Mayer Brown - Online Marketing Pack - Overview

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Mayer Brown


Mayer Brown PLANNING AND ENGINEERING THE FUTURE Mayer Brown is a leading UK Consultancy for Transport Planning, Infrastructure Design and Environmental Assessment. We bring commitment, experience and expertise to ensure the success of client projects. Attention to detail, advanced technical knowledge and strategic partnerships are all part of our winning formula, and we deliver it in a cost-effective package to businesses across the UK.

Expertise Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Our Team Our team of more than 60 staff, based in offices throughout the UK, is made up of experienced and dedicated engineers and consultants. Our mission is to maintain our reputation through ongoing professional development.

Contact Whether your project is just at the ideas stage or if you have something more concrete, we would like to hear from you. We are always happy to talk through requirements and ideas to help you move a step closer to your goal.

Mayer Brown

Air Quality


Environmental Assesment

Expert Witness

Flood Risk


Noise and Vibration

Rail Interchange

Road Safety

Topographical Surveys

Transport Planning

Travel Plans

Waste Management

Air Quality Do you need expert assistance in relation to Air Quality? We can support you in all your Air Quality Assessment needs. Our expert team at Mayer Brown have an extensive and proven track record in providing air quality services to private and public sector clients. Assessments are completed for a vast number of projects each year. Air Quality Assessments will normally include one or both of the following: Site Suitability Assessments - to determine whether a particular site is suitable for the intended use, depending on its location in relation to pollution sources or existing Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) Impact Assessment - to determine whether construction and operation activities are likely to result in a deterioration of local air quality, a breach of the national air quality objectives, or affect human health and ecosystems So, whether you need a brief screening of the local air quality, a stand-alone assessment for a development or a more comprehensive study to contribute to a formal Environmental Impact Assessment for a major development scheme, we are able to help.

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Air Quality What we can do for you We offer a comprehensive and professional service in relation to: Air Quality Assessments (Screening or Detailed Specification) Environmental Statements (ES) Chapters, required as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Assessment of Emissions from Road Traffic Assessment of Energy Plant (e.g. Combined Heat and Power CHP and Boilers) Detailed Dispersion Modelling Air Quality and Meteorology Monitoring Construction Dust Screening Assessments and Monitoring Air Quality Neutral Assessments Low Emissions Strategies Assessment of Air Quality Impacts on Ecology (Habitats Regulations Screening) Emission Mitigation Statements/Damage Cost Assessments/Calculations. Environmental Permitting Assessment for Industrial Installations Expert Witness

Why use us? Mayer Brown has built an impeccable reputation for exceptional and professional services over more than 30 years. So, whether your project is at pre-application or post-submission stages, our highly experienced and skilled team will look after all your Air Quality Assessment needs and be committed to deliver the best possible outcome to every project. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

CEMP Do you need expert Construction Environmental Management Planning (CEMP) assistance with your project? If you need assistance with the production or management of a CEMP, either prior to or during an active build programme, our team of experts can take care of this for you.

CEMP services We collate and assimilate numerous reports relating to site constraints and required mitigations for your project. In addition, we can provide mechanisms by which developers and contractors can adhere to their obligations.

What we can do for you We can provide CEMP services for you if: You need a fully compliant mitigation report for legal or planning requirements

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CEMP What we can do for you (continued) Elements of CEMP are linked to your corporate ‘Key Performance Indicators’ and must be acknowledged You wish to display resource management statistics, links with local recyclers and provide and protect wildlife habitats

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project Our team has the experience to enable you to achieve your targets largely within existing programmes, staff and structures. This enables a smooth compliance without adversely affecting costs or timescales. Depending on your requirements, we can also train existing staff in CEMP supervision or undertake this role ourselves.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service, built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure projects. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Environmental Assessment Do you need expert assistance with your Environmental Assessment project? We provide pre-planning advice, feasibility studies and screening assessments that enable you to make financially informed decisions regarding site development.

Environmental Assessment services Our services include detailed environmental monitoring and modelling, as well as delivery of technical reports in accordance with UK guidance and industry standards. We provide expert witness testimony and aid in the discharge of conditions, supporting the construction process in the post planning stage.

Areas of expertise Environmental Impact Assessments and Planning Construction Environmental Management Planning (CEMP) Acoustic and Vibration Assessment Air Quality Assessment

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Environmental Assessment Areas of expertise (continued) Waste Management Strategy Expert Witness Service Flood Risk Assessments

What we can do for you Assist you in securing planning permission for your development Provide assessments in support of planning applications both at the pre-application and post-submission stages Guide you through the whole process of screening, scoping, consultation, management and production of Statements Produce an assessment that demonstrates how your project will deliver sustainable development, in line with national and local planning policy objectives Provide detailed design input through to practical completion of your project

The benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project We have worked on major schemes through to stand-alone assessments for small local developments. Our specialists work collaboratively with your inhouse planning teams, to ensure we add value and consistency throughout your project. Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Expert Witness Do you need an Expert Witness for your site or development proposal? We can provide you with an experienced expert witness to clearly present written and/or oral evidence according to your needs.

