees. Hilltop view. Water well. Good fences. $3,650/acre. 57 Acres-Gonzales County- Hilltop 3/2 MH w/porches, tanks, barn, oak. $345,000. 250-800 Acres-Robstown/Corpus AreaFM corner. Barns, pens, creek w/lake. Well fenced, good grazing. $2950-$3550/acre. 59 Acres-NW Austin- Hilltop, creek bottom, wooded. Convenient to Lake Travis. $9,500/acre. Terms. Agent is part owner. 98-198 Acres East Pleasanton-Creek, wooded, water meter, 2 tanks. $2850-$3250/acre. 1300-17,000 Acres North Texas-Witchita River Ranch-Game managed, well watered, lodge, foremans house, hand house. Lakes, views. Prices start at $925/acre.
Realtor Corporation
308 E. Main-Large commercial building offering great potential, 2 warehouses, office space, tremendous amount of sq footage, GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $265,000. 13176 FM 236-Mission Valley area, 4.5+/-acres with commercial building & 2 BR/1BA frame house,corner property with easy ingress & egress, SUPER LOCATION for any type of business, great investment property, tremendous exposure with frontage on 2 highways, PRICED TO SELL!. $235,000 Victoria, 3308 N. Navarro-Great location for any type of business, high traffic count and exposure, corner lot with building $389,000. 367/432 US Hwy 183S-3.7+/-acres, high exposure & traffic count, dual SOLD road frontage, established location, commercial bldg w/office & overhead doors, 2 lg barns, iron rail fence, strg bldg & more. Call for details. 432 US Hwy 183S-2.7+/-acres with tremendous commercial potential, SOLD close to city limits, prime location for business, dual paved road frontage, iron rail fence, 2 barns. $195,000 $150,000. 2875 Brown Rd- 2.5+/-acres with 2BR/2BA SOLDman. home, $78,000. 607 W. Johnson- CONTRACT Exceptional 3 bedroom, 3 bath brick home $172,000. 305 E. NEWMAN-Historic Frobese SOLD Home, on 2.12+/- acres $239,000. 312 W. French-3BR/1BA wood frame, 1 car attached garage. $65,000. SOLD 203 Oak Lane-Large brick 4BR/2.5BA, SOLD$179,500 $169,500 $159,000. 606 W. Cleveland-3BR/2BA SOLDbrick, attached garage. $115,000. 1206 E. Morgan-3 or 4 BR/2BASOLD brick. $165,000. 716 Third-2BR/1BA brick, well maintained, CA/H. $107,500. SOLD
SMALL ACREAGE-W/HOME-Meyersville Rd-6.75+/-acres SOLD $99,500. NEW HORIZON-Restricted Subdivision, great location. Offering 1.3+ acre home-sites, approx 5 min from Cuero on Hwy 183S, located in Cuero I.S.D., 5 tracts available at $32,000 each. REDUCED $22,000. SERENITY ESTATES-Restricted Subdivision in Nursery area offering 3+ acre home sites to build your dream home, enjoy the country peace & quiet & be just minutes from Victoria & Cuero, located in Nursery & Cuero School Districts. C.F.P. Rockport Office 361-275-4118 Yoakum Office 361-293-9400
website: email:
Margaret A. Thomas~Broker, VAAR Elenor Lamb, Broker Associate, Member VAAR 361.275.4857 Shirley Nelson, Sales Associate, Member VAAR, Victoria MLS 361.648.7155 John A. Post, Sales Associate, Member VAAR, Victoria MLS 361.275.4887 John Sanchez, Sales Associate Yoakum, Member VAAR 361.772.6130 Rhonda Sinast, Sales Associate, Member VAAR, Victoria MLS 361.484.5732 Victoria Area Association of Realtors, Victoria Multiple Listing Service & Houston Commercial Loop Net ELING CORPORATION
New Listing! Yorktown- Stately 1 1/2 story Queen Anne 4/2/2/2 w/intricate wood work. Oak floors, exquisite dining, library, basement, updated kitchen w/granite and so much more. Situated on fabulous grounds on corner, includes garage apt. $189,900. NEW LISTING! 402 Second St.- $174,950.PENDING CONTRACT 1604 N. McCleod- Loads of space. 2 11/2 w/bonus room.This great family home is a must see for $109,000. City with a country feel. 1520 N. Terrell. Nice 3/2 brick, inground pool, hot tub. CONTRACT REDUCED $177,750. Bring Offer. PENDING 1014 E. Main-3 1 1/2 stone & frame, CAH, hardwood CONTRACT PENDING floors, near Cuero park. $115.000 REDUCED $99,950. 1301 Railroad-3/2 New Construction Town Homes, 2000+ SF $239,000. 506 W. Johnson-2/2 Brick. $122,500. PENDING CONTRACT FARM & RANCH 101+/-acres, Hopkinsville Rd- Waterwell, elec., tank, mesquite, scattered oaks, native brush. $3,800 per acre. 2 Lots Pin Oak Circle- $69,900. 111 N. Terrell-10,000+/- sq ft. Corner location $223,500. 120 N. Church St., Yorktown-Store front main building has attached warehouse space with 2 overhead doors, possible 3rd. Large fenced lot across the street. Move in ready, many opportunites! $275,000. Members of the Victoria Area Association of Realtors and MLS Kathleen Coker (361) 275-4766 Linda K. Duderstadt (361) 277-9357 Keith Krueger (361) 799-9292
NEW LISTING! Spicewood, tx.-47 Hill Country acres with a beautiful hilltop home. 5/4.5,infinity pool, barn/stable, with guest house. $1,975,000.
Gonzales Healthcare Systems has immediate openings at Memorial Hospital for PRN Respiratory Therapists. Current Texas license and registration or certification as a Respiratory Therapist re quired. Contact Human Resources at (830)672-7581, Ext. 204. Equal Opportunity Employer.
Randy Smith, Realtor Smith Ranch Investments 361-277-9332
NEW LISTING! 9 acres, Gonzales Co.-Hardwood, beautiful custom 4/3 home. 71% complete. Call for details. $289,500. NEW LISTING! 232 acres-Gonzales Co.-San Marcos River. 6 arriated lakes, 6 water wells, 7,000 sq. ft. metal, tile, wrought iron house w/large 2500 sq. ft. attached barn, piped fencing, cattle pens, large pecan orchards, native grasses, sepreate implement barn. Fabulous location. A show place. Minerals. $2,375,000.
