Edition 646

Page 1

Edited by Seven Islands Media Group S.L.U. Also distributed in Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote

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Island will overcome this crisis as well

PAGES 41 - 48


Statements of Adeje mayor about the situation. Photo: www.adeje.es / www.juancenteno.es


T’S been a very tough fortnight for Tenerife after the coronavirus scare at the H10 Costa Adeje Palace once again catapulted the island into the international spotlight for all the undesired reasons. But Tenerife is used to battling a crisis, whether it be the previous economic slump, the possible effects of Brexit, competition from resurging markets or the Icelandic volcanic dust cloud, and it is confident of doing the same this time. Island leaders, tourism chiefs and health officials have had to balance the need to follow the strict coronavirus protocols with the “message of calm” to all current and potential holidaymakers. “Tenerife is a safe place to come to, with first-class health facilities which can deal with such a crisis,” they say. At the time of going to press, many of the people who had been confined to the hotel near La Caleta were being allowed to leave on a

phased basis. These included guests who had checked in after the Italian doctor first diagnosed with coronavirus arrived and others who had been in the hotel beforehand but had no contact or were tested negative for the virus at least 24 hours before their depature. They will continue to be monitored in their home countries. The hotel had 723 guests with 25 nationalities. The Italian doctor is in hospital in the north, as is his wife and three other Italian travel companions who all tested positive. However, they are in good health with very few symptoms. There has been a sixth case, this time on La Gomera, involving a woman who returned to the Canaries after being in Italy. She too is

well, even though in isolation. Tenerife Cabildo has launched a major information campaign at the airports to inform people about coronavirus but also featuring messages from holidaymakers who say they enjoyed great holidays here with no ill effects and no concerns. People have also been urged to only read official bulletins and to take no notice of scaremongering on the social networks. However, many are still pointing out that they do not know if they have to worry or not and whether coronavirus is as big a threat as being made out. During the week, figures for the ordinary flu virus in the Canaries were released, showing there have been 24 death from influenza during this flu season so far up until February 23rd. Workers at the hotel, including reinforcements, are said to be “very tired” but

have been praised for their response to the crisis. Staff have also praised guests, although many have complained about the lack of information. There are reports that one Spanish man who has been feeding updates to the press via phonecalls and videos was reprimanded and warned by the police. The Canary Islands’ government, meantime, is stressing that “The Canary Islands can say, without a doubt, that it is a safe community for both visitors and for residents”.


HE extreme weather conditions which hit Tenerife recently with one of the worst Sahara dust storms in history, followed by gale-force winds and fires because of the heat, have left a lasting impression on the island. Whilst thousands of tourists were unable to fly in and out of the airports due to near nil visibility, they were at least able to get home eventually and back to normal. Not so Tenerife. Such tremendous damage was caused to crops and

banana plantations that the Canary Government is likely to declare catastrophic zones in some of the municipalities most affected.

Continued on page 3


































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Tenerife to tackle animal abandonment T

HE president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín, endorsed the Corporation’s firm commitment to animal welfare to those attending the Insular Council for Animal Welfare and Protection, to whom he proposed, among other measures, coordinated actions to combat abandonment and abuse.

The event was attended by representatives of the political groups of the island corporation, the Canary Islands Government (Livestock Area), the College of Veterinarians of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and animal protection associations (Fecapap, Animalia and Adepac) . Representatives from 17 of the 31 municipalities of the

island also attended. “The concern for animal welfare in our society is evident but no less than that which exists in institutions about abandonment and abuse. There is little awareness and hopefully this forum serves to stop reversing the situation,” said Pedro Martín, who welcomed the large representation.

The president of the Cabildo stressed that the main problem today in this area is the abandonment of companion animals and recalled the awareness campaign developed during the past Christmas. “From the Cabildo we are going to support the municipalities to draw up a common strategy throughout the island and look for actions so that together we can reach a solution at each time to situations of animal abandonment, because it is not about specific abandonments,” said Sr. Martín . For his part, the Minister of

Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries announced the creation of working groups to address the proposed initiatives and proposed one to develop a joint action protocol in case of abandonment of animals. The Insular Council for Animal Welfare and Protection will meet at least three times a year, once for each four-month period. “We intend it to be a forum for debate and proposals. With this tool we will make considerable progress in the animal welfare policy of this Island,” said councillor for agriculture Javier Parrilla.


Hotel group helps Los Cristianos centre


HE Canary Adrián Hoteles Foundation has donated for yet another year 85,000 euros to the Association Ágora Centre for the Attention to Diversity to help more than 60 children from Tenerife and other islands of the province with physical, mental and sensory disabilities. Throughout the year, the foundation is responsible for the expenses of speech therapy, physiotherapy, pedagogy, psychology and occupational therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, sensory disorder, hearing loss , as well as other diagnoses considered as rare diseases. Vanessa Martín Hernández, president of the Centro Ágora Association, located in Los Cristianos, said: “This help

allows us to support many families who are in a difficult situation to be able to take their children to the different therapies they need throughout the year. Without this type of aid many children with disabilities would be partially neglected. ” Director of Operations of the Adrián Hoteles Foundation, Marlene Nin, said: “The objective of our foundation is to help associations that improve the quality of life of children and elderly people


Photo of Vanessa Martín (left) along with Marlene Nin, in the Ágora Center with serious problems, and for this we have the support of our customers, partners and

suppliers who collaborate with our entity, with whom we are very grateful. ”

Arona welcomes new police recruits


RONA is strenghtening its local police force. The Mayor, José Julián Mena has welcomed six new recruits before their departure to the Canary Security Academy for two months and their definitive incorporation into the municipality.

The council says that previous to it taking control, the local police had suffere a “progressive shortage” and “almost non-existence of command posts, necessary for its modernisation and to make it more effective.” For the first time, the position of deputy commissioner was filled recently and more officers, around 24, will follow. “With the provision of official positions, we take another step towards the creation of an agile structure that responds to the demands of residents,” said the Mayor.





Continued from page 1: Devastation for Tenerife after savage sandstorm and fires

At one stage, there were at least 20 fires in six municipalities, with Santa Ursula in the north most badly hit. Here, many residents had to be evacuated, including old folk from an elderly person’s residence, and a number of houses were destroyed. The president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín, the insular advisor of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Javier Parrilla, and his counterpart in the Canary Islands Government, Alicia Vanoostende, visited the different agricultural areas affected. Initial investigations suggest that the damages in the banana plantations exceed 70/ 80 per cent of the production, while in the potato crops planted before January 15th, the figures approach 100 per cent, with figures also high in horticultural, including avocados. There was also considerable damage to agricultural infrastructure. The horrendous episode began with the dense calima

which produced the ver y strong gusts of wind and soaring temperatures which caused the fires. “We need to seek help and compensation because the damage has been significant and we will look for alternatives in two priority lines: the one that has to do with the countryside and with helping families who have lost their homes to the fires,” said Sr. Martin. In the case of banana cultivation, the Cabildo will offer producers a million plants within three months and thus facilitate the work of replacement and recovery of the affected areas. In Arona, walls, trees and branches were brought crashing down, as well as traffic signs, landslides and displaced ceilings. In the port of Los Cristianos, meanwhile, there was a collision of two passenger boats, coming from La Palma and La Gomera. There was multiple damage in La Orotava where the Mayor, Francisco Linares,

were burnt. In Adeje, there were numerous incidents, falling trees, branches and signs, as well as considerable damage to sports infrastructures and football fields. The windstorm also struck the agricultural market, tearinf off access doors and causing damage inside. Playgrounds had to be closed for some time as branches and other fallen or displaced objects were cleaned and removed. In Puerto de la Cruz, the led the call for catastrophic zone status. More than 80 per cent of the crops in this area have been damaged, especially those of avocado, bananas, potatoes and vines. In Santa Ursula, 16 districts were affected with some residents having to be evacuated as well as 60 people from an old folks’ home. Five homes were damaged and a winery and some shops. Several vehicles

acclimatisation garden had to close its doors to the public for a week while cleaning and repair work was done. The strong gusts of wind in the north of Tenerife caused significant damage to the vegetation of this garden, which has a multitude of unique species from different corners of the world, tropical and subtropical plants of great economic and ornamental value. Its 20,000 square meters house trees of remarkable beauty and interest due to their size, age, rarity or origin. There were also reports of a pedestrian having been struck by a falling roof tile. Firefighters have been praised for their magnificent efforts in getting the fires under control and preventing even further damage. The same praise has been relayed to all those involved in the emergency effort. Some of the authorities in Tenerife are calling for a new early warning system against calimas which happen on a regular basis but never as severe at this most recent episode, coupled with the unprecedented fires.







Another busy year for firefighters as improvements pledged


IRES, rescues and door openings constituted the largest number of interventions of Firefighters of Tenerife in the year 2019.

This was revealed in the annual report of the Tenerife Fire Prevention Consortium presented at a press conference by the president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Pedro Martín, who was accompanied by the consortium president and Insular Director of Security Cayetano Silva and the head of the Parque de La Laguna Jesús Domínguez. “Since our incorporation to the government of this Cabildo, we have kept in mind that in the budgetary allocations of this island corporation, those destined for fire prevention should occupy a prominent place, on the one hand in the forestr y field, through the BRIFOR that this year will have an extension to eight months, and on the other in urban environments, work performed by Bomberos de Tenerife, “said the president of the Cabildo. “That is why the island institution plans to open the Güímar Fire Station shortly, in addition to projecting two more new facilities and the improvement and rehabilitation of other existing parks. For this we will allocate more than one million euros because we have to renew equipment, rehabilitate facilities and improve staff training.” The burning of stubble (540) and fire in homes (275) remain the main types of fire, followed by those of garbage containers (258) and vehicles (226). In general, they were located, for the most part, in the metropolitan area and the southern part of the island, during the weekend (1302) and between 12.00 and 14:00 hours (494). Regarding risk levels, six of the cases were Level III or

maximum emergency, compared to four in the previous year, 2642 were activated because of a Level II or moderate risk and 1288 were assigned to a Level I. The most outstanding Level III operation of 2019 was the start-up for the extinction of the fire at the Ateneo de La Laguna, last October. Throughout the afternoon, six vehicles were mobilised with eleven troops from the Santa Cruz and La Laguna parks, as well as the support of eight volunteer firefighters. All of them managed to put out the flames and save valuables after more than four hours of work. The Consortium of Firefighters of Tenerife last year increased its firefighting actions with a total of 1,809, which represents an increase of 3% compared to the figures of 2018 (1,754). These interventions represent 45.86% of the 3,945 carried out throughout 2019, which represent a slight decrease in activity, compared to the previous year (3%). On the other hand, among the most demanded actions

are the 596 rescues (15%) and the 501 door openings (12.7%), which have decreased compared to the previous year (604 rescues). Along with all these data, last year’s report includes 228 services related to traffic accidents, 92 derived from damage to buildings, 34 interventions with hazardous materials, other incidents due to water damage or adverse weather events and ten drills in hospitals, institutes, airports or the Refinery. In this sense, most of the services, specifically 3,735, were directed by professional firefighters of the Consortium, while in 783 of them the collaboration of volunteers was provided. With respect to the calls of citizens received by the Central of Coordination of Firemen in 112, a total of 18 .895 were attended, which supposes a small fall of 2.31% in relation to 2018. The month with more activity was August with 1,840 calls and, the least, April with 1,303. In addition, it is noteworthy that by areas, one more year,

the most active professional park is that of the capital of Tenerife with 1,491 departures, followed by San Miguel with 942, La Laguna with 674, La Orotava with 472 and Icod de los Vinos with 156.


Spy claims as woman arrested at south airport DIPLOMATIC ROW


diplomatic row is brewing after police on Tenerife arrested a Russian woman accused of being a spy.

The woman, in her 50s, was arrested at the south airport as she was preparing to catch a flight. Her arrest was apparently at the request of the United States, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, as Washington suspects she handed over biometric data to third parties while working at the US embassy in Moscow, according to local media. The arrest was made on February 14th, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The woman had arrived in Spain on a business trip “as part of an official delegation.” She works in an agency that is part of the Russian Agricultural Inspection Service (Rosseljoznadzor), according to the department headed by the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov. According to the RT television channel, she works as a translator at the centre for the quarantine of the plants of the Russian supervisory body and arrived in Spain on the 10th. A native of the Novosibirsk region, the woman worked between 2008 and 2019 at the US embassy in Moscow, where she took fingerprints until the closing of her department. The vice-president of the International Committee for the Protection of Human Rights, based in France, Alexándr Iónov, told RT that the translator was arrested following an international arrest warrant issued by the US, which accuses her of having “handed over data biometric to third parties ”. According to the RT channel, the woman is in a Spanish preventive detention centre waiting for her possible extradition to the US, where she could receive a sentence of “up to life imprisonment.” The Russian Foreign Ministry said in its statement that, according to “unofficial information” it handles, the arrest of Krasilova “is probably due to a certain request from the US side.” “If so, it would be a new case of the unacceptable practice of the US authorities to ‘hunt’ Russian citizens around the world,” says the Russian Foreign Ministry. “Be that as it may, the Russian diplomatic mission in Spain is taking the necessar y measures to clarify all the circumstances of what happened,” says the institution.

Balcony toddler’s parents avoid court action


HE parents of a little girl spotted walking along the edge of a balcony more than 70ft above the ground in Tenerife will not face prosecution, it has been decided.

A judge has ruled that the couple have given a “sufficient, consistent and detailed” explanation of what happened at the block of flats in Playa Paraiso in January. Footage of the incident went viral after a neighbour filmed the youngster as she got out of a window and walked along the narrow ledge and back before going back inside. The video was then posted on the social network. The mother has told the police that it all happened within a matter of seconds. She was having a shower whilst her husband had popped out to the shops. A court in Arona has provisionally dismissed proceedings after statements were taken from the child’s parents. The mother is from Finland whilst the father has an Estonian passport. In the judgment of the judicial authority, the couple “gave sufficient, coherent and detailed explanations of what happened to the point of evidencing that it had been an isolated domestic accident without criminal significance.” The mother said they had already taken measures so that it did not happen again, installing latches on each of the windows of the apartment, on a fourth floor, about 25 metres from street level. The statement of the girl’s father coincided with her partner’s account. The courts say that no evidence of a situation of risk to the child was observed, nor of alarm regarding the parents’ reasoning and guardianship capacity. There is no police or judicial record regarding them, as reported by the Canary Superior Court of Justice. The mother is said to have been greatly affected by the incident.

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Major resurfacing to be carried out on Tenerife’s two motorways


ENERIFE Cabildo has announced plans to resurface several sections of the north and south motorways for 32 million euro.

