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Texel Primestock MORE from TEXEL
Welcome to the 2023 issue of Primestock, the Texel Society’s commercial publication showcasing the breed at work on commercial farms across the UK.
Raging ag-inflation has seen input prices outstrip returns from sheep production over the last year, despite prime sheep prices remaining at relatively steady levels over the last 12 months.
These higher costs have once again focussed producers’ minds on extracting every potential piece of value they can from their sheep enterprises and it is not surprising that Texels feature strongly in many sheep farmers’ plans.
The breed’s continual ability to add value
John Yates Chief Executive
As prime lambs Texel crosses are favoured by both major processors and smaller outlets for the consistency of carcass quality they offer. Higher lean meat to bone ratios and the ability to produce heavier carcasses without excess fat make them a clear choice for many processors and retailers.
Meanwhile, the breed’s exceptional maternal qualities also make Texel crosses a popular choice for farmers looking to add value to their flocks, with lambs from Texel cross ewes finishing quickly and efficiently across the UK.
As the industry faces up to a future with reduced levels of support payments, onfarm efficiency and the opportunity to add value will become even more paramount.
With many producers already gaining the benefits from using Texels, can you afford not to? Texels can provide more to your sheep enterprise, supporting you as you plan a positive future for your business, adding value to your flock and increasing profitability.