Partners Organizations and those involved
a project of the Mary Queen of Viet Nam Community Development Corporation
in partnership with Tulane University School of Medicine, Office of Community Affairs and Health Policy
with the cooperation of the Tulane City Center
with the firm TZ.CO
Contents New Orleans East Louisiana Community Health Center
4 6 8 11 20 29
Vision A new vision for healthcare
Introduction Creating a sustainable community health center
Site Reconnecting a neighborhood
Phase One Embedding cultural specificity in architecture
Phase Two Defining a culturally specific and sustainable landscape
Acknowledgments Our thanks
Vision A new vision for healthcare
The mission of the Mary Queen of
To meet the anticpated needs of the
Our vision is to identify and eliminate
Our goal is for the community members
Viet Nam Community Development
population, MQVN CDC will develop a
the unique health disparities of
to take ownership of their health, and to
Corporation (MQVN CDC) and the
Community-owned Health Center which
the residents of New Orleans and
remain empowered through knowledge,
Tulane School of Medicine is to build a
will provide comprehensive health
beyond. The residents will be provided
understanding, and acceptance, of
neighborhood-based Community Health
services to all, irrespective of insurance
with quality, culturally competent,
personal responsibility for their health
Center for the medically underserved
status or ability to pay. The goals of this
comprehensive primary and
and wellness. This will be done through
community of New Orleans East.
health center are to:
preventative health care services.
health education programs, preventive
The health center will provide
care, and outreach programs. Health
comprehensive primary care to 15,000 citizens in the community irrespective of ability to pay. The largely Vietnamese-American community of New Orleans East was underserved pre-Hurrican Katrina and has had ongoing unmet health care needs post-Hurrican Katrina. The lack of primary care services impedes the return and recovery of the community - particularly the elderly and families with young childen. The health needs of the community are now increasingly unique because of the influx of the Latino workforce.
Right, Text description of this lady.
+ Establish high quality and culturally appropriate health services catered to low-income, working, or uninsured/ underinsured families. + Address social determinants of health by establishing relationships with existing health and social services and building community collaborations.
Because of the dense population of
services will be provided to the
Vietnamese and Latinos in New Orleans
uninsured, underserved patients
East, the health center will address the
with private insurance, as well as the
diverse cultural and linguistic needs
inclusion of a sliding scale payment
of the community. The whole of these
option. The Community Health Center
parishes includes African-Americans,
will provide high-quality, cost-effective
Anglo-Americans, Asian-Americans,
primary and preventative care to the
and Latinos.
residents of New Orleans East and beyond.
Introduction Creating a sustainable community health center
We have identified a location for the
of Architecture faculty member,
permanent health center on Chef
Thaddeus Zarse and his office TZ.CO.
Menteur Hwy near I-510, an accessible
The proposal is developed as a two
location for the neighboring population
stage development with Phase I
and others since it is near the highway
consisting of the 5000 sq ft renovation
at a visible location. The building, a
of the existing building and site
former post office, will be renovated
modifications. Phase II consists of the
into a quality, state-of-the-art 5000 sq ft
proposed 10,000 sq ft addition projected
health facility. As the population in the
for construction in three years. The
area continues to grow, and given the
design of each phase of the project
overwhelming need for health services
creates an environmentally sustainable
in the community, we anticipate needing
and culturally specific design. The
more space in the future. Thus, in year
Phase I design process included
three, we will construct an additional
interviews with the clinic staff so that
10,000 sq ft building adjacent to the core
the design would be as specific as
site to allow us to provide more services
possible to their needs and the way that
to more people.
they use the space.
MQVN CDC in partnership with the Tulane University School of Medicine is collaborating with the Tulane City Center (TCC) to develop the following proposal with Tulane University School
Left and Right, these images show the existing exterior and interior conditions of the post offi ce building located in New Orleans East on Chef Menteur Hwy.
Site: New Orleans East Reconnecting a neighborhood
1a City Map, this drawing locates the New Orleans East Louisiana Community Health Center within the larger city exposing the neighborhood’s lack of easy access to current health care options.
