2 minute read
3 Competitions
House Maths Challenge
The annual House Maths Competition kicked off with some high-energy and hard-earned performances, including a welldeserved win for Drake in Year 7 with Grenville topping the podium finish in Year 3.
However, it was Nelson and Raleigh that eventually shone through on the day with four top and second positions across the six year-groups respectively.
Millionaire’s Club – Accelerated Readers
Reading allows us to be transported from our own world to another. Between the pages of a book, we can become immersed in the lives of fictional characters and learn about a culture entirely different from our own. We can also learn new words and phrases, experience a range of emotions, and acquire skills and knowledge.
Accelerated Reader is an online programme that encourages pupils to record their reading and enjoy a wide range of children’s literature.
We set a challenge to the boys that if they accumulate one million words before World Book Day, on Thursday 2nd March 2023, they would celebrate with a Millionaire’s Tea Party, as part of the school’s programme for the event.

Quiz Club
Year 5 and 6 boys represented Shrewsbury House School in an online Science Quiz Club Competition.

After a successful first round, the teams reached the semifinals, so it was all to play for.
Over 45 schools were competing and the questions tested a very diverse range of science knowledge, progressing in difficulty each round. The team worked really well together, collaborating their knowledge to answer many challenging questions correctly. Each round we progressed up the leader board and found ourselves 23rd overall. Well done to the following boys:
Year 5 – Alexander H, Declan M, Gregory N, Roshan P and Maxi L
History Chariot Challenge
Year 3 boys have been learning about the Celts in history this term. During the half term break they were set a challenge to make their own model Celt chariots. The Celts were keen charioteers and used them throughout Europe for war and some general transport.

Lots of impressive model chariots arrived in school and were displayed in the assembly hall. All the boys who took part were awarded plus prizes with Nathan N winning the overall prize for his impressive design.

Year 6 Rivers Project

Year 6 have been studying rivers and coasts during the Spring term. They produced a 3-dimensional river basin model that included the different parts of a river basin from the source to the mouth and presented the features of the upper, middle and lower parts of a river basin. The fantastic models were displayed around the school and have been admired by pupils and school staff.

It was incredibly difficult to judge the competition and the winners were announced during the final assembly at the end of term.
Congratulations to the winning rivers design created by Jack W.
Benji M was awarded runner-up position and Siggi v K, Charles B, Rory R and Elijah U were all highly commended. Well done to all the boys for their effort and beautiful river models.