The Insular Government Council has given the green light to the file to award the works, which will be carried out in the sections of Arico to Guía de Isora, for 20 million, and from Santa Cruz to Los Realejos on the links and from Los Realejos to Icod de los Wines on the road for 12 million. Half of the material that will be used will be recycled, thus avoiding using resources from the island, and the execution period, which will be from 10pm to 6am, is ten and 14 months. The Road, Mobility and Innovation department, directed by Vice President Enrique Arriaga, is working on projects that are currently in the awarding phase and are expected to begin after the summer period. The planned works have been divided into two lots that will involve work from Arico to Guía de Isora and on the North Highway will consist of two sections, one from Santa Cruz to Los Realejos, with asphalting works in the links, and a second section of works with asphalting works on the highway sign from Los Realejos to Icod de Los Vinos. The insular director of Roads, Tomás Félix García said: “The TF-1 is a high-capacity road that supports average traffic intensities close to 90,000 vehicles per day and that unites the capital with the Reina Sofía International Airport and with the port of Los Cristianos (of general interest of the State), as well as with the south of the island where the main tourist attraction pole (important economic engine of the island) is located and a resident population exceed-ing 150,000 inhabitants ”. “In the case of TF-5,” he

Enrique Arriaga, Vice President of Road, Mobility and Innovation department explains, “it is also a highcapacity road that supports in its initial section average traffic intensities greater than 110,000 vehicles per day and that joins the capital with Tenerife North Airport, as well as with important population centres such as San Cristóbal de La Laguna and Puerto de La Cruz (between them there is a resident population of just over 180,000 inhabitants) ”. Currently, both roads have sections described by the Cabildo as “in a clearly poor and improvable state in relation to the surface that goes beyond a decrease in user comfort” due both to time and use. During 2017 and 2018, work was carried out on sections of the TF-1 which presented a higher level or degree of deterioration and degradation. The action is intended to complete, along with a subsequent fourth phase, the remaining sections that were not subject to any type of treatment or action at the time.

In the case of the TF-5, similar works were carried out

during the years 2017 and 2018.


Motorcyclist dies near Vilaflor


motorcyclist died after an accident near Vilaflor. The emergency services were called out to the scene on the TF-565 just after 11.40am in the morning. The Canary Emergency Service attended, together with the Civil Guard and the Tenerife Fire Consortium.

“At the time indicated above, the Emergency and Security Coordination Centre (CECOES) 1-1-2 of the Canary Islands Government received an alert informing that a motorist had left the road and was injured,” said a spokesman. “1-1-2 immediately activated the necessary emergency resources. Upon arrival, the SUC staff could only confirm his death due to the seriousness of the injuries he presented.” The Civil Guard instructed the corresponding proceedings. Consortium firefighters collaborated with the emergency services.


Puerto honours its most loyal tourists


OR yet another year, the Puerto de la Cruz Initiatives and Tourism Centre presented gold, silver and bronze medals (35, 25 and 15 years) to the regular tourists to Puerto de la Cruz, who choose the city each year for their holiday. The event took place in town hall in the presence of the Mayor, Marco González; the president of the CIT D. Santiago Rodríguez; and CIT Vice President Ulrike Schmidt, who made the presentation in several languages. The event also featured the presence of other CIT managers and the directors of the hotels. The participating establishments in this edition have been the Casablanca, Eden, and Teneguía Apartments, as well as the El Tope, Marte, Monopol, Riu Garoé, and ValleMar Hotels. A total of 54 medals were awarded to regular

customers of these hotel establishments. 26 bronze, to those who have made more than 15 stays in Puerto de la Cruz; 13 silver, with more than 25 rooms; and 15 gold, with more than 35 rooms. Santiago Rodríguez, president of the CIT, wanted to thank the award-winning tourists who continue to choose Puerto de la Cruz almost as a second home, repeating on many occasions their stay. Marco González took the opportunity to underline the special relationship that exists between Puerto residents and their tourists.”


Dog sniffs out hashish in car


HE Civil Guard detained two passengers carrying more than 32kg of hashish after disembarking from a commercial ship in the port of Santa Cruz.

Officers with dogs were conducting a tax verification point on commercial vessels from various geographical points of the country when they became suspicious about two men, aged 19 and 35. A superficial search of the vehicle in which they were travelling was carried out and the drugs wrapped in packing tape were found in the spare wheel compartment. In addition, a plastic bottle containing 300 grams of hashish oil was discovered in the glove compartment. The pair are accused of an alleged crime against public health.





Hotel leaders deplore Adeje shares paralysed coastal projects concerns over health service provision H


INISTER of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands, Teresa Cruz Oval and the Mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga inaugurated the new facilities that the council has given to decongest the services of the health centre of the municipality.

The move follows the demands of the team of professionals of the Adeje health centre which is exceeding the ratio of people who attend the various specialities. The collaboration between the Ministry and Adeje council

was agreed on September 17th and, in just four months, the council has carried out the works of conditioning and improvement of the spaces to respond to the specialties that are going to be treated from now on in this municipal facility. The units are located

in the Security and Coexistence building located in the Las Nieves district and include five offices, plus a reception and waiting room. This new assistance service, which will depend organically on the University Hospital Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria (HUNSC), will be located in the School of Safety and Emergencies of Adeje. Teresa Cruz Oval said: “The implementation of this Unit will improve the well-being of the entire region.” She pointed out that the new location of the Mental Health Unit of Adeje has a provisional nature, since the objective is to locate it in the new Health Centre of Costa Adeje “for which we already have a budget. We are going to do the project and we trust that, before the end of this term, we have a second health centre in a municipality so important for Tenerife. ” Sr. Fraga highlighted the “sensitivity” shown by the Minister of Health to try to address “the significant deficit in health in both Adeje and the whole south.”

OTEL leaders in Tenerife are pleading with Spain to unlock a string of paralysed projects, including beach improvements and marinas.

Ashotel, the hotel association of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, is urging the Government of the Canary Islands to be firm with the State Executive in the transfer of powers to the archipelago, especially those related to the coasts. It has been more than a year since the Canary Islands assumed competences in various subjects, including in coastal planning and management. However, president of the group, Jorge Marichal, said there had so far been “null complicity” with the islands from the General Directorate of the Coast and the Sea, under the Ministry of Ecological Transition. In this sense, there are several fundamental projects for the sustainable development of tourism and the coast, among them, several improvements to existing beaches, others of an artificial nature,

marinas and sports marinas and other public and private proposals. In the specific case of Tenerife, projects of great interest such as Martiánez Beach and the marina of Puerto de la Cruz continue to be paralysed; also, in the south of Tenerife, the beaches of Los Tarajales (Arona), Las Salinas (Guía de Isora) and San Salvador and San Blas (San Miguel), among others. Also, necessary improvements in existing tourist beaches, such as El Camisón or Fañabé, with private projects presented two years ago, are still waiting. Sr. Marichal points out that the reasons for this paralysis are unknown from the tourism sector but indicates that “the lack of technical personnel in the Coastal Provincial Directorate is evident.” “We do not know what investments the Ministry and the General Directorate have planned in Tenerife,” he adds.



Ashotel has already requested on several occasions that the Canary Islands assume these powers, since the Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands was approved on November 6, 2018. The article gives the Canaries “the exclusive competence in coastal management, respecting the general regime of the public domain. ” In this way, the regional Executive can establish and regulate the territorial plans of management and use of the coast and beaches; the management of the titles of occupation and use of the maritime-terrestrial public domain, especially the granting of authorisations and concessions; the execution of works and actions on the Canary coast when they are not of general interest; or the attribution of the services provided on beaches and other places along the coast, in coordination with local entities.





All Saints Church news


Puppy love at Accion del Sol

Our services are as follows:

Holy Communion on Sunday at 9.30am and Sung Eucharist at 11am followed by refreshments in the church grounds. A chance to browse around our church boutique and the bric a brac on the church stall. Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 10am followed after coffee by a lively discussion on a Bible passage or a quiet thought provoking time of Prayer.During the Lenten season, a Lenten lunch will be held on a Wednesday. Proceeds from this are being donated to the Bishops Lenten Appeal for a new classroom for a school in Keyna. An international Taize Service is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 5.30pm in the church. The Inter Quiz will be held on Tuesday10th March at 6pm in the church grounds,the hosts this time are ESTA. Entrance is 2 euros and is donated to charity by the host team . Come and join us for an evening of brain challenging questions . Our next Car Boot is Saturday March 7th, gates open at 11am. Come along and soak up the atmosphere, lots of stalls to tempt the purse, food also is available to buy. When the shopping frenzy subsides, one can partake of refresments, tea, coffee or something stronger. Our Bistro will be open selling mouth watering burgers and hot dogs or if you prefer soup, sándwiches or quiche are also available.. Our Car Boots are held on the first Saturday of the month, the last one being in June, So April 4th, May 2nd and June 6th are the dates to mark in your diaries. Any queries regarding our Car Boots and the availability of pitches please phone Wendy, our Churchwarden on 922320978/605486792. We are very fortunate to be holding two Reyes Bartlett concerts, the first on Saturday 21st March at 5pm and then the following night Sunday March22nd at 8pm. There will also be a concert by the Trio Atenea. These are an absolute delight and well worth coming to see. This concert will be held in the church on Saturday March 28th at 7pm .Tickets will be sold on the door. Due to popular demand we will be holding another “Songs of Praise”on Wednesday April 1st at 10am in the church . This will be led by the Congregational Worship Leader from la Palma, Alan Chopping. This will be followed by a Lenten lunch. As always we would appreciate volunteers to help us with the upkeep of the church and its beautiful gardens. If you have a couple of hours free on a Tuesday morning at 10am for the Gardening Group or a Thursday morning also at 10am when our Sewing and Maintenance Group meet.

Raising money for local charities


E continue to work unceasingly to raise money for our local charities - please support us by donating items for sale at the Car Boot sales held at All Saint’s Church in the Taoro Park, Puerto de la Cruz. The next sale to be held on Saturday 7th March.


HIS sad little puppy was found abandoned on his own. We have no idea where his mum or other puppies are but this little chap was discarded like a piece of rubbish and he’s such a sweet little dog. He will make a medium sized dog when he is fully grown. We can never stress enough the importance of castrating / sterilising your pet. The island is full of unwanted dogs so please do not breed . Adopt a dog not buy a dog please. Please do call the refuge on 664321219 between the hours of 8am -17.00 if you can help in any way. We are always in need of tinned dog food for our older dogs, as well as blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, and collars and leads. If

you have any of the above to spare they would be very much appreciated at the refuge, or visit Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 14.00-17.00pm and Saturdays 13.00- 16.00. We are situated directly under the Eolica Parque exit 52 on the TF1 north bound which is after the after the El Medano junction . Head for the giant windmills on the coast and we are the buildings on the right hand side or email the refuge at teneriffa@aktiontier.org or visit our Facebook page

For those of you who are not members of our charity, why not consider joining us - the annual subscription is only 15 euro, and this, and the proceeds from our events, go to help those who are very much in need of our assistance, and who are extremely grateful for our support. For more information, or to book for any of our forthcoming events , please contact Maureen on 922 341, or Jean on 922 384 809.

Future events :

On Tuesday 17th March a lunch has been arranged at the Restaurant Magnolia in La Paz. The price for a three course meal with wine is 18.50 euro, and the time is 1.00 for 1.30 p.m. Tuesday, 31st March -a coach trip to Las Americas in the south of the Island, calling at Iceland to enable you to buy your Easter goodies ! There will be two hours free time and, if you wish, an opportunity to enjoy Fish and Chips at the popular restaurant Scampi’s, before continuing to Iceland. The coach will leave at 11.30 a.m.The price for the coach is 10 euros. On Tuesday 28th April a lunch at the popular Petit Los Angeles in Puerto. The time, as usual, 1.00 for 1.30 p.m., and the price 18 euro to members. And now, something different ! There will be a half day coach trip to Candelaria for the price of 8 euro, leaving from outside the Botanical Gardens at 12.30p.m. (arrive by 12.15) on Tuesday 5th May.There will be two and a half hours free time there, returning at 4.30 for 5.00 p.m. Tuesday, 19th May - a lunch at the Restaurant El Padrino in La Paz at the usual time of 1.00 for 1.30 p.m. the price 20 euro to members.

Terk is still looking for a home


BOUT six months ago, this beautiful young girl was brought to us at K9. We gave her the name Terk. When she arrived, she was about seven months old, so still very young. Terk didn’t have a great start in her short life so far, and was left at the police station in Granadilla. A gentleman named David saw her and brought her to K9. We did learn that she has been abused, so already we knew that she would need a lot of love and attention. We didn’t know a huge amount of what exactly happened but we just know that some damage was already done to her. Terk is a very energetic, playful dog and sometimes this can be a bit much for other dogs and people. It is not Terk’s fault that she can be a bit overwhelming so we are looking for a calm, patient new owner for her to show her love, train with her on a one to one basis and help her to learn and focus on you. She does enjoy playing with other dogs, who like to play also but sometimes she can be a little rough for them. One of our volunteers likes to bring her to the local dog park where she can run around and play with other dogs. She is currently sharing with two large male dogs and we have noticed that she can

be territorial over her food, something she may have developed as a really young puppy and was never trained not to be. Her new owner must be willing to train her and spend time with her. If you enjoy long walks or even running, she would love to tag along with you and it would also help her burn up some of the energy she has. She is still very young so does need to be shown things step by step. Being in the kennels is a very stressful place for Terk and she can get frustrated easily which can lead to unwanted behaviour. We put her in the large kennel across the road from the main kennels

to give her space to run which does help, so ideally someone who has the space for her to be able to run a lot would be perfect. As we said, she likes to play with other dogs so another dog in the house could work and they could become the best of friends, thus helping Terk to learn more and more about dog behaviour. She really does need a second chance as she was neglected and

abandoned through no fault of her own and has missed out of the important first few months of positive socialisation as a puppy. Can you help her? Can you show this beautiful girl that she can be loved? Please come and meet her at K9 any day between 9.30-1.30. It will take some time and training but she is a very sweet girl who is very misunderstood.




Creative writing competition ENGLISH LIBRARY




Iberia pledges substantial flight growth in the Canaries



BERIA Express is anticipating a growth of 18% in air seats for this summer in the Canary Islands.

John Reid, Cheryl Douglas & Ken Bennett


N 19th February 2020 we held the prizegiving for the English Librar y ’s first Creative Writing Competition. A total of around 20 entries were submitted, 10 short David Ellis & John Reid stories, and 10 humorous anecdotes. Noted local author, John Reid, whose family association with the library goes back to his great-grandfather, was the judge for the short stories, and journalist Ken Bennett judged the anecdotes.

The winner of the short story category was David Ellis with his story “The Fortunate Hotel”, and the winner of the anecdote category was Cheryl Douglas with her anecdote “Grooming Tails – An adventure into the strange world of Dog Grooming on The Reef .” The winners were presented with certificates and a prize of €100 each by our President Ken Fisher. Thanks to all who took part, and we hope that this will become a yearly event in the library’s calendar. Thanks to Graham Taylor, Chris Hair and Niki Nicolson for organising the competition. Short Story Category The Fortunate Hotel – by David Ellis (winner) Operation Octopus – by Debbie Manning (runner-up) The Flying Dogs of El Blowo – by Nikki & Richard Attree (runner-up) Humorous Anecdote Category Grooming Tails – by Cheryl Douglas (winner) David Ellis winner of the short stories with John Reid

President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, the executive director of Iberia Express, Carlos Gómez, and the director of Strategic Planning and Finance of Iberia, José Antonio Barrionuevo, say there will be almost 1.9 million places between Madrid and the Canaries. It has been hailed as “great news, taking into account the forecasts of an economic slowdown”. In a meeting attended by the Minister of Tourism, Yaiza Castilla, and the Minister of Transportation, Sebastián Franquis, as well as the president of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and the representatives of the Tourism area of the rest of the Cabildos, representatives of Iberia Express said the company will grow in the Canary Islands six-fold, with more frequencies in its flights and the incorporation of two new Iberia airplanes of maximum capacity - between 340 and 400 passengers - for routes with Gran Canaria and Tenerife. The meeting also addressed the purchase of Air Europa by the IAG Group, an alliance that is still ongoing and could materialise before the end of the year. Iberia executives confirmed to those responsible for the Canary Islands Government their willingness to ensure the connectivity of the islands and, with this alliance, strengthen the routes with America and Africa. The head of the Canarian Executive stressed that “the Government will be vigilant” in the face of this operation and hopes that it will serve to strengthen connectivity and that prices not only remain but decrease. “The 75% discount is a historic achievement, a right that we will defend to be on equal terms,” he said. Ángel Víctor Torres recalled that it is the third meeting he has with those responsible for Iberia and Iberia Express after the bankruptcy of Thomas Cook, as well as with the rest of the companies that have compensated for the loss of places with the islands, proving the attractiveness of the Canaries as a holiday destination.


