Distribution of world population

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World population is the total number of people living on Earth. Population has grown continuously for many centuries, but not always at the same rate: 1- Before the 18 th century: - World population increased slowly, because of the epidemics, (the Black Death), wars‌ 2- During the 18 th and 19 th centuries: - Population grew in Europe and North America. - As a result of improved agricultural techniques, more food was available. - Advances in medicine and sanitation improved public health so people lived longer. 3. The 20 th century: - It was the period of greatest population growth in all human history in every part of the world. 4. Today: - The world population is increasing , but moe slowly than before. - Most population growth takes place in developing countries.



POPULATION DENSITY We measure population density to see how population is distributed. Population density density is the total population of a territory divided by its surface area. Results are expressed in the number of inhabitants per square kilometres Population Density= Total population Area (in km2) Average population density across the world is about 50 inhabitants per km2. There are huge differences between one region and another, some areas have high population density while others extremely low population density.


WHY IS POPULATION DISTRIBUTION UNEVEN? The uneven distribution of the world’s population is due to: 1. Physical factors: - Some types of natural environment have high population density. - Favourable conditions include abundant water, temperate climate, low fertile land and mineral resources. - Regions with little water or extreme temperatures are less densely populated (deserts, high mountains, tropical rainforests, cold areas‌) 2. Human factors: - Historically, population settlement has developed in certain parts of the world. - Regions like the river valleys of The Nile and The Ganges, or the east coast of China have been settled for thousands of years. - Today, poplation density reflects econoic activity: a region with considerable industrial, mining or agricultural production is likely to be densely populated. - Cities have attracted large populations by offering job opportunities and becoming the centres of transport networks.

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