THE T E X T I L E MUSEUM T HE TEX T I L E MUSEUM 2320 S Street, NW 2320 S Street, Washington, DC NW 20008-4088 Washington, (202) 667-0441 DC 20008-4088 (202) 667-0441
ADM I S S I O N ADM I S S I fee O Nfor non-members, $5 Free; suggested Free; suggested fee for non-members, $5
HOURS HO Uthrough RS Saturday 10 am to 5 pm Monday Monday Sunday 1 tothrough 5 pm Saturday 10 am to 5 pm Sunday 1 to 5 pm Closed on Federal Holidays: New Year’s Day, MLK Closed Presidents’ on Federal Day, Holidays: New Year’s Day, MLK Birthday, Memorial Day, IndepenBirthday, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ dence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Christmas Day
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LIBRA R Y H O U RS LI BR A through RY HO URS10 am to 2 pm Wednesday Friday Wednesday Saturday 10 amthrough to 4 pmFriday 10 am to 2 pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
MEMB E R S H I P M EM$25 BERSHIP Student: Student: $25$50 Mid-Atlantic: Mid-Atlantic: National: $45 $50 National: Foreign: $50$45 Foreign: $50$100 Myers Fellow: Myers Fellow: Supporter: $250 $100 Supporter: Sponsor: $500$250 Sponsor: $500 Patron: $1,000 Patron: $1,000 Connoisseur: $5,000 Connoisseur: $5,000 Benefactor: $10,000 Benefactor: $10,000
7 + ( 7 ( ; 7 , / ( 0 8 6 ( 8 0 T H E T E X T I L E M U S E UM 2320 S Street, NW 2320 DC S Street, NW Washington, 20008-4088 Washington, DC 20008-4088 (202) 667-0441 (202) 667-0441
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Photo credits
(by page, left to right, top to bottom). Cover
Positions held as of December 31, 2006 unless otherwise indicated
Pillow face (detail), Sk´yros, Northern Sporades, 18th century. The Textile Museum 81.81. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1927. Hanging (detail), Bukhara, Central Asia. The Textile Museum 2996.13.4. Gift of Guido Goldman. Cushion cover (detail),Turkey, 16th century. The Textile Museum 1.62. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1951.
Inside cover The Textile Museum. Photo by Bill Petros.
p. 3:
Textile fragment (detail), Spain, 14th-15th century. The Textile Museum 84.29. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1936. Woman’s tunic, Khamau, Probably Padaung township, Myanmar, ca. 1850-1900. The Textile Museum 2006.8.5 Gift of Barbara and David Fraser.
p. 6:
The Textile Museum’s 2006 Board of Trustees. Left to right, front to back: John L. Sommer, Florence S. Stone, Bruce P. Baganz, Harold M. Keshishian, Joan Shorey; Virginia McGehee Friend, Stanley Roth, Marilyn Wolf, Cynthia Boyer, Eleanor Rosenfeld; Wendel Swan; Fred Ingham, Robert H. Nooter, Ezra Pascal Mager; Amy L. Gould, Hannelore Grantham, Michael Seidman, Roderick A. DeArment and Edwin M. Zimmerman. Photo by Stone Photography, Inc. Skirt, Hainan Island, China. The Textile Museum 2006.15.4. Museum Purchase with funds provided by Stanley Roth.
p. 7:
The Textile Museum’s 2006 Advisory Council. Left to right, front to back: Richard Isaacson, Sheridan P. Collins, William Bechhoefer, Sandra Bowles, Jill W. Martin, Carnig Minasian, Wayne D. Barton, Nina Olson; Rosalie Rudnick, Judith Alper Smith, Zeyneb Lange, Susanne Kayyali, Jane Daniels, Louise Shelley, Sandra Hoexter, Judy Brick Freedman, Mae Festa, Ethelyn Owen; Paul Ramsey, Erik Risman, Ed Elmendorf, Jannes Gibson, Joe Doherty, Julia Burke, Diana K. Myers, Sheldon Rapoport. Photo by Stone Photography, Inc. Pillow face, Skýros, Northern Sporades, 18th century. The Textile Museum 81.81. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1927.
THE TEXTILE MUSEUM ]g XYX]WUhYX hc Zifh\Yf]b[ h\Y ibXYfghUbX]b[ cZ aUb! _]bXÈg WfYUh]jY UW\]YjYaYbhg ]b h\Y hYlh]`Y Ufhg" 5g
p. 8:
Josephine Powell receives the George Hewitt Myers Award from Bruce P. Baganz, President of the Museum’s Board of Trustees. Photo by Bill Petros.
p. 9:
Tabard, Peru, North Coast, Chimu style, ca. 1400-1500. The Textile Museum 91.395. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1941.
p. 10:
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Fragment of a multiple-medallion carpet (detail), Iran or Afghanistan, Khorasan Province, Safavid Period, 2nd half of the 16th century. The Textile Museum R63.00.17. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1956.
cZ YlWY``YbWY ]b h\Y gW\c`Uf`m fYgYUfW\ WcbgYfjUh]cb
Gallery view of Mantles of Merit: Chin Textiles from Mandalay to Chittagong, on view at The Textile Museum October 13, 2006 – February 25, 2007. Photo by Jennifer Heimbecker.
]bhYfdfYhUh]cb UbX Yl\]V]h]cb cZ hYlh]`Yg k]h\ dUfh]Wi`Uf
Bag (conpara), Khamau, Myanmar, 1880-1930. The Textile Museum 2006.8.42. Gift of Barbara and David Fraser.
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p. 11:
Textile Museum Registrar Rachel Shabica is shown with the staff of the State Museum of Azerbaijan Carpet and Applied Art.
p. 12:
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Gallery visitors enjoy the exhibition Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips: Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region, on view March 17 – September 3, 2006. Photo by Bill Petros.
h]cbg fYWcfXg UbX U `]VfUfm Ug kY`` Ug h\fci[\ gW\c`Uf`m
Hanging (detail), Bukhara, Central Asia. The Textile Museum 2996.13.4. Gift of Guido Goldman.
fYgYUfW\ Yl\]V]h]cbg diV`]WUh]cbg UbX YXiWUh]cbU`
p. 13:
Band, Peru. The Textile Museum 2006.24.5. Anonymous Gift.
dfc[fUag" =b U`` cZ h\]g h\Y ghUbXUfX cZ YlWY``YbWY
Anna Grishkova, Associate Conservator for Exhibitions, works with Chandra Obie to prepare objects for display in Seldom Seen: Director’s Choice from the Museum’s Collections. Photo by the conservation department.
YghUV`]g\YX Vm h\Y AigYiaÈg ZcibXYf ;Ycf[Y <Yk]hh
p. 14:
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Local elementary school students enjoy the new tour, Clothes of Many Cultures, at The Textile Museum. Photo by Carly Ofsthun. The annual Celebration of Textiles includes live sheep shearing demonstrations. Photo by Bill Petros.
p. 15:
Attendees of The Art of R¯ozome Meets the World of Sake, held at The Textile Museum on January 19, enjoy a tasting of authentic Japanese sake. Photo by Cyndi Bohlin. Program visitors enjoy a Rug & Textile Appreciation Morning program. Photo by Carly Ofsthun.
p. 16:
A member of the Braille Awareness Club demonstrates the Jennifer Mayster Braille Loom at The Textile Museum’s Celebration of Textiles. Photo by Bill Petros. An enthusiastic visitor to a 2006 Family First Saturday program proudly shows his artwork. Photo by Carly Ofsthun. Jacket, Hainan Island, China. The Textile Museum 2006.15.6. Museum Purchase with funds provided by Stanley Roth.
p. 17:
H.E. the Ambassador of Greece and children in traditional Greek clothing are shown in the exhibition Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips: Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region. Photo by Bill Petros. Tunic fragment (detail), Peru, 16th - 17th century. The Textile Museum 91.8. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1940.
p. 21:
Cushion cover, Turkey, 16th century. The Textile Museum 1.62. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1951.
p. 22:
Cloth (detail), Cameroon, mid-20th century. The Textile Museum 24.5. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1957.
p. 23:
Kilim, Iran, late 16th – early, 17th century. The Textile Museum R33.28.1. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1926.
p. 24:
Docent Trudy Werner leads a group of graduate students through a tour of The Textile Museum exhibition, Pieces of a Puzzle: Classical Persian Carpet Fragments. Photo by Carly Ofsthun.