Fred Olsen and Transvulcania sail together for May challenge


RGANISERS of La Palma’s Transvulcania race and Fred Olsen Express have agreed to sail together for the 12th edition.

It is the first time the interisland shipping company will become an official sponsor of the challenge. Fred Olsen Express wants to position itself within the sports field, being one of the key pieces of the movements of participants and supporters, as well as being a strategic partner when it comes to providing logistics to the event organisation itself. But this alliance between Transvulcania and Fred Olsen Express goes far beyond the commercial part. Both entities are firmly committed to the territory and encouraging the practice of healthy lifestyles and caring for the environment, as well as focusing on sustainable projects with a high level of service. With the signing of this agreement begins a new era in which Fred Olsen Express will also share the successes of the famous La Palma race

that will attract in May some 500 participants from more than 60 different countries. Such is its success that there are only places available for the Half Marathon and the Vertical Kilometre, as dorsals for the Ultramarathon and Marathon are already filled up. “Having a sponsor like Fred Olsen is a guarantee of success for a sporting event as recognised and outstanding as Transvulcania. The shipping company that has just announced direct routes between La Palma and Tenerife will transport, surely, a great number of fans of that and other islands of the archipelago, thus contributing

to Transvulcania maintaining its character as a great sports party, promotional showcase of La Palma and successful competition at regional, national and international levels, “ said the Minister of Sports of the Cabildo de La Palma, Raúl Camacho. Juan Ignacio Liaño, fleet manager at Fred Olsen Express, added: “The Transvulcania is an international level test with great local involvement of which it is an honour to be part. Our goal is to be close to our passengers, facilitate their travel and, more than ever, support local trade, healthy lifestyles and also the island of La Palma.”






Canary president leads call for more help over increased arrival of migrants


HE Canary Islands are demanding more resources and the European Union’s commitment to care for the constant arrival of migrants to the coasts of the archipelago. The last few months have seen arrivals of small boats from Africa on almost a daily basis, many carrying young children, babies and pregnant women, and ending in death for some. All of the islands have been affected, including Tenerife and Gran Canaria. President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres held a meeting recently with Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska and said it had been “productive”. In order to achieve maximum representation of the institutions and agencies involved, the Secretary of State for Migration, Hana Jalloul Muro, also participated in the meeting; the Government delegate in the Canary Islands, Anselmo Pestana; representatives of councils (FECAI) and municipalities (FECAM); the vice president of the Canarian Government, Román Rodríguez and the councillors whose departments are involved in the matter; the heads of the State

security forces and bodies on the islands; and representatives of non-governmental organisations and groups specialised in attention to migration. Sr. Torres thanked the Minister and the Secretary of State for his presence on the islands just one day before the celebration in Madrid of the Delegated Commission for Migration Affairs when the request was relayed. He stressed that “we must respond to this situation that worries us today more than at the end of last year, because we have had an indisputable upturn in 2020” with the arrival of at least 916 people in boats. Among the proposed measures, the Canarian president highlighted the increase of economic, material, spatial and human resources for the attention of migrants, the intensification of controls at source and diplomatic relations with the countries with which Spain has an agreement. Ángel Víctor

Fisherman falls off wall


man out fishing in Fuerteventura was injured when he fell off a wall.

The accident happened at 8.50am in the port of Gran Tarajal in Tuineje. The man, aged 50, suffered moderate head trauma and was transferred in a medicalised ambulance from the SUC to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura. The 112 centre said he fell from a height of about 9ft.

Woman in distress rescued from sea


woman was taken to hospital in a very serious condition after nearly drowning in the sea in Lanzarote.

Torres highlighted the need for return protocols to be carried out with the maximum guarantees of legality and respect for human rights. He also requested the commitment of the European Union to activate solidarity protocols and thus

attend to migratory flows. The head of the Canarian Executive said that the module of mothers of the women’s prison in Tenerife will soon be enabled as a place to receive migrants and highlighted “the effort of the cabildos, which

are offering places for unaccompanied minors above those contemplated in the agreement, as well as the implication of the municipalities and of all the organisms and institutions present in the meeting. ”

She had been rescued prior to the arrival of the emergency services. The incident happened in the late afternoon and brought the Emergency and Rescue Group of the Canary Islands Government to the scene, together with a rescue helicopter, firefighters, the Canary Emergency Service and Civil Protection.







New direct ferry route from Tenerife to La Palma


A Palma’s Cabildo and Fred Olsen Express have announced daily direct routes between La Palma and Tenerife ever y day and throughout the year. Minister of Tourism, Raúl Camacho and the fleet director of the company, Juan Ignacio Liaño, recently presented the new proposal of shipping services between La Isla Bonita and Tenerife. In the meeting with the media, both entities assured that from this summer, the shipping company will link both islands with two direct departures a day from each port and throughout the year. The trips will be made from the ports of Santa Cruz de La Palma and Los Cristianos in Tenerife with two high speed boats, will last two hours and a half per journey; and they will operate with a new schedule that guarantees the comfort of the passengers. The new service will be launched from June 22nd after the arrival of the new trimaran of the shipping company, Bajamar Express, and just before the start of the Lustrales Festival of La Bajada de la Virgen in La Palma. The new offer will mean an increase of 68% of the maritime connections between Tenerife and La Palma and an increase of 42% in its places, which translates into a total of more than 1,600,000 places available to travel with Fred Olsen Express.

Sr. Camacho, said: “It is great news for La Palma as these direct maritime connection open great possibilities of arrival of both occasional travellers and tourists, which is an important revitalisation for La Isla Bonita.” Sr. Liaño said: “La Palma has always been a priority for us. Now with the next incorporation of two new trimarans to the fleet, we have more ships, more possibilities and we want to offer the island the connectivity it needs. We hope it will be a significant improvement for passengers and for the island economy. “ Fred Olsen Express has already put this new programme on sale on its website (www.fredolsen.es), its Call Centre (902 100 107) and in associated travel agencies. The new schedules are available from June 22nd and can be consulted on the shipping company’s website. The maritime company is currently expanding its fleet and is building two new highspeed trimaran. The first of them is the Bajamar Express, whose delivery is scheduled in the coming months, and the Bañaderos Express, which is expected later this year.

Baby treated for smoke inhalation


21-month-old baby and a 42-year-old man needed treatment for mild smoke poisoning after a fire in a house in Gran Canaria.

Both the baby and the man were treated at the scene of the incident in Las Palma by members of the Canarian Emergency Service (SUC). The man was trapped on the roof and had to be rescued by firefighters. The fire happened in the mid-afternoon and was attended by local and national police, firefighters and a medicalised ambulance of the SUC.


Police hurt in chase


Man suffers leg burns in fire


ESIDENTS had to be evacuated when a fire broke out in a property in Gran Canaria.

One man, aged 40, needed hospital treatment for smoke inhalation and minor burns to his legs as a result of the incident in the mid-evening in Las Palmas. He was transferred in a basic life support ambulance from the SUC to the University Hospital of Gran Canaria Doctor Negrín. The Canarian Emergency Service, Firefighting, Rescue and Rescue Service of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, local and national police attended. A 112 spokesman said: “The Emergency and Security Coordination Center (CECOES) 1-1-2 of the Government of the Canary Islands received an alert informing of the fire in the kitchen of a house on the second floor of a building. The 1-1-2 immediately activated the necessar y emergency resources and the multisectoral coordinator instructed the alert to residents to vacate the building. Firefighters extinguished the flames and ventilated the property.”

IVE police officers were injured when involved in a high-speed chase in a Gran Canaria holiday resort.

They had been trying to stop a car with two occupants but it failed to honour their signals and drove off “at full speed”. The incident, which took place at 6.30am in Playa del Inglés, in San Bartolomé de Tirajana, ended when the Fiat Panda crashed into one of the patrol cars. Five officers were injured although not seriously. A 46-year-old man and a 39-year-old woman were arrested.

Walker airlifted to hospital


HE GES helicopter was called in to rescue an injured hiker in La Gomera.

The woman, in her mid-60s, was walking on the path that connects the Hermitage of Santa Clara with the cemetery of Vallehermoso when she stumbled and hurt her leg. Medics said she suffered a trauma in a lower limb of a moderate nature and was transferred to the Hospital Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. The Emergency and Rescue Group, Canarian Emergency Service, Civil Protection, accident and emergency group and Civil Guard were all mobilised. The GES helicopter was needed because of the difficult terrain.






La Gomera fed up with port blockages Island promotes its avocado and mango and demands urgent action VITAL INFRASTRUCTURE



HE Cabildo of La Gomera is promoting two fruit products on the island that hold an important external recognition for their quality.

The avocado and mango are the protagonists of this promotional campaign which started during Santa Cruz carnival because of the large influx of people. The measure, promoted by the Ministry of Primary Sector and Rural Development, aims to boost knowledge and subsequent commercialisation of these crops, through their enhancement. The expected impact exceeds 300,000 people, mostly from the Canary Islands. Meantime, progress is being made in the creation of a germplasm bank of these two types of fruits, from which their departure to other parts of the Canary Islands will be facilitated. The cultivation of avocado and mango on the island is mainly located in areas with abundant hours of sun and sheltered from the wind. Due to their high production, they are species with high potential to prevent soil loss in risk areas of the island.


A Gomera is calling for urgent action to free up the port of Los Cristianos by unblocking the port of Fonsalia project in Guia de Isora.

President of La Gomera’s Cabildo, Casimiro Curbelo has called on the Canarian public administrations to unlock the construction of the Port of Fonsalía. He called for speed and a firm response to “a vital infrastructure for the western islands, which would mark economic development, based on better connections and traffic capacity between them.” For these reasons, he regretted that it took more than half a century to respond to this demand, “putting at risk equal opportunities in a fragmented territor y, which needs co-

hesion mechanisms such as this port.” He recalled that the infrastructure is declared as of exceptional public interest, in addition to being included in the Transinsular Axis of Transport of the Canary Islands, approved by the Autonomous Government in 2006. “Now what is needed is to provide it with funding and that the State ascribes to the Canary Islands the public domain of the port area, ” he said. He reiterated the deficiencies of the Port of Los Cristianos, which supports more than 1,800,000 passengers and

more than 400,000 vehicles per year, positioning itself as the port of the province with the highest regular passenger traffic. “Those of us who live in La Gomera, La Palma or El Hierro know what it means to endure delays in connections,” he said. He insisted on the stipulation of maximum prices and exercising greater control over the price increase, following the entry into force of a 75% discount on the transport of residents. This was backed by the presidents of the councils of Tenerife and El Hierro. “Control has failed here and now the mechanisms to correct it must be given,” he said. The insular leader detailed

his commitment to incorporate the vehicle into the bonus, so that, as with passengers, the cost is discounted by the same percentage. “When we move between islands we always turn to the vehicle, so there is a real demand that the discount also has an impact on what we consider our travel luggage,” he said. Regarding air connectivity, he pointed to the “necessary” incorporation of Canarian representation in the AENA Board of Directors. “The decisions taken in this body affect the Canary Islands and our opinion is important in the face of decisions affecting strategic infrastructure for the connectivity of the islands.”






Energiser drugs were really potent erectile dysfunction products


ATIONAL Police, the Civil Guard and Tax Agency have jointly carried out the first phase of an important operation against illegal drug trafficking in which 47 people have been arrested. All of them are of Spanish nationality except a Portuguese subject. They were arrested in provinces such as Madrid , Alicante, Gerona, Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia, Almería, Jaén, Granada, Sevilla, Málaga, León, Salamanca, Valladolid and the Canary Islands. They face charges of crimes against public health, belonging to a criminal organisation, fraud, contraband and money laundering The ringleader of this criminal organisation has been arrested in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), from where he directed the operations. He was the subject of three International Detention Orders in force for various crimes and was arrested thanks to the rapid coordination of the Aggregation of Interior of Spain and the authorities of that country. The investigation began more than a year ago as a result of citizen collaboration

through an anonymous complaint about different shipments from Malaysia that could contain active ingredients of medicines without being declared as such. The criminal organisation imported drugs in large quantities from Malaysia, always falsely declared as food supplements and natural plants to circumvent customs controls and subsequently marketed as 100% natural energisers. After several tests, it was found that, in reality, they were potent drugs such as Tadalafil and Sildenafil, vasodilators for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The intake of these products without medical supervision can cause myocardial infarction, unstable angina, ventricular arrhythmia, palpitations, tachycardias, stroke and even sudden death. “The leaders of this organisation, fully aware of the

effects of these products due to customer complaints and continued withdrawals from the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products, changed the trade names and packaging of the products and continued their distribution and sale in a wide network of herbal establishments, sex shops, gyms and online, denoting a total disregard for the health of its customers. Among the brands involved are 150 different presentations,” said a police spokesman. Overall, this first phase of the operation has resulted in actions in 15 provinces, with 12 household raids and 55 inspections in premises and warehouses. It has achieved the intervention of more than €500,000 in cash, seven highend vehicles valued at more than 300,000 euros and two firearms, also blocking 39 checking accounts, two of them abroad. Also, 59 web pages dedicated to the sale of this type of products were blocked. The products were distributed throughout Spain,

as well as in Portugal, United Kingdom, France , Germany, Italy and Russia. It has also intervened more

than 200,000 boxes or packages of different presentations, all of them with names and inscriptions relating to 100%

natural products, as well as about 400,000 capsules of products pending analysis and several labellers.

Tragedy as boy chokes on bocadillo


five-year-old boy died after choking on a bread roll, despite doctors trying for more than an hour to revive him.

The tragedy happened in Gran Canaria at the child’s home in San Bartolomé de Tirajana. The youngster was reportedly eating a bocadillo when a piece of the bread got stuck in his throat. His father tried to stop him choking but was unable to dislodge the piece of food. He rushed the child to a local health centre where the medical staff continued the efforts to reverse the cardiac arrest. Although the piece of food was eventually retrieved, the boy could not be revived and was pronounced dead.







Raid on British-run underground cigarette family revealed trapped workers


OLICE discovered Europe’s firstever underground factory run by a British gang which churned out thousands of cigarettes every day.

