Shrewsbury House School - Parent Handbook

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Parent & Pupil Handbook 2023/24

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Content Introduction 4–5 Site Plan 4 Visiting the Main School Site/Entering the School 4 Buildings 4 Parking when visiting the School 4 Use of Mobile Phones 4 Dogs on the School sites 4 Safeguarding 6 Pastoral Care 7 Absences from School 8–9 Appearance & Personal Possessions 10–11 Appearance 10 Equipment & Possessions 10 Communications 12–13 Contacting Staff 12 Contacting the School after 17.30 – Minibus Service 12 Executive Head’s Newsletter 12 Parent Contact Information 12 Parent Concerns and Complaints 12 ‘SchoolBase’ and the Parent Portal 13 School Closure 13 School Calendar and Term Dates 13 Transport service 13 School Policies 13 Daily Routines 14–17 Arrival in the morning 14 End of the School Day 14 Walking Home Procedures 15 Drop Off/Collection at SHS 15 Timings of the School Day 16 Curriculum Planner 16 Co-curricular activities 16 Assemblies and Tutor Group Meetings 16 Food and Drink 18–19 Allergies and Special Diets 18 Morning Break and Snacks 18 Lunch 18 Birthday Treats 18 Water Bottles 18 House System, School Council, Charitable Support and Local Community 20–21 House System 20 School Council 21 Eco Committee 21 Charitable Support 21 Local Community 21

Information Technology Google Workspace for Education Plus Online Resources Passwords and Logins Computer Rules for Boys Laptops, Chromebooks and iPads Medical Medicines in School Administration of Prescribed Medicine Vomiting and Diarrhoea Infectious Diseases Music Class Lessons Visiting Music Teachers (VMTs) Music Groups Prep Prep Club Prep Books Reading Reporting to Parents Informal Reporting Parent Consultations Written Reports and Reporting Schedule Behaviour for Learning Attainment Grades Rewards and Sanctions Pluses Head Of Year Commendation Executive Head’s Commendation Colours Merit Badges Positions of Responsibility Sanctions Streaming and Setting The Shrewsbury House Way School Events Carol Service Educational Visits and Trips School Events Prize Giving New Parents/Boys Plays and Concerts Photography Policy at School Events School Community Talks School Uniform Streaming and Setting Sport Core Sports Sports Matches and Fixtures Parent Code of Conduct Off Games/Swimming Sports Bags and Sportswear

22–23 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26–27 26 26 26 28–29 28 28 28 28 29 30–32 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34–35 35 36–39 36 37 38 38 38

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Visiting the School We look forward to welcoming you to the School for many events throughout the year and have the following procedures in place to keep our community safe:

Visiting the Main School Site/Entering the School Buildings When visiting the main School Site during the school day, all visitors are expected to sign in at our Reception desk on arrival and sign out on departure.


Parking when visiting the School Unless you have reserved a car parking space in advance e.g. you have an appointment with the Executive Head and this has been arranged by her Personal Assistant, parking is not available on the school site during normal working hours. Please always park legally and with consideration to our neighbours. It is not acceptable to in any way block someone’s driveway and their access to their own house. We request that you do not park on Ditton Road as this can cause traffic congestion.

Use of Mobile Phones We kindly ask that parents refrain from looking at or using their mobile phones whilst in the School buildings.

Dogs on site at SHS and SHSG For those parents that wish to bring their dogs to fixtures, they are welcome at both SHS and our Sports Ground (SHSG). We do ask however, that owners ensure dogs remain on their leads at all times and are not left unattended. When at School, dogs may not enter the All Weather Surface (AWS) or buildings.

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Key: 1 NB1 2 NB2 3 NB3 4 NB4 5 NB5 6 NB6 7 NB7 8 NB8

9 Upstairs: Art, DT, Library Downstairs: Science Labs

10 New Block 11 Toliets 12 EH Visitor Parking 13 Entrance 14 Maths Department (2nd Floor) 15 Office 16 Irving Room

17 Assembly Hall 18 ‘Kiwi’ Courts 19 4G Astro Turf-All Weather Surface 20 Toliets 21 Sports Hall 22 Music Department 23 Swimming Pool 24 Nathan Ross Building

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Safeguarding The Governors and the Executive Head fully recognise the School’s responsibilities for safeguarding and child protection, in particular the role we can fulfil as part of a wider system of safeguarding, with a child’s welfare and best interests as our paramount concern. We strongly believe that Shrewsbury House School should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child and we are prepared to intervene at an early stage to prevent a concern from escalating. We work closely with parents to ensure that each boy receives the care he needs at each stage of his development.

Kingston and Richmond Single Point of Access (SPA) Tel: 0208 547 5008 Outside normal working hours: 020 8770 5000 Please follow links on their website to access the on-line form.

Surrey Children’s Single Point of Access (SPA) Tel: 0300 470 9100 Outside normal working hours: 01483 517898 Email:

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Jan Hand, ( and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Joanna Hubbard, (jhubbard@shstrust. net), Mr Tom Eaves, ( and Mr Will Rush ( They are contactable via email or telephone (020 8399 3066). Outside school hours and during school holidays, any Safeguarding concerns should be reported to the relevant local authority for the child’s home address. Further helpful details are below:


Merton Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH Team)

Tel: 020 7641 4000 Out of hours: 020 7641 2388 Email:

Tel: 020 8545 4226 or 020 8545 4227 Outside normal working hours: 0208 770 5000 Email:

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Tel: 020 8871 6622 Outside normal working hours: 020 8871 6000 Email:

Hammersmith and Fulham Tel: 020 8753 6600 Outside normal working hours: 020 8748 8588 Email:


If you think a child is in immediate danger, you should call 999.

Pastoral Care Shrewsbury House provides outstanding pastoral care. The wellbeing and care of the boys is fundamentally important and absolutely central to all that we do. We want boys to be happy and to thrive at Shrewsbury House. Our focus is on the whole child, as we are very aware that all aspects of School life contribute significantly to the wellbeing of an individual boy. We aim to provide a nurturing environment for all boys during their time at Shrewsbury House. Throughout his Prep School career, each boy will have individual care and support. The pastoral structure of the School allows support to operate on several different levels. All boys will have their own Form

Tutor, who oversees the boys’ general well-being and progress, while a Head of Year maintains an overview on all boys in a year group. Mr Tom Eaves, Deputy Head – Pastoral and DDSL ( liaises closely with all staff, as well as providing support for parents.

Tutors All boys have a Tutor and they join their tutor group each morning for registration. These tutor groups are year group based. The Tutor is a guide and mentor and acts as the conduit between the School and the boy’s family.