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1/25/08 9:06:28 AM
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C ontents
From the President.................... 4 From the Director. ................... 5 Board of Trustees...................... 6 Advisory Council. ..................... 7 Leadership................................... 8 Exhibitions.................................. 9 Collections. ...............................11 Conservation.............................13 Education..................................14 Programs. ..................................15 Partnerships..............................17 Scholarship. ..............................18 Donors.......................................20 Volunteers. ...............................24 Financials. .................................25 Staff. ..........................................26
From the President Dear Friends,
Everywhere I travel I encounter textile enthusiasts who know and value the work of The Textile Museum. I am amazed by this common bond uniting such geographically dispersed individuals, as demonstrated by the Museum’s broadreaching membership base, which spans all 50 states and 53 countries. It is a testament to the Museum’s fundamental role in today’s global society, only made possible through the foresight of founder George Hewitt Myers. Since taking charge of The Textile Museum as Director in May 2005, Daniel Walker has proceeded with enthusiasm and vigor, addressing short-term infrastructure needs of the institution while working with Museum staff and Trustees in crafting a plan for the Museum’s progress over the next decade. We are fortunate to benefit from Mr. Walker’s skills as both a world-renowned scholar of Islamic art and textiles and as an able administrator. His leadership has reengaged many key supporters of the Museum. The year did not pass without sadness, as we lost two beloved friends of The Textile Museum: Caroline McCoy-Jones and Josephine Powell. We are thankful that Ms. McCoy-Jones was able to see and voice her approval of the exhibition that featured her two exquisite 19th-century Central Asian coats, donated to the Museum in 2002 and 2004, in Silk & Leather: Splendid Attire of 19th-Century Central Asia: An Exhibition in Honor of Caroline McCoy-Jones, before it closed at the beginning part of the year. Ms. Powell, our 2006 honoree of the Museum’s George Hewitt Myers Award for lifetime achievements in the textile arts, graced us with her presence in October of this past year, and we are grateful for the opportunity to acknowledge her many contributions. Prior to the Tribute Dinner, the Museum commissioned a video interview of Josephine Powell with Andrew Finkel in her Istanbul home in order to ensure the continuation of her legacy. A portion of this video was shown at the Tribute Dinner in October, and it remains available for viewing in the Museum’s Arthur D. Jenkins Library. During the interview, Ms. Powell speaks engagingly about her love for kilims and why she was drawn to them. The video reminds us of her keen intelligence, humanity and twinkling eye. I am inspired by the dedication of the Museum’s Trustees, Advisory Council and staff. Development of the Museum’s long-range plan remains the top priority for the coming year so that we create a programmatic and financial plan to guide us as we work together to achieve our visions for the future. I anticipate sharing information about this with Museum supporters as we embark on bringing the Museum to the next level. On behalf of the Museum’s Board of Trustees, I would like to thank the members, donors, volunteers, staff and all other advocates of The Textile Museum for their continued commitment. We are grateful for your partnership in advancing the Museum as a center for excellence in textile information, history, scholarship and the appreciation of textile arts.
Bruce P. Baganz President, Board of Trustees
4 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
From the Director Dear Friends,
Since becoming Director of this fine institution, I have thoroughly enjoyed exploring The Textile Museum’s renowned collections of more than 18,000 objects from around the globe. In 2006 I had the great pleasure of working with our talented curators to select 28 objects to showcase in the exhibition Seldom Seen: Director’s Choice from the Museum’s Collections. Each of the objects had been hidden from the public eye for many years, and some were on view for the first time ever. It is a tribute to the richness of the Museum’s collections that an exhibition featuring such first-rate textiles could be presented many times over. Images of textiles included in the exhibition are featured throughout this publication. I hope you will enjoy the variety and visual interest they present. As you read through this report, you will surely notice the host of new programs offered in 2006, which sought to broaden our audiences and raise our profile. Exhibition topics ranged from embroidered textiles made for bridal trousseaux in the Greek Islands and Epirus region, to boldly striped ceremonial tunics and accessories worn by the Chin peoples of Myanmar, Bangladesh and India, to a type of Persian carpet only correctly identified in recent years. Images and text from the latter exhibition, Pieces of a Puzzle: Classical Persian Carpet Fragments, have been made available to those with an interest in textiles and Islamic culture through a Web site. Additionally, our educational programs in 2006 gave children the opportunity to wrap themselves in textiles in the new school tour Clothes of Many Cultures and to enjoy hands-on fun during the new monthly program, Family First Saturdays. New offerings for adult audiences included lunchtime gallery talks led by curators and other experts in the field, dye and technique demonstrations, and a docent-led tour focusing on the splendid architecture of the Museum and the historic neighborhood in which it is situated. Building and properly maintaining the Museum’s collections remain essential components of The Textile Museum’s mission. Several new acquisitions of 2006 added depth to the Museum’s vast collections of more than 18,000 rugs and textiles. Of particular note was the collection of Chin material from the hill regions of Myanmar, Bangladesh and India, generously donated to the Museum by longtime friends Barbara and David Fraser. This gift has firmly established The Textile Museum as the repository of the strongest collection of Chin textiles in the United States. In 2006 Museum staff also took advantage of a significant grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to improve the Museum’s storage facilities. We are proud of our commitment to the highest standards of collections management and conservation and know these are essential to attract future gifts. We also addressed a number of areas that demanded immediate attention in order for us to move forward effectively, including filling open staff positions and expanding our development function, which is integral to the Museum’s future success. Muchneeded improvements to our facilities – updating several storage rooms and painting the exterior wood and metal trim of the Pope-designed building – have improved storage conditions and restored this architectural gem to its proper sparkle. As we look to the future, we continue to think of new ways to further engage individuals the world over in learning about the textile arts. In the coming year we plan to offer even more exciting exhibitions as we launch into our institutional plan for the next ten years. I look forward to sharing news of this development as we progress. This is an exciting moment in the Museum’s evolution, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have the goodwill and support of our Trustees, Advisory Council, members, volunteers, friends and others. Only with your ongoing support will the Museum continue its growth and advancement, built on the legacy of our founder, George Hewitt Myers.
Daniel Walker Director
5 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Bruce P. Baganz, President
Sheila Hicks
Deno Papageorge, Vice President
Harold M. Keshishian
Daniel B. Silver, Vice President
William T. Price
Roderick A. DeArment, Treasurer
Joan Shorey
Alexander Crary, Secretary
Alice Dodge Wallace
Edwin M. Zimmerman, Advisor to the Executive Committee MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
HONORARY TRUSTEES Elizabeth Ettinghausen Jack Lenor Larsen
Cynthia Boyer
Virginia McGehee Friend Nancy Gewirz Amy L. Gould Hannelore Grantham Fred Ingham Bevis Longstreth Ezra Pascal Mager Robert H. Nooter Eleanor Rosenfeld Stanley Roth Michael Seidman John L. Sommer Florence S. Stone Wendel Swan Marilyn R. Wolf
6 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
2006 Advisory Council Julia Bailey
Laura Fisher
Jill W. Martin
Sheldon Rapoport
Wayne D. Barton
Judy Brick Freedman
Maud Mater
Erik R. Risman
William Bechhoefer
Jannes Gibson
Eleanor McMillan
Rosalie Rudnick
James Blackmon
Sandra M. Hoexter
Carnig Minasian
Christine Salgo
Sandra Bowles
Susan Ingham
Vanessa D. Moraga
Fred Seibold
Julia Burke
Richard Isaacson
Kurt Munkacsi
Louise Shelley
Katie Cartiglia
Susanne Kayyali
Diana K. Myers
Judith Alper Smith
Young Yang Chung
Christine Mullen Kreamer
Maria Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Leary
Jeffrey Spurr
Sheridan P. Collins
Fred Krieger
Nina Olson
David Staats
Jane Daniels
Zeyneb Lange
Ethelyn Owen
Virginia Woolley
Joseph P. Doherty
A.J. Lederman
Paul Parkman
A. Edward Elmendorf
Beverly Maloof
Felix Phillips
Mae Festa
Gail Martin
Paul Ramsey, Jr.
7 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Leadership The George Hewitt Myers Award, named for The Textile Museum’s founder and presented by the Board of Trustees, recognizes an individual’s lifetime achievement and exceptional contributions to the study and understanding of the textile arts.
2006 Honoree In 2006 the Museum honored Josephine Powell, internationally renowned ethnographer, photographer and expert on nomadic weaving traditions in Turkey, with this distinguished accolade. More than 200 Trustees, patrons and friends of The Textile Museum gathered on Thursday, October 19 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC to celebrate the presentation of the award. His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey and Mrs. Nabi Şensoy were Honorary Patrons of the Tribute Dinner. Stunning décor prepared by Textile Museum Trustee Nancy Gewirz set an elegant and exotic mood, with dramatic floral arrangements and a replica Turkish street market.
is available for viewing in its entirety at The Textile Museum’s Arthur D. Jenkins Library.