The facility was hidden under horse stables and had a complete production line that allowed the manufacture of more than 3,500 cigarettes per hour. Twenty people have been arrested, including one of the leaders of the organisation, D.D. of English nationality, who was fleeing from the British authorities for crimes related to drug trafficking and forgery of identity document When the agents accessed the clandestine factory, they located six workers inside with serious breathing difficulties, due to the cut of the power supply that provided electricity to the facilities. Operation “Hannibal” was carried out on the Costa del Sol following a tip-off that an illegal tobacco scam was being operated in Malaga by citizens of British, Lithuanian and Ukrainian origin. Raids were carried out at 13 houses and several industrial buildings which led to the seizure of 153,000 packets of tobacco ready for sale, 17,600

kilograms of loose tobacco, 20 kilograms of hashish and 144 kg of marijuana, as well as the dismantling of an indoor plantation of this same drug. Police said the gang went to great lengths to try and cover up the illegal underground factory, including putting heavy industrial machinery on top of the trap door which led to the hidden rooms. The gang leaders were arrested in the morning but never told police until later that six workers were trapped underneath and could not get out. A generator had been

turned off so there was no air getting through to them and because the bunker was sound-proofed, there cries for help and hammering on the doors could not be heard by

the police. “They would have died if not for one of the police officers who discovered the hidden entrance,” said a spokesman for the Spanish Civil Guard.


Romanians travelled to Spain to tamper with bank machines


OLICE investigating a masssive card cloning fraud say more arrests are pending in both Spain and Romania.

It follows the arrest of the leaders of an international organisation at Madrid airport. The two Romanian citizens were preparing to take a plane

Fraud gang tapped into credit cards in 37 countries



ATIONAL Police agents have dismantled a criminal organisation of Nigerian origin specialised in bank card counterfeiting, internet fraud, document forgery and money laundering.

Its 36 members have been arrested for a fraud that exceeds one and a half million euros and whose victims reside in a total of 37 countries. This investigation is the result of the strategy designed by the National Police to fight against criminal networks dedicated to the commission of all types of crimes against heritage through the internet and that, together with the rest of the investigations carried out during the year 2019 , has allowed 32 organisations or criminal groups to be dismantled, with more than 300 detainees throughout the Spanish territory. The operation began after an exhaustive analysis of transactions with bank cards sold in specialised carding forums, which is what is called the illegitimate use of credit cards belonging to other people in order to obtain goods by fraud with them. This same analysis was also carried out in the darkweb clandestine markets. More than 70 fraudulent bank cards had been issued, leading to a fraud of more than 1,500,000 euros. In the first phase, documentation was provided with different false identities for the issuance of bank cards to the financial issuer of payment cards. Subsequently, once received at the homes under the control of those investigated, the fraudulent use of the cards took place, depleting the existing credit in them. Finally, criminals paid the debt generated online by providing fraudulent foreign bank card numbers obtained in private internet forums, as well as in the deep web and darknet. This is how citizens of 37 countries as diverse as Panama, Malaysia, China and Colombia have been affected by this fraud.

back to their country and were carr ying 30 cards with magnetic stripe, notes with ATM measures and bank numbers, among other effects. The investigation has had the collaboration of the police of Colombia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and Romania, the latter locating a card cloning laboratory at the home of one of the investigated. It is called the skimming method used to steal bank card information by installing electronic devices at ATMs. The investigations began in May 2019 when the agents became aware of the existence of a criminal organisation dedicated to the cloning of cards and the commission of scams that operated in various countries, including Spain. From that moment on, a joint investigation was initiated with the Judicial Police of Craiova (Romania). Officers learned that in September the two alleged leaders of the organisation would travel to Spain with the aim of installing reading devices in ATMs. Once the data of the cards inserted in these ATMs were obtained, they would leave the country with the necessary information to clone the cards and extract the money.



What can UK expatriates in Spain expect from Brexit? Anyone arriving in Spain after December 2020 will be subject to the new residence requirements. While yet to be defined, these may be much more stringent than today.

Taxation after the transition period


By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks

T last we have some clarity around Brexit. While we still don’t know what the UK’s new relationship with the EU will look like next year, the transition period provides some certainty until 31 December 2020.

What might change when it comes to residence, taxation and UK pensions, and what steps can you take to prepare?

Securing residence and existing benefits UK nationals who are lawfully settled in Spain before the end of the transition period can lock in citizens’ rights under the UK/ EU Withdrawal Agreement. This protects access to healthcare, social security, education and employment opportunities for as long as you remain resident. If you already hold residency papers you will need to convert these to the new documents. Although the Withdrawal Agreement allows up to June 2021, register as soon as possible to protect your position. Beware that you forfeit these guaranteed rights if you are absent from Spain for five consecutive years. Also, there is no onward freedom of movement.

Each country sets their tax rules, not the EU, and tax treatment depends on residence, not nationality. The UK-Spain tax treaty is independent of the EU. As such, Brexit itself has no effect on how Britons are taxed in Spain. However, some non-EU/EEA assets are currently treated differently, which could affect you after Brexit. For example, if you sell a home in Spain to buy a British property once the UK is outside the EU/EEA, you may not eligible for capital gains tax relief. In any case, the way you structure your assets can make a significant difference to the way you are taxed. Residents in Spain can take advantage of tax-efficient investment opportunities that may also provide benefits such as currency and income flexibility, wealth tax mitigation and estate planning advantages.

UK pensions after the transition period UK nationals settled in the EU before 31 December 2020 can continue to receive yearly cost-of-living increases to their State Pension payments. As things stand, Brexit should not affect how you can withdraw or transfer other UK pensions. However, once the UK government no longer has to abide by EU rules in 2021, they gain more freedom to recoup taxes from expatriate pensions. One target could be Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS). Currently, Spain residents can transfer to a QROPS tax-free if it is EU/EEA-based, otherwise a 25% ‘overseas transfer charge’ applies. Many expect the UK may extend this to

within the EU once it sheds its current obligations. Take personalised, UK-regulated pensions advice to establish the most suitable approach for you.

Currency considerations During Brexit uncertainty, the value of sterling has experienced much volatility. While more settled now, like any currency, it is always variable. It is often sensible for British expatriates to keep some savings in Euros and some in Sterling. Explore investment structures that offer flexibility to hold investments in more than one currency and convert when it suits you. A QROPS could also provide currency flexibility for retirement income. Make sure your investments are well-diversified, tax-efficient and offer the right balance of risk and return for your peace of mind. While the transition offers a welcome period of certainty for British expatriates, the clock is ticking to secure your position and take advantage of suitable opportunities. A locally-based adviser with cross-border experience is best placed to help you prepare for the post-Brexit world. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; individuals should seek personalised advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.blevinsfranks.com






Police find shocking scenes at illegal cockfight



OLICE in Spain raided an illegal cockfight and found birds in bloodsplattered cages, many of them badly injured, dead or dying. The bodies of four roosters were found stuffed in cardboard boxes and numerous doping substances were seized, designed to enhance the performance of the birds. The cockfight in Cadiz was being attended by about 200 people who were waging considerable amounts of money on the clandestine. They came from all parts of Andalusia and even from the Balearic Islands of Mallorca and Ibiza. The organisers face prosecution for animal abuse. The operation began when agents from the El Puerto de Santa María police station (Cádiz) learned of a championship that was going to take place over one weekend when bets would be placed. Police launched a raid of the premises and caught 197 people cheering the fights on. Among them was a man who

British dad publicly thanks hospital after coronavirus recovery


British father-of-two who was tested positive for coronavirus inMallorca has penned an emotive message encouraging people not to panic and to understand all sides of the story.

The 46-year-old, understand to be living on the island with his family as an ex-pat, has been given the all-clear and released from hospital in Palma after two weeks in quarantine.

was offering various medications for veterinary use without prescriptions. The products included lotions for skin conditions, multivitamin complexes, invigorating injections to reinforce recovery and fatigue retardants for animals, all of them without any control. “The enclosure had a circular ring and seats for 57 spectators, the attendees tripling the authorised capacity. The place had a table with a timer for fighting, a Roman scale for weighing

the fighting roosters and various documentation concerning data on the participating animals,” said a police spokesman. “The llifeless bodies of four roosters were located, in addition to eight with wounds and injuries that were treated in situ by veterinarians.” The inspection ended with the arrest of a 33-year-old man as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of counterfeiting currency, since among his belongings, a

large amount of money was located, specifically 2,950 euros, of which two banknotes proved to be false , one of them with a face value of 500 euros. In addition, 34 infringements have been reported for contravening public safety regulations for drug use or possession in a public establishment, carrying prohibited weapons and disobedience. The owner of the establishment was also sanctioned for tolerating the use of narcotic substances inside the premises.

Nineteen women freed from hostess clubs in Murcia



HE fight against people trafficking in Spain has led to the arrest of 20 people accused of sexually exploiting more than 200 women in hostesses clubs in the region of Murcia.

The victims, mainly Latin American women in very precarious situations, were captured in their countries of origin under false offers of employment and, finally, were sexually and laborally exploited in hostess clubs. The operation - in which more than 100 agents have participated - has ended with raids on five addresses and two hostels in Murcia; 100,000 euros in cash, seven vehicles, a simulated firearm, numerous white weapons and narcotic substances have been intervened. Nineteen women have been freed. The police investigation began when the agents became aware of the existence of several hostess clubs, located in the municipalities of Cartagena and Murcia, in which Latin American women were allegedly exploited. After months of intense investigation, the agents verified the existence of a criminal organisation, led by a well-known and dangerous family clan, that exploited women and women in different clubs alternate on their property. In addition, they observed that those investigated extended their illegal activity to drug trafficking. “The exploiters captured them with false job offers in Spain and took care of all the expenses generated by their displacement to the peninsula. On the same day of their arrival, they were transferred to the hostess clubs - property of the organisation - where they were informed that they should practice prostitution to pay the debt incurred. All this under strict control and a comprehensive sanctions regime,” said a police spokesman. This operation is part of the National Police Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings for the purpose of Sexual Exploitation. The National Police has the telephone line 900 10 50 90 and an email treat@policia.es to facilitate citizen collaboration and the complaint, anonymous and confidential, of these types of crimes, not being reflected in the phone bill.


He contracted the disease after spending time in a French ski resort. His wife and two daughters, aged seven and ten, were tested negative but kept in for observation. A sevenyear-old boy who had been in contact with the family also tested negative. The man, who has not been named, has publicly thanked the staff at the University Hospital of Son Espases and says he is very happy to be back in full health. Despite 2,000 deaths from the coronavirus, the British father says he thought it would help others to know his side of the story. Posting his emotive message on the hospital’s Facebook site, he said: “All of our ski group, including the 11 in England and France, have recovered quickly from the virus. We all experienced mild symptoms and required minimal medical treatment during our time in isolation. We understand the virus can be dangerous for some, but we also want to share the important facts of our own situation to help reassure people.” “I would like to offer my thanks to all the staff at Son Espases who have supported me and my family in many ways during our time at the hospital. Equally thank you to all those in the health service and related organisations in Mallorca and the mainland. Thanks finally for the support I have received from family, friends and the public. I am very grateful to all of you. I’d like to ask for the continued respect of my and my family’s privacy.” The 46-year-old man was the second person in Spain to be tested positive for the virus. He had travelled to France on January 25th and flew back to Mallorca on January 29th. A German tourist visiting the Canary Island of La Gomera was also confirmed to have contracted the virus and was kept in isolation for a fortnight. He too has been given the allclear and allowed home.







Tourism jobs in Spain increase to S a record figure

Exports rise in Spain but decrease in Canaries PANISH exports of goods rose by 1.8% in 2019 on the previous year, amounting to 290.09 billion euros, according to the trade figures revealed by Customs and presented by the State Secretar y for Trade, Xiana Méndez.


ATIONAL Insurance contributors employed in tourism activities in Spain rose in January by 3.5% year-on-year to a total of 2,371,103, according to figures included in the Report on Jobs in Tourism drafted by Turespaña, attached to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism. This is a record figure for a month of January. Employment in tourism activities has grown in the last year by 80,447 workers registered with the social security system, and now accounts for 12.5% of all contributors to the Spanish economy. State Secretary for Tourism, Isabel Oliver, welcomes “the good start to the year in terms of jobs, which confirms that

dynamic nature of the sector. Tourism has been a genuine driver of change and prosperity throughout the country and a key pillar for creating opportunities in the badly coined “Empty Spain”. The government is backing and pushing through a new tourism policy based on the diversification of products and destinations, on smart tourism and on better quality jobs, through such measures as the Master Plan for Dignified Work, the negotiating table for quality jobs in hotel and catering and the protocol

entitled “Fair and socially responsible hotels.” Of the 80,447 new contributors in January, 47,592 correspond to the hotel and catering industry. The heading “other activities” rose by 30,752 new contributors, while the heading “travel agencies” saw an increase of 2,103 workers. The report highlights the positive performance of this branch of activity since December 2014, which had seen a decline in employment figures for the six straight years, from 2008 to 2014. Jobs in tourism activities

“In a complex environment of trade tension, these data confirm the resilience and strength of our export sector,” said Xiana Méndez. “The Spanish economy has faced the tough international situation from a solid position, with growth that continues to stand above that of our main European partners and that

rose in all autonomous regions. In absolute figures, employment in hotel and catering and travel agencies/tour operators enjoyed the largest rises in Andalusia, the Region of Madrid, Catalonia and the Region of Valencia. Lastly, in relative terms, there were noteworthy increases year-onyear in Murcia (up 5.4%) and Andalusia (up 4.8%).

allows the continued creation of new jobs.” Imports rose by 1% to 322.07 billion euros. As a result, the trade deficit for the year fell by 5.5% to 31.98 billion euros. The coverage rate - exports over imports stood at 90.1% (89.4% in 2018). The main positive contributions to the year-on-year exports rate came from the food, beverage and tobacco sector (1 point), the capital goods sector (0.7 points), the chemical products sector (0.5 points) and the consumer manufactured products sector (0.3 points). The main

negative contributions came from the energy products sector (-0.5 points), the raw materials sector (-0.2 points), the automotive sector (-0.1 points) and the non-chemical semimanufactured products sector (-0.1 points). The autonomous regions posting the strongest export growth were Aragon (up 13.1%), the Principality of Asturias (up 12%) and the Provincial Region of Navarre (up 11.6%). In contrast, the largest decreases were posted by the Balearic Islands (down 8.6%), Castilla Leon (down 4.6%) and the Canary Islands (down 4.1%).







Balearic government defends “SIX FREE DRINKS A DAY” rule for three hotspots


private investments - and position the destination in an increasingly competitive and global market have been negatively impacted due to issues of unsociable behaviour often related to alcohol abuse in certain tourist areas of

RITISH holidaymakers who make new bookings at all-inclusive hotels in three of the most popular resorts in Ibiza and Mallorca will in future be limited to three free drinks at lunch and three with their evening meal.