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Absences from School All boys at Shrewsbury House are expected to attend between 08:15 and 16:00 during term time and at such other times that the School designates for a School activity (e.g. Saturday matches, concerts, plays etc.). A boy may be marked late if he arrives after 08.30 on a School day. Requests for planned absences i.e. medical appointments, external exams, school visits, etc. must be made via the Parent Portal, giving 14 days notice, wherever possible, as these require authorisation by the Executive Head. You will receive a notification of either Authorised, or Declined. If an absence is declined, this will show as an unauthorised absence on your son’s attendance record should he not attend school on that date. The Education Act of 1993 distinguishes between “authorised” and “unauthorised” absences. An absence is “authorised” if: O



A boy is unable to attend through sickness or other unavoidable cause – the School requires that in such cases notification is given before 08:15. The School Office is manned from 08:00, there is an answerphone before that time so that parents can leave a message about an absence; alternatively, parents should email the School Office and their son’s Tutor in good time: A boy is absent on a day exclusively set aside for religious observances. Please request this absence in advance. Permission has been sought, and gained from the Executive Head in writing, e.g. for a medical appointment (except in the case of last-minute appointments, such permission should be requested, via the Parent Portal in good time).

The School fully agrees with the Department for Education and Employment guidance which says that schools should be “sparing in the exercise of their discretion to grant leave of absence”. If boys are absent from School due to illness or injury, the following arrangements apply for academic work:

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Illness – for less than 3 days: if a boy is absent due to illness for less than three days, staff members are not required to provide work but should continue to post assignments on Google Classroom which would support the catch up work once the pupil recovers. On the boy’s return, he should speak to his teachers at the next available opportunity to enquire what work needs catching up, if any. Longer Illness – more than 3 days: if a boy is absent due to illness for more than three days, staff members should liaise, via the Tutor, with the parents to establish the plan for catch up work, either online or on the boy’s return to school.

Adjustments If a boy has sustained a significant injury e.g. a fracture, the School may need to put an Adjustment Plan in place. This would normally be organised by the Tutor, in conjunction with the School Matron and possibly with advice from the Learning Enrichment Co-ordinator. An Adjustment Plan may include such things as additional access to use of a laptop, a buddy to help with bags/lunch tray, being allowed to leave a lesson a few minutes early to ease the movement to another class, etc. If the injury results in significant mobility challenges, the location of a boy’s lessons or of the tutor group may need to be reviewed and this would involve consultation with the Tutor and the Senior Deputy Head.

Medical/Dental Appointments If boys need to be absent from School, or leave early for medical/dental appointments, parents should inform the School Office and their son’s Tutor via the Parent Portal. Parents are asked to avoid arranging such appointments during school hours, if at all possible, so that their son does not miss academic lessons.

Holidays The School always publishes term dates well in advance. Parents are asked to avoid removing their son from School for a holiday, during term time. Such an absence undoubtedly impacts a boy’s schooling.

Permission for holiday in school time must be sought from the Executive Head. Please also note that only in exceptional circumstances will the Executive Head give permission for boys to leave school early on the last day of term.

School Events A boy who is selected to participate in any special event, either within or outside the normal school day or working week (such as a play, concert, the Carol Service, a match or tournament), is expected to do so, unless they are unfit to participate, or his parents have agreed otherwise with the Executive Head.

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Appearance and Personal Possessions Appearance

Equipment and Possessions

The School has high standards for our uniform and the appearance of its pupils and asks that parents support their son in meeting these expectations

Personal Possessions In addition to clothing items, all personal possessions, such as watches, pens, and musical instruments must be clearly named. It is also advised that parents regularly check inside boots and shoes, as these markings do tend to become illegible through wear. It is the responsibility of boys to look after their own possessions.



On arrival and departure from School, boys must wear full school uniform (except when staff have given permission for a boy to go home in his tracksuit and blazer). If a member of staff feels it would be more appropriate for boys not to wear uniform (i.e. on an outing or for a holiday course), with the Executive Head’s agreement, dress may be smart casual with the following stipulations: no large logos on shirts, sweaters or jackets, shirts to be tucked in, no caps or hats (except for sun protection) and no torn or ripped clothing. If a boy mislays his school shoes, every effort should be made to find them as soon as possible rather than arriving in trainers for more days that are strictly necessary.

Hair and Jewellery Hair should be kept neat at all times and tied back if it obstructs vision. Hair dye is not permitted. Pupils may not wear jewellery, except for religious purposes.

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Money Pupils should not bring money to School unless under specific instructions from their Tutor or teachers. Money should be handed into the School Office or handed to a member of staff immediately on arrival at School. Mobile Phones, Kindles and iPads Boys may bring mobile phones into School, but they MUST be handed in to the Senior Deputy Head’s Office immediately on arrival and only collected immediately before departure from School. Boys travelling to School on the School transport service must hand their phones to the bus drivers when getting on to the buses. Those boys going to School matches in the afternoon may collect their phones

from the Senior Deputy Head’s Office before departing for their match and hand them to the driver of their bus.

Stationery As a start to the academic year at Shrewsbury House School, please see a list of key equipment below:

Mobile phones may only be used to make telephone calls to parents or carers regarding travelling home arrangements. Under NO circumstances must the internet be accessed from phones, the phone camera be used or games and apps played on the phones. Boys may not have mobile phones on any School outing, trip or activity unless the Executive Head has given permission.

1x fountain pen (please include royal blue ink cartridges) from the end of Year 4

The ONLY electronic devices allowed in school are Kindles or an iwatch, but these must not be internetenabled and games must not be played or apps used. They must only be used to access reading material. Other devices with electronic reading apps built-in, such as iPads, are NOT allowed. The use of these devices also applies when travelling on the School transport. If these conditions are abused, the respective device/s will be confiscated and returned to parents at the School’s discretion, and the pupil will no longer be allowed to bring devices to School.

2 x blue handwriting pens – Year 3 (STABILO EASY pens recommended) Friction pens are not allowed, in line with Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) examination guidelines 2 x HB pencils 1 x set of colouring pencils 1 x pencil case 1 x 30cm ruler (marked in cm and mm – not steel, not flexible) 1 x A4 zip-up document folder for homework 1 x pencil sharpener 1 x rubber 1 x Pritt Stick 1 x Casio scientific calculator (e.g. fx-83, from Year 7) 1 x children’s scissors 1 x pack of highlighters 1 x 180° protractor from Year 4 No tippex or other eraser fluids are permitted. Parents should ensure that items are clearly labelled.

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Communications Contacting Staff Once your son is enrolled in the School, please be aware of the following communication channels: Tutor Your son’s Tutor should be the first point of contact should you wish to discuss any important matters or the wellbeing of your son. Email If you wish to email staff, you will find a list of their addresses on the Parent Portal (document: Staff List with Email addresses). As staff teach during the day they are not able to reply immediately to every email that is sent to them. You should however expect an acknowledgement within 24 hours and a full response within a timely manner, depending on the complexity of your enquiry and whether third parties need to be contacted for relevant information. It is not expected of staff that they should be available to reply to an email during their holidays or weekends. If you are emailing the Executive Head directly, please ensure you copy your email to her Personal Assistant, Mrs Rose ( Prep Diary The Prep diary should be used to communicate any matters relating to prep, both positive comments or any matters of concern. Please use email to communicate any other messages to your son’s tutor. School Office The School Office should be the first point of contact for day-to-day enquiries (

Contacting the School after 17.30 regarding the Minibus Service The School Office is open from 08.00 until 17.30, Monday-Friday. After this time any phone calls to the Office will automatically go to the School answerphone to be checked the following morning. If, after the School Office has closed, you need to contact the School about an afternoon minibus query, then you should contact Mr Meacher, the School Transport Manager. He is contactable on 07803 518516.