The health center will be located on
are medically underserved affordable
Chef Menteur Hwy in New Orleans
and accessible health care within their
East. This location is easily accessible
own neighborhood. The Phase I and
to citizens living in the community
Phase II proposals take advantage of
and surrounding areas. The site is
the opportunities presented with such a
near the I-510 and is also near canals
dynamic site location and its variety of
that separate it from residential
context relationships.
neighborhoods. The location in New Orleans East allows residents who
Left, New Orleans Block Map courtesy of the Lime Agency for Sustainable Hot/Humid Design
Phase One: New Entrance Embedding cultural specificity in architecture
Above, 2a. Trong Dong Drum. 2b. Top of Drum
Phase I for the New Orleans East
specific patterns to be embedded in
the taller bamboo at the front breaks
Louisiana Community Health Center
the design. The pattern used is from
up the facade from the exterior while
starts with the renovation and
an ancient Vietnamese brass drum
screening views of the busy commercial
adaptation of an existing post office
named the Trong Dong, which holds
street from the interior of the lobby
building turning it into a sustainable
historical importance for the local
and culturally significant health clinic
Veitnamese community members. The
for the community of New Orleans
pattern is multiplied across the length
The landscape design utilizes plants
East. The act of renovating an existing
of the building creating a dynamic
native to Vietnam to increase the
unused building in the neighborhood,
perforated pattern in the metal screen.
cultural specificity of the center while
returning it to the community, conveys
The pattern, while being specific to the
ensuring the the selection is suitable for
a strong commitment to environmental
Vietnamese community, tries to also
growing in the often similar Louisiana
sustainability by not creating large
be culturally inclusive to all community
quatities of building waste that would
members by not making the design
result from tearing the building down to
a cultural stereotype of traditional
build new.
Vietnamese architecture.
As part of the process of adapting the
The site around the former post office
post office building to a health center
is also redesigned to allow for more
a new image of the building is created
landscape to be embedded within
redefining its purpose. A metal screen
the parking. This serves severals
is added to the front of the building
functions including making the
which not only formally evens out the
entry to the clinic more inviting and
mass, but also allows for cultural
welcoming for patients and staff while
Right Rendering, this digital image shows a new facade screen and landscape which creates an inviting, cultural specifi c, and sustainable new entrance to the health clinic.
Phase One: Building Planning Redefining the existing conditions
The fl at roof of the existing post office
patients versus staff members. The
building allows for easy positioning
landscape is strategically placed to
of solar panels to create a further
help define entries to the building while
sustainable approach to the design.
simultaneously controlling views out of
The parking and landscape are
the site.
reconfigured to allow separate parking zones and entrances to the building for
Above Site Plan and Right Axonometric, the drawings show overhead depictions exposing the relationship of the existing building to the new site plan and landscape.
Phase One: Interior Renovation Maximizing opportunities within an existing building 3a
Plans, 3a. Ten room variation. 3b. Phase II expansion variation.
Left Rendering and Above Plans, the image and drawing shows the openness and close proximity of the clinic staff with the patients and exam rooms allowing for direct connections and interactions between users.
Phase One: Building Section Developing opportunistic interior interventions
Above Section 4a, this drawing shows a section cut through the existing building exposing the dynamic space of the exam rooms and the building’s integration with the site and landscape.
Phase One: Exam Rooms Maximizing spatial and sustainable opportunities and connecting patients with light
The existing post office building is
natural light or view to the exterior. To
resulting space creates a visual funnel
predominantly comprised of a very
counterbalance this spatial inequality
directing the attention towards nature.
large and tall space. While this space
the exam rooms extend to the full
The room shape can also be designed
works well for the sorting of mail it
height of the center space creating
to produce ventilation through the
poses difficulty in its conversion to
small punctures in the roof that allow
rooms through the stack effect pulling
another building use. The exam rooms
patients a small framed view of the sky
hot air to the top of the room releasing
are nested in the center of the space,
above while allowing some indirect
it through a small vent near the roof.
thus initially perceived to receive no
natural light into the space. The
Left Rendering, this images shows an example of an exam room where light and view is attained through a skylight allowing each room to have a connection to nature while maintaining privacy.
