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UAC continued to grow in the clean and green energy business after entering the stock market (mai) in 2010. Having worked with oil and gas companies, UAC saw a unique opportunity in the by-product of oil exploration process – the associated gas. When drawing up oil from the reserve, associated gas would naturally come out in the process. In the past, this gas was rid of by burning. However, with UAC’s Petroleum Production Plant (PPP), the Company is able to put the associated gas in the separation process to derive with C1, LPG, and NGL, since 2014. With PPP, UAC was able to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide gas from associated gas combustion by 28,061 tons in 2020.
Not long after, UAC proved to be a rising star in renewable energy with its national role-model biogas power plant from energy crop. This biogas power plant is built in Mae Taeng district, Chiang Mai province, hence its name Mae Taeng Plant. Mae Taeng plant uses energy crops like Napier grass and corn stem to obtain biogas (methane) after fermentation process. This way, it can help reduce the need in burning crop waste which is a contribution to lessen PM2.5 problem in the North. Furthermore, as suppliers of UAC, farmers have a more stable income since the biogas plant would need its feed all year round. With this, UAC creates a more sustainable income source for the community around Mae Taeng. Not only that, the by-product of biogas fermentation which can be used as soil improvement substance in solid and liquid forms, is distributed to farmers and local communities, helping in reducing the cost of fertilisers and use of chemicals. Last year, UAC’s Mae Taeng was able to reduce 8,096 tons of carbon dioxide emission from crop waste burning.
Apart from the mentioned, UAC also has a business in the EPC of solar panels (Enerray UAC (Thailand), which it has been collaborating with an Italian firm, Enerray. The Company has also stepped into the municipal waste management sector by establishing Vientiane Waste Management in Laos DPR, with the sorting phase completed in March 2021. In addition, UAC Global holds 100% shares in its chemicals manufacturing subsidiary, UAC Advance Polymer and Chemicals (UAPC), whose income is from the production and trading of latex polymer and emulsion used as binders in numerous industries such as paint, floor polish, and more.
From this year onward, UAC will keep its focus on sustainable growth in circular economy and the business of green chemicals. While continuing its investment in renewable energy projects (e.g., Community Power Plant Project), UAC is also aiming to penetrate new markets for chemicals business in Thailand and CLMV. In addition, it seeks fresh opportunities in consultancy for power plant project management, energy efficiency projects, and biochemicals, to top up its expertise in the alternative and renewable energy businesses, providing sustainability for all its stakeholders.
With global concerns over climate change, UAC Global decided to diversify into alternative and renewable energy, pioneering in several businesses.
The Company was established back in 1995 under the name ‘Universal Absorbent and Chemicals’, with the main business being trading in the energy and industrial sectors, for example, oil refinery plants. Under the new philosophy of ‘Energy Transformation for Future’, UAC expanded into the field of alternative and renewable energy. The first attempt in the sector was the collaboration with Bangchak’s subsidiary, BBGi, forming Bangchak Biofuel or BBF, which UAC holds 30% of the shares.