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Executive Heads Newsletter

r, quis quias maximinciu que nusciatibea ide laboria et dignimi ligenisinto te temoluptatat arita nobitatem ecerit simi, as nobis utempor dis volore, cum, num et a quiae. Eque vid maxim quis maxim nobis sam ut minventi volupta posanda del ipsus, int, imus et re et prae rempe omniame volesciur, imperiamenis sa accum sant officit iberum nonsend usamusa solor id quam rerferio tem adissundel maximin ventium molenienest eumquam volorit id moditaeror sed dolest, mi, simporibus alibus esequiatiusa is eum etur rerit haribustis con et aut si dipis invelit dollantibus intis ipsapidunt venderion qui ommos min essitiiscil volum fugiaest labores eume ped que pro eossum aut labo. Lam nisqui doloria vollaceriat ulparis earum quos ea volo to to bla quam, natum que nam que res strum, inturita dolorrorem veligen imoluptatem sero odit quunt a dellore Quiscianda int hil ilit rae nis sintisciis dolorerci aut molor hillatur magnihite et ut officitis eum aliti velit qui rem quatemperae et et rest aut pra sum consece rnatempor doluptatem qui consed as maximol acepratur, seque porenecea inihit liquam lacerci odipsunt est ex sanimpore cum qui aliae pores as aceperae dis si berit volor niam quas dolupiciet exeress itatiae vel et oribus vid ullatem quuntiate exeriae. ent est voluptur, simpeditam Ximust, qui doloriae modi debit volessima et et ra nonsent ario. ipidest, int eicabor istioribus temporis di od etur, consendi cor autem Tem et esed quam eostem , debitiatia voluptur, quaestent, fugit, sitiur, idella dolorerchit ut antibeatqui vit quatiumet earitate volupta tiiscit moluptatia dit expla di dolum dici volessitam eum vent rerupta ssimusdae tendi offictas ma commo in re re, estoria pa sunt es vid eate seritiis est odit eos doluptae cusdam excerei entotat emporero es aut nihit vellendus nime nis facepedit nonserem siminit, cupide veliquiam senti tet optam re alistiunti untorum re dio ipsandae s audi sequi officit, ut is et endendanda voluptatibu ipit eum ea cus etur? quas et harum arciistius. rerum optum harchic tem voles ipitiam pro reictem hit repe re alit renem deliquae speratus quis Dem acea volupta Solecae pelloremqui eum volorpo stibusa te reicili ssimill aborum volorum, consequas nonsequia labore occus dero dolese exerum as electi alis dest qui cus et rerum nis quunt id que simus et modis faccupis eos ad quam quibus sitatiatecto bearias as re eum quod magnat molorporem nam hario adignis inctias elessimillit am, hilitatem quam quae Et et doles et que reperit moluptatem hit latas quateni quo ipsae. Ut mos eum quod mod ut labo. te si net ea omnihic iaessed ea dus, aut ipsa cuptatemodi nostrum esecaer sperro vid mincto rendel invenet reheniet , occaborunt am aut alicaero mos velia deliquam, officto nonsequam reperum dese distempor iuscitatia sciatur ma veniatures enimil magnam ipis doluptate vento consedi est essimus, quis estint provit pro qui ommodicil qui reiciae inveliq uasitiunto aut omniet as eat que pe venis ma derunt, tem isquas duciendeles aspidel acipica boriasp eribusdae quam, as nimagnat liciend natus quam aspicil assintur, aut sequia , evenes utecte si re maioreped enistes ecaborum doluptatur temporem fugiatem ut quiaessit, exero volore imus, adis apienim usamus, accus as eatia sus dolupta , seribus accum quis voluptas elestiosam ex ea consequam andaepe rrovit ad que re eumquiam facersp odis am as rerspere, eum aut vellis se cullandicium moluptae. Aborem et velenim agname ommodis optatur, tem illabo. Ut simusa pra pratecte voluptiossioriassu nduciae dignis rersperum quist quisitatur? laceati quiatibus aut volestem eatest ut quamus quas aut as et quidestrum consed ncturiore, hendandia volupti hitataquis ea exerore occatias ea veliasi nos soloris duci to ma nonsequi

Executive Head’s Newsletter Every Friday the Executive Head’s Newsletter is emailed to parents and is also published on the School Website: https://www.shrewsburyhouse. net/news-media/newsletters/. This is the main communication vehicle containing details of events and news which parents are expected to read to keep them well informed of School matters.

Parent Contact Information via the Parent Portal Parents are responsible for ensuring their contact information is kept up to date on the Parent Portal: home address, telephone numbers, email addresses, emergency contact details and if applicable, carer’s details.

Parent Concerns and Complaints Shrewsbury House School has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its pupils. However, if parents do have a concern or a complaint, relating to a pupil in our care, they can expect it to be treated by the School in accordance with the School’s Complaint Procedure which is published on the ‘About Us’ section of the School Website, within the Policy and Privacy Notices section.

‘SchoolBase’ and the Parent Portal

If you have not received a SchoolBase message, please assume that the School is open. Even if the School is open and you personally feel that it is not safe to travel, due to any particularly local difficulties, please notify the School Office by email:

School Calendar and Term Dates The Calendar is available on the School Website. Please do refer to this regularly for upcoming events.

The School communicates with parents (email/text) via the ‘SchoolBase’ system and important documents are uploaded to the Parent Portal for parents to view. School reports are accessed on the Portal.

The term dates are also published in the School Calendar and are available on the School Website in the ‘School Life’ section: Click Here. Term dates are published well in advance to allow the planning of holidays.

School Closure

Transport Service

This is a rare event, but when it is required, the procedure for notifying closure of the School if this becomes necessary, for example, because of bad weather. O


For changes to arrangements, booking onto the transport service or to discuss a different route please contact the Transport Manager, Mr Martin Meacher,

The School Website will be updated with any relevant information as soon as a decision to close the School has been taken.

Daily changes to existing transport bookings should be made through this link Click Here

A decision to close will be notified to parents via SchoolBase ideally by 07.15 or earlier if possible. Please do not try and contact coach/minibus drivers via mobile phones, or other staff members by mobile phone, the decision will be made by the Executive Head and communicated to all parents at the same time.

School Policies Important School policies can be found on the School Website in the About Us Section, Policies and Privacy Notices. These include the following policies: Admissions, Anti-bullying, Behaviour Management, Complaints, Curriculum, First Aid, Health & Safety, Relationships & Sex Education, Safeguarding & Child Protection, as well as Parent, Younger and Older Pupil Privacy Notices and information on how to access other school policies.