Expert Witness services Our Expert Witnesses provide professional opinion on matters within their area of expertise, in addition to factual evidence relating to a site and development proposals.

Areas of expertise If your project requires scrutiny at a planning hearing or inquiry, we are here to help. Whether it be related to noise and vibration, air quality, flood risk, transport, or another environmental impact, our experts are on hand. Or perhaps you need expert evidence in connection with legal proceedings relating to “nuisance” (for example the appeal of a noise abatement notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990), or in connection with licensing matters. Let our team of experts take care of this for you.

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Expert Witness What we can do for you We can provide experienced expert witnesses to clearly present written and oral evidence in connection with all forms of tribunal proceedings. This includes: Planning hearings and public inquiries House of Lords Select Committees Civil court cases Criminal court cases Public inquiries before the Transport Commissioner Licensing committees

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project All of our experts hold professional qualifications relevant to their discipline and are fully conversant with planning and civil procedure rules for the presentation of evidence.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Flood Risk Do you need Flood Risk and Drainage assistance with your project? We provide expert Flood Risk and Drainage services for projects big and small, in both the private and public sectors.

Flood Risk and Drainage services We recommend getting in touch at the initial stages of your project, even before the masterplan is progressed. This is especially important when the site is located in a medium or high-risk flood zone. We can advise upon an initial assessment of the site and highlight potential issues based on the information provided. Even if no formal assessment is required, under national legislation, early involvement allows us to provide input into the masterplan and determine the most effective locations for drainage and water attenuation features. This can help minimise abortive work.

Areas of expertise Flood Risk Assessments Surface and Foul Water Drainage Strategies and Design Environmental Impact Assessments

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Flood Risk What we can do for you Undertake an initial assessment of your site to identify flood risk and drainage constraints that are likely to impact the development of a site Provide input to the masterplan by identifying the most effective locations for drainage and water attenuation features Liaise with the design team to provide advice on suitable locations and dimension of Sustainable Drainage (SuDs) features Advise amendments to the masterplan, or determine if the site is not suitable for the development that is proposed Undertake the detailed design of surface and foul water drainage networks (including SuDs) from Planning Approval through to As Constructed status Provide Water Resources and Flood Risk Chapters for Environmental Impact Assessments

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project Our highly experienced team of Engineers offer Flood Risk and Drainage services for a range of Clients and industries including Education, Commercial, Industrial, Residential, Local Councils and more. We have experience of working on a variety of projects from small scale single unit conversions to large scale community developments of over 1,000 units in both the private and public sectors.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Infrastructure Do you need expert assistance with your Infrastructure Design project? Our qualified and experienced Design Engineers, using the latest highway design and drainage software, will deliver your infrastructure projects on time and to budget.

Infrastructure Design services Our design teams work closely with our transport planning teams to provide a seamless transition from planning through design to implementation onsite. Assisting with contract administration and supervision roles, designs are not only implemented but signed off by the adopting authority.

Areas of expertise S38/S278 Agreement Works Residential Development Infrastructure Car Park Design & External Works Traffic Signing Strategy & Design Speed Reduction Schemes Cycle & Pedestrian Facilities

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Infrastructure Areas of expertise (continued) Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) Flood Risk Assessments Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP)

What we can do for you Progress your project from planning permission, through detailed design, to technical approval by the relevant authority Provide construction stage services to ensure that the project is constructed and adopted by the necessary authority(ies) Co-ordinate works to successfully implement your project, ensuring design works are undertaken, technically approved and constructed in accordance with the specification

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project We have an impressive track record of providing professional advice on a wide range of infrastructure projects. Our experienced team of Design Engineers and Flood Risk specialists work with both private and public sector clients, engineering solutions to your development requirements and constraints.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Noise and Vibration Do you need expert Noise and Vibration assistance with your project? Our team of experts will take care of all your Noise and Vibration requirements.

Noise and Vibration services Most planning applications for new development (whether noise-generating or noise-sensitive) will need to be supported by a Noise and Vibration Assessment. The assessment needs to demonstrate how the project will deliver sustainable development, in line with national and local planning policy objectives. For larger scale projects, Noise and Vibration may need to be more formally assessed as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Big or small, we are on hand to help with your project.