Ricky Gohmert - Broker Heidi Hervey-Associate Mary Beth Finney - Associate Larry Adams - Associate
Texas Frontier Properties is a member of: San Antonio Board of Realtors • Austin Board of Realtors • New Braunfels/Canyon Lake Board of Realtors • Central Texas MLS
205 Texas Ave.-8 Contiguous lots, city water & sewer. CFP. E. Hugo-Yoakum-Lots and 2 BR or 3 BR/1 BA house with detached garage. Great investment property. Will sell lots separately from house. CFP. 1010 Huck - 2/1 frame home, CAH, corner lot, fenced back yard. CONTRACT $69,900. 314 W. Clayton-Cute 2/1 frame home, LR, DR, wood floors, fireplace, patio/deck area, fenced back yard, 2-car garage & carport, corner lot. $74,000. 602 E. Hamilton-2/1 frame home on corner lot. Living/dining, den & office, breakfast area, metal-covered patio, covered breezeway to 1-car detached garage w/work area, chain-link fenced back yard. $85,000. 110 Poentisch-Updated 3/2 brick, remodeled kitchen, new roof, lots of cabinets, eating bar, fenced back yard. $125,000. 347 Immenhauser, Yoakum- Neat 3/1 frame on 1.99+/-ac. In-ground swimming pool, hot tub, wrap-around porch, lg. storage building. $149,900. 8694 FM 682, Yoakum-3BR/3BA, 3+/- ac., CAH large deck, 36X24 horse barn & run. $189,500. SUBSTANTIAL PRICE REDUCTION! 609 N. Gonzales- Lovely two-story, 5 BR/2.5 BA, CAH, home on corner lot. Beautiful hardwood floors, formal living & dinig rooms, den, and large kitchen with lots of cabinets. 2 car garage. PRICE REDUCTION $225,000. PRICE REDUCTION! 205 E. Prairie - 2 story stucco, 3/1.5, lg. corner lot, landscaped, privacy fence. $299,995 $285,000. 804 Brandt Rd., Yorktown, TX 25.98+/- ac.- 3BR/2.5BA brick home, island kitchen, 2-car attached garage, patio, inground pool, equipment shed. $359,000. 383 FM 766 - Large 4/3.5 brick home located near city limits on CONTRACT 31.29+/-tree-covered acres. $539,000. 2506 Live Oak Rd- Large, beautiful brick home on 5+/- landscaped acres. 4 BR/3.5 BA, lg. island kitchen w/breakfast area, living/ dining, den/family room, attatched carport, detached garage, storage bldg. covered patio, in-ground pool. $589,000.
JEFF LUCAS Owner/Associate 210-232-8770
Gonzales Healthcare Systems has an immediate opening at Memorial Hospital Home Health Agency for a full-time Registered Nurse. Current Texas RN licensure required; previous home health experience a plus. Contact Human Resources at (830)672-7581, Ext. 204. Equal
212 S. Esplanade - Excellent location, high traffic count, .2+/-ac. corner lot, 1,422+/-sq.ft. building in very good condition. $129,000. FM 766 - Large 4/3.5 brick home near city limits on 31.29+/- ac. CONTRACT Good road frontage, ample space Definite commercial possibilities. for equipment and shop buildings. House could used as office space; large living room could be converted to offices. CFP. 109 Cooperative Way-Commercial/Industrial Office. Reception area, two large meeting rooms, three smaller meeting rooms or offices, file storage area, kitchen. $295,000. 2948 US Hwy 183 N-Great location, approx. 500 ft. hwy. frontage. 24.55+/-ac., 720+/-sq.ft. building with 1 bath and kitchen, 300+/sq.ft. outbuilding, and 2,000+/-sq.ft. shop. CFP
Housekeeping: Part Time 15-20 hours per week. Experience in cleaning motel rooms or houses. Apply at Executive Inn, Cuero.
DIANA LUCAS Owner/Broker 210-323-7992
102 E. Reuss Blvd., Cuero • (361) 275-6915
8+/- ac. Giles Rd. Yoakum - Water well, electricity (220 & 110), 40'X40' metal shop on slab. $160,000. 47.63+/-ac. FM 237-Located on the SE corner of Cooley Rd. and FM 237. Approximately 2450+/- feet of road frontage. Electricity & water well. Great location for business or homestead. $7,500/ac. 80+/- ac..-Cabin, utilities, excellent deer hunting, no minerals perfect getaway close to Cuero. CFP 193+/- ac. Cattleguard Rd-Stock pond, big oaks, paved road frontage. Good hunting and ranching country. $3,850/ac. 15066 FM 766-244+/- ac.-2/1 farm house, barns, pens, equipment shed, two stock tanks, artesian well. $3,500/ac. 372.11+/- ac. Verhelle Rd.- Wonderful home sites, possible country subdivision, electricity, water well, seasonal creek, large Oaks, rolling terrain. Deer, turkey, hogs, & dove hunting. Excellent ranching property. Mobile home & old wood-frame home. All season road. Survey available. $4,250/ac. 835+/- Bay City - Irrigated farm/ranch land. 8+/- ac. lake, LCRA canals, excellent goose hunting. 3/2 ranch house, barn. CFP
Gonzales Healthcare Systems has immediate openings in the Surgical Services Department for the following positions: •OR Registered Nurse: Current licensure required and/or PACU experience preferred. •OR Scrub Tech: Graduate of an accredited Operating Room Technician Program required; certification as an Operating Room Technician and two years experience required. Full-time positions available with competitive salary and benefits.
Contact Human Resources at (830)672-7581, Ext. 204. Equal Opportunity Employer.
266 acres-Gonzales Co.-Peach Creek, live water. Good combo w/trees, heavily wooded & native grass. Farm house, water well, barn. Minerals. $1,125,700.
256 acres-Gonzales Co.-Located on the Guadalupe River, also lakefront property. House, barn, and historic buildings. Pecan bottom, water well, scenic area. Minerals. CFP
Lillian H. Smith Texas Ranch Specialist
office: 830-236-5330 • cell: 830-857-6012
Michael Ruschhaupt office: 830-236-5330
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021512_**Mexia Master Template-New2222 2/13/12 4:55 PM Page 4
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD, Page 13
DeWitt County MARKETPLACE The Classified Pages that serve all of DeWitt County.
In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 • In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242
EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Desk Clerk: Duties: Check in/out, take reservations of guests and other light work. Experi ence required in Customer Service or one year of college or higher education. Good salary and retirement benefits. Apply at Executive Inn in Cuero.
XL OILFIELD SER VICES, LLC. is tak ing applications for: BACKHOE OPERATOR-Must have oil field experience and a valid CDL license.CREW FOREMAN/ PUSHER-Must have oilfield experience pushing crews.Send Resumes to:P.O. Box 526, Gonzales, TX 78629,(361)7718136 or email to :
Home Decor & Unique Gift Sales. Earn up to 50%. $10. fee. Call Rudy at 361-243-2572 leave message if no answer.
DEER LEASE WANTED: for 4-5 responsible hunters. 713-444-6918 or 713-822-0131.
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Please come by today to complete an application, take a tour of our award winning facility, and to see where you can fit into our family.
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D&B RENTAL •Experienced BOP testers •Gap Vac operators
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Become part of a winning team and enjoy Multiple benefits such as Medical and Dental Insurance, vacation/sick leave and double holiday pay is offered for full time positions.