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Daily Routines Arrival in the Morning O




Boys arriving by car, bicycle or on foot should enter School via the main entrance. Boys arriving on School transport walk around the back of the School to the Junior Playground. Prep is collected in the Tutor Rooms and brought down to the prep trays by Form and Vice Captains. Upon arrival at School, musical instruments (if applicable) and sports bags should be stored in the appropriate storage facilities. At the start of tutor time each morning, school bags should be emptied into lockers. Boys are encouraged to be independent throughout the day, managing their books for the next lessons as required. Boys in Years 7 & 8 are to leave their bags in their lockers all day and only carry their books and pencil case to lessons, whereas younger boys are permitted to use their school bags throughout the day. Boys should make sensible use of their locker and NOT carry all their belongings in their bag each day.

Start of the School Day Breakfast Club The Breakfast Club runs from 07:30 – 08:00 each day. Termly bookings are available or ad hoc bookings can be made at least 48 hours prior to the space being required. The boys then join the rest of the school when it opens at 08:00. To book a space at Breakfast Club please Click Here Registration The School opens at 08:00. Boys should remain in the Junior Playground until the bell rings at 08:15. Once the bell has rung boys can go to their Tutor Rooms and put their school bag/coat away, ready for registration. Late Arrivals The School asks that parents do their utmost to ensure their son(s) arrives on time and no later than 08:15 to provide a sufficient period for boys to be organised for the day ahead. Boys who do not arrive in time for registration (08:20 – 08:25), must go straight to the School Office to register. Boys arriving in their Tutor Rooms after 08:30 will be registered as late.

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End of the School Day The formal School day ends at 16.05. The Co-curricular programme is available Mondays-Thursdays through after-school Co-curricular activities (16:15 and 17:15) in which a range of activities can be undertaken. There are no Co-curricular activities on Fridays, so dismissal is at 16.05 for the whole School. At the end of the School day, boys not attending Co-curricular activities and not using SHS transport should be collected by 16:15 from the paved area in front of the main entrance. To assist in the smooth process of collection, we respectfully ask that no parent arrives on site before 16:00, to avoid long queues on Ditton Road. During these busy periods, to ensure the smooth entrance into the School, we also kindly ask you to turn left into the school from Ditton Road, therefore joining a queue where necessary rather than turning right and potentially blocking the flow of traffic. If you have arrived towards the front of the queue and your son has not arrived outside for collection, you may be asked to move on and join the back of the queue until your son arrives for collection. If your son is travelling by School bus, they should go to the bus collection point.

Walking home procedures If you wish for your son(s) to walk home, either from School or from the bus stop, please email the School Office to inform them of this and they update the register accordingly. If your son is going home with someone who normally has permission to walk home, you will need to give your permission for your son to walk home with the other pupil also. For boys attending Co-curricular activities, collection by car is 17:15. Boys attending Co-curricular activities should be collected from the paved area in front of the School. The School transport service is available at 17:15. The safeguarding of your son is paramount, therefore, if for any reason there is a change to your usual collection protocols please telephone the School Office to inform them at the earliest opportunity. If your son has not been collected from their usual bus stop when using the school-to-home service, they will be brought back to School and will wait in the Entrance Foyer until collected.

Drop-off and Collection Arrangements Parents/collectors are asked to ensure they adhere to the School’s collection and dropping off arrangements below. The aim is to provide a system which is both safe and keeps queuing to a minimum, respecting our residential neighbours. Car Signs: At the start of the year your son will return home with a sign for your car windscreen. Each evening different members of staff may be on duty in the driveway; reading your son’s name and year

group on this sign significantly assists the flow of the driveway. Thank you in advance for ensuring whoever is collecting your son places this sign in the front of their windscreens. Dropping off from a car: wherever possible please pull up to the furthest most point along the driveway (outside the Foyer/Main School entrance) with the pavement on your left hand side. During busy periods, you may be asked to form a second queue on the right hand side of the driveway, where a member of staff will escort your son to the car. To assist the flow of the driveway, please ensure your son is ready to exit, ideally independently and without the need to use the boot where possible. Members of staff will be there to welcome your son and assist if required. Collecting by car: as with the dropping off arrangements, cars should pull up to the furthermost point of the drop off/collection zone (outside the Main Entrance/Foyer) to collect boys. Boys will wait on the path alongside the zone and will only be able to enter cars in the zone under the supervision of staff on duty. Wherever possible, please pull up adjacent to the path, although you may be asked to form a second line to ease the traffic on the Ditton Road, where your son will be escorted to you by a member of staff. During collection, please remain in your car and wherever possible boys will be encouraged to get in with their bags and avoid the use of the car boot. By arriving for collection at the times above, your son should be ready with their possessions, however, if you are at the front of the queue and your son(s) is not ready, you may be asked to loop around and join the back of the queue to assist with the flow.

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Timings of the School Day

Breakfast Club

07:30 – 08:00

School Opens


Bell sounds, end of morning play. Boys to Tutor rooms for registration


Registration; Tutors give out messages/sign prep books


Assembly/Year Group/House Meetings/Hymn Practice

08:30 – 08:55

Lesson 1

09:00 – 09:35

Lesson 2

09:38 – 10:13

Lesson 3

10:16 – 10:51

Short break

10:51 – 11.13

Lesson 4

11:15 – 11:50

Lesson 5

11:53 – 12:28

Lesson 6

12:31 – 13:06


13:06 – 14:06

Lesson 7

14:06 – 14:41

Lesson 8

14:44 – 15:19

Lesson 9

15:22 – 15:57

Collection of boys not attending Co-curricular activities


Co-curricular activities (except Fridays)

16:15 – 17:15

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Curriculum Planner Parents are provided with the Curriculum Planner for the term ahead before the start of each term.

Co-curricular Activities Parents receive information regarding choices of Co-curricular activities for the next term, in good time before the end of each term.

Assemblies and Tutor Group Meetings Assemblies Assemblies contribute to a sense of unity and community for the whole School. They promote spiritual, cultural and moral development, as well as Fundamental British Values.

Assemblies generally take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. These include a hymn, a reflection and either a talk by the Executive Head or a presentation. Sometimes there is a ‘special theme’, or a guest may be invited, e.g. a local charity or dignitary. Assemblies often end with a celebration of boys’ achievements and/or whole school information relevant to the School community. The boys often contribute to Assembly through musical performances or presentations and they are encouraged to put themselves forward for such opportunities. Tutor Group Meetings On Tuesdays and Thursdays there are tutor group sessions. Thursdays are dedicated to Personal, Health and Social Education (PSHE). Friday tutor sessions may be used for Year group meetings, Hymn practice, rehearsals for School events and/or House meetings.

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Food and Drink Allergies and Special Diets If parents wish to discuss their son’s specific dietary requirements, ahead of him joining, we would ask you to contact the School’s Registrar. All parents are required to submit a detailed medical form ahead of their son joining, which allows parents to outline their son’s allergies/special diet requirements. Parents should update their son’s medical information/dietary requirements on the Parent Portal to ensure we hold the correct information on our system should any details change.

Morning Break and Snacks All boys are provided with a healthy snack. Both water and milk are offered at morning break. Boys are also permitted to bring in a healthy snack of their choice to supplement what the School supplies at morning break and/or to eat ahead of Co-curricular activities.