The evening program included the presentation of an ongoing slideshow of 200 photographs of architectural ornamentation, landscapes and people of all ages taken by Ms. Powell throughout her years of fieldwork in Turkey, Afghanistan and beyond. In order to preserve the significant contributions of Josephine Powell for future generations, the Museum funded and produced a video interview with Ms. Powell and journalist Andrew Finkel prior to the evening event, and an excerpt of the video was shown during the Tribute Dinner. The video documents the life story and experiences of this important figure and
On January 19, 2007 Museum staff and friends were saddened to learn of Josephine Powell’s passing at her home in Istanbul. Director Daniel Walker remarked, “We mourn the loss of this remarkable person and feel incredible gratitude that she had such a rich and full life and that we were able to share with her our profound appreciation for her life’s work through the presentation of the George Hewitt Myers Award this past October. We are also grateful that we have Andrew Finkel’s wonderful interview of Josephine in video form, a portion of which was shown at the October event, to preserve her legacy.”
Remarks by Daniel Walker and Charles Lave, a Professor of Economics at the University of California-Irvine and a close friend of Ms. Powell’s, provided a personal reflection on her life and personality. Bruce P. Baganz, President of The Textile Museum’s Board of Trustees, presented the award to the honoree. Upon her return to Istanbul, Ms. Powell proudly displayed the award in her home, writing to Mr. Baganz and Mr. Walker, “Thank you to The Textile Museum for such a sumptuous evening, to all of you for your gracious support, and for choosing me to receive the George Hewitt Myers Award.”
8 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Exhibitions From Persian carpets to Greek embroideries, exhibitions on view at The Textile Museum in 2006 presented a diverse array of textiles from cultures around the world. Visitors to the Museum experienced the cultural, artistic and technical facets of textiles. Objects on display were drawn from the Museum’s renowned collections as well as institutional and private collections worldwide. A wide range of programming interpreted the exhibitions on view. For virtual visitors, the Museum launched a Web site version of the exhibition Pieces of a Puzzle: Classical Persian Carpet Fragments, making the content available to a broader audience.
On View in 2006 Seldom Seen: Director’s Choice from the Museum’s Collections February 10 – July 30, 2006 Seldom Seen: Director’s Choice from the Museum’s Collections featured Director Daniel Walker’s selection of 28 textiles from The Textile Museum’s permanent holdings, which number more than 18,000 objects. In consultation with the Museum’s curatorial staff, Walker selected each object based on a compelling visual quality or aspect of form, surface treatment, color, or refinement of concept or expression. Objects on view varied in terms of culture and function, ranging from a Persian kilim, chosen by founder George Hewitt Myers as his bookplate, to a Japanese suo costume recently acquired by the Museum. Included were pieces from South America, Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Japan. Curated by Daniel Walker, Museum Director.
Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips: Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region March 17 – September 3, 2006
Embroidered textiles created between the 17th and 19th centuries for bridal trousseaux and domestic life offer a unique window into Greek island societies at the intersection of two worlds: the Latin West and Ottoman East. Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips: Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region explored how and why people living so close together produced such divergent styles of embroidered textiles. Many of the 70 textiles on view were collected by the Museum’s founder, George Hewitt Myers, in the early part of the 20th century. The exhibition was the culmination of research undertaken by the curator in 2003 and was made possible through a Getty Research Grant. A full-color catalogue accompanied the exhibition. Curated by Sumru Belger Krody, Associate Curator, Eastern Hemisphere Collections.
9 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Pieces of a Puzzle: Classical Persian Carpet Fragments September 1, 2006 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; January 7, 2007 Pieces of a Puzzle: Classical Persian Carpet Fragments featured the two earliest Khorasan carpets known, dating from the 16th century. The exhibition brought together three surviving primary fragments of one of these carpets, reassembling them into their original configuration. By bringing together fragments from the same carpet, the exhibition provided visitors with a sense of the scale and grandeur of the complete piece, while allowing them to share in the process of research and discovery experienced by the curator. This reassembled carpet was complemented by a number of fragments with different pattern types dating from the 17th century and one 18th century example. Khorasan carpets, like other types of Persian carpets, were correctly identified only in the 1970s; prior to that time, scholars discussed Persian carpets in terms of a general overview of many types. Classical Khorasan carpets are distinguished by their superior wool and dyes, a broad palette featuring particular color combinations, exquisite drawing and distinctive knotting variations. The scholarship presented in the physical exhibition has been made available on a permanent basis to Museum friends and enthusiasts through a Web site. The online exhibition Pieces of a Puzzle: Classical Persian Carpet Fragments is available at Curated by Daniel Walker, Museum Director.
Mantles of Merit: Chin Textiles from Mandalay to Chittagong October 13, 2006 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; February 25, 2007 The Chin are an ethnic minority group some two million strong who live in the hills of western Myanmar, northeastern India and eastern Bangladesh. Mantles of Merit: Chin Textiles from Mandalay to Chittagong was the first major exhibition devoted to their sophisticated textiles, traditionally created on back-tension looms. Chin textiles are used to mark the achievement of merit in this life and the next, as well as serve as clothing and badges of identity and status. The exhibition was the culmination of years of research and fieldwork by the curators: David W. Fraser, former President of Swarthmore College and an expert in epidemiology, international health and education and material culture; and Barbara G. Fraser, a financial services attorney with a lifelong interest in textiles. The exhibition also included historic and contemporary photographs, the latter taken by the curators during their fieldwork in the region over the past five years. The definitive volume on this subject, Mantles of Merit: Chin Textiles from Myanmar, Bangladesh and India, written by the exhibition curators, served as the exhibition catalogue.
Curated by Barbara G. and David W. Fraser, The Textile Museum Research Associate.
10 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Collections In the past eight decades, The Textile Museum’s collections have grown from a modest group of 275 rugs and 60 related textiles to more than 18,000 objects from around the world. The Museum continued to grow and strengthen its collections in 2006 with the accession of 146 objects spanning many cultures and time periods.
Acquisitions An important collection of textiles of the Chin, an ethnic minority group who live in the hills of Myanmar, Bangladesh and India, was generously donated to the Museum by Barbara and David Fraser in 2006 and formed the focal point of the exhibition Mantles of Merit: Chin Textiles from Mandalay to Chittagong. The gift of 52 textiles makes The Textile Museum’s collection of Chin material one of the finest in the world. Other significant acquisitions included four exceptionally fine ikat textiles donated to the Museum by Guido Goldman and four beautiful Indian saris given by Uma Lele. Also in 2006, Textile Museum Trustee Stanley Roth generously provided funds used to purchase a group of Li textiles from the Chinese island of Hainan, a significant addition to the Museum’s holdings of ethnographic material. A diverse group of 11 objects given to The Textile Mueum by an anonymous donor, including a hat from Cameroon, a late Nasca style tapestry band from Peru and other unique textiles, has added depth to various areas within the Museum’s collections. Museum acquisitions are made possible through individual donations and through the Museum’s endowed Fisher and Latin American Research Funds.
Public Access Public access to the collections allows the Museum to share its extensive holdings with scholars, students and individuals from around the world. In 2006 the Museum organized a viewing of Andean textiles for
two groups of art history students from the Corcoran College of Art and Design, and a viewing of Southeast Asian textiles for women from an Indian Weavers Guild. Access was also granted to a young Peruvian weaver and students from Syracuse University who are interested in pursuing museum work. For these and other visits, the collections management, conservation and curatorial departments worked together to take textiles out from their storage spaces for viewing and discussion. While space and time constraints make this a challenge, such access to the collections remains a top priority for The Textile Museum.
Outreach The Textile Museum feels a responsibility to share the knowledge, experience and expertise of its dedicated staff members with other museums, especially those in developing countries. The past year provided several opportunities for such interaction and collaboration. In April 2006 Conservator Anne Ennes traveled to Turkmenistan to present workshops on the care of collections through a program organized by the US State Department. Later in the year, during the month of June, Registrar Rachel Shabica worked at the State Museum of Azerbaijan Carpet and Applied Art, a project made possible through an IPAM (International Partnership Among Museums) grant from the American Association of Museums and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US State Department. The second half of the exchange program occurred in spring 2007 when the
11 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Director of the Carpet Museum visited The Textile Museum. This IPAM project will culminate in a Web site detailing procedures for the care and management of textile collections, a lasting resource for institutions worldwide. Additionally, the collections management department is active in both the regional (Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums) and national museum organizations (American Association of Museums), with Rachel Shabica serving as chair of the Registrarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Committee of MAAM, to ensure that professional connections and skills are maintained.
Donors to The Textile Museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Collections in 2006 Anonymous William and Sondra Bechhoefer Sarah Taylor Cutler Dr. James L. and Mrs. Dena Dannenberg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fell David and Barbara Fraser Guido Goldman Francis Hueber
Maureen Kuwano Hinkle Mary Hoogeveen Yukikazu Iwasa Robert and Annette Klayman Uma Lele Stanley Owen Roth Claudia Russell John and Donna Sommer Mrs. B. Zodinpuii
12 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Conservation Conservation staff members at The Textile Museum are dedicated to protecting the Museum’s collections, ensuring that the objects will be preserved for future generations of textile enthusiasts worldwide, and to sharing their expertise. The Museum’s ambitious exhibition schedule, which includes the presentation of four to six exhibitions annually, demands the time and ingenuity of the conservation department.
