It is extremely important to us at EHC that we keep you as parents/carers fully informed about the progress of your son/daughter and that we work closely with you to ensure that your son/ daughter receives the best possible support both at home and in college. Therefore we have planned a range of Parental Information and Feedback events throughout the year.
YEAR 12 PARENTAL INFORMATION EVENING: LIFE AT EHC Will provide you with important information regarding the way that students are assessed and outline the expectations of the college. Will also provide you with practical strategies to help you support your son/daughter through A Level study including a focus on maintaining health and wellbeing.
YEAR 13 PARENTAL INFORMATION EVENING: DESTINATIONS Will help you to develop a clearer understanding of the career options available to students and the application process for university.
PARENTS’ EVENINGS A chance for you to meet subject teachers and discuss the progress of your son/daughter. You will also receive important information regarding the mock examinations and support with how to help your son/daughter to prepare for these assessments.
THE ROWING PROGRAMME PARENTAL INFORMATION EVENING A chance for you to meet our rowing coach and learn more about this exciting opportunity.
COMPETITIVE APPLICATIONS EVENING A chance for you to hear how you can support your son/daughter if they are wanting to making an application to a competitive university.
DESTINATIONS DAY Our annual Destinations Day enables students and/or parents/carers to meet representatives from universities, employers and apprenticeship providers, and attend talks tailored to their future plans.
YEAR 13 STUDENT FINANCE EVENING Will provide you with a clear guide to understanding the financial implications of Higher Education.