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Snacks must not include junk food: crisps, chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks, or contain nuts. Parents must therefore check the packaging of snacks/health bars carefully before sending them into School. Boys should not share their snack from home with others.

Lunch Our catering company provides nutritious, wellbalanced meals for pupils. The teachers and boys eat together, sampling a delicious daily menu. Parents can help their son with choices, by chatting through the weekly menus, which are published on the School website: Click Here

Birthday Treats We welcome boys celebrating their birthdays, and boys may bring in birthday treats for the whole tutor group. However, we ask parents to follow this guidance. Examples of what would be appropriate treats include: O

Small bags of chocolates or sweets


Small bags of popcorn

Your son will be able to hand these out during his tutor period at the start of the day. They should not be taken to the School Office. Once handed out, the treats must remain in your son’s school bag until such time as he is back in your care and you can then decide whether and when your son may have his treat. O O


All treats must be in individually sealed bags. Once handed out, these treats must be taken home and not be consumed in School.


If a boy has a specific food allergy or intolerance, other than nut, e.g. gluten or dairy free, parents can provide their son’s Tutor with an alternative treat, that he can enjoy at home when birthday treats are being distributed to the group.

If the packaging of treats sent in make any reference to risks related to nuts, the School will not be able to distribute the treats on the boy’s behalf and the treats will be returned to the parents. If treats arrive other than in sealed bags from home, they will also be returned to parents and not distributed by the Tutor.

Water Bottles There are many water fountains around the School site, from which the boys can drink. However, boys can bring in a named water bottle (sports cap) to help them remain hydrated. The bottles can be refilled from the fountains. Water is also available on the tables at lunch time.

Treats for any friends outside the tutor group should be enjoyed/shared outside of School. Parent & Pupil Handbook | 19

House System, School Council, Eco Committee, Charitable Support and Local Community House System Each boy at Shrewsbury House belongs to one of the four ‘Houses’: Drake, Grenville, Nelson and Raleigh. Boys are immensely proud of their House, and have various opportunities, throughout the year, to represent their Houses in competitions including: quizzes, music, writing, swimming, football, rugby, cricket, shooting, table tennis, poetry and athletics. Parents are invited to some of these events and these are published in advance on the School Calendar.

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The House Plus and Minus Competition is keenly contested throughout the year, with all boys gaining rewards which contribute to their overall House score, and the coveted House Trophy. The House colours are: Drake: Grenville: Nelson: Raleigh:

Red Green Blue Yellow

School Council

Charitable Support

The School Council includes the Head and Deputy Head boys and three boys from each year group. Boys in Years 4-8 are elected at the start of the Autumn term and after the October half term in Year 3.

The School prides itself on its support for local and national charities. Details of recent charitable fundraising initiatives are published in the Executive Head’s newsletter, which includes charities that have benefited from the annual sponsored run and smaller events and activities organised by the boys individually.

The School Council meets each half of term to discuss matters raised by the boys and makes recommendations to the Executive Head regarding various School matters.

Eco Committee The Eco Committee, comprising representatives from each year group, (who are elected annually by their peers), collect and promote ideas from the whole School Community to raise awareness of sustainability considerations for us all.

Any charitable initiatives raised by the boys should be referred to the Senior Deputy Head and the Deputy Head – Pastoral, who will recommend the boys’ suggestions to the Executive Head.

Local Community Shrewsbury House is proud to be an active member of the local community. This includes offering our facilities to support local organisations for meetings/clubs. The swimming pool is used by local state schools for their weekly lessons and the Sports Department supports the Primary School Sports Partnership.

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Information Technology Google Workspace for Education Plus

Passwords and Logins

The School will provide your son with a Google Workspace for Education Plus email address. This will be used for the following educational reasons:

Boys will receive these at the beginning of the School year, or on the first day.



So your son can log into school Chromebooks; So your son has access to Google Drive to save work. This will make it much easier for him to transfer work between school and home; To access Google Classroom.

Please note the following: The email address will only allow your son to log into his Chromebook and access Google Drive and Google Classroom. It will not allow him to use the account to email other boys or anyone else. The account will be controlled by the School and will be deleted as soon as your son leaves the School.

Online Resources A number of online resources are used by the School. ‘Some examples include:’ O

Accelerated Reader – helps hone pupil reading skills


Appshed – creating apps for Computing syllabus




Atom Learning – maths, English, science & verbal reasoning learning platform ClickView – leading video content resource Dynamic learning – supports teachers and pupils with high quality content and unique tools GL Assessment – assessment platform Google Workspace for Education Plus – secure collaboration and productivity apps for education


Bug Club


Lexia – platform to improve pupil literacy


TT Rockstars




MyMaths – bringing maths alive


Tigtag – science curriculum resources


TWIG Science – science curriculum resources


White Rose – maths learning tool

22 | Parent & Pupil Handbook

Computer Rules for Boys Boys are not permitted to use the School computers without a member of staff permanently in the room supervising them.

Boys should log into their devices with their School username and password. Boys MUST NOT share passwords with others – if they cannot remember their password, they must ask the member of staff in charge of their class. Password sharing will be treated within the Behaviour Management Policy.

The internet may only be accessed once permission has been granted and then only when directly supervised by a member of staff. The internet must be used appropriately at all times: O O







Boys should adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy Internet use is monitored by security and filtering services No games may be downloaded, uploaded or played on the computers at School without the teacher’s permission Boys are not allowed to access YouTube or Mail without a teacher’s permission Videos or pictures may only be downloaded when required for a piece of work The personal storage of videos and pictures on the computers is not permitted No social network sites may be used If an unsuitable ‘Popup’ appears on screen whilst working on the computer, boys must immediately seek advice from the supervising member of staff AUPs are signed by parents and pupils at the start of every year. If a pupil joins the school during the year the AUP forms will be provided by the Registrar before they join.

Additionally: O


Boys must not upload from a memory stick without permission from a member of staff Boys must ensure that the School IT equipment is taken care of at all times – any intentional damage to a machine, or accidental damage caused through inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with under the Behaviour Management Policy.

Laptops, Chromebooks and iPads All boys have access to laptops and iPads for use during lessons. Boys should not bring in their own devices for use in the classroom.

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Medical It is very important that the School holds up-to-date information about boys’ medical circumstances, in case of emergency. All parents are required to complete contact details and medical information ahead of their son joining via the Parent Portal. Parents are asked to check and update this information as required.






Miss T. Barkley Matron

Mrs A. Shine School Secretary

Medicines in School Pupils are not usually permitted to keep medicines on their person when in School, however some boys carry an inhaler with them. All medication, including throat lozenges and homoeopathic medication must be handed into the School Office or to the School Matron on arrival at School.