Please call Amber Fink (361)275-3421 EOE
Tellers Kenedy (40 hrs/wk) – Requisition #3570199 Kenedy (30 hrs/wk) – Requisition #3570188 Nordheim (Flex - 17 hrs/wk) – Requisition #3573229
As a Wells Fargo Teller, you will juggle a variety of tasks, including providing excellent service in all customer interactions, making sales, and informing customers on new products and services, all while following procedures to minimize errors and reduce fraud. You’ll be expected to consistently balance your cash daily, have great rapport with people, meet your referral and sales goals, and enjoy helping others, while embracing ethics, integrity, and diversity. In this role, you’ll assist with many store duties and spend almost all of your time working with Wells Fargo’s most important asset: our customers. Join our team. Visit our career site at and search by the Requisition numbers above to apply. Wells Fargo is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V. ©2012 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved
Education Coordinator -
Assistant Teacher Hallettsville
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You have the skills and the passion to make a difference. At Wells Fargo, we’re with you. Our supportive environment enables our team members to build relationships with each other, our customers, and our communities.
This position is responsible for the education and early childhood development portion of the Head Start Performance Standards. This includes working to effectively implement an early childhood education curriculum and provide educational resources for staff and parents, ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations and recognized best practices in the field of early childhood education. This supervisory position ensures the education and child development services are supported by staff with training and experience in areas that include the theories and principles of child growth and development, early childhood education and family support. Must have knowledge of developmentally appropriate early childhood education practices in pre-school programs and NAEYC best practices. A working knowledge of recent early brain development research results is important. Knowledge of program planning and supervisory techniques and practices. Knowledge of basic fiscal accountability. Thorough knowledge of local child care and early education regulations. Knowledge of Head Start Performance Standards, with specific knowledge of Education and early childhood development, staffing and program options, as well as services to children with disabilities. Knowledge of local resources, languages and customs helpful. AA in Early Childhood Education or AA in a field related to early childhood education with coursework equivalent to a major in early childhood with experience teaching preschool children and must show progress toward BA in ECE or BA in in any field with coursework equivalent to a major in early childhood with no less than 500 hours experience teaching preschool children effective 10/1/13. Benefits
•Full Time Certified Medication Aide •Full Time CNA
Wells Fargo With you when you’re looking for a rewarding career
Call 361-275-5556 or 361-935-9441 or apply in person at D&B Rental in Cuero
Is a small, friendly, family oriented facility, In a country setting, located in Cuero, Texas That is accepting applications for the following positions:
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Yorktown Nursing and Rehab Center • HOUSEKEEPING
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Supports and assists families as they identify and meet their own goals through a familycentered case management model for developing and carrying out the program Family Partnership Agreements including responsibility for child files, enrollment/applications, etc. This position also assists with the completion of the child health requirements and other required screenings and assessments. This position supports the larger system of social services coordinated by Head Start/Early Head Start, thereby supporting the goals of the program. The position may involve reassignment of caseloads and/or center location as deemed necessary for program operations. Minimum requirement is a high school diploma or G.E.D. AA or higher in Social Work or Human Services or related human services field preferred. Benefits All positions: Successful completion of a criminal records check, background checks, physical exam, TB skin test, and approval by Policy Council are required post job offer. Applications and job descriptions may be obtained by calling 361-582-4441 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 pm or by visiting 120 S. Main Street, Suite #230, Victoria, Texas. (Job descriptions are also posted on site.) Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. CDI HS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Visit Us On The Web: Web •
Sec. A, Page 14 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
RecordApplause Schwarze-Mutchler
Wiesman named to Dean’s List at Belmont Victoria Wiesman, a 2011 Cuero High School graduate, was named to the 2011 Dean’s List at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no
Glenn and Charlotte Mutchler of Cuero and Laura and Tony Pompa of Texas City announce the engagement of their son, Matthew Mutchler, to Amy Jo Schwarze. Amy is the daughter of Lloyd and Peggy Schwarze of Brenham. She is the granddaughter of Louis Jr. and Maxine Schwarze and Sylvia and the late Emil Gaskamp, all of Brenham. He is the grandson of Adele and the late John Mutchler of Alvin and Juanice Ramay and David Spears of Caldwell. The wedding is planned for April 21 at La Bahia Hall in Burton.
grade below a C. Wiesman is majoring in music business. She has recently received a position in the bio info student service corp for the university, where she will host at the ACM, Dove, CMT, and Grammy Awards.
Rodriguez family welcomes home baby girl John and Ruby Rodriguez are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Brennah Faith Rodriguez. Brennah was born on Jan. 26, 2012 at 8 p.m. in Victoria at Detar Women and Children's Center. She weighed 7 lbs., 8
oz., and was 19 1/2 inches long. Brennah was welcomed home by her big brother, Ryan John, and big sisters, Mariah Ann and Sarah Renee, as well as extended family members.
Contributed photo
Cuero couple celebrates anniversary
Alfonso L. Gonzales of Cuero and the former Carmen Alcala de la Fuente of San Miguel de Allende, Gto., Mexico were united in marriage at the cathedral on Feb. 2, 1946 in San Miguel de Allende. Alfonso met Carmen as just someone to write to in 1943. During World War II, while serving in North Africa, a friend told him he was writing to a girl in San Miguel who worked at a machine factory and she had a friend. He asked Alfonso if he would like to write the girls’ friend. Alfonso wrote Carmen letters as he served with the 442nd through Oran and Algeria. He also served under General Patton in Sicily, Italy and France and into Germany. In September 1946, he made the trip to San Miguel de Allende with his sister to meet Carmen for the first time. It was love at first sight, so Alfonso asked Carmen’s father for permission to marry his daughter, who was attending dental school at the time. Alfonso returned to San Miguel five months later and married Carmen. After moving back to Cuero, Alfonso worked for The Cuero Record for 52 years and for Standard Printing for 12 years and is now retired. Carmen is also retired after working as a registered
Weber re-elected to board of Texas Automobile Dealers Association
AUSTIN - Cliff Weber III of Weber Motor Company in Cuero Texas has been re-elected as District #18 Director on the Texas Automobile Dealers Association Board. Weber will continue to serve as one of 39 directors on the statewide board which governs the franchised new car and truck dealers of Texas. The Texas Automobile Dealers Association represents 1,200 franchised
dealers who provide over 70,000 jobs throughout the state and who generate $3 billion in taxes and fees to support state and local agencies. New car and truck dealers also provide services to consumers, including clear vehicle titles, accurate odometer information, full disclosure of sales and lease transactions, as well as vehicle repairs and maintenance in 281 Texas cities and towns.
Contributed photo
Alfonso and Carmen Gonzales were married on Feb. 2, 1946. nurse at the Burns Hospital and Cuero Community Hospital for 16 years, as a truant officer for Cuero ISD for four years and as a deputy tax collector for DeWitt County for 27 years. The couple have three children Carmen (Linda) and husband Frank De Leon II of Baton Rouge, La.; Gerard Gonzales and wife Debra Ann of Cuero; and Yvonne and husband Dwayne Dowlearn of Cuero. They also have 10 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.
