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John Kufuor (1961, PPE)
In 1961 John Kufuor came to Exeter College to study PPE. Thereafter he enjoyed a very successful career in law. In 2001 he was elected as President of Ghana. In celebration of his contribution to Ghanaian law and culture, Exeter is proud to award a postgraduate scholarship in his name. Reeta Chakrabarti (1984, English and French)
Reeta Chakrabarti is a journalist, newsreader and correspondent for BBC News. Of Exeter she says, “I loved my time there. There weren’t – then – many people from my background at university. But that didn’t stop my experience from being overwhelmingly good,” which is good because she’s an Honorary Fellow as of 2019! Louie Stowell (1997, English)
Louie Stowell studied English at Exeter College, where she loved Old English and writing about comics. She went on to work in PR, advertising and publishing, before becoming a full-time children’s writer.
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For further information, please contact:
Yvonne Rainey Director of Development
Exeter College Oxford OX1 3DP T: +44 (0) 1865 279662 M: 07789 715745 yvonne.rainey@exeter.ox.ac.uk
Professor Sir Rick Trainor Rector
Exeter College Oxford OX1 3DP T: +44 (0) 1865 279647 richard.trainor@exeter.ox.ac.uk