The crackdown is part of the Balearic Government’s new campaign against “drunken tourism” and will affect the three areas of Arenal and Magaluf in Mallorca and the West End of San Antonio in Ibiza. The six-a-day limit will only apply to NEW bookings made before the new legislation was agreed on January 23rd and NOT to holidays which have already been arranged in the all-inclusive hotels in the three party zones. The rule does not apply to any of the all-inclusive hotels outside of Arenal, Magaluf and San Antonio. The Balearic Government, which has been explaining its stance to tour operators and government officials in the UK, says the limit is needed as part of the overall plan to improve the image of these three party resorts which have been blighted by bad behaviour, usually caused by too much drink. Most of the other measures under the new campaign, such as big fines for balconing and a ban on pub crawls, drink offers such as happy hours and two for ones, have been welcomed but the alcohol limit in the allinclusive hotels has caused controversy. ABTA, the British Association of Travel Agents, is asking the Balearic Government to think again about this element, saying it is is “misdirected”. “The Balearic Islands and the destinations of Magaluf and San Antonio are very popular with British holidaymakers,”

Mallorca and Ibiza.With this new law defended and requested by institutions, social enterprises, businesses and employers, the government provides the necessary tools to combat the issue and reverse any negative impact.



said a spokesperson. “While we strongly support initiatives that improve the health and safety of holidaymakers, as well as the welfare of local communities, such as encouraging bar owners to take a more responsible approach to the sale of alcohol and campaigning for balcony safety among young holidaymakers, we believe some of the measures announced in relation to addressing unsociable behaviour, for example targeting all-inclusive holidays, are misdirected. The vast majority of holidaymakers on allinclusives are couples and families, so it is difficult to see how imposing strict rules on this type of arrangement will fix the problem of anti-social behaviour in resort. We would encourage the Balearic authorities to reconsider this.” “It’s also important to highlight that the limits on drinks does not apply to allinclusive holidays that have already been booked in these

resorts.” Hoteliers themselves are worried as they say tourists are already choosing other establishments outside the zones so they can have unlimited alcoholic drinks as before. In some cases, they say, the hotels are just yards apart but not within the target zones of Arenal, Magaluf and San Antonio. The new regulations will be valid for five years, with a penalty-based-system of fines of up to 600,000 euros and suspension of activity for up to three years for breaches. Contracts already signed between tour operators and hoteliers will be respected to prevent any legal or contractual issues. A spokesperson for the Balearic Government said: “The Balearic Islands government has approved a Decree Law to combat alcohol excess in certain tourist areas, with the aim of forcing real change in the tourism model of these

destinations; promoting responsible conduct, adopting measures to protect the destination and avoiding issues derived from excessive alcohol consumption in certain places of the Balearic Islands. This is the first standard adopted throughout Europe, which restricts the promotion and sale of alcohol in certain tourist areas. This new law aims to position the Balearic Islands as a pioneer destination in combating excesses in tourism with a standard that meets the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Balearic Agenda.” “The law aims to create a more sustainable and respectful tourism model, in terms of the environment, the quality of life for residents and the visitor experience. The creation of this new bill is in the public interest and has come about following extensive dialogue.” “ In recent times, efforts to positively promote the destination, create a better quality experience - via both public and simplifying IT


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Wednesday February 19th the Library welcomed local author John Reid judge of our first ever Creative Writing Competition. First category winner was David Ellis for his story The Fortunate Hotel. The second category Humourous Anecdotes, judged by journalist Ken Bennett, was won by Cheryl Douglas with Grooming Tails - An Adventure into the Strange World of Dog Grooming on the Reef. Both category winners were presented with their prizes of 100 euros by President Ken Fisher. Thank you to all who took part. The winning stories and runners up entries can by read on the Library website http://theenglishlibrary.es SATURDAY MARCH 14th PIG ROAST - 1.30 for 2.00pm Our very popular pig roast returns. Succulent roast pork, canarian potatoes and a variety of salads will be on offer with refreshments all for 17 euros along with entertainment. Please book early at the Treasurer’s desk to avoid disappointment. Places for this event go at a cracking pace along with the crackling. Today’s review features the latest Richard and Judy winter selection. As always with this husband and wife team a varied and interesting selection of some very good reads. Also recently arrived to be found in our new book section novels that will take you to Venice, Nazi-occupied Europe, 1930’s Burma, Arles in the Camarge and a lemon grove in Sicily. There’s something on offer for everyone’s taste, from romance, thrillers, investigations and of course the odd murder or two. We welcome visitors to join us during our opening hours Monday and Friday 3pm to 5.30pm and Wednesday and Saturday 10pm to 1pm. Refreshments are served in the garden on Wednesday and Saturday mornings Discover more about us on Facebook, TripAdvisor and our Website ‘theenglishlibrary.es’. Did you know you can access Facebook through our Website. You will find us at Calle Irlanda 5, Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz. Telephone 922 383 098.


ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Do not yield to children or relatives when they really don't deserve it. Do not borrow or lend money or belongings to friends or relatives if you wish to avoid any hassles. Changes in your home will be positive. TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) You may need a good friend to lean on. You will find your vitality is lowered. Put your energy into home renovations.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Plan to get together with someone special later in the day. Be prepared to take care of the issues at hand. Lack of funds may add stress to your already uncertain situation.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) A long discussion is in order if you wish to clear the air. Keep tabs on your spending. Take care of any pressing medical problems that you or one of your parents may be suffering from.


LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Difficulties with your mate may lead to estrangement. Do things because you want to, not because someone else thinks you should. Your mate, however, may not be too pleased with you. Get down to business. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) You are likely to be left alone if you aren't willing to bend just a little. Make your intentions perfectly clear and find out exactly what is expected of you. They didn't fully understand what was expected. . LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

In a large house in London’s fashionable Chelsea, a baby is awake in her cot. Well-fed and cared for, she is happily waiting for someone to pick her up. In the kitchen lie three decomposing corpses. Close to them a hastily scrawled note. They’ve been dead for several days. Who has been looking after the baby? And where did they go?

THE SILENT PATIENT ALEX MICHAELIDES Alicia Berensen lived a seemingly perfect life until one day six years ago, when she shot her husband five times. Since then she hasn’t spoken a single word. Theo Faber is a criminal psychotherapist who has waited a long time for the opportunity to work with Alicia. His determination to get her to talk and unravel the mystery of why she shot her husband takes him down a twisting path into his own motivations - a search for the truth that threatens to consume him....

Described as a psychological thriller. Alison has it all a loving family and a career on the rise she’s just been given her first murder case to defend. But all is never as it seems .... Obsession, revenge, lust and murder play out on the pages as a female barrister tries to hold her life together while her personality tries to tear it apart. At once shocking and riveting, You won’t be able to stop reading this book.

WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING DELIA OWENS For many years, rumours of the ‘Marsh Girl’ have haunted Barkley Cove, a quiet town on the North Carolina coast. So in late 1969, when handsome Chase Andrews is found dead, the locals immediately suspect Kya Clark, the so-called Marsh Girl. But Kya is not what they say. Sensitive and intelligent, she has survived for years alone in the Marsh she calls home, finding friends in the gulls

and lessons in the sand. Then the time comes when she yearns to be loved. When two young men from town became intrigued by her wild beauty, Kya opens herself to a new life - until the unthinkable happens.

Try to keep to yourself; work diligently on domestic chores and responsibilities. You can stabilize your situation if you compromise. Creative educational pursuits will payoff.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Your social skills with people may be more than just helpful. Your loved ones could set you off. Money can be made if your are willing to take a chance.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

The film explores the turbulent life of the charismatic Mar y Stuart Queen of France at 16, widowed at 18, Mar y defies pressure to remarry and instead returns to her native Scotland to reclaim her rightful throne. By birth, she also has a rival claim to the throne of Elizabeth I who rules as the Queen of England. Rivals in power and in love, the two Queens make very different choices. Betrayal, rebellions and conspiracies within each court imperil both Queens - driving them apart, as each woman experiences the bitter cost of power.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Go after your goals and don't be afraid to ask for assistance. Do your own research and be prepared. Catch up on your reading and correspondence.

Finish those changes you've been talking about making to your residence. You can easily impress others with your generous nature. You have to let go of your past if you wish to get out of any sentimental mood that might be hanging over your head. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Don't hesitate to talk to your par tner about rekindling your relationship. You can gain approval, get kudos, and ask for help if you put a little heart into your speech or request. Travel will promote romantic connections. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Be firm when dealing with matters pertaining to your environment. Any attractions toward clients will be one sided and must be put right out of your head. You may have difficulties with foreigners.

Brian Eldridge 23




UNDAY 23rd Februar y will be a day I remember for a while. We were in the middle of the worst calima I have experienced. We should have been enjoying a day of Carnaval, but all festivities had been cancelled on the advice of the Canarian government due to the weather conditions. Not just in Puerto de la Cruz, but in all the surrounding towns, although strangely events in Santa Cruz were to go ahead as planned. Carnaval is big business in the capital. Then news of the fires, in Santa Ursula, La Quinta, La Orotava, Los Realejos , San Juan de la Ramba , and much closer to home. I am sure this list is not exhaustive. Local bomberos were soon overstretched. It was almost a ‘Nero played while Rome burned’ moment, only in this case it was Santa Cruz preparing to party and North Tenerife going up in flames, while the capital’s emergency services held in reserve as part of their contingency plans. There was a fire in Puerto de la Cruz; it started in carretera General Las Arenas, much too close to home, just 100 metres up the road. The fire spread so quickly, the first we know of it was when the local police closed the street. The strong winds carried burning embers, so before long there were more fires, a disused finca bordering calle Nueva, an area to the rear of Hotel International in San Antonio and the original fire was creeping down the street ever closer, spreading from palm tree to palm tree with ease as having had no rain for so long everything is tinder dry. The bomberos took a while to arrive and then kept coming and going as one area was extinguished, they were needed elsewhere, only for the fire they had just put out reigniting as the wind fanned the embers. By this time the fire had leapfrogged back and forth across the road and palms were burning on both sides and spreading into gardens. Local residents took to the streets with garden hoses and buckets, anything that would hold water and tackled the flames it was admirable to witness the community spirit. Two water tankers from the Ayuntamiento turned up to and more power to the hoses. A fire was spotted in two palms in the old banana plantation to the rear of where I live, a team of resident rushed to contain it. If the flames had reached the ground and spread the whole hillside would have gone up in a few minutes. The fire continued down the road, it was hard to fight when the flames are spreading through the palm tops some 30 metres up. It was inevitable that the fire would reach our building complex. A row of palms line the street to the front and the fire spread from one to

the next, but, at least ,now the fire hoses from our building could be brought into play, with two national policemen manning one of them doing a sterling job. The extra pressure from the bigger hoses was working as they worked their way down the line and then back again as flames kept reappearing. Two fire engines returned and stationed themselves at the bottom of the line of palms and the fire was contained and then beaten. Eventually, it seems, Santa Cruz had given in to pressure and cancelled their festivities, releasing the city’s emergency services to go to help the neighbours. That much was evident as just as everyone in our street was beginning to relax a bright shiny fire engine turned up, and while the bomberos in nice clean uniforms started rolling out their hoses their superiors were walking about accessing the situation. However, the fires were out, all that was left for them to do was the damping down. Don’t think for one minute that I am doing them a disservice, I am merely making a point, I am sure when news of the first fires was spreading they were itching to get involved. How close did the fire get to my apartment, about 20 metres, one of the palms within the complex gardens just burst into flames mid way up its trunk, but that was quickly extinguished? However, it does just show how vulnerable we all are in these tinder box conditions. Puerto fared a lot better than other regions, the scorched areas will soon recover, plants are very resilient , but I have to say without the residents, the local police, the national police, and the agents of the ayuntamiento all coming together to help the bomberos it would no doubt have been a lot worse. Wow, how shall I follow that, anything else I have to say must surely be an anticlimax, but perhaps not necessarily so.

Hotel Taoro

Work has begun on restoring the Hotel Taoro building and I for one am encouraged to see it, it had sat empty, unloved for far too long. The project has an ambitious build time with the hotel aiming to be open for business by Christmas 2021. Of

course this schedule has been pooh-poohed; come on, after all this is Puerto de la Cruz we are talking about, a town where nothing gets done with any sense of urgency, I would normally agree, but in this instance I am not so sure. There is a lot of activity on the site, and it is not as if they are starting from scratch. The building must be structurally sound, it was built during a time of craftsmen, with no expense spared, it wasn’t just thrown up on the cheap. So, it is just a case of re-gigging the inside, knocking down the odd wall, building some new ones, plumbing and electricity, and then kitting it out. It shouldn’t take that long at all, and I look forward to seeing it back in use. Still, the Taoro is not the only hotel under construction there are a few more in the town, though perhaps of a more modest nature. The Nopal in calle San Juan, the Dania Park, the Xibana, all currently closed but undergoing renovation. Add to that news that the Hotel San Telmo is to be modernised and a rumour that the small Hotel Los Principies has been sold. Who knows with all this activity in the town maybe the new owners of the Hotel Chiripa may be encourage into continuing with their somewhat stalled reconstruction with a little more urgency.

New visitors

So it is all looking good for Puerto de la Cruz with all these new rooms coming on line, it really paints a picture of prosperity, but still I can’t help wondering where all the new visitors are coming from. Visitor numbers to the town have flatlined the last three years, give or take the odd few thousand either way, and occupancy for 2019 was around 75%, if my memory serves me. Add into the equation that Thomas Cook collapsed during the third quarter of last year, Tunisia is becoming a popular destination again, and Tui has just resumed flights into Sharm El Sheikh, with other airlines to follow. Plus just to hear the groans, ‘oh no, don’t mention it again please’, I can’t believe that Brexit isn’t going to have some form of adverse effect on European travel for the Brits. Add just to add another spanner in the works, the cost of flights to the island are becoming more expensive. However, I am sure that within corridors of power at the town hall there is a master plan to increase numbers and get heads on these new pillows, only I can’t seem to remember anything profound coming from the trade shows in either London or Madrid. Apart from, perhaps, that Puerto has a lot of culture and is renowned for a


An alarming Sunday Puerto de la Cruz would rather forget! S

few music/performance/arts events during the year. So there are interesting times ahead I think.

Puerto carnival

By the time you read this Carnaval in Puerto de la Cruz

will be over, some will be mourning its passing, while others might be thankful for a chance to catch up on their sleep. But hang on a second, Puerto is never known to miss out on a party so to compensate for the nights missed due to the

calima, Carnaval will reopen its doors on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th March. Even to the extent that the ‘missed’ opening parade will now take place on 7th March, one week after the closing parade. Does that make sense? It does to me, I think!!



The P A S System in Spain and what it means and entails


S in all countries in the event of an accident or incident the primary concern should be of the safety of those concerned. The Emergency Services have a system called P.A.S which is Proteger, Avisar y Soccorer. This does not translate literally for us into English but it means essentially Protect, Advise and Assist. These three things are very important to remember when we are fraught, nervous and frightened. If we try to remember this system by the abbreviations, similar to those used in TV advertisements to drive home information about a stroke FAST, we may find the situation less daunting and be able to deal with it more calmly. Let’s look at what one should do.


By remembering this phrase and following the actions in a methodical manner you can potentially save a life. Firstly you should think of your OWN safety and if you are going to assist at a scene make sure that you are wearing your high visibility jacket, and have parked your car safely and if you are on a very busy road and cannot park completely out of the way use your hazard warning lights to alert other road users to a potential hazard ahead. You should never approach a burning vehicle or go near

to an accident involving a vehicle that is carrying hazardous goods i.e. gas, petrol etc. If it is safe for you to do so place your own warning triangles at an appropriate distant, again to warn other road users.

ADVISE You should advise the emergency services, if the incident is dangerous, someone is hurt or injured by calling 112. These operators are fully trained and speak multi languages so do not worry. Remember that if you have a Pay as you go phone but no credit you can still call 112. You will need to provide them with a location, so if you know the street name or number e.g. TF65 KM3, then provide it if not look around and pick out landmarks that may help, such as Churches, Large Restaurants, Shops etc. or if you have a smart phone you can use that to pinpoint the location that you find yourself in. It will also help the emergency services if you are able to advise them how many people are involved, how many are injured, their state, i.e. unconscious, bleeding etc. or if perhaps a larger vehicle has been involved and someone is trapped, whether there is a potential danger of goods that may have been being carried moving and falling, or even if a vehicle is sitting precariously i.e. over a barranco or something similar. The more information you are able to supply the better it will be for the emergency services to dispatch the appropriate amount and type of vehicle/services necessary. Always stay on the line until the emergency services terminate the call as they

may come back to you for more information.