Contributed photo
Girl Scouts visit Sodalis
Girl Scout Troop 9422 in Cuero delivered its handmade Valentines to the residents of Sodalis Elder Living Community on Saturday. For information on the troop, contact Tessa Cotman at girlscout
City offices will be closed Monday City of Cuero offices will be closed Monday to observe Presidents’ Day. The offices will reopen Tuesday at 8 a.m. The residential garbage collection schedule will be: Monday’s will run on Tuesday; Tuesday’s will run on Wednesday; Thursday’s and Friday's will remain the same.
The commercial garbage collection schedule will be: Monday’s will run on Tuesday; Tuesday’s will run on Wednesday; Wednesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s will remain the same. The Citizens Collection Center will be closed Monday and reopen on Tuesday at 9 a.m.
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD Sec. B, Page 1
CHS girls end season with win
This week in CHS sports
The Cuero Lady Gobblers concluded their basketball season Feb. 7 with a 35-26 District 283A win over the Poteet Lady Aggies. Abby Sheppard led the Lady Gobblers with 12 points. Cuero also won the JV game 25-9. Cuero 35, Poteet 26 Cuero scorers: Cevele Patton 2, Missy Odom 5, Ashley Grahmann 3, Chelsea Veit 4, CayCay Toot 1, Emmarie Johnson 1, Madeline Davis 7, Abby Sheppard 12. Cuero JV 25, Poteet JV 9 Cuero scorers: Brandi Phillips 3, Alyssa Gonzales 2, Jessica Odom 2, Summer Choate 1, Danesha Johnson 4, Daja Williams 6, Jaslynn Mathis 7.
Baseball Saturday JV/Varsity at Hit-AThon/Alumni Game, 11 a.m./ 3 p.m. Monday JV/Varsity vs. Schulenburg, 5/7:30 p.m.
Powerlifting Saturday Boys/Girls at Goliad Meet
Softball Thursday-Saturday Varsity at Victoria Tournament Tuesday Varsity vs. Sinton, 5:30 p.m.
Tennis Friday JV/Varsity at Victoria West, 5/7 p.m.
Beer, Dobbins team for 2nd at Yoakum
Track and Field Friday JV/Varsity at Port Lavaca Crazy Crab
YOAKUM - Cuero’s Ryan Beer and Torrin Dobbins combined to finish in third place in the varsity boys doubles at the Yoakum tournament on Feb. 3.
Little League sign-ups set
The Cuero Little League will hold registration for baseball and softball on each Saturday in February from 1 to 3 p.m. and Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Little League Complex. Final registration will be Saturday, Feb. 25 after the Little Dribbler ceremony at the high school gym. Online registration is available at www.cuero
Record Oil&Gas
Gas prices rose 5.3 cents per gallon last week
Average retail gasoline prices in Texas have risen 5.3 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.43/g Sunday. This compares with the national average that has increased 3.3 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.47/g, according to gasoline price website Including the change in gas prices in Texas during the past week, prices yesterday were 46.7 cents per gallon higher than the same day one year ago and are 21.9 cents per gallon higher than a month ago. The national average has increased 12.3 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 34.8 cents per gallon higher than this day one year ago. “Retail gasoline prices have continued to slowly rise across a majority of the United States,” said Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan. “With the exception of one stateWyoming - all states are seeing their gasoline prices averaging over $3/gallon again, with some of the largest citiesNew York City and Los Angeles closing in on $4/gallon.”
Visit Cuero Record .com
Photo by Coy Slavik/Cuero Record
CayCay Toot scored one point to help the Lady Gobblers beat Poteet on Feb. 7.
Get breaking Cuero and DeWitt County news at Cuero Record .com
Athlete of the Week
K a t i e D re h r
Katie is a sophomore at CHS. In addition to being a varsity cheerleader, she is a member of the powerlifting team. Katie placed fifth at her first-ever varsity powerlifting meet and was sixth at her second one. Way to pump that Gobbler spirit up, Katie!
Fightin’ Gobblers Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Get Gobbler and Lady Gobbler scores at
Sec. B, Page 2 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
RecordAboutTheTown Cuero Country Opry marking 4th anniversary
Cuero County Opry will be celebrating their fourth anniversary on Feb. 16 with special guests Sydnie Maguire, a talented 16 year old from Beeville and Marcie Peterson, the band director from Refugio. The menu will be grilled chicken breast, sliced baked potatoes, oryo rice, salad, apple strudel and tea catered by Werner’s Restaurant of Shiner. The Chisholm Trail Swing Band will be entertaining the fans with county, western, good oldies and gospel music and accompanying the guests. Dinner is $6 and the show is $5. Dinner is served at 5:30 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. All net proceeds go to the Pilot Club of Cuero for scholarships and brain traumas. The show is alcohol and smoke free. Call Eddie Maxwell at 361-275-3009 for more information.
TPA holds monthly meeting on Feb. 6 Travellers Protection Association held its regular monthly meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Feb. 6. Plans were made to have the annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. on March 31 at the Barbecue Station. A barbecue meal will be catered. There will be a guest speaker at this special meeting. More information will be available after the next monthly meeting scheduled for March 5. All members are encouraged to attend.
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Blackburn scheduled to speak at Feb. 21 Shutterbugs meeting
The Tuesday, Feb. 21 meeting of the DeWitt County Shutterbugs will feature Woody Blackburn’s program entitled “What You May Not Know About Photography.” Blackburn will answer such questions as Do you ever wonder what in the world a megapixel is? Do you hear rumors about photographyrelated companies and think that they can’t be true? The February program is going to try to answer some of these questions and more. Blackburn has traveled the world with his photography as well as managed a large photography store in California. He is an award-winning, often-published photographer. The club is gearing up for the annual photography contest and exhibit. Photos may be submitted from March 1 to 24. There are numerous categories. The entry fee is only $5 per photo with no limits. Cash prizes and ribbons will be awarded. For complete
rules, check with Dianna Bartosh at or Marsha Gibson at mlg42@ The February Photo-share will be “Caught in the Vertical.” The Photoshare pictures are selected at random each month. The display boards at Cuero Library feature the photography of Glenn Robertson and the “Caught in the Vertical” Photoshare. Frank Klein’s photos and “Family Christmas” are displayed at the Wells Fargo Bank lobby. The Yoakum Library is showing Gayle Sanders’ photography and “Festi-vals.” The March program will be presented by Tim Kirkland on flower photography. The DeWitt County Shutterbugs meet the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the GVEC Board Room, 909 E. Broadway. Visitors are welcome.
Shutterbugs to start taking entries for 2012 contest beginning March The DeWitt County Shutterbugs invite all photographers to enter the 2012 annual photography contest/ exhibition. The submission dates are between Thursday, March 1 and Saturday, March 24. Over $1,000 in prize money will be awarded in both the adult and youth divisions. In the adult division, there are seven categories - architechture, animals/fauna, floers/plants, landscapes/scenic, miscellaneous, portraits/people, and special effects (digital or film). First place in each category will receive $50, second place will receive $40, and third place will receive $30.
