1. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGE ECONOMIC CHANGES - The 15 th century was a period oftransition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age. - There was an economic and demographic growth which led changes: 1. Increased artisanal production: - Due to the rising demand for food - Farming techniques improved - New lands were used for farming 2. Urban growth: - Cities became industrial and commercial centres - The most important cities: Venice, Sevilla‌ 3. Expanded trade: - Medieval trading routes were rvived - New long-distance routes were opened linked to luxury products (silk precious metals and spices) 4. Development of commercial capitalism: - Exchange agents, bankers, and moneylenders arose - New financial practices that reduce the aomunt of cash required for trnsactions. - Different methods of payment for more commercial security
1. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES DEMOGRAPHIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES 1. POPULATION GROWTH - There was a population growth in Europe in the 15 th century due to an increase in agricultural production. - The quality of food improved - There were fewer epidemics - Cities became bigger
1. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES 2. SOCIETY Economic and demographic growth produced significant changes , but the divisions of society into estates was maintained: 1- Clergy and nobility: - They were most privileged social groups - They did not pay taxes - They had most important administrative posts - They owned most of the land - They had to give up part of their political power to the king. 2. Bankers and merchants: - They became very wealthy due to their commercial activities - They formed a powerful bourgeoisie with an important role in some parts of Europe. - Examples: the Medicis in Italy and the Fuggers in Germany (They had social and economic influence) 3. Peasants: - In Western European regions were liberated from the feudal lords and became free. - In Eastern European regions the feudal system was maintained.