ASSIST Always be careful not to add to or aggravate any injuries sustained and unless you are a medical professional i.e. Doctor, Nurse or Paramedic, do not intervene. Do not attempt to remove people from vehicles, and if a biker is involved NEVER remove their helmet. If they do so then so be it. NEVER give injured people food, drink or medication and wherever possible do not allow them to move on their own. Try to remain calm and stay until the emergency services arrive and only leave when they tell you that it is okay to do so, as sometimes you may be able to pass on vital information, which you may have deemed silly or not worthy of stating. All in all the P.A.S system is really about common sense but in times of trouble this often leaves even the best of people! A foot note, THE POLICE DO NOT NEED to be called if there are no injured parties and the two sides complete and BOTH SIGN an accident claims form at the time for onward submission to their insurers.

Pets World

Why does my dog keep coughing? J

UST like humans, dogs will cough when they have a tickle in their throat. But how do you know if it’s more serious and how do you decide when to take your dog to the vet?

If at any point your dog seems generally unwell with a cough, loses their appetite or is struggling to exercise, then you’ll need to book an appointment with your vet. Coughing is common when a dog is pulling on their lead and the collar is putting pressure on their windpipe. While this is a common problem, you may wish to consider some lead training or use a harness to reduce the chance of this behaviour resulting in damage to your dog’s neck or windpipe.

Excitement/Anxiety Sometimes when dogs become excited or anxious they can cough. This is usually seen in dogs with tracheal collapse (where part of their windpipe has begun to collapse) because their heightened state of excitement or anxiety means that they are breathing harder. This is most commonly seen in small breeds of dog and the coughing will usually stop quickly once they’ve settled down.

Bronchitis Bronchitis arises from inflammation of the airways due to a number of causes, including bacterial and viral infections, and allergies. Coughing is a common symptom in these cases and may involve coughing up fluid. Some cases may have additional symptoms such as wheezing, loss of appetite and lack of energy.


While kennel cough is very contagious, it’s usually nothing to worry about. As long as your dog is acting like their usual self, then they will usually recover within two to three weeks. During this time, you should keep them away from other dogs to reduce the chance of it spreading. It typically causes a deep, honking cough and, if the cough persists and your dog seems unwell, you will need to take your dog to the vet for a check-up.

If your dog is struggling to breathe in between coughing bouts, or cannot seem to swallow then it could be that your dog has something lodged in their throat. Keep an eye on your dog for signs of choking and take them to the vet immediately if they are struggling to breathe.

Shape of airways

Heart problems

Some dogs, particularly small breeds such as Yorkshire terriers, will cough more due to the shape of their airways. This cough often occurs during exercise or when they’re excited and sometimes treatment will be needed.

Heart problems may cause a cough, however a faster breathing rate is a more common symptom. Dogs with heart problems will often get tired more easily too.

Kennel Cough

When should I seek vet help?

While a cough is frequently not something to worry about, it’s good to know when you need to seek help from a professional. You should seek vet attention when: The cough gets worse over time or is continuous Your dog has a loss of appetite or seems unwell Your dog coughs up blood Your dog has breathing difficulties or a faster breathing rate As with all symptoms, trust your instincts and if something about your dog’s cough worries you,checked out.

Eating Out & About



The Oriental

Brunelli’s Steakhouse


Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Santa Cruz

Inaugurated in 1996 by Queen Sirikit of Thailand, our Oriental restaurant offers Asian style ‘haute cuisine’, which includes a wide range of delicious dishes with the unique flavor of an essential continent within the international gastronomic scene. The menu changes regularly and offers the best of the delicate and tempting, yet sophisticated cuisine from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Japan. The unforgettable experience in El Oriental is also felt though the traditional decor of the restaurant, which reflects both the magic and fineness of Thailand, making this restaurant the ideal place for a perfect dinner.

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/el-oriental

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

The Hotel Silken Atlántida in the centre of Santa Cruz is the place to head for if you are seeking a unique slant on Canarian cuisine, courtesy of its SOOK Gastrobar which is open to all. This conveniently-located restaurant, just a minute’s walk from the Meridiano shopping centre, has always been popular with local people and tourists alike, regardless of their nationality. Now, it has been given a new look with new gastronomy and new experiences with beautiful but affordable dishes created by chef Domingo Álvarez. He bases them on the traditional Canarian produce but with an avant-garde twist which not only looks fantastic, it tasted delicious too! The kitchen team wanted to mix old recipes with new techniques creating a totally different concept. You can find the Hotel Silken Atlántida and SOOK in Avda. Tres de Mayo,Esq. Aurea Díaz Flores, Santa Cruz. It is just five minutes from the bus station and near the three shopping centres of Corte Ingles, Meridiano and Nivaria Center. Situated on a corner, you can’t miss its striking glass design. The Hotel offers free parking for their diners.

II Pappagallo

Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden

Black Sea

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Il Pappagallo restaurant perfectly combines the old art of making pasta dishes and innovative side dishes that will both delight diners. The menu has been entirely renovated to offer diners a modern culinary repertoire that matches our attention and love for details, as well as our passion for excellence. A varied buffet and a great selection of Italian specialties await you in its terrace overlooking the Atlantic, ideal to enjoy unforgettable sunsets and the tranquillity of the night during summer. In addition, our wine cellar houses the best Italian wines, chosen amongst the most traditional wines of the country.

The Hotel Botánico & The Oriental Spa Garden in Puerto de la Cruz has launched a new weight loss programme which will allow their guests to delight themselves with delicious, lowcalorie cuisine in an idyllic environment. A combination of taste and aromas will make you forget you are on a diet. This method carefully elaborated by some of the most respected French chefs from the region of Brittany completely avoids any fats and promotes intelligent consumption of proteins and carbohydrates,while also boosting the primary flavoirs and the freshness of ingredients. The hotel has devised a seven-day accommodation programme which combines a holiday with health and fitness, with the special three meals a day combined with health, nature and organised activities such as tai chi classes, yoga, qi gong, pilates and meditation. Do ring for details.

The Black Sea Restaurant in Puerto, just opposite the Botanical Gardens, is receiving rave reviews and delighted customers are probably the best people to recommend it. The Black Sea, offering seating both inside and out, is a family restaurant and its owners are very proud of their food and service. Fresh food is available every day. Do try the suckling leg of lamb or choose from the large selection of tapas. The gourmet burgers are also a firm favourite with many diners. With its international menu, the restaurant welcomes guests of all nationalities and can cater for larger groups as well. You will find plenty of shade on the big terrace under awnings or the trees and only the best of products are used, not least the meat and fish, which are transformed into wonderful dishes, tasting as good as they look. There is also an extensive wine list.

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1, Puerto de la Cruz www.hotelbotanico.com

For reservations call 922 38 63 95 Calle Retama 3, Puerto de la Cruz

For reservations call 922 381 400 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward, 1 Puerto de la Cruz ( Hotel Botánico) www.hotelbotanico.com/service/il-pappagallo

Avda. 3 de Mayo, 3 Santa Cruz Tel.: 673 856 937 www.hoteles-silken.com


Eating Out & About


Your dining experience around our restaurants

Sabor Canario

Restaurante Gom

La Orotava

Santa Cruz

If you haven’t yet discovered La Orotava, you must do so as it is the most wonderful town full of charm, character and Canary architecture. This restaurant is located in one of the oldest buildings in the centre of La Orotava in a two-floor house of 800 square metres and two patios. Here you can taste the best of traditional Canary food with flair and innovation and wines from La Orotava. Its style is home-made Canary food, with both conventional and creative dishes, always inspired by the best produce from the town. Prices suit all pockets.

For reservations call 922 322 793 Calle Carrera 17 La Orotava info@saborcanario.es

This iconic restaurant in the heart of Santa Cruz is definitely a place to head for if you enjoy stunning decor and high-end cuisine but at prices you can still afford. The food here is best described as a slice of home-made cooking with the taste and touch of nouvelle cuisine. The emphasis is on quality, freshness and naturalness where the raw product is the star, depending on what is available that day in the market. They offers a special menu for celiac and can help create food for anyone with a specific allergy. Weddings, etc are also catered for and there is always a dish of the day. You will find GOM within the Hotel Taburiente, located in front of Parque García Sanabria. Their opening times are Tuesday to Saturday from 13:00 to 16:00 and 20:00 to 23:00.

For reservations call 922 276 058 Calle Dr. Guigou,29 Santa Cruz www.hoteltaburiente.com


FREE APPETIZER WITH THIS ADVERT Bar El Pincho Las Vistas, Los Cristianos At Bar El Pincho you can enjoy good prices, good food, good service and a fantastic view of the ocean. They are winning fans because of the friendly staff you encounter and the delicious Spanish tapas. They have a great offer, a combination of tapas for two for only 14.50 euros (IGIC included). There is also a wide selection of main plates, such as steak, chicken and fish, all cooked with love and the best ingredients they can find. Do try their fantastic cocktails which they always try to improve. Try also the special dishes from the north of the island and the drinks. Open everyday from 10:00am to 22:00pm. Live music from 5:00 to 19:00pm

For reservations call 649 431 110 Paseo Las Vistas, Los Cristianos www.barelpincho.com

Tacoa Cervecería & Fábrica

Brunelli’s Steakhouse


El Sauzal

Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz

Craft brewery & restaurant

A wonderful place to discover and explore! This is the oldest craft brewery in Spain, having been in Tenerife since 2001, and offers a restaurant-brewery area, two terraces, guided tours with beer tasting in English, German and Spanish, is fully accessible for the disabled and has a playroom for children. You can enjoy different types of craft beers, ten at the moment, including the most recent “Winter Porter” and a “Tajinaste”, with Teide floral honey. Gastronomic specialities feature a wide range of snacks, delicious salads, smoked food, various types of sausages, Geman grills and roasted knuckle of pork. Also home-made desserts. And new on the menu: vegan cuisine. This super brewery/restaurant is even more popular because it sells its bottled beer to the public who can walk here just like they can to other bars and restaurants!

Carretera General del Norte, 122, El Sauzal Open daily from 13:00 to 23:00, Mon. open from 18:30, Frid. & Sat. 13:00 to 12:30am. Wednesday Closed. Tel: 922 56 41 73

Just 50 metres from Loro Parque and with beautiful views of the ocean, Brunelli’s Steakhouse is waiting for you to explore the delights of the palate. Inspired in the original American steakhouses, this restaurant is located at the former fisher village of Punta Brava, in northern Tenerife, and offers you the best quality meat – tender, juicy and with an incomparable texture. Flavors like you have never tasted before thanks to a specially controlled maturation and their ‘Southbend’ oven, unique in the Canaries and which cooks the meat at more of 800ºC, highlighting all its properties and making your dinner simply perfect.

For reservations call 922 062 600 In front of Loro Parque Puerto de la Cruz www.brunellis.com

If you want to seek out a really good Italian restaurant at an affordable price with a lovely terrace, look no further than Tressardi. It offers a very varied menu including traditional Italian dishes, pizza and pasta with gorgeous fillings and sauces, meat dishes, fresh fish and crunchy salads. The desserts like tiramisu and panna cota are to die for! So if you want a good Italian restaurant for a family meal, a romantic dinner, a quick lunch when working or take away, Tressardi is your restaurant. A friendly and homely restaurant that has quality products combining fast food and well elaborated dishes for kids and grown ups. Depending on your choices the price can go higher but an average 15-16 Euros per person is what you can expect.

OPENING TIMES: 15:00 -23:00 pm Wednesday closed Friday & Saturday: 15:00 -24:00 pm For reservations call 922 382 056 Calle Aceviños, La Paz, Puerto de la Cruz

Eating Out & About



Puerto restaurant hailed for its commitment to quality

A passion for meat earns Brunelli’s Steakhouse yet another award B

RUNELLI’S Steakhouse has received yet another award to confirm what customers have already discovered. It serves the most exquisite meat possible!

Delighted diners constantly comment on the quality of the meat, whether it be the fantastic tender steaks or the meat in the stew which melts

in your mouth. Now, thanks to this Puerto restaurant’s passion for the best meats, Brunelli’s has received

the Qué Bueno Canarias 2020 award in the “best grill” category. The award was presented

to Elena Martínez, maître and steakhouse manager, at the Casa del Campesino Museum in Lanzarote, adding to the list of other great prizes already gained as the best meat restaurant inTenerife, according to the rating of TripAdvisor users, which it has held since 2018. Since its opening in September 2015, more than four years ago, this prestigious establishment in the style of the typical American steakhouses has evolved the gastronomic offer of the archipelago with its impressive variety of meat. In addition, Brunelli’s has

a unique oven in the Canary Islands: the Southbend, capable of cooking the meat at 800º temperature, caramelising it and getting it to retain all the flavour with a juicy texture. As one delighted customer commented: “Stunning steak in stunning surroundings. Very few people will have experienced steak this good. If you think you have had a good steak before visiting this place think again!”

Its wide offer is completed with an excellent wine list, among which is Brunelli’s own house wine, varied desserts, attentive service, and the possibility of contemplating the best sunsets of the island from its impressive terrace open to the sea . Add to all this, there is a curved and retractable picture window offering incredible views of the Atlantic Ocean, unique in the world and of incalculable value. This important recognition

comes just a few months after the steakhouse was distinguished for the second consecutive year in the Michelin Guide 2020 for Spain and Portugal in the categor y “Plate 2020”. The prestigious publication hailed Brunell’s “commitment to meats, of excellent quality, of different origins and, in several cases, matured in the restaurant itself ”, as well as “the use of fresh ingredients, exquisitely prepared dishes and very good food.” Brunelli’s, located in front of Loro Parque in Puerto de la Cruz, has established itself as a restaurant of reference among its customers: through the celebration of gastronomic events and theme nights, it has become an institution, not only to enjoy the best meats, but also for personal and professional appointments .

Donde Mario

La Bodeguita de Enfrente

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

Cuesta de la Villa

A great part of the fun of wining and dining in Tenerife is finding somewhere different and it’s well worth a trip out to Santa Ursula to the warm and inviting Donde Mario. Though from the outside you might easily pass by it, the inside is elegant and captivating. Restaurateur Mario Torres surprises us every day with his extensive use of produce in season, and his unbeatable experience with wines and cookery. Just try his Cherne warm salad, a super-healthy Canarian fish soup, or his Lomo de Vaca Morucha. You will be captivated.

Set in a series of old Canary houses, this restaurant is made up of a labyrinth of inter-connecting rooms leading off from the bar area in the centre. The atmosphere is reminiscent of an English country pub with its low ceilings with wooden beams and warm décor. The food is fundamentally Canarian. They grow most of their own produce at their allotment and only use olive oil to cook with. Their ethos is a simple one, only use the best, fresh produce and cook it with thought and care. The menu is described as Picoteo, slightly more than tapas without reaching the full-blown three-course meal status. It is delicious and affordable. “La Bodeguita de Enfrente” won the “II Gastronomic Awards Cruzcampo Gran Reserva El Día-Mesa Abierta”, which took place last year.