A special wildflower category features a $75 award and Best in Show has a prize of $100. The entry fee for adults is $5 per photo with no limit of entries. The youth division is open to students in eighth grade or lower and has one general category. First place in youth wins $30, second wins $20 and third wins $10. The youth entry fee is $3 per entry. The photographs will be judged on technical merit and artistic impression. Only the highest scoring photos in each category will be exhibited. The exhibition will take place at the Cuero Munincipal Library. Photos will be on display from April 2-26 during library hours.
Record Farm&Ranch Now is best time to begin managing wild hog population From now until spring green-up is one of the best times of the year to control wild pigs, according to a Texas AgriLife Extension Service expert. One factor is that hungry wild pigs are on the move and more likely to be out in the open to forage for food this time of year, said Dr. Billy Higginbotham, AgriLife Extension fisheries and specialist, wildlife Overton. Wild pigs, aka feral hogs, browse wooded areas, graze pastures and root up planted crops for food, Higginbotham said. They also scavenge and raid deer-feeder sites. From January through spring green-up, many of these food sources are not as available. “Native foods such as acorns disappear as winter wears on, and many deer hunters do not continue to supplement their deer population after hunting season,” Higginbotham said. “As a result, the wild pigs will be increasingly on the move and more susceptible to baiting as they search for food.” Another reason to step up control efforts of wild pigs this time of year has to do with the animals’ breeding behavior, he said. “Wild pigs are one of the most prolific large mammals in the world,” Higginbotham said. According to a 2011 study, the average age of a
More Farm & Ranch on Page 5B
sow having her first litter is about 13 months, he said. Mature sows will have an average of 1.5 litters per year, and the average litter size is 5.6 piglets. “Though sows can have litters any month of the year, there always seems to be a peak in farrowing during the early spring,” Higginbotham said. “This is an added incentive for landowners to strike as soon as possible before even more pigs hit the ground.” Landowners have the choice of several control methods for wild pigs. These include trapping, snaring, dogging and shooting, both aerially and on the ground, he said. But because of the large amount of cover afforded by forest and brush in many parts of Texas, trapping and shooting remain the most effective options for landowners in such areas. Higginbotham has detailed information on designing wild-pig traps at Though design is important, there’s more to successfully controlling hogs than just buying or building a good trap, he said.
DeWittInBrief Hard Hat Cafe ceremony to be held Feb. 23 The Cuero Chamber of Commerce will host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Hard Hat Café on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 4:30 p.m. The Hard Hat Café is located at 901 N. Esplanade and is owned by Martina Shanks. The public is invited to attend.
Diabetes program offered Tuesday at OLG in Cuero A diabetes self-management education class will be offered from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at Our Lady of
Guadalupe Catholic Church. The theme of the meeting will be “Your ongoing Journey with Diabetes.” This two-hour session will cover some of the more complex concepts related to diabetes including the natural course of diabetes, the many medicine options that exist for people with diabetes today, what insulin is and how it works, long-term complications associated with diabetes and the ABC’s of diabetes.
Voter registration cards to be mailed before primary New voter registration cards will be mailed out before the primary and May elections.
Once the justice department verifies the redistricting maps, the cards will be mailed. Voters are asked to not reapply unless there has been a change.
December Events selling scenes for Christmas The December Events Committee, sponsors of Christmas in the Park, is selling scenes for the 2012 season. All donations are put into the park for scenes, infrastructure, and upkeep of scenes. Donations of memorials, honorariums are accepted. For information, contact Jo Ann Edge at 361-275-2125 or 361-
275 4566.
CASA volunteer training on Mondays in Cuero CASA volunteer training in Cuero will be held on Mondays through March 5 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian, 302 N. McLeod. To register for classes or for information, call the Golden Crescent CASA at 361-5733734 or visit www.goldencrescent
Cuero Community Hospital accepts traditional Medicare. 2550 N. Esplanade • 275-6191
Liquidation Auction 50+ Construction Equipment 30+ Trucks and Trailers
Friday, February 17th @ 10am * NEW LOCATION* 16792 IH 35 S. San Antonio, TX (Atascosa) 210-648-2225 • Auctioneer: Andrea Sprute-Dickerson 16858 ; 8% Buyer Premium
NEW AND USED Boats and RVs Available
FREE Parking Available
Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD Sec. B, Page 3
Lutheran churches to hold joint Ash Wednesday service
A joint Ash Wednesday service sponsored by three area congregations of the EvangelicalLutheran Churchin America will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at St. Peter’s Lutheran Churchin Ander. The Ash Wednesday service issponsored jointly by St. Peter’s, St. Luke’s LutheranChurch in Schroeder, and Zion Lutheran Church in
Contributed photo
‘Sweetheart Banquet’ chefs First United Methodist members, from left, Tony Machacek, Waymon Martin, Eddy Westmoreland, and Tommy Frasier prepare the “Sweetheart Banquet” reently for the ladies of the church.
First United Methodist holding contemporary worship service A contemporary worship service in a coffee house setting is being offered every Saturday at 6 p.m. in Faith Hall beside First United Methodist Church. The format includes singing, teaching and fellowship all with coffee, tea and cookies.
‘Celebration of the Pipes’ scheduled Carbonara chosen outstanding Stop by The Cuero Record Societyat member for Feb. 26 at Grace Episcopal Church Altar St. Michael’s Altar Society member
Arneckeville. Members of the community areinvited to attend the service, which will begin at 7 p.m. The three congregations will also sponsor five Wednesday evening Lenten suppers and services on Feb. 29, March 7, March 14, March 21 and March 28 and Holy Week services on April 5 and April 6.
Miracle services Feb. 24-25 at God’s Way Is the Tree of Life God’s Way Is the Tree of Life Church in Cuero will host miracle services on Feb. 24 and 25 at 600 Evers Street in Cuero. Pastors Kevin and Suzanne Novak will be minstering. Live praise and worship music will be provided by Dominick Salzano’s team.
Ash Wednesday service at St. Mark’s on Feb. 22 All are invited to observe Ash Wednesday on Feb. 22 at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church located at 400 N. Esplanade in Cuero. Ashes with a blessing (no service) will be available at 7 a.m. in the sanctuary. Services with ashes and Holy Communion will be held at noon and at 6 p.m. Call 361-275-2845 for more information.
119 E. Main or call 361-275-3464Chris to Reserve Space!!! Carbonara hasyour been selected as
A "Celebration of Pipes" will be held Sunday, Feb. 26 at 1:30 p.m. at Grace Episcopal Church. Madolyn Fallis, counciler in the American Guild of Organists; Gail
Wettstein, soprano and featured soloist for the San Antonio Chamber Choir; and Eric Fenton, member of the Crossroads Community Band, will perform.
the outstanding member of 2011. She was honored at the 5 p.m. Mass at St. Michael’s Catholic Church on Feb. 11 and a rosary was presented to her.
