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Are you passionate about Made in Italy? have you ever considered studying abroad? If not, it is time to do it!

Fondazione San Nicolò is the reference educational center in Italy for professional Training.

Among other schools, it includes: 1. ACCADEMIA DELLE PROFESSIONI - Professional training school specialized in Food&Beverage and Hospitality. 2. MOODART FASHION SCHOOL - Professional training school specialized in Fashion. Today we will interview Irene Fanini, International Relations Manager for the two schools, who will tell us a bit more about the schools and the courses they offer.


What is Accademia delle Professioni?

Accademia delle Professioni is a Professional training school specialized in Food&Beverage and Hospitality. It offers more than 100 training courses per year for over 2,600 students with an 85% employment rate at the end of the course. Accademia headquarter is in Padova with other 6 schools in northern Italy, including the cities of verona and venice. Italian gastronomic culture is known worldwide - from pizza and pasta to gelato and tiramisù, from wine to craft beer. Accademia wants to value Made in Italy by improving professional skills in the field.

What kind of certification do the courses have?

All the courses are provided according to the EqF (European Qualification Framework) standards, a common European framework that permits to compare qualifications from different countries and institutions. This Certification is valid in Europe and recognized all over the world.

Could you please give us more information about the “PROFESSIONAL COURSE IN ITALIAN CUISINE & FOOD CULTURE”?

yes, sure. One of the courses we offer is called “PROFESSIONAL COURSE IN ITALIAN CUISINE & FOOD CULTURE”. It is a 3-week intensive course with the possibility to complete an internship in the field afterward. During the course, participants will deepen a full series of both theoretical and practical lessons – held in English – about Pasta, Pizza, Italian Cuisine and Oenology. They will learn everything about the most famous Italian culinary traditions while improving their knowledge on food, technologies and processing methods.

The Course takes place in Verona, Italy. verona is a uNESCO heritage site which offers a thriving food and beverage scene, and a burgeoning natural and organic food industry.

Some testimonials from past students:

“I particularly appreciated the opportunity to have an internship because it allowed me to test myself and put into practice the knowledge learned at the Academy alongside great professionals in the field.”, William Andriolo - Professional Chef course

“Why didn’t I do it sooner? I found myself again. I used to be happy, but today I’m complete, happy and fulfilled, and having fun in the kitchen.”, henrique Josè garcia - Professional Chef course

“Academy’s teachers are professional and make their skills available to the students. I have learned their knowledge and techniques starting from oenology to cooking techniques. Academy for me was like a real family that will always remain in my heart.”, Nathaline gebrael - Professional Chef course


Irene, could you please let us know more about MOODART Fashion School?

MOODART Fashion School is a higher education school specialized in fashion communication. It was funded in Verona (Italy) 10 years ago and since then, it has been focusing on students by guiding them through a constant growth and discovery process. To be sincere.. In 2010 there were no schools in Italy focusing only on the professions of fashion Communication, that’s why Elisa Sorrentino, CEO & Founder, decided to create it!

Which courses would you suggest to those who are interested in discovering more about Fashion Made in Italy?

We offer 2 courses that in my opinion are the perfect fit for those who are passionate about Fashion and Italy or that are dreaming to work in the field. During the courses participants will understand how style affects brands, image, and sales, with a specific focus on Made in Italy. Participants will touch different fabrics, visit the main Italian brands’ shops, meet professionals in the sector and understand the work behind the scenes of the fashion magazines that we browse everyday.

Please find below some information about the courses:


The Italian Fashion Experience aims to give participants a full immersion experience in Italy, discovering all about Fashion Made in Italy, in order to enhance and celebrate the unique Italian taste in the world.

2. 360° FASHION FUNDAMENTALS - 10 weeks (8 weeks online + 2 weeks in Italy) The 360° Fashion fundamentals course prepares students in the principles of the fashion industry, by giving an overview of the hard and soft skills that are relevant to work in the field.

Accademia delle Professioni

Email: international@accademia.me | www.accademia.me Course in English: https://italiancookingcourse.accademia.me/

MOODART Fashion School

Email: international@moodart.com | www.moodart.com/en/ Courses in English: https://www.moodart.com/en/advanced-courses/italian-fashion-experience-en https://www.moodart.com/en/advanced-courses/360-fashion-fundamentals-en/

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