Why not try a touch of “picoteo”, the Spanish-style of eating where, as the name suggests, you pick a selection of dishes and share with your companions. You will find “El Calderito de la Abuela” in Santa Úrsula and it offers a unique and homely atmosphere combining Canary cuisine with modern creativity. In 2016, “El Calderito de la Abuela” won the “Best Canarian Kitchen Restaurant Award” in the first edition of the “El Dia-Mesa Abierta” Awards on July 28th. The exterior of this property belies what you will find inside as it is full of charm and carácter and there is an incredible view of La Orotava valley. “A gem” is how it is described.

For reservations call 922 302 760 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 205 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.labodeguitadeenfrente.net

For reservations call 922 301 918 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 130 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.elcalderitodelaabuela.net

For reservations call 922 304 585 Exit 31 TF-5, Carretera Provincial, 119 Cuesta de la Villa, Santa Úrsula www.dondemario.net

El Calderito de la Abuela






Adeje goes creative with art workshop and exhibition


Egypt comes to Granadilla


HE municipality of Adeje through the Department of Equality chaired by Carmen Lucía Rodríguez del Toro has opened registration for two courses held under the umbrella of March 8th, International Women’s Day. Women interested in joining “Women’s Self Defence” and “Collective artistic creationAdeje-Creative Women” can do so through the municipal website www.adeje.es “Both the course, the workshop and the exhibition are activities that are part of the programme of activities planned around March 8th, International Women’s Day. To this, we must also add the Abinque Prize, which will take place on March 6th and the different training proposals that are continuously carried out from the council, ”said councillor Rodríguez del Toro. The “Women’s Self Defence” course will be taught by the Daruma Dojo Club. Training will begin on March 4th and end on December 4th. The training will be distributed in two sessions of one hour, being

the first Wednesday and Friday of the month from 7pm to 8pm from March and will include theory and practice. The course is aimed at women over 13 years old and will be held at the Las Torres Sports Pavilion. The “Collective artistic creation-Women AdejeCreative” workshop will be held on the occasion of the events organised by International Women’s Day, this time with an important novelty, an art exhibition “Women Adeje - Creative ”, which may be visited from March 12th to April 6th. The artistic creation workshop will be held for any woman interested in the art world with or without previous experience or training. It will work from several strategies commonly applied in contemporary creation.


RANADILLA de Abona has unveiled its 2020 Carnival poster, dedicated this year to “Egypt”after the theme was chosen by popular vote.

The Mayor, José Domingo Regalado and councillor for culture and festivities, Eudita Mendoza, revealed the image that will represent the festivities of the municipality. The municipal officials highlighted the colour and design of the poster and took the opportunity to encourage the population to join the most representative acts of this family-friendly party. There will be activities for all ages, starting on March 6th with the announcement parade in Los Abrigos and will continue with the “Carnival of the Day” on Saturday, March 7th in El Médano; the meeting of musical groups on Sunday March 8th in San Isidro; the election of the Gala Queen on Friday the 13th; the Coso on the 14th and on March 15th the Burial of the Sardine, these last three all in Granadilla centre.







Santa Cruz Carnival through the eyes of 50 artists


ALA L of the Centro de Arte La Recova in Santa Cruz is hosting a collective exhibition of paintings and sculptures whose common theme is the Carnival festivities. The show , “El Carnaval Chicharrero”, brings together for the fifth consecutive year the works of numerous artists who have captured the various aspects of the most popular parties on the island, from characters, masks and costu-

mes, to curious and fun situations that occur in the streets, not forgetting acts like the burial of the sardine. The exhibition, which includes approximately 50 paintings made with different techniques, including water-

colors, oils, acrylics and mixed media, stands out for its great colour and vivacity that convey the joy of the parties, making the viewer feel participant. On this occasion, two sculptures will also be exhibited. The works are mostly figurative, using different styles, from realism to illustration drawings, expressionism, naive, and so on. Some artists have also

chosen to convey their vision of the parties through abstract creations. Many of the paintings presented have been specially made for this exhibition, in which almost 50 artists of various nationalities are taking part, with a wide range of ages, from young people under 20 to over 70 years. The artists taking part are Elena Lecuona, Nazaret Hernández, Celestino Mesa, Jorge Pérez, Miguel González, Laura Padrón, Francisco Padrón, José E. López Navarro, Laura Domínguez, Gara Acosta, Eduardo Yanes, Alyona Peredkova, Volha Belevts, Aida Cecilia Hernández, Xose Almazán, Roberto Martin, Dácil Duerto, Juan Carlos Sánchez, Ángela de la Garma, Ariam Lázaro Pérez, Carlos Ortega, Eduardo Hogdson, Aida Díaz Jaén, Tomas Gil, Juan Francisco Pérez, Luis Zarate, Conrado Díaz Ruiz, Toba, Julio Padrón, Alfonso Araquistain, Felipe Torres, Tatiana Ivanova, Jaime Graham, Velina Ivanova,

Eugenio Díaz, Ivonne More, Portero, Dámaso Carrillo, Carlines Man, Jaime García Cabello, Yumar, Teresa R.Solis, Hugo Pitti, Alejandro Miranda Sureda, Florentina Pérez, Raúl Ortega, Catalina Moldovanu, Gracia Almazán, Merche Aparicio and Julio César Osorio. The exhibition, which can be visited until March 15th, is curated by Joaquín Castro San Luis. Directions etc on https:// www.webtenerife.com/ tenerife/arte-y-cultura/ artes-plasticas/exposicion/ centro-arte-recova.htm


History museum recreates 19th century hall


HE Museum of History and Anthropology in La Laguna is restoring ‘in situ’ the pieces that recreate a 19th-century hall.

Visitors to the headquarters of the centre in the Casa de Carta, in Valle de Guerra, will be able to observe live the tasks to which different objects will be subjected, within the programme ‘Conservation in action’ of Museums of Tenerife During the restoration process, which will have an estimated duration of two months, the room will remain open to the public, so that visitors can know in situ the work done by the team of restorers. The museum will remain open at its usual schedule, Monday through Friday, from 10am to 5pm. In the recreation of this room, different objects will be placed, of which a rococo-style curtain valance, two large mirrors with carved frames enriched in gold and a three-seater mahogany sofa lined with a cloth will be subjected to restoration work , in addition to a Hamilton pianola exported by the Baldwin Company between 1905 and 1930. Also, the space will be a showcase for books, side tables, chests, ceiling lamps, sconces, paintings, glassware and various objects of silver and small textiles.





Restoration of old Perdoma cinema to provide new LA OROTAVA auditorium


HE Mayor of La Orotava, Francisco Linares visited work being carried out in the old movie theatre of La Perdoma to turn it into the Francisco Álvarez Abrante Auditorium.

This project involves an investment of more than 310,000 euros and is executed by the company Dimurol. If everything goes to plan, the work should be finished by the end of September. “This emblematic space will become a cultural centre of reference for the municipality and the northern area, “ said the Mayor. “In addition, it will be a complement to theTeobaldo Power Auditorium.” The project will produce a major change, especially in the roof and throughout the interior. Modifications and adjustments will allow the seating area to be increased to accommodate up to 300 people. At the same time, the stage part will be expanded, new dressing rooms and a small


Children of the 80s returns to Tenerife


ARD Rock Hotel Tenerife is bringing back the popular “Children of the 80s” event to its outdoor lagoon-side concert area with nine dates planned for 2020.

house will be created for the artist or companion’s stay. Also, architectural barriers will be removed and a device will be installed for people with hearing impairment. Security will also be improved. For its part, the city council will adapt the entire environment and adjacent streets, expanding the width of the sidewalks and laying new pavement. The materials to be used and the design will give a new and modern image to the property, and its interior will be more comfortable and functional. This space has been an important meeting point and cultural exchange since the

sixties of the last century, and in recent years, in addition to a room for various events, it was used as a rehearsal room for local groups. The Perdoma Cinema was inaugurated in 1965.Thus, in addition to the screening of films, important cultural conferences were organised such as talks, festivals, concerts, theatre, rallies, conferences, and meetings, among other things. But the space closed its doors at the end of the 80s, and in 1997 it was acquired by the city council to continue developing various cultural and social activities.

Launching on March 14th, the new series promises to be a monthly Saturday night party for hotel guests, locals and tourists in the area with its oldschool vibes, disco tunes, eighties entertainment and retro costumes. The other dates are 11 April, 2 May, 20 June, 18 July, 15 August, 12 September, 17 October and 5 December. Every party will feature a legendary guest artist from yesteryear, with the line-up to be announced closer to the dates. Previous headliners have included Village People, Vengaboys, Blackbox and Rozalla, so guests can expect plenty of sing-a-long classics, big performances and nostalgic dance moves. DJ trio Dream Team and

local Canar y Island stars Puretas Party will warm up the crowds at every party with a set list of 80s and 90s hits, from rock and pop, to disco and house. Acrobats, dancers and entertainers will accompany the performances, while dazzling lighting and pyrotechnics will add to the party atmosphere. ‘Children of the 80’s’ launched at Hard Rock Hotel

Ibiza in 2015 via The Night League, and it quickly turned into one of the most successful events in Ibiza for 80s music lovers. For more info, visit www.childrenofthe80s.com Early bird tickets for the events are now on sale online for a limited time and priced at 18€. Guests at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife will have full access to all live events at no extra cost.







CORONAVIRUS: ADVICE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Q: Could my symptoms be coronavirus? A; The symptoms of coronavirus are a cough, high temperature and shortness of breath. But these symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu. It’s very unlikely to be coronavirus if you have not been in close contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus, you have not been to mainland China, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the last 14 days, you have not been to Iran, northern Italy, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar since February 19th, 2020. Call 111 if you think you might have coronavirus.

Q: Does the new coronavirus only affect older people or can younger people also get it? A: People of all ages can get coronavirus. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) are more likely to become severely ill with the virus. People of all ages should follow simple measures to stop viruses like coronavirus spreading, for example by washing their hands often with soap and water.

Q: Can I get coronavirus from food or takeaways? A: There is currently no evidence that you can catch coronavirus from food. Viruses like coronavirus cannot live for very long outside the body. But it’s always a good idea to wash your hands in soap and water or use hand sanitiser gel before you prepare or eat food.

Q: Can pets spread coronavirus? A: There is currently no evidence that companion animals or pets can be infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus. But it’s always a good idea to wash your hands with soap and water after contact with pets. This can help protect you against common infections that can pass between pets and humans.

Q: Are face masks useful for preventing coronavirus? A: Face masks play a very important role in places like hospitals, but there is very little evidence of widespread benefit for members of the public.

Q: Do I need to avoid public transport, mass gatherings, festivals, concerts or places with crowds? A: The only people who need to stay away from public places are people who have been: to Hubei province in China in the last 14 days to Iran, areas of northern Italy in lockdown or “special care zone” areas in South Korea since 19 February to other parts of mainland China, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia or Macau in the last 14 days and

have a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath to other parts of northern Italy (anywhere north of Pisa, Florence and Rimini), Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar since 19 February and have a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath in close contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus Otherwise, you should continue to go to work or school as normal. Lockdown areas in northern Italy: in Lombardy: Codogno, Castiglione d’Adda, Casalpusterlengo, Fombio, Maleo, Somaglia, Bertonico, Terranova dei Passerini, Castelgerundo and San Fiorano in Veneto: Vo’ Euganeo Special care zones in South Korea Daegu Cheongdo

Q: How should I isolate myself if I think I might have coronavirus? A: If there’s a chance you could have coronavirus, call 111 and isolate yourself from other people.

This means you should: stay at home not go to work, school or public areas not use public transport or taxis ask friends, family members or delivery services to carry out errands for you try to avoid visitors to your home – it’s OK for friends, family or delivery drivers to drop off food You may need to do this for up to 14 days to help reduce the possible spread of infection.

Q: Are there any medicines to prevent or treat the new coronavirus? A: There is currently no specific medicine to prevent or treat the COVID-19 coronavirus, but there are treatments to relieve the symptoms while your body fights the illness.

Q: What does “close contact with someone with a confirmed case of coronavirus” mean? A: A confirmed case of coronavirus means someone who has been tested and found to have coronavirus. Close contact with a confirmed case means: living in the same house contact with their body fluids face-to-face contact, for example talking for more than a few minutes being coughed on being within 2 metres of the person for more than 15 minutes Information supplied by the National Health Service in the UK.






Your migraine, cervical pain and insomnia could result from a bad bite


NE of the most common problems in dentistry, an incorrect bite, can be the origin of problems as varied as bruxism, headaches, fatigue, joint disorders, cardiovascular and cervical problems, jaw pain, gingivitis, respiratory disorders, dental hypersensitivity, insomnia and even erectile dysfunction. The conditions are so extensive that the dental sector is increasingly interested in seeking the remedy for something that seems simple: that a patient bites correctly, that is, that the lower jaw is aligned and fits with the upper one. In general, the solution to this problem involves orthodontics or dental orthopedics. However, a previous analysis is essential to determine what are the points where the contact between the teeth is not adequate. In addition to observation, radiographs are essential. The problem in this case is that the traditional occlusal adjustment systems were not able to show the intensity of the bite at each point, nor the moment at which the contact occurs, which gave

incomplete information for the development of a treatment suitable. But technology is also advancing by leaps and bounds in the dental industry. Current scanners are capable of a dentist detecting both the intensity of the bite and the timing of such contact. In the Artedental clinic, in Puerto de la Cruz, they explain that these scanners “allow 2D and 3D visualisation of force distribution, identify what neither the patient nor the experienced dentist can detect by traditional methods.” And in the dental industry, the technological leap is qualitative, and not only for malocclusion. CAD-CAM technology, for example, allows designing and creating customised prostheses in a

completely mechanised process. Also, there is already technology capable of accurately describing the movements of the teeth and even the evolution of the mandibular bones, and 3D printers and scanners are

inexorably making room in dental laboratories. The interest in developing solutions for malocclusion is fundamental. “Only 2% of the population has correct chewing, including patients treated with orthodontics,

since not only the teeth but the temporomandibular joints, muscles and ligaments are involved. It affects the stability of natural teeth and their good prognosis, the durability of fillings, crowns, implants ... ”, they explain from Artedental.

“Its effects are very annoying and painful, and the variety of practically invisible devices or brackets that exist today in the market has contributed to adults deciding to undergo this treatment,” concludes Amaya Sáez, director of Artedental.


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Equestrian contest takes riders through mountains of Tenerife


Cabildo plans improvements to island’s sports facilities


HE rider Jeremías Marrero Morales prevailed in the XIX Raid Hípico de Benijos, held in the area of Benijos, in the Villa de La Orotava, organised by Aerac (Equestrian Association of Raid and Field Activities of Tenerife Equestrian) and La Orotava Town Hall. The competition, in which 30 people took part, was held on a demanding route, with a clear and splendid day and without any incident in the race. Jeremiah won the victory in the National 1 * category, celebrated over a total of 80 kilometres, after his Candelario horse, a pure Arab race, was the best on the route that ran through the mountains of this area of Tenerife. José Antonio Perez Mesa, with the Arab breed colt Maver Rabah Monkesberoy, won the victory in the CET Promotion category, being the best in the 60-kilometre course and also won the triumph for the horse with the best physical condition. The second prize went to José Rodríguez Luis, with the mare race Arab Ia, and the third prize for the Leila

García Báez, with the horse Rayo. In the category of CET Promotion-40, over a distance of 40 kilometres, victory went to Adrián González Hernández, with the horse Yakaré. The second place went to the Arabian horse Mare Sira de Victoriano, ridden by Daniel Rodríguez Reyes while Juan Antonio Suárez Cabrera debuting the Arabian colt Zipi de Victoriano took third place, and was the horse with the best physical condition of this test. In the awards ceremony there were special mentions, to the most veteran runner José Rodríguez Luis, with more than 40 years in the practice of this discipline, and to the youngest runner of just eleven, Manuel Pérez García.