According to Esther Méthé, who holds the endowed position of Margaret Wing Dodge Chair in Conservation, the department’s goals are to “optimize current storage conditions and improve the quality of facilities in order to maintain and protect the integrity of the textiles.” The team of three highly-trained professionals faces the challenges of adopting the sometimes quirky spaces of two historic houses as exhibition and storage space.
Storage Upgrade In 2006 the conservation department, working in collaboration with the collections management department, undertook the second phase of a comprehensive project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The grant, received in 2005, supported efforts to maximize and improve the storage of the Museum’s collections. The first phase of the project involved 18 staff members and volunteers working together to reorganize objects based on their condition. The second phase of the project “focused on upgrading and reconfiguring storage for the Museum’s rug collections by adding additional shelves to existing units,” explains Esther Méthé, Chief Conservator. Efforts to improve other storage areas resulted in the survey of more than 1,000 textiles and the preparation of 70 passive mounts, a unique type of support for small or fragmented textiles standardized by the conservation department a few years ago. Passive mounts are created with acid-free boards
that are cut, assembled and fitted with cotton muslin and acid-free tissue to properly accommodate each individual object. The use of these standardized mounts allows objects of various dimensions to be stacked without damaging the fragile textiles.
Outreach The conservation department of The Textile Museum serves an important role in the field by educating future generations of conservators and museum professionals and by serving as a leader in worldwide discussions of best practices. In 2006 the conservation department provided practical experience and expert training to two students of textile conservation and one museum manager. Conservation staff also welcomed to the Museum colleagues from around the world – including a delegation from Bhutan, a Lao weaver interested in developing a textile museum in her country and representatives of a new textile museum in Bangkok. Also in 2006 representatives of the Museum’s conservation department attended a conservation workshop in Toronto focused on thangka, a Tibetan painting tradition; a course in Applied Polarized Light/Forensic Microscopy in Chicago; and the annual conference of The American Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). Such participation ensures that The Textile Museum’s conservators are skilled in the most current methods of proper care and treatment for textiles.
13 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Education Docent Corps The Textile Museum’s docent corps plays an integral part in educating the public about the textile arts through interpretive tours created for adult and child audiences. A new initiative introduced in 2006 provided the opportunity for visitors to learn more about objects on view outside of the traditional tour format. Docents with special “Ask Me” nametags were available in the galleries on the last Friday of each month to answer questions. This opportunity was so well-received that the Museum plans to have “Ask Me” docents available more frequently in 2007. The year 2006 welcomed the 30th anniversary of Docent Sheridan Collins’ service with the Museum. Ms. Collins credits her dedication to the constantly changing exhibitions that present new information on cultures and textile traditions. Reflecting on her tenure, Ms. Collins said “The Textile Museum has a unique role in today’s society. As docents, we have the remarkable opportunity to teach people about the diversity of the human race while exploring how much we share across cultures.”
Teacher Programs An important component of the Museum’s education program is collaboration with teachers and schools in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. For over 20 years, the Museum has partnered with the DC Arts and Humanities Education Collaborative to create a thematic school program to be used as a tool for DC public school teachers. The Museum also offers teacher workshops to show educators how to use The Textile Museum’s exhibitions and Web site to develop methods for integrating textile arts into interdisciplinary lessons. In 2006
educators from all regional districts were invited to learn about cross-curriculum educational programs, exhibitions and resources offered by eight museums in the Dupont Circle and Kalorama neighborhoods at an Educators’ Open House, hosted by The Textile Museum. Representatives from the area museums presented lesson plans based on history, culture and art designed to be supplemented by field trips.
Collaboration with Local Schools New tours in 2006 provided even greater access to the Museum’s exhibitions and collections for students in all grade levels. Hundreds of local students learned about garments in the hands-on tour, Clothes of Many Cultures. The history of The Textile Museum and founder George Hewitt Myers became the focus of a new Architectural Outing tour highlighting the buildings’ architecture, gardens and historic neighborhood offered to both student and adult groups. Each year The Textile Museum invites 1st through 6th grade classes in DC public schools to apply for participation in a Museum-School Partnership. Our 2006 partners included Benjamin Orr Elementary and Oyster Bilingual Elementary. After an initial tour of the Museum’s current exhibition, docents were assigned to each class to guide the students in designing and creating an original work of textile art. The finished artwork was unveiled during the Museum’s Celebration of Textiles and remained on view through the month of June. Oyster Bilingual art teacher Carole Whelan said “Thank you for the opportunity for doing this. Each time I venture into the world of textiles, I come away with so much more than I ever thought I would. My students and fellow teachers are the beneficiaries.”
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The year 2006 introduced several new opportunities for adults, children and families to experience the beauty and diversity of the textile arts.
Adult Programs Most Saturdays, the Museum offered Rug & Textile Appreciation Morning programs, led by textile collectors, on such topics as Oriental Rugs as Islamic Art: The Cultural Context and Compared and Contrasted: Anatolian and Caucasian Kilims. For those newer to the textile arts, the Museum presented an evening session called So, You Want to Collect Rugs… and a monthly Conservation & Eastern Hemisphere Curatorial Consultation. This dropin program gave participants the opportunity to learn about the history and technical aspects of textiles in their own collections through the expertise provided by Textile Museum staff. For weekday visitors, the Museum provided the opportunity to see current exhibitions in a new light during a series of Lunchtime Textile Talks. Curators, scholars and experts presented various viewpoints during these drop-in sessions. A collaborative program presented by the Museum and the Baltimore Embroiderers’ Guild included an exploration of embroidery stitches used on the textiles on display, followed by a live demonstration.
New Horizons Events In 2006 The Textile Museum’s New Horizons Committee, a volunteer organization with the mission of providing
stimulating activities for members as well as expanding the membership and visibility of the Museum, offered a day-long excursion to LongHouse Reserve. LongHouse is the home of renowned textile designer Jack Lenor Larsen, Textile Museum Honorary Trustee and recipient of the Museum’s 2005 George Hewitt Myers Award. Mr. Larsen led participants on a special tour of the home and its gardens; a visit to the home and studio of Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner followed. At the beginning of the year, the New Horizons Committee organized The Art of R¯ozome Meets the World of Sake, a festive marriage of Japanese cuisine, drink and textiles in one special evening event which drew a lively, young audience.
Rug-Focused Programs Rug enthusiasts enjoyed special opportunities for indepth analysis and discussion in 2006. In the spring, author and Textile Museum Trustee Bevis Longstreth explored the enduring mystery surrounding the oldest known pile carpet in existence during a lecture and book signing of Spindle and Bow. This historical novel weaves together a story of the power of art at the dawning of civilization by exploring the history of the mysterious Pazyryk carpet, which is now housed in St. Petersburg’s
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Hermitage Museum. In the fall, attendees of The Textile Museum Fall Symposium explored New Directions in Persian Carpet Studies. More than 140 participants attended informative sessions by world-renowned scholars reviewing the history of Persian carpet studies, culminating in a discussion on current work in the field.
Family Activities The Textile Museum launched Family First Saturdays, a new drop-in family program held the first Saturday of each month, in fall 2006. Each session offers different hands-on activities and demonstrations â&#x20AC;&#x201C; including storytelling, scavenger hunts, art projects and more â&#x20AC;&#x201C; related to the textiles on view. The 28th annual Celebration of Textiles, held the first weekend in June, attracted audiences of all ages. Animals, hands-on activities, and performances of Greek dance and music made this free event especially appealing to children and families.
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Partnerships Community Partnerships The Textile Museum engages in partnerships on the local, national and international levels to expand the Museum’s reach worldwide and to serve a broad spectrum of communities.
Washington, DC Metropolitan Area The Textile Museum consistently seeks collaborative opportunities with embassies and cultural organizations in the Washington, DC metropolitan region. In 2006 the Museum worked with the Embassy of Greece for programming tied to the exhibition Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips: Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region and welcomed Ambassador Alexandros and Mrs. Mallias to the preview reception on March 17. Also in March the Museum presented two films about Greek art and culture, followed by a discussion with Sumru Belger Krody, curator of Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips, in conjunction with the Environmental Film Festival. In the fall, the Museum partnered with Les Dames d’Escoffier, an international group that educates and mentors women in the culinary professions, for An Evening of Persian Art and Cuisine. Event attendees enjoyed a sampling of Persian food and a book signing with author Najmieh Batmanglij, then explored the exhibition Pieces of a Puzzle: Classical Persian Carpet Fragments.
promotion. Also in 2006, the Museum joined with Cultural Tourism DC and the Washington, DC Convention and Tourism Corporation (WCTC) to offer programs inspired by the citywide initiative American Originals. Director Daniel Walker presented a special lecture on Museum founder George Hewitt Myers and docents led Architectural Walking Tours of The Textile Museum for this patriotically themed initiative.