Administration of Prescribed Medicine The following advice is provided to parents to ensure there are no misunderstandings in relation to the administration of prescribed medicine: O

If a parent requests that the School arranges for someone in the School to oversee the administration of medicine, the School will respond, providing it is reasonable to do so. If particular expertise is required which no-one on the staff possesses wherever appropriate, the Matron or relevant members of staff may be trained to fulfil this requirement

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A parent accepts that it is a boy’s responsibility to go to the Matron, or if she is not present, to the School Office, to receive medicine. Wherever possible, this will be self-administered under adult supervision in the School Office The Matron will endeavour to contact a boy to remind him that medication needs to be taken Medicine should ideally be administered at school during short and long break or, if/when emergency medication is necessary The medicine, in the smallest practicable amount, should be brought to School by the parent and delivered personally to one of the staff members in the School Office. A note/email must be sent by the Parent to the Matron/School Office with details Medicines must be clearly labelled with contents, the owner’s name and dosage. They will be kept in a locked cupboard or, if refrigeration is required, in a fridge in the School Office The administration of any medicine will be recorded on the School medical database. This will include: date medication is to be administered; time it is to be administered; dosage; confirmation that medication has been administered with time/ date it was administered

Vomiting and Diarrhoea Pupils who have been sick or have experienced diarrhoea are asked not to return to school until they are 48 hours ‘clear’ of the last episode.

Contagious Diseases Boys should not be sent into School without consulting the School first, if they have been in contact with a contagious disease.

Music Class Lessons All boys have a timetabled class music lesson. These lessons teach boys how to perform and create music, providing them with the opportunity to explore a wide range of musical styles. Class music lessons are designed to involve all children, regardless of ability, in enjoyable and stimulating musical activities through traditional means and the use of technology.

Visiting Music Teachers In addition to their timetabled class music lessons, boys have the opportunity of undertaking private 1:1 instrument or singing lessons from our team of visiting music teachers. These lessons take place during the school day, on a rotating timetable, this means that lessons take place at a different time teach week and, whenever possible, boys should not miss the same lesson more than once in every half term. Please be aware boys will be expected to catch up any missed class work. If you would like your son to learn an instrument, or have singing lessons, at SHS, please contact the Director of Music, Mr Batten at The full list of VMTs is available under the ‘Currciulum’ section of our website. Click Here. The range of instruments boys can be taught includes Violin, viola,

cello, double bass, flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, cornet, trumpet, trombone, French horn, classical and electric guitar, drum kit, orchestral percussion, piano, harp and singing. If there is an instrument not listed that your son would like to learn, please contact the Director of Music.

Music Groups The many music ensembles and activities, run by highly talented and experienced professional musicians, play a vital role in the music life of the school. They form a high point of music-making to which all boys in their individual instrumental and singing lessons should aspire. All boys taking instrumental or singing in or out of school are encouraged to avail themselves of membership to one or more of the ensembles on offer. If your son is interested in joining a music ensemble please contact the Director of Music, who can advise on the most appropriate group for your son’s interest and ability. It is expected that boys attend all rehearsals and performances. Groups available currently include: Symphonic Wind Band, Concert Wind Band, Woodwind Ensemble, Junior Strings, String Ensemble, Training Voices. SHS Voices, along with various rock band groups. There are also groups covering the requirements for the ABRSM Grade 5 Theory Exam.

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Prep Subject teachers set one or two preps per week, based on the boy’s timetable. The nature, and length of the Prep will vary between year groups, classes and topics of study. For Years 3 – 5, preps should take 30 minutes and for Years 6 – 8, preps should take 35/40 minutes. No Prep is set on Wednesdays.

Years 7 and 8 are given planners at the start of the academic year and are expected to use these throughout the School year to help plan and structure their days. Prep should be seen as a way of supplementing or complementing preceding class work. It is valuable for the following reasons: O







It can help boys to make more rapid progress in learning It can allow boys to develop the practice of working on their own without the constant presence of the teacher or other boys It can allow valuable practice of skills learned in the classroom It can involve parents and others in the boys’ work for their mutual benefit – although it must be emphasised that parents should not do the Prep It gives boys valuable experience of working to deadlines It teaches boys both responsibility and initiative It forms a link with the methods of study crucial to success at senior school. Parents are expected to sign their son’s prep diary each day and to use the prep diary to share any useful information relating to their son’s prep.

Reading Prep Club Details of Prep Club are included in the termly Co-curricular Programme. Boys should take a reading book to Prep Club in case they complete their Prep early.

Prep Books Boys in Years 3 – 6 are given a Prep Book by their Tutor at the beginning of each term. Boys must write their Preps neatly in this book each day. Boys are expected to keep their Prep Books in good condition and treat them respectfully as they are a valuable support resource for them and you.

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At Shrewsbury House, we encourage the boys to read as much as possible and aspire to create an enthusiasm for reading that will stay with the boys forever. In Years 3 and 4, there is an expectation that all boys will read with an adult for at least 10 minutes every day. The boys have regular access to our well-stocked library and through the use of the Accelerated Reader Program they are encouraged to select books from a variety of genre, broadening their vocabulary and comprehension skills. In addition, all boys are enrolled in the School online reading scheme and expected to regularly read the books allocated.

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Reporting to Parents Reporting to parents has three forms: O

Verbally on an informal basis


Verbally at parents’ evenings


In written form

Behaviour for Learning (BFL Bandings for all Year Groups) This grade mainly encompasses: work ethic, behaviour in class, effort and punctuality. E



Very Good



Parent Consultations


Meeting Expectations

These take place online at various times throughout the year depending on the boy’s year group. Booking information will be emailed to you ahead of these meetings, although dates can be located within the School Calendar. These are principally to discuss the academic and social progress of each individual boy. Boys in Year 7 and 8 are expected to attend these meetings.





Informal Reporting This occurs at the request of either the parent or a member of staff and takes place at a time convenient to all parties.

Written Reports and Reporting Schedule All year groups will receive: O




Three Progress Cards (including Behaviour for Learning and Attainment Grades) One Progress Report (including Behaviour for Learning, Attainment Grades and Next Step Targets) End of Year Full Academic Report (Year 8 will receive a Valedictory Report instead) These reports can be accessed via the Parent Portal

28 | Parent & Pupil Handbook


A combination of E, VG and G grades is required to earn a merit badge each half term for Behaviour for Learning, from all subject areas.





Attainment Score

Sub level








Producing high quality work at this stage in relation to all SHS assessments. Skill, knowledge or understanding is demonstrated and applied naturally and in context without any prompting or modelling.



















Producing work above the expected level at this stage in relation to all SHS assessments. When a skill or objective is modelled/ taught the pupil fulfils all aspects of the criteria within their work, and is then able to apply the concepts independently and consistently. Ready to deepen understanding with further challenge. Producing work in line with expectations at this stage in relation to all SHS assessments. When a skill is modelled, the pupil can employ the skill. They are not yet fully independent at this stage and require continued practice to apply the skill which may be through the form of scaffolding or further modelling. Producing work that is not consistently in line with expectations at this stage in relation to all SHS assessments. The skills, concept or body of knowledge taught is rarely shown or applied consistently or appropriately, without direct adult support.

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Rewards and Sanctions Pluses


Boys are given pluses for achievements, attitude and performance both inside and outside the classroom. The awarding of pluses when deserved is very much encouraged. A boy’s pluses and minuses contribute to the House totals.