ENERIFE Cabildo’s sports department has pledged to invest in the improvement of island facilities in order to make available to the public infrastructure and sports equipment suitable for professional and recreational sports. For this, it carries out several programmes to improve municipal sports facilities such as PMAID, Verde +, PIDAL, the Insular Pool Plan and the Insular Athletics Plan. “After carrying out, together with the technicians, a diagnosis of the state of the island infrastructure, we have

seen the need to intensify the work in its improvement. Many were designed more than 20 years ago and so far they have not worked on updating them to meet current safety, hygiene, accessibility or maintenance standards, ”said sports councillor, Concepción Rivero. Regarding the Heliodoro Rodríguez López stadium,

Rivero said that the change of LED lights is planned to comply with the Regulations of the Professional Football League regarding the lighting of official matches, for their television broadcast. A technical audit had shown the lights are obsolete and generate excessive energy expenditure compared to LED technology. It is also contemplated to finish the second phase of the remodelling of toilets and other actions related to the stands and the transformation centre. In the Insular Athletics Centre

of Tenerife (CIAT), projects are being carried out to improve the installation for the IberoAmerican Games and the purchase of cardiovascular equipment for the gym used by athletes daily. In the Ofra Sports complex, an investment of 200,000 euros has already been made to renovate the fitness room. Also, within the Insular Pool Plan, the Insular Centre of Water Sports (CIDAC) is in the process of awarding the tender for the insular complex located in Puerto de la Cruz.







Pinolere Trail 2020 to back multiple sclerosis campaign group



Granadilla presses ahead with sport improvements

HE Pinolere Trail and Pichón Trail Project have teamed up to support the fight, help and education against multiple sclerosis.

The La Orotava trail race will contribute to making visible the actions of this renowned social association. Each edition of the mountain race organised by the OrotavaClator Athletics Club is committed to supporting a particular group or cause. In the next edition, the challenge will be to support people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The Pichón Trail Project is an association that has managed to unite the fight against the effects of this disease and sport. The Pinolere Trail 2020 will carry out several actions, such as making its cause visible on social networks and web, displaying its logo on the commemorative shirt and an economic donation to the entity. The Pichón Trail Project was created by José Marino Álvarez, now its president. “One of my best friends came up with a project to run through the mountains and have a social purpose. At the beginning we did not think that more than five components would be part of this initiative, but now there are dozens of athletes, as well as collaborators and partners, ” says José. The group has been working since 2014 to make visible and help people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Visibility is through sport but it mainly works in the development of training, information and support projects for diagnosed patients. Pichón Trail Project runners participate in numerous sports events every year, including the Pinolere Trail. They always wear the T-shirts with the


RANADILLA council has pledged to improve sports facilities in the municipality.

message of Pichón Trail Project and display the banner with their motto: “We run through multiple sclerosis.” Its objective is to make the disease visible and raise awareness. To achieve this from the base, they also organise talks in schools and institutes, and offer direct help to MS patients such as physiotherapy sessions, pool visits, wheelchairs, beds and other necessities. Pinolere Trail’s support for

Pichón Trail Project is not new. Already in the last edition the president of the association participated with his story in the Life Capsules that took place at the Intersport facilities of La Orotava. This cycle of talks served, among other things, to understand the effects caused by MS. The main test of the seventh edition of Pinolere Trail, the 42kilometre marathon, will have a renewed route and a profile

of greater difficulty. The organisation has been working on the ground for months to offer an itinerary that ascends to Montaña Limón through little-known trails, guaranteeing participants a positive elevation of 3,570 metres. This change in the routine on April 26th is intended to improve the quality of this test, making it more attractive and competitive.

Counting down to Las Galletas challenge



HE countdown is continuing to the 2020 Las Galletas Half Marathon. The early registration date to take advantage of reduced fees was March 1st but there is still time to enter (mediomaratonlasgalletas.com).

As in previous years, the race circuit will be closed to traffic so Arona council’s sports deparment is advising residents of Las Galletas, Las Rosas, La Estrella and especially El Fraile to take heed of the closure times of 8.30am to 11.30am. The day before the test, on Saturday, April 4th from 10am to 8pm, race numbers and the runner’s bag can be collected at the Plaza Paulino Suances Romín in Las Galletas.

The football fields of Charco del Pino, San Isidro and Granadilla and the M3 of El Médano and the municipal pavilion have all felt the benefit of recent projects and there are more to come. Sports councillor Marcos González said the objective is the substitution of elements in certain soccer fields of the locality and of public centres that were deteriorated and whose restoration will result in the best development of sporting activity. Specifically, the spaces that have benefited from an investment of more than 23,340 euros, are the football fields of Charco del Pino and San Isidro, where new stands

have been placed; that of Granadilla and San Isidro, in which football 7 goals have been put in place, in addition to the purchase of a new tatami for the M3 multifunctional sports centre in El Médano. The municipal pavilion has also undergone improvements, i n p a r t i c u l a r, t h e m u ltipurpose room, the hall and the changing rooms have been conditioned, apart from interior painting and roofing works. Sr. González said the initiatives will be extended to other sports centre in Granadilla de Abona, for which the budget has already been approved.







Activa programme for over Entries invited for Family 55s extends its programme Solidarity Race for Equality


L Rosario is launching a solidarity race to celebrate International Women’s Day which is celebrated every March 8th.


ANTA Cruz city council has modified the service contract of the Madurez Activa municipal programme so that people over 55 can continue to enjoy the wide agenda of free physical sports and psychomotor activities across the capital.

The agenda was resumed a month earlier than usual from Wednesday, February 19th until June 19th and will restart again in September until the end of the year in December. The Active Maturity programme offers one-hour classes twice a week in the morning in all districts of the city. “This means older folk can take advantage of the recreational, healthy and sporting proposals we offer them, with all the possible comfort, near their homes and in the facilities of the districts in which they live,”said sports councillor, Elena Mateo. With the aim of bringing the activities to the places of residence of people who want to enroll in them and include

as many participants as possible, the sessions will be held at the Quico Cabrera Sports Hall (Salud La Salle) on Mondays and Fridays at 9.45am; the pool of Las Retamas (Ofra-Costa Sur), Mondays at 11.30am and Wednesdays at 9.45am; the Infobox of San Andrés (Anaga), on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9.45am; the Ana Bautista Municipal Pavilion (Centro-Ifara), on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.30am; and at the Ciudad Satélite Cultural Centre

(Southwest), on Wednesdays and Fridays at 11.30am. The councillor encourag-ed all local residents of more than 55 years to join this programme “born with the vocation to promote healthy habits and oriented to increase their quality of life, not only through the practice of physical exercise, but also with the meeting of others in the sports spaces of their neighbourhoods ”. Registration to attend classes can be formalised at the Sports offices of the City of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

This is precisely the date chosen to carry out the 1st Family Solidarity Race for Equality organised by the local council’s department of equality with the collaboration of Conchip Canarias. The event will be held on Sunday, March 8th, starting at 10am over a course of 3.5 kilometres from the parking area located between Bocacangrejo and La Nea beach and Colón avenue, in Radazul . The registration period is now open and the fee is 3.5 euros. The proceeds will go to the Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Arena and Laurisilva. Anyone aged between five and 70 can join in this noncompetitive race, all departures will be held jointly at 10:00 am. There will be an adapted category in which athletes with accredited disabilities equal to or greater than 33% who use handbike may participate,

athletics chairs, manual traction sided chairs and adapted tricycles where appropriate; and an adaptive category ambulants for any athlete with any disabled credit equal to or greater than 33% that does not involve carrying

a wheelchair, automatic devices (orthopedic materials such as prostheses, splints and sports walkers) will be allowed. The registration period is now open and can be formally completed online at http://conchipcanarias.com

Fred Olsen Tenerife Bluetrail outlines its environmental rules


ENERIFE Cabildo is involving the municipalities in the organisation of Fred. Olsen Tenerife Bluetrail. Insular director of Sports, Laura Castro, organised a technical meeting in which representatives of the State security forces also participated to explain the news of the race, which this year marks its tenth anniversary.

Special attention has been paid to ensure that the route does not alter the national park space and among other measures, modifications of the routes are contemplated to meet the guidelines of the technicians and respect for the capacity of load of each one of the spaces through which the race crosses. The Fred. Olsen Tenerife Bluetrail is the highest mountain race in Spain organised by the public company Ideco . During the meeting attended by the CEO of Ideco, Carmen Sosa, details were given of the seven modalities that make up the test: the Ultra, 103 kilometres; the Trail, with a distance of 71 kilometres, which also has a relay mode; Marathon, 44; Media, which covers a distance of 20 kilometres; the Bluetrail Challenge for people with disabilities, which includes three distances of 8, 3.7 and 1.2 kilometres; and the new 3.1 kilometre vertical race that will take place in the municipality of Los Realejos. A total of 197 kilometres of travel through seven municipalities to a maximum altitude of 3,555 metres, the participation of 3,000 runners of more than 40 nationalities and 250 volunteers are some of the data of this race that will be held on days 4 (vertical) and June 6. The test is also part of the Spanish Cup of Mountain Racing, the Skyrunner National Series 2020 and is included in the Alpinultras Circuit, the most technical and demanding in the country. Another of the highlights in the meeting has been the commitment to the sustainability of Fred. Olsen Tenerife Bluetrail for a decade. To its already well-known attractions, such as the fact that it is the highest race in Spain and the few that a World Heritage Site crosses, its commitment to the environment and the safeguarding of the fragile territory through which it runs is added. Among them, the modifications of the routes to attend the guidelines of the technicians of the Teide National Park, the respect to the load capacity of each of the Park spaces through which the test goes through and make it compatible with safety or security are particularly noteworthy. Runners who cross Teide National Park use sticks with rubber tips, the identification of gels and energy bars with the number of the runner so that, in case they are thrown to the ground, they suppose their immediate disqualification, or the obligation that each runner carries their own glasses are other actions promoted by the organisation of the race, which also implements the guidelines of the ‘Guide to good practices for the development of mountain races in protected areas’ and, to avoid individual displacements, collective transport is enabled to the starting point of the race. In the last edition more than 1,400 participants used this service.

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Expert opinion on some of big questions facing the Spanish housing market I

always listen to Juan Velayos when he talks about the Spanish housing sector, as he strikes me as being notably well informed. Velayos was the boss of Neinor homes – the biggest of the new generation of Spanish developers – and I’ve heard him speak a few times at conferences with informed fluency. Now at asset manager Alantra he was recently interviewed by the Spanish property portal Idealista on some of the big questions facing the market. Here is an abridged translation of his answers.

Where is the market today? In a mature phase of growth characterised by stability after years of growth. Is the sector worried about the new left-wing government? What the sector dislikes most is uncertainty, and politics can contribute to the uncertainty. The last year and a half of political uncertainty has not helped anyone, but at least we now know what government we have. Now the focus will shift to policy, and so far it looks like they will penalise the housing sector, the economy, and the job market. But let’s give them the benefit of doubt, and see what happens. It’s good to finally have a government, and let’s hope they get things right. Juan Velayos

What will house prices do in 2020? Velayos doesn’t expect them to rise more than 5%, and that’s a good thing he says. Ever-rising house prices create tension, problems with affordability, and greater indebtedness. This year he forecasts a stable market without big increases, but also without big falls whilst interest rates stay so low.

permission when everything is in order. Nobody takes this problem seriously, probably because the sector has never been credible with the administration.

Is there a problem with building land in Spain?

It’s a catastrophic mistake, and a demonstrable failure wherever it has been tried. You just get a smaller supply of housing. Some say what you need is more housing. and others say rent controls, but it’s just a fatuous exchange.

The question of building land and planning is ridiculous. There is no justification for the 12 to 18 months it takes to get planning

What about rent controls?

Beyond Madrid and Barcelona, where are the good real estate investments today? Velayos is a big fan of Malaga city, and sees it as an example of how things should be done. Also given the thumbs up are Bilbao and Valencia city, although the latter is complicated from a political and urban planning point of view. In the eternal rivalry between Madrid and Barcelona, the Spanish capital is doing better as the Catalan capital goes through a period of uncertainty.

Written by Mark Stücklin Mark Stücklin is a Barcelona-based property market analyst and consultant, and author of the 'Spanish Property Doctor' column in the Sunday Times (2005 - 2008).

He can be reached by email on: ms@spanishpropertyinsight.com.






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This top floor apartment has been beautifully refurbished and is also sold pleasantly furnished. Situated in the quiet community of Hibisco III, this properfty boasts one double bedroom, one bathroom, open plan lounge and kitchen. The large terrace is accessible from the lounge area, offering wonderful cliff and sea views and access to the roof terrace. The roof terrace is also a great size and boasts all day sunshine and magnificent sea and cliff views. Centrally located, this property is a real must see.



RECENTLY REDUCED. Beautifully presented studio apartment situated in the sought after complex of Jacaranda in Los Gigantes. Based on the second floor in the complex, this property comprises one bathroom, sleeping area, open plan kitchen and lounge. 12.55m² terrace accessible from the lounge boasting wonderful sea views and all afternoon sunshine. Well maintained complex with heated communal swimming pool and garden areas. Centrally located, within walking distance to all local amenities.



Pleasantly furnished, top floor apartment situated in the complex of Florida in los Gigantes. Centrally located, this property comprises of two bedrooms, one bathroom, lounge and open plan kitchen. Great sized terrace benefiting from all day sunshine and offering stunning views of the cliffs and the ocean. This well maintained and gated community has a communal swimming pool, gardens and residents car park. Close to all local amenities.The yearly service charge is very reasonable.



Fantastic, centrally located apartment situated in the complex of Hibisco II in Los Gigantes. Based on the first floor in the complex, this property comprises of two double bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge and open plan kitchen. A large terrace surrounds the property benefiting from all day sunshine and pleasant views. Offering amazing potential, this property is a must see. Low community fees. Within walking distance to all local amenities.



Recently Reduced. Fantastically positioned, front line, penthouse apartment situated in the sought after complex of Vitamar. Top floor, this property boasts three great sized double bedrooms, all of which have en suite bathrooms, open plan living with spacious dining area, lounge and a separate kitchen with pantry. Pleasantly decorated and tastefully furnished. Extensive terrace space accessible from the master bedroom, dining room and lounge offers magnificent 180 degree sea views, all day sunshine and also hosts a bar area. Extremely well maintained complex with heated communal swimming pool. Garage with upstairs store room included.



Fantastic villa situated in the area of Lajas De Chapin. Constructed over three levels, this spacious property is well maintained and fully furnished and equipped. Boasting lower floor with open plan lounge and dining area, large seperate kitchen, cloakroom and one double bedroom. The upper level comprises of master suite with dressing room and en suite bathroom, two double bedrooms and family bathroom. All bedrooms have access to a balcony. Large three car garage with direct access to the house. Extensive terraces with private swimming pool and gardens. A must see.

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