Devotional Page Compliments of:
Trinity Church 2009 N. Clinton - 361-275-6917 Rev. Kenneth R. Mills
Engine Service
S.W. - 10:00 a.m., 6 p.m.; Mon. Prayer 5 p.m., Wed. - 7 p.m. New Testament Holiness Church - FM 766 (Old Cheapside RD) Pastor: Calvis Brooks Wed. - 7:30 p.m.; Sat. - 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. For more info call 277-3513
Detroit - Mack - Cummins Roadranger Transmission P.O. Box 107 - 361-275-9195
Apostolica Church 509 W. Main; Pastor: Jose A. Beltran Tues. & Thurs.: 7-8:30 pm; Sun.: 4-5 pm & 5-6:30 pm; Phone: 275-8505
Closed Wed. & Sat.
Market Hrs: 9-6 M-F, 9-3 Sat.
McMahan Welding Service, Ltd.
Dine in or use our convenient drive thru. Call us for your catering needs! Fully Insured Certified 24 Hr. 269 U.S. Hwy. 183 South - Cuero
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Thank You This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all of us to attend worship services.
Ful-O-Pep Ranch/Garden Ctr.
Plant - 275-5711, Ranch Ctr. 275-5033
Freund Funeral Home Since 1924
213 N. Gonzales - 275-2343
Faith Tabernacle 609 E. Broadway - 275-8540 Charlie Gentry, Pastor Wednesday - 7 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
Car • Home • Health • Life Financial Services Richard Wheeler “Agent” 210 E. Main - 275-9193
Dining Hrs: 10-6 M-F, 10-3 Sat.
Rabke United Methodist Church FM 2718, Ratcliffe Comm. cRev. Donald Snyder S.W. 2nd Sun. of Month 2;30pm.
First Pentecostal Church House of Prayer 812 W. Broadway Dennis King, Pastor Service at 10 a.m.
Registered Representative Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge does not provide tax advise.
David & Camille Smolik - Owners
Compliments of:
PENTECOSTAL The Good Shepherd Temple of Praise 209 King Street Dr. Angel Chano, Pastor S.W. - 9:45 a.m., Tues. 7pm Wednesday Evening Service - 7 pm.
117 E. Church St. • Cuero • 361-275-6142
Quinn Chapel I.M.E. 114 Threlkeld - Cuero Rev. Lester Adams S.S. 9:30 a.m.; S.W. - 11 a.m. Sat. 6 p.m. Bible Study & Teachers’ Meeting
ASSEMBLY OF GOD Cuero Assembly of God 201 W. Ruess - 275-8352 Pastor Jim Haserodt S.S. 9:45 am, S.W. 10:45 am & 6 pm, Wed. Bible Study 6 pm BAPTIST Antioch Baptist Church Clinton Community Rev. Lawrence G. Roy, Pastor S.S. - 9:30 a.m.; S.W.- 11 a.m. Calvary Baptist Church N. Esplanade & Dunn Bro. Bill Gleason, Pastor S.S. - 9:45 a.m.; S.W. - 11 a.m.& 6:30 p.m. Wed. - Bible Study. 6:30 pm First Baptist Church 408 N. Gonzales Dr. Glen Robertson Wed. - Prayer/Bible Study - 6 p.m., Mission Organizations 6:00 p.m., Sanctuary Choir Practice 7:00 p.m., Sunday S.S. - 9:15 a.m.; S.W. 10:30 a.m. First Baptist Church Westhoff, 13103 US Hwy 87 N Pastor Richard A. Schaller S.S. - 10 a.m.; S.W. 11 a.m., Dis. Train. Sun. 1 pm, Wed. Prayer Srv. 5:30pm Gethsemane Baptist Church 107 Bridge Street - Rev. W.F. Nichols - 2nd & 4th Sunday S.S. - 9:45 a.m.; S.W. - 11 a.m. Iglesia Bautista Jerusalem Baptist Church 215 W. Courthouse Dan Cancino, Pastor S.S. - 9:45 a.m.; S.W. - 10:45 a.m. & 6 p.m. St. James Baptist Church Yoakum, Texas - Rev. F. Rivers S.S. - 9 a.m.; S.W. 11 a.m. Little Zion Baptist Church 104 Bedford Pastor A.L. Taylor S.S. - 9 a.m.; S.W. - 10:30 a.m., Tues. B.S. - 7 p.m. Macedonia Baptist Church 510 S. Indianola Rev. L.J. Clayton Jr., Pastor S.S. - 11 a.m.; S.W. - 9:30 a.m. Mount Bethany Baptist Church -Thomaston, TX S.S. - 9:30 a.m.; S.W. - 11:30 a.m. Wed. Prayer Serv. & Bible Study - 7:30 p.m.
Mount Zion Baptist Church Edgar Community Rev. George N. Franklin Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. S.S. - 9:30 a.m.; S.W. - 11 a.m. New Hope Baptist Church Lockhart Community Rev. Samuel A. Jenkins, Pastor S.S. - 9:45 a.m.; S.W.- 11 a.m. New Life Baptist Church 2676 N. FM 2980 - 485-2152 Dr. Gary Hall, Pastor Sun. 10:30, Wed. 7pm St. John Bible Fellowship BC 304 Hope, Yoakum - 293-7579 Rev. Jimmy L. Powell S.S. 10am, SW 11am, Wed. 7pm Thurs. Treasure of Hope 7pm Stratton Primitive Baptist Church - Stratton Community Bill Walden, Pastor S.W. - 10:30 a.m. Thomaston Community Church - Free Will Baptist Thomaston - B.J. Davis, Pastor S.S. - 10 a.m. S.W. - 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Lifeway Baptist Church 403 E. Sarah • 275-3920 Sunday: Bible School for Adults & Children 9am Worship & Children’s Church 10am High School-College Life Group 4pm Wednesday Life Groups: Children, Jr. High, Men & Women 7pm
St. Thomas Missionary Baptist Church - Westhoff Rev. Lou Terry Jackson S.S. 9:45 a.m.; W.S. 11:15 a.m. 1st, 2nd, & 4th Sunday Mt. Bethel Baptist Church 400 Grant St. - Cuero 361-275-9282 S.S. 9 am; S.W. 11 am; Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 pm PRESBYTERIAN Bill Cotman, Pastor First Presbyterian Church 302 N. McLeod S.W. - 10:30 a.m., S.S. 9:30 a.m. CATHOLIC St. Michael’s Catholic Church 302 E. Church St. - Rev. Kirby Hlavaty Sat. Svc. - 5 p.m.; S.W. - 10 a.m; Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church - 705 W. Broadway - 277-9062 Rev. Kirby Hlavaty S.W. - 8 a.m. (Spanish) St. Aloysius Catholic Church - Westhoff Rev. Augustine N. Asante Sun. W. - 8:00 a.m.