Museum Community
Tourist Sector
Partnerships with other museums strengthen The Textile Museum’s role in this global community. The Museum began 2006 with a unique collaboration with the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, offering a course on fashion and textile design for local college students on January break. The intensive week-long program included presentations and workshops on design as it related to the exhibition Style & Status: Imperial Costumes from Ottoman Turkey, on view at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, as well as an introduction to The Textile Museum’s resources and exhibitions. The course concluded with the presentation of the students’ original designs.
As one of Washington’s most unique cultural institutions, The Textile Museum participates in citywide promotions designed to attract regional and national visitors to the Washington area. In February 2006 the Museum joined with other arts institutions for Warm up to a Museum, an initiative organized by Cultural Tourism DC. Expert Ann Marie Moeller presented a Rug & Textile Appreciation Morning program on the topic Hot Wax and High Design in Japanese Batik Kimono as part of the
Lending Textile Museum objects is a vital component to expanding the Museum’s reach and making its collections accessible worldwide. In 2006 an Inca style Peruvian tunic from the Museum’s collections was lent to the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, Spain. The tunic was included in an exhibition organized by the curator of the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Anni and Josef Albers: Latin American Journeys.
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Scholarship Library The quiet and studious atmosphere of the Museum’s Arthur D. Jenkins Library belies an active participation in worldwide textile scholarship through outreach and research.
Library Collections Established in 1925 by Museum founder George Hewitt Myers and fellow rug and textile collector Arthur D. Jenkins, the Library’s collection has grown to nearly 20,000 volumes that are unrivaled in their scope and rarity. The Library’s collection of monographs, serials, pamphlets, auction catalogs, slides and videotapes encompasses the history of textiles, rugs and costume, as well as materials on contemporary fiber art, textile structures and techniques, and textile conservation. The Library’s holdings also include beautifully illustrated monographs, rare out-of-print books, and current scholarly studies on the art and cultural history of the cultures that produce these textiles. Children’s books about textile materials and techniques as well as stories about children in various cultures are available for browsing. It is the only library in the United States to index journals and periodicals in the field of textiles, a service which identifies for the researcher the most current textile scholarship. The Library also has an extensive collection of textile glossaries and bibliographies to assist researchers.
TextileMuse: An Online Catalogue As a member of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), a worldwide library cooperative of more than 57,000 libraries in 112 countries and territories around the world, the Library assists researchers and students in all corners of the globe in locating, acquiring and preserving library materials. The Library’s searchable
online catalogue, TextileMuse ( textilemuse.html), serves an integral function in making its wealth of scholarly material accessible to a global audience. TextileMuse reached a major milestone in 2006 with achieving 25,000 entries in the directory. Librarian Mary Mallia and her many volunteers continue to add items to the Library’s collection and the accompanying database that reflect and interpret the Museum’s objects and support research in the field.
Resources Each year the Library publishes an annual Textiles Bibliography, compiled by the Museum’s librarian and co-published with the Textile Society of America, which is distributed to exchange partners worldwide. The Library also publishes an international directory of educational programs related to the textile arts. Members of the public who come to the Museum’s Conservation & Eastern Hemisphere Curatorial Consultations or to see the current exhibitions are encouraged to make their way upstairs to the Library. They can learn more about their own textiles or read in more depth about objects on view. From grade school to graduate studies, the Arthur D. Jenkins Library is an unsurpassed destination for those who seek in-depth resources on textile-related topics, ranging from anthropology and archeology to history and religion.
Donors of Books to the Library in 2006 Mary Jane Appel, Pinar Arcan Bruce P. Baganz Robert Baldwin Banco de Credito, Lima, Peru Juan D. Cardenas Dominique and Nicole Chevalier
Amalia Cosmetatou Mariana T. Durbin Dr. Massumeh Farhad Susan Nashman Fraiman Michael Franses David and Barbara Fraser Burton L. Gerber David Halevim Honna Havas
Richard Isaacson Amir J. Jadaibayev Ann Johnston Mireille Key Hans König Pamela Korp Mary Kristmann James and Elsie Klumpner Jui-Tsung Lee
Richard L. Linkins Karen Lynch Manek Mahal Yosef A. Maiman Montgomery County Public Libraries Marie Noelle Muletier Serga and Daniel Nadler Arturo Alonzo Sandoval
18 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Sandra Sardjono Praful and Shilpa Shah Sarah B. Sherrill John and Donna Sommer Paul Michael Taylor Henry B. Thompson Alice Dodge Wallace Bracha Yaniv
Publications Bier, Carol
Fraser, David W. and Barbara G.
“Teaching about Islamic Art/Learning Geometry; Teaching Geometry/Learning about Islamic Art.” The Mathematics Education in the 21st Century Project. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference: Reform, Revolution and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education. Ed. Johor Bahru and Alan Rogerson. Malaysia, 2006: 224-26.
“Indian Light on Chin Textiles.” HALI No. 149 (November/ December 2006): 60-65.
“Islamic Art: An Exploration of Pattern.” Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music and Science (Conference Proceedings). Ed. R. Sarhangi. Winfield, KS, 2006.
Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region: Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips. Washington, DC: The Textile Museum and London: Scala Publishers, 2006.
“Comfort of Beauty: The Suzanis of Doris Duke.” Selvedge No.12 (2006): 24-27.
“Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips: Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region.” Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Spring 2006): 43-48.
“Art and Mithal: Reading Geometry as Visual Allegory (abstract).” The 6th Biennial of Iranian Studies. Ed. Farhad Hakimzadeh. London, 2006. Denny, Walter B. “Islamic Art,” Janson’s History of Art. 7th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2006. “Islamic Arts and Daily Life.” Catalogue Volume on the Joseph and Umayma Touma Collection. Huntington, WV: Huntington Museum of Art, 2006. “Anatolian Carpets and Islamic Art: Status of the Artist.” Encyclopedia of Islam, 2006. “Oriental Carpets and Textiles in Venice.” Moments of Vision: Venice and the Islamic World 828-1797. Ed. Stefano Carboni. Paris and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY: Éditions Gallimard, Paris, 2006. “Entries: Carpets, Hali, Kilim and Rugs.” Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, 2006. “Islamic Art.” Handbook of Islamic Studies. Ed. Akbar Ahmed and Tamara Sonn. London: Sage Publications, 2006. Gunzburger-Anderson, Cecilia “The Textile Museum Thesaurus.” Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot Vol. 37, No. 3 (2006): 22-25.
Krody, Sumru Belger “A Silk Cope.” HALI No. 148 (September/October 2006): 51-53.
“All for your Delight, Harpies, Mermaids and Tulips: Embroidery of the Greek Islands and Epirus Region.” HALI No. 145 (March/April 2006): 26-27. Mallia, Mary 2006 Textiles Bibliography, compiled and edited by Mary Mallia. Washington, DC: The Textile Museum and Earlsville, MD: Textile Society of America, 2006. Rowe, Ann Pollard “Términos textiles en castellano.” Actas, III Jornadas Internacionales sobre Textiles Precolombinos. Ed. Victòria Solanilla Demestre. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2006: 443-469. “A Paracas Mantle.” HALI No. 147 (July/August 2006): 51-53. Walker, Daniel “A Safavid Silk Kilim.” HALI No. 145 (March/April 2006): 87-89.
19 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
The Textile Museum gratefully acknowledges the generosity of those who help the Museum to fulfill its mission as a center of excellence in the scholarly research, conservation and exhibition of textiles. Gifts of $250 and above received during the 2006 fiscal year (January 1, 2006 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; December 31, 2006) are listed below. The Museum extends its sincere thanks to all members and Sustaining Fund donors.
