Caroline Lieu Tex�ile Desig�er
Cycloid Scales Having taken an interest in looking at tex��res within unusual and overlooked surfaces, I relished in the unifor�it� of st��ct�res and tex��res found within the scales that lie upon fish skin. As I looked closely at the surface, I was able to enjoy the beaut� of what cannot be seen at face value and found it interesting how the scales that help protect the fish’s ex�erior could look so delicate and lie so beautif�lly against the colours presented within the fish’s skin, while being ridged and st�ong. I have therefore taken these elements and by looking caref�lly at the shapes presented, have t�anslated these for�s, through different techniques, into knitted pieces that hold scalloped st��ct�res and layered effects.
Cycloid Scales - Graphite and emulsion
Cycloid Scales - Emulsion and ink ex�erimentation
Cycloid Scales - Foiling upon scale tex��res.
Cycloid Scales - Knitted lace scallops
Cycloid Scales - Knitted scalloped pieces knitted in and layered
Contact Me Email: c.lieu_@hot� Mobile: 07598771077