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Meyersville Rev. Augustine N. Asante Sat. Svc. - 7 p.m. S.S. - 8:45 a.m.,S.W. 10:15 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Cuero Church of Christ Trevor Parker Pulpit/Encouragement, 275-8399 1100 E. MacArthur S.S. - 9:30 a.m.; S.W. - 10:30 a.m. & 5 p.m., Wed. Bible Class 7 p.m., EPISCOPAL Grace Episcopal Church 102 E. Live Oak Rector - Eric Fenton Sun. 11am Holy Eucharist Thurs. 5pm - Holy Eucharist with Teaching Sermon JEHOVAHS WITNESSES Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses - 302 E. Texas S.W.- 10 a.m.; Mon. Bible Study - 7:30 p.m. Thursday Ministry School - 7:30 p.m. LUTHERAN St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church - Meyersville NALC Pastor John Boor S.S. - 9 a.m.; S.W. - 10:15 a.m. Office Hrs - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tues., Wed. & Thurs. St. John Lutheran Church Lindenau & Westhoff Pastor William Hill Lindenau S.W. - 9 a.m.; Westhoff S.W. - 10:30 a.m. St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, ELCA 400 N. Esplanade - 275-2845 Pastor Karl Biermann Sat. Music 5:45pm, Sat. W. - 6, S.W. - 9 a.m.; S.S. - 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion every Sat. & Sun. FREE 9am Sun. Nursery St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 1545 E. FM 1961 - Ander John Dellis, Minister 645-2922 S.W. - 9 a.m.; S.S. - 10:15 a.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church - Arneckeville Pastor Barbara Beale S.S. 10:15 a.m.; S.W. - 9 a.m. METHODIST First United Methodist Church 211 N. Clinton Rev. Donald Snyder S.S. - 9:15 a.m.; S.W. - 10:30 a.m.
First Apostolic Prayer House 308 Nash St. Pastor: Dora Jones Thursday: 7:30 pm Greater Bethany Church 400 Grant St. - 275-6398 Bishop: Ralph E. Green Tues. 7 pm, Christian Ed. 8:30 am, S.W. 10 am NON-DENOMINATIONAL Helping Hands of Love Ministry 522 S. Esplanade, 361-275-0305 S.W. 10 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. Outreach for Souls Church 702 E. Broadway - 277-5901 Pastor William H. Chatman, BS Tues 6:30pm, Sat. Evening Svc. 6:30pm The Light House 322 Pat Cleburne - Yoakum 361-293-2758 SS 10am; SW 11am; Youth SS 6pm; Wed. 7pm Blessed Assurance Church Concrete Pastor, John Mueller S.W. - 10:30 a.m. , Wed.. - Bible Study 7pm Victory Family Church 115 E. Main - 799-9129 Pastor, David Maldonado S.W. Spanish -9:30 a.m., S.W. English & S.S. 10:45 a.m. Wed.. - Bible Study 7pm
For Information Call:
Jim Jordan Insurance Agency
800-637-3039 • 830-980-3030
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Hours: Mon-Thurs: 11am-9pm Friday: 11am-10pm Sunday: 11am-8:30pm Saturday: Closed We Accept Major Credit Cards
Mount Vernon Mills Since 1901
202 Gazzie - 275-2393
210 Hutcheson P.O. Box 956 -Cuero, TX 77954
Phone (361) 275-6772 Fax (361) 277- 9384
My Father’s House Full Gospel- 205 Esplanade 275-8854 Pastor, Paula Hopkins S.S. - 10 am, S.W. 11 am, Tues. Prayer - 6 pm, Wed. Youth - 7 p.m. Fresh Start Fellowship 410 E. Broadway 564-8201 Pastor, Terry Brown S.W. 10am, Wed. 7pm Breath of Life Ministries 315 W. Live Oak, Pastors Earl & Mary Lewis S.W. 11am, Tues. 6:30 pm Prayer & Bible, 4th Sat. 6 pm Youth Strong Family Church 1125 N. Esplanade 361-275-9001 Kenneth McCarthy, Pastor Sunday Service 10a.m. God’s Way is the Tree of Life 600 Evers St. 361-243-6082 Pastors Kevin Novak & Robert Moore Sunday Worhsip 10:45 a.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Kids Reaching Our Community
For Information Call:
Sec. B, Page 4 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
Victoria County DPS seizes $500,000 in drug money during 24-hour period
The Texas Department of Public Safety Highway Patrol in Victoria seized $514,322 in three traffic stops and a quarter of a million dollars street value in crystal methamphetamine in a fourth traffic stop in less than 24 hours. At approximately 4:15 p.m. on Feb. 8, troopers stopped a 2003 Chrysler Sebring for a traffic violation on U.S. Highway 59 south of Victoria. Upon interviewing the driver, the trooper noticed several indicators of criminal activity and got a verbal consent to search the vehicle. The trooper located a fake car battery containing four sevenpound bundles methamphetamine. The driver, Juan Salinas, 34, of Omega, Ga., was arrested for felony possession of a controlled substance and placed into Victoria County Jail. At approximately 8:45 p.m. on Feb. 8, troopers stopped a southbound 2009 Cadillac CTS for a traffic violation on U.S. Highway
59 at Anthony Road. Upon interviewing the driver, the trooper noticed several indicators of criminal activity and got a verbal consent to search the vehicle. The trooper located a false compartment in the vehicle frame rail containing one bundle of $19,051. The driver, Palmira Marroquin, 53, of Falcon Heights, Texas, was arrested for state jail felony money laundering and placed into Victoria County Jail. At approximately 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, troopers stopped a 2002 Dodge Ram pick-up for two traffic violations on U.S. Highway 59 near Fox Road. Upon interviewing the driver, the trooper noticed several indicators of criminal activity and got a verbal consent to search the vehicle. The trooper located a fake compartment in the floorboard containing 16 bundles of money totalling $447,981. The driver, Armando Juarez, 27,
of Houston had a 40-caliber Springfield semi-automatic pistol in his possession was arrested for aggravated felony money laundering and the passenger Mayra Alejandra Rodriguez, 24, of Houston for felony money laundering. Both subjects were placed into Victoria County Jail. At approximately 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, troopers stopped a southbound 1994 Ford F-150 pick-up for a traffic violation on U.S. Highway 59 near Fox Road. Upon interviewing the driver, the trooper noticed several indicators of criminal activity and got a verbal consent to search the vehicle. The trooper located a fake compartment in the manifold intake of the engine containing eight bundles totalling $47,290. The driver, Alfredo Torres, 49, of Gastonia, N.C., was traveling to San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and was arrested for felony money laundering and placed into Victoria County Jail.
Contributed photo
This money was seized by Victoria County troopers last week on U.S. Highway 59.
