3. CHRISTIAN CULTURE AND ART LANGUAGES - Latin was the only language used by the Church and the language of official documents during the Middle Ages. - The popular Latin that was spoken in the Late Roman Empire little b little developed into a number of related Romance languages such as Castilian Spanish, Catalan and Galician. - There were other dialects, such as Aragonese and the Christian Mozarabs used a Latin dialect dissapeared in 14 th century. 1. Castilian Spanish: - It emerged in northern and central Spain - Around the 1000 monks used it to write glosses, or additional commentaries, on Latin manuscripts. - These texts are called glosas emilianenses and the glosas silenses. 2. Catalan : - It had its origin in the eastern mountains and valleys of the Pyrenees. - There are surviving texts from the 12 th century, when catalan was the language of popular poetry. 3. Galician – Portuguese: - It was the shared language of Galicia and Portugal before it split into two separate languages. - It was promoted by Alfonso X El Sabio and the kings of Portugal. - Only one language of the Iberian Peninsla, Euskara, did not have a Latin origin.
CULTURAL INTERACTION Three different cultures and religious coexisted in the Christian Kingdoms: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. There were cultral excjanges between these cultures, an example was the School of Translators in Toledo in the 12 th century, which allowed philosophical and scientific works in Arabic and Hebrew to reach Christian scholars. Mudéjar art showed the Muslim influenceon Christian architecture. The Jewish presence was reflected in buildings like synagogue called Santa María laBlanca, built in Toledo.
3. CHRISTIAN CULTURE AND ART ROMANESQUE ART ON THE PENINSULA - Romanesque art reached the Iberian Peninsula through teh Pyrenees and first flourished in Catalonia. - Later it spread to other Christian territories along the Way of Saint James, which was the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. - Cataluña: - Oustanding monasteries (San Pedro de Roda y Santa María de Ripoll) - Churches with high towers and fine mural paintings (in Lleida).
- Aragón and Navarra: - Fine buildings like the Cathedral of Jaca (Aragón)and the Monastery of Leyre (Navarra).
- Castilla and León: - Oustanding monuments the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) and San Marín de Frómista (Palencia). - Other important buildings : The cathedral of Zamora and The Old cathedral of Salamanca.
- A tomb was found in the 9 th century, which people believed was the tomb of the apostle Saint James. The place become known as Santiago de Compostela. - In the 10 th century many pilgrims crossed the Pyrenees to visit it. - Santiago de Compostela became one of the holiest places in the christian world, attracting pilgrims from many countries. - Pilgrimage routes were created.Places were built where people could stay and guidebooks were written about them. - The Way had commercial as well as religious importance and promoted cultural influences. - Pilgrims still travel to Santago today for realigious reasons, but also it is a popular attraction for all kinds of tourists who wish to visit the region.