Benefactors $10,000 and above
Bruce P. Baganz and Olive W. Baganz, Houston, TX
Sylvia Bergstrom and Joe Rothstein, Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Keshishian, Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bimel, Cincinnati, OH
Dr. and Mrs. Duane M. Kline, Jr., Cheyenne, WY
Ms. Geraldine A. Blackney, Saginaw, MI Mr. James D. Burns, Seattle, WA
Cynthia and Alton Boyer, Alexandria, VA
Mr. John Collins and Mrs. Catherine Collins, Watertown, MA
Dr. and Mrs. Worth B. Daniels, Jr., Baltimore, MD
David and Mary Colton, Albuquerque, NM
Joseph W. and Judith Fell, Chicago, IL
Tom and Fay Cook, Evanston, IL
Judy Brick Freedman, Charlotteville, NY
Arlene C. Cooper, New York, NY
Virginia McGehee Friend, Waterford, VA
Emilie de Brigard, Higganum, CT
Carl and Nancy Gewirz, Bethesda, MD
Walter B. Denny and Alice Robbins, Amherst, MA
Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham, Boston, MA Fred and Susan Ingham, Seattle, WA
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Dodds, Philadelphia, PA
Mr. Bevis Longstreth and Mrs. Clara Longstreth, New York, NY
Joseph P. Doherty, New York, NY
Mr. Ezra P. Mager and Mrs. Reeva Mager, New York, NY
Colin and Lee England, Bethesda, MD
Darcy J. Dye, Grand Rapids, MI Elizabeth S. Ettinghausen, in memory of Richard Ettinghausen, Princeton, NJ
Maud Mater, Great Falls, VA Deno D. Papageorge, New Hope, PA Matthew S. Polk, Jr. and Amy L. Gould, Gibson Island, MD Eleanor T. and Samuel J. Rosenfeld, Bethesda, MD
John and Donna Sommer, Palo Alto, CA Alice Dodge Wallace, Boulder, CO
Jannes Gibson, Potomac, MD
1 Anonymous Benefactor
Mrs. Ann B. Goodman and Dr. Arthur B. Pardee, Cambridge, MA Harry and Diane Greenberg, Palo Alto, CA
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Harris, Bethesda, MD
Mrs. John L. Hart, Washington, DC
Patti Cadby Birch, New York, NY
Dr. Arline J. Lederman and Dr. Edward A. Friedman, Hoboken, NJ Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lehfeldt, Potomac, MD Ms. Uma Lele, Washington, DC Don and Pamela Lichty, Honolulu, HI Mr. and Mrs. A.V. Liventals, Washington, DC E. B. and Joan C. Long, Akron, OH Gail Martin, New York, NY Jill W. Martin, Bethesda, MD
Ms. Anne L. Mehringer and Mr. John T. Beaty, Jr., in honor of Cynthia Boyer, Bethesda, MD
Alene H. and Robert S. Gelbard, Washington, DC
Marshall and Marilyn R. Wolf, New York, NY
Mrs. Zeyneb F. Lange and Mr. Homer Lange, Washington, DC
Mae Festa, New Haven, CT
Elisabeth R. French, Washington, DC
Daniel and Sybil Silver, Chevy Chase, MD
Frederick and Stella Krieger, Los Angeles, CA
Ms. Joyce Martin, Bethesda, MD
David and Barbara Fraser, Yardley, PA
Joan and Ev Shorey, Washington, DC
Mrs. Louis B. Kohn II, Baltimore, MD
Mr. Jerry Feinberg and Mrs. Laurie Feinberg, Arlington, VA Ruth Lincoln Fisher and Frederic R. Fisher Trusts, Arlington, VA
Stanley Owen Roth, Alexandria, VA
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Koenig, Minusio, Switzerland
Eleanor McMillan, Glyndon, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Carnig A. Minasian, Glenview, IL Jill Moormeier, Belton, MO Kurt Munkacsi and Nancy Jeffries, New York, NY Ms. Nina E. Olson, Washington, DC Mrs. Ethelyn Owen, Potomac, MD Elmerina and Paul Parkman, Kensington, MD Ms. Elizabeth Plotnick and Mr. Harvey Plotnick, Chicago, IL The Michael and Penelope Pollard Fund, on behalf of Mr. Michael and Mrs. Penelope Pollard, Chevy Chase, MD
Sheridan and Richard Collins, Arlington, VA
Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Hauge, Falls Church, VA
Alexander D. Crary, Washington, DC
Mr. Roger W. Hollander, Cody, WY
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick DeArment, Washington, DC
Donald L. Holley, Paris, France
Mr. Roger S. Pratt and Mrs. Claire Pratt, Far Hills, NJ
Ms. Vicki Howard, Arlington, VA
Mrs. William M. Preston, Washington, DC
Francis M. Hueber, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Dr. and Mrs. William T. Price, Amarillo, TX
Ms. Cheri A. Hunter, Pacific Palisades, CA
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Richman, New York, NY
Richard Isaacson, Arlington, VA
Mr. and Mrs. Luther S. Roehm, Summit, NJ
Mrs. Margot Kelly, Washington, DC
Professor and Mrs. Richard Rose Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Robert and Nancy Nooter, Washington, DC Florence and Roger Stone, Washington, DC
$1,000-$4,999 Dr. and Mrs. John W. Barrett, Bethesda, MD Wayne Barton, Toronto, ON
20 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Mr. Paul Ramsey, Jr., Denver, CO
Michael Seidman and Lynda Couvillion, Washington, DC
Ms. Jennifer Hills and Mr. Craig Asher, Bethesda, MD
Ms. Marsha E. Swiss and Dr. Ronald M. Costell, Washington, DC
Professor Louise Shelley, Washington, DC
Ms. Elsie Hull and Mr. James Sprague, Washington, DC
David and Isabel Taylor, Washington, DC
Joan L. and John H. Jackson, Chevy Chase, MD
AlJean Thompson, Macon, GA
Mr. William S. Siegal, Santa Fe, NM Judith Alper Smith, Brookline, MA Mrs. Russell Yates Smith, Alexandria, VA
Mr. Robert J. Joly and Ms. Nancy S. Hewison, West Lafayette, IN
Mr. and Mrs. Hervey S. Stockman, Albuquerque, NM
Edward and Phyllis Kane, Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Wendel R. Swan, Alexandria, VA Daniel and Stefanie Walker, Washington, DC
Jerome and Deena Kaplan, Bethesda, MD Susanne S. Kayyali, Coral Gables, FL
Ms. Carson C. Taylor, Boulder, CO Mr. Alexander B. Trowbridge and Mrs. Eleanor H. Trowbridge, Washington, DC Dr. Max V. Wisgerhof and Mrs. Mary H. Wisgerhof, Grosse Pointe, MI 4 Anonymous Sponsors
Sandra G. Whitman, San Francisco, CA
Mr. Jeffrey Krauss and Mrs. Fern Krauss, Potomac, MD
Ann L. Willard, New York, NY
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ladd, Amarillo, TX
$250 - $499
Mrs. Lawrence A. Wishner, Fredericksburg, VA
Mr. Jack Lenor Larsen, East Hampton, NY
Ms. Virginia C. Woolley, Athens, OH
Leigh A. Marsh, Philadelphia, PA
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Zimmerman, Washington, DC
Bethany Mendenhall and Charles Lave, Irvine, CA
3 Anonymous Patrons
Fred and Kathleen Mushkat, Louisville, KY
Linda Lee Lowry, Brooklyn, NY
Maria Teresa O'Leary, Alexandria, VA
Sponsors $500 - $999
James and Marjorie Akins, Mitchellville, MD
Dr. Judi Aubel and Mr. Tom Osborn, Rome, Italy Ms. Pelin Aylangan, Fairfax, VA Mrs. Martha A. Baganz, Charlottesville, VA Mrs. Julia Bailey and Mr. Douglas M. Bailey, Arlington, MA
Dr. Carol M. Ravenal and Dr. Earl C. Ravenal, Washington, DC
Helen and Daniel Banes, Chevy Chase, MD
Rosalie and Mitch Rudnick, Boston, MA Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stevens, Washington, DC
Mrs. Joan T. Batchelor, Brookline, MA
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Adler, South Orange, NJ
Mary Jo Otsea, New York, NY
Ms. Jane Roche, Hamden, CT
Jon M. and Deborah Anderson, Columbus, OH
William and Sondra Bechhoefer, Bethesda, MD
Mr. David Barbour, Alexandria, VA Ms. Janet T. Barnard, Rockville, MD Mrs. Jeanne Badeau Barnett, McLean, VA Mr. Dennis Barry and Ms. Judith Hecht, Washington, DC Dr. Robert J. Baum, Gainesville, FL