ServiceDirectory For More Information Contact The Cuero Record at 361-275-3464 Air Conditioning
Welding/Equip. & Fencing
Robert Ramirez Ramiro Ramirez Owner
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Wed., February 15, 2012, THE CUERO RECORD Sec. B, Page 5
Registration for DCP continues until June 1
DeWitt County USDA Farm Service Agency Executive Director Grady Kelley announced that registration for the 2012 Direct and Countercyclical Program and the Average Crop Revenue Election Program started on Jan. 23 and continues through June 1. “I encourage producers to make an appointment with our office to sign-up for program benefits,” Kelley said. Eligible DCP participants receive a direct payment and/ or a counter-cyclical payment. Direct payment rates are established by statute regardless of market prices. The 2008 Farm Bill does not authorize advance direct payments. Counter-cyclical payments vary depending on market prices, and are issued only when the effective price for a commodity is below its target
Brand re-registration period scheduled to end on Feb. 29
price, which takes into account the direct payment rate, market price and loan rate. ACRE protects producers from farm market revenue declines when revenue triggers are met for a commodity at both the state and farm level. Farms that are already enrolled in the Direct and Counter-cyclical Program for a crop year can elect to switch to ACRE before the end of registration. Both DCP and ACRE participants must sign annual contracts to be eligible for program benefits. All signatures of producers who will receive a share of DCP and ACRE payments must be on file by the June 1 deadline. For more information about DCP and ACRE, please contact the DeWitt County FSA office at 361-275-5751 or visit the web at:
The period to re-register brands concludes on Wednesday, Feb. 29. Beginning March 1, all brands that have not been re-registered are automatically available for registration by another party. The cost of registering
brands in DeWitt County is $11 for the first location on an animal and $5 for each additional location on an animal. For information, contact the DeWitt County Clerk’s Office at 361275-0864.
NIXON LIVESTOCK SALE Feb. 6 Volume: 240. Steers 200-300 lbs: 181.00 to 191.00 to 230.00. 300-400 lbs: 185.00 to 195.00 to 245.00. 400-500 lbs: 167.00 to 177.00 to 205.00. 500-600 lbs: 150.00 to 160.00 to 185.00. 600-700 lbs: 126.00 to 136.00 to 162.00. 700-800 lbs: 145.00.
Heifers 200-300 lbs: 162.00 to 172.00 to 225.00. 300-400 lbs: 159.00 to 169.00 to 230.00. 400-500 lbs: 157.00 to 167.00 to 195.00. 500-600 lbs: 134.00 to 144.00 to 158.00. 600-700 lbs: 145.00. 700-800 lbs: 111.00. Slaughter cows: 65.00 to 75.00 to 85.00. Slaughter bulls: 73.00 to 83.00 to 94.00. Stocker cows: 900.00-1,034.00. Pairs: 1,040.00-1,050.00.
CUERO LIVESTOCK SALE Feb. 10 Volume: 394. Cows: 54. Bulls: 11. Packer bulls-heavyweights: 91.00-96.00. Lower grades-76.00-87.00. Packer cows-boning cows: 87.00-95.00. Cutters (mainly): 65.00-87.00. Low cutters: 76.00-70.00. Fat cows: 77.00-85.00. Dry cows: 53.00-80.00. Palpated cows: 91.00-105.00. Heifers: 98.00-113.00. Pairs: 1,005.00. The calf market was very active. Higher on the choice. Steer calves 200-250 lbs: 215.00-245.00. 250-300 lbs: 215.00-250.00. 300-350 lbs: 205.00-235.00. 350400 lbs: 205.00-230.00. 400-450 lbs: 210.00230.00. 450-500 lbs: 180.00-220.00. 500-600 lbs: 181.00-220.00. Heifer calves 200-250 lbs: 210.00-215.00. 250-300 lbs: 205.00-240.00. 300-350 lbs: 154.00-225.00. 350400 lbs: 175.00-190.00. 400-450 lbs: 137.00185.00. 450-500 lbs: 137.00-185.00. 500-600 lbs: 141.00-136.00. Over 700 lbs Steers: 130.00-173.00. Bulls: 114.00-136.00. Heifers: to 135.00.
ServiceDirectory For More Information Contact The Cuero Record at 361-275-3464 Bail Bonds
830-393-1109 361-798-4002
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Tree Trimming
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Cuero Wellness Center now open 24 hours Sec. B, Page 6 THE CUERO RECORD Wed., February 15, 2012
Members can work out around the clock
The Cuero Wellness Center expanded their hours to become a 24-hour access facility on Feb. 1. “Cuero Wellness Center has stepped forward into the future of fitness and become a 24-hour access facility. We are very excited about this new feature and feel it will be a welcome amenity to existing and future customers,” Mary Katherine Hancock of Cuero Community Hospital said. Although the facility will only be staffed from 7:30 a.m. through 7:30 p.m., customers are given a key to enter during non-staffed hours. For safety reasons, customers are asked not to open the door for others. “We stress it big-time that we don’t want them to let anyone in,” employee Kristen Garza said. “If they’re leaving and someone else is coming in, we want them to let the other person come in and then leave.” Customer’s keys may be disabled on the computer if they are shown letting friends in. The facility is also equipped with a button that calls an ambulance in case of an injury. All emergency personnel have a code to enter the facility in case of an accident. Garza says customers have been cooperative of the new procedures. “We had an example where a brother was outside waiting on me to get here in the morning because his brother had a
Cuero Record photo
Cuero Wellness Center employees, from left, Kristen Garza, Chandra Carbonara and Elyce Andino stand by the new 24-hour sign at the facility. key and he didn’t have his,” she said. “So they followed the rules. We’ve had people follow the rules and we haven’t had any kind of issues, so it’s been good.” Garza said that the expand-
ed hours are ideal for many customers. “People who have to be at work at an early hour will really benefit from it,” she said. “So will people who have kids. We have women with
home schooled kids and they come in before their kids wake up and before their husbands leave for work. “It’s good for guys that work in the oilfield because they work nights and days. The
nurses at hospitals have crazy hours, so they can come in when they get out of work right away. They won’t have to wait for us to open. It benefits a lot of people.”
Filing continues through March 5 for May elections
Filing has begun for the Cuero city council, Cuero ISD school board and Cuero Community Hospital elections set for May 12. Candidates interested in filing in one of the elections have until Monday, March 5 to file. Three places on the council will face election this year. They include mayor and council members for District 2 and 3. Serving in those positions now are Mayor Sara Post Meyer, District 2 Mark Baros and District 3 Brad Hedrick. Meyer has already filed for re-election. To file for a place on the ballot, see City Secretary Lisa Moravitz at the City Administration Building during regular working hours Monday through Friday. The office is closed from noon to 1 p.m. daily. Three positions on the school board will face election - Position 5, At-Large Position 6, and At-Large Position 7. Currently those seats are held by Emily Davis, Position 5; At-Large Position 6 Lynnie Jalufka and At-Large Position 7 Johnny Blackwell. Filing continues with board secretary Kathy Stanfill at the Cuero ISD Administration Building. The office is open during regular working hours Monday through Friday. The office is closed from noon to 1 p.m. daily. Two positions on the Cuero Community Hosptial board of directors will face election this year. Both are at-large positions. They are currently held by Amy Crain and Richard Wheeler and both board members have filed for reelection. To file for a position on this board, see administrative secretary Pat Catron at the hospital during normal business hours. Voter registration is conducted at DeWitt County Tax Assessor Collectors office located at 115 N. Gonzales St. in Cuero.