Colours are rewarded to boys in Year 8 for excellence, application and achievement in academic work, Music, Art, DT, Drama and Sport. A Colours tie and specific badge is awarded to the boys.

Boys who reach a score of +50 in an academic year are presented with a book of their choice (a ‘plus prize’). The boy’s name will be published in the Executive Head’s Newsletter which appears on the website every Friday. From September, during an academic year, a boy may gain further plus prizes for every extra +50 total he achieves i.e. at 100, 150, 200 (subtracting all minuses).

Head of Year Commendation Boys can be given commendations for academic work or a contribution over and above that expected of a pupil or for some other achievement in school life worthy of recognition. The member of staff awarding the commendation will notify the Head of Year who will present the boy with a certificate. His Tutor will inform his parents and the boy will be awarded +4.

Executive Head’s Commendation An Executive Head’s Commendation can be awarded for achievements and performances that are deemed exceptional. The boy will be presented with a certificate by the Executive Head in assembly and awarded +6. This is a particularly prestigious award.

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Merit Badges Merit badges are given to boys who achieve a combination of E, VG, and G for Behaviour for Learning for all subjects on their Progress Cards. There are four Progress Cards/Progress Report across the year. The first merit badge is standard black in colour; from there a boy progresses through the next stages of Bronze, Silver and finally Gold. Once a merit badge has been won, the boy keeps this badge until the end of the year or swaps if they are awarded a further merit badge on the next cycle of Progress Cards/Progress Report. At the end of the year, merit badges are returned and the cycle starts again in the new academic year. Merit badges are awarded by the Executive Head in assembly and published in the Executive Head’s Weekly Newsletter.

Positions of Responsibility Prefects: Year 8 boys, who have shown responsibility, act as a role model and have demonstrated leadership qualities may apply to take on a Prefect role. They are expected to mentor, guide and help those younger than themselves and be an example to all members of the School in their general conduct

and appearance. The Prefects liaise with the member of staff who oversees each House. As well as carrying out willingly and effectively any duties expected of them by members of staff they will also act as representatives of the School on public occasions. Prefects are given a Prefect’s tie to wear in school.

Sanctions Boys are made aware of their expectations at the start of the year and frequently reminded of their responsibilities as part of a community through assemblies, PSHE etc. They understand they are

responsible for their own actions and that when these expectations or rules are broken, they will lead to appropriate sanctions and importantly an opportunity for reflection. Parents are encouraged to support the values and expectations of the School and be supportive of us in our aim in guiding children through any sanctions applied in line with the Behaviour Management Policy. Please see the Behaviour Management Policy for further details: Click Here

Parent & Pupil Handbook | 31

The Shrewsbury House Way was designed in conjunction with the boys through the School Council to develop a culture of kindness and respect that all our community work within.












A sense of belonging and community is important to us at Shrewsbury House. We aim to celebrate the best in all our boys by promoting and rewarding their positive contributions to all areas of school life through the Shrewsbury House Way.

32 | Parent & Pupil Handbook

School Events A boy who is selected to participate in any special event, either within or outside the normal school day or working week (such as a play, concert, the Carol Service, a match or tournament), is expected to do so, unless they are unfit to participate, or his parents have agreed otherwise with the Executive Head.




Carol Service The School’s annual Carol Service is an evening event towards the end of the Autumn term and all boys must attend in full School uniform. Parents are allocated one ticket per family, other than Year 8 who receive two tickets per family.

Educational Visits and Trips Boys will experience a rich choice of educational visits, residential trips and tours during their time at Shrewsbury House. These are published in the School Calendar. Regular day trips are organised to support the curriculum across a number of subject areas. The boys will also participate in a number of events organised by Senior Schools such as subject days, music events, Prep School competitions and quizzes. Consent is only required for any trips over £35 and in addition specific consent may be required for the activity for some trips, irrespective of cost. Years 4 – 8 experience residential trips during Activity Week in the penultimate week of the Summer term. In Year 4, the boys enjoy a short residential trip. From Year 5 upwards, boys enjoy a week’s residential stay.

School Events Parents, carers and extended family are welcome to attend a number of school events throughout the year. Full details are available on the School Calendar.

Prize Giving Prize Giving takes place on the last Friday of the academic year. All boys are expected to attend.

New Parents/Boys



Induction morning for new Year 3 boys – Summer term Information morning for new Year 3 parents – Summer term New boys’ lunch for all new boys – start of the Autumn term Year 3 & 4 open games session and presentation to parents New Parents’ Social for all new boys’ parents – start of the Autumn term.

Plays and Concerts It is the aim of Shrewsbury House to instil confidence in boys by giving them the opportunity to perform in public. Every boy performs in a year group concert and play. Year 8 boys have a Leavers’ Dinner and performance. Some rehearsals for these events may take place after the School day, rehearsal times will be communicated to parents by the Director of Music and the Head of Drama. All boys in the year group are involved and are expected to attend these performances, parents should look out for the dates in the School Calendar.

Photography Policy at School Events Please note that whilst recording a performance is permitted, it is the School’s policy that if another child or adult is in a photograph or video, you do not share the photograph or video on social media without the explicit permission of the adult or parents of the other child(ren) in the photograph or video. Due to copyright, any recording of a concert/play must be for non-commercial purposes only.

School Community Talks From time to time, the School arranges evening talks, often for the Trust as a whole and the wider local community, e.g. History Talks.

The School holds a number of events to support the welcome of new boys and parents to the School Community . These are communicated via separate correspondence and include:

Parent & Pupil Handbook | 33

School Uniform School Uniform Supplier The School uniform supplier is ‘AlleyCatz’. The following link will take you to their website and directly to the School uniform page: Click Here. This page, below the School logos, also provides a detailed uniform list and information page.

Senior Boys Boys in Years 7 and 8 wear white shirts to represent their place in the senior years.

Naming of Uniform All uniform items must be clearly named on the inside, including underclothes and footwear.

Uniform List All Terms O O O O O O



School Blazer Dark grey short trousers OR Dark grey long trousers Shrewsbury House V-neck pullover Long or short sleeved grey shirts Long sleeved white shirts – Year 7 and 8 (no names on front) Optional short sleeved white shirts – Years 7 & 8 summer only (no names on front) Plain long grey socks with short trousers Short grey socks with long trousers School tie Plain style black shoes Black backpack with logo Shrewsbury House School Coat

Sports – All Year O O O O O O O O O

Outdoor training shoes Gym shoes for indoor White t-shirt in house colour White cotton shorts White socks Games/swimming towel Swimming jammers black/red Swim hat red with logo School tracksuit top

34 | Parent & Pupil Handbook


School tracksuit bottom Black holdall with red panels and logo

Sports – Winter O O O O O O


Games shirt in house colour Team match shirt School socks in black with red tops Black shorts SHS base layer (optional) Football boots with moulded soles or if screw in studs, must have B.S.S. kite mark School woolly hat (optional) Shin pads (for football season) Boot bag – red Swim bag – red with drawstring

Sport – Summer O School white cricket trousers (matches only) O School white cricket shirt (matches only) O School cricket slipover trimmed in school colours – optional O Cricket helmets* (compulsory when playing hard ball) O Cricket box* (compulsory when playing hard ball) O Cricket box shorts* (compulsory when playing hard ball) O Wide brimmed cricket hat (Optional) O School sun hat (compulsory) – black baseball cap O School white V-neck cricket sweater (optional) * Hard ball Cricket: ahead of the summer term, the Sports Department will write to parents whose sons will be playing hard ball cricket, to outline kit requirements.

