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Independence Day
Texas VFW Post 8235, Fort Worth
Members gather for a reading of the significance of Independence Day.
Texas VFW Post 10377, Lake Belton
Members stand with a replica Liberty Bell as a symbol of freedom for America’s Independence Day.
Texas VFW Post 2013, Big Spring
Members remember Independence Day at their Post.
Texas VFW Post 4700, San Antonio
Members and the community join together to observe Independence Day at a Post fundraiser that was sponsored by a local dance group.
Texas VFW Post 4006, Navasota
Members lead Navasota’s Independence Day Parade and hold a Buddy Poppy donation table.
During 1967-68, eighty Marines from my
unit were deployed to Vietnam. In 1968, during the battle in Dia Do, Quang Tri Providence, we suffered a large number of casualties. Thirteen of us made it back home and we kept in touch all of these years. At the end of 2019, I was notified that my last remaining combat brother had passed away. This news, coupled with my PTSD, caused me to spiral into depression and darkness.
I was contemplating suicide so that I could be with my brothers. I took my wife out for a nice lunch having made up my mind I was going to take my life that day. While sitting there thinking this would be the last meal with my wife, a miracle happened. A young lady approached our table. I watched her standing in front of us while she uttered these sincere words that affected me very deeply “Thank you for your service.” At that moment I believe my brothers had sent an angel my way to let me know I should not give up. That day she gave me back my life.
I was so taken by her actions that I presented her with my Purple Heart pin I was wearing. She promised that she would wear it in remembrance of me and my brothers. I later found out that she had drawn a picture of me. I continued to be so impressed by this young lady’s selflessness! My VFW Post wished to recognize her for her kindness and for the drawing by presenting her with the Patriotic Art Award. I was also pleased to present her with an inscription of one of Ronald Reagan’s famous quotes as well as one of my Purple Heart Medals. Her name is Ana Rae Grone and she is my angel — sent to me by God and all of my brothers. She did not realize how deeply she changed the life of a veteran that day.
Today, I am happy to say I am a Peer to Peer counselor talking to veterans and helping them deal with PTSD and suicide prevention. Sometimes it is the smallest of gestures that can turn someone’s life around. Ana Rae, thank you for your patriotic support for all of us who gave some and for those who gave all.