What we can do for you The services we provide include: Environmental noise surveys Vibration monitoring 3D computational noise modelling

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Noise and Vibration What we can do for you (continued) Planning Stage Noise and Vibration Impact Statements/Assessments Drafting of Environmental Statement chapters Discharge of Planning Conditions Input into noise aspects of sustainability rating schemes Building Services Acoustics Detailed Design Advice Architectural Acoustics Detailed Design Advice Control of construction noise and vibration Licensing Support Expert Witness Representation

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project We have a proven track record of supporting our clients’ development aspirations. Ranging from small scale infill plots to strategic urban extension delivering up to 7,000 new homes; changes of use secured through General Permitted Development rights and a wide variety of new industrial, commercial and entertainment uses taken from conception to completion.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Rail Interchange Do you need expert assistance with your Rail Interchange project? We have an impressive track record in the design of Rail Interchanges. Whether your project involves upgrading an existing interchange, or creating a new station and interchange, you will be in safe hands with our team of experts.

Rail Interchange Design services include: Initial feasibility studies demonstrating how an interchange could operate in the future to allow for growth in different access modes Work in relation to the detailed implementation of new and improved stations Pedestrian capacity studies and detailed operational plans demonstrating how the bus interchange, taxi set down and pick up, vehicle interchange and car parking would work

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Rail Interchange Project experience Our many projects include the modification of station interchanges to create development opportunities at railway stations. We can also skilfully create an interchange area that will give greater priority to pedestrians and cyclists whilst ensuring there is minimal impact on people parking at the Station, those collecting and dropping off, and taxi users.

What we can do for you Prepare the Transport Submissions to support the planning application Advise on passenger foot-flow within the station Liaise on your behalf with Emergency Services and any other relevant organisations Ensure that your rail interchange project is economically viable, technically viable and will work operationally

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project Having worked on many rail interchange projects over the years, we are very familiar with the Network Rail approvals criteria, in particular the GRIP Stages and the Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 together with Station Change Process.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Road Safety Does your project require any Road Safety input? Our team of experts have many years of experience in Road Safety and are perfectly placed to assist with your project.

Road Safety services We identify road safety problems and measures to eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents involving injury from occurring on the highway. Our recommendations are based on sound safety principles and where possible, cost proportionate to the scheme and pragmatic. We can help with everything from Road Safety Audits, to collision investigation, through to safety appraisals.

Areas of expertise Road Safety Audit: Completion of the Preliminary Design (Stage 1); Completion of Detailed Design (Stage 2); Completion of Construction (Stage 3); and, Monitoring (Stage 4) Collision Investigation Safety Appraisals

What we can do for you Carry out Road Safety Audits for both new schemes and amendments to existing highway arrangements Assist during the feasibility stage of your project and throughout its life through to completion (without jeopardising the Safety Team’s impartiality) Back to contents

Road Safety What we can do for you (continued) Identify collision clusters and patterns within the causation factors and suggest sensible and pragmatic highway remedial works Liaise with the relevant highway authority to obtain the appropriate collision data in order to undertake collision analysis Report on the type, frequency, and causation factors identified in a collision; summarise the issues; and, suggest cost effective highway remedial works to reduce the number and/or severity of collisions Review projects to assess the safety risk that may arise from the respective highway proposals

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project

Safety Auditing requires an annual submission and review of work undertaken and related experience to retain the required qualification, namely membership of SoRSA (Society of Road Safety Auditors). Nationally there are circa 300 holders of this qualification and our Safety Team is included within this select field. The Safety Team are fully qualified to undertake Road Safety Audits on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). Our Safety Team prepare and produce Road Safety Audit reports for minor works or major works involving multiple Audits. These include the award winning Mini-Holland cycle scheme in the London Borough of Waltham Forest and the London Borough of Enfield.

Why use us?

Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Topographic Surveys Do you need expert assistance with your Topographical Survey project? We provide detailed mapping for Design, Planning and Engineering purposes.

Topographic Surveys and Engineering Surveys services include: Detailed mapping of any site ranging from a single building plot to potential development areas of 1000+ houses 3D Laser Scanning and Measured Building Surveys for accurate elevation and internal surveys of buildings both historical and modern Setting Out service for housing and structures, and Survey Control to any coordinate systems using GPS and Total Station We can also provide more bespoke information such as hydrological and flood plain mapping for Flood Risk Assessment

Areas of expertise Topographical Surveys Setting Out/Engineering Surveys Measured Building Surveys and Laser Scanning Earthworks Surveys/Volumetric Calculations Back to contents

Topographic Surveys What we can do for you We can provide a large-scale plan (1:200 or 1:500) with levels that can help you to visualise the land to be developed. The plan will show all existing ground features and details of spatial considerations. This will assist your design team or architect to accurately plot designs within site boundary constraints. We offer surveys and services that are distinct to the exact specifications, that may be bespoke to different clients, for example House Builders, Planners, Architects or Industrial Archaeologists. Essential for your needs, we only use the latest calibrated surveying instruments to give Precise Setting or Pegging Out. Results are issued in CAD and/or pdf.