Second Hand Uniform Second hand uniform sales are organised by the Shrewsbury House Association (SHA) on a termly basis. Parents will receive plenty of notice of these events via the School’s newsletter. For any queries, please contact

Streaming and Setting Boys are placed either in ‘sets’ or ‘mixed groups’ for select subjects. Setting and grouping are used to ensure that every pupil is working at the correct pace to support their personal progress. When there are four sets/groups in a year group, they will be organised and referred to as ‘colours’. The colours, and what they represent, are as follows: Set or Group 1 – Blue Set or Group 2 – Purple Set of Group 3 – Orange Set or Group 4 – Yellow

In Year 7&8, there are also scholarship groups that are known as 7S and 8S respectively. They will follow the scholarship programme for the examined subject areas. Boys not in scholarship will be following the Common Entrance programme and are set according to the colours mentioned above. Further information on year groups, subjects and how they are set can be found below. Please note that setting is subject to change throughout the year if staff feel strongly that a move will be beneficial to the specific individual.

Explanation Year 7&8 Note: Blue, Purple, Orange in Year 7 Blue, Purple in Year 8

Boys are set for English: 7S (Year 7 Scholarship Set) and 8S (Year 8 Scholarship set) Blue, Purple, Orange (Common Entrance sets) Boys are set for Maths: 7S (Year 7 Scholarship Set) and 8S (Year 8 Scholarship set) Blue, Purple, Orange (Common Entrance sets) Boys are set for French: Blue, Purple, Orange The remaining subject areas do not set

Year 6

Boys are set for English: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow (Blue and Purple are top and second set respectively, while Orange and Yellow are mixed groups) Boys are set for Maths: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow Boys are set for French: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow The remaining subject areas do not set

Year 5

Boys are set for English: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow (Blue and Purple are top and second set respectively, while Orange and Yellow are mixed groups) Boys are set for Maths: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow The remaining subject areas do not set

Year 4

Boys are set for English: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow (All sets are mixed groups) Boys are set for Maths: Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow The remaining subject areas do not set

Year 3

No streaming or setting

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Sport Sport at Shrewsbury House School is an integral and vital part of School life. We provide a programme based on inclusivity, enjoyment and performance. Although we are proud of our success in Regional and National competition, the focus is on providing as broad an opportunity as possible for all boys.

Core Sports The core sports are: Autumn term: football Spring term:


Summer term: cricket and athletics Boys are offered the opportunity of a much broader programme through the timetable and Co-curricular programme which is updated termly. Swimming Swimming forms an integral part of School life, as we have our own swimming pool on the School site. Aside from the competitive elements to the yearround programme, we recognise what an important life skill swimming is, therefore swimming lessons are incorporated into the School timetable.

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Facilities The boys enjoy wonderful facilities based at the main School site on Ditton Road, and at our dedicated sports ground. These facilities include: an indoor/ outdoor covered swimming pool, three senior grass pitches, a state-of-the-art International Rugby Board certified All-Weather Surface, an indoor Sports Hall, a hard-standing play area, indoor and outdoor cricket nets and a dedicated athletics jump area. Sports Hall The Sports Hall is used for Games, PE lessons and Co-curricular activities. Only indoor trainers and clean school shoes may be worn inside the Sports Hall. All Weather Surface This facility is used for Games and PE lessons and matches, but can also be used during break times. Food must not be consumed on the All Weather surface, but players are allowed to take water in bottles onto the pitch. Clean sports shoes and boots must be worn. No metal tipped studs, metals blades or spikes must be worn on this surface; Astro trainers are a good choice of outside trainer. Spectators are asked not to chew gum, eat food or drink or take glass items onto the pitch.

Sports Matches and Fixtures

directions etc, can be found on the School website or alternatively via our direct sport Website (sometimes abbreviated to SOCS): To access a particular team sheet once your son starts, you will need to click on the sporting match and then use a password to access the team sheet. This password is: altapeto2023

All boys at Shrewsbury House are expected to attend matches during the School day and at other times, if selected, as the School designates, e.g. matches on Saturdays or weekend tournaments. Boys must conduct themselves appropriately both on and off the field when representing the School. Boys are expected to thank the referee and be present until the opposition leaves the premises. Boys should remain on their best behaviour when waiting for matches and between matches at tournaments.

For boys, team sheets are published on the large TV screens located outside the School Office and in the Sports Hall foyer. Timings for matches and anticipated return times are published on SOCS. Please check on the day to ensure you have the latest information.

Boys must be dressed in the correct kit for the sport they are playing and where applicable socks must be pulled up and shirts tucked in. Footwear, pads etc, should be clean.

Parents’ Code of Conduct We actively encourage parents to come and support their son/s at matches, but kindly support our “Great Sport Parent” Code of Conduct.

Fixtures All sports fixtures, team sheets, away match

9 Steps to Becoming a

Great Sport Parent 1



Don’t Shout or Yell criticisms at players

Remain in the spectator area

Don’t interfere with the coach




Keep your composure

Control your emotions

Let the referee do their job




Do not instruct players in the games

Do not argue with opposition parents or players

Be a good role model

Parent & Pupil Handbook | 37

Mobile Web App When visiting the sports website (SOCS) on a mobile phone you will be taken to the Mobile Web App. You can save the Mobile Web App as an icon to your mobile device’s home screen for ease and it will operate and behave like a mobile app. Cancellation and Changes to Fixtures If a match is cancelled or the location or the timing is changed, this is updated on the School Calendar on the School Website. Short notice changes (less than 24 hours) will also be notified to parents via a ‘SchoolBase’ – text or email.

Off Games and/or Swimming If a boy is well enough to be in school, he is considered well enough to take part in games/ swimming. However, we realise there will be medical/ other exceptions. If a parent wishes their son to be ‘off games/swimming’, the request should be put in writing, outlining the reason why, via email to the School Matron copying in the School Office Boys on the ‘off games’ register must remain in School and are supervised by a member of staff. Please also notify the above staff when your son is fit to return to sport.

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Sport Bags and Sportswear Sport bags should be brought into School on Monday morning and stored in the boys’ allocated storage space for the week. If boys are playing in away fixtures, and do not return to School after the match, they should bring their sports bag back into School the following day. Sports clothing should only go home in the week if it needs washing for the next day. All sports kits should be taken home each Friday. Boys must ensure they pack their sportswear away in their bags after each games/PE session to reduce the chance of lost items. Sports bags must be clearly named on the outside so boys’ names are visible.

Parent & Pupil Handbook | 39

CONTACT US 107 Ditton Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 6RL Executive Head Joanna Hubbard 020 8399 3066

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