Ms. Molly Bingham, Washington, DC Mr. and Mrs. Roger Blackshaw, New York, NY Mrs. Susan H. Bralove and Mr. Steven Bralove, Washington, DC Anne Braxton, Athens, OH Mrs. Fleur S. Bresler and Mr. Charles Bresler, Rockville, MD Jane Venable Brown, Winchester, KY Michael and Ingrid Caverly, Gettysburg, PA Ambassador Gene B. and Mrs. Rebecca S. Christy, Kailua, Oahu, HI Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Cleveland, Washington, DC Michael and Georgia de Havenon, New York, NY Ms. Tina deVries, Long Valley, NJ Ms. Julie Evans, Arlington, VA Dr. and Mrs. Giraud V. Foster, Baltimore, MD Ms. Jere Gibber and Mr. J. G. Harrington, Alexandria, VA Mary Turner Gilliland, Menlo Park, CA Ms. Eryka Haley and Mr. Peter Haley, Calgary, AB Mrs. Eunice G. Hawley, Washington, DC
21 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Mr. George M. Bedinger and Mrs. Caroline R. Bedinger, Washington, DC
Mr. Russell S. Fling and Mrs. Dona Fling, Columbus, OH
Sherley Koteen, Washington, DC
Ms. Phyllis Freedman, Washington, DC
Ms. Josephine L. Berger-Nadler, New York, NY
Ms. Pilar Garffer, Washington, DC
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Kuhn, Washington, DC
Ms. Gayle M. Garrett, Washington, DC
Mrs. Egbert Leigh, Washington, DC
In Memory of Margie Garrett, Washington, DC
Ms. Marla Lembo, Brooklyn, NY
Aija C. Blitte, Washington, DC Dr. Harald Boehmer and Ms. Renate Boehmer, Ganderkesee, Germany
Mrs. Marcia Garwood-Pitha and Mr. Josef Pitha, North Bethesda, MD
Ms. Louise Bourgeois, New York, NY
Dale Claire Gibb, Alexandria, VA
Mrs. Ethel S. Brody, Columbia, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Graboske, Rockville, MD
Mr. Kenneth C. Bryan and Mr. Michael A. Gervais, Baltimore, MD
David Greenblatt and Sheila Gelman, Cincinnati, OH
Mr. Edmund Bujalski and Mrs. Dolores Bujalski, Waxhaw, NC
Mr. John T. Kotelly, Washington, DC
Mr. Charles P. Lord and Mrs. Gay Lord, Washington, DC Mr. Jeffrey S. Lovinger and Mrs. Pamela Lovinger, New York, NY R. Joel and Melinda Lowy, Silver Spring, MD Mr. David S. Lubs and Ms. Janice M. Barry, Arlington, VA Mrs. Amira Luikart and Mr. James Luikart, New York, NY
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Calomiris, Washington, DC
Mrs. Margaret H. Greenwood and Mr. John B. Greenwood, Falls Church, VA
Ms. Jackie Chalkley and Dr. Wayne Callaway, Washington, DC
Sarah and Edgar Hagopian, Bloomfield, MI
Mr. Larry Chernikoff and Mrs. Allison B. Chernikoff, Washington, DC
Mr. Behrooz Hakimian, Secaucus, NJ
Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Marchilena, Westford, MA
Mrs. Marion Hamilton and Mr. William Hamilton, Winters, CA
Mr. Arthur K. Mason and Mrs. Jane S. Mason, Washington, DC
Dr. Arnold Chun, Bakersfield, CA
Martha and Paul Henze, Washington, VA
Camille Cook, Western Springs, IL
Ms. Judith Hernstadt, New York, NY
Mrs. Pauli McClanahan and Mr. Grant McClanahan, Washington, DC
Jeffrey P. Cunard, Washington, DC
Mrs. Frank W. Hoch, Irvington, NY
Ms. Deborah Dearborn, Sanibel, FL
Ms. Susan S. Hodges and Mr. David A. Hodges, Berkeley, CA
Ms. Beverly B. Denbo, Bethesda, MD Mr. Richard Denison and Mrs. Paula Bryan, Arlington, VA
Mr. Charles E. Hoyt and Ms. Deborah Weinberger, Washington, DC
Mrs. Donna Dingle and Mr. Philip J. Dingle, Houston, TX
Ms. Elizabeth Jack, Carson City, NV
Mariana T. Durbin, Arlington, VA
Mr. Jay L. Jensen and Mrs. Sandra O. Jensen, Rockville, MD
Elizabeth and Julian Eisenstein, Washington, DC
Mr. Milo C. Jones and Mrs. Joan S. Jones, Fort Atkinson, WI
Ms. Brenda Erickson, Arlington, VA Gisela and Bill Evitt, Saratoga, CA
Ms. Mary H. Kahlenberg and Mr. Robert Coffland, Santa Fe, NM
Dr. Thomas J. Farnham and Mrs. Gwen D. Farnham, Bloomfield, CT
Ms. Sona Kalousdian and Mr. Ira Lawrence, Chicago, IL
Mr. William Farrell and Mrs. A誰da Farrell, Washington, DC
Ms. Erna Kerst and Mr. Michael Kerst, Dulles, VA
Jack and Sharon Fenlon, Appleton, WI
Dr. Margaret Kivelson, Pacific Palisades, CA
Ms. Kathy FitzGerald, Washington, DC
Ms. Julie M. Klement and Mr. Joe Bernstein, Alexandria, VA
22 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
General and Mrs. David Maddox, Arlington, VA
Ms. Christina Meyer and Mr. Mac Reber, Hanna, UT Mr. Eric A. Michael and Mr. Craig Kruger, Washington, DC Mr. David P. Montague and Mrs. Clemmer L. Montague, Fort Washington, MD Mr. Andres G. Moraga and Mrs. Vanessa D. Moraga, Berkeley, CA Ms. Diana K. Myers, Washington, DC Nonna A. Noto, Washington, DC Dr. Arthur Oleinick, Ann Arbor, MI Ms. Ann Oliveri and Mr. Bill Oliveri, Chevy Chase, MD Dr. Leslie E. Orgel and Mrs. Alice Orgel, La Jolla, CA Mr. James D. Owens and Mrs. Roberta R. Owens, Silver Spring, MD Ms. Ellen Palevsky, Malibu, CA
Mr. Stuart M. Paley and Mrs. Naomi Paley, New York, NY
Moon and Stars Project, Inc.
Dr. David A. Paly, Gig Harbor, WA
Textile Group of Los Angeles, in memory of Emilie P. White
Dr. Seymour Perlin and Mrs. Ruth R. Perlin, Bethesda, MD Dr. Gerald Perman, Washington, DC
Philadelphia Eighth ICOC, Inc.
Textile Museum Associates of Southern California
Mr. Malcolm Pfunder, Kensington, MD Mr. Felix P. Phillips, Houston, TX Mr. Milton Platt, Boynton, FL Ambassador Joseph A. Presel and Mrs. Claire-Lise Presel, Washington, DC Mary H. Pujol, Barcelona, Spain
Corporations ACAR Law Firm PLLC ExxonMobil Foundation GE Foundation Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo Heidrick & Struggles, Inc.
Foundations Alavi Foundation Jane and Worth B. Daniels, Jr. Fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation
The Jeffrey Company JM Zell Partners, LTD Peruvian Connection Ltd. Ramerica International, Inc.
J. Alper Smith Fund at the Boston Foundation
Saudi Aramco
Sheldon Rapoport, Los Angeles, CA Ms. Rosemarie Rauzino-Heller and Mr. Robert Heller, Rockville, MD
E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation
Sotheby's New York
Ms. Patricia G. Reilly and Mr. Carmine D'Aloisio, Bethesda, MD
Andrew L. and Gayle Shaw Camden Fund of the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan
Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Roberts, Washington, DC
The Cooper Family Foundation
Ms. Joan Roselle, New York, NY
The J. F. Costopoulos Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Betty G. Rosenberg, Alamosa, CO
Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Lynn S. Rozental, Falls Church, VA
The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
Diana Ryesky and Gerald J. Delay, Seattle, WA
The Freedman Family Charitable Fund
Security Energy Company
D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities National Capital Arts and Cultural Affairs Program U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
In Kind
Mr. James Saakvitne, New York, NY
Philip L. Graham Fund
L&A Tent Rentals
Ms. Cary Slocum, Belfast, ME
Grainer Family Foundation
The Neiman Marcus Group
Ms. Kai Spratt and Mr. Allan S. Rogers, Silver Spring, MD
S. Kann Sons Company Foundation
Mrs. Lina A. Steele and Mr. John A. Steele, Washington, DC
Irving Kohn Foundation, Inc.