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project We have worked on numerous topographical projects and understand that you require clear and concise surveys at a reasonable price and delivered on time. We spend time understanding exactly what is required for your particular project and provide realistic timescales at a budget to suit; and we always seek to work within your own timescales.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Transport Planning Do you need expert Highways & Transport Planning assistance with your project? We provide full Transport Planning services from inception and feasibility through to planning, post-permission and detailed design.

Transport Planning services From developers to local authorities, we work across the private and public sectors. Projects on all land uses range from single unit developments to town centre regeneration and urban extensions.

Areas of expertise Site Feasibility Assessments Transport Assessments Travel Planning Accessibility Planning Transport Modelling and Data Services Safety Audits Expert Witness & Appeal Support Back to contents

Transport Planning What we can do for you Provide a synopsis of a site’s highways and transportation situation, and recommendations on potential development strategies Negotiate with local planning authorities and relevant transport authorities to agree the best assessment approach for a site Advise on internal site layouts Provide early advice on a scheme’s design and highlight constraints Produce and implement designs that meet planning policy requirements and ease an application’s journey through the planning process Liaise with local planning and highway authorities, site occupiers, developers, local services and public transport operators Prepare data collection briefs, obtain competitive quotes and commission the appropriate surveys

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project By providing planning and design under one roof, we deliver holistic design solutions for all stages of development. We quickly establish productive working relationships with project teams and architects, enabling open conversation. This allows all design options to be considered, discussed and brought through to final design easily and efficiently. Our design team provides guidance on projected infrastructure costs and bespoke design solutions.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

Travel Planning Do you need expert Travel Planning assistance with your project? We provide a range of Travel Planning services from negotiating contracts with public transport operators or acting as your Travel Plan Coordinator, through to the design, print and distribution of Travel Information Packs and establishing Car Clubs.

Travel Planning services Whether your project is big or small, our team of experts can take care of your requirements. We operate a number of Travel Plans. These range from smaller developments - or those well located by non-car means where the Travel Plan requirement is as straightforward as the provision of information for users, through to large scale schemes where there is a requirement for new public transport services and extensive monitoring.

Areas of expertise Public Transport Contracts Travel Plan Coordinator Service Travel Information Packs Introduction of Car Clubs Back to contents

Travel Planning What we can do for you Assist in negotiating contracts with public transport operators. Assist in the launch of bus services Act as your Travel Plan Coordinator, managing all aspects of the Travel Plan implementation and monitoring Design, print and distribute Travel Information Packs in accordance with your own branding Manage all aspects of establishing a Car Club, including discharge of conditions, procurement and co-ordination

Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project We have: A portfolio of successful Travel Plans High achievement in terms of meeting targets for non-car modal share Strong relationships with the transport operators Strong regard for our work by the approving authorities Excellent quality marketing material

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 for general Travel Plan enquiries or Tel: 0207 874 1588 for questions regarding Bus Service Agreements Email: for general Travel Plan enquiries or Email: for questions regarding Bus Service Agreements Website: For more information visit:

Waste Management Do you need an expert Waste Management Strategy for your project? We provide a comprehensive Waste Management Strategy service that will be tailored to your project.

Waste Management Strategy services Waste management often falls outside of the standard architectural design remit. At Mayer Brown, we can use our extensive experience of a number of waste management approaches. Our experts advise on both residential capacity requirements and practical waste management strategies suited to you.

What we can do for you Waste Management Strategies are required in order to demonstrate that a development has been designed to incorporate the management of waste produced, in line with national, regional and local authority requirements. Do you need a Waste Management Strategy to support a planning application? Or perhaps you need a Waste Management Strategy to discharge planning conditions? Let us take care of this for you.

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Waste Management Our experience and the benefits of using Mayer Brown for your project We are able to draw on our extensive experience of residential waste management to provide advice on specific capacity requirements and workable management strategies for your project.

Why use us? Mayer Brown has a reputation for exceptional service built on more than 30 years of operation. We have extensive experience in the private and public sectors, working on projects that range in scale from single unit developments to major urban regeneration and transport infrastructure. Our commitment is to provide cost effective, sustainable and innovative schemes that combine local knowledge with national experience.

Contact us today to discuss your project Tel: 01483 750508 Email: Website: For more information visit:

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