5. CONQUERING AND COLONISING AMERICA EXPLORATORY EXPEDITIONS - Expeditions were organised in the 16 th century to search for alternative routes to Asia. - Some American territories were conquered. - There was strong resistance from the natives. - Nuñez de balboa crossed the isthmus of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean. - Ponce de León explored the Florida peninsula. - Díaz de Solís travelled down La Plata River. - Orellana travelled along the Amazon river. - Magellan discovered the southern passageway (Strait of Magellan) with Sebastián Elcano, who completed their voyage west after Magellan’s death, making him the first to completely travel around the world.
5. CONQUERING AND COLONISING AMERICA CONQUERING EXPEDITIONS -Conquest expeditions were carried out in search of the riches of great empires. - These were private expeditions and investments, and risks were covered by the conquerors themselves. - They needed permission from the monarchy and all conquers were made in the name of the Spanish Crown.
5. CONQUERING AND COLONISING AMERICA CONQUEST OF THE AZTEC EMPIRE -Cortés began the conquest in 1519. - He occupied their capital, Tenochtitlan, with the help of enemy tribes of the Aztecs. - Despite strong resistance, this Mexican Empire was defeated in 1521. CONQUEST OF THE INCAN EMPIRE - Pizarro imprisoned the emperor Atahualpa when he arrived to Peru. - This weakened the Incan Empire and helped with its conquest. (1533)
5. CONQUERING AND COLONISING AMERICA OTHER EXPEDITIONS - Diego de Almagro and Valdivia to Chile - Jimenez de Quesada conquest of New Granada, now Colombia. REASONS OF THE SUCCESS OF EUROPEAN CONQUERORS - Reasons: - They had a superior military - They took advantage of the domestic instabilities of the indigenous empires. - Tehy brought European diseases that affected to the native population.
5. CONQUERING AND COLONISING AMERICA ORGANISING AMERICAN TERRITORIES -Castilla was in charge of matters dealing with the colonisation of
America - It created administrations to govern its new territories. 1. In Spain - Consejo de Indias: - It was part of the court and advised the king on legal and administrative matters. - Casa de Contrataciรณn: - It was established in Sevilla - It controlled trade across the Atlantic and emigration to America - It was responsible for creating maps and for training sailors.
5. CONQUERING AND COLONISING AMERICA 2. In America - Viceroyalty: - There were two: - New Spain in the North (Mexico and Central America) - Peru to the South (South America) - They were run by a viceroy - Governors: - They ruled provinces and were under the autority of the viceroy. - Corregidores and alcaldes: - They directed cabildos or city councils. - Courts of Justice: - They were created to apply and administer Spanish laws on the new continent.