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5 ways to elevate your laundry room
When you’re seeking ways to optimize your home, it’s easy to overlook the humble laundry room. But there are many ways to improve your experience of this room, making it more functional and attractive. A beautifully appointed laundry room is a sight to behold, helping to transform ordinary tasks into enjoyable routines.
If you’re ready to turn your laundry room into a space you love, consider these upgrades.
Shed some light on the subject
Is your laundry room too dark?
Improving the room’s lighting will make daily chores easier to do while also making the room feel more bright and cheerful. You may need to add several recessed lights to really see well, especially if there’s no window, and coolercolored LED lights can help you sort colors better.
Consider adding a window if possible, or enlarging an existing window to boost natural light. Applying a fresh coat of lightcolored or white paint can also make any space feel open and airy.
Make it functional and multi-purpose
Every good laundry room needs a utility sink deep enough to soak soiled clothing. How about a sink you can also use to bathe your dog? You can create the perfect pet beauty parlor with a 12” deep Cairn Utility Sink from KOHLER. It offers a generous workspace, along with a stainless steel utility sink and accompanying wash bin.
30-year mortgage rate climbs to highest level since November
ASSOCIATED PRESS that need to be air dried.
LOS ANGELES — The average long-term U.S. mortgage rate climbed to a new high for the year this week, pushing up borrowing costs for homebuyers already facing heightened competition in a housing market short on homes.
The average rate on the benchmark 30-year home loan rose to 6.81 from 6.71 last week, mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday. A year ago, the rate averaged 5.30.
It’s the second consecutive week of higher rates, lifting the average rate to its highest level since it surged to 7.08 in early November. High rates can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for borrowers, limiting how much they can afford in a market already unaffordable to many Americans.
“These high rates combined with low inventory continue to price many potential homebuyers out of the market,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist.
The latest uptick in mortgage rates follows a sharp upward move in the 10-year Treasury yield, which climbed above 4 this week for the first time since early March. More surprisingly hot jobs data Thursday pushed yields on the 10-year Treasury to 4.05 from 3.94 late Wednesday, which will influence mortgage rates and other important loans.
Mortgage rates don’t necessarily mirror the Fed’s rate increases, but tend to track the yield on the 10-year Treasury note. Investors’ expectations for future inflation, global demand for U.S. Treasurys and what the Fed does with interest rates can influence rates on home loans.
Beginning with its first hike in March 2022, the Fed has lifted its benchmark interest rate to about 5.1, its highest level in 16 years, before forgoing a hike at its meeting of policymakers last month.
One idea that’s seriously trending is combining the laundry area with the mudroom, which helps contain the mess coming in from outside. When designing your mudroom/laundry room, make sure to provide sturdy benches for sitting and removing boots — ideally with space inside for added storage.
Not just for kitchens anymore, installing an island in your laundry room is a great way to provide the perfect folding space — and another opportunity to add more storage underneath. Limited space? Consider using a rolling kitchen cart.
Elevate the situation
A 12-inch deep Cairn Utility Sink from KOHLER with generous workspace, a stainless steel utility sink and wash bin.
Both slide on the ledge in the sink, so you can tailor it to suit your needs. The offset drain increases the sink’s workspace, as well as potential for storage underneath. Its soft curves and matte finish add beauty to any room, and you can choose one of six colors to suit your design: white, black, taupe, gray, graphite, brown and black plum. The sink is made of KOHLER Neoroc composite material that’s extremely durable and will resist scratches and stains.
To make it easier to use your new sink for washing your pet or anything else, choose a handshower or faucet that functions well and looks even better. KOHLER’s Awaken fourfunction handshower provides advanced spray performance with three distinct sprays — wide coverage, intense drenching or targeted — with the smooth rotation of a thumb tab.
Or consider the Crue touchless pull-down sink faucet with a threefunction sprayhead. The Crue faucet collection represents a true high point in user-focused, sophisticated plumbing design. The contemporary silhouette — a simple arched spout and single lever handle — offers a straightforward style that adapts to nearly any room design, and the touchless functionality makes tasks simpler.
Get organized
Increasing shelving and/or cupboard space is always smart for a laundry room upgrade. If you select open shelving, use matching baskets, boxes or trays to create a unified look. Make sure to include a large drying rack to hang delicates and other items
One way to truly elevate your laundry room is to put your machines up on pedestals. This option not only makes maintenance and cleaning a lot easier, but is also much gentler on your back as you’ll do a lot less leaning and bending over every laundry day.
Flaunt your style
There’s no reason your laundry room can’t also be pretty. Consider bright paint colors or whimsical wallpaper when you’re giving the room a makeover. Fun art accents and even a whiteboard or chalkboard for laundry instructions may encourage more family members to join the laundry routine.
Even achieving a couple of these upgrades can make a big difference in how you use and perceive the humble laundry room. Following through with all of them might just make it your favorite room in the house.