The J.M. Kaplan Fund
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Stoddard, Bethesda, MD
Koteen Foundation
Mr. Lawrence Stuebing and Dr. Lois Berlin, Washington, DC
Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation
Ms. Mary W. Sullivan, Washington, DC
The Persepolis Foundation
Peter and Rhoda Trooboff, Washington, DC
The William David and Mary Walker Phillips Foundation
Ms. Jeanne Wilson, Naples, FL
Prince Charitable Trusts
Ms. Christy Wise and Mr. Robert Axelrod, Washington, DC
The Rau Foundation
5 Anonymous Supporters
The Marpat Foundation, Inc. Ralph E. Ogden Foundation
Gloria F. Ross Foundation The Turner-Gilliland Family Fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation
American Conference on Oriental Rugs
Landmann Family Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation in recognition of Frederick Landmann
American Institute of Iranian Studies
The Wetsman Foundation
The American Turkish Society
Marshall and Marilyn R. Wolf Foundation
Friends of the Ixchel Museum
1 Anonymous Foundation
Global Impact CFC of the National Capital Area International Monetary Fund
23 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Museum Shop: Jill Hauser Conservation: Julie Evans, Barbara Gentile, Ursula Lingscheid, Chandra Obie, Amporn Sornprasit and Jessica Walton Curatorial Support: Carol Bier, Amelie Chevalier, Mattiebelle S. Gittinger, Valerie Schulien, Rebecca A. T. Stevens, Rachel Suntop and Elizabeth Way Library: Nancy Huston, Madhuri Kommareddi, Deborah Roberts, Kathy Schmidt, Valerie Schulien, James Stehman, Macarena Urzua and Jessica Walton Development and Membership: Terry Adlhock, June Carmichael, Amelie Chevalier, Melissa Cranston, Meredith Doby, Virginia McGehee Friend, Nancy Gewirz, Fanny Guest, Christina Hedberg and Jane McCune New Horizons: Caroline Backlund, Lynda Couvillion, Elisabeth French, Virginia McGehee Friend, Jane Hart, K.C. Hart, Sandra Hoexter, Phyllis Kane, Jill W. Martin, Jane Moss McCune, Elmerina Parkman, Joan Shorey, Rebecca A.T. Stevens and Florence S. Stone Docents: Jeanne Barnett, Suzanne Baum, June
Bland, Amy Brockman, Ingrid Caverly, Sheridan Collins, Albertina Frenkel, Julie Geschwind, Sandra Hoexter, Betty Lou Hummel, Joan Jackson, Ethelmary Maddox, Mary Marik, Joyce Martin, Ethelyn Owen, Ellery Allen Owens, Penelope Pollard, Jerrilynn Pudschun, Patricia Reilly, Amy Rispin, Irma E. Rodenhuis and Trudy Werner
Education Program Volunteers: Suzanne Baum, Mary Bergeron, June Bland, Allegra Brelsford, Amy Brockman, Ellen Brown, June Carmichael, Leslie Carson, Randolph Clarke, Mark Davis, Najla Drooby, Daniel Emberley, Julie Geschwind, Margaret Greenwood, Margaret Halpin, Mary Hendrickse, Olga Hudecek, Fereshteh Klauss, Monica Lee, Katie Mahjoubi, Ruth McDiarmid, Pauline Morrison, Hal Norvell, Angela Nugent, Kristen Nyce, Penelope Pollard, James Reid, Patricia Reilly, Catherine Rich, Amy Rispin, Ruth Roush, Emily Smith, Arlene Stein, Joan Walker, Elizabeth Wallace and Amanda Williams Public Program Presenters: Robert Emry, David Fraser, Gayle Garrett, Phyllis Kane, Harold M. Keshishian, Bevis Longstreth, Jennifer Mayster, Ann Marie Moeller, Robert H. Nooter, Michael Seidman, Wendel Swan, Gerald Thompson, David Zahirpour and Edwin M. Zimmerman
24 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Summary of Financial Highlights ~ The Textile Museum Statements of Financial Position December 31,
Assets Cash and cash equivalents $639,032 $3,153,510 Investments 19,303,350 16,684,569 Accounts receivable 1,955 1,344 Promises to give 319,340 52,327 Inventory 151,360 119,155 Prepaid expenses 95,706 91,385 Property and equipment 844,100 568,622
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $287,747 $110,080 Net assets Unrestricted 6,441,940 6,662,492 Temporarily restricted 4,160,389 4,017,650 Permanently restricted 10,464,767 9,880,690 Total net assets 21,067,096 20,560,832 Total liabilities and net assets
Summary of Financial Highlights ~ The Textile Museum Statements of Activities Year Ended December 31,
Operating revenue and support: Gifts and contributions $1,016,132 $644,788 Membership dues 204,088 225,905 Government grants 273,549 277,380 Museum shop 416,971 431,666 Other income 102,729 75,914 Investment return spent for operations 849,776 924,735 Released for operations due to satisfaction of restrictions 372,431 373,000 Special events, less direct benefit to donors 125,724 136,004 Total operating revenue and support $3,361,400 $3,089,392 Operating expenses: Museum programs: Conservation and Collections Management $530,386 $441,332 Curatorial and Exhibitions 1,057,736 859,317 Education 224,365 150,786 Museum Shop, including cost of sales 548,671 504,284 Library 216,912 219,838 Subtotal - Program Services 2,578,070 2,175,557 Supporting services: Management and General 620,301 652,326 Fundraising 646,053 536,572 Total operating expenses Operating support and revenue (under) over operating expenses
$3,844,424 (483,024)
$3,364,455 (275,063)
Nonoperating activity: Contributions $189,969 $498,630 Realized and unrealized gains on investments 2,128,406 1,577,381 Investment return spent for operations (849,776) (924,735) Net assets released from restrictions (376,346) (373,000) Depreciation (106,612) (59,110) Net loss on disposal of fixed assets - (760) Subtotal - Nonoperating activity 985,641 718,406 Change in net assets $502,617 $443,343 Net assets, beginning of year 20,560,832 20,117,489 Net assets, end of year 21,063,449 20,560,832
Note: This Summary of Financial Highlights was prepared by The Textile Museum from its financial statements, which were audited by Tate & Tryon, CPAs. The completed financial statements including the related notes and auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s report, are available upon written request. Operating revenue and expense does not include donated services or depreciation expense.
25 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum
Positions held as of December 31, 2006 unless otherwise indicated
Administration Daniel Walker, Director Meg Smolinski, Administrative Assistant to the Director* Kristen Nyce, Administrative Assistant to the Director* Louise O’Sullivan, Receptionist Brandon Hayes, Part-time Receptionist* Rebecca Walker, Assistant Director, Finance and Business Operations Cypriana Hicklen, Accounting Manager Yaine Masresha, Accounting Assistant* Kathy Adams, Accounting Assistant* Program Services Eastern Hemisphere Collections Sumru Belger Krody, Associate Curator Katherine Uravitch, Curatorial Assistant* Western Hemisphere Collections Ann P. Rowe, Curator Collections Management Rachel Shabica, Registrar Jennifer Heimbecker, Photo Archives Coordinator Mary Hauser, Assistant Registrar
Mattiebelle S. Gittinger, Southeast Asian Textiles Mary Elizabeth King, Western Hemisphere Textiles James Trilling, Eastern Hemisphere Textiles
Consulting Curator Rebecca A.T. Stevens, Consulting Curator, Contemporary Textiles Support Services Development Aileen Moffatt, Interim Assistant Director, Development and Communications* Lynn Rozental, Assistant Director, Development and Communications* Cyndi Bohlin, Communications and Marketing Manager Mark Davis, Development Manager Ingrid Faulkerson, Development/Membership Assistant Sheila Freeman, Development/Membership Assistant Molly McMullen, Communications and Marketing Assistant*
Facilities and Exhibition Production Richard Timpson, Facilities and Exhibitions Production Manager Conservation Doug Anderson, Exhibition Production Esther Méthé, Margaret Wing Dodge Chair in Conservation and Maintenance Technician Anne Ennes, Associate Conservator for Collections Frank Petty, Facilities Assistant Anna Grishkova, Associate Conservator for Exhibitions Travis Wright, Custodian/Museum Maintenance Technician Education The Textile Museum Shop Linda Powell, Curator of Education* Sandy Danielson, Museum Shop Manager Carly Ofsthun, Education Program Coordinator Launa Changnon, Assistant Shop Manager Arthur D. Jenkins Library Diego Silva, Assistant Mail Order Manager Mary Mallia, Librarian Chabrina Williams, Museum Shop Sales Assistant Doris Hendershot, Part-time Library Assistant* Heather Berg, Part-time Museum Shop Sales Assistant* Laura Schneider, Part-time Library Assistant* Jared Eno, Part-time Museum Shop Sales Assistant* Lloyd E. Cotsen Textile Danielle Ford, Part-time Museum Shop Sales Assistant* Documentation Project Veronica Lopez, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* Cecilia Gunzburger-Anderson, Project Manager/Assistant Lee Ann Sklar, Part-time Museum Shop Sales Assistant Curator, Western Hemisphere Collections Rachel Suntop, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* Karen Grumbles, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* Research Associates Emma Jaster, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* Carol Bier, Islamic Textiles Felicia Montgomery, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* William Conklin, Pre-Columbian Textiles Jeannie O’Donnell, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* Walter B. Denny, Charles Grant Ellis Lisa Welsh, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* Research Associate for Oriental Carpets Kathryn Wilson, Part-time Shop Sales Assistant* Thomas J. Farnham, Charles Grant Ellis Archives Research Associate *position held for part of the year 26 Two-Thousand Six ~ The Textile Museum