Phase Two: New Entry Court Defining a culturally specific and sustainable landscape
Phase II for the New Orleans East
overwhelming to non-Vietnamese staff
Louisiana Community Health Center
and visitors.
includes planning for a 10,000 square feet addition proposed at the rear of
The entry of the building is located
the existing clinic building. As part of
through a landscaped courtyard space
the master plan for the site additional
that allows for a gradual raise in
parking and landscape is added to
elevation from the parking preventing
continue the creation of sustainable,
the building from flooding and giving
culturally specific, and beautiful design.
the entry an easily accessible and welcoming appearence, rather then
Above, 5a. Horizontal thatch construction
The addition employs spatial strategies
one that appears too raised. The
utilized in the interior of the existing
landscape design within the courtyard
clinic building. These continue to allow
and embedded in the parking utilizes
dynamic spaces while allowing natural
plants native to Vietnam to increase the
light and views for every space. The
cultural specificity of the clinic while
building’s exterior material, rendered
ensuring the the selection is suitable for
as a metal panel, allows for reflectivity
growing in the often similar Louisiana
reducing the heat gain of the facade
climate. Water features embedded in
while allowing for little maintenence.
the landscape not only act as point of
The panels are organized horizontally
interest, but also perform as water
with a thatch texture to reduce the scale
rentention cisterns and filtration beds
of the building and recall historical
to reduce reliance on the city’s sewer
Vietnamese structures. This detail
allows some cultural understanding of the building without being
Left Rendering, this digital image shows a new entry courtyard located behind the existing building that leads to the phase II new building entrance lobby.
Phase Two: Building Planning Creating a collective campus whole with individual masses
The Phase II addition utilizes a
and allows for the interior space to be
technique of clustering together several
broken by different spatial conditions.
smaller aggregates to create the whole.
Areas are also left void to allow for
This technique, visually reminiscient
internal pergolas allowing light and air
of densely clustered villages, breaks
to reach the deep building mass.
down the larger mass of the building
Above Site Plan and Right Axonometric, the drawings show overhead depictions exposing the relationship of the existing building to the new phase II building with the integration of landscape and courtyards.
Phase Two: Internal Courtyards Connecting interior program with exterior space
The Phase II addition creates several
These also shade the space from the
courtyard spaces within the building.
sun much of the time while still allowing
These allow for increased light and
for indirect light into the interior spaces.
air into the building while allowing for
The exterior spaces will be designed to
visitors and staff to have views outside
adjoin interior programs allowing for an
of the building. The design of each
openness and transparency between
courtyard differs to create varied areas
interior and exterior. This physical and
in the health center which also assists
visual openness to nature is known to
in wayfinding within what are typically
produce a calming effect on potentially
confusing complexes. The pergola
nervous patients.
within the courtyards defines a spatial volume framing a shape similar to the masses found in the buildings clustered shapes.
Left Rendering, this digital image shows a trellised outdoor courtyard space within the new building allowing easy access from the inside to outside spaces.
Phase Two: Building Section Connecting the old with the new
Above Section 6a,this drawing shows a section cut through the entire length of the site, displaying the existing buildings connection to the phase II addition to the clinic.
Acknowledgements Our thanks to ...
Reseach and Design Team
Mary Queen of Viet Nam Community Dev. Co.
Thaddeus Zarse
Mary Tran
Advising professor + Principal of TZ.CO
Executive Director
Joseph Keppel
Diem Nguyen
Tulane City Center Intern
Health Center Project Manager
Rebecca Miller
Christina Wadhwani
Tulane City Center Intern
Health Outreach Coordinator
Scott Berger
Tulane City Center Intern
Tulane City Center
Tulane University School of Medicine Office of Community Affairs and Health Policy
Scott Bernhard
Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH
Vice Dean Dan Etheridge
Associate Director
Leah Berger
Director Emilie Taylor
Senior Program Coordinator
We would like to thank everyone for their assistance, coordination and continued efforts in the development of New Orleans East Community Health Clinic visioning project.