To: Defendant MARLYN M. STONER
YOUAREHEREBYNOTIFIEDthatthePlaintiff GATHERFEDERALCREDITUNION,formerlyknownas KauaiCommunityFederalCreditUnion,afederally charteredcreditunion,filedaComplaint(AssumpsitMoneyOwed);Declaration;Exhibits1,2&3;and SummonsagainstyouinCivilNo.5DRC-23-265,in theDistrictCourtoftheFifthCircuit,StateofHawaii, prayingforjudgmentforsumsdueandowingfor nonpaymentofanautoloan,interest,latefees,costs and attorneys’ fees and for other proper relief.
YOUAREHEREBYSUMMONEDtoappearinthe CourtroomofthePresidingJudgeoftheabove-entitled Court,Kauai,Hawaii,onMonday,the28THdayof AUGUST,2023,at8:00a.m.ofsaiddayortofilean answerorotherpleadingandserveitbeforesaidday uponSHERMANSHIRAISHI,Plaintiff’sattorney,whose addressis2403UluMaikaStreet,Lihue,Hawaii, 96766.Ifyoufailtodoso,judgmentbydefaultwillbe takenagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthe
COUNTYOFKAUAIPLANNINGCOMMISSION–4444RiceStreet,SuiteA473,Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, 96766, tel: (808) 241-4050, email: planningdepartment@kauai.gov
NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENofan agencyhearingwithapublichearingand anopportunityforpublictestimony fromallinterestedpersonstobeheldby theKaua‘iPlanningCommissionpursuanttotheprovisionsofSpecialManagement AreaRules,KauaiCountyCode,Chapter8,asamended,HawaiiRevisedStatutes (HRS)Chapter92and91,andtheRulesofPracticeandProcedureoftheCounty of Kauai Planning Commission. The hearing will be held regarding the following:
SPECIALMANAGEMENTAREAUSEPERMIT(SMA(U)-2023-12)toallow constructionofanewmulti-familyresidentialstructureonaparcelsituatedalong themakaisideofKuhioHighwayinKapa‘aTown,situateddirectlyacrossthe formerlyKojimaStore,approximately200feetsouthoftheKapa‘aNeighborhood Centerandfurtheridentifiedas4-1542KuhioHighway,TaxMapKey:(4)4-5012:048, containing a total area of approximately 2,520 square feet.
SPECIALMANAGEMENTAREAUSEPERMIT(SMA(U)-2023-13),CLASSIV ZONINGPERMIT(Z-IV-2023-11)andUSEPERMIT(U-2023-8)toallowconstruction ofaviewingplatformandassociatedsiteimprovementswithinthePa‘ula‘ulaState HistoricalParkinWaimea,alongthemakaisideofKaumuali‘iHighway, approximately800feeteastofWaimeaTown,furtheridentifiedasTaxMapKey:(4) 1-7-005:003 and containing a total area of 17.26 acres.
CLASSIVZONINGPERMIT(Z-IV-2023-12)andUSEPERMIT(U-2023-9)to constructanewgymnasiumontheWaimeaHighSchoolcampusinWaimeaTown, andVARIANCEPERMIT(V-2023-3)todeviatefromtheheightrequirementwithin theResidentialzoningdistrict,situatedapproximately550feetmaukaofthe OlaRoad/Kaumuali‘iHighwayintersection,furtheridentifiedas9707Tsuchiya Road,TaxMapKeys:1-6-010:004and1-6-009:023,andcontainingatotalareaof 11.11 acres.
Meeting Lihu‘e Civic Center, Moikeha Building, Meeting Room 2A-2B, Location : 4444 Rice Street, Lihu‘e, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i
*InterestedpartiesshouldlooktothePlanningCommissionAgenda for August 8, 2023 for final determination of location.
Date : August 8, 2023
Time: 9:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter
Oraltestimony willbetakenonspecificagendaitems,in-personatthepublic meeting location indicated on the meeting agenda.
Writtentestimony indicatingyour1)nameorpseudonym,andifapplicable, yourposition/titleandorganizationyouarerepresenting,and2)theagendaitem thatyouareprovidingcommenton,maybesubmittedonanyagendaitemin writingtoplanningdepartment@kauai.govormailedtotheCountyofKaua‘i PlanningDepartment,4444RiceStreet,Suite473,Lihu‘e,Hawai‘i96766.Written testimonyreceivedbythePlanningDepartmentatleast24hourspriortothe meetingwillbepostedastestimonytothePlanningCommission’swebsitepriorto themeeting(https://www.kauai.gov/Government/Boards-andCommissions/Planning-Commission).Anytestimonyreceivedafterthistimewillbe retainedaspartoftherecord,butwecannotassuretheCommissionwillreceiveit with sufficient time for review prior to the meeting. IFYOUNEEDANAUXILIARYAID/SERVICE,OTHERACCOMMODATION DUETOADISABILITY,ORANINTERPRETERFORNON-ENGLISHSPEAKING PERSONS,PLEASECONTACTTHEOFFICEOFBOARDS&COMMISSIONSAT (808)241-4917ORADAVIS@KAUAI.GOVASSOONASPOSSIBLE. REQUESTSMADEASEARLYASPOSSIBLEWILLALLOWADEQUATETIMETO FULFILLYOURREQUEST.UPONREQUEST,THISNOTICEISAVAILABLEIN ALTERNATEFORMATSSUCHASLARGEPRINT,BRAILLE,ORELECTRONIC COPY. (TGI1421490 7/7/23)